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Previously on Prison Break
There's a whole lot of real estate in between here and the outside walls. Infirmary's the weakest link in the security chain.
These were seriously hard to get. What you need them for anyway?
None of your business.
If I'd have known that this is how this whole thing was gonna turn out I'd have gotten some crap job with the Feds.
Keep talking like that, I'm going to be forced to put a bullet in your head.
We gotta know.
You're in trouble, aren't you?
Veronica Donavan
Who... who is this?
I have information that will lead to the exoneration of William Burrows.
I have to check the status in there.
It's all good.
Then you won't mind me checking it out.
Get up off him! Get off him! Get off...
We leave tonight.
Michael, we got a big problem.
Back out.
Of the escape?
Or die.
Stay with me, John! I want you to stay with me! Breath. We're almost...You gonna be okay. Keep breathing...You stay with me, John. Come on, John. You stay with me. Keep breathing for me, all right? You gonna be okay. Almost there; Almost... You gonna be okay.
He's lost a lot of blood. He's hypovolemic!
What's his blood type?
A Neg.
His blood pressure's too low! He's desperately hypovolemic! We got to get him to Chicago!
Cook is a 20-minute flight!
We've gotta go, Doc!
And then there were six.
Far as I know...there's five.
Don't you ever step up to me like that again!
Who's the tough guy now, huh?
Warden? Where's my brother?
He's in a lot of trouble, son. 1
You have to let me see him.
That's not a request I can grant at the moment.
We're 36 hours away from his execution. He panicked. He got violent. For that reason, for the rest of his time at Fox River, we're going to keep him in Ad Sec-- for his safety and everybody else's.
But I'm his brother. I deserve to see him, that's my right.
It's not your right to see him until tomorrow. At his execution. I'm sorry, son.
The name is John Abruzzi. A-b-r-u-z-z...
I don't care what protocol is. I just want to know if he's okay. Hello? Hello?
The hospital won't give out any information.
Wonder what happened to that boy. Maybe them mafia chickens came home to roost after all.
We got to put this whole thing on hold.
Oh, easy, fish, we're not putting nothing on hold.
I don't think you heard me. Until I get my brother out of that hole, no one's doing a damn thing.
Look, god bless sink, but the man is gone. You go to the tombs, you don't get out. Not until they strap you up.
If you think I'm going to leave my brother behind, you have massively underestimated me.
Yeah, but that ain't my fight.
I'm through that hole, pretty, with or without you. Next time I'm on P.I.
We're not having this debate.
We're not?
We're not having this debate.
Why don't we just all have the floor open to everybody else, huh? Just see what they all say.
You got a clear shot, baby. Ever day we don't use that hole is another day the screws can find it.
The way is not finished.
We are clear to the infirmary, that's all we need. Through that window. Over that wire, over that wall.
The two of you will never make it.
Oh, fish, it's not just two.
If it's now or never, we got to go.
Go with us, Michael. You've done everything you could.
They're grown men, Michael, they can all decide for themselves.
You son of A... whoa, wait a minute, back off!
The two of you separate now!
Hey, it's good, boss. It’s good. Just playing around. It's all good.
Now, you know what? There are two things that everybody needs to get with here. First, hillbilly, you have got to learn some respect. The man here made everything possible. And you, fish? Now, you're going to have to get with that we are doing this thing this afternoon, as soon as we get on P.I.
So you're just going to make a run for it. In the middle of the day.
Man, you got to do what you got to do, huh, baby?
You are going to screw this whole thing up.
That’s not for you to decide anymore.
Now this train is leaving the station, and I suggest you get on it.
Get on the train, fish, get on the train.
Well, you know what, you sons of bitches? I won't let you do it.
What you going to do? Blow the whistle on your own escape?
He'll be back.
Those guys. They go before us tonight, they use that hole, it's over. Co's will turn this whole place upside down till they find it.
Well...sounds like you're thinking about it.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn’t. I want to be out of here yesterday. I got a kid coming, man. Michael, you can't get him out of there.
Can I say something? I know you're not going to want to hear it, but, uh...they're strapping him up either way now. Once he's gone, you'll be stuck here for another five years. And if they trace the hole back to you, they'll toss another dime. That's 15 years, papi.
Course, if I were you I wouldn't leave my brother behind either. Not to die like that, no.
Worse thing in the world they can do to a man is strap him to a chair like that.
We're in business.
What do you mean?
I just spoke to a friend of mine who's a clerk at superior court. I told him about the informant, that you'd be seeing him at 8:00. He gives us any evidence that would warrant a stay, my friend said he'll hear us out. We still might be able to stop this thing.
