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100 Formulas on English Conversation ;英語(yǔ)會(huì)話(huà)速成100公式
Unit 1 I'm calling about the car. ;一.我打電話(huà)來(lái)問(wèn)那部車(chē)
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Hello. B:I'm calling about the car.Is your car sold yet? ;A:喂. B:我打電話(huà)來(lái)問(wèn)那部車(chē)子 你的車(chē)子賣(mài)掉了嗎?
A:Yes,we sold it yesterday. B:Okay,thanks. ;A:賣(mài)掉了,昨天賣(mài)掉的. B:好的,謝謝你.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:Are you getting hungry? ;A:你餓了嗎?
B:Yeah,I'm starving. Is the spaghetti cooked yet? ;B:是啊,我快餓死了. 意大利面煮了嗎?
A:Almost done. B:Okay,I'll put the bread in the oven then. ;A:快煮好了. B:好的,那我就把面包 放到烤箱里.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Is the job filled? Is my house finished? ;那個(gè)工作請(qǐng)到人了嗎? 我的房子弄好了嗎?
Is your car sold? Is the spaghetti cooked? ;你的車(chē)子賣(mài)給掉了嗎? 意大利面煮了嗎?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
car sold yet ;車(chē)子 賣(mài)(過(guò)去分詞) 已經(jīng)
starve spaghetti almost ;很餓 意大利面 幾乎
bread oven fill ;面包 烤爐 派人充任
job finish ;工作;職位 完成
Unit 2 Can I help you find anything? ;2.你需要我?guī)湍阏沂裁? 東西嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Are you going to sell your car this month? B:No,I think I'll wait ;A:你打算這個(gè)月賣(mài)車(chē)嗎? B:不,我想再等等.
A:All right,but let me know if you change your mind. B:Will do. ;A:好吧,但是如果你改變 主意,要告訴我. B:沒(méi)問(wèn)題.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:Can I help you find anything? B:Not right now. ;A:你需要我?guī)湍阏沂裁? 東西嗎? B:還沒(méi)有.
A:Let me know if I can be of any help. B:You bet. ;A:如果你需要我?guī)兔? 跟我說(shuō)一聲. B:好.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Let me know if you change your mind. ;如果你改變主意,要讓我 知道.
Let me know if I can be of any help. ;如果你需要我?guī)兔? 跟我說(shuō)一聲.
Let me know if you get the book in. Let me know if John calls. ;如果書(shū)到了,要告訴我. 如果約翰打電話(huà)來(lái), 要告訴我.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
sell wait change ;賣(mài) 等待 改變
mind find ;主意 找到
help bet ;幫忙 打賭
Unit 3 How was the drive? ;3.一路行車(chē)還好嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:I didn't realize that you were in town B:I came in last night ;A:我不知道你到本市來(lái)了 B:我昨晚才到.
A:Great!How was the drive? B:No problems. ;A:很好,一路行車(chē)還好嗎? B:沒(méi)有問(wèn)題.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:What time are you going to the game? B:I'm not. I didn't have any money. ;A:你什么時(shí)候要去看球 賽? B:我不去看.我沒(méi)有錢(qián).
A:Tickets don't cost anything. B:Oh,I didn't realize that tickets were free ;A:票是免費(fèi)的. B:噢,我不知道票是 免費(fèi)的.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I didn't realize what had happened. I didn't realize that tickets were free. ;我不知道發(fā)生了什么事. 我不知道票是免費(fèi)的.
I didn't realize that you were in town. I didn't realize that you had a birthday. ;我不知道你到本市來(lái)了. 我不知道你過(guò)生日.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
drive town realize ;開(kāi)車(chē) 城市;城鎮(zhèn) 明了;知道
problem ticket cost ;問(wèn)題 票 花費(fèi)
free happen birthday ;免費(fèi)的 發(fā)生 生日
Unit 4 How's the job search? ;4.你工作找得怎么樣?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一,
A:How's the job search B:Terrible.Do you realize how hard it is to find a job? ;A:你工作找得怎么樣? B:很糟.你知道找工作有 多困難嗎?
