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Previously on Prison Break
Did you see the guy in the viewing room?
It was dad.
I know that guy.
What is it?
It was fused into michael Scofield's skin.
Where'd it come from?
As far as I can tell, a guard's uniform.
What's wrong?
The blueprints, the ones we need to get from the psych ward to the infirmary, they're gone.
Hey, that's looking good. You're making some real progress.
The plaster adds a lot of weight. I may have to add reinforcements. 1
Whatever it takes, as long as you get done in time for the anniversary.
It'll be done.
Hold this.
You know, the shah loved his taj so much that he built another temple just like it on the other side of the river. It was an absolute mirror image. Except it was darker, it was like a black taj mahal.
Never heard of it.
Well, that's 'cause it was never completed. He was overthrown by his favorite son before he could finish it.
Sounds like a myth.
No, it's 100% true. I think.
Excuse me, Warden. Dr. Tancredi is here to see you.
Thank you. Adams, please escort Mr. Scofield back to his cell. Doctor, what can I do for you?
Uh, actually, it’s about Scofield, sir.
Come in. What about Scofield?
The burn on his back is fairly serious.
He seems to be recovering.
At first I assumed he was being assaulted by another inmate, but it found this embedded in 2 the skin in his back.
What's this?
It's fabric. Came from a guard's uniform.
What are you doing?
I'm trying to remember those blueprints... what we lost to the burn. Without them, we'll never be able to navigate those pipes beneath the psych ward.
Any luck?
No. I spent a lot of time studying those blueprints...tracing them night after night, considering every possible route to the infirmary. 3 It's like trying to take a test you studied for ten years ago.
How do they get like that, I got no idea.
I do. Tuggin' on too many pockets.
She tug on your pocket?
I may be social, but that's a boundary line even I won't cross.
So how about it, Fish?
When we rolling out?
One hiccup left, but I'm working on it.
Yeah, and what is that?
Our road map's a little incomplete at the moment.
I don't get it. Why not just go down there again? 4
'Cause one, I don't have the guard's uniform anymore, which means I can't get across the yard or past the orderly. And two, even if I did, it's a mess down there. I need this.
You think you're gonna remember it?
Not with you hounding me.
Time to wrap it up. We're going to have you start exterminating.
We're not done in here.
Well, You look done to me.
Nah, co, we still got the carpet to do, man.
No, Bellick is going to bring professionals in to do that. Wants the job done right.
When's that going to happen?
We got a real problem on our hands, don't we?
Rug monkeys gonna come in here, tear up that carpet and that hole's gonna be smiling up at them.
We'll have to fill it in.
We just dug that bitch.
All we need is a piece of plywood and a couple inches of that fast-setting concrete on top of it. The carpet guys will never know there's anything beneath it. And the night we break out, we'll just smash through with a sledgehammer. 5
Well, okay. Let's get on it. We’ve only got a couple hours to get this thing done.
Hey, Tweener. You met Avocado?
Yo, what's up?
Look it. She's just a baby. Hit road. Have a seat.
Scofield. What's the 911?
It's 411, and I don't know, man. I ain't up in his car.
You know, avocado's looking for a new cellie.
Boss, come on, man, I'm tryin' to break bread with the man but I can't jack unless I can get to the table, you know what I'm sayin'? Scofield got his own peeps, up in P.I. He don't need me.
How long this stuff take to dry?
One, two hours.
Fire on the line. this place is sweet. I heard we're getting satellite.
All the porn you can watch, boss.
Good, good. You know, you girls have done such a good job, I thought you could use an extra pair of hands on the crew.
What’s up?
Hey, man, look at my brush. It's all sticking together.
Somebody needs to go clean them out.
According to rank, that would be, uh, be you.
What I gotta do?
There's a hose out by the shed in the yard. You can use that.
Clean those, too.
Aright. Sorry I busted up the party, yo.
Who is he?
For your purposes, all you need to know is that man in the photo used to work for the company. He went rogue. 6
And how's he involved in this situation?
He's Burrows' father.
