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老友記第六季The One With Rachel Sister



好的 Rach, 松餅和苦咖啡, 收你$4.50. Ross, 雙份“拿鐵”, $2.75. Chandler, 咖啡和烤餅, $4.25. 嗯, Pheebs, 藥茶, $1.25. 那么,一共是$12.75.哦,算得真準(zhǔn)他以前都不知道80塊電話帳單的一半是多少呢你好!好!我要了松餅和拿鐵,該付你多少?哦,這是Joey Tribbiani請(qǐng)你們的,一點(diǎn)小意思太好了,代我向他致謝??雌饋?lái)joey真是個(gè)不錯(cuò)的男人,也許我能約他出去什么的?這樣啊……他不太習(xí)慣主動(dòng)的女生但我還是幫你問(wèn)問(wèn)他吧。天那,他說(shuō)沒(méi)問(wèn)題! 好極了!謝謝,再見!喂,joey,為什么你不請(qǐng)我們?如果你也跟她一樣性感,我當(dāng)然會(huì)請(qǐng)你。太好了,從來(lái)沒(méi)有這么多的女生要約我出去等等,你只給年輕漂亮的女生免費(fèi)飲食嗎?是啊,joey你也太無(wú)恥了吧喔,親愛的,我請(qǐng)你吃烤餅怎么樣?我長(zhǎng)得也不賴嘛嗯,誰(shuí)有口香糖嗎?oh,我有!Oh, 你看著吧…… 不是這個(gè). 等等阿,我知道我放在包里的天哪,算了算了,我不要了Hey!Hey!Hey, 你怎么回來(lái)了?不是應(yīng)該在上班嗎?Ugh, 同事們讓我回來(lái)的. 他們說(shuō)我重感冒了,不能干活.Ohh!感冒很難受吧.我沒(méi)感冒!沒(méi)有!只有弱不禁風(fēng)的小女生才會(huì)得感冒! 親愛的,沒(méi)人說(shuō)你是小女生了不過(guò)我們一致認(rèn)為你需要一點(diǎn)紙巾 哼,我三年沒(méi)有感冒過(guò)了! 我?guī)湍愠辄c(diǎn)紙巾過(guò)來(lái)吧我才不要紙巾,我很好……好 當(dāng)你說(shuō)”很好……好“的時(shí)候,你其實(shí)一點(diǎn)也不好……好我很好……好,很好……好。你知道嘛,“好”字很難發(fā)音的你是?Hi, rachel在嗎?我是她妹妹Oh ,上帝啊, Jill!Oh ,上帝啊, Rachel!Oh ,上帝啊,快幫我們介紹一下!這是Chandler. 你好!你應(yīng)該認(rèn)識(shí)的:Monica 和 Ross!你好 Jill.這是 Phoebe, 還有那是Joey.(經(jīng)典的)小妞,你好嗎?你滾一邊去!親愛的,你怎么跑到這里來(lái)了?這是她哪一個(gè)妹妹?是那個(gè)倍受溺愛?還是那個(gè)比較苦的?爸爸不要我了不用想了.我知道是哪個(gè)了你知道我跟他說(shuō)什么嗎?“我要請(qǐng)律師,然后把你告上法庭,再?zèng)]收你的一切財(cái)產(chǎn),最后把你掃地出門!Wow!他怎么回答的?他不給我錢請(qǐng)律師!他說(shuō)讓我過(guò)來(lái)你這里,看看他最引以為榮的女兒,要我以你為榜樣Oh!大伙聽見了嗎?我老爸以”我“為榮!Rach,她……Oh ,不好意思.親愛的你闖了什么禍?居然讓爸把你給趕出來(lái)了Okay,我買了艘船你買了條船?是的,不過(guò)不是我要買的,我一個(gè)朋友想要天,男生們我們跟這個(gè)可憐的小妹交個(gè)朋友吧 Jill, 親愛的,我覺得這對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)其實(shí)是一件好事.我的意思是:你遲早是要獨(dú)立生活的阿你知道我是怎么熬過(guò)來(lái)的嗎?我、我開始也很害怕,但是,你看我現(xiàn)在有多好! 我可是老爸唯一引以為榮的女兒啊!好了好了,我告訴你,應(yīng)該接下來(lái)你應(yīng)該做些什么 你先得找份工作,然后自己找個(gè)住處。住處我可以幫你,你先跟我們住吧。沒(méi)關(guān)系吧,Pheebs,她搬過(guò)來(lái)不要緊吧?沒(méi)問(wèn)題,當(dāng)然沒(méi)問(wèn)題oh,太好了!