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老友記第六季The One Where Chandler Can Cry



嗨Rach.我來(lái)這兒只是想..對(duì)了,我沒(méi)必要騙你,你不住這兒了.我來(lái)吃他們點(diǎn)東西.你干嗎呢?Ross和我妹妹約會(huì),他的窗簾拉上兩個(gè)半小時(shí)了.哇,我都不知道我們能泡你妹妹!Joey 我們知道你偷吃.我不要.哦, 窗簾還是拉得那么嚴(yán)嗎?是.你知道誰(shuí)應(yīng)該拉窗簾?是隔壁的隔壁的變態(tài)老夫婦.他們?cè)诤龠?還用問(wèn)!呃~!難以置信Ross 和Rachel的妹妹約會(huì)! Chandler和我妹妹約會(huì),讓我記恨了他10年。那好象是5年前的事.對(duì)!我還要恨你五年!Joeyˇ想讓它變成6年?!Oh Ross,嘿, 怎樣啊?在這兒吶!嘿!我要咖啡.那你昨晚的重大約會(huì)怎樣?Uhh, 還好. 是的, 很有趣.Yeah 有趣? 很好! 所以u(píng)h, 所以你們很合得來(lái)嘍?我想是.那uh, 那有什么發(fā)生嗎? 因?yàn)橛兄{傳你們拉了窗簾!不.沒(méi)什么發(fā)生. 我拉窗簾是uh, 讓她看我最愛(ài)的化石幻燈.Oh, 幻燈. 那么真沒(méi)發(fā)生什么.本來(lái)是會(huì)發(fā)生什么的. 知道嗎? 她很喜歡幻燈.并且她明確給過(guò)我暗示.好吧.是不是, "請(qǐng)別讓我看三葉蟲(chóng)照片的暗示?"總之,如果她,如果她對(duì)我沒(méi)興趣, 為-為什么又約我?她又約-約你?是的明晚,情人節(jié),一年中最浪漫的日子. 誰(shuí)知道會(huì)發(fā)生什么? 我再關(guān)起窗簾可能就不放幻燈了,你知道我的意思?好-好-好-好-好-好-好! 我知道! 我知道! 我知道! 我不! 我不! 我不! 我受夠你和我妹妹的事了, 我只是不……這太怪了,對(duì)吧? 我一想到你倆在一起就覺(jué)得可怕.我無(wú)法接受. 這樣不對(duì)!- 沒(méi)事! 沒(méi)事! 沒(méi)事! 對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)是太別扭了,我不再見(jiàn)她了.謝謝.我ˇ好吧.我是說(shuō)明晚之后.不-不-不! 別-別-別! 別Ross, 我不! 不能這樣! 這讓我發(fā)瘋!!!好的! 好的! Ooh-嘿-嘿-嘿! 沒(méi)事! 我會(huì)-我會(huì)告她、我今晚不能見(jiàn)她.Ross 謝謝.你要我現(xiàn)在打嗎?Oh 不! 不! 不-不-不-不! 不用,我是說(shuō) 那真是瘋了?有點(diǎn)瘋.你近況如何? 說(shuō)說(shuō)看?這學(xué)期我可能要教另一個(gè)班!算了你馬上打電話.我最愛(ài)這段.我也是.Oh 你知道什么比這更悲? 小鹿斑比. 為那電影我哭了三天. 不是,等等,是兩天! 因?yàn)榈谌煳覌屪詺⒘耍灾挥幸徊糠盅蹨I是為它而掉.“ET” 讓你們流淚、我能理解,但斑比是卡通!斑比的媽媽死時(shí)你沒(méi)哭?沒(méi)錯(cuò),那人不畫(huà)鹿了,確實(shí)讓人難過(guò)!Chandler!哭沒(méi)什么不好! 我是說(shuō)你別總像個(gè)大男人.大男人?我沒(méi)有啊.你是對(duì)的. 我不知怎么想的.我想我只是從沒(méi)真正哭過(guò). 我不是易哭型的人.別這么說(shuō),一定是什么事讓你封閉起來(lái)了! 比如uh,uh 嘔, 遇到一條三條腿的小狗你會(huì)怎樣?我會(huì)難過(guò),但不會(huì)哭.那好, 那如果小狗說(shuō), "救我Chandler. 其他小狗都欺負(fù)我."哭?! 我剛發(fā)現(xiàn)一條說(shuō)話的狗, 我發(fā)了!Oh, 我有這個(gè)! 我有這個(gè)! 你小時(shí)侯的照片. 這會(huì)讓你有感觸的!來(lái)吧, 這是怎么回事?Oh, 那是一年級(jí)時(shí)家長(zhǎng)日 那是我和清潔工Martin.你父母呢?Oh 他們不去!Oh Chandler!真可憐!這件事不能讓你哭?不能! 看, 我沒(méi)哭! 這沒(méi)什么大不了! 對(duì)吧?!不!這不對(duì)! 完全不對(duì)!!你內(nèi)心已死!!打擾一下.怎么?你是Phoebe Buffay?對(duì).我能要你的簽名嗎, 我是你的超級(jí)崇拜者. Oh 你是我的崇拜者? 早盼著見(jiàn)到你! 嗨! 當(dāng)然! Wow! Wow,多謝! 我只想說(shuō), 我認(rèn)為你很有天賦.你這么說(shuō)是因?yàn)槟闶俏业某绨菡? Joey 好好招待那個(gè)人, 好嗎? 他是個(gè)崇拜者. Bye!這么說(shuō),你看了我的光輝歲月嗎?想讓我,想讓我做點(diǎn)Dr.Drake Remoray的動(dòng)作嗎?