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100 Formulas on English Conversation ;英語會話速成100公式
Unit 26 How did the meeting go? ;會議開得如何?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How did the meeting go? ;A:會議開得如何?
B:Don't ask me. I couldn't find the place. ;B:別問我.我找不到開會 的地點.
A:Are you sure you got the right address? ;A:你確定你拿到的是正確 地址?
B:Positive. I guess I'll just find out tomorrow. ;B:肯定是對的.我相我明 天再問問是怎么一回事.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Man,this controller doesn't work right at all. ;A:天啊,這個控制器沒 辦法用.
B:Are you sure that you bought the right controller? ;B:你確定你買對了控制器
A:Yeah,I bought the exact one you said. ;A:是啊,我完全照你說的 買的.
B:Well,maybe it's defective. ;B:噢,可能是有故障吧.
Practice ;句型練習
Are you sure the pen doesn't work? Are you sure you got the right address? ;你確定這支筆不能用嗎? 你確定你拿的是正確地址
Are you sure you don't want to come over? ;你確定你不過來嗎?
Are you sure that you bought the right controller? ;你確定你買對了控制器?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
meeting ask find ;會議 問 找到
place address positive ;地方 地址 確信的;有把握的
guess controller work ;猜測想 控制器 可以用的
bought exact defective ;買(過去式) 確切的 故障的
Unit 27 Thanks for bringing lunch over. ;謝謝你帶午餐來
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:You're home early. ;A:你今天提早回家了.
B:Yeah,we decided to call it a night. Thanks for watching the kids. ;B:是,我們決定大家該回 家了.謝謝你幫我看小孩
A:You bet. Let me know if you need me to do it again. B:We'll let you know. ;A:沒問題.需要我再幫你 看小孩時,通知我. B:我們會通知你.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Thanks for bringing lunch over.It really helps. ;A:謝謝你帶午餐來. 你真是幫了大忙.
B:It's the least we could do. I hope you get to feeling better soon. ;B:這是我們起碼該做的. 我希望你很快恢復.
A:Me too.I can't take much more of this. ;A:我也是.再這樣下去我 可受不了了.
B:Keep taking your medicine.Yell at us if you need anything else. ;B:繼續(xù)服藥嗎.你如果 需要什么,大聲叫我們.
Practice ;句型練習
Thanks for the gifts. Thanks for watching the kids. ;謝謝你的禮物. 謝謝你幫我看小孩.
Thanks for bringing lunch over. Thanks for painting our house so well. ;謝謝你帶午餐來. 謝謝你把我們的房子 漆得這么好.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
early decide bring ;早 決定 帶來
really least feel ;真的 最少的 感覺
better soon medicine ;較好的;更好的 很快地 藥
yell else paint ;大聲叫 其他的 油漆
Unit 28 Did you like the movie ;你喜歡那部電影嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How was your date? B:It was kind of awkward. ;A:你去約會,情形如何? B:有一點尷尬.
A:Really? B:Yeah,things just didn't seem right. ;A:真的? B:是啊,事情就是有點不 對.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Did you like the movie? B:No,it was kind of boring. ;A:你喜歡那部電影嗎? B:不喜歡,有點乏味.
A:That's what I thought. B:Oh well,you win some you lose some. ;A:我也是這么認為. B:是啊,有所得必有所失.
Practice ;句型練習
It was kind of awkward It was kind of nice. ;有一點尷尬. 還不錯.
It was kind of a surprise. It was kind of boring. ;有一點令人吃驚. 有點乏味.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
date awkward seem ;約會 不安的;尷尬的 似乎
movie boring thought ;電影 乏味的 想(過去式)
lose win surprise ;失去 贏 驚奇;驚喜
Unite 29 Can you do me a favor? ;你能幫我一個忙嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Can you do me a favor? B:Sure. What do you need? ;A:你能幫我一個忙嗎? B:好,你需要什么?
A:I need the car washed. Here's a few bucks. B:Okay. ;A:我的車子需要洗. 這里有幾塊錢. B:好的.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Can I give you a hand? ;A:需要幫忙嗎?
B:Sure.I need this shirt pressed and I'm running out of time. ;B:需要.我這件襯衫需要 燙,而我快沒時間了.
A:Give it here.I'll do it. B:Thanks.I owe you one ;A:放在這里.我來做. B:謝謝你.我欠你一個 人情.
