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老友記第七季714 The One Where They All Turn Thirty



生日快樂!!!瑞秋! 出來!來過生日咯!嘿.她比去年漂亮了!林女士出來之前,有幾點(diǎn)聲明若能避免“老”、“走下坡路”或者“它們看來依然堅(jiān)挺”之類的說法,她將感激不盡本來就是嘛!瑞秋! 出來吧! 莫妮做的早餐!巧克力脆皮餅!有禮物給你!送我好東西?都是遵照你兩周前給我們開的單子買的收下禮物、還是29歲,行嗎?得了,瑞秋,30歲沒那么可怕是嗎?你滿30歲那天也這么豁達(dá)?上帝?! 為什么??!我們說好的!讓別人變老,放過我!在關(guān)島,我還只有29歲30歲真那么老嗎?你知道地球多大歲數(shù)?30 好幾?你們說說看,是不是只有我才反應(yīng)過激?不單是你我的30歲生日也夠戧。現(xiàn)在輪到錢德!我們都這么老了!為什么這樣整我們?!瑞秋, 老天對你不薄工作稱心,朋友親密室友還是肥皂劇明星!我明白,我的生活一帆風(fēng)順但是看看周圍,那么多人在30歲前得償所愿怎么和我比菲比!加油!加油! 勝利了!我成功了!騎行彈力球一英里!30歲前,心想事成了!沒有遺憾不過我還想和姐姐修好不過,耶~?。」媚飩?,這玩意兒真是天賜寶物,懂我意思嗎?30,30歲??!莫妮, 五年級那個刻薄的女老師Kreeger,記得嗎?她就是30歲!別這樣,咱們樂一樂。今天想玩什么?什么都不想:(~30歲生日啥都不干,也勝過像羅斯那樣干蠢事住口!我買的實(shí)用品!我買車代步!懂嗎?接送孩子!我看來帥吧!羅斯, 跑車?要好看可以在鞋里墊雙襪子,那樣不是省錢一些?我不是圖好看!我一直迷跑車,蓄謀已久要買車這寶貝多大馬力?不曉得,但它多炫!你竟買跑車真是的!羅斯, 你發(fā)什么神經(jīng)我曉得我淺薄,但我有點(diǎn)想吃回頭草小姐,排隊(duì)吧你搭個順風(fēng)車?上來.給你空前絕后的乘車享受見鬼!好,接下來誰坐?知道嗎我今天有計(jì)劃了我要像老太婆一樣閑坐穿洞玩給鼻子和舌頭穿個洞什么的當(dāng)真?! 很痛哦不怕!我是說——嘔!賤人!瑞秋,我完全了解你的感受我要過25歲生日了,多可怕請你出去,滾出我的家瑞秋,不管怎樣,你還算堅(jiān)強(qiáng)平心而論,誰過30歲生日不慌張?以你為首啊?你有什么事跡?想被攆出去?小子?戴回去好嗎?!莫妮隨時可能回家!它弄痛“喬伊結(jié)”了(喬伊’s Apple).最后一次告訴你那叫喉結(jié)(Adam's apple,以亞當(dāng)命名)派對真棒,錢德樣樣?xùn)|西都好可愛比不上您可愛。您竟有30歲的女兒,匪夷所思!還有您!竟有一件30歲高齡的晚禮服!還不止呢懷上羅斯那次,就有這件禮服作見證哦!快躲起來!我看見她了!她回來了!蹲下!見鬼.你們別動,我去偵察一下嘿!你開門啦!你喝醉了?沒有!有點(diǎn)醉.哇!30歲讓我有點(diǎn)緊張所以侍者的助手就帶我去喝了幾杯呆會吐你一身!聽好我們在家給你準(zhǔn)備了相當(dāng)正式的生日驚喜派對親友都在里邊!包括你爸媽!不會吧!!!真的!不!!真的!父母從沒見過我喝醉!當(dāng)然他們有所耳聞有辦法了你喝杯咖啡醒醒酒,你喝醉的事就會神不知鬼不覺真的?! 你發(fā)誓?我來幫你瞞天過海我好愛你你滿嘴酒氣,我們得想個招敷衍過去你還不是一樣!氣味是你嘴里來的記住,驚喜派對進(jìn)去以后做吃驚狀懂了驚喜嗎!!!倒車!停!前進(jìn)!停!羅斯,算了前后的車把去路堵死了你的車?其實(shí)~我的車!是我的!老兄,你太需要一車傍身添身價了我有高招了我把這輛車放空檔你們在這車后推一把,羅斯就能突圍了好,開始.快閃!!!!30歲生日快樂!給!獻(xiàn)給你的童心,獻(xiàn)給你的女人心30歲快樂!你翻來覆去是什么意思?我們過30歲生日啊非也,我們31歲等等!哦,是你啊對,你說什么?!我們不是30歲,31歲了不-啊!是-啊!我的出生證上寫得明白你有出生證?我媽死的時候,留了一大盒家什給我我們的媽媽.對對對!有我的出生證嗎?賣給瑞典逃犯了天——————————?。∥覀?1歲了對我的生命,整整損失了一年算是吧.你的中間名叫Pamela?對.我的呢?記得嗎?記得!“菲比”“菲比”是我的名好吧,那我忘了開始慶祝之前,莫妮要換上禮服對!走生日快樂, 寶貝!抱一個!杰克,別起身!禮服上的別針會繃開的Paul !Phil.Phil!床上有禮服你表現(xiàn)很好,沒有失態(tài)怎么了?莫妮有點(diǎn)醉我喜歡莫妮喝醉的樣兒!噢ˇ換衣服!她不想讓父母察覺那好辦只要我喝得爛醉,比莫妮還失態(tài),大家就不會注意到她了,怎么了? Phil醉了? 