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Ladies and Gentlemen,


I have visited Europe a number of times. Europe boasts a long history and splendid cultures and is advanced in economy, science and technology. As a major pillar of the world that carries strategic significance, Europe contributes in its own way to safeguarding world peace. Europe cares about China and has an interest in China, and I believe the same is true with China about Europe. We are heartened to see the positive results in Europe’s efforts to stabilize economy and regain its competitiveness. Important steps have been made towards the building of a banking union, and progress has been achieved in the structural reforms of the deeply indebted countries, with a notable drop of the treasury bond yields. We believe that Europe will emerge even stronger and more prosperous from the crisis.


Over the past four decades, the China-Europe relationship has grown from a seedling into a luxuriant tree that has borne rich fruits. Our political trust, economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges have all scaled unprecedented heights. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, trade between China and Europe has increased by over 230 folds. Every day, some US$1.5 billion worth of trade is being conducted between the two sides, which means that during the twenty minutes of my speech today, the two sides have already concluded trade deals worth tens of millions of US dollars. The bond of common interests between us makes China-Europe relations even more appealing and expansible, which gives us every reason to be confident in the future of China and Europe.

中國和歐洲是兩大戰(zhàn)略力量,肩負(fù)推動全球經(jīng)濟發(fā)展、促進(jìn)人類文明進(jìn)步、維護世界和平的崇高使命,雙方正在形成不斷放大的戰(zhàn)略交集。今年春天,習(xí)近平主席訪問歐洲,倡導(dǎo)中歐共同努力建造和平、增長、改革、文明四座橋梁,建設(shè)更具全球影響力的中歐全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關(guān)系,把中歐關(guān)系推向了新的高度。我們愿與歐方一道,把握好雙方關(guān)系的發(fā)展航向,在國際上樹立起互利共贏的新標(biāo)桿。中國是最大的新興市場國家,歐盟是最大的發(fā)達(dá)經(jīng)濟體,“最大”與“最大”交融、一切都有可能,“新興”與“發(fā)達(dá)”攜手、優(yōu)勢就會倍增,中歐在新興和發(fā)達(dá)經(jīng)濟體合作中可以成為典范。中國和歐洲分處歐亞大陸的兩端,這塊大陸是世界上面積最大的大陸,也是人口最多的大陸,市場空間廣闊,發(fā)展機遇巨大,中歐可以在促進(jìn)亞歐地區(qū)繁榮發(fā)展、實現(xiàn)共贏多贏中作出更大貢獻(xiàn)。中歐都主張國際關(guān)系民主化,在許多國際重大事務(wù)上有共同利益,雙方關(guān)系具有越來越重要的全球影響,在世界和平與全球善治中可以緊握雙手。中歐都有偉大的文明,都有理性考量和哲學(xué)思辨的傳統(tǒng),中國推崇“和而不同”,歐盟倡導(dǎo)“多元一體”, 13億多中國人與7億多歐洲人命運相連、前途相關(guān),中歐在不同文明包容互鑒中可以成為引領(lǐng)。

China and Europe are two major strategic forces. We both undertake the lofty mission of promoting global economy, advancing human civilization and progress and safeguarding world peace. The two sides are expanding their converging strategic interests. During his visit to Europe last spring, President Xi Jinping called on China and Europe to work jointly to build the four bridges for peace, growth, reform and civilization between the two sides and a China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership of greater global influence, which brought our relationship to a new height. We are ready to work with the European side to keep the development of our relationship on the right track and jointly set up a new model of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation in the world. China is the largest emerging market and the EU the largest developed economy. Nothing is impossible when the two “largests” converge. And strength will be multiplied if the “emerging” meets the “developed”. China-EU cooperation may serve as a fine example of that between the emerging and developed economies. China and Europe are located at the two ends of the Eurasian continent, the biggest landmass on earth and the most populous continent in the world with huge market and great development opportunities. Together China and Europe may contribute even more to promoting prosperity and development and achieving win-win and all-win development in Asia and Europe. Both sides call for greater democracy in international relations and we share common interests on many major international issues. Our relationship is acquiring more and more important global significance. The two sides may join hands in the course of promoting world peace and global governance. Both China and Europe enjoy splendid culture and the tradition of objective reasoning and speculative philosophy. While China advocates “harmony without uniformity”, the EU stands for “unity in diversity”. The 1.3 billion Chinese people and the 700 million European people have a common destiny and a common future. China and Europe may well take the lead in promoting mutual learning and inclusiveness between different civilizations.


