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Rough night? I got your message.
What's the problem?
I lost my keys.
Where'd you find them?
Four feet that way.
Must've dropped them.
How you doing? It's been a while.
Fine. How are you?
I, uh...I need to talk to you about something. Grab some lunch at Fascastti's?
I have to get back to work. Speaking of which, I heard you got fired a few weeks ago. What was it this time?
You really want to know? Or you're just enjoying the view from your high horse?
You know what I want? To not have to be the older brother to my older brother.
What you doing here, Crab?
Long time no see, Mr. Linc. Where you been?
Here and there.
I'm gonna get your 90 grand, all right...
Oh, relax, man, that debt's already been paid.
By who?
Someone who likes to do people favors.
I don't know what it is you're thinking you're getting, but let's be clear about something. It's gonna be a few days before I get the money lined up.
Let's not kid ourselves. You can't get anywhere near that kind of money. So let's talk about what you can do for me.
Allies are like family. We have disagreements, but we always seem to smooth things out by Thanksgiving.
Okay, if you had to choose...Vice President Reynolds or Kathy in HR?
I'll take door number three.
Come on, if you had to choose.
The chick in HR. Michael never cared much for blondes.
How you doing, Michael?
Um, good. I'm good. How are you?
I'm okay. You know, I'm over at Glazer & Ross. Lawyer 97. Benefits are good. How's Lincoln?
You guys haven't talked?
No, not for a few years. He kind of dropped off the radar. How is he? 1
He's, um...He's... He's Linc.
I don't care who the guy is. I ain't killing no one.
I must have missed the part where I gave you a choice.
Black leather jacket. Two buttons down the front, three on each sleeve. One missing on his left--no, right arm. Jeans. Faded. Stain on the right knee.
He does bad things to good people. Think of this as a $90,000 bullet. You start fresh, and you keep me from finding out if there's someone in your life you will do something for.
Uh, I should...I should call you a cab.
You know how you can tell God is a man? Shoes.
Oh! Easy.
I'm sorry.
It's, uh...
You're gonna answer it?
He'll leave a message. He always does.
Michael, it's Linc. I need your help, bro. I'm in something real bad. I can't get out of it. I need you to straighten me out. My head is all messed up 2 and... Anyway, it's real important, bro. You gotta call me. You gotta call me now.
We can't do this.
I know. I know.
I'll call you a cab.
Did we get him?
I believe we did, partner.
Are you kidding?

Fernado, we should've whooped that guy's ass.
Please, only time I seen you whoop some ass is when that old man cut in front of you at Arby's.
And he was, like, 102 and blind.
With a plastic hip.
Oh, my God.
Hey, they're waiting for you in 4B.
Oh, pull his film. I'll be there in a minute.
Sergeant Franklin, you never cease to amaze me. Is there anything you can't get here?
All right, a deal's a deal. Prison guard duty. Away from the front. Safest place you could be.
Thank you. And my wife and daughter back home thank you, too, sir.
Would you give us a minute? Thanks.
Have you been watching the news?
It's Lincoln.
I didn't do it.
Terrence Steadman the Vice President's brother. Do you have any idea what they're gonna do to you?
I didn't do it, man, it was a setup. I didn't do it.
You knew him.
You worked for his company.
So what?
From which you were fired a few weeks ago.
I loaded containers in the warehouse. Never met the guy. What the hell, Mike? You sound like one of the damn detectives.
I'm just saying...
You think I did it?
I heard you owe someone 90 grand.
Who told you that?
People talk. And I know Steadman had a lot of money.
I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a murderer.
Then what were you doing in that garage last night? You admitted to the police you were there.
Honestly, Linc, I don't know how it's come to this. And you can't keep blaming Mom for dying and Dad for leaving, 3 because I was there, too. Difference is, I got out. Mom had life insurance, I took my half, put myself through school, What did you do with your half, Linc?
Everything's not how it looks, Michael.
I hope for your sake, that's true.
Here... here is where we want the turn to anger.
Trust me, that won't be a problem.
Now remember to stress his record as a repeat offender. We need the public behind us if we want the death penalty.
And where are we with Governor Tancredi?
He has aspirations. He won't be a problem.
Uh, 30 seconds, Madam Vice President.
The papers have already crucified him. The police say they got a phone call right after the murder from someone claiming they saw Lincoln running from the garage.
He was into someone for 90 grand. What do you need that kind of money for? Drugs? Bribes? Forget about what you want to be true. Let's look at this objectively.
Maybe you should, too.
I am.
All right, you know what? I promised I wouldn't say anything, but I'm getting tired of you 4 talking about him like he's some guy from the neighborhood that you used to know. He's your brother.
