The collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa occurred around midday during strong storms moving through the area of northwest Italy, according to authorities.
At least 30 vehicles were on the bridge in a port section of the city when the span gave way, Amalia Tedeschi, a firefighter, told the Italian news agency ANSA.
Several people were pulled from the rubble alive and taken to a hospital by helicopter, Tedeschiadded.
Construction involving a crane was occurring on the bridge at the time of the collapse, but it was too early to pinpoint what caused the span to fail, Italian authorities said.
At least 35 people were killed, including a child, according to the city of Genoa's civilprotection office.
All the casualties appeared to have been in vehicles that plummeted from the bridge, AngeloBorelli, head of Italy's civil protection agency, said during a news conference. He added that the bridge fell on two warehouses but no one is believed to have been inside them because they were closed for the summer holiday.