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Previously on Prison Break:
I didn't kill that man, Michael.
The evidence says you did.
I was set up.
Put down your weapon.
I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.
I'm looking for someone.
A guy named Lincoln Burrows.
The man killed the Vice President's brother.
Why you want to see Burrows so bad anyhow?
Because he's my brother.
I'm getting you out of here.
That's impossible.
Not if you designed the place it isn't.
You've seen the blueprints.
Better than that.
I've got them on me.
I took some time to speak to your mother...
If you're talking about that guy at Fox River...
He refuses to call him his father.
Take the only thing Burrows has left.
The chair isn't the only way to take a man's life in prison.
And now, scenes from last week's episode.
Constantly coming up here for count won't let me do what I need to do to get through that wall.
Only way to stop count is a lockdown.
You've got to get the inmates riled up.
All right, that's it! Lockdown!
Somebody made an anonymous phone call. Whoever made that call couldn't have seen Lincoln.
How do you know?
Because the phone call came from Washington, DC.
This is Bellick. Our wing has been breached.
Hooke's Law of Elasticity.
If we drill holes in strategic locations, we compromise the load-carrying capacity of the wall.
Take the cuffs off.
A rookie CO.
Get out of here, T-Bag.
I think we can work something out.
No deal.
Where's my daughter?
Not to worry, sir. She's fine.
The guard there assures us that everything is fine.
We have everything under control, Governor.
You better hope you do.
They're breaking out. They're breaking...
We need a favor.
Some heavy hitters want this done so...
Burrows is as good as dead.
You looking for Scofield?
Come on.
Hey, yo, Big Stroke's about to get the doc!
Sucre, I need you to finish what we started.
No one touches the CO. No one.

Any word from the governor?
Not yet, boss.
Bellick! Get those guys in line!
Get them into formation. We going back in?
Not yet. We cut the water off about an hour ago. The stink alone should drive them out of there.
You think that's gonna work?
No, but it's protocol, and we're all gonna do this by the book. It's the best chance we have of everybody getting out of there without getting hurt.
This is the warden! What's happening in there?
Hey, we got some demands!
Tell them we need the air back on.
We need the AC!
We've got a hostage: the guard.
We got a hostage! The new jack!
Find out who's in there.
They got Bob.
That girl doctor-tell him we got her.
Why don't you do it?
I don't want to get shot.
And we got the girl doctor!
The doctor?
There's only one.
How the hell did that happen? How did they get their hands on her?
I thought she was safe. She was in Sick Bay.
We've got to get her out of there. Somebody has got to go in there, now.
We can't do it, sir.
Why not?
It's not by the book.
Sir, I've got some updates for you.
Help! Help!
Scofield's in here? He's in here? Turk? Turk!
You ain't gonna use that.
You makin' up the rules now, ese?
It's my house. You got a problem?
Yeah, I got a problem. We all do.
No problem. I swear to God. I'm not gonna say anything. I didn't see anything.
That's right, Badge. You didn't see nothing.
Wait. Don't leave.
Sorry. I'll be back.
Don't worry. I'll cover for you.
Don't worry, CO, all right? I'm not gonna hurt nobody. I'm part of the team now.
Help a brother out. Drag that over.
Cat's away... Mm-hmm, hmm, hmm.
Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts. We are making our final approach into Washington, D. C. 1
We need to focus on the real question. 2 Who wanted Terrence Steadman dead?
The call came from DC. What does that tell you?
You got to think past the government, though. Anybody could be here. A business partner, a rival...
Before Steadman was killed, EcoField introduced a prototype electric engine at the techno conference. $60 barrels of oil would be obsolete if that thing ever hit the mainstream.
Could be oil, oil companies...
Suppliers, consumers, everything in between.
Or the government of an oil-based economy...like the United States.
Can I take your soda?
Oh, sure.
Thank you.
Thank you.
At any rate, we land, we meet my guy, and even if we don't find the person who tipped off the cops, 3 we find his phone. The paper trail begins.
That's the governor. Whatever happens, don't say anything.
Governor, I appreciate your coming. Now, you should know, since our conversation, the situation has escalated. But not to worry, we're making good progress with our contacts. 4
Just cut the crap, Warden, and tell me where my daughter is.
Help! Help!
We got a... "Tyler Robert Hudson." That is fancy, CO. Look at that address: 144 Oak Park... What's this?
Terrace. How do you swing that, CO? Sounds like you're about something living on a... terrace. I can't wait to kick it on a terrace. What...Aww... aww... This here must be your daughter.
Put it back.