莫妮爛醉如泥.這樣也許派對會更有趣去幫她換衣服!照顧醉裸女,不是一向都由喬伊出馬?對.我送的啊!沒按單子買,希望你喜歡單腳滑行車!千萬要照單子買不要自做主張我喜歡呢!謝謝接下來是我們送的!好.你們結(jié)婚以后就可以只送一份禮物?你呢?上次我生日,你送我一個擁抱!快看卡片上的祝詞!好.生日快樂、奶奶!過了高峰(超過30歲)總比葬身山腳好愛你的:莫妮和錢德.好有趣別哭!是笑話!我知道!我看明白了,所以說有趣好笑的地方是,你并非祖母對啊,要當(dāng)祖母,必須結(jié)婚生子,而我根本不沾邊所以有趣就讓你買張卡還這么多事!看誰來了!生日女郎!生日女郎心情如何?我心情很好,但你不怕嚇壞其他小朋友嗎什么?好!做決定了因?yàn)闆]有丈夫和孩子就沮喪,我真笨我只需要擬個計(jì)劃我打算要三個孩子我猜,你是想一次生三個,而且給你弟弟生對吧?也就是說35歲前我要有第一個孩子所以我還有5年時間。這個計(jì)劃妙不可言,我想嫁給這個計(jì)劃!那我要嫁彈力球如果35歲前要有孩子,34歲前一定要懷孕Prada有四年時間幫我準(zhǔn)備孕婦裝!但是,我希望在懷孕時至少已結(jié)婚一年當(dāng)真?這么久?你的心愿,在我們身上應(yīng)驗(yàn)了!所以我33歲結(jié)婚也來得及還有三年,整三年不對我需要一年半籌備婚禮訂婚前,我還需要對男方有一年或一年半時間的了解所以我得在30歲之前碰見我的未婚夫!那沒問題!因?yàn)槟銊倽M28歲!不! 羅斯!問題大了!根據(jù)計(jì)劃,我現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該同我的未婚夫在一起了!該我了!她好象小鹿Bambi學(xué)走路哦你醉了!媽媽、爸爸一定會大發(fā)雷霆我好象也有醉意好! 端過來!請給我們來點(diǎn)好嗎?要一份蟹餅?我不是打過招呼,蟹餅好了直接端給我?好點(diǎn)了?你真帥!我現(xiàn)在、就想和你、在這里、做愛你還是忍一忍的好再撐一下子,好嗎然后我就抱你上床睡。保持微笑,免開尊口下面請生日女郎發(fā)表生日感言!菲菲!!看見嗎?我成了焦點(diǎn)陰謀得逞!我連上衣還沒脫呢,就吸引了目光!說兩句!莫妮!錢德, 你對她真是愛不釋手呢這很甜蜜這很必要感謝大家前來各位親朋好友哇!!喔!我真想說知道我真想說什么嗎?我醉了!!爸、媽,我不再是乖乖女!而且!我以前就大醉過!還吸過一支煙!我的內(nèi)衣抽屜里還藏著一盒甜食!一切都理所當(dāng)然,因?yàn)槲医裉鞚M30歲了!我可以為所欲為,我是成年人了!快幫我脫上衣!好!!我損失了整整一年!我不信!這太不公平!菲菲,其實(shí)沒什么大不了是嗎?若你發(fā)現(xiàn)你31了,你作何感想?不可能。我和上帝有了新約定我的計(jì)劃全毀了31歲前的心愿,一樣都沒達(dá)成例如?例如沒遇見過葡萄牙人也沒有完美之吻也沒有上過狙擊手培訓(xùn)班!菲比,上樓吃蛋糕好吧?我想單獨(dú)呆一會好嗎?再見,謝謝你們嘿.菲菲好可憐嘿,我有個主意我去送送她哦天!什么?他是奔著蛋糕去的!菲菲! 等等我!閉上雙眼你的心愿清單上,可以劃掉一條了?是另外我有1/16葡萄牙血統(tǒng)哦哦!都清楚了?我們把它抬起來并移動要有團(tuán)隊(duì)精神,懂嗎?抬起車來并滑出去抬和滑這不可能抬!和滑!開動各就各位,抬!滑出去!喬伊,我想——別打岔!剛輪到我!我想和Tag談?wù)勎业酵饷嫱婵梢詥??隨你便,我又不是你媽好!別上街滑!好!嘿感覺好點(diǎn)嗎?我很好。咱們談?wù)労?恩ˇ怎么了?Tag, 你是個好男人,我們一起很開心,但我不能等一下!我明白你意思了在你宣判之前,能不能讓我說兩句?說得很好我們那么開心,有吻為證不過我已經(jīng)過了開心就好的階段了瑞秋,別急著決定都是30歲生日鬧得就是!而你還是個孩子!你才25實(shí)際是24天啊!生日愿望?我希望你能大六歲假如真要許愿,我倒希望我能年輕六歲同感抱歉結(jié)束了?如果只要兩個孩子,能不能把Tag 再留一年?你的決定沒錯我厭倦這玩意兒了.一群30歲的家伙天,再過10年我們就都40歲,恩?為什么!上帝!這樣對我們!哈!寶貝車總算解脫了!好!發(fā)動!兜風(fēng)去!哇喔!我們好帥!你買不買車?不要不要
714 The One Where They All Turn Thirty
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey is knocking on Rachel’s door, whose door frame is decorated with balloons. The rest of the gang is there as well. Rachel opens the door and the gang blow on noisemakers.]
