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Previously on Prison Break
I didn't kill that man, Michael.
The evidence says you did.
I was set up.
Put down your weapon!
I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.
I'm looking for someone, guy named Lincoln Burrows.
Man killed the Vice President's brother.
Why you want to see Burrows so bad, anyhow?
Because he's my brother.
I'm getting you out of here.
It's impossible.
Not if you designed the place, it isn't.
You've seen the blueprints.
Better than that. I've got them on me.
There's a lawyer poking around.
Miss Donovan. I-I didn't mean to scare you.
It's gone!
Does anyone else have a key to this place?
You were here, remember? I walked over to the cabinet, and I...got an issue with our little friend over there?
Maybe it's time I lit up that leather once and for all.
What happened?
Don't make me lie to you.
You heard the news, didn't you?
No, what?
They're brothers.
Burrows and Scofield.
Michael Scofield?
I'm going to the wall tonight. See if I can access the roof.
Take the only thing Burrows has left. The chair isn't the only way to take a man's life in prison.

Just a few more rides.
Oh, great! Great!
Then you have to wrap it up. Oh, Adam’s getting bigger, huh? Ten. Hmm?
Not here.
We need a favor.
Been out of the life for years. You know that.
I know. Problem is, Diamond, no one's gonna believe that after I take the heroin I have in my pocket and put it in the glove box of the reasonably priced minivan you have parked over there. I will cuff you. I will drag you out of here in front of everyone.
What do you need?
What America needs is an environmentally friendly, logistically feasible, and economically responsible alternative fuel source...
Leave a message, I'll call you back. Thanks.
Hi, it's Wendy. I know you wanted to work with no distractions, so don't pick up. 1 I just wanted to let you know that nick Savrinn left six messages for you today.
What'd you tell him?
Oh, uh, what you said to say that you were in a meeting.
Look, if he comes by the office tomorrow, tell him I'm not there, okay?
Okay. Good night, Veronica .
Thanks, Wendy.
Bed check.
Do you want to tell me why you haven't returned any of my phone calls?
Look, I really appreciate everything you've done, okay? But I-I don't want your help anymore.
My help anymore...do you really think I had something to do with that missing tape?
No, look, I'm just gonna go grab a cup of coffee, and get back to work, okay? I don't have time for this right now.
Veronica. Just wait a second. Will you hold on a second? Listen, why do you avoid...?
Don't touch me, all right?
Everything okay, miss Donovan?
Lucas, do you mind walking me back inside?
Take a walk, pal.
You're being paranoid. You're being paranoid. 2
Go away.
Show some skin, Scofield. Hey, Scofield.
I'm trying to sleep, boss.
I can't get through the wall, Sucre.
What do you mean, you can't get through the wall?
I know how to do it. I just don't have the time to do it.
We're locked up. All we got is time.
You don't understand. I planned this break on a schedule. Constantly coming up here for count won't let me do what I need to do to get through that wall. If I'm not back on schedule, which means we're through that wall by the end of the day Manana, we're not getting out of here.
Look, there are three things for certain in life--death, taxes and count.
Only way to stop count is...
Never mind. It’s a bad idea.
Worse than the idea of losing Maricruz?
A lockdown. We get gen pop locked down for a day, you'll have all the time you need.
And no count?
Bulls don't even come by. Only one problem.
How do we get a lockdown?
Can you get to the prison ac unit?
You want a lockdown, you got to get the inmates riled up. 3 And if you want to piss off the meat in concrete, turn up the heat. 4
I thought you were retired.
Never mind me. Some heavy hitters want this done, so that means I want it done. No screw ups.
For you, Diamond, it's not a problem, burrows is as good as dead.
Hottest April on record.
Global warming.
Probably. You got a minute?
About five years worth.
Sure, right, um...you never told me Lincoln burrows is your brother.
It never came up.
Right. I'm curious if that isn't because of my father. He may not be the one pulling the switch, but you and I both know he has the power to grant clemency, and he won't, and he never does.
My old man was an abusive drunk who abandoned his family. I don't judge anyone by their father's actions. Or inactions. If that was your concern.
Just so you know, I don't agree with his politics. I'm sorry about your brother.
I appreciate that.
Hey, this isn't much. I have to give Lincoln a weekly checkup now. If you want, I could schedule those visits to end right before you come in for your shots. That way, uh, you could at least see each other, even if it's just in passing.
Thank you.
Greetings from the kitchen, Fish.
Theodore Bagwell, transferred back from the infirmary.
We got you a little "get well" gift.
It’s just the right size. Thank you, boys. I'll catch up with you later.
What's you name?
You new, Seth? Scared? Look at me, boy. You probably heard stories about me. They're not all true. What do you say we go for a walk?
Your co-counsel's already here.
Excuse me? What the hell are you doing here?