Practice ;句型練習
I need the car washed. I need the walls painted. ;我的車子需要洗. 墻壁需要油漆.
I need this shirt pressed. I need the disks formatted. ;我這件襯衫需要燙. 這些磁盤需要格式化.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
favor wash buck ;幫忙;恩惠 洗 (口語)一元
press owe disk ;用熨斗燙 虧欠 (電腦)磁盤
format ;(把磁盤)格式化
Unit 30 How do you like the new house? ;你喜歡新房子嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:What else do you have to do? B:The floor needs sweeping. ;A:你還有什么需要做? B:地板需要掃.
A:That's it? B:Yep. ;A:就這樣? B:是的.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:How do your parents like the new house? ;A:你父母喜歡新房子嗎?
B:Pretty good,except the kitchen needs remodeling. ;B:很喜歡.只是廚房需要 改建.
A:Are they going to do it? B:Yeah,might as well. ;A:他們準備動手了嗎? B:是啊,可能已經(jīng)開始了.
Practice ;句型練習
The cat needs washing. The floor needs sweeping. ;這只貓需要洗澡. 地板需要掃.
The TV needs fixing. The kitchen needs remodeling. ;這部電視機需要修理. 廚房需要改建.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
floor sweep parent ;地板 掃地 雙親之一
pretty except kitchen ;非常;相當 除了...之外 廚房
remodel need ;改建 需要
Unit 31 No problem ;沒問題.
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Do you need me to do anything for you? B:Yeah,I need you to fix dinner. ;A:你需要我?guī)湍阕鍪裁磫?B:是,我需要你做晚飯.
A:I can handle that,no problem. B:Thanks. ;A:我可以做,沒問題. B:謝謝你.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Can you do me a favor? B:Sure. What do you need? ;A:你可以幫我一個忙嗎? B:當然可以,你需要什么?
A:I need you to run to the store for me. B:No problem. ;A:我需要你幫我到商店 跑一趟. B:沒問題.
Practice ;句型練習
I need you to fix dinner. I need you to buy Mary a doll. ;我需要你做晚飯. 我需要你買一個娃娃給 瑪麗.
I need you to run to the store for me. ;我需要你幫我到商店跑 一趟.
I need you to clean your room. ;我要你把你的房間清理 干凈.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
fix handle favor ;準備 處理 幫忙;恩惠
store problem buy ;商店 問題 買
doll run clean ;洋娃娃 跑步 清理
room ;房間
Unit 32 Everything's so expensive. ;每一樣東西都很貴.
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:What do you know? B:Not much.Can you believe it's already 2000? ;A:嗨,怎么樣啊? B:沒什么.你能相信已經(jīng) 是2000年了嗎?
A:Crazy,isn't it? B:Yeah,I just got used to writing 1999 on all my checks. ;A:很瘋狂,不是嗎? B:是啊,我才剛習慣于在 支票本上寫1999年.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:What are you going to get? ;A:你要吃什么?
B:I don't know. Everything's so expensive. ;B:我不知道,每一樣東西 都很貴.
A:Can you believe that they charge $10 for a hamburger? ;A:你能相信一個漢堡竟然 賣10美元嗎?
B:Maybe we should just get water. ;B:或許我們只要水就好了
Practice Listen and repeat ;句型練習
Can you believe it's already 2000? ;你能相信已是2000年了嗎
Can you believe that John called back so fast? ;你會相信約翰這么快就回 電話嗎?
Can you believe that they charge $10 for a hamburger? ;你能相信一個漢堡竟然賣 10美元嗎?
Can you believe that she is so slow? ;你會相信她竟這么遲鈍嗎
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
believe already crazy ;相信 已經(jīng) 瘋狂
write check expensive ;寫 支票 昂貴的
charge hamburger ;收費 漢堡
fast slow ;快 遲緩的,遲鈍的
Unit 33 Are you serious? ;你說真的?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:I can't believe you cleaned the garage. B:Well,someone had to. ;A:我真不敢相信你把車庫 整理干凈了. B:噢,總要有人去做.
A:I never thought I would see the day when we had a clean garage again. ;A:我從沒想到,我還能看 到我們有個干凈的車庫 的一天.
B:Me neither. But it's here. ;B:我也沒想到.但是,干凈 的車庫就在這里.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:How were your grades this semester? B:Fine,except Chemistry. I got an F ;A:你這學期的成績怎么樣 B:還好,只是化學得了個F
A:Are you serious?I can't believe you failed Chemistry. ;A:你說真的?我真不敢相 信,你的化學課會不及 格.