Ross: Happy birthday!!!
Monica: Happy birthday!!!
(Rachel glares at them and goes back into her room, closing her door.)
All: Rach! Come on! Rach!
Monica: It’s your birthday!
Tag: (entering from her room) Hey.
Chandler: (To Monica) She’s not as pretty as she was when she was 29.
Tag: Ms. Green would like to establish some ground rules before she comes out. She would appreciate it if you don’t use the words old or downhill or (To Joey) they still look pretty damn good. (Joey smiles and everyone glares at him.)
Joey: They do!
Phoebe: Rachel! Come on out! Monica made breakfast!
Monica: Chocolate-chip pancakes!
(There is no response from Rachel.)
Ross: We’ve got presents!
(She opens the door.)
Rachel: Good ones?
Monica: They all came from the list you handed out to us two weeks ago.
Rachel: Well, can I keep the presents and still be 29?
Joey: Come on Rach! Look, turning thirty is not that big a deal.
Ross: Oh really. Is that how you felt when you turned thirty?
[Flashback to Joey’s thirtieth birthday party. It is being held in Monica and Chandler’s apartment.]
Joey: (screaming) Why God?!! Why?!! We had a deal!! Let the others grow old! Not me!! (He buries his head in Phoebe’s lap for comfort.)
[Cut back to Rachel’s party, everyone is now eating breakfast, except Rachel.]
Rachel: Y’know, I’m still 29 in Guam.
Ross: Hey, 30 is not that old! Do you know how old the Earth is?
Rachel: Late thirties? Oh come on you guys! Is it just me? Am I overreacting to this?
Chandler: No Rach, it’s not just you. My thirtieth birthday certainly wasn’t that much fun.
[Flashback to Chandler’s thirtieth birthday party. It is also being held in Monica and his apartment. He is about to blow out the candles on his birthday cake.]
Joey: (screaming) And now Chandler! We’re all gettin’ so old! (Looking up) Why are you doing this to us?! (Turns away crying.)
Opening Credits
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, breakfast is finished but Rachel’s still down.]
