1. I am coming, little maiden,
With the pleasant sunshine laden [1] ,
With the honey for the bee,
With the blossom for the tree,
With the flower and with the leaf.
Till I come the time is brief [2] !
2. I am coming, I am coming,
Hark, the little bee is humming,
And the lark [3] is soaring [4] high
In the bright and sunny sky,
And the gnats [5] are on the wing.
Little maiden, this is spring.
3. See the yellow catkins [6] cover
All the slender willows [7] over,
And on mossy banks so green
Starlike primroses [8] are seen,
Every little stream is bright,
All the apple trees are white.
4. Hark, the little lambs are bleating [9] ,
And the cawing rooks [10] are meeting
In the elms [11] , a noisy crowd;
All the birds are singing loud,
And the first white butterfly
In the sun goes flitting by.
5. Turn thine eyes from earth to heaven,
God for thee the spring has given,
Taught the birds their melodies [12] ,
Clothed the earth and cleared the skies
For thy pleasure and thy food;
Pour thy soul in gratitude [13] .
* * *
[1] laden: Loaded, burdened.
[2] brief: Short.
[3] lark: A small song-bird.
[4] soaring: Rising, flying.
[5] gnat: A small kind of fly.
[6] catkins: The flowers of the willow; they are like cats' tails.
[7] willow: A tree which grows near water.
[8] primroses: Pale yellow flowers which grow in England.
[9] bleating: Crying out.
[10] rook: A kind of crow.
[11] elm: An English tree valued for its timber.
[12] melodies: Songs.
[13] gratitude: Thankfulness.