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Section A

Directions: In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank froma list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefilly before making yourchoices,Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter foreach item onAnswer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Youmay not wse any ofthe words in the bank more than once

Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.

It is commonly believed that the great English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon on April 23,1564.But it is impossible toknow the  26  day on which he was borm.

Church records show he was baptized( 施 洗 禮 )on April 26,and three days was a customary amount of time to wait before baptizing a newly born baby.Shakespeare's date ofdeath is  27  known,however:it was April 23,1616.He was 52 and had retired to Stratford three years before.

Although few plays have been performed or analyzed as extensively as the 38 plays Shakespeare wrote,there are few surviving details about his life.This  28  of biographical information is due primarily to his social  29  ;he was not a noble,but the son of a leather trader.

Shakespeare  30  attended the grammar school in Stratford,where he would have studied Latin and read  31  literature.He did not go to university andat age 18 married Anne Hathaway,who was eight years his  32  .They had four children,including the twins,Hamnet and Judith.Nothing is known ofthe period between the birth of the twins and Shakespeare's  33  asa dramatist in London in the early 1590s.

In amillion wordswritten over 20 years,he  34  the full range of human emotions and conflicts with a  35  that remains sharp today.As his great contemporary the poet and dramatist Ben Jonson said,“He wasnot of an age,but forall time.

A)captured     I)precision

B)classical    J)probably

C)conclusively  K)quality

D)emergence    L)scarcity

E)exact       M)senior

F)generated    N)separated

G)particular   O)systematically




27.C)【語義判斷】本句意為:然而,莎士比亞的死亡日期是_____知道的:1616年4月23日。however  表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,本句與前面提到的莎士比亞的具體出生日期不明形成對比。也就是說,莎士比亞的死亡日期是準(zhǔn)確的,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有“確信地,確鑿地”意義的副詞,由此確定答案為C)conclusively。

28.L)【語義判斷】本句意為:傳記信息的_____主要 是由于他的社會_____。由前一句可知,關(guān)于莎士比亞生活的細(xì)節(jié)很少留存下來,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有“缺少”意義的名詞,由此確定答案為 L)scarcity。

29.H)【語義判斷】本句意為:傳記信息的缺少主要是由于他的社會_____;他不是貴族,而是一個(gè)皮革商人的兒子。由分號后面的noble 和 the sonof a leather trader可知,這是兩種高低不同的社會地位,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有“地位”意義的名詞,由此確定答案為H)position。

30.J)【語義判斷】本句意為:莎士比亞_____就讀于 斯特拉特福的文法學(xué)校。由第二段可知,由于社會地位低下,關(guān)于莎士比亞生活的細(xì)節(jié)很少留存下來,因此莎士比亞曾就讀于斯特拉特福的文法學(xué)校也是人們的推測,并非確鑿的信息,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有“可能,大概”意義的副詞,由此確定答案為J)probably。

31.B)【語義判斷】本句意為:在那里他學(xué)習(xí)拉丁語并閱讀_____文學(xué)。備選項(xiàng)中能和文學(xué)搭配的只有 B)classical,意為“古典文學(xué)”,由此確定答案為B)classical。

32.M)【語義判斷】本句意為:他沒有上大學(xué),18歲時(shí)娶了比他_____八歲的安妮·海瑟薇。由句意可知,此處表示安妮·海瑟薇比莎士比亞年長或年 輕八歲。而莎士比亞此時(shí)才18歲,所以安妮·海瑟薇應(yīng)該比莎士比亞年長八歲,由此確定答案為M)senior。



35.I)【語義判斷】本句意為:在20多年的時(shí)間里,他用 一百萬字的篇幅,以今天仍然敏銳的_____描述了人類全部的情感和沖突。本句是對莎士比亞作品的評價(jià)。that remains sharp today 是修飾莎士比亞描述人類的各種情感與沖突的方式,說明他的方式是十分準(zhǔn)確的,因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有“準(zhǔn)確”意義的名詞,由此確定答案為I)precision。備選的其他名詞不能用sharp修飾,因此排除。

Section B

Directions: In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached toit. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.Youmay choose a paragraph more than once.Fach paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letteron Answer Sheet 2.

How to not be boring

A)Humans are creatures of habit.We love to establish a routine and stick with it.Then we often put ourselves on auto-pilot.Routines can be incredibly useful in helping youget things done.However,too much of a routine can  also make you incredibly boring. Nevertheless,many people live lives that are boringly predictable,or live a life where everything is outlined or planned.