Wait, wait, wait. You picked the son of a company man to be our patsy? The company know?
The company did know. That was the whole point.
How about you elaborate on that?
How about you stop with all the questions. You're a glorified bodyguard, that's it. Your job's to be seen, not to be heard. Is that understood?
How close are we?
Oh, we're good to go, baby.
Got another badge.
What is this, happy hour?
Scofield? Pope wants to see you. The rest of you round up, you're done in here.
Hey, co Patterson said we had till the end of the day to finish up.
And I say you're done. There's a couple hours of work I want done in the yard before sundown. Come on, let's go.
We're dead.
We're not. I’ll get it done.
It's gotta be done tonight.
I said I'll get it done. Scofield, pope's waiting.
Hey, Linc.
You going to let me out?
No, Linc, just came to let you know they set a new date. Doc refiled all the paperwork. Execution's a week from Friday at midnight.
You going to let me out in the yard or what?
Unless I hear it from the pope himself, I can’t... come on, man, ten minutes.
That's all I'm asking.
Ten minutes.
I'm sorry.
Some guy just walks into the courthouse, drops off some medical records, Lincoln gets a stay of execution, then-pooh-he disappears into the cold.
Who do you think it could be, anti-death penalty fanatic.
Oh, come on, in this case, I doubt it. But without a name or a paper trail, we got no way of getting to him.
So once again we have nothing.
I wouldn't exactly call a two-week stay nothing, okay? It's more than we had yesterday.
Can I ask you a question? Do you really ever think that you're going to get to the bottom of this? That they'll let you get to the bottom of this? These guys don't exist. You go after them with the law, and they'll just use it against you.
We're doing the best we can, okay?
The law's the only way we're going to bring them to justice, LJ.
They gunned my mother down, man. You think I give a damn about justice? I want them. I wanna do to them what they did to me.
Come on, LJ.
It's for the courts to decide, not us.
Look, they're going to slip up, okay? They’re going to leave a piece of evidence that can't be refuted. And we're going to be waiting to nail them when they do.
Maybe they already slipped up.
Up at the cabin, at the well.
Somebody covered it up.
They must have come and gotten him.
There's only one way to find out.
Look, there's his cell phone.
Okay, a little lower! A little more. Okay, I got it.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine. Pull me up.
Will you give us a minute, Gary? Michael, I want you to be absolutely honest with me. Dr. Tancredi found this embedded in your flesh when she was treating you. Apparently, it came from a guard's uniform. Have you been assaulted by an officer? Michael, Michael, I need an answer. This is not about sticking to the inmate's code anymore. This is about officer misconduct. 7 That's my responsibility. You wouldn't want to see me lose my job now, would you?
No, of course not. You have been very good to me and my brother.
But I need to know where you got that burn right now. Otherwise, your ass is going to solitary. You understand? It's your choice.
Listen to me. Cool down!-Listen to me, don't do this! Don't do this!
Michael! No!
Michael. Michael? Michael?
What the hell are you doing in here?
Linc, we're in a lot of trouble now.
What happened?
Pope asked some questions that I couldn't answer.
About what?
He's got proof that I was where I wasn't supposed to be. He doesn't know it, but sooner or later he's going to put the whole thing together. There's no way out of this.
Yeah, there is. You just got to keep the faith.
I put my blood into this, and it's coming apart.
Listen to me. The whole point of solitary is to break you, make you crazy. You got to keep strong, you hear me? Don't let them break you.
I put my blood into this.
Look, baby, I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back to you.
Turns out that our division is not getting mobilized for a couple more days.
When I didn't hear from you, I didn't know what to think, baby. I got so worried. I started watching the news, looking for casualties.
I'm so sorry about all this. You gotta believe that.
I started calling the rear detachment office, asking if there was some sort of problem with the 117th.
Uh, no. There’s not a problem with the 117th. We're coming back. It's a snafu, that's all. A couple more days, and we'll be on those hops, baby.
That's not what the rear detachment officer said. He said the 117th wasn't coming home for another six months.
What? Uh, no. That-that can't be right.