A:Where have you looked? B:Everywhere. ;A:你找過(guò)哪些地方? B:到處都找過(guò).
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:Do you have all your shopping done yet? B:No,I'm in no rush. ;A:你工買(mǎi)的東西都買(mǎi)完 了嗎? B:還沒(méi)有,我不急.
A:Do you realize that Christmas is next week? ;A:你知不知道圣誕節(jié)是 下星期?
B:Sure,but I'll figure something out. ;B:知道,但我會(huì)有辦法的.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Do you realize how hard it is to find a job? ;你知道找工作有多困難嗎
Do you realize that Christmas is next week? ;你知不知道圣誕節(jié)是下星 期?
Do you realize that computer games are on sale? ;你知道電腦游戲在打折嗎
Do you realize that I am home for two weeks? ;你不知道我會(huì)在家待兩個(gè) 星期嗎?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
search terrible hard ;尋找 (口語(yǔ))糟糕的 困難的
shopping rush computer ;購(gòu)物 緊急的;急著趕 電腦
figure out on sale ;想出辦法 打折拍賣(mài)
Unit 5 Are you using the phone? ;5.你要用電話(huà)嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Do you mind if I get something to drink? B:No,go ahead. ;A:我拿飲料喝, 你會(huì)介意嗎? B:不介意,你盡管拿去喝.
A:What do you have? B:Coke,milk,and water. ;A:你有什么? B:可樂(lè),牛奶和開(kāi)水.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:Are you using the phone? B:No. ;A:你要用電話(huà)嗎? B:不.
A:Do you mind if I call John? B:Go right ahead. ;A:我打個(gè)電話(huà)給約翰, 你會(huì)介意嗎? B:沒(méi)問(wèn)題,盡管打.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Do you mind if I get something to drink? Do you mind if I come over? ;我拿飲料喝,你介意嗎? 我過(guò)來(lái)你家拜訪(fǎng)一下, 你介意嗎?
Do you mind if I call John? Do you mind if I play with your baby? ;我打個(gè)電話(huà)給約翰, 你介意嗎? 我跟你的寶寶玩你介意嗎
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
mind drink ahead ;介意 喝 預(yù)先
phone baby go ahead ;電話(huà) 嬰孩 盡管去做
come over ;到某人家作客
Unit 6 It was a great wedding ;6.婚禮很棒.
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Did you hear about Diana getting married B:No,when did that happen? ;A:你有沒(méi)有聽(tīng)說(shuō)戴安娜 結(jié)婚了? B:沒(méi)有,什么時(shí)候結(jié)婚的?
A:Last Saturday.It was a great wedding. B:That's really cool. ;A:上星期六.婚禮很棒. B:那很好.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:What's all the commotion about? B:Did you hear about the car exploding? ;A:怎么這么亂呢? B:你有沒(méi)有聽(tīng)說(shuō)車(chē)子 爆炸的事?
A:No. B:It was bad. Two people were hurt ;A:沒(méi)有. B:很?chē)?yán)重.有兩個(gè)人受傷.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Did you hear about Diana getting married? ;你有沒(méi)有聽(tīng)說(shuō)戴安娜結(jié)婚 了?
Did you hear about the car exploding? ;你有沒(méi)有聽(tīng)說(shuō)車(chē)子爆炸的 事?
Did you hear about my new job? Did you hear about the new CD? ;你有沒(méi)有聽(tīng)說(shuō)我的新工作 你有沒(méi)有聽(tīng)說(shuō)新出來(lái)的CD 唱歌怎么樣?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
wedding really commotion ;婚禮 真的 混亂
explode bad ;爆炸 嚴(yán)重的
people hurt hear ;人們 傷害 聽(tīng)到
Unit 7 Why didn't you call me ;7.你為什么沒(méi)有打電話(huà) 給我?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Why didn't you call me? B:I'm sorry. I got tied up. ;A:你為什么沒(méi)有打電話(huà) 給我? B:對(duì)不起.我有事走不開(kāi).
A:Are we still going to the game? ;A:我們還去看球賽嗎?
