讀雙語故事,看百味人生。閱讀是一生的功課,無論順境逆境,我們總能在文字里找到共鳴。以下是小編整理的幫助你遇到的下一個人/JUST HELP THE NEXT PERSON的內(nèi)容,讀一下吧,也許恰好是你喜歡的那一篇。
Some twenty years ago I was working at an insurance agency and drove to work every day. One day the highway was closed down by an accident, so I had to go a number of miles out of my way, through the countryside.
All went well on my way to work. At the end of the day I rushed home as I had a hair appointment. Not being familiar with this road, I topped a hill. A big pot hole appeared right in my path. After I’d crossed it I felt that I had a flat tire. Then, looking into my rearview mirror, I caught sight of a truck pulling out of a pasture behind me. I was relieved and scared at the same time. I kept thinking of all the bad things that had happened to people in deserted places like this.
I jumped out of the car and opened the trunk. I was struggling to get the spare tire out when the man in the truck came up behind me. He introduced himself and offered to help. When he got the spare tire out, we discovered that it was also flat. He told me that I could go with him and he would get it fixed. I called my husband with his phone, and on the way into town he told me that he was married and had a daughter. The pasture which I’d seen him coming from was part of his farm.
We got the tire fixed, and he took me back to my car. My husband was waiting for us there. The kind stranger stayed and helped my husband change the tire, and when they finished we both thanked him and offered to pay him for his help. I will never forget what he said. “Your thanks is more than enough pay, and I just hope that if something like this ever happens to my wife or daughter, someone will be so kind as to help them.”
I don’t remember the name of this gentleman but will never forget his kindness. I pass by that place almost weekly now, and think of him every time.
◇tire n. 輪胎
◇rearview mirror 后視鏡
◇pasture n. 牧場,牧草,草地