I'm talking to my client.
Don't talk to him.
Veronica ...we don't know anything about this guys.
He found something that can help us out.
You have one minute.
I've been going over the incident report from the night of the murder, and somebody made an anonymous 5 phone call to the local cops claiming to see Lincoln running away from the garage with bloody pants.
We've been through this. Look, you can't cross-examine a witness if you don't know who it is.
We don't need to know who he is; we know where he is.
What do you mean?
Well, it took some doing, but a P.I. Friend of mine tracked that phone call back to the police department.
Whoever made that call couldn't have seen Lincoln running from the garage that night.
How do you know?
Because the phone call came from Washington, D.C.
You were supposed to turn off the a/c, not turn on the furnace.
It's getting so hot in here.
I say you could talk, Cherry? You'll know when I want you to open your mouth.
Geary! You got to do something about the heat.
Doing the best we can.
Your best is garbage.
It's a hundred degrees in here.
Look like I got frostbite to you?
Line up!
Why don't you transfer us all someplace cooler...Like Africa? Get your ass on the line, convict.
All of you, hit that line! We'll move when the temperature situation is rectified, all right?
Hey, Bellick, this is Mack in cell block.
We got some cons popping off.
Give 'em a smack, throw 'em on the line and write 'em up. If you can't handle it, don't cash your paycheck this week. This is not a good time, doc.
Oh, I just got a call a prisoner was suffering from heat exhaustion.
He's faking it.
Is that your medical opinion?
We got a bunch of overheated cons getting loud in the a-wing.
I don't blame them. It's an oven in there.
Everything's under control, but you should go back to the infirmary building. When things calm down, 6 I'll have your patients transferred from sick bay. I'm just looking out for your best interests.
And I appreciate that, um...but, officer Bellick, you and I both know that it's illegal to deny a prisoner medical care, and you could lose your job over it. And I'm just looking out for your best interests.
Go right on in.
Thank you, sir.
Don’t being a baby, t-bag. It's ain't that hot.
Not that hot?! When this guy woke up this morning, he was white!
You want to cool off?
We’ll step back when we get some wind blowing in here.
All right, that's it! Lockdown! Everyone back to your cells! I said, everyone back to your cells now, convicts! Lockdown! You got your lockdown, bro.
You're coming with me.
I'm the lookout, man, that's it.
I need you down there. It's a two-man job. Let's hang a sheet.
N-n-no way, man. You only hang a sheet when you and your cellie want to get friendly, you know?
You want to protect your prison rep, or you want to get out of here?
What the hell's going on in here?
Well, these inmates became belligerent 7 and they refused to rack in.
You locked it down with inmates still out of their cells?
We can handle 20 out-of-control inmates easier than 300.
Listen up, bros, listen up. Bellick, I got one for you. What do you call a piece of white trash who couldn't pass the cops' exam and now makes less than a mailman?
A C.O. get your hands of the fence.
Suck it, pig!
You know, Teddy, you really let me down, and that's hard to do, because I don't expect much...from the inbred child of a retard.
That's right, Teddy. I read your psych records...about how your daddy raped his mongoloid sister, and then nine months later, little teddy pops out.
I'm going to kill you!
It's hotter than hell.
They'll wear themselves out eventually.
The call was a fake. What about a stay of execution or-or...?
No, no, it's legally insufficient.
What the hell does that...mean? What the hell does that mean?
It means the prosecution could point out the evidence from your criminal trial. Okay? The blood, the video, the gun. A questionable phone call is not going to stack up to that. 8
But it's something, right?
Absolutely. We got an area code, and my contact is going to track that number to someplace more specific--a building, a neighborhood, a block--to the person who made this phone call.
What happens next?
We need to catch the next flight to D.C.
That is, of course, if you trust me now.
It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!
Get on the train!
Come on! Come on!
Get on the train! Get on the train!
Let's get to my office.
Oh, just what I thought. The piglets are scared of the big bad wolf. Big bad wolf! Get on the train!
Come on.
Marilyn, no!
Whose keys are those?
I guess in the commotion...how many rounds do you think you're going to get off before they get their hands on you?
This is Bellick. Our wing has been breached. I want a-wing evacuated and shut down. All access to b-wing cut off now.
We'll get some fluids into you; you'll be good as new, okay? Nod your head if you believe me. Good man. Theo. What can we do for you today? This where it hurts?
A little higher and to the left.
You're three weeks post-op. Your knee is being held together by a rod and three screws. I'm saying tenderness is normal, no more meds. Okay... why are you back?
Inmates in cell block have compromised lockdown and breached a-wing through the guard station. A-wing is shutting down.
It's popping off up in gen pop!
That’s what I'm talking about, baby.
