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聽美劇學(xué)英語_生活大爆炸第四季 第23集 (上)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時,經(jīng)過幾個月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家Amy約會,這可是他人生中的首次約會。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
聽美劇學(xué)英語 生活大爆炸第四季

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Hey, do me a favor and take Table Seven.

嗨 幫我個忙 去七號桌點菜吧
You mean the one with my 118-pound rock-hard stud of a fiance who's prone to canker sores and pinkeye?
Nah, I prefer to look at it as the one with my ex-boyfriend and his gorgeous, successful and sophisticated girlfriend, who makes me feel like a toothless Okie.
不對 我更愿意看作是有我的前男友和她那美麗成功而知性的女友的那桌 那女孩讓我覺得自己就像個沒用的鄉(xiāng)巴佬
Do you want me to spill hot soup on her?
Oh, please—you're not that kind of person.
拜托 你不是那種人
I know. But if she orders something low-fat , I'll totally give her the full-fat version.
我知道 但如果她點了低脂食物的話 我絕對可以給她端上全脂的
Uh, that's my water.
My water. You're drinking it.
我的水 你喝的是我的水
D-Dear Lord! Have you been drinking it?
蒼天啊 你喝過嗎
Yes. It's my water.
肯定啊 都說了是我的水了
Well, that's it then. I'm dead.
那完蛋了 我死翹翹了
Here we go...
I'm sorry, do I really need to connect the dots for you? The backwash into this glass is every pathogen that calls your mouth home, sweet home.Not to mention the visitors who arrive on the dancing tongue of your subtropical girlfriend.
不好意思 但非得讓我把話挑明了嗎 流回到這個杯子里的 是在你那所謂溫暖的家的嘴里待過的每一個病原體 更別提那些來自你那次大陸女友的舌頭上的外來病原體了
Hey! That's my sister and my country you're talking about. Leonard may have defiled one, but I won't have you talking smack about the other.
喂 你這是在詆毀 我妹妹和我的祖國 萊納德也許玷污了其中一個 但我絕對不允許你再侮辱另外一個
You guys ready to order?
Yes, I'd like a seven-day course of penicillin, some, uh, syrup of ipecac—to induce vomiting. And a mint.
準(zhǔn)備好了 我要七天療程的青霉素 一定量的吐根糖漿 催吐用的 再來顆薄荷糖
I don't understand.
He drank from Leonard's glass.
"He drank from Leonard's glass" the words they'll be carving into my tombstone.
“他喝了萊納德杯子里的水” 這句話得刻在我的墓碑上
That's actually my napkin.
Oh, this is a nightmare!
Where are you going?
To the bar, to sterilize my mouth with alcohol. Gang way! Dead man walking!
去酒吧 用酒精給口腔消毒 快讓開 行尸走肉來了
All right. Here you go. Two lemonades, one iced tea and a root beer for Priya.
好的 拿好了 兩杯檸檬汽水 一杯冰茶 還有普麗婭的一杯根汁汽水
Is it diet?
That's what you ordered.
Thank you. Hey, have you and Howard started planning your wedding yet?
謝謝 嗨 你和霍華德開始計劃婚禮了嗎
Yeah. We're thinking of having it on a cliff overlooking the ocean.
嗯 我們想在一個能俯視大海的懸崖上辦婚禮
Nothing soothes those pre-wedding jitters like the thought of falling and drowning.
What did your mother say when you told her you were getting married?
你跟你媽媽說你倆要結(jié)婚的時候 她說啥了嗎
He hasn't told her yet. He's waiting for the right time.
他還沒跟他媽媽說 他在等合適的時機
I was thinking of weaving it into her eulogy.
Howard, you've got to tell your mother.
霍華德 你必須告訴你媽媽
Hey, have you told your parents you're dating this short glass of skim milk here?
喂 你跟你爸媽說了你在跟這一小杯“脫脂牛奶”約會嗎
Uh... that's different. First of all, we're not engaged; and second, Indian parents are very protective of their children.
