If you work in a cubicle farm or any office with partitions, you know how hard it can be to personalize your space and make it your own. Some people add personal items like family photos or plants, but other offices up the ante with cubicle-decorating competitions that challenge workers to make their spaces truly festive.
These employees took their Christmas decorating up a notch this year. (Photo: LiliGraphie/Shutterstock)
These workers combined creativity with Christmas spirit, taking their holiday decorations to the next level. These cubicle-dwellers really know how to deck the halls!
1.When you have deer, there's no room for work, is there?
If you have reindeer, you have to have hay. (Photo: Ruth Hartnup [CC BY 2.0]/Flickr)
2.This cubicle dweller turned her workspace into Santa's workshop :
Maybe Santa actually works in a cubicle with Rudolph? (Photo: Ruth Hartnup [CC BY 2.0]/Flickr)
3.The Elvis and Santa fan:
For the nontraditional crowd, there's creepy Santa Elvis. (Photo: Alex McClung [CC BY 2.0]/Flickr)
4.You can always just wrap your cubicle and hide inside:
Just add wrapping paper. (Photo: Dan Perry [CC BY 2.0]/Flickr)