B:I know.I thought I passed the test for sure. ;B:我知道.我原本認為我 肯定可以及格.
Practice ;句型練習
I can't believe you cleaned the garage. ;我真不敢相信你把車庫 整理干凈了.
I can't believe you failed Chemistry. ;我真不敢相信,你的化學 課會不及格.
I can't believe you won't help him. ;我真不敢相信,你竟然不 幫他的忙.
I can't believe she wrecked your car. ;我真不敢相信,她撞毀了 你的車子.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
believe garage never ;相信 車庫 從未;絕無
neither grade semester ;也不 成績 學期
except chemistry serious ;除了...之外 化學 認真的;嚴肅的
fail pass ;(考試)不及格 通過
test wreck ;測驗;考試 (口語)撞車
Unit 34 I'll give you a hand. ;我會幫你的忙
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Can you change John for me? ;A:請你幫約翰換尿布好嗎
B:Come on,it's your turn to change his diaper. ;B:別這樣,輪到你幫他換 尿布了.
A:I'm sorry. I'm just a little busy. B:Okay,but you owe me. ;A:對不起.我比較忙. B:好,但是你欠我一個人 情.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:The kitchen is dirty B:Why are you telling me?It's your turn to wash the dishes. ;A:廚房很臟. B:你為什么跟我說?輪到 你洗碗碟了.
A:Oh,I thought today was your day. I'm sorry. ;A:噢,我以為今天該你洗. 對不起.
B:That's all right. I'll give you a hand ;B:沒關(guān)系.我會幫你的忙.
Practice ;句型練習
It's your turn to change his diaper. It's your turn to wash the dishes. ;輪到你幫他換尿布了. 輪到你洗碗碟了.
It's your turn to make the bed. It's your turn to mow the lawn. ;輪到你整理床鋪了. 輪到你割草.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
change turn diaper ;更換 輪流 尿布
busy kitchen dirty ;忙的 廚房 臟的
wash dish mow ;洗 盤子 割草
lawn ;草坪
Unit 35 It's time to leave for the party. ;該是去赴宴會的時間了
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:It's time to leave for the party. B:Okay,give me another minute. ;A:該是去赴宴會的時間了 B:好的,再給我?guī)追昼?
A:Well,just meet me there. I don't want to be late. B:Okay,see you there. ;A:行,我們在那里見面. 我不想遲到. B:好的,到那里再見.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Are you nervous? It's time for the game to start. B:A little bit. You? ;A:你緊張嗎?該是球賽 開始的時間了. B:有一點.你呢?
A:Yeah,but I'll get over it. B:I hope I do. ;A:緊張,但是我可以克服. B:我希望我會克服.
Practice ;句型練習
It's time to leave for the party. It's time we got a new apartment. ;該是去赴宴會的時間了. 該是換個新公寓的時間了
It's time to go shopping. It's time for the game to start. ;該是去購物的時間了. 該是球賽開始的時間了.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
another minute late ;另一個 (時間單位)分 遲到
nervous bit apartment ;緊張的 一點兒 公寓
Unit 36 What's wrong? ;怎么啦?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:What's wrong? B:I'm upset with Mary. She said I was ugly. ;A:怎么啦? B:我在生瑪麗的氣. 她說我很丑.
A:I've had enough. It's time Mary said something nice. ;A:我受夠了.該是瑪麗說 一些好聽的話的時候了
B:Don't say anything. You'll just make it worse. ;B:別說什么.你只會使事 情更糟.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:When is John coming over? ;A:約翰什么時候要來?
B:He's not.His mom said he can't do anything this weekend ;B:他不會來.他母親說他 這個周末不可以做任何事
A:It's time John stood up for himself.He's 23 for crying out loud B:I'm with you. ;A:該是約翰為他自己說話 的時候了.他都23歲了. B:我同意你的說法.
Practice ;句型練習
It's time Mary grew up ;該是瑪麗像個大人的時候 了.
It's time Mary said something nice. ;該是瑪麗說一些好聽的話 的時候了.
It's time John stood up for himself. ;該是約翰為他自己說話的 時候了.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
wrong upset ugly ;錯誤的 生氣;不高興 丑的
enough nice worse ;足夠的 很好 更糟
loud finish education ;大聲 完成 教育
Unit 37 It's his turn. ;輪到他了
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Where does John live now? B:Same place. ;A:約翰現(xiàn)在住在哪里? B:老地方.