呃 這不一樣 首先 我們還沒訂婚 其次 印度父母 都對孩子很不放心的
Right, right, whereas Jewish mothers take a casual, la-di-da approach to their sons.
是啊是啊 而猶太母親一般都任自己的兒子自生自滅的
I gargled with tequila and may have swallowed a teeny bit.
You all right?
Fine. Thank you for asking. I love you so much.
沒事 多謝關(guān)心 我好愛你哦
Fire demon.
Ooh, fire demon. Sheldon's turning up the heat...
哇 火魔 謝爾頓開始引爆游戲熱度了
Troll master.
Check it! Howard pulls one out from under the bridge. Nice!
看啊 霍華德從流氓團伙里拽出了一只巨怪首領(lǐng) 漂亮
Water nymph.
Oh, yeah, she's got puddles in all the right places.
哦也 她的“那個地方”充滿了粘液
Could you please play the game without commenting on every card?
勞駕您能在打牌的時候 別老是打一張解說一句嗎
Walking tree.
Last one. I'm taking a stroll and I'm sporting wood.
下不為例 我是運動的樹 我在散步
Okay, the Eagle has landed.
好吧 終于還是發(fā)生了
What's going on?
Bernadette and my mother are having a get-to-know-you lunch at the Old Town Deli.
Oh, that sounds lovely.
Hope so. Of course, if history is any indication, my mother will swallow her whole and spit out her bones like an owl.
但愿如此 當(dāng)然 根據(jù)以往的經(jīng)驗 我老媽會把她囫圇吞了 然后像貓頭鷹一樣把骨頭吐出來
Have you met Bernadette's parents?
You mean Adolf and Eva? Not yet. One goose step at a time.
你是說希特勒和愛娃嗎 還沒呢 一步一步來嘛
Sheldon, that's my water.
謝爾頓 這杯水是我的
Oh, dear Lord! That's not your water.
蒼天啊 那杯水不是你的
I know.
Where's the mouthwash?! "Where" indeed.
我的漱口液在哪兒呢 在哪兒呢
Ma, I'm home! Where are you?
媽 我回來了 你在哪
I'm in the toilet!
So, how'd it go?!
Too soon to say! I'm not done yet!
現(xiàn)在還說不準(zhǔn)呢 我還沒拉完呢
No, I mean lunch, today, with Bernadette!
I had a pastrami sandwich. She had eggplant lasagna. Like that's what a person orders in a Jewish deli.
我吃了個五香熏肉三明治 她吃了個茄子肉醬千層面 就好像在猶太餐館就該點這種東西吃
Besides food, did you get along? Did you talk?
除了吃的以外呢 你們相處得怎么樣 你們聊天了嗎
Oh, sure! Did you know she's going to school to become a microbiologist?!
當(dāng)然了 你知道嗎 她正在讀微生物學(xué)呢
No, she never mentioned it.
不知道 她還真沒提過
I bet she did and you didn't listen!
她肯定提過 是你沒注意聽
Yeah, that's probably it. So, what do you think? Do you like her? She's great, huh?
沒準(zhǔn)吧 那你覺得她怎么樣 你喜歡她嗎 她是個好女孩對吧
She's a lovely girl! Cute as a button!
她是個挺可愛的 超級可愛
That's good to hear, 'cause I've got some news.
聽你這么說我就放心了 因為我有事要跟你說
I hope it's good news, because I've got nothing but disappointment in here!
最好是好事 因為我在廁所里進展可不怎么樣 都快郁悶死了
Bernadette and I are getting married. Ma? You too busy bearing down? Ma? Oh, my God, Ma? Ma? Ma? Stand back, I'm gonna break the door down! Son of a bitch! Ma, help!
我要跟伯納黛特結(jié)婚了 媽 你正忙著使勁呢嗎 媽 天啊 媽 媽 媽 退后點 我要撞門了 該死的 媽 救我
Hey. Hello. Haven't seen you in a while. How's it going?