我不知你在說(shuō)什么. 但我,但我剛得到Phoebe Buffay的簽名!Oh, 你是Phoebe的崇拜者!Oh 是的! 我看了她所有的電影.電影?她是Phoebe Buffay, 艷星.不是吧.是-是, 她是!演過(guò)“性玩具總動(dòng)員2”, “阿拉伯的勞倫斯”, 我有她的簽名!漫畫(huà)店里那幫家伙絕對(duì)不信!嘿Gunther, 別再讓那家伙進(jìn)來(lái)了! 他剛說(shuō)Phoebe是艷星!恩, 我不會(huì)叫她明星,但她很不錯(cuò). 你該看看雞型神探.嘿!嘿!說(shuō)出來(lái)你不會(huì)信, Ross 剛甩了我!又不告訴我為什么!Ohhh 沒(méi)事的. 你知道嗎親愛(ài)的?忘掉一個(gè)人最好的辦法是開(kāi)始新的約會(huì). Oh!我那有個(gè)很棒的人你一定喜歡,他叫Bob! 人事部的明日之星.謝謝你想讓我振作, 但我不想和你公司的隨便什么人約會(huì).這不隨便, 這是Bob.可能是因?yàn)椴粔虺墒? 或不夠聰明.也許不喜歡我的穿著?不可能. 我這身絕對(duì)顯得有智慧. Oh 我真笨! 我笨到極點(diǎn)!不,親愛(ài)的, 好吧, 想知道為什么Ross 取消約會(huì)? 是我的意思.你讓他?!恩.為什么?!因?yàn)槟闶俏颐妹?、而我和Ross有那么段歷史ˇ我不懂, 你要約Ross嗎?不.你不要他,也不讓我擁有他?你看人事部的Bob……Ugh! 我不敢相信你這么對(duì)我!你讓我懷疑我的智力!你讓我懷疑自己的穿著品位!這沒(méi)什么大不了的!你只是別和Ross約會(huì)! 天底下男人多的是, 嘿! 你無(wú)權(quán)告訴我該做什么.我不是告訴你該干什么! 而是告你不該干什么!你為什么這么嫉妒我?Jill 這和我嫉不嫉妒你沒(méi)關(guān)系!這是說(shuō)你乳臭未干! 想要你得不到的!得不到?! 對(duì)不起, 我唯一不能要的只有奶制品!好吧, 你可失去約bob的機(jī)會(huì)了 !誰(shuí)?!人事部那個(gè)!!!!!!我嫉妒她?! 她以為她是誰(shuí)?! 卡羅琳公主?!你嫉妒卡羅琳公主?我又沒(méi)有自己的城堡!嘿! 恩, Phoebe不在吧?不在.Oh 太好了! 你租到電影了嗎?Uhhh, 對(duì). 對(duì). 但是uh,我覺(jué)得這不是你喜歡的那種.是不是你的電影不足以讓我們一晚上用光所有紙巾?差不多伙計(jì), 怎么啦?Phoebe是艷星!什么?!!Phoebe Buffay 參演:吸血驚情--巴菲家族.天哪!這是Phoebe!你們從哪弄到的?Bleake街上的成人錄影帶店.還有-還有我, 我看到Joey 正要進(jìn)去, 所以我在他之前跑進(jìn)去想給他個(gè)驚喜, 當(dāng)時(shí)我假裝不知道他在那兒.Wow! 我是說(shuō), 我只?我不能, 我不能相信. 你看, 我是說(shuō)你以為了解一個(gè)人,即使Phoebe一直有那么多問(wèn)號(hào).這太怪了. 我想這也能理解,要知道她的童年是多么不幸.嗨, 我有糟糕的童年但我沒(méi)演A片.是的,但你內(nèi)心已死.好了。我得還了她.干嗎, 為什么?我們不能看這個(gè)! 那是Phoebe!你說(shuō)得對(duì), 我們不能?我們不應(yīng)該看.絕對(duì)不應(yīng)該.也許一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)!或許看一半.別! 嘿別! 你們這樣不對(duì)! Phoebe是我們的朋友!好吧, 我不看!對(duì)! 干的好Joe!Yeah.Ah, 我想我會(huì)在這兒找到你, Nasforatool.Buffay, 你想把木樁插入我的黑暗之地?實(shí)際上, 我有點(diǎn)希望反過(guò)來(lái)等等! 她腳踝上是什么?你在看她的腳踝?很難說(shuō)ˇ天哪, 她要能不動(dòng)就好了.她只是在工作!病態(tài)混球!Oh, 那是刺青! 奇怪, Phoebe 沒(méi)有ˇ等等那是Ursula! 不是Phoebe 是Ursula!倒帶! 我可以看了! 后倒! 后倒!嗨! 怎么了? 上帝! 我在干嗎?!!嗨甜心!嗨!《心靈雞湯》? 這沙發(fā)沒(méi)有后擋板!干嘛讀這個(gè)? 你不是不喜歡這類東西嗎?我知道, 但我想了想 也許某一篇會(huì)讓我哭、那時(shí)侯你就不會(huì)覺(jué)得我, 內(nèi)心已死.Oh 真貼心! Chandler,如果你不能哭我不在乎, 我愛(ài)你.Oh 這真是溫暖了我的空蕩的錫皮心房.別這樣!不是的, 我是說(shuō), 認(rèn)真的想想, 我們結(jié)婚, 走上圣壇而我就象這樣.我不在乎,因?yàn)槲抑滥氵@兒是有感覺(jué)的. 真的?真的! 假如, 假如有天我們有了孩子, 在產(chǎn)室里醫(yī)生把孩子遞到你手上,你并沒(méi)哭, 又怎樣! 還有,還有假如我們送他去念大學(xué),我們回家后第一次看到他的房間是空著的, 而你還是無(wú)動(dòng)于衷,這也沒(méi)關(guān)系.