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US threats to impose sanctions on big Chinese companies over Beijing’s support for North Korea have sparked a guessing game over the form such measures might take, and the potential fallout.


On Tuesday US president Donald Trump warned that the UN’s latest sanctions were “nothing compared to ultimately what will have to happen”, while Ed Royce, chairman of the House foreign affairs committee, said Washington should target “major Chinese banks doing business with North Korea”.

9月12日,美國總統(tǒng)唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)警告說,聯(lián)合國(UN)最新的對朝制裁“比起最終不得不發(fā)生的事情根本算不上什么”,而美國眾議院外交事務(wù)委員會主席埃德•羅伊斯(Ed Royce)稱,美國的目標應該是“與朝鮮有生意往來的大型中資銀行”。

The Financial Times has examined the most likely targets for unilateral US action against Chinese groups and the potential blowback from Beijing. Here are some key questions.


Why is the US considering further unilateral action?


Mr Trump has identified the reining in of North Korea’s nuclear programme as his top foreign policy priority and has consistently urged China to do more to put pressure on its Communist neighbour. But Pyongyang’s weapons trials have continued unabated, with the regime testing numerous missiles this year and its sixth and largest nuclear bomb this month.


While the UN on Monday agreed its strongest sanctions yet against the Kim Jong Un regime, the resolution won support from China and Russia only after stronger US proposals, including a total oil embargo, had been watered down.

9月11日當聯(lián)合國通過對金正恩(Kim Jong Un)政權(quán)采取迄今為止最嚴厲制裁的決議時,中國和俄羅斯投了贊成票;但相對于美國之前提出的一些更嚴苛的提議(包括完全的石油禁運),此決議已有所折中。

Meanwhile, sanctions imposed by the US earlier this year on small Chinese companies such as Bank of Dandong, a regional lender based on the border with North Korea, have not inflicted significant pain on China.

與此同時,今年早些時候美國針對丹東銀行(Bank of Dandong)等中國小型企業(yè)實施的一系列制裁措施,并沒有讓中國感到切膚之痛。丹東銀行是一家位于中朝邊境的地方銀行。

“If the US only sanctions small players it confirms the view of many Chinese that the administration is a paper tiger,” says David Loevinger, former senior co-ordinator for China affairs at the US Treasury and managing director of emerging markets sovereign research at TCW Group. “The big question is whether the US will ‘go nuclear’ and cut off a medium-to-large Chinese bank from the US financial system.”

“如果美國只拿小企業(yè)開刀,就會坐實許多中國人的觀點,即美國政府是只紙老虎,”前美國財政部中國事務(wù)高級協(xié)調(diào)員、現(xiàn)任TCW集團(TCW Group)新興市場主權(quán)研究董事總經(jīng)理的洛文杰(David Loevinger)說,“重要的是美國會不會‘動真格’、切斷一家中到大型中資銀行與美國金融體系的聯(lián)系。”

Which Chinese companies are most likely to be targeted?


Large state-owned banks and energy companies appear to be in the crosshairs. Mr Royce cited state-owned Agricultural Bank of China, the country’s third-largest lender by assets, and China Merchants Bank, the sixth-largest, as possible targets.

大型國有銀行和能源公司似乎會被列為目標。羅伊斯提出,國有的中國農(nóng)業(yè)銀行(Agricultural Bank of China),以及招商銀行(CMB)可能會成為目標。這兩家銀行分別是以資產(chǎn)計中國第三大和第六大銀行。

Peter King, a US congressman from New York, has also called for Bank of China, the country’s fourth-largest, to be among those facing sanctions. “UN must impose oil embargo on N Korea ASAP,” he said last week on Twitter. “If China or Russia veto, US must sanction any1 doing business with NK, including Bank of China.”

紐約州國會議員彼德•金(Peter King)還提出,中國第四大銀行中國銀行(BoC)也是制裁的目標之一。“聯(lián)合國必須盡快對北韓實施石油禁運,”他上周在Twitter上表示,“如果中國或者俄羅斯否決,美國必須制裁一切與北韓有業(yè)務(wù)往來者,包括中國銀行。”

Chinese banks had $142bn in US assets at the end of March, with BoC accounting for the largest share, according to Federal Reserve data.