B:Of course.I'm not going to let you down like that. ;B:當(dāng)然.我不會(huì)讓你那么 失望的.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:I bought a new stereo last night. Do you want to see it? ;A:我昨晚買(mǎi)了一個(gè)新音響 你要不要看看?
B:Why didn't you fix the old stereo? ;B:為什么不修好那個(gè)舊的
A:It's just too old. Besides,I wanted to get something that played CD. ;A:那個(gè)太舊了.而且,我想 買(mǎi)一個(gè)可以放CD唱片的
B:I hope you got a good one. ;B:希望你買(mǎi)到一個(gè)好的.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Why didn't you call me Why didn't you send the instructions? ;你為什么沒(méi)打電話(huà)給我? 你為什么沒(méi)有寄使用說(shuō)明 給我?
Why didn't you fix the old stereo? Why didn't you eat dinner? ;你為什么不修好那個(gè)舊的 你為什么沒(méi)有吃晚飯?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
bought stereo fix ;買(mǎi)(過(guò)去式) 立體音響 修理
hope send instruction ;希望 寄 指示;說(shuō)明
Unit 8 It's kind of a secret. ;8.那是秘密.
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:I heard Tom went to England. B:Who told you that? ;A:我聽(tīng)說(shuō)湯姆到英國(guó)去了 B:誰(shuí)告訴你的?
A:Mary. B:Oh.Don't tell anyone It's kind of a secret ;A:瑪麗. B:噢,別告訴任何人. 那是秘密.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:I heard John got sick. B:Yeah,he's not doing too well. ;A:我聽(tīng)說(shuō)約翰病了. B:是啊,他的情形不太好.
A:What does he have? B:Bronchitis. ;A:他生什么病? B:支氣管炎.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I heard Tom went to England. I heard John has a girlfriend. ;我聽(tīng)說(shuō)湯姆到英國(guó)去了. 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)約翰有個(gè)女朋友.
I heard the Cowboys won the Super Bowl. I heard Mary got sick. ;我聽(tīng)說(shuō)牛仔隊(duì)贏了足球 超級(jí)杯冠軍. 我聽(tīng)說(shuō)瑪麗病了.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
told tell secret ;告訴(過(guò)去式) 告訴某人 秘密
bronchitis sick ;支氣管炎 生病
Unit 9 Can I give you a hand? ;9.你要我?guī)兔?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Can I give you a hand? B:No,I can do it by myself just fine. ;A:你要我?guī)兔? B:不,我自己做得來(lái).
A:I take it you want to be alone now. B:Yes,just leave me alone. ;A:看樣子,你現(xiàn)在不希望 有人在你旁邊. B:是的,讓我一個(gè)人靜靜.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:You're worn the same thing for a week. B:I know. ;A:你這件衣服已經(jīng)穿了 一個(gè)星期了. B:我知道.
A:I take it you like the shirt. B:Yeah,it's just so comfortable. ;A:看來(lái)你很喜歡這件襯衫 B:是啊,這件衣服穿起來(lái) 很舒服.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I take it you're disappointed. I take it you want to be alone now. ;看來(lái)你是很失望. 看樣子,你現(xiàn)在不希望 有人在你旁邊.
I take it you like the shirt. I take it you're a fan of the Dolphins. ;看來(lái)你很喜歡這件襯衫. 看來(lái)你是海豚隊(duì)的球迷.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
hand myself fine ;幫助 我自己 很好
alone leave ;獨(dú)自 留著
worn shirt ;穿(過(guò)去分詞) 襯衫
comfortable disappointed fan ;舒適的 失望的(過(guò)去分詞) 狂熱愛(ài)好者
Unit 10 I can't believe you said that! ;我真不相信你會(huì)這么說(shuō)
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:I can't believe you said that! B:I didn't mean to offend you. ;A:我真不相信你會(huì)這么說(shuō) B:我不是有意冒犯你的.
A:Well,you should be a little more careful with your words. B:Okay,I'm sorry. ;A:那你說(shuō)話(huà)應(yīng)該小心一點(diǎn) B:好了,我向你道歉.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:Oh excuse me. I didn't mean to bump into you. B:That's all right. ;A:噢,對(duì)不起. 我不是故意撞你的. B:沒(méi)關(guān)系.
