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聽美劇學(xué)英語_生活大爆炸第四季 第22集 (上)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時,經(jīng)過幾個月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家Amy約會,這可是他人生中的首次約會。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
聽美劇學(xué)英語 生活大爆炸第四季

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I must say, Penny, this is great fun.

我不得不說 佩妮 這真有意思
Glad you're enjoying yourself.
Until I met you and Bernadette, my trips to the bathroom had been entirely focused on elimination. Now they have a delightful social aspect.
認(rèn)識你和伯納黛特前 我的洗手間之旅只有排泄這一個主題 現(xiàn)在又多了社交功能
Amy, you must've been in the bathroom with other women before.
艾米 你之前肯定跟別的女生一起上過衛(wèi)生間吧
Of course I have. But they were strangers and seemed off-put when I engaged in friendly stall-to-stall chit-chat.
當(dāng)然咯 但之前都是陌生人 而且在我跟她們隔著小間閑聊時都很不高興
Some women don't like to get chummy when their panties are down.
You okay in there, bestie?
你在里面沒事吧 閨蜜
I'm fine...
The reason I ask is that many people experience bladder shyness; the inability to pass uri...
我這么問你是因?yàn)楹芏嗳硕紩?ldquo;膀胱羞澀” 就是在聊天的時候沒法小...
Yeah, I said I'm fine. Stop talking to me.
喂 我說了我沒事了 住嘴吧
She always this crabby when she urinates?
We're really not that close.
Screw it. I'll go later.
去他娘的 待會兒再說吧
And I'll be right by your side.
Did I tell you Priya invited me and Howard to have dinner with her and Leonard?
Oh, that's nice.
哦 不錯啊
No, it's not. It's a strategic maneuver. Leonard's new girlfriend is testing Bernadette's loyalty to you and the group. That bitch is crafty.
非也非也 她在?;ㄕ?萊納德的新女友在檢驗(yàn)伯納黛特對你和咱們的忠心呢 那個賤人真狡猾啊
You think?
Of course. How does the cheetah attack a herd of wildebeests? By going after its weakest member.
當(dāng)然 獵豹是怎么對付牛羚群的 追殺最弱小的成員
Well, what makes me the weakest member?
Your trusting nature coupled with your teeny-tiny body. You wouldn't last a minute on the Serengeti.
因?yàn)槟憧傒p信別人 而且身材瘦小 你要是在塞倫蓋蒂連一分鐘都撐不到 (塞倫蓋蒂 非洲著名自然保護(hù)區(qū))
Okay, Amy, you're being silly. I'm not concerned about who hangs out with who. And I certainly don't have a problem with Leonard's new girlfriend who wears way too much makeup.
好吧 艾米 你這是在犯傻 誰跟誰一起吃飯我才不在乎呢 而且我肯定對萊納德那個 總是化妝太濃的新女友沒啥意見
Ooh, these are cute.
嗚 這鞋好漂亮
Of course if I buy them, I'll have to rent my womb out to a gay couple.
當(dāng)然我要是買下的話 我就得給同性戀夫婦當(dāng)代孕媽媽了
It doesn't matter. I'm going to tell her we can't make it.
無所謂了 我跟她說我去不了
Oh, no. You have to go.
不行 你一定要去
I don't understand. I thought I was a teeny-tiny wildebeest.
我不懂了 我以為我是那只瘦小的牛羚
You are—with hair that smells like strawberries. And we're going to use that to our advantage.
沒錯 而且你還在用草莓香味的香波 我們要充分利用這一點(diǎn)
Wait. What are you talking about?
打住 你到底在說什么
By accepting the invitation, Bernadette becomes a double agent inside the enemy camp. She could ferret out Priya's tactics, identify her weaknesses and feed her false information, such as: Leonard's no stranger to back-alley cockfights.
只要接受了邀請 伯納黛特就成了敵營里的雙面間諜 她可以洞悉普麗婭的詭計找到她的弱點(diǎn) 并能提供假情報 比如萊納德是地下斗雞比賽的???/div>
I don't know. I'm not a very good liar. They kind of whup that out of you in Catholic school.
不知道啊 我不怎么會撒謊的 在天主學(xué)校時就被罰得不敢撒謊了
Don't worry. I'll teach you. I did two years of Cub Scouts before they found out I was a girl.