That's what he said.
Ah, you know what it is? It's because we're transpo. You know, technically we're on a loan-out from the 140th. I mean, that's why he said that.
The 140th?
Yeah, yeah. It's just a few more days. That's all. I mean...you don't need to go calling anyone. I'll be back, okay? I will call you as soon as I know the exact date. Okay? I love you. I love you.
Michael’s in the shu.
Oh, god, the hits just keep comin'.
Last thing we wanna do now is panic, fellas.
Oh, it's panic time, old head.
We got an unfinished hole in that room over there that Scofield was supposed to fill tonight. Come tomorrow 8:00 A.M., They rip up that carpet, our game is over.
Unless someone else fills it.
He's right, papi. You're the only one with a toilet open to the outside world.
You're saying I go out there by myself tonight?
That's exactly what we're saying.
Are you kidding? That’s impossible.
Look, I don't wanna hear impossible from you right now.
I got people waiting on me--people that I'm gonna lose--unless you man up and get some cojones, comprende?
That's easy for you to say, pendejo. It ain't your ass on the line. 8
All of our asses are on the line.
And you're the only cat that can do something about it.
Yeah, maybe I can get out of my cell.
And maybe I can get into the guards' room.
But even if I do, and I fill that hole in, I'll still be in that room. I'll be sealed in. 9 There's no way out.
Scofield must've had a way.
He did. The grate at the sally port.
Oh, that's right. The one out there in the middle of the open?
Yeah, so you better lace up, amigo, 10 'cause you're gonna have to make a run for it.
That's ten years on my bid if I get caught.
Better figure out a way not to get caught.
Line it up!
Tonight, primo. It's gotta be tonight.
You okay?
What you doing?
Trying to remember what's beneath psych ward.
You're thinking about the wrong thing. You got to think about how to get out of here. Michael.
Man, come on. Talk to me.
Absolutely not.
If I'm gonna be the one doing that running, you gotta do some lifting, too.
I mean, you know what you're asking of me?
You gotta do it for the team.
Hey, sister.
Your bloomers are showing.
They aren't showing, baby, they're flying.
I take it you are a party girl.
L.J. Come on, were leaving.
We get Quinn’s phone powered up it could be a gold mine of information.
No. Doesn't fit.
We just need to find the right adaptor. What about Quinn? Are we just gonna leave him here?
You mean the guy who shot me in the back? Yeah, we're just gonna leave him here.
You tell anyone about this, and I...Capitol Hill saw its first deadlock of the term on the senate floor this morning. The hotly contested energy bill ended up in a 50-50 tie. That means it will now be up to vice president Reynolds to cast the deciding vote.
I know I sound like a broken record, but you work too hard. You need to get out, hang out with your friends more. What about men?
If this is your expos? On my social life, it's about to be a real sad one. I, uh... I've had some bad luck when it comes to relationships.
You had bad luck or you had bad boys?
I think I've managed to have a little of both.
Yeah, you know, you're right. I don't tend to go for the nice guys. I like the ones with the deep-seated emotional issues I can internalize and make my own.
Like Scofield?
Nope, not like Scofield.
Don't lie to me. Every time he comes in for his shot, you spend 20 minutes rolling up his sleeve.
You know what? I think he's interesting. And I think he's attractive, but he's still an inmate.
Promise you one thing.
And that's that you will never see anything happen between me and an inmate.
What'd you say?
I put my blood into this.
Stop! Freeze right there! Get down on your knees!
Please don't shoot! Don’t shoot!
You know the state of Illinois doesn't look too kindly upon prisoners who try to escape.
Charges are filed, you get sent back to county for three months. Come back here with ten more years added to your bid.
I wasn't trying to escape.
Sure you weren’t. You were just out there howling at the moon.
If I were you, I'd start talking. Mano.
I stayed out after yard today. I waited under the bleachers until it got dark. Something was gonna come over the walls.
Drugs is almost as bad as escape. Last guy had heroin slingshot over the wall got a nickel added to his bid.
It wasn't drugs.