And I know he helped you out with your dad back in the day, but you should see the kind of person he is now-- the kind of people he keeps friends with.
You want to know what the 90 grand was for?
I think I do.
What do you mean?
The money you got when you were 18 years old from your mother's life insurance. The money that paid for your degree, that got you this job, that bought you your loft. Your mother never had life insurance. That money came from Lincoln.
He borrowed it. Knew it would be tough to pay back, but that didn't matter, because he thought you deserved it. He also knew you'd never accept it if you knew it came from him. Michael....you are where you are because of your brother.
You're telling me he is where he is because of me?
Why? Why didn't you tell me about the money?
No need to.
Who told you? Veronica? What did she make of all this? About me?
I don't know.
Glad she got out when she did, huh?
You know how she feels about you. It’s been the same way ever since we were kids.
Linc...I owe you an apology.
For what?
The night you called. If we talked, maybe I could have stopped you...
Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's not your fault.
Then whose is it?
Listen up. You need to forget about this. Move on. Work hard, do what you do.
I can't do that.
Oh, yes, you can. And you will.
Here's the part I don't understand. All the evidence is lining up in a path that leads directly to you. They say they have you on tape. Pulling the trigger. If you didn't kill Terrence Steadman...How the hell did someone make it look like you did?
Perfect's a strong word, Cuz. I got strong feelings, bro. I'm telling you, she might be the one. She from the block?
Nope. Uptown. Pill hill.
Do you think you could hold on to a girl from the PH?
I want to take her out to dinner.
You'll see. Someplace real nice.
Come on, Fernando.
How are you going to afford a place like that?
Open the drawer!
Hey, hey, okay!
Open the drawer! Yo, yo!
Okay, okay!
Quick! Quick! Quick!
All right, okay!
Actually...This is all I need.
Appreciate your business, man.
Ah...I brought you a gift from the hospital. I brought you a gift from the hospital.
I'm telling you, this is like Christmas. And you... work at the north pole.
If the north pole had gunshot wounds and...
Seriously, I don't know how you work there.
What do you mean? I like to help people.
And you like helping yourself. And you like helping your friend.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God!
Can you hear?Are you Okay?Can you hear?Are you Okay?Call somebody! Who's got a telephone?! Call 911!
Are you a doctor?
Can you help us?
Well, do something!
At ease.
The whiskey that you ordered, sir, will be here in a couple of days.
That's fine. I actually brought you here to talk to you about something else. Prisoner abuse report you filed?
Yes, sir.
I need to know how far you're willing to go with this.
Whatever it takes, sir. I particularly have no love for the desert donkeys, but I do have some for the Geneva Convention.
Something like this gets out, might open up our boys to similar treatment from the enemy.
I understand that, sir. But I'm not planning on calling a press conference. What I'm saying is, what I saw was wrong, and someone needs to take responsibility for it, sir. 5
All right. Please take Mr. Franklin into custody.
What? What the hell is going on, sir?!
Sergeant Franklin, I'm hereby recommending that you be dishonorably discharged from the United States Army.
What?! For what?
For engaging in illegal, black market...
You asked me to get that stuff!
I kept it to myself. Maybe you should learn to do the same.
You can't do this. You can't do this!
Has the jury reached a verdict? 6
We have, Your Honor.
What say you?
In the matter of The People of The State of Illinois v. Lincoln Burrows, on the count of murder in the first degree, we find the defendant...guilty. 7
The defendant will remain in custody until one week from today, when we commence the penalty phase.
I'm so sorry, Linc.
Don't be. It's not your fault.
Know what I like?
How after we make love... you get this little puddle of water in your belly button.
Fernando, that's sweat! And get out of there! It's disgusting there!
I think it's beautiful.
I think you're beautiful. What do you want, Fernando?
Oh, you got to give me a few more minutes.
Stop! From the future. What do you want from the future?
Would you run if I said you?
Would you chase me if I did?
I don't get it. All these commercials show brothers learning computer skills, new technologies.
Uncle Sam didn't teach me nothing but cadence and kill. 8
You check over at the Price-Mart?
Ain't hiring. Especially with a brother with a dishonorable discharge. Goes right to the bottom of the pile.
How long you think you gonna keep this up?
Until somebody gives me a job.
Nah, I'm talking about lying to Kacee. Your unit's been on leave for a long damn time now. Pretty soon they gonna stop thinking you're lucky, and she's gonna start asking questions.
Yeah, well, then I need to start finding some answers.
Look, I happen to know of an employment opportunity.
Come on, man, you know I don't get down like that.
It's just driving a truck.
