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   在這一課里, 我們學習幾個很有用的常用語,  比方 "打定主意"   make up one's mind, "解決" work out, "應(yīng)付" cope with 等等. 我們還要學習一些跟家庭生活有關(guān)系的詞匯.

   首先我們依照慣例聽一段對話,    內(nèi)容說到亨利的同事南希要跟丈夫史蒂夫分居的事情. 請你注意兩位英文老師的發(fā)音和語調(diào).

   M: Kate, Nancy and Steve are breaking up.
   F:  It's really a shame. I've heard that they quarrel, but they've always made up  afterward.
   M: Things are not working out this time. They are getting a separation soon.
   F:  What is going to happen to their daughter, Bonnie?
   M: Nancy is going to take her.
   F:  The cost of living is so high. It will be difficult for her to   take  the responsibility.   She  had better think the whole thing over.
   M: She seems to have made up her mind.  She  said  she   would  rather be a single  parent than cope with an unhappy marriage.
   F:  Well, I hope her parents will be able to talk her out of it.

   現(xiàn)在我請英文老師再把對話念一遍. 請你注意聽. 

   M: Kate, Nancy and Steve are breaking up.
   F:  It's really a shame. I've heard that they quarrel, but they've always made up  afterward.
   M: Things are not working out this time. They are getting a separation soon.
   F:  What is going to happen to their daughter, Bonnie?
   M: Nancy is going to take her.
   F:  The cost of living is so high. It will be difficult for her to   take  the responsibility.   She  had better think the whole thing over.
   M: She seems to have made up her mind.  She  said  she   would  rather be a single  parent than cope with an unhappy marriage.
   F:  Well, I hope her parents will be able to talk her out of it. 


   M: Nancy and Steve are breaking up.
   F:  It's really a shame.
   F:  They've always made up afterward.
   M: Things are not working out this time.
   F:  It will be difficult for her to take the responsibility.
   F:  She had better think the whole thing over.
   M: She seems to have made up her mind.
   M: She would rather be a single parent than cope with an unhappy marriage.
   F:  I hope her parents will be able to talk her out of it.


   現(xiàn)在我們從你剛才聽到的句子里挑出一些常用語分別作練習.   首先我們學習break up, b-r-e-a-k u-p, break up 的用法. 這個詞組的意思就是 "分裂, 解散".  用來說人, 尤其是夫妻的時候, 意思就是 "分手". 現(xiàn)在老師用這個詞組作句子,提出一些有關(guān)南希和史蒂夫的問題,   比方他們是不是已經(jīng)決定分手;   他們夫妻分居或是離婚會不會造成家庭分裂等等問題.   這些問題學生都一一地作肯定的答覆.  在學生作練習的時候請你也一起作.

   M: Have Nancy and Steve decided to break up?
   F:  Yes, Nancy and Steve have decided to break up.
   M: Do Henry and Kate know that they are breaking up?
   F:  Yes, Henry and Kate know that they are breaking up.
   M: Are Henry and Kate concerned about their breaking up?
   F:  Yes, Henry and Kate are concerned about their breaking up.
   M: Does their family break up when they get a separation?
   F:  Yes, their family breaks up when they get a separation.
   M: Does their family break up when they divorce?
   F:  Yes, their family breaks up when they divorce.


   下面我們練習 make up, m-a-k-e  u-p, make up  的用法.   這個詞組可以用來表示"和好如初". 現(xiàn)在老師用這個詞組提出一些有關(guān)南希跟史蒂夫的問題,比方"如果他們不彼此怨恨,他們會不會和好如初呢?" Would they make up if they didn't resent each other? 然后老師提出 yes 或是 no, 學生就根據(jù)他所聽到的作肯定或否定的答覆. 在學生作練習的時候請你也一起作.