I got to tell Lincoln.
You go to that prison, they're going to be all over you, you know that.
They've wanted to keep us on the run this entire time, because if anybody hears from us, we can do them damage. Maybe it's time we do the exact opposite: Go big.
What do you mean, big? You mean media big?
We got all the ammo we need. There's a string of murders a mile long connected to this thing; we expose that...2
Are you ready to show your face again? Huh? Are you ready for that?
It's the bottom of the ninth, what else are we going to do?
Hey, this is daddy, baby girl.
Daddy! Daddy's on the phone. How are the camels?
Oh, well, the camels, uh...the camels are fine.
When do I get to see you?
Earlier than I thought.
Daddy said he's coming home soon.
Hey, hey, put mommy on the phone.
Thank you, sweetie. First sergeant Benjamin Miles Franklin, how are you?
Aw, baby... just driving trucks, eating dates, trying to keep the sand out of my eyes.
I saw the news the other day. It was 110 in Kuwait. You must be melting over there.
You have no idea.
What's this I hear about you coming home soon? You're not getting your daughter's hopes up, are you?
Sitting down?
Your man is coming home this week.
This week? What are you talking about? They said you were going to be there for another year.
Hey, the orders just came down the pipe. Now, hell if I care where they came down from. The only thing that matters is that we're going to get to see each other.
When? When is this happening?
Thursday, Friday, uh...I'm not sure yet.
Oh, my god. Do you need me to pick you up from the airport? 3
Oh, no, no, no, uh...the army's got that all arranged. You know, you just be waiting for me.
Well, you know I got that down.
Why don't you back off?
Hey, hey, uh, you know, comm is only letting me use this link-up for a few more minutes, so, uh...Uh, is Darius there?I need to speak to him.
Uh, yeah, yeah, I'll go get him. I love you.
I love you more.
Yo, what's up, money?
Is sister out of the room?
She is now. So, how is it out there, man? Fox real about how they say it is?
It ain't all that. Not for long, anyway.
What you mean by that?
I need you to do something for me.
Yeah, yeah, all right.
Still driving that escalade?
Is Michael Jackson still white?
You got jokes, son. How many does it hold?
Okay. Okay, what? Let's do it. What, you mean tonight? What about Lincoln?
I need a razor blade.
Michael, a razor blade ain't gonna get him out.
Do you have one or not?
Careful, bro.
Leadeth me beside the still waters. Restoreth my soul. Leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for your sake. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
I will fear no evil. For thou art with me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. 4
Surely the goodness and mercy...shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the lord forever. 5
Amen. Amen.
He does hear our prayers, you know-the lord.
On behalf of Lincoln. All who seek forgiveness will be delivered.
If your brother accepts the lord, he'll be free of this cage forever. It can't bind him.
I'll be available through this whole thing, if you need me.
Reverend, would you give this to my brother? It'd mean a lot to him, knowing it came from me.
I will.
That was my mother’s.
Tell her it's going to save someone a lot of pain.
Are you sure you know what you're doing? It's in god's hands now.
Feels like you've been the cleanup crew for me the whole time I've been in here. Toes, contusions...insulin shots.
Well, somebody's got to do it.
I'm grateful. You ever think...in another life...
I won't be that woman, Michael.
I wasn't asking you to be. But it is something I wonder about. What if...anyway, just wanted to make sure it was said.
Why do I feel like you're saying good-bye to me?
I don't know. I guess in a place like this, you never know which day is going to be your last.
Sarah, we've got a backup out here.
You're set. I, um...I'm sorry about your brother.
Doctor...thank you.
This is it, bro. Hey.
Good luck to both of us.
P.I., Let's do it!
Came to your senses, did you? What, you figure some magic way to get your brother out of that hole and into the guard's room?
He's not going to be there.
Could you put the light on? You okay? 6
What do you think, Rev?
I spoke with your brother today.
He's been praying for you.
He must be desperate. What about you? Are you feeling desperate?
No. Just for everyone else.
The ones you leave behind.
The ones I never got to say good-bye to.
I can be with you all day tomorrow, you know...right up to the time.
Thank you.
He wanted me to give this to you. Michael.
He’s back in play.
Good. Who's there with you?
What about Hale?
Nope, mia.
He's supposed to be there. What do you mean, MIA?
I think it's a fairly concise term.
Don’t get it.
What time's the flight?
11:00 Speaking of which, I've got to head up to Wrigley Ville. I'll be back in a couple of hours to collect you. Now make sure you pack everything. Once we're out that door, we're not coming back.