當(dāng)然, 我不再為這個(gè)擔(dān)心了.還有,如果我久病后去世.你在寫(xiě)我的悼詞,你打開(kāi)抽屜發(fā)現(xiàn)我的留言,寫(xiě)著, "我將永遠(yuǎn)伴你," 你還是不能掉一滴淚, 我知道你心里淚已成河.Aww, 我真的愛(ài)你ˇ你什么毛病?!!!怎么?!怎么?! 你不為亡妻掉滴淚!! 我上天了還給你留言!你對(duì)這不是不在意嗎?!我在意!你這機(jī)器人!!可惡的孩子! 你再按一次鈴, 我就ˇOhh, uh Jill. Umm, 這只是我和走廊那頭的小孩的游戲. Umm, 他們很喜歡我. Uhh 有-有-有什么事?Rachel 和我吵了一架, 能進(jìn)來(lái)嗎? 我說(shuō)我知道我們不該再見(jiàn)面,我還能接受, 只是我在城里不認(rèn)識(shí)其它人,而我真的需要和人談?wù)?當(dāng)然, 怎么了? 我不想談這個(gè).好的, ummˇ但你知道什么使我高興?什么?再看些你那酷極了的幻燈.Wow! 真的?!當(dāng)然, 我喜歡! 也許你可以給我講完沙子的種類.好的, 很樂(lè)意! 你在這兒等會(huì)兒,我去取放映機(jī)和筆記!Oh 真棒! 謝謝Ross, 你真是好朋友!Ohh!嗨! 有誰(shuí)看見(jiàn)Jill? 哪也找不到她.沒(méi), 沒(méi)看見(jiàn).好吧, Ross家呢? 也許我可以打電話問(wèn)他見(jiàn)她沒(méi). 誰(shuí)呀?是Phoebe! Phoebe!嗨!Oh 天. 那你去拍A片了.我沒(méi)有.我們還沒(méi)拍完!現(xiàn)在你正開(kāi)工呢!來(lái)吧Phoebe!你還用我名字!是, 我能做什么嗎?Phoebe, 快!喂, 我正談話呢! 你? 你是叫她.你知道, 雙胞胎上陣可以大賺一票.什么?!對(duì)呀, 我可以跟他們說(shuō)一下,給你,30塊錢.不!! 沒(méi)門! 不!別用我的名字! 以你為恥! 以你們?yōu)閻u! 你真討厭! 還戴著那個(gè)!幻燈準(zhǔn)備好了.是嗎. Ooh, 我知道缺了什么! 酒!Uh 好的, 酒在廚房.Oh 真好!喂?我妹妹在那里干嗎?! 而且為什么又拉窗簾?!每事, Rach 平靜點(diǎn), 好嗎? 她很煩惱,我們只是談?wù)?Ross! 她想和你發(fā)生點(diǎn)什么來(lái)報(bào)復(fù)我!那這就是她來(lái)這兒的原因huh? 就不能有別的情況,也許我是個(gè)不錯(cuò)的傾聽(tīng)者,而且我uh我放最棒的幻燈!Ross, 我告你,她在利用你來(lái)報(bào)復(fù)我!你知道嗎? 我覺(jué)得我可以照顧自己, 以后再談. 再見(jiàn).Whoa! Uh, 那是你姐姐. 她覺(jué)得你在利用我.如何?嗨!嗨!我剛剛到Ursula工作的公司.Oh別, 你怎么也!不是!不是!我只是簽收了Buffay的支票; 還真多.好!Um-mmm, 而且我也不用再去了因?yàn)槲医o了他們“正確”的地址.干的好, 但人們還當(dāng)你是艷星不是很麻煩?Oh 不!不!我有法子處理.真的?/當(dāng)然. 你是不是想想起在哪見(jiàn)過(guò)我? 好的,我給你點(diǎn)提示.從A片!對(duì)吧? 是的你的變態(tài)男友在A片里見(jiàn)過(guò)我!怎么?耶.嗨.你uh,關(guān)于Jill你是對(duì)的.Oh! 我就知道! 發(fā)生了?Umm, 她吻了我.什么?! 接吻了!也許我們?cè)摶乇?噓!!!你瞧, 我uh, 我試著不去吻她是嗎, 聽(tīng)起來(lái)不象! 我是說(shuō), 不吻別人很簡(jiǎn)單, 你只需要不去吻她! 看我們, 現(xiàn)在, 沒(méi)接吻!讓我說(shuō)完好嗎? 她開(kāi)始吻我我沒(méi)制止. 我想我只是沒(méi)思考ˇ對(duì),你沒(méi)思考! 知道嗎? 讓我給你點(diǎn)東西思考! Oh 等等? 等等! 但當(dāng)我開(kāi)始思考我就停止了接吻.你把舌頭從我妹嘴里拔出來(lái)這么久了才告訴我這些.我還應(yīng)該謝謝你,是不是?!我在想如果我和Jill發(fā)生什么,那么我們之間就什么也不會(huì)再發(fā)生了!什么?!我是說(shuō),我不知我們之間會(huì)發(fā)生什么, 再一次.永遠(yuǎn). 但我不希望得知永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì). 所以我制止了她,她氣壞了還砸了我的放映機(jī).Wow. 我, 我不知該說(shuō)什么. 謝謝. 不客氣.天吶! 你哭了?我只是不知道為什么這兩人沒(méi)結(jié)果!好了, 我走了!因?yàn)槲也幌牒推茐母星榈娜嗽俅粢惶欤褪悄鉘achel!是的, 我知道.還有你!我把自己給了你而你卻說(shuō)不, 你是基佬?保重Jill.好了, 再見(jiàn)! Bye-bye-e!Bye.我簡(jiǎn)直不敢相信吉爾已經(jīng)走了. 我一開(kāi)閘就控制不住了.