B)To tell the truth,interesting people are more popular among theirfriends.If you don't arouse someone's  curiosity or brighten someone's day,you probably come across as being a lttle bit dull.But that doesn't mean  your life has ended and you can't do anythingto change it.If you find yourself searching for something to say beyond small talk,try these tactics to find more interesting approaches to conversation.

C)Recently,I was at a gathering of colleagues when someone turned to me and asked, “So,what's new with you?”O(jiān)rdinarily,I think I'm a good conversationalist.After all, it's literally my job to talk to people and tell their stories or share their advice.And that's not exactly an unexpected question.Still,the only “new-to-me”topics that came to mind were my daughter's basketball tournament(錦標(biāo)賽)and my feelings about that moming'spolitical headlines-neither amusing nor appropriate topics at that moment.

D)Oh,no,I thought.Have I become boring?But sharing our experiences in an authentic way to connect with other people is what makes us interesting,says associate professor Michael Pirson.The hesitation I felt in not  sharing the ordinary things that were happening in my life,and the wild mental search for something more interesting,may have backfired and made me seem less interesting.

E)“If someone is making up some conversationthat might be interesting,it's probably not going to land    well,”says Pirson,whose expertise includes trust and well-being, mindfulness,and humanistic management.“It's going to feel like a made-up conversation that people don't necessarily want to tune in to .”

F)The most interesting people aren't those who've gone on some Eat,Pray,Love journey to find themselves.Instead,Pirson says,they're those who examine the ordinary.“Often, the 'boring things'may notbe boring at all.Maybe they are actually little miracles,"he says.Share your observations about the world around you—interesting stories you heard or things you noticed—and you may be surprised by the universal connection  they inspire.

G)This is essentially how Jessica Hagy starts herday.The author of How to Be Interesting:An Instruction Manual,Hagy spends a lot of time thinking about what's interesting to her.People who are interesting are persistently curious,she says.

H)Think about the everyday things around you and ask questions about them.What isthat roadside monument I see on my way to work every day?Who built that interesting building in my city?What nearby attractions haven'tI visited?Why do people do things that way?Use what you find to ask more questions and lean more about the world around you.“Having that sort of curiosity is almost like a protective gear from getting into boredom,”she says.And when you find things that are truly interesting to you, share them.

I)Television veteran Audrey Morrissey,executive producer of NBC's The Voice,is always looking for what will make a person or story interesting to viewers:It's usually a matter of individuality.“Having a strong point of view,signature style,or being a super-enthusiast in a particular field makes someone interesting,”she says.That means embracing what is truly interesting or unique about yourself.“Many people are ‘not boring'in the way that they can carry a conversation or can be good at a social gathering,etc.To be interesting means that you  have lived life,taken risks,traveled, sought out experience to learn foryourself and sharewith others,“she says.

J)Of course,it's possible to be a fountain of knowledge and a boring person,says public relations consultant AndreaPass.Paying attention to the listener is an important part of having a conversation that's interesting to both parties.Talking on and on about what's interesting to you isn't going to make you an interesting person,she says.

K)“If the listener is not paying attention,it's your sign to shorten the story or change direction.Make sure to bringthe audience into the conversation so that it is not one-sided,”Pass says.Be a better listener  yourself,and give others opportunities to participate in the conversation by inviting them with questions or requests to share their own experiences or thoughts.(e.g.,“Now,tell me about your favorite book,”or“Have  you ever been to thatattraction?”)Questions are a powerful tool,especially when they encourage others to disclose information about themselves.A 2012 study from the University of California,Santa Barbara,found that roughly 40% of the time we are talking,we're disclosing subjective information about our experience.And when we're doing so,our brains are more engaged.So one strategy to leave others with the impression that you're  asparkling conversation partner is to get others to talk about themselves.

L)Being relatable is also essential,Morissey says.“The best entertainment and storytelling comes from people who are relatable-those who don't shy away from opening up but freely share who they are and what they care about.These are the people viewersmost relate to and find interesting.Being authentic,honest,and vulnerable is alwaysinteresting.”

M)I have now come to realize thatbeing boring,in actuality,is notonly about who youare as a person,but also  how you present yourself.No matter what,make sure you are having fun in life.Because when you are enjoying,people around you will begin to enjoy as well.Show some interest in them and they will definitely show some in you. If you are a very reserved person,this could be a little difficult at first.But with a little effort,you can definitely improve.