Prom? You know what they say about a prom dress, don't you? She ain't come home that night, did she? No, she wore that all.... night long. Next morning she had to throw that dress in the trash can behind the motel, so her mama didn't see the...
Hey, hey, hey, hey. What the hell are you doing? 5
I'm just kicking it with Deputy Dawg, you know... talking women. I'll be very clear here because you and I face an evolutionary cap...
You ain't gonna hurt this man. We're locked into this thing now, understand?
And he's the only leverage we have.
Thank you.
You're welcome.ss
Now, do we have an understanding?
I'm on your side now. 6 Do you understand me? I'm just going with the flow.
You let me know when you're done with your, uh, "leverage."
Let me out!
Let's smoke the bitch out!
It ain't gonna hurt real bad, if you make it easy...If you make it hard, though...
Open the door! Come here. Come open this door! Open this door!
Come on. Grab my hand. Come on!
I've got you. You're all right? It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. See these pipes? We're going to stay on them. They go through the wall and over the hallway, and they're going to get us out of here. All you have to do is follow me. Okay?
Okay. Let's go.
Where did she go?
Where are we meeting him?
Georgetown, in a parking garage. He's a private investigator. He used to be my roommate, freshman year at Duke.
The disturbance has escalated at this Chicago-area prison.
Oh, my God, Nick, look.
At least two hostages have been confirmed in what is now being called a full-scale riot, here at the Fox River State Penitentiary.
Should we go back or keep going?
Just keep going. You want to go back and stand there with the rest of the people who aren't helping? Come on.
The National Guard responded after Illinois Governor Frank Tancredi declared a state of emergency shortly after 3:00 p.m.
Come on, honey. It's time to go.
Hold on. Hold on.
No word on what caused the initial disturbance, but sources with the...
That's not Fox River, is it?
What are you doing?
We have to go. Come on.
No, Dad might be in trouble.
Look, your father's already in trouble. There's nothing we can do about it. Just don't make a scene, okay? He gets very uncomfortable with this thing. Just...Let's just go, okay?
Oh, God forbid, man!
We're just talking about my old man here and his life. If-if that's all right with you.
Leave me out of this.
I am leaving you out of it. I left you out of it the day I met you.
Okay, L.J.
Because nothing in her life or mine has anything to do with you.
I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.
Oh, yeah? Or what?
You see, this is what I'm talking about. This is the kind of crap I have to deal with.
Just let me handle it!
The kind of crap you have to deal with?
L.J., do you want to talk...
Oh! You got no clue, do you?
Honey, look.
Leave me alone! Get off me!
What the hell are you doing?
You don't talk to her like that.
Stop it! Stop!
Go upstairs, L.J., now! Go!
You love that man?
Just go.
You love that man.
Do what I say.
Turk, why are you doing this? Who sent you? Why? Why? Why'd you do this?
What's it all about? Who sent you? Man, you've got to help me. You've got to help me. Please. Talk!
Who's your friend?
You scared the hell out of me.
Who you talking to?
It's the Fish's idea. The devil marks the walls so you know where to drill the holes. You're making holes with an egg beater?
I know. Crazy, huh?
It's called the Hooker Law. It says that if you poke the exact right holes in something big and strong, it gets very weak.
That's true.
When the wall is weak, we can take it down. At least that's the plan.
Yeah. It's always the plan.
You should never underestimate a wall. You see...sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it just won't give in.
Are you all right?
I'm okay. I'm fine.
Don't leave them out!
You know what? I need a minute. I'm sorry.
It's not much further.
Just a sec.
We can stop if you want, catch your breath.
Yeah, I could use a minute.
Things should be winding down around now. 7 Pretty soon the powers-that-be will break in and...it'll all be over. It's just a matter of time.
What's happening anyway?
All hell is breaking loose. But I think if we stay up here we should be okay.
I can't believe this is happening.
You ever been to Baja? Mexico?
There's this great place down there. 20 bucks a night, hammock on the back deck. Beers are 50 cents. 25 cents at happy hour. You ever been to Thailand? Thailand's great.
Michael, if you're trying to calm me down, you're doing a terrible job.
But I am trying.
Shh! You hear that?
Why are you here?
What do you mean?
Crawling around in the ceiling, risking your life.
You needed help, and, uh...I came to find you.
How did you know where to go?
When everything went off in A Wing, the COs left the station. I saw you on the monitor. One of my first assignments on PI, we were up here, cleaning out toxic mold. It took days. So, I'm kind of familiar with the layout.
I hope you wore a mask.
Excuse me?