The One Where Chandler Can’t Cry

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Rachel is still looking out the window as Joey enters.]

Joey: (sees Rachel) Oh, uh, hey Rach. I uh, I was just coming over here to uh… Oh wait, I don’t have to lie to you, you don’t live here anymore. Uh, I’m eating their food. What are you doing?

Rachel: Ross is on a date with my sister and they shut the drapes two and a-half-hours ago.

Joey: Whoa, I didn’t know we could date your sister!

(Chandler and Monica enter from their room and Joey quickly hides the bag of potato chips behind his back.)

Monica: Joey we know you steal our food.

(Joey offers them some potato chips.)

Chandler: I’m good.

Monica: (To Rachel) Oh, are the drapes still closed hon?

Rachel: Yeah. And y’know who should’ve shut their drapes? Is that perverted old couple two doors over.

Chandler: (looking) Is that a swing?

Rachel: Oh don’t even ask!

Chandler: Yuck!

Joey: I can’t believe Ross went out with Rachel’s sister! When Chandler made out with my sister I was mad at him for 10 years.

Chandler: That was like 5 years ago.

Joey: Yeah you got 5 years left!

Chandler: Joey…

Joey: You wanna make it 6?!

Opening Credits

[Scene: Central Perk, Ross is on the couch reading as Rachel enters. It’s the next day.]

Rachel: Oh Ross, hi! Hey, how are ya? There you are!

Ross: Hey!

Rachel: (to Gunther) I’ll take a coffee. (To Ross) So how was your big date last night?

Ross: Uhh, it was okay. Yeah, it was fun.

Rachel: Yeah fun? Great! So uh, so did you guys hit it off?

Ross: I guess so.

Rachel: So uh, so did anything happen? Because rumor has it you guys shut the drapes!

Ross: No. No. Nothing happened. I shut the drapes to uh, show her slides of my favorite fossils.

Rachel: Oh, slides. (Laughs.) So really nothing happened.

Ross: Something could’ve happened. All right? She-she really dug my slides. And-and she was definitely giving me the vibe.

Rachel: Right. Was it the, "Please don’t show me another picture of a trilobite vibe?"

Ross: Anyway, if she, if she wasn’t in to me, why-why would she ask me out again?

Rachel: She asked-asked you out again?