我就按你說(shuō)的去做!我都不知道應(yīng)該怎么感謝你們了Ooh, 我喜歡車你吃飽了嗎?是的很好好的,這是早上的小費(fèi)。Jen,給你50,我自己拿50。joey,你還欠我8塊你說(shuō)什么?!你知道你派送了多少免費(fèi)食物嗎?好的,如果是免費(fèi)食物,你怎么能找我要錢?我們從來(lái)不送東西,除了顧客過(guò)生日的時(shí)候這樣啊?如果他們獲得了模特比賽的季軍也不行嗎?不行!不好意思 我從來(lái)沒(méi)有這么累過(guò),這些袋子可真重! Jill,你哪來(lái)的錢買這么多東西?我還以為你爸收走了你的信用卡呢Oh,得了吧,我15歲就能熟背那些號(hào)碼了。你們看看我買的全部這些”我獨(dú)立了“的東西,很cool吧?這件是”請(qǐng)雇我“毛衣還有這個(gè),”你不想把這公寓租給我嗎“的褲子我不認(rèn)為花老爸的錢買新衣可以讓你變得獨(dú)立oh,科學(xué)家同志就是這么羅嗦!說(shuō)真的,我覺得rachel知道了肯定要不高興的開玩笑,幾時(shí)變成rachel說(shuō)了算?我一直都想說(shuō)了算!Hey! 你們?cè)诟蓡崮??Hey!Jill! 你去購(gòu)物了?沒(méi)有!他們?nèi)ベ?gòu)物了是的,我們大采購(gòu)歸來(lái)!你們?nèi)ベ?gòu)物了?那你們還大包小包提回來(lái),放在jill面前炫耀你們不是知道她打算過(guò)節(jié)儉的生活嗎?Wow, 你們兩個(gè)家伙太壞了對(duì)不起阿,Jill.對(duì)不起 Jill.你們都買了些什么啊?oh,是啊是啊,我還得謝謝你得益于你的靈感,我買了件”我需要工作“毛衣Oh.不錯(cuò)嘛不止這些,還有這個(gè)——公寓褲公寓褲?是啊,沒(méi)聽說(shuō)過(guò)吧?沒(méi)有聽說(shuō)過(guò)?我怎么可能沒(méi)聽說(shuō)過(guò)?Ross,你買了什么?Huh? 我買了這個(gè),這個(gè)……披肩?是??!oh,我可喜歡這個(gè)拉!你喜歡這個(gè)?Ross,我問(wèn)你什么是披肩?不,這是地毯。Jill,到底怎么回事?對(duì)不起,Rachel,我錯(cuò)了ˇ少來(lái)!你覺得這招對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)會(huì)有用嗎?這招是我發(fā)明的!想起來(lái)了,但是,我的確意識(shí)到自己錯(cuò)了沒(méi)關(guān)系,一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)小錯(cuò)誤是可以原諒的。不過(guò)下不為例,知道嗎?本來(lái)說(shuō)呢,這些都是花老爸的錢買的,照理說(shuō)我應(yīng)該把它們?nèi)际兆摺2贿^(guò),我就收走這條……這條披肩算了還有褲子也得收走。你看看,我還是全都收走吧,只有這樣才能給你一個(gè)好好的教訓(xùn)!怎么樣?就這樣決定了我現(xiàn)在出去辦點(diǎn)事,吃飯時(shí)再找你 天哪,全都被她拿走了是啊,全都拿走了,不過(guò),我藏了一個(gè)小藍(lán)袋這是我喜歡的東西,天哪,太感謝你了!Wow,我……你不知道你剛才有多傻?居然把披肩說(shuō)成墊毯得了吧,你呢?你覺得你的”我錯(cuò)了“很好?去死吧,我才沒(méi)有你說(shuō)得那么惡心呢!你們知道嗎?當(dāng)我自己說(shuō)”公寓褲“的時(shí)候,我都覺得自己傻透了!你高中時(shí)候就有這么可愛嗎?Oh ,別肉麻了你才肉麻呢,少來(lái)不,你少來(lái)你少來(lái)得了得了,我往中間一坐,你們兩個(gè)就相安無(wú)事了好了好了,你想干嗎?我們玩點(diǎn)刺激的吧……我也有同感,讓我們多休息休息,再喝點(diǎn)感冒藥吧. 好,我去休息。不過(guò)如果我去床上躺著,你也得跟我一起到床上去我肯定不會(huì)拒絕你的——如果你不是現(xiàn)在這樣鼻涕橫流的話你是說(shuō)你不想跟我一起玩玩嗎?