To prevent inhalation. Mold can be really dangerous.
Yeah. I wore a mask.
Get up. Get up there.
The door to the visitation room, did you ever use it?
Um... not usually, but my access card should work.
Get up. Get up.
Let's go. Let's go!
Yes, sir, I understand. But believe me, Sara is our top priority.
The hell she is.
I ordered a state of emergency an hour ago. Soldier, get me your commanding officer.
Now what the hell is going on out here?
Negotiating, sir. They can't hold out much longer.
It is 100 degrees in there. They're almost out of water. We are trying to avoid doing anything extreme.
Look, I don't care if it takes a massacre to get her out of there. Do you understand me?
Now if you're not gonna do it, I am!
Captain, spread the news. You're going in. It's time to do this my way.
All right.
Hey! Fish! You gonna keep that nurse all to yourself?
Somebody help me.
Come on, this way!
Good call, Governor, bringing in the big guns.
I appreciate your support.
Captain Brad Bellick. I sent you a letter earlier this year. My views on penal reform.
Oh. And what are they?
These inmates don't mess around. Us COs need to get tough. Warden Pope's a good guy. Don't get me wrong.
But he doesn't understand that sometimes you got to grab the situation by the gonads and take control.
And is that what you would do, Captain?
Yes, sir, that's exactly what I'd do.
Give me that. Give me that.
I don't know...
Give me that thing.
Demolition runs in the family.
The whole trick is pressure. Where should I... Here?
Good, good. You see, you should push hard, but not too hard. Just like when you, you know.
Yeah, well, you got to be careful, though.
Yeah, I know it.
No, I mean it. You...One slip, and you-you'll hit the gas pipe.
Gas... pipe?
Yeah, you know, as in pipe that carries the gas.
We can't go this way.
We have to. There's no other way to Visitation. This is it.
No, it's not. It's back this way.
This won't help.
Trust me.
Michael, if you're wrong...
We don't have time.
Not too hard. Not... too soft.
When I was her age, I had such bad skin. Oh! Ooh! Eee! Acne they called it. Yeah. She looks just like all them girls who made fun of me. 8 After I kill you, I'm gonna crawl out that hole and call me up a limousine, and me and your baby is going to the prom.
Captain, what's the news with Sara?
We're still trying to find her, sir.
You don't even know where she is?
We're on it. Soon as we do, we'll let you know.
You should've listened to Captain Bellick and gassed the whole block.
Captain Bellick?
He's right on the front line. He knows what these guys can do. You better pray that Sara gets out of there in one piece.
I do, Governor, but this is still my prison. Whatever happens, I take full responsibility. Excuse me.
It's this way.
Uh! Yeah.
Ooh... yes. We're through. Time to put this theory to the test. I guess we start chipping away now.
Right on. She's all yours, pal.
The smell. The sm...
We did it.
That's it.
But I can't leave you here.
You don't have a choice. I'm one of the bad guys, remember?
Do you see the assailant?
Number eight, affirmative. I've got him in sight.
What are you going to do?
Go back to my cell. Stay out of the way.
They see us.
You have to go.
I can't. They'll kill you.
You go out the door, I'll drop to the floor.
They're sharpshooters, 9 Michael. They won't miss.
That's why you can't stay here.
What's going on?!
I'm coming, Doc!
Who's this?
That's my guy.
Hey. Nice ride.
Yeah, you like that? Cop auction.
300 bucks. You must be Veronica. Whoever tipped off the cops about Lincoln Burrows called from this number.
That wasn't an easy trace. I hope you're not too bummed.
Why, what's the problem?
It's a pay phone.
This is it, 11th and Constitution.
Anyone could have made that call.
Any one of the million people who pass through here every day. That's empty.
What about that?
Federal Energy Commission, that's interesting.
Where you going?
I'm gonna go see if this guy knows what was in there. Excuse me. Do you know what was in that space before? Okay, thanks. Hey. It was the regional headquarters for a company called EcoField.
Terrence Steadman's company.
That's right.
Who is this?
That's the problem, Veronica. You ask too many questions. Now I have one for you. Is Lincoln Burrows really worth it?
Gove me the phone. Who is this?
Nick Savrinn, I just wanted to let you know. As of now, both of you are dead.
Come on, let's go.
Michael! Michael! Michael! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
I didn't touch him, man. I didn't touch him!
Ask him! Things have changed since we last met.
Relax, partner. I'm in on it now. The rabbit plan. Know all about it. So does the CO. 10
Why'd you take Abruzzi down there?
I didn't take him down there.
And the pedophile-he thinks he's in!