Ross: Yeah-uh-huh. Tomorrow night, Valentine’s Day, the most romantic day of the year. Who knows what could happen? I might not be shutting my drapes to show her my slides, if you know what I mean.

Rachel: Okay-okay-okay-okay-okay-okay-okay! I got it! I got it! I got it! I can’t! I can’t! I can’t! I cannot go with you and my sister thing. Okay? I just can’t. It’s just too weird, all right? I imagine the two of you together and I freak out. It freaks me out. I can’t do it! I can’t do it.

Ross: (while Rachel is finishing her rant) Okay! Okay! Okay! It’s okay. (Rachel stops.) It’s okay. Hey, it’s too weird for you, I won’t see her again.

Rachel: Thank you. I…yeah.

Ross: I mean after tomorrow night.

Rachel: No-no-no! No-no-no! Please Ross, I can’t! I can’t do it! (Starts to freak out.) It’s just gonna freak me out!!!

Ross: Okay! Okay! Ooh-hey-hey-hey! Okay! Okay! Okay! I’ll-I’ll tell her tonight I can’t see her anymore.

Rachel: Ross thanks.

Ross: You want me to call her right now?

Rachel: Oh no! No! No-no-no-no! No, I mean come on that’s-that’s crazy—I mean that’s crazy. So what’s-what’s going on with you? What is going on with you?

Ross: Well umm, oh! I might be teaching another class this semester!

Rachel: Yeah do it now, call right now.

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, and Joey are watching ET.]

Monica: (crying) This is my favorite part.

Phoebe: (crying) Yeah me too.

(We see the TV and it’s the last scene where ET is saying goodbye.)

Phoebe: Oh y’know what’s sadder than this? Bambi. I cried for three days with that movie. No wait two! Because on the third day my mother killed herself so I was partly crying for that.

Chandler: (totally not crying) Well see now that I can see crying over, but Bambi is a cartoon!

Joey: (crying) You didn’t cry when Bambi’s mother died?

Chandler: Yes it was very sad when the guy stopped drawing the deer!

Monica: Chandler there’s nothing wrong with crying! I mean you don’t have to be so macho all the time.

Chandler: I’m not macho.

Monica: Yeah you’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Chandler: No, I guess I just never really cried. Y’know? I’m not a crying kind of guy.

Joey: Come on man there’s gotta be something that gets you choked up! Like uh, uh oh, what if you saw a three-legged puppy?

Chandler: I’d be sad sure, but I wouldn’t cry.

Joey: Okay, what if the puppy said, "Help me Chandler. All the other puppies pick on me."

Chandler: Cry?! I just found a talking puppy, I’m rich!

Monica: Oh, I’ve got it! I have got it! (Gets up and gets something from the dresser underneath the TV.) Pictures from your childhood. This will get you going good!

(Chandler starts paging through the album.)

Phoebe: All right, what’s going on there? (Points to a picture.)

Chandler: Oh, that’s Parent’s Day, first grade. That’s me with the janitor Martin.

Monica: Where were your parents?

Chandler: Oh they didn’t want to come!

Phoebe: Oh Chandler!

Monica: Poor thing!

Phoebe: So that story doesn’t make you cry?

Chandler: No! Look, I don’t cry! It’s not a big deal! Okay?!

Joey: No! It’s not okay! It’s not okay at all!! You’re dead inside!!

[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is putting away her guitar as a man approaches.]

The Fan: Excuse me.

Phoebe: Yeah?

The Fan: Are you Phoebe Buffay?

Phoebe: Yeah.

The Fan: Can-can I get your autograph, I’m your biggest fan. (Holds out a napkin and a pen.)

Phoebe: Oh you’re my biggest fan? I’ve always wanted to meet you! Hi! (Shakes his hand.) Sure! Yeah! (Signs the autograph)

The Fan: Wow! Wow, thanks a lot! I just wanna say, I think you’re really talented.

Phoebe: You’re just saying that because you’re my biggest fan. (The fan leaves and Joey approaches.) (To Joey) Joey listen, take good care of that guy, okay? (Points) He’s a fan. (To the fan as she’s leaving) Bye! (Exits)

Joey: (to the fan) So, you saw me on Days Of Our Lives huh? Want me to, want me to do a little Dr. Drake Remoray for ya?

The Fan: I have no idea what you’re talking about. But I, but I just got Phoebe Buffay’s autograph!

Joey: Oh, you’re Phoebe’s fan!

The Fan: Oh yeah! I’ve seen all her movies.

Joey: Movies?

The Fan: That was Phoebe Buffay, the porn star.

Joey: (laughs) I don’t think so.

The Fan: No-no, it was! She was in Sex Toy Story 2, Lawrence of Alabia, and I got her autograph! The guys at the comic book store aren’t gonna believe this! (Exits.)

Joey: Hey Gunther, don’t let that guy in here anymore! He just said Phoebe’s a porn star!

