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聽美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ)_生活大爆炸第四季 第18集 (下)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時(shí),經(jīng)過(guò)幾個(gè)月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家Amy約會(huì),這可是他人生中的首次約會(huì)。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對(duì)“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
聽美劇學(xué)英語(yǔ) 生活大爆炸第四季

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Do you really have to wear that in bed?

Yeah. The doctor didn't want me to rub my eye during the night. It was either this or one of those giant neck cones.
對(duì)呀 醫(yī)生怕我睡著之后揉眼睛 不戴這個(gè) 就要戴那種超大的錐形頸圈
So did you get to talk to Penny?
Oh, yes. Indeed, I did.
談了 真的 談了
She completely understood everything I said. Case closed.
她毫無(wú)保留地欣然接受了 妥妥兒的
Was she upset?
Maybe, but that's not my problem. She's not my girlfriend, you are.
也許吧 不過(guò)與我無(wú)關(guān) 她不是我女朋友 你才是
I hope you weren't cruel to her.
Is the autumn cruel for letting the flowers die, or is that just nature's way?
Leonard? Leonard? Leonard? What?! I think I figured out Wolowitz's magic trick, and I need you to pick a card.
萊納德 萊納德 萊納德 干嘛 我參透沃羅威茨的小魔術(shù)了 我需要你來(lái)選一張牌
I am not opening that door, Sheldon!
我不會(huì)給你開門的 謝爾頓
As you wish. Pick a card, put it back, and prepare to be amazed. Did you pick one?
如你所愿 選一張牌 放回去 接下來(lái)就是見證奇跡的時(shí)刻 選好了嗎
Is this your card?
Drat. Is this your card?
我去 這張呢
No. I'll be right back.
不是 我去去就回
Pick a card, Sheldon. Now look at it, and put it back in the deck. Now do you remember your card?
選一張牌 謝爾頓 瞟一眼 然后放回去 記住牌面了嗎
Of course I do, I have an eidetic memory.
搞笑呢吧 哥的記憶力不是講笑的
My apologies. Now shuffle the cards. Shuffling.
我的錯(cuò)現(xiàn)在洗一下牌 接著洗
Wait here. Processing image, cross-referencing...
等我一下 圖像處理 交叉引證
Whatcha doin'?
I'm reverse engineering Wolowitz's magic trick.
What's up with the infrared cameras?
I'm measuring residual heat levels on the playing cards to determine which one's been touched.By the way, if you hope to have children, I suggest you switch from briefs to boxers. Your testicles look a tad warm.
通過(guò)對(duì)撲克牌余熱等級(jí)的測(cè)量可以確定哪張牌被摸過(guò)了 順便提醒一下 如果你打算要小寶寶的話 我建議你把三角小內(nèi)內(nèi)換成四角的 你的蛋蛋看上去溫度略高
Holy crap, are you connected to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory?
我勒個(gè)去 別告訴我你進(jìn)入了國(guó)立橡樹嶺研究所的系統(tǒng)
Yes. I'm using their Cray supercomputer to analyze shuffling patterns.
沒錯(cuò) 我正在用他們的克雷超級(jí)電腦分析洗牌的模式
Sheldon, that computer is used for national defense. Hacking into it is a federal crime.
謝爾頓 那臺(tái)電腦是供國(guó)防部使用的 黑進(jìn)去相當(dāng)于刑事犯罪
Relax, we're not under attack right now.
別緊張 現(xiàn)在又沒人跟咱們打仗
Okay, I'm leaving before the black helicopters get here.
And is this my card? Rats!I wonder if Howard used a radioactive tracer. Where am I going to find uranium-235 this time of night? Come on, CraigsList.
這張會(huì)是我的牌嗎 大爺?shù)?我懷疑霍華德用了放射性指示劑 這么晚了我上哪弄鈾-235去啊 給力吧 Craigslist Craigslist (一個(gè)網(wǎng)上大型免費(fèi)分類廣告網(wǎng)站)
Is it racist that I took you to an Indian restaurant?
It's okay, I like Indian food.
沒關(guān)系 我喜歡印度菜
Or as you probably call it back home, "food."
Why didn't you wear your contacts? Don't you like them?