A:Are you kidding? Isn't it time John moved out? B:Try telling him that ;A:你在開玩笑吧?該是約 翰搬出來的時候了吧? B:你想辦法跟他說.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Are you going to call Tom this weekend? ;A:這個周末你要跟湯姆打 個電話嗎?
B:Isn't it time Tom called us?We always call him. ;B:該是湯姆打電話約我們 的時候了吧?都是我們 打電話約他.
A:You're right. It's his turn. B:Yeah,it's his turn. ;A:你說得對.輪到他了. B:是啊,是輪到他了.
Practice ;句型練習
Isn't it time John moved out? ;該是約翰搬出來的時候了 吧?
Isn't it time Mary stopped nagging John so much? ;該是瑪麗停止不斷對約翰 嘮叨的時候了吧?
Isn't it time Tom called us? ;該是湯姆打電話給我們 的時候了吧?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
same place kidding ;相同的 地方 開玩笑
move always right ;搬家 總是 正確的
turn nag ;輪流 嘮叨
Unit 38 Do you have anything else? ;你有什么其他的東西嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:What do you have to eat? ;A:有什么可以吃的?
B:There is a box of crackers in the pantry. ;B:櫥柜里有一盒餅干.
A:Do you have anything else? B:There's some popcorn if you want that. ;A:你有什么其他東西嗎? B:如果你要爆米花的話, 有一些.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Can you put this load of clothes in for me? ;A:你可以幫我把這些衣服 放進洗衣機里嗎?
B:Yeah. Where's the detergent? ;B:好,洗衣粉在哪里?
A:There is some detergent already in the washer. ;A:洗衣機里已經(jīng)有洗衣粉
B:Oh,that makes it pretty easy. ;B:噢,那就很簡單了.
Practice ;句型練習
There is a box of crackers in the pantry There is a broom in the corner. ;櫥柜里有一盒餅干. 角落里有一把掃帚.
There is some detergent already in the washer. ;洗衣機里已經(jīng)有洗衣粉.
There is a cup for Mary in the cupboard. ;碗櫥里有給瑪麗用的茶杯
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
cracker pantry popcorn ;餅干 食品儲藏室 爆玉米花
load clothes detergent ;一堆 衣物 洗衣粉
washer easy broom ;洗衣機 簡單的 掃帚
corner cup cupboard ;角落 茶杯 碗櫥
Unit 39 You seem really worried. ;你看起來很焦急
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:You seem really worried. B:I am. I've got so much to do. ;A:你看起來很焦急. B:我是焦急.我有這么多 事情要做.
A:Is there anything I can do to help? B:No,I need to take care of it all. ;A:有什么我可以幫忙的嗎 B:沒有,我需要處理所有 這些.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Where should we go to get Tom's present? B:Is there a gift shop in the mall? ;A:我們應(yīng)該到哪里去買 給湯姆的禮物? B:購物中心有禮品店嗎?
A:No,the one that was there closed down. ;A:沒有,那里原有的一家 關(guān)門了.
B:Hmm,I guess we could go to Hallmark. ;B:嗯,我想我們可以去 Hallmark禮品店.
Practice ;句型練習
Is there a game that you want? Is there anything I can do to help? ;有你想要的游戲嗎? 有什么我可以幫忙的嗎?
Is there a reason that you are so late? Is there a gift shop in the mall? ;你遲到有什么理由嗎? 大型購物中心有禮品店嗎
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
seem worried present ;似乎 焦急;擔心 禮物
shop mall ;商店 大型購物中心
reason late ;理由 遲到
Unit 40 I'm going to the game. ;我要去看球賽
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:I'm going to the game. ;A:我要去看球賽.
B:You know the rules. You can't go to the game unless you eat all of your dinner. ;B:你知道規(guī)定的.你要把 晚飯吃完才可以去看球賽
A:But I'm not hungry. B:Rules are rules. ;A:但是我不餓. B:規(guī)定就是規(guī)定.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Are you going to use the phone?I need to call John. ;A:你要用電話嗎?我要打 電話給約翰.