36.Pirson claims that some ordinary things may often prove to be miraculously interesting.

37.To make a conversation interesting,it is important that you listen to the other party attentively.

38.A person who is unable to stimulate others'curiosity or make their life enjoyable may appear somewhat boring.

39.Interesting people usuallypossess certain unique qualities,according to a TV program producer.

40.Beinterested in others and they are sure to be interested in you.

41.The author considers himself usually good at conducting conversations.

42.Interestingpeople are always full of curiosity.

43.Falling into a routine can turn a person into an utter bore

44.One strategy to be a good conversationalist is to motivate your partner to tell their own stories.

45.Interestingas it mightappear,a made-up conversation will probably turnout tobe dull.


36.【定位】由題干中的Pirson、ordinary things和miraculously interesting定位到F)段第三、四句。

F)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,皮爾遜認(rèn)為無 聊的事情可能一點(diǎn)兒也不無聊,而是很小的奇跡。題干中的ordinary  things對應(yīng)原文中的boring things,題干中的 miaculously 對應(yīng)原文中的miracles,故答案為F)。

37.【定位】由題干中的listen to the other party和 attentively定位到J)段第二句。

J)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,要想讓談話雙方都感興趣,關(guān)注聽者是很重要的一部分。題干中的To make a conversation interesting 對應(yīng)原文中的having a conversation that's interesting to both parties,題干中的listen to the other party attentivdly對應(yīng)原文中的Paying attention to the listener,故答案為J)。

38.【定位】由題干中的stimulateothers'curiosity 以及make their life enjoyable定位到B)段第二句。

B)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)推斷題。定位句提到,如果你無法引起別人的好奇心或是點(diǎn)亮別人的生活,你也許會給人留下有點(diǎn)沉悶的印象。題干中的stimulate others'curiosity 對應(yīng)原文中的arouse somcone's curiosity,題干中的make their life enjoyable對應(yīng) 原文中的brighten someone'sday,故答案為B)。

39.【定位】由題干中的certain unique qualities和 a TV program producer定位到I)段第二句。

I)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)歸納題。定位句提到, 一位電視節(jié)目 制作人認(rèn)為一個(gè)有趣的人會有一個(gè)強(qiáng)烈的觀點(diǎn)、 標(biāo)志性的風(fēng)格,或?qū)δ骋惶囟I(lǐng)域充滿熱情。題干中的a TV program producer對應(yīng)原文中的she, 也就是前文中提到的Television veteran   Audrey Morrissey,executive producer of NBCs The Voice,題干中的certain unique qualities對應(yīng)原文中的individuality以及下一句中的具體解釋:Having a strong point of view,signature style,or being a super-enthusiastin a particular field,故答案為I)。

40.【定位】由題干中的Be interested in others以及they are sure to be interested in you定位到M)段第四句。

M)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,對他人表現(xiàn)出 一些興趣,他們也一定會向你表現(xiàn)出一些興趣。題干中的Be interested in others對應(yīng)原文中的 Show some interest in them,題干中的they are sure to be interested in you 對應(yīng)原文中的they will definitely show some in you,故答案為M)。

41.【定位】由題干中的The author、himself、usually 和 good atconducting conversations定位到C) 段第二句。

C)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)推斷題。定位句提到,作者認(rèn)為自己是一個(gè)很健談的人。題干中的The author和 himself對應(yīng)原文中的I,題干中的usually對應(yīng)原文中的Ordinarily, 題干中的good at conducting conversations 對應(yīng)原文中的a good conversationalist,故答案為C)。

42.【定位】由題干中的Interesting people,always 和 full of curiosity定位到G)段最后一句。

G)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,有趣的人總是 充滿好奇心。題干中的Interesting people對應(yīng)原文中的People whoare interesting,題干中的always對應(yīng)原文中的persistently,題干中的full of curiosity對應(yīng)原文中的curious,故答案為G)。

43.【定位】由題干中的Falling into aroutine和 an utter bore定位到A)段第五句。

A)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,過于墨守成規(guī)會讓人變得異常無聊。題干中的 Falling into a routine對應(yīng)原文中的too much of a routine,題干中的 an utterbore 對應(yīng)原文中的 make you incredibly boring,故答案為A)。

44.【定位】由題干中的One strategy 、a good conversationalist 和motivate your partner to tell their own stories定位到K)段最后一句。