沒(méi)錯(cuò),我同時(shí)覺得,就算你沒(méi)感冒,最好也不要像剛才那樣說(shuō)話來(lái)吧來(lái)吧,別裝蒜了別往心里去好嗎?我,我只是不能在你感冒的時(shí)候跟你上床我同意你說(shuō)的,我也不會(huì)在你感冒的時(shí)候跟你上床,那太惡心了!不過(guò)我很健康啊,我證明給你看看 我們兩個(gè)健壯的人%*&*(&*%#天哪,還說(shuō)你沒(méi)???都開始胡言亂語(yǔ)了Hey!Hey.怎么了?Umm, 我覺得有件事情我得告訴你喔,別告訴我是”公寓褲“的事情。我剛剛向老板匯報(bào)了這個(gè)創(chuàng)意,他喜歡極了不是不是,是這樣的……,你走了以后,我、ross還有jill又聊了一會(huì)。我很肯定他們兩個(gè)來(lái)電了!你說(shuō)什么?!是這樣的.現(xiàn)在可能還沒(méi)什么,不過(guò)我警告你,他們很有發(fā)展的趨勢(shì)哦你說(shuō)ross和jill?沒(méi)錯(cuò)!ross和我妹妹?是啊我妹妹和我前男友ross?沒(méi)錯(cuò)絕不可能!那就沒(méi)事了上帝??!我不敢相信這是真的!我不介意ross和別人交往,不過(guò)她是我妹妹??!你不覺得這像是亂倫什么的嗎?天哪!他們會(huì)做愛的!oh!如果ross也跟她結(jié)婚怎么辦?太可怕了,這太可怕了。而我無(wú)法阻止這一切,ross不是我的,你知道嗎?還有jill,我也管不住她,她可以為所欲為!天啊,我不敢相信ross要娶我妹妹,太可怕了 這是我平生碰到過(guò)最可怕的事了!不過(guò),不過(guò)”公寓褲“還是不錯(cuò)吧,huh?一共是$3.85.你是什么意思?昨天你說(shuō)我漂亮到不用付帳??!是的,不過(guò)昨天經(jīng)理說(shuō)我……"祝你生日快樂(lè),祝你生日快樂(lè) 親愛的 AnnieˇAmy!/ "ˇAmy! 祝你生日快樂(lè)!"Hey, 真奇妙,今天也是我的生日耶!是嗎?不過(guò)在這里你就不生日了不好意思,我遲到了,有事嗎?哦,你知道嗎?我在幫你找招聘的信息oh,不用了!我剛才路過(guò)三個(gè)打折店,而我一個(gè)也沒(méi)有進(jìn)去,怎么樣?很牛吧是很牛。對(duì)了,你知道誰(shuí)不用為工作發(fā)愁嗎?Ross. 他在大學(xué)里工作然后呢?原來(lái)你知道了,你和ross談起過(guò)這些吧,你們聊得很開心是不是?你覺得你們可以開始約會(huì)了嗎?我和ross約會(huì)?不!天哪!怎么可能?你怎么會(huì)想到這個(gè)?我就是說(shuō)嘛,都是phoebe,她說(shuō)你和ross之間來(lái)電哪有?我是說(shuō)他人很好而已就是他是那種適合做朋友的男生,你知道嗎?而不是那種我會(huì)約會(huì)的男生。你倒是會(huì)喜歡他,對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō),不太可能對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)不可能?你什么意思?ross有什么不好的地方嗎?不不不,不是這個(gè)意思,我不知道怎么說(shuō):他有點(diǎn)書呆子氣你說(shuō)他是一個(gè)無(wú)聊的家伙?你也有同感?不?才不,ross怎么會(huì)無(wú)聊?哦,好吧,反正他就不符合我的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)什么,英俊不是你的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)?聰明、善良、接吻高手?這些都不是你的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)? Ross是個(gè)出色的男人,你能跟他在一起是你的運(yùn)氣!好吧好吧,如果你那么希望我們?cè)谝黄鸬脑?,我就去約他好了oh,不不不,我不是這個(gè)意思不,rachel你知道嗎?