B:You can't call John until you finish your chores. ;B:你要把你應(yīng)做的雜務(wù)做 完,才可以打電話給約翰
A:Come on,please. B:No. Do you chores and then you can call him. ;A:別這樣啦. B:不行,先把雜務(wù)做完,然 后你就可以打電話給他.
Practice ;句型練習
You can't go to the game until you eat all of your dinner. ;你要把晚飯吃完才可以 去看球賽.
She can't come over until you clean your room. ;你要把你的房間清理干凈 她才可以過來.
You can't call John until you finish your chores. ;你要把你應(yīng)做的雜務(wù)做完 才可以打電話給約翰.
You can't borrow the car until you show some responsibility. ;你要表現(xiàn)出你有責任感, 才可以借車子.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
game rule hungry ;(球類)比賽;游戲 規(guī)則;規(guī)章 餓
call finish chore ;打電話;稱為 完成 家庭雜務(wù)
clean room borrow ;清潔的;清理 房間;空間 借用
until responsibility ;直到 責任;責任感
Unit 41 Why don't we get a bite to eat? ;我們何不吃點東西?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Why don't we get a bite to eat? B:Sounds good to me. I'm starving. ;A:我們何不吃點東西? B:聽起來真是不錯. 我餓壞了.
A:Do you like Burger King? B:Yeah. Let's go there ;A:你喜歡漢堡王餐廳嗎? B:喜歡,我們到那里去.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:How do you want to get to the party? B:Why don't we borrow the car? ;A:你要如何去參加宴會? B:我們何不借這部車子?
A:Do you think they'll let us? B:Sure. I do it all the time. ;A:你想他們會讓我們借嗎 B:沒問題,我常向他們借 的.
Practice ;句型練習
Why don't we get a bite to eat? Why don't you call her ;我們何不吃點東西? 你何不打電話給她?
Why don't we borrow the car? Why don't you come on over? ;我們何不借這部車子? 你何不過來玩?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
bite sound starve ;一口;簡單的飲食 聽起來 餓死
party sure ;宴會;派對 當然
Unit 42 Are you kidding? ;你在開玩笑嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Hello. ;A:喂.
B:Hi,this is Dr.Lin's office. I'm calling to remind you about your appointment. ;B:嗨,這里是林醫(yī)師診所. 我是想提醒你約好的時間
A:Oh,I forgot all about it. ;A:噢,我全忘了.
B:I thought so. Your appointment was half an hour ago. ;B:我想就是這樣.你約好 的時間是半小時之前.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Hello. B:Hi,I'm calling to offer you free long distance service. ;A:喂. B:嗨,我打電話來是要提 供你免費長途電話服務(wù).
A:Free long distance? Are you kidding? B:No,it's your lucky day. ;A:免費長途電話?你在開 玩笑嗎? B:不,今天是你的幸運日.
Practice ;句型練習
I'm calling to remind you about your appointment. ;我打電話來是提醒你約好 的時間.
I'm calling to offer you free long distance service. ;我打電話來是要提供你免 費的長途電話服務(wù).
I'm calling to see if you want to go to the mall. ;我打電話來,看看你要不 要去大型購物中心.
I'm calling to check up on Mary. ;我打電話來是看一下瑪麗 還好嗎.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
remind appointment forgot ;提醒 約定好的時間 忘記(過去式)
offer distance service ;提供 距離 服務(wù)
free kidding ;免費的 開玩笑
lucky mall ;幸運的 大型購物中心
Unit 43 Where are you headed? ;你要去哪里?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Where are you headed B:To Tom and Mary's. Have you ever seen their house? ;A:你要去哪里? B:去湯姆和瑪麗家.你看 過他們的房子嗎?
A:No,but I've heard a lot about it. ;A:沒有,但是我聽人家說 過很多.
B:Come on then.They'll love to see you. ;B:那么,來吧.他們會很 喜歡見到你的.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:This chicken is awful. ;A:這雞肉真難吃.
B:I know.Have you ever tasted something so horrible? ;B:我知道.你有沒有吃過 這么難吃的東西?
A:I can't believe this costs $20. B:This is the worst meal I've ever had. ;A:我真不相信,這要20美 元. B:這是我吃過最難吃的.
Practice ;句型練習
Have you ever seen their house? Have you ever tasted something so horrible? ;你看過他們的房子嗎? 你有沒有吃過這么難吃的 東西?
