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LECTURE 44 基本動詞 GET 23





LECTURE 44 基本動詞 GET 23


1. get something out of sth. ***從某物中獲得利益(好處)

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:從某些事物中獲得[某些東西(something)];短語中的something在否定句中要改為anything

例 Why don't you go with me tonight to my church? The people there are a wonderful group and the preacher is excellent at making the Bible teachings relevant to modern-day life. Come on, you might get something out of it.

2. get 〔have〕 sth. straight **弄清楚,正確認(rèn)識

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[正確地、坦率地(straight)]理解某事

例 Before we go any further, let's get something straight: we're not married and I'm not certain we will get married. So, let's be safe about our relationship. Okay?

3. get sth. through one's thick skull / get sth. into one's thick head **理解

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:通過某人[愚笨的腦袋(thick skull, thick head)]理解(獲悉);多數(shù)情況下用于否定句中,表示“實在難以理解”

例 When am I going to get it through your thick skull that you have to lock the gate when you come in at night? I found the gate wide open again this morning. How many times do I have to tell you? Do I have to beat it into your head? LOCK THE GATE AT NIGHT!!!

4. get 〔have〕 underway **開始,出發(fā)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使某些事物成為[進行中的、行駛中的(underway)]狀態(tài)

例 Aseries of six meetings on the future of Thomas College will get underway this Wednesday evening at 7:30, in the school's main library's conference room. The meetings are open to the public, but those wishing to attend should call Professor Black at 273-2709, extension B10-09 to arrange seating.

5. get the air **被開除;被拒絕;被(朋友、愛人等)拋棄

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:遭受[解雇(air)];give sb. the air表示“被拒絕,拒之門外”

例 Mel's Pub & Diner is sort of an exclusive restaurant for the local steelworkers. They'll let you come in, but you'll just get the air until you leave.


(A) get something out of

(B) get something straight

(C) get it through his thick skull

(D) get underway

(E) get the air

1. A: That group is the so-called “elite clan. ” They're all graduates of Harvard Business School. Don't try to socialize with them, they'll just ignore you. B: Oh yeah? Well, I've got a solution for that. If they try to talk to any of us, they'll ______ in return!There are a whole lot more of us than them!

2. A: Look, I would go to the meeting if I thought I would gain something beneficial from it, but there's nothing to gain. So, I'm not going. B: It's not a matter of whether or not you ______ the meeting, Jack. You have to be there just to show your support.

3. A: Before you go in there and tell the judge all that happened, let's ______: if you tell, you will not live to see your children again. Have I made that clear enough? B: Yes, quite clear. Now go to hell!

4. A: I've tried talking with him. I've even tried threatening him!Nothing seems to work. I can't make this stupid young man understand that if he doesn't improve his grades in school, he'll have to leave the basketball team. B: Can't ______, can you? That's too bad—he's our best player. But, rules are rules. If he fails, he's off the team.

5. A: What time will the meeting start? B: It's supposed to ______ at 9:00, but try to be there by 8:45. Okay?


1. (E)

2. (A)

3. (B)

4. (C)

5. (D)


I. 1. 今晚跟我一起去教堂吧?那里的人組成了一個非常優(yōu)秀的團體,傳教士很擅長把《圣經(jīng)》教義與現(xiàn)代生活聯(lián)系起來。走吧,或許你會有所收獲的。

2. 進一步發(fā)展前,我們得先弄清楚:我們沒有結(jié)婚,也不確定將來是否會結(jié)婚。所以,我們先保持距離,好嗎?

3. 要我說多少遍你才能明白,晚上回來的時候記得鎖門。今天早上我發(fā)現(xiàn)門又是敞開著的。還要我跟你說多少遍?要我刻在你腦子里嗎?晚上記得鎖門?。?!

4. 六場有關(guān)托馬斯學(xué)院前景的會議將于周三晚上7:30在學(xué)校主圖書館的會議室召開。會議對外開放,有意參加的人請撥打273-2709轉(zhuǎn)分機B10-09與布萊克教授聯(lián)系,以便安排座位。

5. 梅爾餐廳是一家專門對當(dāng)?shù)劁撹F工人開放的餐廳。他們會讓你進去,但是在你離開之前,不會有人招待你。

II. 1. A:那個團隊就是所謂的“精英部落”,成員全都是哈佛商學(xué)院的畢業(yè)生。別跟他們說話,他們根本不會理你。B:哦,是嗎?嗯,我倒有個辦法。如果他們想跟我們說話的話,我們也不理他們!我們的人數(shù)可比他們多!

2. A:我說,如果我覺得能有所收獲的話,我會去參加會議的,但是不能。所以我不會去。B:這不是能不能從會議中有所收獲的問題,杰克。你必須去,表示你支持。

3. A:在你進去告訴法官所發(fā)生的事之前,我們先說清楚:如果你說了,你將再也見不到你的孩子了。我說得夠清楚了吧?B:是的,非常清楚?,F(xiàn)在,你去死吧!

4. A:我試著跟他談過。我甚至試過威脅他!可似乎都不管用。我無法讓這個蠢人明白,如果他不提高成績,他就必須離開籃球隊。B:無法讓他明白,是嗎?那太糟糕了——他是我們最好的球員。但是,規(guī)定就是規(guī)定。如果他不合格,就得離開隊伍。

5. A:會議幾點開始?B:應(yīng)該是9:00開始,但是盡量8:45到,好嗎?


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