The Financial Times reported on Monday that branches of China’s five biggest banks had stopped opening new accounts for North Korean individuals and companies. But the impact of these moves was unclear, since much trade with North Korea occurs through Chinese intermediaries.


China National Petroleum Corp is another potential target. China supplies more than 90 per cent of North Korea’s crude oil imports, according to Eurasia Group. Most of that comes from CNPC.

中國石油天然氣集團公司(China National Petroleum Corporation)是另一個潛在目標。根據(jù)歐亞集團(Eurasia Group)的數(shù)據(jù),朝鮮90%的進口原油都是中國供應的。其中大多數(shù)來自中國石油天然氣集團公司。

How exposed are Chinese companies?


For China, much would depend on how US authorities calibrate their action. While the US assets of China’s six largest banks comprise only 1 per cent of their global total, a full shutdown of access to the US would have an outsized impact.


The central role of the US dollar in global trade and investment requires foreign banks to clear payments through the US, even if they are doing business elsewhere. That requires a dollar clearing licence from US authorities.


Sanctions against CNPC could also create collateral damage for US companies that work with the Chinese group. ExxonMobil, once led by now US secretary of state Rex Tillerson, sells 2.25m tonnes per year of liquid natural gas to CNPC’s Hong Kong-listed subsidiary PetroChina under a contract signed in 2009. Chevron, the second-largest US oil company, owns 49 per cent of a joint venture with PetroChina to develop a natural gas field in south-west China that began production in 2015.

制裁中國石油天然氣集團公司也會對與其合作的美國公司造成連帶傷害。根據(jù)2009年簽署的一份合約,曾由現(xiàn)任美國國務(wù)卿的雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)領(lǐng)導的??松梨?ExxonMobil),每年向中國石油天然氣集團公司在香港上市的子公司中石油(PetroChina)出售225萬噸液化天然氣。美國第二大石油公司雪佛龍(Chevron)與中石油的合資公司在中國西南部開發(fā)一塊天然氣田,雪佛龍持股49%,該項目從2015年開始產(chǎn)出天然氣。

Unilateral sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine illustrate the danger. Those measures destroyed a series of multibillion deals between Exxon and Rosneft, which is owned by the Russian government, to develop energy reserves in the Arctic and Siberia.


How might China respond?


Experts say unilateral US moves against Chinese businesses would almost certainly spark retaliation against US companies, much of it unofficial.


The campaign of “boycott diplomacy” and regulatory attacks on South Korean companies in response to Seoul’s decision to host a US missile shield offers a possible blueprint for China’s response.


“Imposing US sanctions on big Chinese banks and companies would be a risky strategy. In general, they are not violating UN sanctions, so China will view it as a hostile act,” says David Dollar, former economic and financial emissary for the US Treasury in Beijing. “We can expect China to retaliate. It may do this in a subtle way, steering business away from US firms in a range of sectors such as aircraft, agriculture, and entertainment.”

“美國對大型中資銀行和企業(yè)實施制裁將是一項危險的策略。總體上,它們并未違反聯(lián)合國的制裁,因此中國會將其視為敵對舉動,”美國財政部前駐北京經(jīng)濟和金融特使杜大偉(David Dollar)說,“我們可以預見中國會報復。這種報復可能會以一種不易察覺的方式進行,在航空、農(nóng)業(yè)和娛樂等一系列領(lǐng)域拿走美國企業(yè)的生意。”

Both Mr Dollar and Mr Loevinger say US business interests would probably work behind the scenes to oppose harsh action against China.


“The US will still be reluctant to sanction large Chinese banks or [state-owned enterprises] given the risks of a strong negative reaction from Beijing and in international financial markets,” Scott Seaman and Evan Medeiros of Eurasia Group wrote in a note.

“考慮到北京和國際金融市場可能出現(xiàn)的強烈負面反應,美國還是會不太情愿制裁大型中資銀行或者(國有企業(yè))。”歐亞集團的斯科特•西曼(Scott Seaman)和麥艾文(Evan Medeiros)在一份簡報中寫道。


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