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LECTURE 45 基本動詞 GET 24





LECTURE 45 基本動詞 GET 24


1. get 〔have, set, start〕 the ball rolling **啟動,開個頭;開張營業(yè)

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:使得球成為[滾動的、旋轉(zhuǎn)的(rolling)]狀態(tài);keep the ball rolling表示“繼續(xù)進行”

例 This summer has been designated as Clean Our City Summer by the city council. Residents are encouraged to “pick up litter, clean up vacant lots and plant flowers everywhere. ” To get the ball rolling, the Mayor will lead a clean-up crew made up of volunteers down Main Street on Saturday morning. Anyone who wishes to participate can...

2. get 〔have〕 the better of sb. / get the best of sb. **(競爭或交易過程中)戰(zhàn)勝或壓倒某人

解 習語;詞義溯源:相比于某人,得到[更好的(the better)或最好的(the best)]

例 Tyson got the better of Sanchez for the first three rounds of the fight. But in the fourth round Sanchez showed his greater boxing experience and knocked Tyson out with a powerful left hook.

3. get 〔have〕 the blues **憂愁,憂傷

解 習語;詞義溯源:得到[憂傷的情緒(the blues)]

例 I'm afraid I'm going to get the blues after we all graduate from high school. Everybody's going to go in different directions—jobs or university. I'm really going to miss you all.

4. get the boot *被趕出去,被解雇

解 俚語;詞義溯源:遭受[解雇(the boot)]

例 He swore that he'd never use drugs again when he joined the basketball team, but later he got the boot at the team for using stimulants. The officials have made it clear that this time his expulsion is permanent.

5. get the cold shoulder **被無視;被拒絕;受冷落

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:遭受[冷落、漠視(the cold shoulder)];參照give sb. the cold shoulder

例 Though the government issued him a diplomatic visa to visit the country, he was far from welcomed. Except for the warm reception he got from an extreme rightist group upon his arrival, he got the cold shoulder from government officials at all levels.


(A) get the ball rolling

(B) get the better of

(C) get the blues

(D) got the boot

(E) getting the cold shoulder

1. A: You may have defeated me last year, but that was a year ago. I've been practicing every day. You won't ______ me this time. B: Yeah, right!We'll see. I'm going to crush you again!

2. Why don't you go ahead and go to the theater without me? Since Sun Yun left me, I get sad and depressed when I watch a love story. B: You've got to go. Even if you ______ at the movie, it's better than sitting here at home alone thinking about her. Let's go!

3. Tim says you guys ______ last night at the bar. What happened? B: Greg sneaked a small bottle of whiskey into the disco with him so he could save money. Drinks are damn expensive there. So anyway, a waiter caught him with the bottle and we all were forced to leave.

4. A: Sanchez, I couldn't help noticing that you're ______ from Maria. Is she angry with you? B: You noticed, did you? Yeah, she's ignoring me because I forgot yesterday was her birthday. Don't worry, she can't reject me for long.

5. A: To ______, I wish to announce that my company, Franklin Savings and Loan, is donating $5,000 to the new scholarship fund. B: Thank you Mr. Betula and thank you Franklin Savings and Loan for starting us toward our goal of $1 million to help students from poor families attend Charleston Academy of Science.


1. (B)

2. (C)

3. (D)

4. (E)

5. (A)


I. 1. 市政府將今年夏天定為“清潔城市之夏”,鼓勵市民“拾撿垃圾,清理空地和種植花草”。為了啟動該活動,周六上午,市長將帶領一支由志愿者組成的清潔隊沿著主干道進行清掃。任何想?yún)⑴c的人均可以……

2. 泰森在與桑切斯交手的前三個回合中占據(jù)了上風。但是在第四個回合中,桑切斯展現(xiàn)出更為豐富的拳擊比賽經(jīng)驗,用一記左勾拳將泰森打敗。

3. 我想中學畢業(yè)后,我會感到憂傷。大家將各奔東西——工作的工作,上學的上學。我一定會想念大家的。

4. 他加入籃球隊時曾發(fā)誓不再吸毒,后來卻因使用興奮劑而被迫離開球隊。球隊官員說得非常清楚,這次禁賽是永久性的。

5. 政府雖然授予了他來訪的外交簽證,卻并不怎么歡迎他。除了剛到時受到右翼組織的熱烈歡迎外,他在各級政府均遭冷落。

II. 1. A:雖然你去年打敗了我,但那是一年前的事了。我每天都在訓練,這次你不可能贏我。B:是嗎?那好!我們等著瞧。我會再次把你打敗的!

2. A:你們干嗎不先去劇院呢?自從孫蕓離開我之后,每次看愛情故事我都會很悲傷、很沮喪。B:你必須去。即使這部電影會讓你感到憂傷,但總比獨自坐在家里想她要好。我們走吧!

3. A:蒂姆說你們昨晚在酒吧被趕出來了。發(fā)生什么事了?B:格雷格偷偷帶了一小瓶威士忌進去,想省點錢。那里的酒水貴得離譜。最后還是被服務員發(fā)現(xiàn)了,所以我們都被趕出來了。

4. A:桑切斯,我發(fā)現(xiàn)瑪利亞對你態(tài)度很冷淡。她是在生你的氣嗎?B:你也注意到了吧?是啊,她之所以對我冷淡是因為我忘了昨天是她的生日。別擔心,她不會一直不理我的。

5. A:為啟動這次活動,我宣布,我公司富蘭克林儲貸中心將為這個新的獎學金基金會捐獻5千美元。B:感謝貝圖拉先生,感謝富蘭克林儲貸中心支持我們向100萬美元的目標邁進,用以幫助貧困家庭的學生進入查爾斯頓科學研究院學習。


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