Monica: Rach, you’re in a great place in your life. Come on, you’ve got a great job! Good friends…
Joey: Yeah, you’re roommate is a soap opera star.
Rachel: Look, y’know I know my life’s going pretty well, but I look around and I just see so many people who’ve accomplished so many other goals by the time they’re thirty.
Phoebe: Yeah, but you shouldn’t compare yourself to me.
[Flashback to: The Street in front of Central Perk, Ross and Joey are holding a yellow tape across the road and everyone is cheering Phoebe as she bounces around the corner on a hippity-hop.]
All: Come on Phoebe! You can do it Phoebe! Come on!
Rachel: There you go!
(She crosses the line and they all cheer again.)
Phoebe: I did it! One mile on a hippity-hop! That’s it!! That’s everything I wanted to do before I was thirty. Oh, except I wanted to patch things up with my sister. But oh well. Yay!! (They all cheer again.) And-and girls this thing is a Godsend if you know what I mean. (Rachel and Monica look intrigued and as they all head into Central Perk, Rachel picks up the hippity-hop that Phoebe left behind.)
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, continued from earlier.]
Rachel: Thirty. Ugh, I mean thirty! Monica, do you remember mean, old Mrs. Kreeger in the fifth grade? She was thirty!
Tag: Come on, let’s have some fun. Huh? (To Rachel) What do you want to do today?
Rachel: Nothing. I don’t want to do anything.
Monica: Well, doing nothing on your thirtieth is better than doing something stupid, like Ross.
Ross: Hey! That was a practical purchase! I needed that car for transportation! Okay? I-I have a child!
[Flashback to: A street, Ross is sitting in his newly purchased MGB. Which is one of the better British sports cars ever made. Of course, ‘better’ is a relative term. Which reminds me of a joke. Why don’t the British make computers? Because they couldn’t figure out how to make them leak oil. Anyway, the gang is all staring at his new purchase.]
Ross: How hot do I look in this, huh?!
Chandler: Ross, a sports car? Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to just stuff a sock down there?
Ross: That’s not what this is about okay? I-I am a sports car enthusiast. I have always been into cars.
Joey: Hey, what’s the horsepower on this thing?
Ross: (giddy) I don’t know, but-but look how shiny!
Monica: I can’t believe you bought this.
Rachel: Really! God Ross, what were you thinking? (To Phoebe, quietly) I know it’s really shallow, but a part of me wants him again.
Phoebe: Oh, well get in line missy. (To Ross) So, can I have a ride stud?
Ross: Hop in. (Phoebe hops in.) Get ready for the smoothest ride of your life.
(He starts the car and surprisingly in fires right up and comes to a nice idle. (Both can be rarities with British sports cars with their lovely Lucas ignition systems, which tend not to work especially in the rain.) Anyway, this being New York he is parallel parked on a street with the car in front of him only inches ahead of his bumper, likewise with the car behind him. He’s completely boxed in and can’t move more than two inches. He tries to get out several times by bumping the bumpers of both cars to no avail.)
Ross: Damnit! (Shuts the car off.)
Phoebe: (getting out) Okay, who’s next?
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Phoebe is pouring Rachel some coffee.]
Rachel: Y’know what? I am going to do something today. I’m not just gonna sit around like some old lady. I’m gonna get something pierced. Like my uh, like my nose or my tongue or something.
Phoebe: Really?! ‘Cause y’know that hurts.
Rachel: So what?! Y’know what? The way I see it—(Phoebe pulls out a hair from the back of her head)—Ow! Son of a bitch!!
Tag: Look Rachel, I know what you’re going through. I’m totally freaked about turning 25.
Rachel: (glares at him) Get out, get out of my apartment.
Monica: All right Rach, for what it’s worth, I think that you’re doing great. I mean y’know let’s face it, no one handles this well.
Phoebe: Least of all you.
Tag: Why? What you’d do?
Monica: Weren’t you asked to leave sonny?
[Flashback to Monica and Chandler’s apartment. Chandler has a bunch of people over in formal wear to give Monica a surprise birthday party. Joey is coming out of the bathroom and removing his tie.]
Chandler: (To Joey) Would you put that back on?! Monica’s gonna be here any minute!
Joey: But it hurt’s my Joey’s Apple.
Chandler: (frustrated) Okay, for the last time. It’s not named for each individual man.
(Joey walks away and Mr. and Mrs. Geller walk up. Mr. Geller is wearing this ancient velvet tuxedo.)
