The government appointed Mauro Felicori fivemonths ago to revive the fortunes of thespectacular, 1,200-room Baroque palace of theBourbon kings, which like many of the country'sartistic and cultural treasures was suffering fromdecades of neglect and mismanagement.
"Such behavior puts the whole structure at risk," said the letter, published in Corriere della Seradaily on Saturday.
Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi defended him and said the accusation was ridiculous, "with Felicori at the helm, visitor numbers in February 2016 were up 70% from a year earlier,while takings were up 105%," he added. "The director is simply doing his job. And we all standby him, without fear."
The national leader of Italy's biggest labor group CGIL, Susanna Camusso, distanced herselffrom the complaints against Felicori. "Mistakes must be acknowledged and those unions arewrong," Camusso tweeted.