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中級美國英語以 tive和ity 結(jié)尾的詞匯





   在這一課里, 我們學(xué)習(xí)一些以 i-v-e 結(jié)尾的形容詞, 比方active, impressive 跟一些以 i-t-y 結(jié)尾的名詞, 比方 possibility, popularity 等等.    另外, 我們也要學(xué)習(xí)一些跟新聞傳播有關(guān)系的詞匯.

   現(xiàn)在我們先來聽今天這一課的對話,內(nèi)容是說亨利跟女兒琳達(dá)談到了看電視新聞的事情. 請你注意聽兩位英文老師的發(fā)音和語調(diào).

   F:  Dad, what are you watching on television?
   M: I'm watching the news, Linda. Why don't you join me and watch it too?
   F:  The news is boring. It's always the same thing.
   M: You should know what's going on in the world. There's always the possibility  that things could affect you.
   F:  I like things that are more active, more creative and more entertaining.
   M: If you watched the news regularly, you would find it very informative.
   F:  Well, if you want me to watch the news with you, can we change to Channel 7?
   M: Why?
   F:  Because the anchor-man on Channel 7 has a personality.

   現(xiàn)在英文老師再把整段對話念一遍, 請你注意聽.

   F:  Dad, what are you watching on television?
   M: I'm watching the news, Linda. Why don't you join me and watch it too?
   F:  The news is boring. It's always the same thing.
   M: You should know what's going on in the world. There's always the possibility  that things could affect you.
   F:  I like things that are more active, more creative and more entertaining.
   M: If you watched the news regularly, you would find it very informative.
   F:  Well, if you want me to watch the news with you, can we change to Channel 7?
   M: Why?
   F:  Because the anchor-man on Channel 7 has a personality.


   M: There's always the possibility that things could affect you.
   F:  I like things that are more active, more creative and more entertaining.
   M: If you watched the news regularly, you would find it very informative.
   F:  Because the anchor-man on Channel 7 has a personality.

二.以-TIVE 和 -SIVE 結(jié)尾的形容詞

   首先我們練習(xí)一些以 t-i-v-e 結(jié)尾的形容詞.    這些形容詞都是從動(dòng)詞演變來的.練習(xí)的作法是由男老師念動(dòng)詞,    然后女老師把這個(gè)動(dòng)詞演變成的形容詞念出來, 接著男老師用那個(gè)形容詞作句子,    女老師就照樣重復(fù)一遍. 下面就是一個(gè)例子.

   M: act
   F:  active
   M: Reporters are active in gathering news.
   F:  Reporters are active in gathering news.

   這組練習(xí)里的句子都是說到電視記者的工作, 比方新聞界競爭激烈, 記者們忙著跑新聞,  盡量把消息告訴觀眾, 希望作到消息又新又快;  他們必須要文筆好又得知道觀眾的喜好,因?yàn)樗麄冎烙^眾可以自由選擇節(jié)目,    不受歡迎的節(jié)目就會(huì)被淘汰等等.  現(xiàn)在請你注意聽, 并且跟女老師一起把句子重復(fù)一遍.

   M: act
   F:  active
   M: Reporters are active in gathering news.
   F:  Reporters are active in gathering news.
   M: inform
   F:  informative
   M: They want to be as informative as possible.
   F:  They want to be as informative as possible.
   M: select
   F:  selective
   M: They know the viewers are selective.
   F:  They know the viewers are selective.
   M: sense
   F:  sensitive
   M: They are sensitive to viewers' tastes.
   F:  They are sensitive to viewers' tastes.
   M: create
   F:  creative
   M: They do creative writing on news items.
   F:  They do creative writing on news items.
   M: compete
   F:  competitive
   M: They have to be competitive to do a good job.
   F:  They have to be competitive to do a good job.
   M: repeat
   F:  repetitive
   M: They try not to be repetitive.
   F:  They try not to be repetitive.