你說(shuō)得對(duì),ross對(duì)我真的很好是的,不過(guò)他不是你喜歡的類型啊沒(méi)錯(cuò),不過(guò)也許這是好事。你知道我在嘗試獨(dú)立,重新做人!也許我要顛覆以前的一切,也許我就得跟一個(gè)無(wú)聊的人約會(huì)!是啊,說(shuō)得是沒(méi)錯(cuò),不過(guò),不過(guò)你不想改變得這么快吧?你記不記得有個(gè)小女孩,也是嘗試翻天覆地變化的人,她最后怎么了?怎么了?她、她死了,jillChandler!Oh 怎么了,親愛的?你要喝茶?還是要喝湯?Oh-ohhhh!天啊,你在搞什么?”大“先生快上床阿,嗯,呀,我以為,我以為你已經(jīng)睡著了呢有你在隔壁房間,我怎么可能睡得著?我可是睡著了。哦,別這樣,別這樣親愛的。你知道什么樣才性感?穿著大衣才性感. 還有蓋著毯子才性感. And oh! 還有,拿個(gè)熱水袋也性感少來(lái)了,上床吧!我要證明我沒(méi)病!我要讓你像我一樣爽求你了,躺下睡覺吧我沒(méi)事祝你生日快樂(lè)歸你埋單什么?不不,今天是她生日就今天一天,你給店里的20個(gè)女顧客過(guò)了生日了但就是這樣啊你無(wú)權(quán)再派發(fā)生日松餅了!該死的! Rach? 你好!Hi!你讓你的妹妹約我出去?嗯,是啊ˇOh wow! 我是說(shuō), wow! 我是說(shuō),我是覺得她很可愛但是我從沒(méi)想過(guò)要跟她交往什么的,從沒(méi)!是嗎?不過(guò)既然你沒(méi)有意見,我又覺得”為什么不跟她交往呢?“oh,我是問(wèn)你是不是的確從未想過(guò)(跟她交往)我覺得你的胸懷比我寬廣太多了,我是說(shuō)我們以前交往那么久……我、我。你知道嗎?我真希望我有個(gè)兄弟可以送給你做為報(bào)答對(duì)了,如果你什么時(shí)候想跟monica交往,我會(huì)祝福你們幸福的Oh-ho, 我也祝福Chandler, 我想我是真的感冒了是嗎?你剛才說(shuō)什么來(lái)著?%^*(%^$@好了好了,我承認(rèn)還不行嗎?我難受死了!你能否幫我涂點(diǎn)這個(gè)到我胸脯上?哦,不行不行,你不能用這法子釣我上鉤來(lái)吧,我需要你幫我涂啊不行,絕對(duì)不行好!我自己涂得了好.這就是你的,你的”自涂“怎么了?看起來(lái)感覺不錯(cuò).你在開玩笑嗎?我是說(shuō),這樣子涂讓你興奮起來(lái)了?是!真難以置信!是我涂抹的方式還是這藥膏的氣味讓你興奮?他們都、都很性感這么說(shuō),你想我?guī)兔ν縿螯c(diǎn)嗎?現(xiàn)在不行,我感冒了!得了吧,你裝得可真像怎么了?你不是說(shuō)你從來(lái)不跟感冒的人上床嗎?沒(méi)錯(cuò),在你春光四射的表演前,我是那樣想的好吧,如果你真的那么想做愛的話太好了哦,像咒語(yǔ)一樣靈驗(yàn)Hi!Hi! 你在這里干嗎?我和ross約了在這里見面。對(duì)了,你覺得我看起來(lái)怎么樣? Well, 我不喜歡看真的不喜歡?看起來(lái)有點(diǎn)太風(fēng)騷了這可是你的衣服!沒(méi)錯(cuò),我、我是比較風(fēng)騷其實(shí)我也是.Hi Jill!Hey!Hi.Rachel.Rachel! 你是不在家,可是你在這咖啡館里我知道,我打賭你以為我會(huì)覺得比較尷尬是吧,不過(guò)一點(diǎn)都不尷尬哦,那好,我12點(diǎn)之前送她回家.你們?cè)趺催€沒(méi)回家?有人在說(shuō)話?哦,是的,是我呢你在干嗎?我,我只是想站在窗子這里看看風(fēng)景你們又在干嗎?我們?cè)诎阉幐嗑鶆虻耐磕ǖ侥承┎课籵h,他把她帶回家了.誰(shuí)? 那不是你妹妹嗎?Ugh, 是她,那個(gè)蕩婦!天那,ross在跟你的妹妹交往!這也太搞笑了吧?哦,上帝,他在脫她的衣服!他在幫她脫下大衣oh, 這樣太可怕了沒(méi)事沒(méi)事,第一次約會(huì)嘛,肯定不會(huì)發(fā)生什……ˇOh. Hooh,他肯定會(huì)得到點(diǎn)什么收獲!我是說(shuō)從射到他房間的路燈光里你明白吧,于是他拉上窗簾,這樣就能好好的跟你妹妹”促膝談心“well,我得去睡了 To Be Continued待續(xù)

