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聽美劇學(xué)英語_生活大爆炸第四季 第22集 (下)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時(shí),經(jīng)過幾個(gè)月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家Amy約會,這可是他人生中的首次約會。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
聽美劇學(xué)英語 生活大爆炸第四季

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Knight to Old Woman... six-and-a-third. Brilliant move. Thank you. Will the two of you excuse me?

馬走到老婦...6又1/3位置 妙棋 多謝夸獎 兩位失陪一下
I need a hug.
Sorry, I have company.
抱歉 我家有客人
Come on, Sheldon, open the door.
拜托 謝爾頓 開開門
I don't want to hug you.
I don't want to hug you, either. I was just feeling blue. Blue, as in depressed. Well, not so much depressed as lonely.
我也不想抱你 我只是感覺很郁悶 藍(lán)色 就是郁悶的意思 還沒郁悶到孤獨(dú)的地步
I don't know what color lonely is.
Red is angry; yellow is frightened; green is jealous; and blue is depressed. Perhaps we can assign a color to lonely.
紅色代表憤怒 黃色代表驚恐 綠色代表嫉妒 藍(lán)色代表憂郁 沒準(zhǔn)咱可以找個(gè)顏色來代表孤獨(dú)
Nothing rhymes with orange. It's probably lonely.
橙色跟啥都不押韻 沒準(zhǔn)橙色也覺得挺孤獨(dú)的
All right. Come in. You look positively orange with loneliness. No, I don't see that catching on at all.
好吧 進(jìn)來吧 你看起來的確挺橙挺孤獨(dú)的 不行 說起來還是不順嘴
What are you doing?
I'm working on my three-person chess game.
Oh, cool. Can I play?
真酷 我能一起玩嗎
It's three-person chess. Did you bring a friend?
這是三人象棋 你帶朋友來了嗎
Then as a mental exercise I invite you to figure out why the two of us can't play three-person chess. Can you believe this guy? Social protocol does, however, require me to bring you a hot beverage in your time of need.
那我就只好請你思考一下為啥咱倆人 沒法玩三人象棋了 這家伙夠迷糊的吧 然而鑒于人際交往的需要 我應(yīng)該在你孤獨(dú)的時(shí)候給你來杯熱飲
No, thank you. I'm fine.
不用了 謝謝 我沒事
It's not optional. We're out of tea. I hope you like bouillon.
你沒的選擇 我們家沒茶了 但愿你喜歡牛肉湯
I, uh, I guess you're probably wondering what's got me down.
Actually, I was wondering if I could add a third new chess piece. How do you think people would feel about Prince Joey—the king's feeble-minded but well-meaning cousin?
實(shí)際上我在琢磨我能不能再加一個(gè)新的棋子 你覺得我加個(gè)喬伊王子怎么樣 他是國王弱智但卻心地善良的表弟
I'm going to be 30 years old, and I have no one in my life to love me. I'm such a basket case, I can't even talk to a woman without having alcohol in my body.
我就快三十歲了 但我卻找不到一個(gè)愛我的人 我真是沒救了 我不喝酒的話都沒法開口跟女人講話
The fun thing about Prince Joey is every time he moves, there's a one-in-five chance he'll kill himself.
喬伊王子有趣的地方就在于他每動一次 就有百分之二十的幾率會自殺
Sheldon, listen to me. I have a big decision to make, and I'm scared.
謝爾頓 聽我說 我要做個(gè)重大的決定 而我很害怕
Yellow. Go ahead.
很黃很害怕 說吧
A friend at the School of Pharmacology gave me these new pills they're testing. He says it's the next big thing for social anxiety disorder.
我在藥學(xué)院的一個(gè)朋友給了我這些他們正在測試的藥 他說這將是治療社交焦慮障礙領(lǐng)域的又一奇跡
Fascinating. What's in it?
有意思 這藥是什么成分的
I'm not sure. Some sort of beta-blocker attached to a molecule extracted from the urine of cows.
我也不知道 某種β受體阻斷劑跟從牛的尿液中提取的分子的混合物
I like cows.
That's not the point.
It was its own point. Go on.
你怎么想不重要 繼續(xù)說吧
I'm a scientist. My ability to think is my bread and butter. I'm afraid if I take this, I might lose that special, unique something that makes me so successful in my field.
我是個(gè)科學(xué)家 我靠我的思考能力吃飯 我怕我吃了這個(gè)藥以后 可能會喪失那些讓我在我的領(lǐng)域里如此成功的特質(zhì)
Rajesh, I've had the privilege of working alongside you for many years. My recommendation is that you gobble these up like Tic Tacs.