Mrs. Geller: (To Chandler) You’ve done a wonderful job with this party Chandler. Everything looks so lovely.
Chandler: Oh well, not as lovely as you. I mean, I can’t believe that you would have a thirty-year-old daughter! (To Mr. Geller) And you! I can’t believe that you would have a tux that’s thirty years old! (Puts his hand on Mr. Geller’s shoulder.)
Mr. Geller: It’s older than that. Ross was actually conceived right near this tuxedo.
Chandler: Ohh! (He quickly removes his hand and looks at it.)
Rachel: (entering) Hey! Everybody hide! Hide! I saw her! She’s coming!
Chandler: Okay! Okay! Everybody down! Everybody down! (Rachel turns off the lights and everyone crouches. As everyone crouches, a ripping noise erupts from the assemblage.)
Mr. Geller: Crap.
(We hear some fumbling at the door, then silence.)
Chandler: (getting up to investigate) Okay, everybody stay here. I will find out what’s going on.
(He goes out into the hall and finds a very drunk Monica lying up against Joey and Rachel’s door.)
Monica: Heyyy!! You got the door open!! (Giggles.)
Chandler: Hey-hey are you drunk?
Monica: Nooo! (Giggles) Okay. (She tries to pull herself up by Rachel and Joey’s doorknob, but the door opens and she almost falls into the their apartment. She manages to catch herself.) Whoa! (Stands up, unsteadily) Okay. See I was, I was a little nervous about turning (whispering) thirty. (Giggles.) So the bus boys took me out for some drinks. (Pause) I wanna puke on you later!
Chandler: Okay, here is the thing. We have thrown a very formal surprise party for you in there! All of your friends are in there and your parents!
Monica: Noo!!!
Chandler: Yes!
Monica: Noo!!
Chandler: Yes!!
Monica: Oh no! My parents have never seen me drunk! (Pause) That they know of.
Chandler: Okay, here’s the thing. We’re gonna get you some coffee and they will never know that you’re drunk.
Monica: Really?! You promise?
Chandler: Yeah, I’ll take care of it.
Monica: Okay. I love you so much. (Kisses him.)
Chandler: (laughing) Okay we have to do something about your breath.
Monica: What about your breath?! (Breathes on him.)
Chandler: That’s still yours. Okay, now remember it’s a surprise party. So, when you go in, act surprised.
Monica: Okay. I can do that.
Chandler: Okay.
(Chandler opens the door and Monica sneaks up on it. They go inside.)
All: Surprise!!!
(Monica screams and they all stare at her.)
Commercial Break
[Scene: Ross’s birthday, Joey is now trying to get his car out while Ross is directing him.]
Ross: Okay, forward. Forward—Stop! (The car moves an inch and Ross runs to the back of the car.) Okay, back—Stop! (The car barely moves and Ross runs back to the front.) Okay, forward—Stop! Stop! Stop!
Monica: Ross, just forget about it. This guy’s got you totally wedged in.
(A beautiful woman approaches.)
Woman: (To Joey) Is this yours?
Joey: Well actually…
Ross: No-no-no! It’s mine! It’s-it’s mine. (The woman walks away.)
Joey: Dude, you soooo need this car.
Phoebe: (running up) Okay. Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do. Okay, I’m gonna break into this mini-van and put it in neutral. You guys push it forward so Ross can drive out of his spot. Okay? All right, here we go. (She opens her coat and reveals that thing car thieves use to break into cars as Ross jumps in behind the wheel. She inserts the device, unlocks the door, opens it, and the alarm goes off.) Haul ass!!!! (Runs off.)
(The rest of the gang runs away, except for Ross who’s tramped inside his car. To hide he puts the top up as Monica, Rachel, and Joey come running past.)
[Scene: Phoebe’s birthday, she’s taking the hippity-hop to Ursula’s apartment as a gift. She knocks on the door and Ursula answers it.]
Phoebe: Happy thirtieth birthday! Here! (Hands her the hippity-hop.) It’s for the child in you, and the woman. Happy thirtieth!
Ursula: Right, why do you keep saying that?
Phoebe: Because it’s our thirtieth birthday.
Ursula: Yeah, no we’re not thirty. We’re 31. Okay. (She closes the door.)
Phoebe: Wait! (Knocks on the door and Ursula opens it.)
Ursula: Oh, it’s you.
Phoebe: Yeah. What?!
Ursula: Yeah, we’re not thirty, we’re 31.
Phoebe: Nu-uh!