A:Can I give you a hand? ;A:需要我?guī)兔?
B:Sure,you can grab those bags if you want to. ;B:好,如果你愿意的話(huà), 幫我拿那些袋子.
Practice 1 ;句型練習(xí)
I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't mean to bump into you. ;我不是故意冒犯你的. 我不是故意撞你的.
I didn't mean to eat all of your fries. I didn't mean to interrupt. ;我不是故意把你的薯?xiàng)l 通通吃掉的. 我不是故意打岔.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
mean offend careful ;有意 冒犯 小心
word bump ;話(huà) 撞到
grab bag interrupt ;抓著;拿著 袋子 打斷;打岔
Unit 11 These phone bills are so high. ;這些電話(huà)費(fèi)太貴了
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:When is the repairman going to fix the walls? ;A:修理工人什么時(shí)候會(huì) 來(lái)修墻?
B:I don't know. I guess he'll call me. ;B:我不知道.我猜他會(huì) 打電話(huà)給我.
A:Maybe you should ask him about it. B:Yeah,you're probably right. ;A:或許你應(yīng)該問(wèn)問(wèn)他看. B:是啊,你說(shuō)得也對(duì).
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:These phone bills are so high. ;A:這些電話(huà)費(fèi)太貴了.
B:I told you. It gets expensive having a boyfriend out of state. ;B:我告訴過(guò)你.男朋友 在外地會(huì)增加開(kāi)支的.
A:But what can I do? I need to talk to him. ;A:但是,我該怎么辦呢? 我需要跟他談話(huà).
B:Maybe you should write a letter. ;B:或許你該用寫(xiě)信的方式
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Maybe you should write a letter. Maybe you should pay attention. ;或許你應(yīng)該用寫(xiě)信的方式 或許你應(yīng)該注意.
Maybe you should ask him about it. Maybe you should call David. ;或許你應(yīng)該問(wèn)問(wèn)他看. 或許你應(yīng)該打電話(huà)給大衛(wèi)
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
repairman fix wall ;修理工人 修理 墻
guess probably right ;猜想 或許;可能的 正確
bill high expensive ;賬單 高的 昂貴的
state attention ;州 注意;注意力
Unit 12 What time does the movie start? ;電影幾點(diǎn)開(kāi)始?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:What time does the movie start? ;A:電影幾點(diǎn)開(kāi)始?
B:At 8:05.Any idea what time you're coming over? ;B:8:05開(kāi)始.你幾點(diǎn)過(guò)來(lái)?
A:I guess about 7:00. B:Good.That will give us plenty of time to get there. ;A:我猜大約7點(diǎn)吧. B:好.那我們就會(huì)有足夠 的時(shí)間去戲院.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:Did you get John a present yet? ;A:你替約翰買(mǎi)了禮物嗎?
B:No.I'm thinking about a shirt. Any idea what his shirt size is? ;B:沒(méi)有,我想買(mǎi)一件襯衫. 你知道他襯衫的尺寸嗎
A:I can check. B:That would be good. ;A:我可以問(wèn)問(wèn)看. B:那很好.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Any idea when the wedding is? Any idea what time you're coming over? ;你知道婚禮幾點(diǎn)開(kāi)始嗎? 你幾點(diǎn)過(guò)來(lái)?
Any idea what his shirt size is? Any idea why he left so early? ;你知道他襯衫的尺寸嗎? 你知道他為什么這么早 離開(kāi)嗎?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
movie start plenty ;電影 開(kāi)始 很多
present shirt ;禮物 襯衫
size check ;大小;尺碼 查一查
left idea early ;離開(kāi)(過(guò)去式) 主意;概念 早
Unit 13 How come? ;為什么?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Hello,Chris,this is Mary. ;A:嗨,克理斯,我是瑪麗.
B:Where are you?You should have been at John's an hour ago. ;B:你在哪里?你一個(gè)小時(shí) 之前就該到約翰家了.
A:I know. We are having trouble finding his house. ;我知道.我們找不到他家.