拉杰 我有幸跟你一起共事了多年 我建議你就跟吃糖豆一樣把這些藥都吞了吧
Okay, I'm still trying to work this out. How did Penny meet an astronaut?
好吧 我還在琢磨這事呢 佩妮是怎么搭上一個(gè)宇航員的
I don't know. The regular way people meet astronauts.
我也不知道 就正常這么搭上的唄
Most of those guys live in Texas.
Obviously, this one doesn't.
Leonard lives here. Priya's from India. People meet, Howard. God! Fine.
萊納德住在美國 而普麗婭是印度來的 結(jié)果不也認(rèn)識了嘛 霍華德 你搞什么 好吧
You've met lots of astronauts, and I've never grilled you about that. I'd thank you to extend me the same courtesy.
你也認(rèn)識過不少宇航員 我可從來都沒拷問你是怎么認(rèn)識的 謝謝你以怨報(bào)德
I'm not grilling you; I was just curious.
我沒拷問你 我只是好奇而已
I still can't get over the fact that she got a big movie part. Not that I care what my ex-girlfriend's up to, 'cause I don't.
我還在琢磨她居然要出演大片這件事呢 倒不是因?yàn)槲以诤跷仪芭训氖?我真不在乎
Maybe that's where she met the astronaut, all right?
I'm sorry. What would an astronaut be doing working on a movie?
不好意思 可是宇航員跑到片場去干嘛呀
He's a consultant.
I thought the movie was about 18th-century Vienna.
He can't have a hobby?! Excuse me, I have to pee. Or is that implausible, as well?!
他就不能有點(diǎn)業(yè)余愛好嗎 失陪一下 我要去洗手間了 你們是不是覺得這件事也很不可思議
It's nice to have another couple to hang with, isn't it?
兩對情侶一起玩就是好 對吧
All right, guys, you have to go back. I can't afford you.
好了 寶貝兒 你們得回家了 我可負(fù)擔(dān)不起你們
No, don't send us away; we love you.
不 別拋棄我們 我們愛你
I love you, too, but you cost more than my rent.
我也愛你們 但你們比我的房租還貴
But, Penny, you look so good in us.
但是佩妮 你穿上我們之后很漂亮呀
Damn it, the shoes are right.
該死的 鞋說的對
Good golly, Penny, your whimsy is boundless.
天啊 佩妮 你還是真是鬼點(diǎn)子多多呀
What do you got for me, wildebeest?
進(jìn)展如何了 牛羚
I think they're on to me. The story's starting to fall apart.
我覺得他們在逼問我 這故事開始漏洞百出了
Calm down. Everything's going to be okay. We may have to kill her. Bernadette, I'm putting you on speakerphone. Where are you now?
冷靜點(diǎn) 沒事的 我們或許得殺她滅口了 伯納黛特 我開免提了 你在哪呢
In the bathroom.
Oh, look at this, another one of our classic bathroom gabfests.
不錯(cuò)嘛 又一次經(jīng)典的洗手間對話
What's the problem?
They're just asking me all sorts of questions I can't answer.
Just change the subject.
I suppose I could get them back to talking about Leonard going to India to meet Priya's parents.
They said something about going there this summer.
What, are they getting engaged?
什么 他們要訂婚嗎
I don't know. I was too busy covering my heinie on Amy's stupid astronaut story!
我不知道 我忙著自圓其說呢 都是艾米說什么宇航員害的
What astronaut story?
You texted me Penny's dating an astronaut.
I texted "architect." That's amusing. Auto-correct must've changed it.
我發(fā)的是“建筑師” 真好玩 肯定是自動糾錯(cuò)幫我改的
Yeah, it's hysterical.
是啊 太好笑了
All right, look, just forget about the astronaut.
好吧 反正別提宇航員的事了
Architect. Where would you have met an astronaut?
是建筑師 你上哪去認(rèn)識宇航員
Look, just find out what's up with this trip to India.
I don't want to do this anymore!
Don't you quit on us!
Bernie, you okay?
妮妮 你沒事吧
It was an architect!
Thank you for coming with me, Sheldon. You're a good friend.
謝謝你陪我來 謝爾頓 真夠朋友
I'm glad you think so. That's what I strive to emulate.
很高興你這么想 我就是想讓你這么認(rèn)為
Okay, let's see if this drug works.