別擔(dān)心 我來教你 我在童子軍里待了兩年都沒讓他們發(fā)現(xiàn)我是女生
Okay, I don't know you people. I'm just an innocent woman wondering if this shoe store will take my Texaco card.
好吧 我不認(rèn)識你們我只是個天真的女生 不知這家鞋店能否用德士古加油卡
How do you feel about concealing a recording device in the cleavage of your ample bosom?
I don't want anything in my ample bosom.
Come on, Strawberries. Take one for the team.
來嘛 小草莓 為咱們犧牲一下唄
Okay, see you later.
好 待會兒見
Good news. I finally have a handle on my idea for three-person chess.
好消息 我終于設(shè)計出了三人象棋
That is good news. Bye.
確實(shí)是好消息 拜拜
Uh, do you know how I solved the balanced center combat-area problem? Five words: transitional quadrilateral to triangular tessellation.
你知道我是怎么解決交戰(zhàn)區(qū)域中心對稱這個問題的嗎 很簡單 四邊形向三角形的過渡鑲嵌
That... that's brilliant.
這 這個很贊
It's what I do. But wait, there's more. I also invented two new chess pieces. The serpent... and the old woman.
我就說嘛 等下 還有哈 我還發(fā)明了兩個新棋子 毒蛇和老婦
Okay, now I have to ask. What do they do?
好吧 現(xiàn)在我非得問了 這倆怎么玩
When the serpent slithers to an opposing player's piece, that piece is considered poisoned and will die after two more moves.
當(dāng)毒蛇經(jīng)過對方的棋子時 那個棋子就算中毒了 再走兩步之后就會死掉
All right.
Unless... it gets to the old woman in time, in which case she sucks out the poison, turning her into the Grand Empress: a piece combining the power of the Knight, Queen and Serpent.
除非 它能及時趕到老婦身邊 這樣的話她就能吸出毒液并且自己變成太后 老婦同時集合了馬 后和毒蛇三者的功效
That's because it's simple.
Okay, well, I look forward to playing with you.
好 很期待和你殺一局哦
And what?
And a third person. It's three-person chess.
第三個人啊 這是三人象棋嘛
I must say, ever since you started having regular intercourse, your mind has lost its keen edge. You should reflect on that.
我不得不說 自從你開始定期交媾之后 你的腦子就沒那么好使了 你應(yīng)該采取點(diǎn)兒措施的
Excuse me, but Einstein had a pretty busy sex life.
抱歉 可愛因斯坦性生活也很頻繁啊
Yes, and he never unified gravity with the other forces. If he hadn't been such a hound dog, we'd all have time machines.
所以他沒能把引力和其它力統(tǒng)一起來 他要是不這么亂搞 我們早就有時光機(jī)器了
Got it. Bye.
知道了 拜
You know I'm right.
I think he's getting worse.
Oh, my metatarsal are barking.
嗷 我的跖骨在哀嚎
You okay?
Yeah, yeah.I'm just breaking in some new shoes.
沒事 我只是穿了雙新鞋而已
Very pretty.
Thank you. Did you know that women wear high heels to make the buttocks and breasts more prominent?
謝謝 你知道女人穿高跟鞋是為了更加前凸后翹嗎
Hadn't really thought about it.
Uh, sure. Very... prominent.
呃 沒錯 相當(dāng)...翹
Please, Leonard, don't leer, you have a girlfriend.
拜托 萊納德 別亂瞟了 你有女友了
So, are you off to dinner with Priya, Howard and Bernadette?
你要和普麗婭 霍華德 伯納黛特共進(jìn)晚餐嗎
Yeah. How did you know?
是啊 你怎么知道的
I heard it at the mall, when I was shopping with my girlfriends, 'cause, you know, that's kind of my life now. Have a good night. Try not to ogle my caboose as I walk away.
我在商場聽說的 當(dāng)時正和閨蜜們一起血拼 這基本上就是我現(xiàn)在的生活狀態(tài)了 祝你有愉快的一晚 我轉(zhuǎn)身離開時 盡量別偷瞄我的翹臀
Hey, Raj, will you be joining us for dinner?
拉杰 你要和我們共進(jìn)晚餐嗎
The lonely guy and the two happy couples? I'd rather get a prostate exam from a leper who walks away with nine fingers.
