There are lots of fantastic tricks for heavy sleepers. Some of the popular ones are:
Draw funny eyebrows and moustache on their faces while they are asleep.
Place some whipped cream in their hands and tickle their nose with a feather.
Placing someone's hand while they are asleep in a bowl of cold water is a sure way to make them wet their beds.
Distractions of the victim help a lot while you are working on your pranks. Ask a friend to give a ring to the victim's telephone and engage him an exciting and interesting conversation. While the person is busy with something, make someone who is masked ring the bell and attack the victim with the artificial knife whose blade pushes inside as soon as it touches something. Don't try this on a person with a weak heart.被整的人很分心的時候,你跟他開玩笑是很有效果的。讓你的一個朋友給你想愚弄的人打電話,說一些有趣的話題來吸引他的注意力。當(dāng)他正忙著這些事情的時候,你讓一個人戴著面具按他家門鈴,然后用刀襲擊他。當(dāng)然這把刀必須是假的,確保它的刀刃一接觸東西就會收回去。記住千萬不要跟心臟不好的人開這種玩笑。
A fake car scratch or broken glass tattoo is good for people who love their cars.
Use your skills of acting and learn to keep a straight face while you pull off pranks. You have to make people believe in you to be a master. If you are entering the classroom with a fake black eye wound and a cast on, be sure to limp a little and groan from time to time.