1. A stag [1] , drinking at a clear lake, was struck with [2] the beauty of his horns as he saw them reflected [3] in the water, but was not at all pleased with the appearance of his legs.
2. "What a pity it is," said he, "that so fine a creature should have such a set of spindle-shanks [4] ! What a truly noble animal I should be, were my legs in keeping with my horns!"
3. In the midst of these thoughts he was alarmed [5] by the cry of a pack of hounds, and at once bounded away, leaving his pursuers so far behind, that it seemed as if he would easily escape [6] .
4. Rushing, however, into a thick wood, he was caught by his horns in the branches; and there he was held till the hounds came up and tore him in pieces.
5. In his last moments he exclaimed, "How ill do we judge of what is best for us! The slender [7] legs, which I despised [8] , would have carried me to safety; but the antlers [9] , of which I was so proud, are the cause of my death."
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[1] stag: The male deer.
[2] struck with: Much pleased by.
[3] reflected: Showing as in a mirror.
[4] spindle-shanks: Long thin legs.
[5] alarmed: Frightened.
[6] escape: Get away.
[7] slender: Thin.
[8] despised: Was ashamed of.
[9] antlers: Branching horns.