[00:00.04]Previously on Desperate Housewives: [00:02.00] [00:02.00]Why on earth would you let them fingerpaint before breakfast? [00:04.50] [00:04.50]It's my job to clean that up now, so it's my call. [00:07.71] [00:07.71]Some households reverse roles, [00:10.01] [00:10.01]Let's give this another shot. [00:11.42] [00:11.42]some old flames... [00:12.72] [00:12.72]You want me back? [00:13.80] [00:13.80]Yeah. [00:14.51] [00:14.51]...were put out, [00:16.14] [00:16.14]Has to be something you're ingesting. [00:17.93] [00:17.93]Who prepares your meals? [00:19.81] [00:19.81]I understand you've been having some marital problems. [00:22.43] [00:22.43]and while some learn to forgive, [00:25.23] [00:25.23]Deirdre got pregnant before I went to jail. [00:28.40] [00:28.40]Zach is your son, isn't he? [00:30.32] [00:30.32]Yeah. [00:32.11] [00:32.11]others could not bring themselves to forget their past. [00:36.11] [00:45.42]The remarkable thing about Danny Farrell was that he had only been a paperboy for 6 months, [00:49.42] [00:51.50]and in that time he had become the enemy of every woman on Wisteria Lane. [00:55.51] [00:57.01]If there was a puddle on someone's property, [01:01.01] [01:01.60]he found it. [01:04.23] [01:04.23]If a new rosebush had just been planted, [01:08.10] [01:08.10]he destroyed it. [01:10.90] [01:10.90]If a cat was enjoying a moment in the sun, [01:13.90] [01:13.90]Meow! [01:15.82] [01:15.82]he ended it. [01:19.82] [01:20.41]People wondered if Danny would ever change. [01:24.41] [01:25.33]They should have talked to Susan Meyer. [01:28.50] [01:28.50]She could have told them: [01:31.42] [01:31.42]obnoxiuos boys tend to become [01:34.42] [01:34.42]obnoxious men. [01:37.72] [01:37.72]Just like the one she had been married to. [01:41.72] [01:45.43]Hey! [01:47.10] [01:47.10]Karl, I see you! [01:48.81] [01:48.81]Stop right there! [01:51.61] [01:51.61]Hey Suzie-cue. [01:53.11] [01:53.11]What are you doing? [01:54.11] [01:54.11]Just getting the paper. [01:55.32] [01:55.32]That's Edie's paper. And this is Edie's house. [01:58.53] [01:58.53]Do you have to do this now? I haven't had my coffee yet. [02:01.20] [02:01.20]Did you spend the night with Edie?! [02:05.20] [02:06.50]Oh my God. [02:07.91] [02:07.91]Suzie, just calm down. [02:09.33] [02:09.33]You are forbidden from ever seeing her again. You hear me? Forbidden! [02:13.34] [02:14.00]We're divorced. You can't tell me who I can date. [02:17.30] [02:17.30]I live on this street. Your daughter lives on this street. [02:20.80] [02:20.80]I will not have you flaunting your sexcapades in front of us! [02:24.10] [02:24.10]Sexcapades? - Forbidden! [02:26.73] [02:26.73]I would love to continue this, but it's time for breakfast. [02:30.02] [02:30.02]And Edie is making me a frutada. [02:34.02] [02:34.23]Well I just bet she is! [02:38.24] [02:43.70]Mrs Meyer, I gotta talk to you. [02:45.41] [02:45.41]Now's not a good time, Danny. [02:47.00] [02:47.00]You're a month behing your payment. [02:48.91] [02:48.91]I'll take care of it, I promise. [02:50.71] [02:50.71]My dad says if you read something you don't pay for, that's the same as stealing. [02:54.34] [02:54.34]Hi, Ida! [02:55.30] [02:55.30]Can we talk about this later? [02:56.50] [02:56.50]I just found out my ex is dating my