好吧 來看看這藥有沒有效
Can I help you?
Forgive me for staring, but you're very beautiful.
抱歉這么盯著你看 你太美了
Thank you. That's a great accent. Where are you from?
謝謝 你口音真好聽 你家鄉(xiāng)是
Oh, cool. I've always wanted to go there.
真好 我一直想去那兒
It's a beautiful country. You'd love it. May I join you?
印度很漂亮 你一定會喜歡的 能坐這里嗎
Uh, okay, sure. Why not?
好的 當(dāng)然 有何不可
My name is Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali, and this is my friend Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Hey.
我是拉杰·庫薩帕里博士 這位是我朋友謝爾頓·庫珀博士 嗨
There's no need to interact with me. I'm just here to observe.
不用理我 我只是來觀察的
What's he observing?
We're scientists. We observe everything. Here, go buy yourself a scone.
我們是科學(xué)家 啥都觀察的 給 去買個(gè)松餅吃
All right.
And what is your name?
Oh, derived from the word "angel." Appropriate. You're cute.
這名字來源于天使 很恰當(dāng) 你真可愛
I'd like to buy a scone.
Oh, I'm sorry, we're out. We have muffins.
抱歉 賣完了 還有小松餅要嗎
They sound delicious, but this money is earmarked for scones.
聽起來很好吃 但這錢是專用來買松餅的
What are you doing?!
Oh, just getting comfortable.
So how long have you lived in Los Angeles? I...
你在洛杉磯住多久了 我...
They were out of scones.
Sheldon, I'm talking to someone. You're being rude. I'll bet you're an actress. If not, you should be. You have a very expressive face.
謝爾頓 我在跟人說話 你這樣太沒禮貌了 我敢打賭你肯定是演員 不是的話太可惜了 你有這么出眾的臉蛋
Oh, my God.
Wait, where are you going? We were doing so well. She never even got to see my penis.
等等 你這是去哪兒 我們挺聊得來的啊 她還沒來得及見我小弟弟呢
Who wants some more coffee?
Thanks, yeah.
謝謝 我要
Let me help you.
Nice to see that the gals are getting along.
"Gals"? Who are you, Fred Flintstone?
“女孩子們” 你誰呀 摩登原始人嗎
This trip to India sounds fun.
Yeah, I think it will be.
是啊 我也這么覺得
Are you concerned your parents might not approve of Leonard?
A little. They're very old-fashioned.
有點(diǎn) 他們挺守舊的
Well, I wouldn't worry about it. It's not like you guys are getting engaged, right?
換我就不會擔(dān)心 你們又不是去訂婚 是吧
Oh, God, no. We're not there yet.
天哪 不是 我們還沒到那階段
Not engaged. Very interesting. I have to tinkle.
不是訂婚 有意思 我要去趟洗手間
You've been in there a lot tonight. Are you okay?
你今晚去過好多趟了 沒事吧
Yes. Are you writing a book?
沒事 你準(zhǔn)備寫進(jìn)書里嗎
Why are you getting upset?
I'm not upset. Maybe you're upset.
我才沒生氣 你才生氣
What's up with you? Bernadette?
你怎么了 伯納黛特
I can't do this anymore! I'm a good girl! I went to Catholic school!
我再也做不下去了 我是個(gè)好女孩 我上的是天主教學(xué)校
Okay, well, it's getting late. This was terrific. You win. Bernie?
好吧 很晚了今晚很愉快 你贏了 妮妮
I think the word you're looking for is "befuddled."
我想你要說的是 "糊涂了"
My catapult flings my bishop to Howard's Queen's Gorilla two.
Nice. Okay, Rook to transporter pad. And he comes out at... ...Leonard's Queen's Bishop five-and-a-third. Check on Leonard.
妙招啊 車進(jìn)入傳送板然后來到了 萊納德的后的B5又1/3位置上 將萊納德的軍
Hang on. When is my Pawn allowed to use the golf cart?
等等 我的兵何時(shí)允許用高爾夫車
When it's done charging. Or you land on the time machine.
等它沖完電 或等你登陸到時(shí)光機(jī)器上
Obviously. Beekeeper to King 12.
很明顯 養(yǎng)蜂人走到K12位置
I capture your Pope and release the Swarm. Checkmate on Sheldon.
我俘獲你的教皇 釋放了蜂群 將死謝爾頓
I knew I should've given my Pope the jet pack.
Hey, I've got winners.
哇 看來有兩個(gè)人贏了哦


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