Europe is committed to its integration process. No matter what may change in the international arena, China’s support to the EU will remain unchanged. We support Europe in seeking greater strength through unity and a bigger role played by the EU in international affairs. We also hope the EU will continue to understand and support the development path chosen by China that suits its own national conditions and continue to respect and accommodate China’s core interests.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


We live in the age of new technology revolution and industrial transformation. Both China and Europe are at a critical development stage and are faced with the common task of maintaining growth, readjusting structure and creating more jobs. To deepen the results-oriented cooperation is an objective need for both sides and both face rare opportunities in doing so. There is an old saying in China which goes, “You will surely see water coming out if you really dig deep enough”. We should indeed tap deeper into our cooperation potential the way we dig a well. Along that line, let me make the following proposals:


First, we should make a “grand strategy” to promote growth in trade. China and Europe together account for one third of the world economy, but our trade makes a mere 1.5% of global trade. Although we cannot simply draw a comparison between these two figures, this does speak to the huge potential of growth of bilateral trade. Such a potential is not just about larger scale but also about improved structure. Therefore, we need to make good planning in order to increase both the scale and quality of trade. During my current visit, our two business communities have concluded some US$10 billion of agreements, which include both trade of products and technical cooperation between the two sides. We have taken note of Europe’s plan to invest 50 billion euros in the building of transport, energy and digital networks. We hope that the European side will favorably consider using Chinese equipment in high-speed railway, nuclear power and other projects, as our equipment is low in cost but high in quality. We have long expressed concern over the issue of European high-tech exports to China, and we hope that the European side will give China fair treatment in effecting the upcoming reform of its export control regime. China and Europe should jointly oppose trade protectionism of all forms. We are ready to conduct consultations with the EU in search of an early consensus on the case of wireless communications equipment. The establishment of a China-EU free trade area will be a significant step for upgrading two-way trade, and the two sides may launch feasibility studies on it at an earlier date.


Second, we should take bilateral investment onto the “fast track”. Investment cooperation is the manifestation of the strategic nature of China-EU relations. China and Europe should seize the favorable opportunities, build on the strong momentum of investment growth, and support their companies in expanding investment in such areas as industrial development and industrial parks. The early conclusion of a China-Europe investment agreement will provide strong guarantee for mutual investment. The two sides need to speed up the negotiation process and work for early outcomes. We hope that the European side will create a more equitable and transparent business environment for Chinese companies investing in Europe, and provide China with more facilitations on market access, entry visa, work permit and other issues. China and Europe may also work together to explore market opportunities in third countries through joint investment and other means in order to deliver benefits to all sides.


Third, we should explore the “deep ocean” of cooperation on innovation. China and Europe are both committed to conducting structural reform and upgrading economic structure. This has provided new opportunities for us to expand cooperation in new technologies, new industries and new sectors. When I visited Europe in 2012, the two sides launched the mechanism of urbanization cooperation. This is an area where a lot could be achieved through cooperation on both the “hardware” and the “software” aspects. In the area of green economy, Europe has advantages while China has the market. We believe the two sides may jointly develop a group of demonstration zones on circular economy, energy conservation and environmental protection in order to maximize the catalytic and multiplying effect of our cooperation. The two sides may also make a joint effort to advance medium- to long-term cooperation in aviation and space, and strengthen cooperation in the operation, maintenance and management of rail transport systems.


People-to-people exchanges, like a decoder, serves to dispel misgivings and forge closer bonds between people’s hearts. I know that there is a food process engineer in the Rheinland-Pfalz State of Germany, who has visited China more than 250 times in the past thirty years and more. He has brought to China the technologies he knows, offered donations to areas hit by earthquakes, and provided funding support for school drop-outs. This friend of China called himself an “85% Chinese”. His story is a perfect showcase and epitome of China-Germany and China-Europe friendship. Now, more than five million people travel between China and Europe each year, and nearly 300,000 students are studying in each other’s countries. We need to further strengthen exchanges in education, science and technology, culture, sports and other fields, encourage cooperation between our cultural industries and in areas of products and services, and expand personnel exchanges, especially the interactions between our young people, so as to lay a deeper and stronger foundation for China-EU relations.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


China-Germany relations have always been at the forefront of China-EU relations. On this very day 42 years ago, China established diplomatic relations with the Federal Republic of Germany. Today, this relationship has become much more mature. During my visit this time, the two sides have issued theProgram of Action for China-Germany Cooperation, which includes specific plans and measures for advancing bilateral cooperation in various areas over the medium and longer terms. We are ready to continue to work with the German side to take this relationship to a new height.


The Hamburg Summit has entered its tenth year. Over the past decade, the summit has made contribution to the growth of China’s relations with Germany and with Europe as a whole, and our friends present have also provided valuable insights for enhancing practical cooperation between the two sides. I wish to take this opportunity to express my thanks to you all. The summit is a place where we can gain new inspirations through the exchange of ideas. The Germans often say, “Faith can move mountains.” And back in China, we have a similar story about a “foolish old man” who is determined to remove mountains that block his way. In a world of both opportunities and challenges, faith in openness and in cooperation could help us overcome the distance of mountains and oceans and embark on a journey toward mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.


To conclude, I wish the summit a full success. Thank you.


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