B:Okay,let me give you the directions again ;好,我把到這里的路再跟 你說(shuō)一遍.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:How come you still have that piece of junk? ;A:你怎么還在開(kāi)那輛破車(chē)
B:We are having trouble buying a car ;B:我們沒(méi)辦法買(mǎi)車(chē)子.
A:How come. B:We just don't have enough for a down payment. ;A:為什么? B:我們就是沒(méi)有足夠的錢(qián) 交首期款.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
We are having trouble staying awake. We are having trouble wrapping the gifts. ;我們沒(méi)辦法保持清醒. 這些禮物我們不會(huì)包.
We are having trouble finding his house. We are having trouble buying a car. ;我們找不到他家. 我們沒(méi)辦法買(mǎi)車(chē)子.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
trouble direction again ;麻煩;困難 方向指示 再度
piece junk enough ;一片 垃圾 足夠的
down payment stay ;首期 付款 保持
awake wrap gift ;醒著 包禮物 禮物
Unit 14 Have you talked to John today? ;你今天有沒(méi)有跟約翰 談過(guò)話(huà)?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:I'm thinking about asking Richard out. B:I was wondering if you liked him. ;A:我想約理查出去. B:我在想,你是否喜歡他.
A:Well,now you know. B:I think you should ask him. ;A:那現(xiàn)在你知道了. B:我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該約他出去
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:Have you talked to John today? B:No,and I don't plan to. ;A:你今天有沒(méi)有跟約翰 談過(guò)話(huà)? B:沒(méi)有,而且我也不想.
A:I was wondering if he offended you. I guess he did. ;A:我在想,他是否得罪 了你.
B:Yeah,and he'd better figure it out. ;B:是的,而且他最好知道 他得罪了我.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I was wondering if you would like to come over.I was wondering if you liked him. ;不知你要不要來(lái)我家玩. 我在想,你是否喜歡他.
I was wondering if he offended you. I was wondering if you liked chocolate. ;我在想,他是否得罪了你. 我不知道你是否喜歡 巧克力.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
wonder plan offend ;想知道;猜想 計(jì)劃 冒犯
chocolate figure out ;巧克力 了解;明白
Unit 15 I'm free Sunday. ;我星期天有空.
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Hilton,how may I help you? B:Do you have any rooms available? ;A:希爾頓飯店,有什么事? B:你們還有空房間嗎?
A:You bet,we've got plenty of rooms. B:Good,I'll take a room for tonight. ;A:有,我們有許多房間 空著. B:很好,我今晚要個(gè)房間.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:We need to figure out a time to get together. ;A:我們需要找個(gè)時(shí)間聚聚
B:Okey.Do you have Saturday available? ;B:好的,星期六你有空嗎?
A:No,but I'm free Sunday. B:Okay,that'll work. ;A:沒(méi)有,但我星期天有空. B:好,星期天可以.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Do you have any rooms available? Do you have a car available? ;你們還有空房間嗎? 你們的租車(chē)還有嗎?
Do you have Saturday available? Do you have any time available this weekend ;星期六你有空嗎? 這個(gè)周末你有空嗎?
Unit 16 How is work? ;上班還好嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Is Mary still going out with John? B:No,they broke up a couple of weeks ago. ;A:瑪麗還在跟約翰交往嗎 B:沒(méi)有,他們幾個(gè)星期前 就吹了.
A:Is it okay for me to ask her out? ;A:你認(rèn)為我約她好嗎?
B:I don't know.You might give it a little time. ;B:我不知道.你應(yīng)該再 等一段時(shí)間.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:How's work? B:Terrible.Just terrible.Is it wrong for me to quit the job ;A:上班還好吧? B:很糟,就是很糟.我把 工作辭掉好不好呢?
A:Well,do you think that's the best thing to do? ;A:你認(rèn)為那是最好的 決定嗎?
B:I don't know. I'm just so frustrated with my boss. ;B:我不知道.我的上司 實(shí)在令我很沮喪.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Is it wrong for me to question him? ;我去問(wèn)他好嗎?
Is it appropriate for me to talk to the senator? ;我去跟參議員談,合適嗎?