Have you ever been so embarrassed in your whole life? ;你一生中有沒有這么難堪 過?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
head heard then ;前往 聽見(過去式) 那么
chicken awful taste ;雞肉 很糟的 嘗起來
horrible cost worst ;(口語)糟透的 花費 最壞的
embarrassed whole life ;難堪的 全部的 生活;人生
Unit 44 That's crazy! ;真是瘋狂!
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How come the present aren't here yet? ;A:禮物為什么還沒到?
B:I don't know.I remember ordering the presents. ;B:我不知道.我記得我訂 了禮物.
A:Did you pay for them B:Yeah,I sent a check. ;A:你付了錢嗎? B:有啊,我寄了一張支票.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:John is mad at you. B:Why? ;A:約翰很生你的氣. B:為什么?
A:He said you never called him back last week. ;A:他說你上周沒回他電話
B:That's crazy! I remember calling him four times! ;B:真是瘋狂.我記得我打 了四次電話給他.
Practice ;句型練習
I remember ordering the presents. I remember checking the mail. ;我記得我訂了禮物. 我記得我查過有沒有郵件
I remember cleaning the floors. I remember calling John four times. ;我記得我清理了地板. 我記得我打了四次電話 給約翰.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
crazy remember order ;瘋狂的 記得 訂購
present pay send ;禮物 付錢 寄
check mad ;查閱;檢查 生氣
mail floor ;郵件 地板
Unit 45 I've had enough of this. ;我真受不了
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Look,there are ants all over the cabinet. B:We've got to keep this place cleaner. ;A:你看,櫥柜里全是螞蟻. B:我們必須把這個地方保 持得更干凈.
A:Yeah,I've had enough of this. B:I'll get a washcloth ;A:是啊,我真受不了. B:我去拿一條毛巾.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:When is Mary coming over? B:At 6. ;A:瑪麗什么時候來? B:6點.
A:Is she going to eat with us? ;A:她要跟我們一起吃飯嗎
B:That's what I forgot I've got to ask her about dinner. ;B:我就是忘了問她這個. 我這就去問她吃不吃晚飯
Practice ;句型練習
We've got to keep this place cleaner. ;我們必須把這個地方保持 得更干凈.
We've got to do some shopping during the sale. ;在打折拍賣期間,我們必 須去購買些東西.
I've got to ask her about dinner. ;我這就去問她來不來吃 晚飯.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
ant cabinet place ;螞蟻 柜子;櫥柜 地方
cleaner enough washcloth ;更干凈(比較級) 足夠 毛巾
shopping sale ;購物 拍賣
Unit 46 How do you like the big city? ;你喜歡大城市嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How do you like the big city? B:It's all right,but I don't like driving. ;A:你喜歡大城市嗎? B:還好,但是我不喜歡開 車.
A:I'm used to the traffic in Taipei,so this doesn't bother me. ;A:我已經(jīng)習慣臺北的交通 所以對我來說,不是問題.
B:Yeah,I'm just not used to it yet. ;B:是啊,我只是還不習慣.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:John gets on my nerves. B:I'm used to his sarcasm. ;A:約翰很令我受不了. B:我已經(jīng)習慣了他的諷刺
A:How can you be used to that? ;A:你怎么會習慣的?
B:I don't know.I guess I've just known for so long. ;B:我不知道.我猜是因為 我認識他好久了.
Practice ;句型練習
I'm used to the traffic in Taipei. We're used to the bad weather. ;我已經(jīng)習慣于臺北的交通 我已經(jīng)習慣了這種糟天氣
I'm used to the bad food. I'm used to his sarcasm. ;我已經(jīng)習慣了很糟的食物 我已經(jīng)習慣了他的諷刺.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
city traffic bother ;都市 交通 打擾;麻煩;困擾
nerve sarcasm guess ;神經(jīng) 諷刺;嘲諷 猜想
bad weather food ;不好 天氣 食物
Unit 47 No kidding. ;說得也是
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How is John handling his new roommate? B:Not too good. ;A:約翰和他的新室友處得 來嗎? B:處不好.
A:I thought that might happen. John is used to living by himself ;A:我知道會這樣.約翰習 慣于獨自一個人住.
B:Yeah,I guess that's what it is. ;B:是啊,我想就是這樣.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:What was John's deal today? ;A:約翰今天是怎么一回事
B:John is used to being the center of attention.If he isn't,he whines. ;B:約翰習慣于做眾人注意 力的中心.要不,他就哭 哭啼啼.