孤家寡人跟兩對甜蜜鴛鴦?chuàng)胶蛦?我還不如找個猥瑣男 幫我做前列腺檢查直到他斷指呢
Oh, would you please stop feeling sorry for yourself?
I have to feel sorry for myself. I'm the only one who cares. Just like I'm the only one who'll have sex with me.
我也是迫于無奈 因?yàn)槲沂俏ㄒ魂P(guān)心自己的人 就像我是唯一愿意和自己做愛的人一樣
Really? In front of your sister?
We shared a room growing up. This is not news to me.
我們從小住在一個房間 我都聽習(xí)慣了
Excuse me. I'm going to go wander the streets alone. Invisible, unwanted and unloved. A pathetic shadow in a city with no heart. I forgot my windbreaker. It'chilly.
失陪了 我要去街上獨(dú)自閑逛一會 無人關(guān)注 無人需要 無人愛憐 都市里的一剪孤影 無牽無掛 我忘穿防風(fēng)夾克了 外面怪冷的
I don't understand. Is this a way to break in new shoes?
我就不明白了 新鞋就這樣穿的嗎
No. Once these puppies touch the ground they're mine, and I'll have to wear them walking up and down Hollywood Boulevard in order to pay them off.
不 但這對小寶貝一旦沾地就屬于我了 我就要穿著它們在好萊塢大道徘徊 好讓它們物有所值
Pretty, pretty, pretty.
美啦 美啦 美啦
Good news: the wildebeest is in the curry.
好消息 牛羚到達(dá)印度人家了
The what?
Bernadette is with Priya and Leonard. Message received. Commence operation "Priya Wouldn't Wanna Be-ya."
伯納黛特同普麗婭和萊納德碰面了 短信已收到 啟動“普麗婭不想步你后塵”行動
Hey. Seriously? Didn't you get enough of this cliquey crap in high school?
你不至于吧 你高中沒玩夠這種小團(tuán)體把戲嗎
I wish. A clique requires friends. I didn't have any.
我倒也想 但組小團(tuán)體是需要朋友的 而我卻沒有
I used to take my lunch down to the maintenance room and eat with the janitor. It was nice until his wife called me a puta and made me stop. Hang on. It's the wildebeest. Priya just made a snide comment about your acting career.
我以前會把午餐帶到保全室和清潔工一起吃 那種感覺很好 直到他老婆罵我“賤貨”將我拒之門外 等等 是牛羚發(fā)來的 普麗婭剛剛挖苦了一番你的演藝事業(yè)
W-What the hell did she say?
She thinks it's cool you're following your dream, no matter what.
她認(rèn)為 了不起的是你勇于追夢 不管這有多難
That bitch!
How do you want to handle it?
Um, okay. Tell Bernadette to tell Priya that I'm on my way to Prague to shoot a movie with Angelina Jolie.
呃 好吧 讓伯納黛特告訴普麗婭我在去布拉格的路上 準(zhǔn)備去和安吉麗娜·朱莉拍電影
Got it. Is it going to be in 3-D?
明白 是3D電影嗎
What? I don't know. It doesn't matter.
什么 無所謂 這個不重要
I'm gonna say 3-D. That'll let her know the studio has faith in it.
還是說3D電影吧 可以讓她知道制片方對電影很有信心
You're kidding. 3-D?
開什么玩笑 竟然是3D的
That's what I hear.
Then the studio must have real faith in it.
Wonder why she didn't tell me.
Have you been spending time with your ex-girlfriend?
Then why are you surprised she didn't tell you?
Well, it's not as much "surprised" as... you know... uh... the other thing.
與其說是“奇怪” 不如說是另一種感覺
What other thing?
Well, if you... uh... I don't... oh... What's the word I'm looking for?
如果你 呃 我不 我想說的是哪個詞來著
I'm not going to help you. This is hilarious.
我不會幫你的 看你的囧樣太歡樂了
She's also dating an astronaut.
Wow. That's very impressive.
哇哦 這么厲害啊
Yeah. But Leonard's impressive, too.
是啊 但萊納德也很厲害啊
Thank you. "Befuddled." The word I was looking for was "befuddled."
謝謝 糊涂 “糊涂”這個詞很合適


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