Then what the hell was it?! Frisk him!
What do we have here? A pair of grunds? You risked going to the shu for a pair of grunds? Hell, you risked adding extra time to your bid all for a pair of panties?
My girl just wanted me to know she was thinking about me, boss.
You got a real beefer on your hands, don't you? 11
I know, boss. It’s the dumbest thing I've ever done. I'm just scared that being here, I'm gonna lose her.
He did it for love.
Then you understand.
Yeah, sure, Sucre. I understand.
Don't let me catch you alone next time, okay?!
Where's Michael?
Other side of you.
Michael. Michael! Michael! Michael! Michael! Michael, come on.
Badge! Badge!
Check out my brother. He's not responding.
Scofield. Check him out.
He's not responding. Please.
Scofield. Scofield. I need a medic in 12 now.
I repeat, now.
An electronics store on Eighth Avenue. Grab his phone. We’ll be back in ten minutes. Stay on the couch.
You've reached Owen Kravecki.
I can't come to the phone right now.
You really think you're gonna get to four buttons before I get to one?
Leave a message, and I'll return your call. Thanks. Have a great day.
Light on 12.
Would you wait outside, please? Michael? Okay, you're going to feel my fingers on your wrist. Come on, I need your eyes. I'm going to take a look at that hand. You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay.
Sucre got...
I heard.
Papi better had did us right, man.
Hope he had enough time.
Looks like we about to find out.
Make it fast.
I thought we picked Lincoln Burrows off the street because he was some lowlife who couldn't defend himself. Now I learn it's all about his father, some old spook the company's trying to settle a score with?
Well, fortunately for us, the company's agenda and our agenda have the same endgame. 12
Caroline, I've been doing this for 15 years, and it's never been about anything other than you, your family, and most importantly, this country. I need to know who I'm working for here.
You are working for me.
Promise me that.
I promise you, Paul. I got to go now. And to what do I owe this honor?
To the vote on the senate floor this afternoon.
Look, I get it. The vote comes down to me, and I vote no.
It'll get done.
Well, actually, we are going to need you to vote "yes" on this one.
I-I-I want to make sure I heard you straight. You want me to vote on the environmentalists' side?
This isn't about a vote. This is about you and how you look to voters. Now, we have a nation that is growing increasingly hungry for alternate energy, so if you come across as more centrist, you'll appeal to 14 the broadest swath of the electorate-- the very people who will get you elected next year.
Besides, once that bill hits the president's desk, he'll veto it. Then we'll get precisely what we always wanted anyway, won't we?
You probably don't have a hair on your body, do you?
Just back your punk-ass up.
Hey, tweener! Get over here.
Looks like avocado has taken a shine to you. I could set you up as cellies if you want.
Stop it, all right? I got something for you this time. Scofield and his boys--they're up to something.
How about being a little more specific?
Whatever it is, it's got to deal with that room they're fixing...something to do with the carpet.
Excuse me, fellas.
Out of the way!
Michael! Michael! Michael!
He’s totally nonresponsive, so start him on chlorpromazine. 15 I believe he's in danger of 16 a psychotic break. I want you to notify me immediately if and when that happens.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Clean him up.
You scared me.
Put it down. You’re not a killer. You don't want to make any rash mistakes here.
Don't move!
Go easy, Go easy...
Shut up!
LJ, there's other ways out of this, you know, okay? I can help you beat this rap, but if you pull that trigger, you really will be a killer, and then I can't help you, okay? I’m government, LJ. There’s a lot of things I can do for you.
The only thing you can do for me is die!
Drop your weapon! I said drop your weapon!
Guess you're going to have to take a rain check on that one, huh?
Drop the gun now!
No. I did what you said.
You brought me a pile of crap. There was nothing there.
Well, it's cool, man; I need some more time.
You had your time. You're a waste of my fries.
Open on 88!
Dude, just give me another chance.
Close on 88!
Have at it.
Boss. Boss!
You were lucky. Kid’s got a warrant for double homicide.
Oh, dear. Are you serious? Did you have any prior contact with him? 17
Any idea why he chose your house?