neighbor, and I'm really kicked off. [03:00.13] [03:00.13]Same me! [03:01.43] [03:01.43]I provide you with a service, and I deserve to be paid for that service! [03:05.43] [03:06.10]Yes, the women of Wisteria Lane believed Danny Farrell to be the enemy. [03:10.10] [03:10.60]Deadbeat! [03:14.61] [03:17.73]They also believed: [03:19.61] [03:19.61]The enemy of my enemy [03:22.03] [03:22.03]is my friend. [03:26.03] [03:27.41]season 2 episode 2 You Could Drive a Person Crazy [03:31.41] [04:09.12]Beautiful lawns, [04:11.12] [04:11.12]spacious homes, [04:13.12] [04:13.12]happy families. [04:15.33] [04:15.33]These are the hallmarks of suburbia. [04:19.00] [04:19.00]But if you look beneath the veneer of gracious living, [04:22.72] [04:22.72]you will see a battle raging. [04:25.14] [04:25.14]A battle for control. [04:27.93] [04:27.93]You see the combattants everywhere, [04:29.93] [04:29.93]engaged in their routine skirmishes, [04:33.44] [04:33.44]fighting fiercely to have dominion over the world around them, [04:37.40] [04:38.31]all the while knowing [04:40.73] [04:40.73]it's a battle they will lose. [04:43.03] [04:43.03]Oh, honey, just stick that anywhere. I'll take care of it. [04:46.32] [04:46.32]Wow. [04:48.12] [04:48.12]It's really pilin' up. [04:50.33] [04:50.33]Don't worry. I have a system. [04:53.91] [04:53.91]Really? [04:55.12] [04:55.12]Yeah. Every two days, I clean. [04:58.21] [04:58.21]Two days. [05:00.00] [05:00.00]Yeah. Let the mess accumulate for two days, [05:02.30] [05:02.30]and then I clean until it's sparkling, [05:04.30] [05:04.30]and then the cycle starts all over again. [05:07.43] [05:07.43]And why have I never seen the sparkling part? [05:11.43] [05:11.81]'Cause by the time you get home from work, the boys have messed everything up again. [05:15.10] [05:15.10]See, that's what I would call a flaw in the system. [05:19.11] [05:19.40]What are you doing? [05:21.02] [05:21.02]I think I'm asking you to clean the house. [05:22.61] [05:22.61]Really? 'Cause it sounds to me like you're criticizing me. [05:24.90] [05:24.90]No! [05:26.91] [05:26.91]No, nonono. No. [05:30.91] [05:33.70]I'm not saying it has to be sparkling. [05:36.00] [05:36.00]How many times did I come home to a mess, and I never said a word! [05:39.00] [05:39.00]Please don't take this the wrong way. I think you are doing a terrific job. [05:43.00] [05:43.21]But let's be clear: When you came home, it was just - [05:46.63] [05:46.63]cluttered. [05:48.01] [05:48.01]I mean, come on. This is - [05:51.43] [05:51.43]more than that. [05:55.43] [06:00.90]Look at him. Just chatting away. So inconsiderate. [06:04.90] [06:05.32]Phyllis, we've only been waiting here for 2 minutes. [06:08.11] [06:08.11]Told you when we left the house that I needed to eat. [06:11.41] [06:11.41]I have low blood sugar. [06:13.33] [06:13.33]You wanna see me keel over? [06:14.83] [06:14.83]No. [06:16.12] [06:16.12]In theory. [06:20.13] [06:22.63]By the way, Mrs van de Kamp - [06:25.21] [06:25.21]I heard about your husband's passing. [06:27.51] [06:27.51]I'm so sorry. [06:29.01] [06:29.01]Dr van de Kamp was one of my favorite customers. Truly. [06:31.80] [06:31.80]That's very sweet of you, thank you. [06:33.60] [06:33.60]I'm not just being polite, Mrs van de Kamp. [06:36.10] [06:36.10]How