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A year ago, Lawrence Summers’ perceptive warnings about the possibility of secular stagnation in the world economy were dominating global markets. China, Japan and the Eurozone were in deflation, and the US was being dragged into the mess by the rising dollar. Global recession risks were elevated, and commodity prices continued to fall. Fixed investment had slumped. Productivity growth and demographic growth looked to be increasingly anemic everywhere.

一年前,勞倫斯•薩默斯(Lawrence Summers)有關(guān)世界經(jīng)濟可能陷入長期停滯的有洞察力的警告主導著全球市場。那時,中國、日本和歐元區(qū)都處于通縮狀態(tài),而美元升值把美國也拖入這個亂局。全球經(jīng)濟衰退風險升高了,大宗商品價格持續(xù)下跌。固定投資大幅減少。在全球各地,生產(chǎn)率增長和人口增長似乎越來越疲弱。

Estimates of the equilibrium real interest rate in many economies were being marked down. It seemed possible that the world economy would fall into a “Japanese trap”, in which nominal interest rates would be permanently stuck at the zero lower bound, and would therefore not be able to fall enough to stimulate economic activity.


Just when the sky seemed to be at its darkest, the outlook suddenly began to improve. Global reflation replaced secular stagnation as the theme that dominated investor psychology, especially after Donald Trump’s election in November. Why has secular stagnation lost its mass appeal, and has it disappeared forever? Was it all a case of crying wolf?

就在局勢似乎最糟糕之際,前景突然開始改善。全球再通脹取代了長期停滯,成為主宰投資者心理的主題,特別是在去年11月唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)勝選之后。為什么長期停滯失去了大眾吸引力,它永遠消失了嗎?當初有關(guān)它的說法是“狼來了”故事重演嗎?

Lawrence Summers has always made it clear that in his mind secular stagnation was a hypothesis, not a proven reality, especially in the US. He and others have argued that the combination of very low global GDP growth, alongside falling real interest rates, could be caused by two factors: (i) inadequate global demand, stemming from low business investment, high savings rates in Asia, wide disparity in income distribution and rising risk aversion; and (ii) inadequate global supply, stemming from falling productivity growth, and slowing growth in the labour force.


With fears of deflation on the increase until early in 2016, it seemed that the weakness in demand was the more powerful force, although there was plenty of evidence of slowing growth in supply as well. Since inadequate demand growth seemed to be the main problem, and since the efficacy of monetary stimulus was being widely questioned, those economists who believed in secular stagnation frequently argued that fiscal stimulus was needed to rectify the problem.


What has happened since to change the market’s level of concern about secular stagnation? The flow of incoming economic data has clearly changed a lot, as shown in our monthly update of the Fulcrum nowcast models, attached here.


Global activity growth has rebounded sharply, and recession risks have plummeted. Growth in real output is now running at higher levels than anything seen since the temporary rebound from the financial crash in 2009/10. Importantly, recent data suggest that the growth rate of fixed investment is beginning to recover, which is a body blow to one of the central tenets of the secular stagnation school, though much of this may simply be due the end of the slump in the commodity sector.


This recovery in real activity has not yet led to any rebound in long run underlying growth, according to the models. There has been no improvement in the growth of the labour force, and little rise in labour productivity growth, in the advanced economies in the last year. It therefore seems reasonable to conclude that the vast majority of the rise in real output growth has been due to improving aggregate demand, not aggregate supply.


The conclusion that global data have improved because of demand factors is also supported by the rise in inflation expectations that has occurred in all the main economies in the past 12 months. The increases in US and UK inflation expectations are not surprising, since both of these economies are operating very close to full employment. But the increases in Japan and the Eurozone are more impressive. These were the two economies that seemed to be completely stuck in secular stagnation due to excess capacity a year ago. Now, they seem to be escaping.


Up to a point, these escapes seem to be due to the success of macro-economic policies that were aimed to correct secular stagnation. The Fed postponed its plan to raise interest rates, so US short rates are about 75 basis points below the levels threatened a year ago. The Bank of Japan introduced a 10 basis points ceiling on 10 year government bond yields, an initiative that has appeared more successful than some of its earlier efforts to stimulate the economy. The ECB maintained and extended its programme of quantitative easing, and this has succeeded in normalising monetary conditions throughout the euro area.

在某種程度上,擺脫停滯似乎應該歸因于旨在糾正長期停滯的宏觀經(jīng)濟政策取得成功。美聯(lián)儲(Fed)推遲了加息計劃,所以美國短期利率比一年前威脅要達到的水平低了約75個基點。日本央行(Bank of Japan)對10年期政府債券收益率提出10個基點的上限,這一舉措似乎比該行早前一些經(jīng)濟刺激措施更加成功。歐洲央行(ECB)維持并延長了量化寬松計劃,此舉成功地讓整個歐元區(qū)的貨幣狀況正?;?。

On fiscal policy, the changes were not huge, but they were definitely in the direction of expansion. According to the IMF, the stance of fiscal policy in the advanced economies in 2016 was 0.7 percent of GDP more stimulatory than planned a year ago. Furthermore, the election of Donald Trump greatly increased expectations of future easing in US fiscal policy, boosting business and household optimism about growth prospects.


All this suggests that stimulatory macro-economic policy may finally be working and that the secular stagnation scare might now be over. But that is probably too optimistic. Although there has been a cyclical improvement in demand in the advanced economies, there is no reason yet to believe that the supply side of the global economy is performing any better than it was a year ago. The secular speed limit on growth in the advanced economies is still much lower than it was in earlier decades. This speed limit has yet to be seriously tested but that may happen soon in the US and the UK.


In any case, the recent spurt in growth in the advanced economies may turn out to be another false dawn, rather than the achievement of “escape velocity”. Even if escape velocity is achieved, and proves sustainable, it would need to prove that it can be maintained in the face of the policy tightening that would surely follow.


Last week, the President of the San Fancisco Fed, John Williams, released a paper on the decline in the equilibrium real interest rate in the US (r*), the concept that has been at the heart of the secular stagnation debate. This paper concluded that low r-star is a global phenomenon, is likely to be very persistent, and is not confined only to safe assets.

上周,舊金山聯(lián)邦儲備銀行(San Francisco Fed)行長約翰•威廉斯(John Williams)就美國均衡實際利率下降發(fā)表了論文,這個概念處于長期停滯辯論的核心。這篇文章的結(jié)論是,均衡實際利率較低是一個全球現(xiàn)象,可能會非常持久,而且不僅限于安全資產(chǎn)。

In other words, a cyclical recovery in demand, especially if confined mainly to the US, is unlikely to banish the problem of secular stagnation for very long.


Gavyn Davies is a macroeconomist who is now chairman of Fulcrum Asset Management and co-founder of Prisma Capital Partners. He was the head of the global economics department at Goldman Sachs from 1987-2001, and was chairman of the BBC from 2001-2004.

加文•戴維斯(Gavyn Davies)是一位宏觀經(jīng)濟學家,現(xiàn)任支點資產(chǎn)管理公司(Fulcrum Asset Management)董事長,他還是Prisma Capital Partners聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人。他于1987年至2001年在高盛(Goldman Sachs)全球經(jīng)濟部門擔任負責人,2001年至2004年在英國廣播公司(BBC)擔任董事長。


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