A:Man,I can't believe a high schooler is such a baby! B:No kidding. ;A:天啊,我真不相信一個 高中生竟像個嬰孩一樣. B:說的也是.
Practice ;句型練習
John is used to living by himself. Tom is used to doing all the work. ;約翰習慣于獨自一個人住 湯姆習慣于做所有的工作
John is used to being the center of attention. ;約翰習慣于做眾人注意力 的中心.
Mary is used to driving a lot. ;瑪麗習慣于長途開車.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
handle roommate might ;處理 室友 也許
happen deal center ;發(fā)生 (口語)情況;事情 中心
attention whine ;注意;注意力 哭哭啼啼
Unit 48 How is the new place? ;新地方怎么樣?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How's the new place? ;A:新地方怎么樣?
B:All right.I will get used to the apartment ;B:還好.我會適應(yīng)那個公 寓.
But it sure was fun having John as a roommate. ;但是有約翰做室友,真的 很有趣.
A:That may take some time to get over. B:Yeah,but life goes on. ;A:總是要一些時間才能 恢復正常. B:是啊,日了總是要過的.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:How do you like Mary ;A:你喜歡瑪麗嗎?
B:She's great.But it will be a while before I will get used to her parents. ;B:她很好.但是我需要一 段時間來適應(yīng)她的父母
A:That's just takes time. B:That's what I'm hoping. ;A:那只是需要時間. B:我也希望是這樣.
Practice ;句型練習
I will get used to the apartment. I will get used to school. ;我會適應(yīng)那個公寓. 我會適應(yīng)學校的.
I will get used to her parents. I will get used to her attitude. ;我會適應(yīng)她的父母. 我會適應(yīng)她的態(tài)度.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
apartment fun life ;公寓 好玩;樂趣 生活;人生
while parent ;一段時間 雙親之一
hope attitude ;希望 態(tài)度
Unit 49 How's your job? ;你的工作怎么樣?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How's your job? B:Good,but I have to drive all over the place. ;A:你的工作怎么樣? B:很好,但是我必須開車 到各處.
A:Do you think you'll like that? B:Sure,I will get used to driving so much. ;A:你想你會喜歡嗎? B:當然,我會習慣長時間 開車.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Why is John grounded B:He left last night without permission. ;A:約翰為什么被禁閉? B:他昨晚沒得到允許就 離開了.
A:I guess he will get used to asking before he leaves. ;A:我想他會習慣在離開之 前先問一聲.
B:He'd better,or he's going to spend the rest of his life in his room. ;B:他最好是習慣,否則他 往后的日子就要留在他 的房間里.
Practice ;句型練習
I will get used to eating by myself. I will get used to driving so much. ;我會習慣于單獨吃飯. 我會習慣長時間開車.
She will get used to coming home early. ;她會習慣早一點回家.
He will get used to asking before he leaves. ;他會習慣在離開之前先 問一聲.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
job drive place ;工作 開車 地方
ground permission leave ;禁足 許可 離開
rest life ;其余的 生活;人生
Unit 50 That's for sure. ;那是一定的
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Look at John.He's copying Peter's paper. ;A:你看約翰.他在抄彼得 的報告.
B:John had better do his work by himself if he expects to graduate. ;B:如果約翰想畢業(yè)的話, 他最好是自己做他的 功課.
A:My mom said that if she ever caught me cheating,I'll be grounded for a week. ;A:我媽說,如果她抓到我 作弊,會讓我禁足一周.
B:My mom would kill me ;B:我媽會把我殺了.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:What's Peter in trouble for? ;A:彼得出了什么問題?
B:He told me one thing and told his mom something completely different. ;B:他告訴我一件事,而告 訴他媽的又完全不同.
A:Sounds like Peter had better get his story straight. B:That's for sure. ;A:聽起來,彼得最好是把 他的故事講清楚. B:那是一定的.
Practice ;句型練習
Tom had better quit bugging me. John had better do his work by himself. ;湯姆最好不要再來煩我. 約翰最好是自己做他的 功課.
Peter had better get his story straight. ;彼得最好是把他的故事 講清楚.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
copy paper expect ;抄寫 研究報告 預(yù)期;期待
graduate caught cheat ;畢業(yè) 捕捉(過去式) (考試)作弊
kill trouble completely ;殺 麻煩 完全地
different straight ;不同的 確實的
quit bug ;終止 (口語)煩人

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