are you feeling? [06:38.60] [06:38.60]Well, Mr Pashmutt - [06:39.73] [06:39.73]We are holding up as best we can under the circumstances. [06:43.73] [06:45.90]I'm sorry, this is Rex's mother, Phyllis. [06:49.32] [06:49.32]I'm so sorry about your son. [06:51.03] [06:51.03]Thank you. [06:52.20] [06:52.20]You know, the hardest thing is to lose a child. [06:55.54] [06:55.54]I can't even imagine. [06:57.12] [06:57.12]Come on, Phyllis, let's get you something to eat. [06:59.12] [06:59.12]We had no warning. I was doing dishes when I got the call. [07:03.13] [07:04.63]Really? [07:05.50] [07:05.50]Phyllis, there are people waiting, so - [07:09.51] [07:10.22]Excuse me, I'm so sorry, but - [07:12.64] [07:12.64]My son just passed away. [07:15.22] [07:15.22]Oh, I'm so sorry! [07:17.02] [07:17.02]Thank you. I was telling Mr Pashmutt here - [07:20.81] [07:20.81]My life is - is over! [07:24.81] [07:25.61]My life is over! [07:29.61] [07:31.32]This is ridiculous, you know that? [07:33.32] [07:33.32]Pen. [07:34.41] [07:34.41]Don't you think I have better things to do than to bring you your checks every day? [07:37.91] [07:37.91]Checks that I could be signing at home. [07:40.50] [07:40.50]This one's dry. [07:42.71] [07:42.71]You know, taking away my access to our account, that's just vindictive. [07:46.34] [07:46.34]Thank you. [07:47.71] [07:47.71]You know how long it takes me to schlepp out here to this hellhole? [07:50.42] [07:50.42]Exactly. It's the only way I can guarantee you come and visit me. [07:53.64] [07:53.64]That's ridiculous. [07:54.51] [07:54.51]You're my husband, I love you. Obviously I would come visit. [07:57.81] [07:57.81]I thought it was obvious that when you loved someone, you wouldn't have an affair. [08:01.10] [08:01.10]I was wrong, wasn't I? [08:03.40] [08:03.40]I'm geting really tired of this song, Carlos. [08:06.40] [08:06.40]Isn't it about time you forgave me? [08:08.11] [08:08.11]You want my forgiveness, you got it. [08:10.40] [08:10.40]My trust - [08:12.11] [08:12.11]that you gonna have to earn. [08:13.32] [08:13.32]Be careful, Carlos. [08:14.61] [08:14.61]Up until now, I've been really lonely in that big bed of ours. [08:17.91] [08:17.91]But when you're rude to me, it makes me wanna be not so lonely. [08:21.00] [08:21.00]Comments like that are exactly why you'll never again have access to my money. [08:24.83] [08:24.83]Why are all rich men jerks? [08:26.50] [08:26.50]Same reason all beautiful women are bitches. [08:30.51] [08:33.01]So, same time tomorrow? [08:35.22] [08:35.22]Sure, baby. [08:39.22] [08:41.93]What do you mean, you know? - I mean, I know. [08:45.90] [08:45.90]What are you saying? That your father actually told you [08:47.90] [08:47.90]he was gonna be having a one night stand with Edie Britt? [08:50.82] [08:50.82]Uh Mom, this wasn't a one night stand. [08:52.61] [08:52.61]He's been going out with Mrs Britt for a few months now. [08:55.20] [08:55.20]What? [08:56.53] [08:56.53]How could you not tell me that? [08:58.32] [08:58.32]We share everything, that's what we're known for! That's our thing! [09:01.91] [09:01.91]Because I knew you'd wig out! [09:03.83] [09:03.83]Besides, haven't you always told me to respect people's privacy? [09:07.13] [09:07.13]I'd never apply that concept