Shut up! Where's Michael? Where's Michael?! Michael!
Where have you been?
All over. Are you all right?
Yeah, are you?
Yes. Yes.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
Bellick. She's walking. That's a good sign. Yeah. Astute observation. Maybe you'd like to share that with the governor?
I was tense. I was just...
Next time you bad-mouth me to one of my superiors, there are going to be serious consequences. Do I make myself clear, Captain?
Yes, sir.
Sara! Sara! Sara!
Thank God. Are you all right? Are you okay?
I told you when you took this job, I knew something like this was going to happen.
Didn't I? I knew something like this was gonna happen.
God, Dad, how about, "I'm happy to see you alive"?
Oh, sweetheart, I just want you to see what you're doing to yourself. I mean, there is nobody that is forcing you to be here.
I know. Thanks, Dad.
All right. Clean this mess up.
What's going on?
You won't believe it, Fish. We did it. We never seen nothing like it. Those little "Hooker" holes were right on!
All right, let's get everyone out of here, especially him!
I'm getting him out of here. I'm going to take care of him myself.
You're not gonna kill him.
I'm not coming back here.
It's over! We don't need him no more.
You're not gonna kill him.
You so stupid you're gonna let him walk out that front door?
That ain't for you to decide.
After all he's seen? After all he's seen? After all he's seen?
Get out!
Keep your mouth shut. Turn left.
Get out!
If we have a problem, we know where to find you.
Forget about it. Just forget about it, all right?!
One for the team.
Okay, so this is the complete list of the injured and the dead? And it's the whole list?
Thank you very much. Oh, thanks.
Hey, Ron.
Dr. Tancredi. Glad to see you made it out alive.
Yeah, me, too. Um, question.
Why'd your department assign inmates on PI to do a toxic 11 mold removal 12 project?
What toxic mold project?
In the crawlspace in A Wing.
PI didn't go there. We'd never assign inmates to do that.13
Okay, sorry.
No problem.

1. approach n. 接近, 逼近, 走進(jìn), 方法, 步驟, 途徑, 通路,表示方法時其常與to連用。approach to 接近,近似,約等于;(做某事)的方法[途徑]。同義詞method常與of連用。
2. focus on:集中精力。in focus 焦點對準(zhǔn),清晰 out of focus 焦點沒有對準(zhǔn),模糊
3. tip off 提示;告誡。have (sth.) on the tip of one's tongue 話到嘴邊(卻想不起來了)。(常與over, up連用)打翻,使弄翻。(常與over, up連用)打翻,使弄翻
4. make progress:取得進(jìn)展, 進(jìn)步。make progress in 在...方面取得進(jìn)步[進(jìn)展]。make progress with 把...向前推進(jìn); 在...(方面)取得進(jìn)展, 進(jìn)行。in progress 正在進(jìn)展中
5. hell: (常用于加強(qiáng)語氣或咒罵) cold as hell 冷得要命 Go to hell! 滾開!
6. on sb.'s side 在某人方面; 就某人來說 站在某人一邊(支持某人). on the other side 在對面, 反對方面的 (原系美語)大西洋彼岸. hold one's sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮
7. wind down 松開(發(fā)條) 使放松下來 把(汽車玻璃)搖下。wind up 終止,結(jié)束。break wind 排氣;放屁
8. make fun of sb. 嘲弄; 取笑。for fun= in fun 當(dāng)作玩笑;不是認(rèn)真的 (= for the fun of the thing)。What fun ! 多么有趣。have rare fun 玩得非常愉快, 盡量快樂。 like fun [口]有力地; 迅速地; 完全地, 徹底地。good fun 有趣的人[事物]。have fun (=do a bit of fun) 作樂, 玩樂; 尋歡作樂(特指性交)
9. sharpshooter n. 射擊名手, 神槍手, <俚>(追求暴利的)奸商
10. [代替表語或謂語,使用倒裝語序]也... You are an engineer, so is she. 你是工程師, 她也是工程師。[代替上文提過的形容詞、名詞、動詞等]那樣的,不錯,真的。You say he is diligent; so he is. 你說他很勤奮,他確實很勤奮。文中屬于第一種用法。
11. toxic adj. 有毒的,中毒的
12. removal n. 移動,免職,切除
13. assign:(與to連用)分配。如:The monitor was assigned to take notes for the meeting. 班長被分派作會議記錄。(與to連用)(把財產(chǎn)、權(quán)利等)讓與。把...歸因于(to, for) 如:assign one's failure to idleness 將失敗歸因于懶惰


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