Gunther: Well, I wouldn’t call her a star, but she’s really good. You should check out Inspecther Gadget.

[Scene: Central Perk, time lapse, Rachel is at the counter as Jill enters.]

Jill: Hey!

Rachel: Hey!

Jill: You’ll never believe what just happened, Ross just totally blew me off and he didn’t even tell me why!

Rachel: Ohhh well. Y’know what honey? The best thing to do to get over a guy is to start dating someone else. Oh! There is this great guy you will love at work named Bob! He’s a real up-and-comer in Human Resources.

Jill: Y’know, thanks for trying to cheer me up, but I’m not gonna date some random guy from your work.

Rachel: It’s not random, it’s Bob.

Jill: It’s probably because not mature enough. Or smart enough. Maybe he doesn’t like the way I dress—No that can’t be it. It’s really gotta be the smart thing. Oh I’m so stupid! I’m just like this incredibly pretty stupid girl!

Rachel: No honey, okay, okay, you wanna know why Ross canceled the date? Because I asked him to.

Jill: You asked him too?!

Rachel: Hm-mmm.

Jill: Why?!

Rachel: Because you are my sister and Ross and I have this huge history…

Jill: I don’t understand, do you want to go out with Ross?

Rachel: No.

Jill: You don’t want him, but you don’t want me to have him?

Rachel: (changing the subject) Y’know Bob in Human Resources…

Jill: Ugh! I cannot believe you did this too me! You had me doubting how smart I was! (Gasps) You had me doubting my fashion sense!

Rachel: Look, this is not that big of a deal! You just don’t date Ross! There’s a million other guys out there, you just…

Jill: Hey! You have no right to tell me what to do.

Rachel: I’m not telling you what to do! I am telling you what not to do!

Jill: Why are you so jealous of me?

Rachel: Jill this is not about me being jealous of you! This is about you being a brat! Wanting what you can’t have!

Jill: Can’t have?! Excuse me, the only thing I can’t have is dairy! (Starts to storm out.)

Rachel: All right, all right, well you just blew your chances at dating Bob!

Jill: Who?!

Rachel: In Human Resources!!!!!!

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Rachel is ranting about Jill to Chandler and Monica.]

Rachel: …I am jealous of her?! I mean who does she think she is?! Princess Caroline?!

Monica: You’re jealous of Princess Caroline?

Rachel: Do I have my own castle?

(Joey and Ross enter.)

Ross: Hey! Uh, Phoebe’s not here is she?

Rachel: No.

Monica: (noticing the bag Joey’s carrying) Oh great! Did you get a movie?

Joey: Uhhh, yeah. Yeah. But uh, I don’t think it’s the kind you’re gonna like.

Chandler: You didn’t get more movies that are gonna have us reaching for the tissues all night did you?

(Joey and Ross exchange looks.)

Joey: Sort of…

Monica: Guys, what’s going on?

Joey: (holds up the movie) Phoebe’s a porn star!

All: What?!!

(They all run over to Joey and Ross, Chandler grabs the movie and reads the title.)

Chandler: Phoebe Buffay in Buffay: The Vampire Layer.

Rachel: Oh my God!

Monica: That’s Phoebe! Where did you get that?

Joey: Well down at the adult video place down on Bleaker.

Ross: And-and I, and I saw that Joey was about to go in, so I ran in ahead of him to-to surprise him and, and then I pretended I didn’t know he was in there. (They all kinda look at him.)

Rachel: Wow! I mean, I just—I can’t, I can’t believe this. Y’know, I mean you think you know someone even, even Phoebe who’s always been somewhat of a question mark.

Monica: This is so bizarre. I guess it kinda makes sense though, y’know she had such a terrible childhood.

Chandler: Hey, I had a terrible childhood and I don’t do porn.

Monica: Yes, but you are dead inside.

Joey: All right well, I’d better take that back.

Monica: Wh-what, why?

Joey: We can’t watch that! I mean that’s Phoebe!

Monica: Yeah you’re right, we can’t—we shouldn’t watch this.

Rachel: Absolutely not.

Monica: (hands the tape back to Joey, but doesn’t let him grab it) Y’know maybe a little bit!

Rachel: Probably just the first half.

Joey: No! Hey no! This is wrong you guys! Phoebe’s our friend! Well, I’m not gonna watch it!

Ross: Yeah! Good for you Joe!

Joey: Yeah.

(Ross stands next to him for a second, then goes and watches the movie.)

(The movie starts, it’s a vampire’s lair and Buffay, The Vampire Layer enters dressed in leather and carrying a wooden stake. Suddenly, the vampire opens his coffin and sits up.

Buffay, the Vampire Layer: Ah, I thought I’d find you here, Nasforatool.

The Vampire: Buffay, are you going to plunge your stake into my dark places?

Buffay, the Vampire Layer: Actually, I was kinda hoping it would be the other way around.

