Warren G Harding 沃倫·甘梅利爾·哈定(美國第20任總統(tǒng):1921--1923)
7 . Teapot Dome
Warren G. Harding's presidency was struckby many scandals. The Teapot Dome scandal was the most significant. In this,Albert Fall, Harding's Secretary of the Interior, sold the right to the oil reserves in Teapot Dome, Wyoming andother locations in exchange for personal profit and cattle. He was eventually caught, convicted and sentenced to jail。
哈丁在就任期間也是緋聞纏身,其中蒂波特山丑聞影響最大。哈丁的內政秘書Albert Fall將蒂波特山以及懷俄明州的幾個油田鉆井權賣給了石油大亨,并以此獲利。Fall最終被抓捕歸案并身陷囚籠。