No, none. I mean, he was screaming something like, "you killed my mom," and going on about me being a government agent, and... I don't know, it just seemed like that kid was on drugs or something.
What do you do for a living, Mr. Kravecki?
I'm a, uh, regional sales manager for a dehydrated meat distributor.
What, you mean like jerky?
Yes. You a fan?
What kind?
Have some.
Really. I'm swimming in the stuff.
One hour till lunch.
What's the problem?
You're looking at it.
What, Haywire?
Yep. He's my new cell mate.
I think I have schizoaffective disorder with bipolar tendencies.
Your tattoos.
What about them?
What are they of?
They're just tattoos.
The man's got a maze on his skin. Why would he do that? Why would he put a maze on his skin?
It's a pathway.
Where does it lead?
Hello, roomie. You were right about my tattoo. It is a path, just like you thought. And I need you to remember when you saw it, haywire. 18 I need you to remember what it looked like. Do you think you can do that for me?
Who are you?

1. reinforcement [???????????????] n. 增援, 加強, 加固, 援軍
2. embed vt. (embedded; embedding)[一般用被動式] 栽種,埋置,埋入,嵌進;【醫(yī)】 植入;使銘記于心 a bullet embedded in the bone 嵌進骨中的子彈 These facts lie embedded in his mind. 這些事實牢牢銘記在他的心中。
3. spend a lot of care on sth. [in doing sth.] 在某事上[做某事時]費很多心血。句中spend 連續(xù)引導(dǎo)3個動詞,所以都用動詞的-ing形式。
4. go down v. 下去, 下沉, 墜落, 下降, 平靜下來, 被咽下, 被接受, 傳下去
5. sledgehammer [???????????] n. 大錘, 猛烈的打擊
6. rogue n. 流氓, 無賴 vt. 欺詐 vi. 流浪, 耍無賴, 游手好閑 play the rogue (on sb.) 行惡作劇, 淘氣; 騙(人) rogue [knave] in grain 大壞蛋
7. misconduct [???????????] vt. 處理不當(dāng), 干壞事 n. 不正當(dāng)?shù)男袨椋?明知故犯
8. on one's ass 處境惡劣; 窮困潦倒make an ass of sb. [口]捉弄某人be an ass for one's pains 費力不討好, 自討苦吃act the ass 作糊涂事; 出洋相 play the ass 作糊涂事; 出洋相
9. seal:(與off連用)封;阻隔;封閉 (常與up連用)決定,確定set the seal on 確定下來;正式結(jié)束
10. amigo n. 朋友。對美國人友好的西班牙語系人
11. beefer n. 發(fā)牢騷者, 告密者
12. endgame [????????] n. 最后階段
13. come across 偶然碰見;無意中找到,出現(xiàn)于,想到 [口]有效果,使人能理解 [俚]付欠款, 捐(款), 交錢 相認, 照辦, 吐露實情come along 進展;進步;進行come away 離開 脫開;脫落;斷裂come by 獲得;得到come down 傳遞;傳給come out (照片上)顯露;結(jié)果是come up with 想出(計劃、回答);作出(反應(yīng));產(chǎn)生
14. appeal to:向...呼吁[請求] 投合...的心意; 引起...的興趣 訴諸(武力) appeal to sb. for 為...向某人呼吁[請求]
15. chlorpromazine [??????????????] n. [藥]氯丙嗪, 冬眠硫磷
16. be in danger of 有...的危險in danger 在危險中out of danger 脫離危險make danger of 對...有點擔(dān)心; 對...躊躇不決
17. prior [??????] adj. 優(yōu)先的, 在前的be in contact with[be out of contact with] 和...接觸, 有聯(lián)系[脫離接觸, 失去聯(lián)系] have contact with 接觸到, 和...有聯(lián)系 lose contact with 和...失去聯(lián)系, 離開 make contact with 和...接觸[聯(lián)系]
18. haywire [????????] n. <美>捆干草用的鐵絲,取去干草后的雜亂纏繞的鐵絲


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