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If Donald Trump this week tries to bury the deal Iran reached in 2015 with the US and five other world powers, to mothball most of its nuclear programme in exchange for economic sanctions relief, it will be his most gratuitously destructive action to date.

如果唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)本周設法撕毀了2015年伊朗與美國及另外五個世界大國達成的協(xié)議——以凍結大部分核計劃換取解除經(jīng)濟制裁——此舉將成為他迄今采取的最具破壞性且無謂的行動。

Trying (and failing) to destroy Obamacare without anything feasible to replace it was vandalism. Pulling the US out of the Paris climate change accord is cosmically irresponsible, yet offset by the determination of American states and companies to meet the pact’s emissions targets. But to reopen the Iran nuclear deal is to open a strategic Pandora’s box — and Mr Trump is no strategist.


Not the least remarkable aspect of the Trump administration’s Iran policy mess is that the generals surrounding the president — who are deeply hostile to Iran — all favour sticking with the nuclear deal, the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Jim Mattis, US defence secretary and former commander in the Middle East, told the Senate last week that: Iran was in compliance with the deal; the JCPOA was in the US national interest; and the administration should stick with it. The week before that, General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, told the Senate the deal was working, and delaying any eventual Iranian development of nuclear arms.

特朗普政府的伊朗政策亂局中引人注目的一點是,總統(tǒng)身邊那些對伊朗深惡痛絕的將軍們都支持堅守伊核協(xié)議,即所謂的聯(lián)合全面行動計劃(JCPOA)。美國國防部長、中央司令部前司令詹姆斯•馬蒂斯(James Mattis)上周在參議院表示:伊朗遵守了協(xié)議;JCPOA符合美國的國家利益;美國政府應堅守該協(xié)議。此前一周,美國參謀長聯(lián)席會議主席約瑟夫•鄧福德(Joseph Dunford)上將對參議院表示,伊核協(xié)議正在發(fā)揮作用,讓伊朗可能最終開發(fā)出核武器的那一天推遲到來。

These are all people who want to push back against Iran, and prevent it consolidating a Shia axis from Tehran to the Mediterranean and down into the Gulf. Yet Mr Trump seems less interested in practical policies to do that than in blowing up what he keeps describing as “the worst deal ever”.


There is plenty of room for the US to add to its already formidable arsenal of non-nuclear sanctions, aimed at Iran’s interventionism in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, or at its ballistic missile programme. Some sanctions experts believe the cumulative effect of such measures could end by torpedoing the JCPOA — by cutting Iran off from international banks — without the opprobrium that would follow were the US to renege on a deal that the UN Security Council voted into international law. But that would all seem a bit low key for Mr Trump.


The president looks set to “decertify” the Iran deal before the October 15 deadline, after which the US Congress would have 60 days to decide whether to re-impose pre-2015 sanctions. Nothing positive can result from this.


The European states that signed the JCPOA — France, Britain and Germany — also want to curb Iranian adventurism in the Middle East. Even Russia, allied with Iran in its support for Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria’s civil war, finds the Islamic republic’s ambitions hard to assimilate. Moscow, for instance, has tried to rebuild Syria’s crumbling and depleted regular army; Tehran, in Syria as in Iraq, prefers to build Shia militias under its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

簽署伊核協(xié)議的歐洲國家——法國、英國和德國——也希望遏制伊朗在中東的冒險主義。就連在敘利亞內戰(zhàn)中與伊朗共同支持巴沙爾•阿薩德(Bashar al-Assad)政權的俄羅斯,也難以接受伊朗的野心。例如,莫斯科一直在試圖重建敘利亞潰不成軍的正規(guī)軍;而德黑蘭更傾向于打造由伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛(wèi)隊(IRGC)領導的什葉派民兵——在敘利亞和伊拉克均是如此。

Yet it is the US that will now be seen as in violation of an international agreement, not Iran, repeatedly certified compliant with the JCPOA by its international monitors. Mr Trump is heading for a real breach with Washington’s European allies.


His belligerence is already strengthening hardliners in Iran, grouped around Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, and the IRGC. This is happening at the expense of pragmatic conservatives and reformist supporters of President Hassan Rouhani, who has twice won elections pledging to use the nuclear deal to open Iran and its economy to the world. Mr Trump is not interested, as he showed at the Riyadh summit in May at which he called on Saudi Arabia to lead a Sunni coalition to isolate Iran.

特朗普的敵對態(tài)度已然讓伊朗國內的強硬派更加得勢,這些人集結在伊朗最高領袖阿里•哈梅內伊(Ali Khamenei)和伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛(wèi)隊周圍。與此同時,受到打擊的是支持總統(tǒng)哈桑•魯哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)的務實保守派和改革派。魯哈尼兩度贏得總統(tǒng)大選,他承諾利用伊核協(xié)議讓伊朗及其經(jīng)濟對外開放。特朗普對此并不感興趣,正如他在今年5月的利雅得峰會上的舉動所示(他在會上呼吁沙特阿拉伯領導建立一個遜尼派聯(lián)盟,以孤立伊朗)。

That was already an act of geopolitical arson. It showed little grasp of the real leverage the US has in the region — which has since diminished further. US military might is without parallel. Yet in Syria and Iraq it depends on Kurdish fighters in the fight against Isis. The Trump administration is proposing to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organisation. It makes a good tweet. But the US is at war with Sunni jihadis, not Shia terrorists, and is fighting in alignment, if not alliance, with Iran.


Iran is often caricatured as ideologically rigid. Yet it has shown persistent agility in turning the policy errors of the US and the west to its advantage. It was the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the vacuum the west left for jihadis to fill in Syria after 2011 — not the 2015 nuclear deal — that furnished the tools for Tehran to forge its Shia sphere of influence.


The 2015 deal is a rare example of a diplomatic triumph, one that found a medium-term formula to deal with a nuclear threat that could have set off a regional arms race. It stands in strong contrast to North Korea. The Trump administration seems to have no policy there except threats to contain Pyongyang’s threatening nuclear activity — and now wants the same approach for Iran.


The parallel here is George W Bush’s repudiation in 2002 of the Agreed Framework — the accord painstakingly fashioned by Bill Clinton’s administration in 1994, with a mix of carrot and stick — which brought Pyongyang to the table. After President Bush kicked the table over, North Korea restarted its weapons programme. Similar histrionics will no doubt work equally well with Iran.

不應忘記的是2002年喬治•W•布什(George W Bush)宣布廢除了把平壤帶到談判桌前的《框架協(xié)議》(Agreed Framework)——比爾•克林頓(Bill Clinton)政府1994年胡蘿卜與大棒并舉、煞費苦心打造的協(xié)議。小布什總統(tǒng)踢翻談判桌后,朝鮮重新啟動了核武器計劃。毫無疑問,類似的裝腔作勢同樣將徹底搞砸伊核問題。


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