to your father's sex life, and you know it. [09:10.71] [09:10.71]Are you done? - No! [09:12.30] [09:12.30]I have not even begun ripping into Edie Britt yet! [09:15.80] [09:15.80]Och, that peroxide vulture! [09:18.72] [09:18.72]I just know, as sure as I am standing here, [09:21.10] [09:21.10]that she went after your father just to tick me off. [09:24.52] [09:24.52]Wrong again. - What? [09:26.90] [09:26.90]He asked her out. - You lie. [09:29.11] [09:29.11]It's true. He called her for a date 6 months ago. [09:31.73] [09:31.73]The day after my birthday party. [09:34.74] [09:34.74]The one at the piano bar? [09:36.61] [09:36.61]Yeah. [09:39.32] [09:39.32]What is it? [09:40.70] [09:40.70]Oh, uh - your father just came over that day and - told me some stuff. [09:44.70] [09:47.50]Some stuff that I haven't - that I can't tell you. [09:51.50] [09:52.13]Wait. Whatever happened to you, we share everything. [09:54.80] [09:54.80]Ain't that "our thing"? "What we're known for"? [09:58.64] [09:58.64]Uhm - actually, I think what we're known for is sharing clothes. [10:02.31] [10:02.31]Yeah. I think that's our thing. [10:06.31] [10:23.91]Why does he keep doing that? [10:26.83] [10:26.83]He knows it's annoying. [10:29.33] [10:29.33]He's just trying to get to us. [10:31.71] [10:31.71]That one is working. [10:35.71] [10:40.72]Knock it off down there, do you hear what I'm saying? [10:43.30] [10:43.30]Matthew. Matthew! [10:47.31] [10:48.81]Sit down! [10:52.81] [10:57.61]You know we don't talk to him. That's part of his punishment. [11:01.61] [11:03.70]How can you just sit here, hour after hour, and listen to that? [11:07.70] [11:09.62]Well, that's part of mine. [11:13.63] [11:22.01]Carlos, what is this big emergency? [11:24.30] [11:24.30]I had to cancel my hair appointment with Eduardo today. [11:28.31] [11:30.31]What is it? [11:32.52] [11:32.52]I'm completely freaked out. [11:34.61] [11:34.61]Why? [11:37.53] [11:37.53]There's this guy, his name's Ritchie, [11:40.90] [11:40.90]and he's been saying some stuff to me, [11:43.53] [11:43.53]and I'm gone worried. [11:45.62] [11:45.62]Honey, you and your macho pride. [11:47.91] [11:47.91]Just tell him you're flattered, but you don't swing that way. [11:51.21] [11:51.21]He's not hitting on me, you idiot, he's threatening me! [11:54.71] [11:54.71]Really? How? [11:57.21] [11:57.21]He said he's gonna beat me up unless I come up with some money. [12:01.13] [12:01.13]How much money? [12:02.63] [12:02.63]$7,000. [12:03.51] [12:03.51]$7,000? [12:04.80] [12:04.80]Keep your voice down! [12:06.51] [12:06.51]Why would he think you have that kind of money? [12:08.72] [12:08.72]Because yesterday, in a visiting room filled with criminals, [12:11.94] [12:11.94]my wife referred to me as "a rich man". [12:14.60] [12:14.60]Oh, really? Sorry. [12:17.73] [12:17.73]That's why I needed you to bring the checkbook. [12:19.53] [12:19.53]He's actually willing to take a check? [12:23.20] [12:23.20]No! You're gonna take the money to his girlfriend, and if she doesn't get it by tomorrow, [12:27.20] [12:28.54]I'm screwed. [12:29.83] [12:29.83]Honey, I think this is a mistake. [12:31.62] [12:31.62]If we give in to extorsion, the guy's just gonna keep coming back for more money. [12:35.63] [12:35.83]What choice do I