Somewhere on the other side of this wall is the main drainage pipe to the prison's old sewer system. We can get through this wall; we can get into the pipe. We can get into the pipe; we can get into the infirmary. If we can get to the infirmary, then we can get out of here.
Sorry, all visitors have to leave the facility.
You have to leave. There's a minor disturbance in cell block.
A-wing is being shut down for safety purposes.
A-wing? Varonica, Micheal is there.
Will you be okay?
You have to leave now
Go to D.C.-It's all we got. I’ll take care of Michael, All right?
Sorry about cutting you short.
Bob, how many times have I told you not to apologize. It makes you look weak. Now what's going on?
Like I said, it's a minor disturbance.
Minor disturbance? My brother's in gen pop, give it to me straight.
Some clowns breached cell block. But they won't get anywhere. We always have locked doors on either end. There's nothing to worry about.
Son of a bitch.
Additional sections of a-wing have been compromised.
I'll be damned.
A rookie C.O., And it ain't even Christmas.
Get the cuffs off. Give me the key
Get out of here, t-bag.
Oh, I see--you found him first, finder's keepers? You know, I respect that. I do. But, uh... I think we can work something out.
What you got?
Oh, I can make your last few weeks on earth, quite, quite enjoyable. Get you some Demerol, some X...you know, make you forget about that big, bad chair.
No deal.
You've got to learn the art of negotiating. Lesson one: Bargaining position.
Yours just changed.
Make him pay!
What are you doing?
Hey! Listen or you're not gonna make it.
No blood needs to spill, sink.
Then walk away.
We both know that ain't gonna happen.
That's one big pile of concrete. How do you know where the pipe is?
I got someone to show us where it is.
Oh, really? Who?
Infection's not so bad, but I'm going to give you a shot of penicillin 9 just to make sure, okay?
Thanks, Doc.
This is Rizzo. Does anyone need back up, over?
Negative, a-wing is evacuating and locked down. Remain in b-wing.
What’s up, Doc?
Come on, doc.
You don't want to do this.
We’re sorry.
This line is experiencing technical difficulties.
You ever see one of them safari shows, where a bunch of cheetahs 10 just jump all up on an antelope? Guess which one you are?
Tough little gorilla, ain't he?
I was raised to believe he devil's got some crazy power, but I don't think shining him on this wall is gonna bring it down. Not unless he's got a sledgehammer with him. 11
We don't need a sledgehammer.
What the hell am I supposed to do with this?
Sick bay, report? Sick bay, please report.
Come on!
Everything okay?
You know what to say
All clear in sick bay. Over.
Roger that.
Let the bulls worry about the noise. You worry about how you're gonna drill through a six-inch concrete wall with what used to be an eggbeater.
We just need a few small holes.
How are we going to fit through a few small holes?
Ever hear of tensile strength?
Hooke's law of elasticity?
What do you think?
If we drill holes in strategic locations, we compromise the load-carrying capacity of the wall.
How about speaking English?
We'll be able to break through the part of the wall that covers the pipe opening. Give me that. We go in through the tip of each horn, the eyes, the end of the nose, the bottom of the fangs and the braids. It makes a kind of "X." Let's get to it.
If I can get dirt in there with some of the newer firepower the state's issued...
Oh, yeah, so we can end the riots today and start the funeral tomorrow?
I can contain this, sir.
I've got a call for you.
Not now.
I think you should take this, boss. It's the governor.
Where's my daughter?
Not to worry, sir, she's fine. She's in sick bay in b-wing. It's a completely different part of the facility. It's, uh, totally locked off from the disturbance. 12
Disturbance? That's what you're calling a riot nowadays? Can any of these animals get to her?
Sir, it's impossible for anyone from a-wing to get into sick bay. The guard there assures us that everything is fine. We have everything under control, governor. 13
For your sake, you better hope you do.
I'm going to dance with you, Doc! We're going to dance till the sun come up! Open the door!
It's your turn.
I ain't messing with no diablo, man.
We can't afford downtime. 14 We have to switch off drilling.
It's bad mojo, bro. Are you kidding me?
I mess with him, you drill into him, he gets pissed, and then what, huh? I got enough enemies already.
You believe in god, right?
You know I do.
So you're protected. He'll protect you from him. 15
I assure you, once Bob and I are done getting acquainted 16......everyone else will get their turn.
Don’t worry. I don't got the blickey. My pipes are clean. Now, where you going, rookie? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They always think they can run away.
What if we do all this work and the pipe is ten feet that way?
It won't be.
You got x-ray vision?
I calculated the drill point coordinates, hid them in my tattoo, and then projected them back onto the wall. Everything's been worked out so the image hits the right spot. It's just math.
What if your math is wrong?
You'll drill into one of a dozen gas lines behind the wall. There'll be an explosion, and we'll be burned alive.
But you're good at math, right?
They're breaking out.
They're breaking...