你為什么不戴隱形眼鏡了 不喜歡嗎
No, no, I do. It's just I knew I was having curry tonight and I only want one part of my body to burn at a time.
不 不 我喜歡 只是我知道今晚要吃咖喱 一個(gè)部位的灼痛就夠我應(yīng)付的了
You know... ...my company offered me a position here in Los Angeles.
知道嗎 公司向我提供了一個(gè)職位 就在洛杉磯
Does that mean you'd relocate here permanently?
Maybe. What do you think?
也許吧 你覺得怎樣
I love it. That's great!
雙手贊成 太棒了
Hi! Hi! Just hang on. Small world.
嗨 嗨 等我一下 世界真小啊
You did talk to her, didn't you?
Of course, I did. I talked and talked and talked.
當(dāng)然談了 我跟她談啊談啊談啊的
Hey! Look at Leonard in his fancy-ass grownup clothes.Way to go, Priya. For once, he doesn't look like a mannequin in the boys'department. Hey, did he tell you I saved the silk shirt?
萊納德 瞧你這一身像模像樣的成年人打扮 有你的 普麗婭 這是他第一次打扮得不像男孩服裝部的模特 他有沒有告訴你我挽救了那件真絲襯衫
No, he did not.
He was gonna throw it in the washing machine with his Spiderman underwear. That's our Lenny, huh?
他當(dāng)時(shí)正準(zhǔn)備把它扔進(jìn)洗衣機(jī)和他的蜘蛛俠小內(nèi)內(nèi)一起洗呢 這就是咱家萊尼哈
Yes, that's our Lenny.
對(duì) 這就是咱家萊尼
So how's the food here? Oh, wow, that is really, really good. Oh, I'm sorry. You guys are on a date. We can hang out anytime. Have fun.
這里的東西好吃嗎 這個(gè)真的非常非常好吃 抱歉 你們倆約著會(huì)呢 咱們有空再聚 吃好喝好
Bye. Good night.
拜拜 晚安
Oh, that's, hot, hot, hot, hot! Whoo! I really sneaks up on ya, huh? All right, I gotta go.
辣死了 辣死了 辣死了 是不是有被我盯梢的感覺 好了 我消失
It is pretty spicy.
Oh, I've been meaning to tell you, I figured out your magic trick.
我一直想告訴你來(lái)著 你的小魔術(shù)我弄明白了
Oh, yes. In fact, I improved upon it.
那當(dāng)然 而且我還進(jìn)行了改進(jìn)
I'd love to see that. Whoo! I really sneaks up on ya, huh? All right, I gotta go.
我很期待啊 你呢 拉杰
Beefaroni and a show? How do you turn that down?
邊吃牛肉通心粉 邊看表演 怎么可能拒絕呢
All right. Pick a card. Okay. Bippity-boppity-boo.
看好咯 選張牌 好的 天靈靈地靈靈 撲克牌快顯靈
What's with the wand and the beep?
你拿根小黑棒 嗶一下是什么意思
The wand is called showmanship, and the beep is none of your business.Oh! Excuse me. I'm getting a text message completely unrelated to this magic trick. Oh, look, my dry cleaning's ready.
小黑棒是用來(lái)凸顯我的表演能力 那嗶的一聲則不關(guān)你事 抱歉 我剛收到一則跟這魔術(shù)沒半點(diǎn)關(guān)系的短信 我的衣服干洗完了
And your card was the five of spades. Ta-da.
你手里那張牌是黑桃5 看吧
These cards have barcodes on them. The wand is a reader. It's transmitting to your phone.
這些牌上有條形碼 那根小黑棒是讀碼器 能把信息傳送到你手機(jī)上
I said, "ta-da." Show's over.
我剛說(shuō)了“看吧” 看完就得了
That's pathetic. Let me show you how a real magician does it. Raj, take a card. Don't let me see it.
這也太悲劇了 哥給你演示一下 真正的魔術(shù)師是怎么做的 拉杰 選張牌 不要讓我看見
Three of clubs. Son of a gun, you're blowing my mind!
梅花3 真他媽給力 大師果然是大師
天靈靈地靈靈 大師給你來(lái)顯靈
That does it. I'm getting uranium.
我受夠了 我要去搞點(diǎn)鈾
You ever gonna tell him?