   下面我們再作一組練習(xí), 復(fù)習(xí)我們剛才教的詞匯. 練習(xí)的內(nèi)容還是談到電視記者的工作. 練習(xí)的作法是老師提出一個(gè)問題.  比方 "記者們設(shè)法塑造一個(gè)好形象嗎? " Do reporters try to create a good image? 請你作肯定的答覆:  Yes, they try to create a good image. 在你回答之后, 老師會(huì)把正確答案念一遍給你聽.

   M: Do reporters act fast when something happens?
   F:  Yes, they act fast when something happens.
   M: Are they active in gathering news?
   F:  Yes, they are active in gathering news.
   M: Is their job to inform people?
   F:  Yes, their job is to inform people.
   M: Are their reports generally informative?
   F:  Yes, their reports are generally informative.
   M: Are viewers free to select good programs?
   F:  Yes, they are free to select good programs.
   M: Are viewers selective?
   F:  Yes, they are selective.
   M: Do reporters sense what viewers like to watch?
   F:  Yes, they sense what viewers like to watch.
   M: Are they sensitive to viewers' tastes?
   F:  Yes, they are sensitive to viewers' tastes.
   M: Do they try to create a good image?
   F:  Yes, they try to create a good image.
   M: Do they do creative writing on news items?
   F:  Yes, they do creative writing on news items.
   M: Do they compete with other reporters?
   F:  Yes, they compete with other reporters.
   M: Are the news media competitive?
   F:  Yes, the news media are competitive.
   M: Do reporters sometimes repeat what was reported?
   F:  Yes, they sometimes repeat what was reported.
   M: Do they try not to be repetitive?
   F:  Yes, they try not to be repetitive.

   下面我們學(xué)習(xí)幾個(gè)以s-i-v-e 結(jié)尾的形容詞.這些形容詞也是由動(dòng)詞演變而來的,比方 "延伸" extend 變成 "廣泛的" extensive, "說服" persuade  變成  "有說服力的"  persuasive,  "滲透"  pervade 變成    "深遠(yuǎn)的" pervasive,  "觸怒" offend 變成"冒犯人的" offensive 等等. 現(xiàn)在我請男老師念動(dòng)詞, 請女老師念形容詞,   然后男老師用形容詞作一個(gè)句子,請你跟女老師一起把句子重復(fù)一遍. 現(xiàn)在開始.

   M: extend
   F:  extensive
   M: American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election.
   F:  American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election.
   M: impress
   F:  impressive
   M: The election coverage is impressive.
   F:  The election coverage is impressive.
   M: offend
   F:  offensive
   M: They avoid making offensive reports.
   F:  They avoid making offensive reports.
   M: persuade
   F:  persuasive
   M: Their analyses and comments are quite persuasive.
   F:  Their analyses and comments are quite persuasive.
   M: pervade
   F:  pervasive
   M: They have pervasive influence on the public opinions.
   F:  They have pervasive influence on the public opinions.

   下面我們再以問答方式把剛才教的形容詞復(fù)習(xí)一遍.首先請你注意聽男老師問問題, 然后請你一一的作肯定的答覆. 每作完一句老師就會(huì)把正確答案念給你聽. 現(xiàn)在開始.

   M: Do American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election?
   F:  Yes, American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election.
   M: Is the election coverage impressive?
   F:  Yes, the election coverage is impressive.
   M: Do they avoid making offensive reports?
   F:  Yes, they avoid making offensive reports.
   M: Are their analyses and comments persuasive?
   F:  Yes, their analyses and comments are persuasive.
   M: Do they have pervasive influence on the general public?
   F:  Yes, they have pervasive influence on the general public.


   下面我們學(xué)習(xí)幾個(gè)由形容詞演變而成的名詞. 這些名詞都是以 i-t-y 結(jié)尾, 比方"能力" ability,"可靠性" credibility,"活動(dòng)" acitivity,"敏感度" sensitivity  等等.  現(xiàn)在我請男老師念形容詞, 女老師念名詞, 接著男老師用形容詞作個(gè)句子,  然后女老師就改用名詞說出意思相同或是相關(guān)的句子.    這些句子說到一位名字叫瓦特, 很有名的電視記者.他的報(bào)導(dǎo)深入,可靠,很受歡迎等等.現(xiàn)在請你注意聽.

