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For someone who once claimed to “know more than the generals” about Isis, Donald Trump seems to crave the opinion of men in uniform.

作為一個曾自詡“比將軍們還了解”伊斯蘭國(ISIS)的人,唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)似乎渴望得到軍方人士的意見。

With the likely nomination of John Kelly to run the homeland security department, Mr Trump will have chosen a third retired general for his national security team, after the selection of James “Mad Dog” Mattis as defence secretary and Michael Flynn, a controversial intelligence officer, as national security adviser.

他可能提名約翰•凱利(John Kelly)執(zhí)掌國土安全部(DHS),這將是他為自己的國家安全團隊選擇的第三位退役將軍。之前他已選了“瘋狗”(Mad Dog)詹姆斯•馬蒂斯(James Mattis)擔任國防部長、有爭議的情報官員邁克爾•弗林(Michael Flynn)擔任國家安全顧問。

At the Central Intelligence Agency, Mr Trump has nominated Mike Pompeo, a West Point graduate and retired army captain. And he is considering retired general David Petraeus for secretary of state and Admiral Michael Rogers, head of the National Security Agency, for director of national intelligence, the role that oversees the entire US intelligence community.

他還提名西點軍校(West Point)畢業(yè)的退役陸軍上尉麥克•龐貝(Mike Pompeo)執(zhí)掌中央情報局(CIA),并且正在考慮讓退役將軍戴維•彼得雷烏斯(David Petraeus)擔任國務(wù)卿,讓國家安全局(NSA)局長、海軍上將邁克爾•羅杰斯(Admiral Michael Rogers)擔任國家情報總監(jiān)(Director of National Intelligence)、掌管美國的整個情報體系。

The reliance on military figures has prompted warnings about national security strategy in the Trump administration — both that the military could become more politicised and that policy could become too militarised.


Republicans in Congress are already paving the way to arrange a waiver to allow Mr Mattis to serve despite a decades-old rule that military officers must be out of uniform for seven years before being appointed Pentagon chief. But some Democrats want to block any effort to circumvent a law that was put in place to ensure civilian control of the military.


Few critics would go as far as Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, who warned on Twitter that the cabinet was “starting to look like a military junta”. But many believe the appointments could erode the necessary political buffers that separate the civilian and military worlds.

批評者中最疾言厲色的當數(shù)肯尼斯•羅思(Kenneth Roth),這位人權(quán)觀察(Human Rights Watch)的執(zhí)行主任在Twitter上警告稱,這個內(nèi)閣“開始像軍政府了”。但很多人的確認為這些任命可能削弱把文官和軍方分隔開所必需的政治緩沖區(qū)。

“Many of these generals stand out because what they can do is so remarkable,” says Phillip Carter, a retired army officer at the Center for a New American Security in Washington. “But one of the dangers is that it militarises the approach to different policy issues.”

“很多將軍脫穎而出,這是因為他們能夠做的事不同尋常,”退役軍官、在華盛頓的新美國安全中心(Center for a New American Security)任職的菲利普•卡特(Phillip Carter)稱,“但有一個危險是,這種安排會使得處理不同政策問題的方式變得軍事化。”

The presence of so many generals might not come as a surprise, given the military’s status as the most respected institution in the US. American voters have shown they resent the decade and a half of wars the country has been involved in, but they lionise the veterans who have fought in them.


A former student of New York Military Academy, Mr Trump often veered during the election campaign between veneration of past generals, notably George S Patton and Douglas Mac-Arthur, and biting attacks on the current generation of commanders who he claimed had been “reduced to rubble”.

特朗普曾就讀紐約軍事學院(New York Military Academy),在競選期間,他一方面對喬治•巴頓(George S. Patton)、道格拉斯•麥克阿瑟(Douglas MacArthur)等已故將軍崇拜不已,一方面又對當今的指揮官們大加抨擊,說他們是廢柴。

The first risk of having so many senior military figures in his cabinet is the impact on the active military. With their eyes on high-level posts in a future administration once they retire, some commanders might be tempted to tailor their advice to politicians in order to win favour. Martin Dempsey, former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, warned in the summer about the growing presence in political campaigns of retired military personnel, including Mr Flynn and John Allen, a former Marine general who was supporting Hillary Clinton.

在內(nèi)閣中任命眾多軍方人物,第一個風險是會對現(xiàn)役軍人造成影響。一些指揮官謀求退役后進入新政府中擔任高級職位,他們在提出建議時,可能會不由自主地迎合政治人物的觀點,以博取對方好感。前參謀長聯(lián)席會議主席馬丁•鄧普西(Martin Dempsey)在今年夏天對退役軍官日益參與政治活動的情況發(fā)出警告,其中包括弗林和當時支持希拉里•克林頓(Hillary Clinton)的前海軍陸戰(zhàn)隊上將約翰•艾倫(John Allen)。

“I worry . . . about military people angling for political jobs as retirement approaches,” says Kori Schake, a Stanford scholar who co-wrote a book with Gen Mattis on civil-military relations.

“我擔心……快退役的謀求政治職位的軍人,”科里•斯卡克(Kori Schake)表示,這位斯坦福大學的學者與馬蒂斯將軍合著了一本有關(guān)文武關(guān)系的書。

The second potential problem is that in a Trump administration dominated by generals, there is a risk the military may be seen as the solution for many problems and that other approaches will be played down. With a budget that dwarfs other parts of the government, the tendency to look first to the Pentagon for answers during a crisis could become more pronounced. The symbolism of having a former general running the homeland department, which is responsible for border security and a range of other domestic security issues, has left some uncomfortable.


However, some of Mr Trump’s generals do not fit easily into a warmongering stereotype. Mr Kelly is the highest ranking recent officer to have lost a child in war after his son Robert, also a Marine, was killed in Afghanistan.


Mr Mattis, who has often called for an increase in the state department budget, warned this year that Americans had forgotten the huge death tolls that came with war.


He said the public view was “that we can do what we wish with the Petri dish called the military and there is no consequence”, and that “there needs to be a little more humility and a little more modesty on the part of those who may have statutory, legal, constitutional authority over the military”.


And while some Democrats have raised concerns about civilian control of the military, others have welcomed the appointment of Mr Mattis to the Pentagon because they believe he will act as a restraining influence on Mr Trump, rather than push him into action.


The final problem is that military officers do not always make good politicians or White House officials. The most respected national security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, was an Air Force general, but Alexander Haig, a former army general, had to resign as Ronald Reagan’s secretary of state after just over a year after causing a civil-military crisis following an assassination attempt on the president.

最后一個問題是,軍官并不總能成為出色的政治家或白宮官員。最受尊敬的國家安全顧問布倫特•斯考克羅夫特(Brent Scowcroft)曾是空軍將軍,但前陸軍上將亞歷山大•黑格(Alexander Haig)為羅納德•里根(Ronald Reagan)擔任國務(wù)卿僅1年多便被迫辭職,因為他在里根遇刺后引發(fā)了文官與軍方的關(guān)系危機。

Michael Mullen, former chairman of the joint chiefs, recently said he was worried about the “militarisation of the government”. Mr Mullen said many military brass did not understand enough about politics to navigate that world: “I don’t care what any of them say, they don’t know what they are getting into.”

前參謀長聯(lián)席會議主席邁克爾•穆倫(Michael Mullen)最近表示,他擔心“政府軍事化”。穆倫稱,很多高級軍官對政治的理解不足以使他們在政界應(yīng)付裕如。“我不關(guān)心他們?nèi)魏我粋€人說什么,他們不知道自己要面對什么。”


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