   M: Have Nancy and Steve always made up before?
   M: yes
   F:  Yes, Nancy and Steve have always made up before.
   M: Are they willing to make up this time?
   M: no
   F:  No, they are not willing to make up this time.
   M: Would they need a separation if they were willing to make up?
   M: no
   F:  No, they wouldn't need a separation if they were willing to make up.
   M: Would they make up if they didn't resent each other?
   M: yes
   F:  Yes, they would make up if they didn't resent each other.
   M: Would it be better for their daughter if they made up?
   M: yes
   F:  Yes, it would be better for their daughter if they made up.


   下面我們學習用make up one's mind 來表示 "打定主意". 比方有一句話:  "南希已經(jīng)決定不跟史蒂夫和解." 這句話的英文可以這樣說:Nancy has made up her mind not to reconcile with Steve.

   現(xiàn)在我們作一組代換練習學學這個常用語. 練習的作法是老師念一個句子, 接著老師念一個詞組, 學生就把詞組代換到原來的句子里. 這組練習里的句子都是說到南希決定怎么樣處理她的婚姻和家庭問題. 現(xiàn)在請你注意聽, 并且跟學生一起作練習.

   M: Nancy has made up her mind to break up her marriage.
   M: not to reconcile with Steve
   F:  Nancy has made up her mind not to reconcile with Steve.
   M: to get a separation
   F:  Nancy has made up her mind to get a separation.
   M: to be a single parent
   F:  Nancy has made up her mind to be a single parent.
   M: to keep her daughter
   F:  Nancy has made up her mind to keep her daughter.
   M: to take the responsibility
   F:  Nancy has made up her mind to take the responsibility.


   下面我們學習怎么用   work  out,  w-o-r-k o-u-t, work out.  這個詞組可以用來表示"解決";  比方  "他們不能夠解決彼此間的歧見."  They   cannot   work  out   their differences. 也可以用來表示 "順利"; 比方 "他們的婚姻不順利."   Their  marriage isn't working out. 下面老師問學生一些跟南希的婚姻生活有關(guān)系的問題.每問一個問題, 老師就會提出 yes  或是 no, 學生就根據(jù)他所聽到的作肯定或否定的答覆. 在學生作練習的時候請你一起作.

   M: Can Nancy and Steve work out their problems?
   M: no
   F:  No, Nancy and Steve cannot work out their problems.
   M: Can they work out their differences?
   M: no
   F:  No, they cannot work out their differences.
   M: Is their marriage working out?
   M: no
   F:  No, their marriage isn't working out.
   M: Would it work out if they didn't resent each other?
   M: yes
   F:  Yes, it would work out if they didn't resent each other.
   M: Would it work out if they reconciled?
   M: yes
   F:  Yes, it would work out if they reconciled.


   下面我們學學怎么用 cope with,  c-o-p-e  w-i-t-h, cope   with  來表示 "對付"  或是"應(yīng)付". 比方,  "對付心理問題是不容易的."    這句話英文可以這樣說:   To cope with psychological problems is not easy. 現(xiàn)在我們作一組代換練習,學學這種用法. 首先老師念一個句子,  學生跟著重復(fù)一遍,   接著老師念一個詞組,   學生就把詞組代換到原來的句子里. 學生作練習的時候,請你也一起作.

   M: To cope with an unhappy marriage is not easy.
   M: single parenthood
   F:  To cope with single parenthood is not easy
   M: the high cost of living
   F:  To cope with the high cost of living is not easy.
   M: emotional problems
   F:  To cope with emotional problems is not easy.
   M: psychological problems
   F:  To cope with psychological problems is not easy.
   M: financial problems
   F:  To cope with financial problems is not easy.


   下面我們學習用  had  better,  h-a-d  b-e-t-t-e-r,   had  better  加上原型動詞來表示"最好" 作某件事情. 比方  "她最好開始找個托兒所."   這句話英文可以 這樣說:She had  better  start looking for a child-care center. 現(xiàn)在我們作一組代換練習學學這種用法. 練習的內(nèi)容是說到南希既然決定跟丈夫分居,自己帶大孩子, 她最好作些什么安排, 比方存錢, 找公寓, 找托兒所等等. 請你跟學生一起作練習.