A to B. That's it. Uncle Sam taught you how to drive trucks, didn't he?
Yeah. He also taught me to look inside.
It might be illegal, but it's also rent. A to B, your call.
They didn't even let her testify...
Leticia Barris.
And that cop? Changed his story a dozen times.
What part of "move on" don't you get?
After Mom died, and it was just you and me. I remember having trouble sleeping, never knowing where you were. But when I'd wake up in the morning, there'd be this paper bird, an origami crane, sitting next to my bed. And I never knew what it meant exactly, but I figured it was your way of letting me know you were checking in on me. Anyway, I looked it up. The crane. It stands for familial obligation...watching out for your own. 9 Maybe it's my turn to watch out for you. So, same time tomorrow.
No, man, they're, uh, transferring me to a prison where I wait until they execute me.
Can I still visit?
Yeah. It's not that far.
Place called Fox River.
Fox River?
How come there's four?
Well, uh, Mommy's new friend is coming over for dinner again.
Again? He just came over last night.
I like him.
Well, I do, too. And I want you both to be extra polite, because he's stopping by Malarkey's on his way home from work, and he's bringing us a really good meal. In fact, you two go wash your hands.
Evening, Mrs. Hollander. Don't you look lovely this evening.
I'm gonna do it.
Do what?
I'm gonna propose to Maricruz.
Are you serious? When?
As soon as I can afford the ring.
So what, like, 10, 20 years?
What's your problem, man? Why can't you just be happy for me? I'm just trying to protect you. What, you think you can give her everything she wants?
Takes more than money to do that.
You know I love you, Cuz.
Just think you should look at the reality here.
Seriously, Primo, how are you gonna afford a ring for a girl like that, huh?
Open the door!
Hey, hey, hey, okay, okay!
Hey, this fine?
Actually, I'm gonna need a little bit more this time.
Okay, okay. Here you go.
I'm sorry
Anyone asking questions?
Not loud enough to hear.
God, I can't remember the last time I was this much of a nervous wreck.
School Board, second term, 1992?
Secluded, no real access roads, perfect for what you're looking for.
Only one problem.
What's that?
It's over $2 million.
Didn't my poor brother, Terrence, leave something for me in his will?
You'd have to ask your accountants, ma'am.
Tell them to use that money. I'm paying for his mistake He can pay for the damn house.
And I've been clean for 18 months now. I'll tell you, I've never been happier. That actually might be the wrong word. I'll be honest, there were times I was using I left pretty damn happy. But... what I feel is different now. I feel, uh... I feel joy. So here I am. I know that...all I can do every day is the next right thing. And I think, for me right now, that means going back to work. I, uh... I don't know, maybe...maybe counseling, um... I want to help people get from where I've been to where I am.
Hey, Sara. You used to be a doctor, right?
Uh, I still am, in theory. Why?
Well, I was just thinking that I might know of a job opening where I work.
Really? Where's that?
You ever heard of Fox River?
The prison?
Yeah. I know it sounds like a strange idea. Uh, maybe...maybe you and I could, uh...maybe we could talk about it over dinner. I got a gift card to the Red Lobster over off the interstate.
Oh, my God. Um...Thank you. Really. Uh...I... Tonight's kind of my night to work on my resume. Um...
Oh. Yeah. Of course.
Sorry. I, uh...But thank you, really, for the, um, the referral. 10 Fox River
You know, math was never my best subject, either. But, um...I got through it by learning some new tricks. 11 You want to learn some tricks, Gracey?
Like what?
Like your nine-times tables Ready? Nine times one is...
Nine times two is...
Nine times three is...
Exactly. You got it. Now keep on going.
Mommy, Mommy Did you see what Teddy taught me?
Yes. That's great, honey. Go show your brother.
Zack, look. Nine times one...Nine times two...Nine times three...Nine times four is...
Right, right, left, left...Left, left, right, right...
Hey. Um, thank you.
Let me get your change. You want your change?
Keep it.
Do you love it? That's different.
Hey, sweetheart, come here.
Hey, there.
Hey. You know, I got, uh...I got to tell you something. And it's going to be really hard to hear.
Okay. Okay. What?
Well, the thing is......I'm being shipped back off.
Yeah, um, my unit just got called back for another tour, baby.
I can't believe it.
Deployment orders just came down. With the Italians pulling out and everything...
Tell them no, Daddy!
Yo, B!
Come here, baby.
Can you give me a hand with something out back?
That's my sister you're lying to in there.
Which is why I know you're gonna take care of them when I'm gone.
This is crazy.
