1.I get the feeling that we are not seeing eye to eye in these negotiations.我覺得在這些談判中我們的意見完全不一致。
2.Since we don't agree I feel that we should drop the subject.既然我們無法達成共識,我認為我們不應該再談下去了。
3.The general feeling was in favour of the proposal.大多數(shù)人贊成這個計劃。
4.Whenever my boss is in the room I have this feeling of inferiority.每當我的老板在房間里時,我就有自卑感。
5.The boss really hurt my feelings when he criticized me in front of mycolleagues.老板當著同事的面批評我時,我真的很受傷。
6.I have a strong feeling that my luck is about to change and that I'll get thatpromotion I'm after.我強烈地感覺到,我就要時來運轉了,而且,我會得到我心儀已久的升遷。
7.Bill was overjoyed when he got a raise.比爾升職后,他真是喜出望外。
8.I always feel a bit down on Mondays.It must be the Monday morningblues.每到星期一我總是有點兒情緒不佳。我一定是得了星期一抑郁癥了。
9.I have this good feeling about next week's negotiations.我對下周的談判感覺良好。
10.We need to be guided by facts rather than feelings when it comes tomaking good managerial decisions.在制定正確的管理決策時,我們應該基于事實,而不能感情用事。
Subject:This coming week
Hi guys,
I know it's Monday morning and you're feeling the Monday blues already but I've got this great feeling that this is going to be a terrific week-business wise. First off, we're going to wrap up that new sales deal with Yantai Spring Foods.Tomorrow we clinch the negotiations with Inchon Kimchi for the import of some of their products.And then the rest of the week we are at the International Trades Fair where we highlight our best-selling lines and see customers clamouring to sign up for orders.
So let's go guys!