Is it okay for me to ask her out? Is it wrong for me to quit the job? ;你認(rèn)為我約她好嗎? 我把工作辭掉好不好呢?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
work terrible wrong ;上班 (口語(yǔ))糟透的 錯(cuò)誤的
quit job best ;辭職 工作;職位 最好的
frustrated boss question ;挫折的;泄氣的 老板;主管 詢(xún)問(wèn)
appropriate senator going out with ;適合的 參議員 交往
broke up ask...out ;(感情)破裂 約某人出去
Unit 17 We'll be home around ten. ;我們大約十點(diǎn)會(huì)回來(lái)
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Your shift is from five until midnight. B:Am I allowed to take a break? ;A:你的班是從5點(diǎn)到半夜. B:我可以休息嗎?
A:Yes,you have a one hour break from 7:00 to 8:00 to eat dinner B:All right. ;A:可以從7點(diǎn)到8點(diǎn),你有 一個(gè)鐘頭休息,吃晚飯. B:好的.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:We'll be home around ten. B:Am I allowed to drive you car? ;A:我們大約10點(diǎn)會(huì)回來(lái). B:我可以開(kāi)你的車(chē)子嗎?
A:Sure. We left some money so that you can take the kids to dinner. ;A:可以.我們留下一些錢(qián), 以便你帶小孩去吃晚飯
B:Okay,I'll be careful ;B:好的,我會(huì)小心.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Am I allowed to take a break? Am I allowed to let visitors in? ;我可以休息一下嗎? 我可以讓客人進(jìn)來(lái)嗎?
Am I allowed to have company over? Am I allowed to drive your car? ;我可以讓朋友來(lái)嗎? 我可以開(kāi)你的車(chē)子嗎?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
midnight question allow ;午夜 問(wèn)題 允許
visitor around drive ;訪(fǎng)客 (時(shí)間)前后;大約 開(kāi)車(chē)
money kid dinner ;金錢(qián) 小孩子 晚餐;正餐
careful break company ;小心 短暫的休息 朋友
Unit 18 How did the interview go? ;面試如何?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:So,how did the interview go? B:Fine,but they gave the job to John. ;A:哎,面試如何? B:很好,但是他們把那個(gè) 工作給了約翰.
A:That's too bad.I'm sorry you didn't get the job. B:Me too. ;A:那真是很糟.你不能得 到那個(gè)工作,我很遺憾. B:我也是.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:Hey,good effort out there tonight. ;A:嘿,你今晚在球場(chǎng)上 打得很認(rèn)真.
B:Thanks. I wish they gave points for trying. ;B:謝謝你.我希望盡量做 也能得分.
A:I'm sorry you lost the game,but don't get down. ;A:你比賽輸了,我很遺憾, 但是別難過(guò).
B:I know. We'll get it right next time. ;B:我知道.下一次我們 會(huì)做得更好.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I'm sorry you didn't get the job. I'm sorry John broke up with you. ;你不能得到那個(gè)工作, 我很遺憾. 約翰跟你吹了,我很遺憾.
I'm sorry your dog died.I'm sorry you lost the game. ;你的狗死了,我很遺憾. 你比賽輸了,我很遺憾.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
interview gave effort ;面談 給(過(guò)去式) 努力
point wish try ;分?jǐn)?shù) 希望 嘗試
lost game down ;(球類(lèi))比賽 比賽輸了(過(guò)去式) 沮喪的;情緒低落的
die next time ;過(guò)世 下一次
Unit 19 You bet ;沒(méi)問(wèn)題
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:I'm calling to check on the sales position. ;A:我打電話(huà)來(lái)是想知道我 應(yīng)聘銷(xiāo)售員職位的情況.
B:I'm afraid that the job has already been filled. ;B:那個(gè)職位已經(jīng)有人了.
A:Okay,thanks a lot. B:You bet. ;A:好,多謝. B:沒(méi)問(wèn)題.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:I'm here to speak with Mary. ;A:我來(lái)找瑪麗.
B:I'm afraid you'll have to come back tomorrow. She left a couple of minutes ago ;B:你恐怕得明天再來(lái). 她幾分鐘前才離開(kāi).