The One With Rachel’s Sister

[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is giving Rachel, Chandler, Phoebe, and Ross their bills.]

Joey: Okay Rach, that muffin and espresso, $4.50. Ross, double latte, $2.75. Chandler, coffee and a scone, $4.25. And Pheebs, herbal tea, $1.25. So, all together that’s (pauses to figure the total) $12.75.

Chandler: This coming from the man who couldn’t split our 80 dollar phone bill in half.

(A good-looking woman approaches.)

Woman: Hi!

Joey: Hi!

Woman: How much do I owe you for the muffin and the latte?

Joey: Oh that’s on the house courtesy of Joey Tribbiani.

Woman: Oh great! Well, tell him thanks. And since uh, Joey seems like such a nice guy, maybe we could go on a date sometime?

Joey: Well, he’s not used to women being so forward with him; but uh, I good check with him—He says it’s okay. (She hands him her card.) Great! Thanks! Bye-bye!

Ross: Hey Joey, how come our stuff isn’t free?

Joey: It will be when you look like that in a tight skirt! This is great! I’m getting more dates than ever!

Rachel: Wait a minute, you’re only giving free stuff away to the pretty girls?

Phoebe: Yeah Joey that is so gross!

Joey: How about a scone on the house baby?

Phoebe: (giggles) I’m pretty.

Opening Credits

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, everyone but Monica is there playing Monopoly.]

Ross: Hey does anyone have any gum?

Phoebe: Oh I do! (She grabs her huge purse and starts rummaging through it and taking out various items in a futile search for the gum.) Oh, y’know what? No. (Pause) Wait a second. (She removes a bag filled with water that has a goldfish swimming in it.) I know it’s in here somewhere.

Ross: Y’know what? I’m good! I’m good!

Monica: (entering) Hey!

Ross: Hey!

Chandler: Hey, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?

Monica: (congested) Ugh, they sent me home. They said I can’t work if I’m sick.

All: Ohh!

Chandler: I’m so sorry you’re sick.

Monica: I’m not sick!! I don’t get sick! Getting sick is for weaklings and for pansies!

Rachel: Honey, no one thinks you’re a pansy, but we do think you need a tissue. (She notices something hanging from Monica’s nose, as does Joey.)

Monica: (wiping her nose) I have not been sick in over three years! (Sneezes.)

Chandler: I’m gonna grab you some tissue.

Monica: I don’t need a tissue! I’m fine-d!

Ross: When you put a ‘D’ at the end of ‘Fine’ you’re not fine.

Monica: I’m fine-d. I’m fine-d! Y’know, it’s a really hard word to say.

(There’s a knock on the door. The gang is stunned and Phoebe counts to make sure that everyone is there. Out of curiosity Chandler goes and answers the door.)

Chandler: Yes?

(A woman enters.)

Woman: Hi, is Rachel here? I’m her sister.

Rachel: Oh my God, Jill!

Jill: Oh my God, Rachel!

(They run and hug each other.)

Chandler: Oh my God, introduce us!

Rachel: This is Chandler. (Points at him.)

Jill: Hi!

Rachel: And you know Monica and Ross!

Ross: Hi Jill.

Rachel: And that’s Phoebe (points), and that’s Joey.

Joey: Hey, (in the Joey voice) how you doin’?

Rachel: Don’t!! (Joey backs away frightened.) (To Jill) Honey, what are you doing here?!

Phoebe: (To Ross) Which-which sister is this? Is this the spoiled one or that’s bitter?

Jill: (To Rachel) Daddy cut me off.

Phoebe: Never mind, I got it.

Jill: And y’know what I said to him? "I’m gonna hire a lawyer and I’m gonna sue you and take all your money. Then I’m gonna cut you off!"

Rachel: Wow! What did he say?

Jill: That he wouldn’t pay for my lawyer! Then he told me to come here and learn about the value of money from the one daughter he’s actually proud off.

Rachel: Oh! Did you hear that?! My dad’s proud of me! My dad’s proud of me.

Monica: Rach? (Points to Jill.)

Rachel: Oh yeah, sorry. Wait honey, so what did you do that made dad cut you off?

Jill: Okay, I bought a boat.

Monica: You bought a boat?

Jill: Yeah but it wasn’t for me, it was for a friend.

Chandler: Boy did we make friends with the wrong sister! (Rachel glares at him.)

Rachel: Jill, honey, I think this is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to you. I mean you needed to get out on your own anyway! And you know when I did it, I-I-I at first I was scared, and look at me now! I’m the only daughter dad is proud of! Okay, well this is, this is what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna get a job, you’re gonna get an apartment, and then I’ll help you and you can stay with us. Right Pheebs, she can stay with us?

Phoebe: Of course, yeah!

Jill: Oh, that’s so great! Okay, I’m really gonna do this! I don’t know how to thank you guys.

Phoebe: Ooh, I like cards.

[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is working as Phoebe and Ross are sitting on the couch.]

Joey: (to a customer) Are you all finished here?

Customer: Yes.

Joey: Great! (Joey takes his cookie and finishes it.)

Gunther: Okay, here are the tips for this morning. Jen gets 50, 50 for me, and Joey owes eight dollars.

Joey: What?!

Gunther: For all the free food you gave away.

Joey: Well if it’s free food, how come you’re charging me for it?

Gunther: We don’t give anything away unless it’s someone’s birthday.

Joey: Well, what if they came in third in a modeling contest?

Gunther: No!

Joey: (to a woman who came in third in a modeling contest) Sorry! (He grabs her muffin away and returns it to the serving tray.)

Jill: (entering, carrying a bunch of shopping bags) I just had the hardest day. Those bags are so heavy. (Sets them down.)

Ross: Jill, how did you pay for all this? I thought your dad took away your credit card.

Jill: Oh please, I memorized those numbers when I was 15. But look at all the cool make-it-on-my-own stuff I got! (Holds up a red sweater) This is my "Please, hire me" sweater. (Holds up a pair of black pants) And these are my, "Don’t you want to rent me this apartment?" pants.