K)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,要想給別人留下一種印象,讓別人覺得你是一個(gè)出色的談話伙伴, 一個(gè)策略就是讓別人談?wù)撍麄冏约?。題干中的a good conversationalist對應(yīng)原文中的you're a sparkling conversation partner,題干中的 motivate your partner to tell their ownstories對應(yīng)原文中的get others to talk about themselves,故答案為K)。

45.【定位】由題干中的Interesting as it might appear、a made-up conversation和dull定位到E)段第一句。

E)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,如果有人正在編造一些也許比較有趣的對話,不一定會有很好的結(jié)果。題干中的Interesting as it might appear對應(yīng)原文中的might be interesting,題干中的a made-up conversation 對應(yīng)原文中的making up some conversation,題干中的dull 對應(yīng)原文中的not goingtolandwell,故答案為E)。

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or wnfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices markedA),B),C)and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage

With obesity now affecting 29%of the population inEngland,and expected to rise to 35% by 2030,should we now recognise it as a disease?Obesity,in which excess body fat has accumulated to such an extent that health may be adversely affected,meets the dictionary definition of disease,argues Professor John Wilding.He points out  that  more  than 200 genes influence weight.“Thus body weight is strongly influencedby biology-it is not an individual's fault if they develop obesity.”Yet the widespread view is that obesity is self-induced and that it is entirely the individual's responsibility to do something about it. Recognising obesity as a chronic disease with severe complications rather than a lifestyle choice “should help reduce the stigma( 恥 辱 )and discrimination experienced by many people with obesity,"he adds.

Professor Wilding disagrees that labelling a high proportion of the population as having a disease removes personal responsibility or may overwhelm health services, pointing out that other common diseases,such as high blood pressure and diabetes,require people to take action to manage their condiion.He suggests that most people with obesity will eventually develop complications.“But unless we accept that obesity is a disease,we are not going to be ableto tackle it,"he concludes.

But Dr.Richard Pile,a physician with a special interest in diabetes,argues that adopting this approach“could actually result in worse outcomes for individuals and society.”Hebelieves that the dictionary definition of disease “is so vague that we can classify almost anything asa disease”and says the question isnot whether we can,but whether we should,and to what end.

If labelling obesity as a disease was harmless then it wouldn't really matter,he writes.But labelling obesity as a disease “risks reducing autonomy,disempowering and robbing people of the intrinsic(內(nèi)在的)motivation that is such an important enabler of change.” What's more,making obesity a disease“may not benefit patients,but it  will benefit healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical(制藥的)industry when health insurance and clinical guidelines promote treatment with drugs and surgery,"he warns.

46.What does Professor John Wilding argueabout obesity?

A)Its impact onsociety is expected to rise.

B)It is now too widespread to be neglected.

C)It should be regarded as a geneticdisease.

D)Its dictionary definition should be updated

47.What is thepopularview of obesity?

A)Itis difficultto define.

B)Itis a modern disease.

C)It has much to do with one's genes.

D)It results from a lack of self-control.

48.Why are some people opposed to labelling obesity as a disease?

A)Obesepeoplewould not feel responsible to take anyaction.

B)Obese people would notbe able to afford the medical costs.

C)Obese people would beoverwhelmed with anxiety.

D)Obese peoplewould be discriminated against.

49.What does Dr.Richard Pile think of thedictionarydefinition of disease?

A)Itisofno use in understandingobesity.

B)It istoo inclusive and thus lacks clarity

C)Ithelps littleto solve patients'problems.

D)Itmatters littleto the debate overobesity.

50.What is Dr.Richard Pile's concem about cassifying obesity asa disease? 

A)It may affect obese people's quality of life

B)It may accelerate the spread of obesity

C)It may causea shortage of doctors.

D)It may do little good to patients.


46.【定位】由題干中Professor John Wilding定位至第一段第二、三句。


47.【定位】由題干中the popular view of obesity定 位至第一段第五句。

D)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,普遍的觀點(diǎn)是, 肥胖是自己造成的,對此做些什么完全是個(gè)人的責(zé)任。由此可知,人們普遍認(rèn)為肥胖是個(gè)人因素,是由于缺乏自控力導(dǎo)致的,故答案為D)。

48.【定位】由題干中l(wèi)abelling obesityas a disease定位至第二段第一句。


49.【定位】由題干中Dr.Richard Pile和the dictionary definition of disease定位至第三段第二句。


50.【定位】由題干中Dr.Richard Pile's concern 和obesity as a disease定位至第四段第三句。



Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

Nationwide,only about three percent of early childhood teachers are male in the U.S. Experts say this can have an impact on young children whose understanding of gender roles and identity are rapidly forming.Research has found that having access to diverse teachers is beneficial for children.For the youngest learners,it means they are more likely to get exposed to different varieties of play and communication.It also helps them develop  healthy ideas around gender.