You, stroke, you got longer arms than me, man. 37 43
Son of A...that bitch stuck me.
They think it's hot now? I want all the water shut off.
I'll call it in.
Mack, you take care of it.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, we-we have a problem.
Oh, that's right. Yeah. Bob here seen the hole. He's got to go away.
No one's going anywhere.
He's seen the hole.
So have you.
Looks like your lockup idea didn't work out too good, huh?
I have a daughter. Please.
We gotta kill him.
The cops are right outside.
They'll stay outside, as long as they know we're keeping him alive.
But he's a guard. He's gonna squeal.
What the hell does this have to do with you anyway? This is not any of your concern.
See, Bob here knows about our secret. He knows about our escape. So it's all of our concern, now isn't it? 17
Easy, big Fella. It's just me. Looks like you took a pretty good hit. Cons got that rook guard in gen pop. Kid's probably dead already, or wishing he was.
Where's Scofield?
I haven't seen him since things jumped off.
I gotta find him.
You're looking for Scofield?
Yeah, turk.
Come on.
You got things backwards, pervert.
You're in as much trouble as he is, you understand?
Go ahead, go ahead. Stick me. Stick me.
Let's see how many times I can shout out about your little hole in there before I bleed out, huh?
'Cause every con in here is gonna know about your little escape, before one drop of my blood hits the floor. So, you see, friends, either I'm through that hole with you, or I'm gonna sing like Johnny Cash.
Break that glass!
Open the door!
Hey, you, big stroke's about to get the doc!
Sucre, I need you to finish what we started.
What's going on, man? Where you going?
Sick bay.
Hey, there's no way into b-wing.
We're all locked out.
I'm not. No one touches the C.O. No one.
You gonna clue me in, Paisan? 18
It's faster if we cut through here. 19
Burrows is as good as dead.


1. distraction n. 分心;注意力轉(zhuǎn)移;精力不集中。to distraction 到發(fā)狂的程度。with distraction 心不在焉地。
2. paranoid adj. 像患偏執(zhí)狂的;患偏執(zhí)狂的。n. 患偏執(zhí)狂者;患妄想狂者
3. rile [rail] vt. 激怒, 使惱怒。
4. piss off 滾開, 滾蛋 激怒,此處可以引申為:加熱。piss sb. off 使(人)生氣,使(人)厭煩。
5. anonymous adj. 匿名的。an anonymous letter 匿名信
6. calm down 使平息, 使平靜。keep calm! 安靜! 保持鎮(zhèn)靜! calm before the storm 暴風(fēng)雨前的平靜
7. belligerent adj. 好戰(zhàn)的, 交戰(zhàn)國的, 交戰(zhàn)的
8. stack vt. 摞;疊 to stack (up) books:摞書 (與up連用)排長隊 Traffic stacked up for kilometers. 車輛排了幾公里長。
9. penicillin n. [微]青霉素(一種抗菌素,音譯名為盤尼西林)
10. cheetah [???????] n. [動]印度豹(一種似豹的動物, 產(chǎn)于南亞及非洲)
11. unless: conj. 如果不; 要是不; 除非。unless and until 直到...才(=until)
12. disturbance:n. 干擾;打擾;騷動;動亂
13. control:n/vt. 控制, 支配。under control: 在掌控之中。in control of:指導(dǎo);支配
14. afford :vt. [常與can, could, be able to 連用] 擔(dān)負(fù)得起費用(損失、后果等), 花費得起, 經(jīng)受得住; 抽得出(時間) 給與, 提供; 出產(chǎn), 發(fā)出。
15. protect from [against] 防止...遭受...; 使...免于, 保護...使 不受
16. be acquainted with 知道;相識。此詞用于被動語態(tài)中, 過去分詞acquainted已經(jīng)失去動作意義, 相當(dāng)于一個形容詞。例如: "我是去年認(rèn)識他的。"不能譯作: I acquainted him last year. 或 I was acquainted with him last year. 第一句是語態(tài)錯誤, 第二句混淆了"狀態(tài)"和"動作", 只能譯成: I got [became] acquainted with him last year. 或 I made his acquaintance last year.
17. (常與with, about, in連用)關(guān)心;關(guān)照。as concerns 關(guān)于。be concerned with 牽涉到, 與...有關(guān), 參與。have no concern for 毫不關(guān)心。have no concern with 和...毫無關(guān)系。of much concern 很重要, 很有關(guān)系
18. clue in [俚]向某人提供情況。clued on [口](對...)知道得很多。
19. cut through:= cut across 取捷徑;走近路。cut down 砍倒;砍傷;砍死。cut in 插嘴。cut up 切碎 使受苦。cut out 剪除;切掉;割掉。hair cut 理發(fā)。power cut 停電。 a cut above 高人一等的。


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