Ross: I don’t think charging new clothes too your dad qualifies as making it on your own.

Jill: Oh, Mr. Scientist has to get all technical!

Phoebe: Seriously, I don’t Rachel’s gonna think it’s a good idea.

Jill: So who made her queen of the world?

Phoebe: I would love that job!

Rachel: (entering) Hey! What’s goin’ on?

Jill: Hey!

Rachel: (notices Jill’s bags) Jill! Did you shop?!

Jill: No! They did! (Points to Phoebe and Ross)

Phoebe and Ross: Yeah, we went shopping!

Rachel: You went shopping?! What, and then you just came in here and paraded it right under Jill’s nose when you know she’s trying to quit. Wow, you guys are terrible!

Phoebe: Sorry Jill.

Ross: Sorry-sorry Jill.

Rachel: What’d you get?

Phoebe: Oh well, all right, I got (Ross hands her a bag) (To Ross) thank you, I got uh, this y’know "I want a job sweater." (Holds up the same sweater.)

Rachel: Oh.

Phoebe: And, and then I got uh, these are apartment pants.

Rachel: Apartment pants?

Phoebe: Yeah, you never heard of them?

Rachel: No, of course, of course I’ve heard of them! Ross, what did you get?

Ross: Huh? Oh, I got this—(Holds up this pink frilly thing)—this!

Rachel: A pajmena?

Ross: Yeah! Oh, I-I love this babies!

Rachel: Really?

Ross: Ross, wants a pajmena?

Ross: It’s a rug. (Jill winces.)

Rachel: Jill?

Jill: (covers her eyes and starts crying) I’m sorry Rachel, I’m sorry…

Rachel: Oh, come on! You think that’s gonna work on me?! I invented that!

Jill: Right! But, I am sorry.

Rachel: All right, it’s okay. One little setback is okay, just don’t let it happen again, all right? Now since daddy paid for all this stuff, I should take it all away. But I’m just gonna take the-the pajmena. (Ross hands it to her.) And the uh, and the uh pants. Y’know what, I’m just gonna take it all away, ‘cause that way you’ll just really learn the lesson. Okay? All righty, I’m gonna run a couple of errands and I will see you at dinner. (Leaves with all of Jill’s stuff.)

Jill: She took all my stuff.

Ross: Yeah. Everything but, the little blue one. (Holds it up for her.)

Jill: (gasps) That’s the best one! Oh my God, (hugs him) thank you so much!

Ross: Well. Hey…

Jill: Oh my gosh, that was so lame. Like a pajmena could be a rug!

Ross: Oh yeah, how about you and the, (mimics her fake cry) "I’m sorry!"

Jill: (hits him) Shut up! I did not sound like that at all!

Phoebe: What about, what about when I said y’know about the apartment pants, how dumb was I?

(They both look at her.)

Jill: Were you this cute in high school?

Ross: Oh stop.

Jill: No you stop!

Ross: No, you stop!

Jill: You stop!

Phoebe: (gets up and sits between them) Okay-okay, why don’t I sit here and you’ll both stop it!

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica is still very sick and is entering the living room from the bathroom wearing a robe. Chandler is reading a magazine.]

Monica: Okay, so what do you, what do you want to do? Let’s do something crazy!

Chandler: I know, let’s rest and drink lots of fluids. (Holds up a glass of orange juice.)

Monica: Okay, I’ll rest. But y’know if I’m going to bed, then you’re coming with me.

Chandler: That would be impossible to resist if you weren’t all drippy here. (Points to his nose.)

Monica: (wiping her nose) Are you saying that you don’t wanna get with this? (Tries to do a little sexy body rub, but it doesn’t work all that well with the big robe.)

Chandler: Yeah, I don’t you should say that even when you’re healthy.

Monica: (in a sexy voice) Come on. (Coughs loudly.)

Chandler: Don’t take this personally okay? It’s just that I just can’t have sex with a sick person.

Monica: I’m with you Chandler! I mean I can’t have sex with a sick person either, that’s disgusting! But I’m not sick! Let me prove it to you. We are two healthy people in the pribe of libe.

Chandler: That’s the thing, see I would like to stay in the pribe of mwha-ah-libe.

[Scene: Phoebe and Rachel's, Rachel is putting away her new clothes as Phoebe enters.]

Rachel: Hey!

Phoebe: Hey.

Rachel: What’s up?!

Phoebe: Umm, I think there’s something you should maybe know.

Rachel: Well, it’d better not be about the apartment pants, because I just pitched the idea to my boss at Ralph Lauren and she loved it.

Phoebe: No. No. It’s just I was umm, I was with Ross and Jill after you left and umm, I’m pretty sure I saw a little spark between them.

Rachel: What?!

Phoebe: Yeah I mean it’s probably nothing, but I just wanted to warn you that there might be something there.

Rachel: With Ross and Jill?