Ursula: Yea-huh! That’s what is says on my birth certificate.
Phoebe: You have your birth certificate?
Ursula: Yeah, I got a big box of family stuff when my mom died.
Phoebe: Our mom.
Ursula: (sarcastic) Right! Okay. (Hands Phoebe her births certificate.)
Phoebe: Do you have my birth certificate?
Ursula: No, I sold it to a Swedish runaway.
Phoebe: (reading the certificate) Oh my God! Oh my God, we are 31.
Ursula: Yeah.
Phoebe: I just lost a whole year of my life.
Ursula: (sarcastic) Okay.
Phoebe: Your middle name is Pamela?
Ursula: Yes.
Phoebe: Well, I never knew mine. Do you remember what it is?
Ursula: Yes! Phoebe.
Phoebe: That’s my first name.
Ursula: Right, okay, then no.
[Scene: Monica’s birthday, it’s just after the surprise.]
Chandler: Okay before we start the celebration, Monica has to go put on her party dress.
Monica: Yay!
Chandler: See? (Does his laugh.) Here we go. (Starts walking her to their room, and has to pass in front of Mr. Geller who’s sitting at the table and Mrs. Geller who’s standing next to him.)
Mr. Geller: Happy birthday, sweetie! Give us a hug! (Starts to get up.)
Mrs. Geller: (stopping him) Don’t get up Jack! The safety pins are about to blow.
(They continue their trek.)
Monica: (sees someone) Paul!
Chandler: (correcting her) Phil.
Monica: Phil!
Chandler: Now, there is a dress laid out on your bed. (Monica stumbles on the steps.) Okay, (catches her) you’re doing great. You’re doing great. You’re doing fine.
(Phoebe approaches as they almost get to their room.)
Phoebe: Hey, what’s going on?
Chandler: Monica’s a little drunk.
Phoebe: Yay! I love drunk Monica!
Monica: Awwwww… (Giggles.)
Chandler: (To Monica) Go change! (To Phoebe) She doesn’t want her parents to know she’s drunk.
Phoebe: Ohh! All right! All right. Here’s what we’ll do, I’ll get twice as drunk as Monica and then no one’s will even notice her.
(Chandler walks over to where the rest of the gang is.)
Rachel: What’s-what’s going on? Phil’s really pissed!
Chandler: Monica’s wasted.
Ross: Maybe that will liven up this party.
Chandler: (To Rachel) Okay, will you just go help her change please!
Rachel: Okay, but taking care of a drunk, naked woman seems like a job for Joey.
Joey: Yep. (Starts for Monica’s room, but Chandler stops him.)
[Scene: Rachel’s birthday, everyone is presenting their presents to Rachel.]
Tag: (handing his to her) This one’s from me.
Rachel: Ahh!
Tag: It wasn’t on your list, but hopefully you’ll think it’s really fun.
Rachel: (opening it) A scooter! (She’s not happy.)
Ross: (to Tag) Stick to the list. Always stick to the list.
Rachel: No! No-no, I love it. Thank you. (Kisses him.)
Chandler: Okay, open ours next. Open ours next!
Rachel: Okay.
Joey: Now that you’re a couple, we don’t get two presents from you guys?
Chandler: For my last birthday you gave me a hug! (To Rachel) Okay, read the card! Read the card!
Rachel: Okay. (Opens the card and reads it.) Happy birthday Grandma! It’s better to be over the hill (starting to cry) then buried under it. (Breaks down as everyone glares at them.) All our love Monica and Chandler. (Crying) That’s funny, yeah!
Chandler: No-no-no-no! That was the joke!
Rachel: (crying) No, I know! I get it! It’s funny!
Chandler: No, because you’re not a grandmother!
Rachel: No I know, because to be a grandmother you have to be married and have children and I don’t have any of those things. That’s why it’s so funny. (Runs into her room crying.)
Monica: All you had to do was buy the card!
[Scene: Rachel’s birthday, a time lapse has occurred. Rachel is coming back into the living room carrying a notepad.]
Ross: Hey! Look who’s back! It’s the birthday girl! How’s the birthday girl feeling?
Rachel: Well, I feel fine, but I think you’re bumming out the rest of the kids.
Ross: What? (Glances over and sees the faces of the rest of the group, then goes and sits down.)
Rachel: Okay! Y’know what? I realized it was stupid to get upset about not having a husband and kids. All I really needed was a plan. See I wanna have three kids…
Phoebe: Oh let me guess, and you wanna have them all at the same time and you wanna have them for your brother.