(At this point, Buffay, the Vampire Layer and Nasforatool start to get it on. Of course, since this is network TV, we can only see the reactions of the gang to the film playing off screen.)

Monica: Hold on a second! What is that on her ankle?

Chandler: Her ankle is what you’re watching?

Rachel: Well it’s hard to tell… (Rachel gets up to get a closer look, only she’s having some trouble.) Oh God, if she would just stop moving.

Chandler: She’s just doing her job!

Joey: (sitting at the kitchen table with his back to the TV) You sick bastards!

Rachel: Oh, it’s a tattoo! That’s weird, Phoebe doesn’t… Wait that’s Ursula! That’s not Phoebe that is Ursula!

(Upon hearing this, Joey can’t turn his chair around fast enough and knocks it over.)

Joey: Re! Re! Then I can watch that! Rewind it! Rewind it!

Phoebe: (entering) Hey! What’s up? (Sees the TV) Oh my God! What am I doing?!!

Commercial Break

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Chandler is reading Chicken Soup for the Soul as Monica enters.]

Monica: Hey sweetie!

Chandler: Hey! (He quickly tries to hide the book by throwing it under the couch, only the couch has no back and it slides into the kitchen.)

Monica: (picking up the book) Chicken Soup for the Soul?

Chandler: There’s no back to this couch!

Monica: Why are you reading this? You hate this kind of stuff.

Chandler: Yeah I know, but I figured a shot y’know? Maybe one of those stories would make me cry and then you wouldn’t think I was y’know, all dead inside.

Monica: Oh that’s so sweet! Look Chandler I don’t care if you can’t cry, I love you.

Chandler: Oh that makes me feel so warm in my hollow tin chest.

Monica: Stop it!

Chandler: No, I mean, come on, seriously think about it, we get married, we’re up at the altar and I’m like this. (Makes a bored face.)

Monica: I won’t care, because I know you will be feeling it all in here. (Points to her heart.)

Chandler: Yeah?

Monica: Yeah! And if, and if we have a baby one-day, and the doctor hands it to you in the delivery room and you don’t cry, so what! And-and-and, and if we take him to college and come home and see his empty room for the first time, and you got nothing, it won’t matter to me.

Chandler: Okay, well I won’t uh, worry about this anymore then.

Monica: And-and-and if I die, from a long illness. And you’re writing out my eulogy and you open a desk drawer and you find a note from me that says, "I will always be with you," and you still can’t shed one tiny tear, I know you’ll be crying a river inside.

Chandler: Aww, I love you so…

Monica: What is wrong with you?!!!

Chandler: What?!

Monica: What?! You can’t shed a tear for your dead wife!! Now, I left you a note from the beyond!

Chandler: So you didn’t mean any of that?!

Monica: No you robot!!

[Scene: Ross's apartment, his doorbell is ringing and he’s running to answer it while doing up his pants.]

Ross: You damn kids! You ring my bell one more time, I swear to… (Opens the door to find Jill standing there.) Ohh, uh Jill. Umm, that-that’s just a little game I play with the kids down the hall. Umm, they’ve really taken a liking to me. (Quickly looks out to see if they’re watching.) Uhh what’s-what’s-what’s the matter?

Jill: Rachel and I had a really big fight, can I come in? I-I mean I know we’re not supposed to see each other anymore and I’m okay with that, it’s just that I don’t know anybody in the city and I really need somebody to talk to about it.

Ross: Of course, what happened? (Lets her in.)

Jill: (entering) I don’t want to talk about it.

Ross: Okay, umm…

Jill: But you know what might really cheer me up?

Ross: What?

Jill: Seeing some more of your super-cool slides.

Ross: Wow! Really?!

Jill: Totally, I love them! And, maybe you could finish telling me about all the different kinds of sand.

Ross: Well, I’d love to! Here, you wait right here and I’ll go get the projector and my notes!

Jill: Oh great! Thanks Ross, you’re such a good friend!

Ross: Ohh!

(He goes into another room to get his projector and notes. While he’s gone, Jill quickly checks her makeup.

[Cut to Monica and Chandler’s, Rachel is entering.]

Rachel: Hey! Have you guys seen Jill? I can’t find her anywhere.

Monica: No, I haven’t.

Rachel: Well, is Ross home? Maybe I’ll just call him to see if he’s actually seen her.

(She goes to look out the window at Ross’s apartment and sees Jill staring at her and closing the drapes with an evil look on her face. Rachel is stunned into silence.)

[Scene: Ursula’s apartment, Phoebe is going to confront her twin about her new porn career.]

Ursula: Who is it?

Phoebe: It’s Phoebe! Phoebe!

(Ursula opens the door and is all dressed up with big hair and lingerie.)

Ursula: Hey!

Phoebe: (seeing her dress) Oh God. So-so you’re making porn movies.

Ursula: No I’m not.

(Someone calls out from her apartment.)

Man’s Voice: We’re still rolling!