   M: Nancy had better save some money.
   M: get herself a car
   F:  Nancy had better get herself a car.
   M: find an apartment
   F:  Nancy had better find an apartment.
   M: start looking for a child-care center
   F:  Nancy had better start looking for a child-care center.
   M: ask her parents to help
   F:  Nancy had better ask her parents to help.

   下面一組代換練習的內(nèi)容是說凱特認為南希應(yīng)該跟父母談一談,最好三思而后行等等. 請你跟剛才一樣作練習.

   F:  Nancy had better talk to her parents.
   M: think the whole thing over
   F:  Nancy had better think the whole thing over.
   M: work out the problems with Steve
   F:  Nancy had better work out the problems with Steve.
   M: make up with Steve
   F:  Nancy had better make up with Steve.


   最后我們學習怎么用英文來表示 "寧愿怎么樣也不愿意怎么樣". 比方 "婚姻不美滿還不如分居."      Having  a   separation  is  better  than  having  an  unhappy marriage. 這句話可以換一個方式用   would  rather,    w-o-u-l-d  r-a-t-h-e-r,  would rather 加上原型動詞開頭的詞組再加上 than, t-h-a-n, than 改成 "我寧愿分居也不愿意有不美滿的婚姻."I would rather have a separation than have an unhappy marriage. 下面我們作一組練習把這兩種說法作一個比較.   練習的作法是南希用 is better than說一句話, 請你用南希作主語再加上would rather ...than 把句子說出來. 下面就是一個例子:

   F:  Coping  with  the  high cost  of  living  is  better  than coping with emotional problems.
   M:  Nancy would rather cope with the high cost of living than cope with emotional problems.

   這組練習比較難, 請你特別用心. 每作完一句老師就會把正確答案念給你聽.

   F:  Having a separation is better than having an unhappy marriage.
   M: Nancy would rather have a separation than have an unhappy marriage.
   F:  Breaking up with Steve is better than having quarrels with him.
   M: Nancy would rather break up with Steve than have quarrels with him.
   F:  Being a single parent is better than staying with Steve.
   M: Nancy would rather be a single parent than stay with Steve.
   F:  Coping with financial problems is better than living with Steve.
   M: Nancy would rather cope with financial problems than live with Steve.
   F:  Coping with the high cost of living is better than coping with emotional problems.
   M: Nancy would rather cope with the high cost of living than cope with emotional problems.



   In  the  past,  American  families  tended  to be  quite  large.   Parents  raising  five  or   more children were common. Over the years the size of the family has decreased.  One reason for this is an increase in the cost of living.  On the average, children  attend schools  for  more years  than they used to, making  them financially  dependent  on their families longer.  Moreover,  children  nowadays  are  better dressed and have more money to spend on entertainment.   The parents  usually  take the responsibility for all the expenses.  Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers work away  from  home. The  break   up  of  the  family  occurs  when  the  parent  divorce.  A  lot  of  children in the U.S. live part of their young lives with only one parent.  Broken families usually result in problems  for  children and parents alike.  Children  blame themselves  when  their  parents  separate.  They grow  up feeling  unsettled  as  they  are moved back and forth between parents.  Usually one parent takes the responsibility for raising the children.  These single  parents must  care  for  the children's  emotional   and  psychological  needs  while also supporting them financially. This is  very  demanding  and  leaves   very  little time for  the parent's own personal interests.  Single parents often marry other single parents.  In  this   type  of  family,  unrelated children are  forced  to  develop  brother  or  sister   relationship. The situations  of  many  American families today are not good.  However, recent signs  indicate that things are getting better. The divorce rate is declining.  The rate  of childbirth is rising. Perhaps Americans have learnd how important families are.

   現(xiàn)在請你回答下面三個問題. 在你回答之后請你聽老師念正確答案.

   M: Why have American families become smaller?
   F:  It is because the cost of living has increased.

   M: What problems might children have when their parents break up?
   F:  They might have emotional and psychological problems.

   M: What is a single parent?
   F:  A single parent is a person who raises his or her child alone.


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