Rachel: As I was saying… I should probably have the first of the three kids by the time I’m 35 which gives me five years. I love this plan! I wanna marry this plan!
Phoebe: If you could do that, I’d marry the hippity-hop.
Rachel: So, if I wanna have my kid when I’m 35, I don’t have to get pregnant until I’m 34. Which gives Prada four years to start making maternity clothes! Oh wait, but I do want to be married for a year before I get pregnant…
Monica: Really! That long?! (Chandler slowly turns and looks at her.) (To Chandler) Look all you want, it’s happening!
Rachel: No, so I don’t have to get married until I’m 33! That’s three years, that’s three whole years—Oh, wait a minute though. I’ll need a year and a half to plan the wedding, and I’d like to know the guy for a year, year and a half before we get engaged… Which means I need to meet the guy by the time I’m thirty.
Ross: Which is fine! Because you just turned—(Removes two candles from the cake)—twenty-eight!
Rachel: No! Ross, no! It is not fine! Eh-eh-according to my plan I should already be with the guy I wanna marry!
(We hear Tag scream out in the hallway and jump into view of the open door on the scooter. He gives a hearty thumbs up to the group and rides off, with Joey following breathlessly behind.)
Joey: Will you quit hoggin’ it!
Commercial Break
[Scene: Monica’s birthday, Monica is now dressed and is being helped out by Chandler and Rachel.]
Rachel: (To Chandler) I’m telling you it’s like watching Bambi learn how to walk.
Ross: (To Monica) You’re drunk! Mom and dad are gonna be maaaaadd! Maybe I’m a little drunk.
(Monica sits down on the barca lounger.)
Chandler: (to a waiter) Oh that’s great! Right there! Can we get some of that over here please? (The waiter comes over) There we go.
Joey: (to the waiter) Hey! Are those crab cakes? (The waiter nods) Did I not tell ya to come straight to me when more crab cakes were ready?
Chandler: (To Monica) How are you feeling?
Monica: You are so handsome! I wanna make love to you right here, right now! (Growls and pulls him into a kiss.)
Ross: I really wish that you wouldn’t.
Chandler: (To Monica) Now all you have to do is just get through a little bit more, okay? Then we can put you in bed, okay? Just smile and don’t talk to anyone.
Phoebe: (clinking two glasses together) Speech! Speech! Let’s hear from the birthday girl! Huh?
Chandler: Pheebs!!
Phoebe: Don’t you see? Everyone’s looking at me! The plan’s working! I didn’t even have to take off my top yet!
Mrs. Geller: Speech! Come on Monica!
Ross: Come on!
All: Come on! Speech!
(Monica stands up and wobbles slightly and Chandler runs over to catch her.)
Mr. Geller: (filming this) Hey Chandler, you can’t keep your hands off her for one second!
Mrs. Geller: Oh-ho, I think it’s nice.
Chandler: I think it’s necessary. (Backs away anyhow.)
Monica: I-I-I wanna thank you all for coming. My family and my friends…
Phoebe: (screaming) Wooo!! Hoo!!
Monica: I really like to say that I’m-um… (Pause) Y’know what I’d really like to say? I’m drunk!! (Mrs. Geller pulls the camera down.) That’s right mom and dad your little Harmonica is hammered!! (Ross grabs the camera out of his dad’s hands.) And guess what! I’ve been drunk before! And I’ve smoked a cigarette! And I got a box of Ding-Dongs hidden in my underwear drawer! It’s all okay. It’s okay because I turned thirty today. And, and I can do anything I want! Because I am a grown up. (Falls over sideways with Ross filming the fall.)
Phoebe: (To Joey) Okay quick, help me get this off! (Motions to her top.)
Joey: Yeah!!
(Ross pans the camera over to Phoebe.)
[Scene: Phoebe’s birthday, she’s telling everyone what she found out at Ursula’s while sitting in Central Perk.]
Phoebe: I lost a whole year! I can’t believe it! This is so unfair!
Joey: Oh, I don’t know Pheebs. It’ll be okay.
Phoebe: Will it? Will it?! I mean, how would you feel if you found out you were 31?
Joey: That’s not gonna happen. No. (Looks up) Because we have a new deal!
Phoebe: Plus, it totally ruined my schedule! I…I haven’t done any of the things I wanted to do by the time I was 31!
Joey: Like what?