Phoebe: You’re making one right now!

Another Man’s Voice: Let’s go Phoebe!

Phoebe: And-and you’re using my name!

Ursula: Yeah, can I help you with something?

Same Man’s Voice: Phoebe, come on!

Phoebe: Look, I’m talking right now! You’re—you mean her.

Ursula: Y’know, twin stuff is always a real big seller.

Phoebe: What?!

Ursula: Yeah, I can talk them into giving you like, 30 dollars.

Phoebe: No!! No way! No! And stop using my name! And shame on you! (Yells into the apartment) And shame on all of you! You’re disgusting! Especially you (points to someone) with that! (Storms away.)

[Scene: Ross's apartment, Ross is setting up for the slide show.]

Ross: Slides are almost ready.

Jill: Yeah. Ooh, I know what this is missing! Alcohol!

Ross: Uh okay, well there’s-there’s wine in the kitchen.

Jill: Oh great! (Goes to get it as the phone rings.)

Ross: (answering it) Hello?

Rachel: (on phone) What is my sister doing there?! And why are the drapes shut?!

Ross: O-okay, Rach calm-calm down, okay? She-she’s really upset we’re just talking.

Rachel: Ross! I think she is trying to make something happen with you to get back at me!

Ross: So that’s the only reason she could be here huh? It couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that-that maybe I’m a good listener and I uh I put on a great slide show!

Rachel: Ross, I am telling you that she is using you to get back at me!

Ross: Y’know what? I think I can take care of myself, I’ll talk to you later. Good-bye. (Hangs up the phone and turns to find Jill sitting really close to him.) Whoa! Uh, that was your sister actually. She-she thinks that you’re just using me.

Jill: So? (Kisses him passionately.)

[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is reading a paper as Phoebe enters.]

Phoebe: Hey!

Joey: Hey!

Phoebe: So, I just came from the company Ursula works for.

Joey: Oh no, not you too!

Phoebe: No! No! I just went to pick up Phoebe Buffay’s checks; there were a lot of them.

Joey: Nice!

Phoebe: Um-mmm, and I won’t have to go there anymore because I gave them my correct address.

Joey: That’s great, but isn’t it gonna bother that people still think you’re a porn star?

Phoebe: Oh no! No! I know how to handle it.

Joey: You do?

Phoebe: Yeah. (She notices some guy putting a coat on his girlfriend is trying to remember where he’s seen her before.) (To him) You’re trying to figure out where you know me from? All right, I’ll give you a hint. From porn! Okay? (He tries to rush his girlfriend out.) Yeah your pervert boyfriend watched me in a porno movie! (To Joey) See?

Joey: Yeah.

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, time lapse, Ross is entering. Chandler and Monica are at the kitchen table. Rachel is on the couch reading.]

Chandler: Hey.

Ross: (To Rachel) You uh, you may have been right about Jill.

Rachel: Oh! I knew it! What happened?

Ross: Umm, she kissed me.

Rachel: What?! You kissed!

Chandler: (To Monica) Maybe we should give them some privacy.

Monica: (To Chandler) Shhhh!!!

Ross: Look, I uh, I tried not to kiss her, okay?

Rachel: Well, it doesn’t sound like it! I mean, it’s pretty easy not to kiss someone, you just don’t kiss them! See look at us, right now, not kissing!

Ross: Let me finish, okay? She started kissing me and-and I didn’t stop it. I guess I-I just wasn’t thinking…

Rachel: Yeah that’s right you weren’t thinking! Y’know what? Let me give you something to think about! (She pulls up her sleeves and steps towards him.)

Ross: Oh wait—hold it! But then I started thinking and I stopped the kissing.

Rachel: Oh, well thank you for taking your tongue out of my sister’s mouth long enough to tell me that.

Ross: Look I-I realize if anything were to happen with me and Jill then nothing could ever happen with us!

Rachel: What?!

Ross: No, I mean, look I don’t know if anything is going to happen with us, again. Ever. But I don’t want to know that it-it never could. So I stopped it and she got mad and broke my projector.

Rachel: Wow. I, I don’t even know what to say. Thank you. (Gently kicks him.)

Ross: You’re welcome. (Gently kicks her back.)

(Chandler starts crying.)

Monica: Oh my God! Are-are you crying?

Chandler: (crying hysterically) I just don’t see why those two can’t work things out!

Ending Credits

[Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there as Jill enters.]

Jill: All right, I’m leaving! Because I’m not going to spend one more day with someone whose out to sabotage my every move. That’s you Rachel!

Rachel: Yeah, I got that.

Jill: (To Ross) And you! I throw myself at you and you say no, how gay are you?

Ross: You take care Jill.

Jill: (happily) Okay, see ya! (Exits.)

Rachel: Bye-bye-e!

Monica: Bye.

Chandler: (starts crying) I-I can’t believe Jill’s gone. (They all look at him.) I can’t help it, I opened a gate.



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