Maybe. When it stops being fun. So never.
或許吧 等哪天玩膩了再說(shuō) 那就是永遠(yuǎn)也不說(shuō)咯
Oh, hey, I was just on my way to work.
Oh, okay, its not important. It can wait.
沒事 這事不重要 以后再說(shuō)吧
No, it's all right. Walk me down. So, what's up?
沒關(guān)系 邊下樓邊說(shuō)吧 什么事
Uh, I kind of have a problem I was hoping you could help me with.
我遇到一個(gè)難題 希望你能幫我解決
Sure, anything.
當(dāng)然 盡管說(shuō)吧
Move out.
Not far. Hey, if you ever wanna start a family, La Canada has some great schools.
不用搬太遠(yuǎn) 如果你想組建家庭 拉肯納達(dá)那邊有一些不錯(cuò)的學(xué)校(美國(guó)加州)
Okay, I'm not moving anywhere. What the hell is this all about?
夠了 我哪兒也不去 這到底是因?yàn)槭裁?/div>
Why does it have to be about anything? Can't a fella ask his buddy to relocate, no questions asked?
為什么就一定要有原因嗎 一個(gè)人請(qǐng)求他的伙伴搬家 就不能毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)地走嗎
Oh, for God's sake, Leonard, this is about Priya, isn't it? She doesn't want me hanging out with you.
看在上帝的份上 萊納德 這是因?yàn)槠整悑I 對(duì)嗎 她不想我老跟你一起玩
Yes. There, I said it.
對(duì) 就是這句 我終于說(shuō)出口了
Okay, look. I happen to like your girlfriend.
好吧 聽著 我碰巧喜歡你的女朋友
And she likes you.
No, she doesn't.
不 她不喜歡我
Not really, no.
It doesn't matter. Look, I promise from now on I will keep my distance from you.
沒關(guān)系 我保證從今以后我會(huì)跟你保持距離
Well, now, hold on. What kind of distance are we talking about? Because we are neighbors. I mean, I can hear the toilet flush in your apartment.
呃 先等等 你說(shuō)的距離是指哪種 因?yàn)槲覀兪青従?我可是那種能聽見你公寓馬桶沖水聲的鄰居
You can hear my toilet flush?
I don't listen for it, but it's nice to know everything's okay with your plumbing. The building's plumbing.
我不是故意去聽 不過(guò)很高興知道你的排水管道一切都好 還有這棟樓的排水管道
Leonard, I get it. You're in a new relationship now. And I'm happy for you. So why don't we just shake hands and part friends?
萊納德 我懂的 你現(xiàn)在處于一段新的戀愛 我為你感到高興 為什么我們不能握個(gè)手 好聚好散呢
Well, now hold on. How about this? How about we still hang out, but on the down-low?
呃 先等等 這樣如何 我們還可以一起玩 不過(guò)是地下的
Are you really that kind of guy?
No. I actually felt kinda silly just saying "on the down-low."
不是 其實(shí)當(dāng)我說(shuō)出“地下”這詞兒的時(shí)候 我覺得有點(diǎn)犯傻
Good-bye, Leonard.
再見 萊納德
Penny, wait. Damn contacts.
佩妮 等等 去你的隱形眼鏡
Why so glum, chum?
為什么這么悶悶不樂(lè) 哥們兒
Apparently, you can't hack into a government supercomputer and then try to buy uranium without the Department of Homeland Security tattling to your mother.
顯然 你不能在美國(guó)國(guó)家安全局給你媽媽打小報(bào)告的情況下 入侵政府的超級(jí)電腦還試圖在上面買鈾
Oh, that's too bad. Figure out the magic trick yet?
這真是太糟糕了 想明白這魔術(shù)的原理了嗎
Figure out the magic trick yet?
Want me to tell you how to do it?
I'll show you one more time.Raj?
哥再給你耍一次 拉杰
Hang on. This time do it with me, so I can make sure there's no monkey business.
慢著 這次由我來(lái)抽牌 這樣我才能確保其中沒有貓膩
All right. Two of hearts.
好的 紅桃2
I hate you.
Yeah, he's gonna win the Nobel Prize.
這樣下去 諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)非他莫屬


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