《白蛇傳》(Legend of the White Snake)是中國古代廣為流傳的民間故事之一。傳說一條名叫“白素貞” 的白蛇來到凡間與許仙結為夫妻。然而,他們的婚姻遭到法海和尚(Buddhist monk)的反對,因為法海認為人妖(evil spirit)不能結合。于是,法海將白素貞壓在雷峰塔(pagoda)底。多年后,白素貞的兒子中了狀元 (Zhuangyuan title),來到雷峰塔前跪拜母親。這一切感動了天神,令雷峰塔倒塌,白素貞出塔,一家人終得以團聚。
"Legend of the White Snake" is one of the widely circulated folk stories in ancient China. It tells the tale of a white snake named "Bai Suzhen" who came to the mortal world and married Xu Xian. However, their marriage was opposed by Monk Fahai, who believed that a human and an evil spirit could not unite. Consequently, Fahai imprisoned Bai Suzhen under Leifeng Pagoda. Years later, Bai Suzhen's son achieved the title of Zhuangyuan, the highest honor in the imperial examinations, and came to kneel and pay respects to his mother in front of Leifeng Pagoda. This moved the heavens, causing the pagoda to collapse, freeing Bai Suzhen from its confines, and finally reuniting the family.
Legend of the White Snake:“白蛇傳”,這是故事的名字。
folk story:“民間故事”,指的是在民間廣泛流傳的故事,具有濃厚的民間色彩。
mortal world:“凡間”,指人類居住的世界,與神仙、妖魔等所在的世界相對。
evil spirit:“人妖”,這里的“妖”指的是妖魔、邪惡之靈,因此翻譯為“evil spirit”。但需注意,在中文語境中,“人妖”有時也指男性通過手術等方式變性為女性的人,但在此故事中顯然不適用。
Leifeng Pagoda:“雷峰塔”,直接音譯雷峰塔的名字,這是杭州的一座著名古塔,也是故事中白蛇被囚禁的地方。