“In our world and our society,we have very specific stereotypes(模式化形象)of gender roles,”said Mindi  Reich-Shapiro,an assistant professor in the teacher education department of the Borough of Manhattan Community College,and one of the authors of a recent study.“It's important for children to see other possibilities and other paths they can take.”

Despite mostly feeling supported by colleagues and family members,many of the male educators surveyed in the study reported facing social or cultural resistance in their careers as early education teachers.Some also reported that there were parentssurprised or concerned that their child had a male teacher.And they had been advised by colleagues or other staff not to hug children.

Reich-Shapiro and fellow researchers made several recommendations to increase male representation in the field.Low pay has long been acknowledged as a major issue in the early childhood field.Over 70% of male  educators whosaid they intended to stay in the early education workforce noted an increased salary was a major motivating factor for them  to commit to the career long-term.The report suggests paying all early childhood educators the wayelementary school teachers are paid.

Cities and programs should establish support groups for male early childhood educators and provide mentoring and professional development advice for male educators and their program leaders.

The authors also suggest that traditional recruitment approaches for early childhood educators “do not address the gender gap in the field.”They recommend providing young men opportunities to work with children through training and volunteer programs,targeting groups of men who are considering a career change,such as fathers.

51.What do we learn from the first paragraph about early childhood education in the U.S.?

A)It helps raise children's awareness of gender roles.

B)It exposes children to different ways of interaction.

C)It is negatively impacted by a lack of male teachers.

D)It clearly aims to form children's identity through play

52.What does Mindi Reich-Shapiro emphasize in her comment on childhood education? 

A)The importance of broadening children's horizons.

B)The responsibilities of fathers forchildren's growth

C)The urgency of creating teachereducation programs.

D)The roleof teachers in motivating children tolearn

53.What do we learn about male teachers fromtheir responses in the study? 

A)Some of them find it awkward when hugging children.

B)They feel pressured to keep up with female colleagues.

C)They find it hardto meet the expectations of kids'parents.

D)Many of them feel prejudiced against socially and culturally.

54.What is needed for men to commit to early childhood education?

A)Higher pay.

B)Job security.

C)Social recognition.

D)Better working conditions.

55.What do the authors of the study recommend to bridge the gender gap in early childhood education?

A)Recruiting young men whohave a passion for education young children.  

B)Taking measures to attract prospective male teachers to work in the field.

C)Persuading prospective fathers to consider achange in their career.

D)Providing male teacherswith more opportunities for advancement.


51.【定位】由題干中the first paragraph定位至第一段。

C)【精析】推理判斷題。定位段提到,在整個(gè)美國范圍內(nèi),只有大約3%的幼兒教師是男性。專家表示,這可能會對兒童產(chǎn)生影響,他們對性別角色和 身份的理解正在迅速形成。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),接觸不同類型的老師對孩子是有益的。由此可知,男性幼兒教師的缺乏會對兒童產(chǎn)生不利的影響,因此確定答案為C)。

52.【定位】由題干中Mindi Reich-Shapio定位至第二段第二句。

A)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,讓孩子們看到 其他的可能性和他們可以選擇的其他道路是很重要的。也就是說,拓寬孩子的視野是十分重要的, 因此確定答案為A)。

53.【定位】由題干中male teachers from their responsesinthe study定位至第三段第一句。

D)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,盡管很大程度 上感覺得到了同事和家人的支持,許多接受該研究調(diào)查的男性教育工作者表示,作為早教教師,他們在職業(yè)生涯中面臨著社會或文化阻力。也就是說,男性幼兒教師經(jīng)歷著社會和文化的偏見,因此  本題答案為D)。

54.【定位】由題干中for men to commit to carly childhood education定位至第四段第三句。

A)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,在打算留在早教工作者隊(duì)伍中的男性教育工作者中,超過70%的人表示,加薪是激勵(lì)他們長期從事這一職業(yè)的主要因素。由此可以確定anincreased salary是關(guān)鍵詞,因此本題答案為A)。

55.【定位】由題干中recommend to bridge the gender gap定位至第六段。



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