What are you going to do?
There's a letter I've got to deliver.
Lady, you're going to have to step away.
Listen to me. My name's veronica Donovan. I represent Lincoln Burrow.
Great, but this isn't the time for it.
You're gonna have to step aside.
Uh, I'm sorry, Ms. Donovan? Did you say that you represent Lincoln Burrows?
That's right.
Angela West. I’m a producer with news six.
EAT 810
So, Mr. Pied piper, what's the play?
We do what we always do: Pretend to be working, being model citizens...until the time comes. 7
And that'd be...?
Nine o'clock.
Seem to be forgetting the fact that P.I. Shuts down at 5:00,pretty.
Then we have to make sure it doesn't, don't we?
Whoa, whoa! What the hell are you doing, man? What the hell happened here?!
Messed up, hit a pipe. Should have killed the water before we started.
Should have, huh?
It's not that big a deal. We can fix it in the morning. I don't think mold should be a problem before then.
Scofield, shut up.
No, you shut up. What are you talking about?
You get drywall and insulation soaked like this, you run the risk of stachybotrys mold.
That’s just like one time in a thousand, for real.
Tell you what. You and all your companeros here aren't stepping outside this door
until every damn molecule of water, is out of here.
That’s gonna take all night.
Well, then it's going to take all night.
Don't catch a sniffle.
A lot of it checks out.
Ms. Donovan, if you don't mind, we'd like to put you on.
That's why I'm here.
All right, great.
Holly here will be asking the questions. Just watch his hand, okay?
Evening, Peter. I'm with Veronica Donovan, the lawyer for Lincoln Burrows. You're petitioning for a stay, is that right?
That's right.
On what grounds?
On the grounds that my client's been framed. 8 Get specifics out of her.
Ms. Donovan, do you have any proof to that effect?
There's a whole string of proof: Murders...Leticia Barris, a potential exculpatory witness; Lisa Rix, the mother of Lincoln’s child. Bishop Mcmorrow, the man who could have petitioned the governor for clemency.
You're saying someone's killing these people off?
I'm saying somebody's trying to hide what really happened. What the truth about Terrence Steadman really was.
Is this all just speculation, or is there hard evidence that can substantiate your claims?
I have a source. Get a name.
Could you elaborate on that? 9
Not at this time but somebody on the inside claims they can exonerate Lincoln. That Steadman wasn't in the car that night.
Someone's been talking.
There a reason you're on direct current?
You know, ac/dc. Alternating current, direct current. Dc's kind of yesterday's news for this sort of thing. You could kill a man with half the energy, you go ac.
Let's see what we got.
Ready to run one?
I think you better turn these lights on, officer.
Can't do it, lady. Your client's being disciplined.
You're violating my client's eighth amendment rights. Either you turn those lights on in the next five seconds, or you're going to be the first defendant named in a lawsuit. 10
You okay? LJ?
He's good. He's scared, but he's good. I found someone who's going to talk.
I don't know, but he knows things. I'm going to go meet him in a few hours.
A few hours is cutting it close, sweetie.
We don't have any other choice. You have to have faith, okay? Nick's already primed the court to hear our case. Whatever Michael’s doing, he doesn't need to do it now. We're gonna beat this thing the right way.
What if you're wrong?
I'm not.
What if you are?
You got to trust me, okay?
Don't give up on me. Promise.
Didn’t mean to scare you.
No, it's all right. Paul, how are you?
I'm good. I'm good. You?
Where you going?
Vacation. Bahamas.
Packing kind of heavily for the Bahamas, aren't you?
You know women.
Yeah. So, um......where's Danny?
Running errands I think.
Errands, huh? Where... where might those errands be?
Louis, you there?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm here, Linc.
What time you got?
A little after 8:00.
It’s 8:15. You okay?
Oh, Michael.
9:00, fish. Show time. Let's go, man.
Tancredi leave yet?
No, I don't think so. You better call her.
See you on the other side.
Well, everything tells me it's food poisoning, which means you should be feeling better in a couple of hours, but, uh...I wish I could say that this would be enough to forestall the execution. It's not going to be.
It's all right.
I can stay with you, if you want.
No. It's fine... thank you.
We got a lot to talk about and not a lot of time to do it. Your boyfriend...he can still be saved. Burrows was picked a long time ago. He was hand-picked to be an assassin. But he never pulled the trigger.
Who did? Come on. Who killed Terrence Steadman?