have? [12:37.21] [12:37.21]You're a strong guy. [12:38.80] [12:38.80]You went to college on an athletic scholarship, for God's sakes. [12:42.51] [12:42.51]Yeah, it was for golf! [12:46.51] [12:46.64]Oh. [12:50.60] [12:53.23]You have all my pants. [12:56.60] [12:56.60]Yeah, I know. Come on in. [13:00.11] [13:00.11]I thought when I took my stuff back to my house I got everything, but - [13:04.11] [13:04.70]That's fine. They're in the garage. [13:08.70] [13:11.12]So how've you been doing? - Good, um - [13:15.12] [13:15.71]Good. [13:19.71] [13:19.71]I have a question for you. [13:21.30] [13:21.30]Sure, what is it? [13:22.42] [13:22.42]Where are we now? [13:23.63] [13:23.63]Where are we? [13:24.63] [13:24.63]Yeah. [13:25.30] [13:25.30]We're not moving in together, and we're not broken up, so - [13:29.30] [13:30.72]where are we? [13:34.73] [13:34.81]I don't know. [13:38.52] [13:38.52]Since the guy who held me hostage turned out to be your son, [13:42.53] [13:42.90]logic dictates that I should move on... [13:46.82] [13:46.82]Problem is - [13:48.70] [13:48.70]I'm crazy about you. [13:51.83] [13:51.83]So... [13:53.33] [13:53.33]So I'm thinking we should keep it casual. [13:56.83] [13:56.83]Casual. [13:59.50] [13:59.50]What the hell does that mean, exactly, casual? [14:03.51] [14:03.80]Uh, well - [14:07.43] [14:07.43]I don't think there is anything wrong with us seeing a movie once in a while. [14:11.43] [14:12.22]Movie? OK. Is that it? [14:16.23] [14:18.81]Jogging? [14:20.52] [14:20.52]There's no law against jogging. [14:24.40] [14:24.40]Anything else? [14:26.61] [14:26.61]Shopping. [14:27.82] [14:27.82]That's casual. That's fun. [14:30.82] [14:30.82]Anything else we can do? [14:32.53] [14:32.53]Anything at all? [14:36.50] [14:37.33]Mmmm, brunch. Brunch would be nice. [14:41.33] [14:47.30]Sounds good to me. [14:51.30] [14:57.73]Oh, I can do this. Take it one day at a time. [15:01.73] [15:01.90]Yes. Oh, oh, OK. [15:05.90] [15:08.24]Thanks so much for calling. [15:12.20] [15:12.82]Who's that? [15:14.70] [15:14.70]Oh, someone named Alan Henley. [15:18.71] [15:18.83]My electrician? [15:21.12] [15:21.12]How are you on the phone sobbing to my electrician? [15:23.42] [15:23.42]Oh, he called to offer you his condolences. [15:26.92] [15:26.92]Then why didn't you put me on? [15:28.92] [15:28.92]Oh, well, we got to talking, and then he had to go. [15:32.93] [15:33.01]He had some very beautiful things to say about Rex. [15:37.02] [15:39.73]For God's sakes, Phyllis. Don't you ever worry about dehydration? [15:43.10] [15:43.10]Are you saying that I am too emotional? [15:46.02] [15:46.02]I am saying that even Italians take a break now and again. [15:49.24] [15:49.24]My son is dead! [15:52.11] [15:52.11]I'm grieving! [15:53.53] [15:53.53]So am I. [15:55.20] [15:55.20]But no one would never know it with your insistent caterwauling! [15:58.41] [15:58.41]Bree! [15:59.83] [15:59.83]People want to know how I'm doing, but the minute they ask you, [16:02.50] [16:02.50]you jump into the spotlight and they forget all about me! [16:06.50] [16:07.71]I need consoling too, Phyllis. Have you ever thought of that? [16:11.72] [16:12.43]I'm sorry. [16:15.51] [16:15.51]It won't happen again. - Thank you. [16:18.01] [16:18.01]Of course, if you didn't