   M: active
   F:  activity
   M: Walter is very active.
   F:  He is interested in political activities.
   M: able
   F:  ability
   M: He is able to do in-depth reports.
   F:  He has the ability to do in-depth reports.
   M: credible
   F:  credibility
   M: His reports are credible.
   F:  He has high credibility.
   M: sensitive
   F:  sensitivity
   M: He is sensitive to the interests of the public.
   F:  He has a sensitivity to the interests of the public.
   M: popular
   F:  popularity
   M: He is very popular with audiences.
   F:  He enjoys popularity with audiences.
   M: possible
   F:  possibility
   M: It is possible that some Chinese have heard of him.
   F:  There is a possiblity that some Chinese have heard of him.

   下面我們用問答方式練習(xí)剛才教的名詞. 練習(xí)的作法是由老師根據(jù)剛才念過的句子提出問題,  請你作肯定的答覆;    在你回答之后老師會(huì)把正確答案念一遍給你聽.

   M: Is Walter interested in political activities?
   F:  Yes, Walter is interested in political activities.
   M: Does he have the ability to do in-depth reports?
   F:  Yes, he have the ability to do in-depth reports.
   M: Does he have high credibility?
   F:  Yes, he have high credibility.
   M: Does he have a sensitivity to the interests of the public?
   F:  Yes, he have a sensitivity to the interests of the public.
   M: Does he enjoy popularity with audiences?
   F:  Yes, he enjoys popularity with audiences.
   M: Is there a possibility that some Chinese have heard of him?
   F:  Yes, there is a possibility that some Chinese have heard of him.


   我們今天要聽的文章談到美國的新聞媒介. 文章里除了說到一般民眾依賴新聞傳播了解國際情況, 同時(shí)也描寫新聞界為了迎合一般民眾的口味而爭先恐后搶新聞的情景.現(xiàn)在請你注意聽.

   The news  media  in  the  U.S. consist of radio, television and newspapers.  Together they are  pervasive  on  the  lives  of  many Americans and  influential on  their  daily     routines. Many  Americans begin  their  day  reading  the  newspaper  or  watching  a morning news program  on  television  while  drinking  their coffee.  While driving to work, the news can be heard on the car radio. Throughout the  day the news is broadcast repeatedly on the radio and television. In  the  evening  news  is a prime feature on  television  with  up  to  two hours of  news in the early  evening  and  more  news  late  at night.  For those  who  prefer reading, the evening newspaper offers the  reader  the  possibility of reading  the news others  see and hear on television. The news media are free of government control.  It  is  up to  the general public to  choose what  to  read,  watch  or  listen  to. Therefore,  the  media  must  have  a sensitivity  to the interests of the public. News is big business. However, it is a very competitive business, as each station or each newspaper competes for  audiences  and readers.   Each tries  to present  the  news Americans want to know. When an item becomes newsworthy,such as an election or a war, Americans will  become familiar  with  the most minute details as the news media scramble to  be  as  informative as possible. But  the  result  is  that  the  news  becomes repetitive. As  the  news media  report  the  same news items  estimated  to  be  the  most interesting and   impressive,  listeners,  viewers or readers  might find   it difficult  to  be  selective. Nevertheless,  most Americans  would  not  criticize   their news   media too  harshly. The  credibility  of  the  news  media  is  generally  acknowledged  and  accepted  by the American public.

   現(xiàn)在請你回答下面三個(gè)問題. 在你回答之后, 老師會(huì)念正確答案給你聽.

   M: How do Americans get the news?
   F:  They get the news through radio, television and newspapers.

   M: When can Americans get the news?
   F:  They can get the news in the morning, throughout the day and in the evening.

   M: How do the news media compete for audiences and readers?
   F:  They try to report what Americans want to know as fast as possible.


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