Terrence Steadman’s still alive. There's three sheets of paper inside here. You'll find all the names you need are on them. Everyone that started this whole thing, from top to bottom. 11You need to take two steps that way right now. Get behind the car. You want to stay alive? Do as I say. Now.
Your boys better be there, rug head.
They'll be there, Cletus. Don't you worry.
This is crazy..
So, uh... what are we doing here, Danny? Where's the lawyer?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Allison told me. I got it out of her.
You didn't touch her.
Why would I do that? Why would I do that? We're partners, right? We're on the same side.
No. Allison's fine. She's just...well, I guess you're gonna have to ask yourself who you want to give up--your wife or this lawyer.
Just tell me where she is. Is she here? Has she been? What exactly have you...
Don’t do this.
Give me your gun.
Can't do that.
Yes, you can. I’m your superior. I give you a command, you obey it. Give me your gun.
Paul, it's nothing. It's not...
It's amazing. You’ve got it all on only... three pages. You know what would happen if this fell into the wrong hands?
You named me? Right there along with the rest of them?
I got scared, man. That’s all it was.
Named me, Danny?!
Please, man!
Allison's due in one month.
Paul, you and me, we've been friends since the academy.
You named me.
Okay. Let's go.
Hey, hey, hey. Put that away, man. What you doing?
Hey, yo-yos.
This is a state penitentiary. You can't park here.
Oh, you think we meant to park here?
Put your hands where I can see them. I said put your hands where I can see them!
All fixed. What do you say you two hit the road? You two hit the road, right now...or we're gonna have a problem.
All right?
I'm good. Haven't been this good in years.
They replaced it.
Michael...he's there. Son of A...he's there. He’s there.
Here, Michael, use this.
You ready?
What? Talk to me.
It can't be done.
It's too thick. I'm so sorry.
We're not getting out of here.
Unfortunately, pretty, that ain't an option.

1. be in trouble: 處于困境中。get into trouble 招致不幸, 陷入困境, 遭受處罰get out of trouble (使)擺脫不幸[困境]; (使)免受責罵[處罰] ask for trouble 找麻煩 (= look for trouble) get (a girl) into trouble 使(女孩)未婚懷孕fish in troubled waters 混水摸魚,趁機取利
2. a string of:一串, 一行。string along 欺騙某人;使其空抱希望 string out 成行地排列;成行地展開string up 懸掛,高懸 吊死;絞死no strings attached 無附帶條件的(協(xié)議)highly strung 非常敏感;易激動;感情脆弱的 strung up 非常興奮;極度緊張;過分焦急
3. pick up 撿起 改良;進步;接人。pick at 一點一點地吃 pick on 選擇 (作挨罵或受罰對象)挑中(某人)
4. in the presence of sb. 在…面前;在(某人)眼前 (= in sb.'s presence) presence of mind 鎮(zhèn)定;沉著lose one's presence of mind 心慌意亂 saving your presence 恕我冒昧 (with) presence of mind 鎮(zhèn)定, 沉著, 方寸不亂
5. dwell in 居住; 停留于 dwell at 居住; 停留于 dwell on 凝思; 詳細; 論述; 仔細研究dwell upon 凝思; 詳細; 論述; 仔細研究。inhabit vt. 后面直接加地點,而不需要任何介詞。reside vi. 居住(常與in, at連用); (官吏)留駐
6. put on: 開;打開。put off 延期;推遲. put forward 提出(意見、建議)put down 寫下;記下put up with 忍受;忍耐;受苦put up 舉起;抬起;張開(傘)put through 接通電話put out 熄滅;關熄;撲滅
7. pretend 指“感覺到某事, 而在言行上裝出是真的”, 如: pretend not to hear 假裝沒聽見。 feign 指“精心裝有或裝作”, 如: feign deafness 裝聾。 assume 指“裝出有某種感情的樣子, 以掩飾其真正的感情”, 如: She assumed a look of sorrow. 她假裝著悲傷的樣子。 affect 指“為達到某種效果而假裝有某種特征或情感”, 如: affect a British accent 裝英國腔。
8. on the ground(s) of 因為, 以...為理由get off the ground 起飛;有進展 give ground 撤退;屈服;讓步 go to ground 退避;逃脫
9. elaborate: 常與on連用,表示對…進行詳細描述
10. either...or...意為"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意。表示兩者之一,連接句子中兩個并列的成分。若要對either...or...句型進行否定時,只需把either...or...換成neither...nor...即可。either用在否定句的句末,表示"也"的意思。還可以單獨使用either,其意為"兩者中的任何一個"。
11. from top to bottom:從頭到底


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