你好 好久不見了 你最近咋樣啊
Oh, other than waiting out the exponential growth period of the virulent organisms trooping through my microvilli into my circulatory system—hunky-dory.
除了等著那些致命的有機物沿著我的絨毛組織 侵入我的血液循環(huán)系統(tǒng)外就沒啥特別的了
Did I say something amusing?
I don't know, maybe, I have no idea what you said.
不知道 也許吧 我完全沒聽懂你在說什么
So your mirth is merely a discharge of nervous energy with no semantic content at all?
這么說你剛才的歡笑聲只是為了釋放你的緊張情緒 沒有任何實際意義咯
My mirth. Classic.
我的歡笑聲 還真是謝爾頓的經(jīng)典語錄啊
Is there a station coming up where I can board your giggling train of thought?
It's not a big deal, Sheldon.
這沒啥大不了的 謝爾頓
It's just, ever since Leonard's been dating Raj's sister, I've had to keep my distance. I don't get to hear all your jibber-jabber.
只是 自從萊納德跟拉杰的妹妹在一起之后 我就得跟你們保持距離了 我就沒機會聽你的這些胡言亂語了
Jibber-jabber?! I don't jibber-jabber.
胡言亂語 我才不會胡言亂語呢
What are you doing at work these days?
Oh, I'm working on time-dependent backgrounds in string theory, specifically quantum field theory in "d-dimensional" de Sitter space.
我在研究弦理論的時間依賴性 尤其是量子場論在德西特時空d維空間中的應(yīng)用
Okay, come on, even you have to admit that's jibber-jabber.
拜托 這下你總得承認那是胡言亂語了吧
Interesting, do you know where the phrase "jibber-jabber" comes from?
有意思 你知不知道 胡言亂語這個詞是怎么來的
Oh, my God, you're about to jibber-jabber about jibber-jabber.
天啊 你就要說一堆關(guān)于胡言亂語的胡言亂語了
Howard and his mother are at the hospital. Come on, we gotta go.
霍華德和他媽進醫(yī)院了 快點 咱們走
Oh, my God! What happened?
天啊 出什么事了
I don't know, I just got a text. Come on, hurry.
不知道 我只是收到短信而已 快點 快走
Sheldon, let's go!
謝爾頓 走啦
To a hospital?! Full of sick people?! Oh, I don't think so.
去醫(yī)院嗎 那個滿是病人的地方 我才不去呢
Okay, well, your friend and his mother are there, we're going.
你朋友和他母親都進醫(yī)院了 你非去不可
I can't.
Oh, don't tell me you're afraid of germs.
Not all germs. Just the ones that will kill me.It's the same way I'm not afraid of all steak knives—just the ones that might be plunged in my thorax.
不是所有的細菌 我只怕那些會讓我病死的細菌 就像是我并不是害怕所有的餐刀 我只怕那些會捅死我的餐刀
Fine, I'll tell Howard you didn't come because you're more concerned about your own well-being than his.
好吧 那我就跟霍華德說 你沒去醫(yī)院是因為比起他的健康 你更擔(dān)心你自己的身體
I would think he would know that.
Okay, you know what? You are unbelievable.
好吧 算了吧 你簡直不可理喻
You buy all these superhero T-shirts, but when it's time for you to step up and do the right thing, you just hide in the laundry room.
你買了那么多超級英雄的恤衫 可是到了你該挺身而出做點正確的事的時候 你就只會躲在洗衣房里
Fine, I'll go. Just for the record, my Aunt Ruth died in a hospital. She went in to visit my Uncle Roger, caught something and bit the dust a week later. The two of them now share a coffee can on my mother's mantel.
好吧 我去就是了 不過事先聲明 我的舅媽露絲就是死在醫(yī)院里的 她去醫(yī)院探望我舅舅羅杰 結(jié)果卻染上了病 結(jié)果一周后就掛了 他倆現(xiàn)在都被裝在我媽壁爐架上的同一個咖啡罐里


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