Phoebe: Like okay I-I-I, I haven’t met any Portuguese people! I, I haven’t had the perfect kiss! And I haven’t been to sniper’s school!
Monica: Phoebe, y’know why don’t we just go upstairs and have some birthday cake?
Phoebe: No, I just feel like being by myself for a while. All right? I’ll see you guys later. Thanks. (Gets up and exits.)
Rachel: Hey. (After she leaves.) Oh, poor Pheebs.
Joey: Hey, y’know what you guys? I think I’m gonna go walk her home. (Gets up and runs out.)
Monica: Oh man!
Chandler: What?
Monica: He’s gonna eat the cake!
[Cut outside, Joey is catching up with Phoebe.]
Joey: Pheebs! Wait up! (She stops.) Listen uh, close your eyes. (She does so and Joey passionately kisses her.) Maybe that’s one thing you can cross off your list.
Phoebe: Oh yeah.
(Joey starts to walk away, but stops.)
Joey: Oh, and plus I’m 1/16th Portuguese.
Phoebe: Oh! (Phoebe walks away smiling.)
[Scene: Ross’s birthday, his car is still trapped in it’s spot. Now Joey, Phoebe, and Ross are at the front of the car with Monica, Rachel, and Chandler at the rear of the car.]
Ross: Okay, is everybody clear? We’re gonna pick it up…and move it. Now all we need is teamwork, okay? We’re gonna lift the car…and slide it out. Lift and slide!
Rachel: Ross, I really don’t think…
Ross: (interrupting her) Lift!! And slide!
Chandler: Okay, here we go.
Ross: All right everyone, lift! (They and try to lift the car, of course it doesn’t raise up) And slide!! (Everyone leans over, but the car still does not move.)
[Scene: Rachel’s birthday, she is coming into the hallway where Joey and Tag are playing with the scooter.]
Rachel: Hey Joey, can I…
Joey: Oh, come on Rach! My turn just started!
Rachel: Actually, I just wanna talk to Tag.
Joey: Oh. Okay. Hey, can I ride this outside?
Rachel: Whatever! Okay, I’m not your mother.
Joey: Okay! (Runs off downstairs.)
Rachel: Not in the street!!
Joey: Yes!
Rachel: (to Tag) Hi.
Tag: Hey.
Rachel: Hey.
Tag: How are you doing? Are you feeling any better?
Rachel: Yeah, I’m doing okay. I’m um…let’s talk.
Tag: Okay. (They sit on the step.)
Rachel: Umm…
Tag: What’s up?
Rachel: Ohh Tag, umm…you’re such a great guy and we have sooo much fun together but I don’t-I don’t…
Tag: Wait! I think I see where you’re going, but before you say anything else, can I just say one more thing? (Kisses her.)
Rachel: Well said. And a uh good example of the fun I was referring to uhh, but I just think I’m past the point where I think I can y’know, just have fun.
Tag: Rachel, don’t do this. This is just because you’re turning thirty.
Rachel: Yeah, it is! But you’re just a kid! I mean you’re 25!
Tag: Twenty-four actually.
Rachel: Oh God! Y’know what I wish? I wish you were six years older. Well actually, if I’m wishin’ for stuff, I actually wish I was six years younger.
Tag: Me too.
Rachel: Yeah, I’m sorry. (They hug.)
[Time lapse, Rachel is entering her apartment after breaking up with Tag.]
Chandler: Hey! How’d it go?
Rachel: Oh, if I only want two kids, can I keep him for another year?
Phoebe: You did the right thing.
Joey: (entering, limping, and holding his arm) I don’t like this anymore. (He sits down with them in pain.)
Chandler: Well, here we are, just a bunch of thirty year olds.
Ross: God, do you realize in ten years we’re gonna be 40?
Joey: (crying) Why God?! Why are you doing this to us?! (He buries his head in Ross’s shoulder.)
[Scene: Ross’s birthday, night has fallen and Joey and Ross are walking by where his car is parked to find that both cars blocking him in have left.]
Ross: Yes! My baby’s finally free!
Joey: All-all right! (They run and jump in the car.) Start it up! Let’s go!
Ross: (starting it) Woohoo!
(Just as they are about to pull away, a big, fat, bald guy pulls up in the exact same car as Ross and stops next to him.)
The Man In The Sportscar: How hot are we? (He drives off.)
Ross: You wanna buy a car?
Joey: No.
(Ross shuts it off and they get out.)
Ending Credits
{Transcriber’s Note: There was no credits scene with this episode.}


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