Phoebe: Yeah!

Rachel: With Ross and my sister?

Phoebe: Yeah.

Rachel: With my sister Jill and my ex-boyfriend Ross?

Phoebe: Yeah.

Rachel: Oh there is no way.

Phoebe: Okay then.

Rachel: Oh my God! I can not believe that! I mean I don’t really like it when Ross goes out with anyone, but my sister isn’t that like incest or something?! Oh my God, and they’re gonna have sex! Oh! Oh no what if he marries her too?! Oh this is just terrible, this is just terrible. And I can’t stop it! I can’t—I don’t own Ross! Y’know? And Jill, she should be able to do whatever it is that she wants to do! And oh my God, I can’t believe Ross is marrying my little sister, this terrible. Oh my God, this is just the worst thing that could have ever happened to me.

Phoebe: But great news about the apartment pants, huh?

[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is giving the bill to the same beautiful woman from before.]

Joey: That’ll be $3.85.

Woman: What do you mean? Yesterday you said I was too pretty to pay for stuff!

Joey: It’s just I can’t because my manager said I… (Gets an idea) (Starts singing) "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Annie…

Woman: Amy!

Joey: (still singing) "…Amy! Happy birthday to you!"

A Male Customer: Hey, that’s weird, today’s my birthday too!

Joey: Yeah, not it here it isn’t.

Jill: (entering) Sorry I’m late, what’s up?

Rachel: (on the couch) Oh hi! Y’know, I just wanted to see if there were any leads on the old job front.

Jill: Oh no! But I just walked past three sales and I didn’t go in. How strong am I?

Rachel: That is great. Hey, y’know who doesn’t have to job hunt? Ross. He works at the university.

Jill: Yeah.

Rachel: Oh so you know that, you guys talked about that, so you get along, so you think you’re gonna go out?

Jill: Me go out with Ross?! No! God no! What would make you think that?

Rachel: I just, Phoebe, said y’know thought she saw something between you guys.

Jill: No! I mean he’s nice.

Rachel: Yeah.

Jill: He’s the kind of guy you’re friends with, y’know? But he’s not the kind of guy you date. He’s the kind of guy you’d date because you did. Me, not so much.

Rachel: Oh not-not so much. Umm, what-what do you, what do you mean is there something wrong with Ross?

Jill: Oh no-no-no, he’s just I don’t know, he’s just a little bookish.

Rachel: Are-are you saying he’s a geek?

Jill: You think so too?

Rachel: No! No I, no Ross is not a geek!

Jill: Fine, then let’s just say he’s not my type.

Rachel: What handsome is not your type? Smart? Kind? Good kisser? What those things aren’t on your list? Ross is a great guy! You would be lucky to be with him!

Jill: Well okay, if it means that much to you, then I’ll ask him out.

Rachel: Oh no-no-no, no-no-no, that’s not what I meant.

Jill: No! Y’know what Rachel? You’re right, y’know he has been really nice to me.

Rachel: Yeah but, he’s not your type.

Jill: Yeah but maybe that’s a good thing. Y’know I’m doing all these different sorts of things, and maybe I should try dating a geek too!

Rachel: Yeah but, you don’t, you don’t, you don’t want to try to much too fast. Y’know? I mean, you do remember what happened to the little girl that tried to much too fast don’t you?

Jill: What?

Rachel: She-she died Jill.

Commercial Break

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Chandler has fallen asleep reading a book. Monica calls from the bedroom and wakes him up.]

Monica: (still sick) Chandler!

Chandler: Oh what is it honey, you need some tea? Some soup? (He gets up from the couch and goes into the bedroom to find Monica, still in the robe, lying seductively on the bed. Or at least she’s trying too and as he enters the room, she takes the robe off on of her legs.) Oh-ohhhh!

Monica: (trying to be seductive) Calling Dr. Big, Dr. Big to the bed.

Chandler: Oh Jeez honey, I thought, I thought you were asleep.

Monica: How could I be asleep knowing that you were in the next room.

Chandler: I was asleep. (She takes off her robe and starts to shiver) Oh no! No-no honey! Y’know what’s sexy? Layers. Layers are sexy. And blankets are sexy. And oh! Hot water bottles are sexy.

Monica: Come on, get into bed! I want to prove to you that I’m not sick! I wanna make you feel, as good as I feel. (Sneezes.)

Chandler: Would you please get some rest!

Monica: I’m fine. (She goes into one of those half sneezing, half-coughing fits that you get with a bad cold or flu.)

[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is singing Happy Birthday to yet another good-looking woman. Gunther is watching and is not very happy.]

Joey: (singing) "Happy birthday to you!"

Gunther: You’re paying for that.

Joey: What? No-no it’s her birthday!

Gunther: You’ve sung Happy Birthday to 20 different women today!

Joey: But it really…

Gunther: You are no longer authorized to distribute birthday muffins.