constantly suppress your emotions, [16:21.94] [16:21.94]people wouldn't forget to console you. [16:25.23] [16:25.23]Excuse me? [16:26.52] [16:26.52]It's true. You're stolid to the point of being cold. [16:29.82] [16:29.82]I am not cold. I just - [16:32.20] [16:32.20]I don't like public displays of emotion. [16:34.70] [16:34.70]That's fine. But people wonder why they haven't seen you cry. [16:38.70] [16:41.33]Some people actually wonder if you truly mourn Rex. [16:45.33] [16:47.92]People have said that? [16:49.80] [16:49.80]A few, yes. [16:53.80] [17:03.94]Excuse me, I'm looking for Rita Rivera? [17:07.90] [17:12.32]Hi, are you Rita? [17:14.82] [17:14.82]Yeah, who are you? [17:16.61] [17:16.61]I'm Gabrielle Sol韘. [17:19.62] [17:19.62]Our husbands are roommates at the prison. [17:23.62] [17:23.62]Ritchie and I aren't married. [17:25.71] [17:25.71]Oh, I see. Well, [17:28.21] [17:28.21]your boyfriend asked my husband to give this to you. [17:32.13] [17:32.13]It's a - a sort of favor. [17:36.13] [17:36.22]It's all there. $7,000. [17:38.60] [17:38.60]Son of a bitch! [17:42.60] [17:47.02]Oh, don't even think about it. [17:51.02] [17:51.90]Um - hello! Is there a problem? [17:55.90] [17:58.70]I want to ask you a question. - OK. [18:01.62] [18:01.62]This might seem kinda weird. [18:03.20] [18:03.20]What do you think of my breasts? [18:05.62] [18:05.62]Excuse me? [18:06.21] [18:06.21]How do they look to you? [18:09.50] [18:09.50]They're - they're nice. [18:11.71] [18:11.71]Thank you. I like them too. [18:15.72] [18:17.43]You're right, that was weird. [18:21.43] [18:21.51]You have no idea what this money is for, do you? [18:24.43] [18:24.43]No. You seem to have - everything you need... [18:28.40] [18:29.73]Ritchie wants me to get a boob job. [18:31.73] [18:31.73]He wants 'em bigger. [18:33.82] [18:33.82]He's obsessed with huge breasts. [18:37.82] [18:42.12]So are you gonna do it? [18:44.20] [18:44.20]I told him if he came up with cash I would. [18:45.91] [18:45.91]I just never thought the moron would actually come up with it. [18:49.92] [18:52.50]Not that it's any of my business, but - [18:54.63] [18:54.63]it's your body. [18:55.92] [18:55.92]I wouldn't change anything unless I really wanted to. [18:58.93] [18:58.93]If I don't do it, he'll leave me. [19:00.72] [19:00.72]Honey, he's in jail. How far is he gonna go? [19:04.22] [19:04.22]Maybe it's time you stood up for yourself. [19:06.52] [19:06.52]Tell him you don't need the surgery. [19:09.73] [19:09.73]It's worth a shot. [19:11.52] [19:11.52]There you go. [19:12.90] [19:12.90]I'm so proud of you. [19:16.90] [19:21.03]When Lynette went back to work, [19:22.82] [19:22.82]she was aware her new job would be demanding. [19:26.83] [19:26.83]What she hadn't anticipated [19:30.83] [19:30.92]was the nightshift. [19:34.92] [19:42.01]Hey, how are you. [19:44.01] [19:44.01]Thought I heard you coming about an hour ago? [19:46.43] [19:46.43]I did. I had to load the dishwasher. [19:50.23] [19:50.23]You didn't have to do that. [19:52.10] [19:52.10]Yeah, I sort of did. [19:55.23] [19:55.23]I'm sorry. I've just fallen behind with my housework. [19:58.03] [19:58.03]I just had so many errands to run today. [20:01.70] [20:01.70]I'll make up for it tomorrow, OK? I promise. [20:05.12] [20:05.12]That's