Maybe. So is the way I got kicked out the Army. So's the way I got busted for driving that truck. And so's the way I feel about that woman up in there. She married a military man, who knows how to take care of his business. Now, if I look like one of these thugs, now...what do you think she's gonna do? Huh? How long you think she's gonna wait for me while I'm inside?
I don't know, man.
You owe me this, man. Don't you ever let her know where I am. You feel me?
Usually, I do this the other way. Why do you want to...
I want what I want.
You show this to anyone else...I am calling the whole thing off.
My therapist said...she said that I'm holding too much in and that I need to confront you to let you know how betrayed I feel. I let you into my life, my home...My God, I let you near my children!
I never touched them.
You should have told me what you were.
You think you're the only one who feels betrayed? I... loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life. And then to have you do me like that, to just throw me out to the dogs, just toss me out the back door like...
You're a murderer, Teddy!
That's not...I have sinned in the past, but when I met you, that person, that one that did all those terrible things, he died, and I was reborn. By the grace of your love, I was a...a new man, a better man.
That doesn't just erase the man who killed 6 students in Alabama.
I guess that's where you're right. Because when you sent me here, to this place, with these people, it brought that old, dirty bastard 12 right back home. In fact, there was a candle in the window, just waiting for me to walk up them front steps. You know, I'm gonna... I'm gonna get out of here someday. And when I do......don't think I won't remember what your front steps look like, Susan.
It's almost over. Burrows will be dead soon, and then things will start getting back to normal.
I know that you've been through a lot, but I promise you, the worst is now behind us.
My dear sister......you have no idea what I've been through.
Good night, Terrence.

1. drop off (一個一個地)離開,散去,漸漸減少;質(zhì)量下降,睡著,死去;衰落,掉下,落下 [口](從車上)下來;(停車)下客get the drop on sb. 先發(fā)制人 drop sb. a line 寫封短信
2. mess up 搞亂, 弄臟, 弄糟 陷入困境 粗暴對待; 使(某人)感情上受到創(chuàng)傷; 狠揍。(與with連用)惹麻煩。mess about 亂做;笨手笨腳地做;胡扯 亂忙;瞎忙
3. blame sb. for sth. 因某事責備某人 blame sth. on(to)sb. 把...怪到...頭上; 把某事的責任歸咎于某人[事] be to blame 應該受責 bear the blame 承擔責任be small blame to sb. 不能多怪某人
4. tired:adj. 疲乏的(with); (對...感到)厭倦(of) ,不耐煩的;破舊的;陳腐的。tired weary exhausted 意思都含“累的”、“疲倦的”。 tired 系常用詞, 泛指“由于勞動過度、工作緊張、休息不足或其他原因而導致疲乏的”,如: I'm tired with walking. 我走路走累了。 weary 指“由于連續(xù)不斷地進行某項活動而引起疲勞, 以致感到厭煩的”,如: At length, weary with wandering, they fell asleep. 最后,因為游逛得很疲乏, 他們都睡著了。 exhausted 指“筋疲力盡的”,如: Her strength was exhausted and she fell back on the pillow. 她筋疲力盡, 又躺在枕頭上。
5. take full responsibility for 對... 負完全 責任take [assume] the responsibility of [for] 負起...的責任be relieved of one's responsibility [-ties] (被)解除職責 bear responsibility for 對...負有責任 clear of responsibility 宣布對...不負任何責任 decline all responsibility for 聲明對...不負任何責任
6. reach a verdict:對...下判斷 pass one's verdict upon 對...下判斷
7. on the count of :由于,基于,考慮到 count on 依靠 指望;期待 (= count upon) count out 〈拳擊〉宣告失敗。
8. cadence [????????] n.(聲音的)抑揚頓挫, 節(jié)奏, 韻律, 調(diào)子
9. watch out [for] 當心, 提防; 注意! watch over 照看, 看守; 監(jiān)視watch for 等待, 留意, 當心 watch in 除夕的晚上不睡迎接(新年) keep watch [watch and ward]值班, 看守, 照料on watch 值班, 監(jiān)視watch one's step 謹慎從事 watch the clock 工作時看表,心不在焉地工作 keep a close watch on 密切注意 on the watch for 警戒;注意
10. referral [?????????] n. 提名, 推舉, 被推舉的人
11. not miss a trick 對一切都了解 (= never miss a trick) (常與into連用)欺騙;坑人 He tricked me into giving him the money. 他哄騙我給了他錢。 (常與out of連用)騙走 trick sb. into [out of] 騙人去...[騙取 ...] monkey tricks [口]惡作劇trick or treat! 不請客就搗亂(萬圣節(jié)前夕孩子們挨戶要禮物的用語)
12. bastard [???????] n. 私生子


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