Joey: Damnit! (Storms off.)

Ross: (entering) Rach? Hi!

Rachel: Hi!

Ross: Did you tell your sister to ask me out?

Rachel: Well yeah…

Ross: Oh wow! I mean, wow! I mean, I-I-I think she’s cute but I-I would never have thought of going out with her, never!

Rachel: Really?!

Ross: Yeah but after you said it was okay, I figured, "Why not?!"

Rachel: Oh so-so not really never.

Ross: I have to say you are a much bigger person than I am. I mean after all we’ve been through, I just—y’know I wish I had a brother to reciprocate. Hey, if you ever want to go out with Monica, you have my blessing.

Joey: (overhearing them) Oh-ho, and mine!

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica is still sick and is hobbling out into the living room for some help from Chandler who’s on the couch reading.]

Monica: (entering) Chandler, I think I’m sick.

Chandler: Really? Struck down in the pribe of libe!

Monica: Okay, fine I admit it! I feel terrible! Would you please rub this on my chest? (She hands him some of that Vicks Vap-O-Rub to put on.)

Chandler: No-no-no-no-no-no-no, you are not getting me this way.

Monica: Come on! I really need your help!

Chandler: No-no-no-no-no!

Monica: Fine, I’ll rub it on myself.

Chandler: Okay.

(To start this task, she lowers the top of her robe to reveal that she is naked from the waist up, well at least her back is, and starts to rub on the gunk. Chandler notices this, and has something start happening. I’ll let you fill in the blank here.)

Chandler: So you’re just, kinda rubbing it on yourself?

Monica: Yeah?

Chandler: It’s nice.

Monica: Are you kidding me?! Is this; is this turning you on?

Chandler: Yes! (Hangs his head in shame.)

Monica: I can’t believe it! What is it? Is it the rubbing or the smell?

Chandler: It’s all very, very good. (She covers up and sits down.) So you wanna go uh, mix it up?

Monica: Not now, I’m sick!

Chandler: Oh come on you big faker!

Monica: What happened to your rule about never sleeping with sick people?

Chandler: Well that was before all the vaporizing action.

Monica: Okay, if you really wanna have sex…

Chandler: Okay! (Runs into the bedroom.)

Monica: Worked like a charm.

[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is there as Jill enters to start her date with Ross.]

Jill: (entering) Hi!

Rachel: Hi! Wh-what are you doing here?

Jill: This is where Ross and I are meeting for our date. So, what do you think? (She spins to show Rachel the outfit she’s wearing.)

Rachel: Well, I-I don’t like it.

Jill: Really?!

Rachel: It’s kinda slutty.

Jill: It’s yours!

Rachel: Yeah well, I’m-I’m a slut.

Jill: (laughs) Me too.

Ross: (entering) Hi Jill!

Jill: Hey!

Ross: Hi (sees Rachel and forgets her name for a moment).

Rachel: Rachel.

Ross: Rachel! Well, you-you’re not at home, you’re-you’re-you’re right here.

Rachel: Yeah I know, and I bet you thought it would be weird. But it’s not!

(There’s an awkward silence.)

Ross: Okay. So well I’ll umm, (To Rachel) I’ll have her home by midnight.

(Rachel laughs a little too hard as Ross and Jill leave for their date. After they have left, Rachel starts to break down.)

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Rachel enters and walks quickly over to the window to watch Ross’s apartment. We see that Ross’s apartment is empty.]

Rachel: Why aren’t you home yet?!

Monica: (calling from the bathroom) Is someone there?

Rachel: Oh yes, it’s me! Sorry!

Chandler: (calling from the bathroom) What are you doing here?

Rachel: Uh, I’m just, I’m just looking out your window. At-at the view. What are you guys doing?

Chandler: We got some Vap-O-Rub in some places.

(We see that Ross is returning to his apartment with Jill.)

Rachel: (gasps) Oh, he brought her back to his apartment.

Monica: (entering with Chandler) Who? (She looks out the window at Ross’s apartment) Is that your sister?

Rachel: Ugh, she is a slut!

Monica: God, Ross is on a date with your sister! How weird is that?!

Rachel: Oh my God, look-look he’s taking off her clothes!

Chandler: He’s taking off her coat!

(We see that Ross is taking off Jill’s coat.)

Rachel: Oh, this is just terrible.

Monica: Oh no it’s not, no it’s not. It’s a first date. I’m sure that nothing is gonna…(as she is talking we see Ross close his drapes.)

Rachel: Oh. (Squeaks again.)

Chandler: Ho-oh, he’s gonna get some! (Rachel looks at him.) Of the glare from the streetlight out of his apartment. Y’know so umm, he’s closed the drapes there so he can have a nice, pleasant conversation with your little sister. (Pause) Well, I’m off to bed! (Goes to bed.)

To Be Continued

Ending Credits

(There is no credits scene, just a preview of the next couple of episodes.)



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