A:Oh,when will she be in? B:She comes in at 2:00 ;A:噢,她明天幾點(diǎn)會(huì)來(lái)? B:她2:00來(lái).
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I'm afraid that the job has already been filled. ;那個(gè)職位已經(jīng)有人充任了
I'm afraid you'll have to come back tomorrow. ;你恐怕得明天再來(lái).
I'm afraid that your dog isn't going to make it. ;我恐怕你的狗活不成了.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
check sales position ;查一查 銷(xiāo)售 職位
afraid back left ;恐怕 回來(lái) 離開(kāi)(過(guò)去式)
already ;已經(jīng)
Unit 20 I don't know for sure. ;我不太確定
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:What do you want to do? B:I guess you can come over. ;A:你要做什么? B:我猜你能過(guò)來(lái).
A:All right,I'll be right over. B:Okay. ;A:好吧,我馬上過(guò)去. B:好的.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:What's Mary doing tonight? ;A:瑪麗今晚要做什么?
B:I don't know for sure. I guess she'll come to the party. ;B:我不太確定.我猜她會(huì) 來(lái)參加宴會(huì).
A:I hope so. B:I hear you. I need to talk to her. ;A:我希望她會(huì)來(lái). B:我知道你的意思了. 我得跟她談?wù)?
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I guess you can come over. I guess he'll like the gift. ;我猜你能過(guò)來(lái). 我猜他會(huì)喜歡這個(gè)禮物.
I guess she'll come to the party. I guess I'll buy him a car. ;我猜她會(huì)來(lái)參加宴會(huì). 我想我會(huì)買(mǎi)部車(chē)子給他.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
sure party hope ;確定 宴會(huì);派對(duì) 希望
Unit 21 I really let him down. ;我真的令他很失望
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:I really let him down. I don't know what to do. ;A:我真的令他很失望, 我不知道該怎么辦.
B:I suppose you should tell him you're sorry. ;B:我想你該跟他說(shuō)抱歉.
A:I know that. I just wish I could fix everything. B:Yeah,me too. ;A:我知道.我只是希望我 能彌補(bǔ)一切. B:是啊,我也是.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:Are you coming? ;A:你要來(lái)嗎?
B:Yeah,hold on.I suppose that I should make the bed before I leave. ;B:要,請(qǐng)稍等.我想我離開(kāi) 之前應(yīng)該把床整理好.
A:Okay,I'll meet you there. B:Bye. ;A:好的,我到那里跟你 見(jiàn)面. B:再見(jiàn).
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I suppose that you're right about him. I suppose you should tell him you're sorry. ;我想你對(duì)他的看法是對(duì)的 我想你應(yīng)該跟他說(shuō)抱歉.
I suppose that I should make the bed before I leave. ;我想我離開(kāi)之前應(yīng)該把 床整理好.
I suppose that you could get a hair cut. ;我想你應(yīng)該理發(fā).
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
really down suppose ;真的 失望的 認(rèn)為理應(yīng)的
fix leave meet ;彌補(bǔ) 離開(kāi) 見(jiàn)面
right ;正確
Unit 22 Are you getting all of this? ;你通通聽(tīng)懂了嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Are you getting all of this? ;A:你通通聽(tīng)懂了嗎?
B:Yep.I think I understand what he wants. ;B:是,我想我了解他要 什么.
A:Good. Have it ready by tomorrow morning. B:No problem. ;A:好.明天之前把一切 準(zhǔn)備好. B:沒(méi)問(wèn)題.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:What was John saying? B:Oh,nothing. ;A:約翰說(shuō)什么? B:噢,沒(méi)什么.
A:Come on,tell me. B:Okay,but don't scream. I think he wants to call you. ;A:別這樣,跟我說(shuō)吧. B:好的,但是你別尖叫. 我認(rèn)為他想打電話(huà)給你
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I think I understand what he wants. I think he wants to call you. ;我想我了解他要什么. 我認(rèn)為他想打電話(huà)給你.
I think you should go with him.I think you should type the letter for me. ;我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該跟他去. 我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該替我打這 封信.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
understand ready problem ;了解;明白 準(zhǔn)備好 問(wèn)題
scream call ;尖叫 打電話(huà)
type letter ;打字 信
Unit 23 What's going on? ;怎么一回事?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Are you ready to get to work? B:I don't think we have the proper tools ;A:你準(zhǔn)備好要工作了嗎? B:我想我們沒(méi)有恰當(dāng)?shù)? 工具.
A:What do we need? B:I think we need an electric drill. ;A:我們需要什么? B:我想我們需要一個(gè)電鉆
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:What's going on? B:I'm about to go to the store. I don't th- ink I like my computer ;A:怎么一回事? B:我正要到商店去.我想 我不喜歡我的電腦.
A:Are you going to return it? B:If I can. ;A:你想拿去退? B:如果可以退的話(huà).
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I don't think we have the proper tools. I don't think the house is clean yet. ;我想我們沒(méi)有恰當(dāng)?shù)墓ぞ?我認(rèn)為房子還沒(méi)清理好.
I don't think I like my computer. I don't think we're going out of town. ;我想我不喜歡我的電腦. 我認(rèn)為我們不可能到 外地去.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
proper tool need ;合適的 工具 需要
drill store computer ;鉆子 商店 電腦
return clean town ;退還 清潔的 城市;城鎮(zhèn)
Unit 24 That sounds cool. ;聽(tīng)起來(lái)很棒
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:What's on your mind? B:I'm thinking about getting a new car. ;A:你在想什么? B:我在想買(mǎi)一部新車(chē).
A:Wow,that sounds cool B:You're telling me. I've had this car for 10 years. ;A:哇,聽(tīng)起來(lái)很棒. B:是沒(méi)錯(cuò).我這部車(chē)已經(jīng) 開(kāi)了10年了.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:What are you going to do after the game? B:I'm thinking about eating lunch. ;A:比賽完后,你要做什么? B:我想去吃午餐.
A:You should try that new Chinese restaurant B:You're reading my mind. ;A:你應(yīng)該去那家新開(kāi)的 中國(guó)餐館吃吃看. B:你倒是知道我在想什么
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
I'm thinking about getting a new car. I'm thinking about asking Mary out. ;我想買(mǎi)部新車(chē). 我想約瑪麗出去.
I'm thinking about going shopping. I'm thinking about eating lunch. ;我想去購(gòu)物. 我想去吃午飯.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
sound cool mind ;聽(tīng)起來(lái) (口語(yǔ))很棒 頭腦
think year game ;想;認(rèn)為 年 (球類(lèi))比賽
try restaurant shopping ;嘗試 餐館;飯店 購(gòu)物
Unit 25 Do you think I look all right? ;你看我這樣穿可以嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對(duì)話(huà)一
A:Do you think I look all right? B:For a job interview? A:Yeah. ;A:你看我這樣穿可以嗎? B:你要去面試? A:是啊.
B:Not unless you don't want the job. You'd better change. ;B:不可以,除非你不想要 這個(gè)工作.你最好去換 件衣服.
Conversation 2 ;對(duì)話(huà)二
A:I heard that John is in town. B:I heard that too. ;A:我聽(tīng)說(shuō)約翰在我們鎮(zhèn)上. B:我也聽(tīng)說(shuō)了.
A:Do you think he's coming over? B:Probably not.He's usually pretty busy. ;A:你認(rèn)為他會(huì)來(lái)拜訪(fǎng)嗎? B:應(yīng)該不會(huì).他通常很忙.
Practice ;句型練習(xí)
Do you think we can win the race? Do you think I look all right? ;你認(rèn)為我們賽跑會(huì)贏嗎? 你認(rèn)為我這樣穿可以嗎?
Do you think he's coming over? Do you think she liked her gift? ;你認(rèn)為他會(huì)來(lái)拜訪(fǎng)嗎? 你認(rèn)為她喜歡她的禮物 嗎?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語(yǔ)
look interview unless ;看起來(lái) 面談 除非
change heard probably ;換衣服 聽(tīng)見(jiàn)(過(guò)去式) 或許;可能的
usually pretty busy ;通常 非常;相當(dāng) 忙的
win race gift ;贏 賽跑;競(jìng)賽 禮物

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