the beauty of my system. It's flexible. [20:08.91] [20:08.91]You know, for the sake of our marriage, please don't mention the system again. [20:12.92] [20:13.50]I said I'm sorry. [20:14.50] [20:14.50]What in the world -? [20:15.71] [20:15.71]Don't touch it. Penny had a little - [20:18.51] [20:18.51]um, spitty up here on the sheet. [20:20.22] [20:20.22]And you didn't change them? [20:21.30] [20:21.30]The towel's very clean. [20:22.93] [20:22.93]That's disgusting. [20:24.14] [20:24.14]No, it's just a little milk spit-up on the sheet. [20:27.01] [20:27.01]Please, I made a judgment call. Please respect that. [20:29.43] [20:29.43]No, I can't respect that, and do you know why? [20:31.73] [20:31.73]It's stupid. [20:33.31] [20:33.31]I'm gonna get new sheets. [20:35.02] [20:35.02]We're not changing the sheets. [20:38.61] [20:38.61]Why are you yelling at me? [20:39.73] [20:39.73]I'm not yelling at you, and this is not about spit-up. [20:42.32] [20:42.32]Of course it is. [20:42.90] [20:42.90]No it isn't. It's about control. [20:44.70] [20:44.70]And as you and I both know, you have some issues in this area. [20:48.03] [20:48.03]Why are you fighting so hard to sleep on baby vomit? [20:51.20] [20:51.20]I'm fighting for a principle. [20:53.50] [20:53.50]Being too lazy to change the sheets is not a principle. [20:56.63] [20:56.63]You know what? You're not gonna win this one. [20:58.50] [20:58.50]So you better just crawl back into bed. Let's go to sleep. [21:02.51] [21:13.81]No! Come on! [21:17.81] [21:19.61]No, you come on! Just get off! [21:23.53] [21:23.53]Mine! Mine! Mine! [21:27.53] [21:44.92]Normally, Lynette would have spent a sleepless night telling herself she didn't have control issues. [21:48.93] [21:55.52]But she couldn't. [21:58.02] [21:58.02]She was too busy figuring out how to bend Tom to her will. [22:02.03] [22:08.32]Hello? [22:11.91] [22:11.91]Hi! [22:15.91] [22:18.71]Welcome to the promised land. [22:21.63] [22:21.63]Go on! There. [22:25.63] [22:25.92]Good job! [22:29.93] [22:37.81]Uh, Betty? Betty! [22:40.31] [22:40.31]Betty, can I ask you a question? [22:43.90] [22:43.90]Of course. [22:45.61] [22:45.61]It's Susan, right? - Yes, hi. [22:47.82] [22:47.82]I was just wondering, are you having some remodeling done on your house or something? [22:51.32] [22:51.32]No. Why? [22:55.33] [22:55.41]Well - I work at home, so I'm home a lot, [22:59.42] [23:00.50]and I just keep hearing these noises lately. [23:03.00] [23:03.00]It's hard to concentrate. [23:06.01] [23:06.01]Well, I haven't noticed anything. [23:08.01] [23:08.01]Really? [23:10.30] [23:10.30]It sounds like it's coming from your house. [23:12.60] [23:12.60]It's like a clanging, clanging - [23:14.81] [23:14.81]There, that was it! Did you hear it? [23:18.81] [23:18.81]Oh. Yes. [23:21.23] [23:21.23]Matthew is very handy. He's always doing part jobs around the house. [23:24.90] [23:24.90]I guess I just don't notice the noise anymore. [23:27.40] [23:27.40]Even at 2 o'clock in the morning? Cause that's kinda hard to miss. [23:31.20] [23:31.20]I'm so sorry. [23:33.32] [23:33.32]Matthew is something of an insomniac, Susan. [23:35.62] [23:35.62]But I will talk to him, and we'll put a stop to it. [23:39.62] [23:40.42]Good afternoon, Mrs Meyer. [23:41.71] [23:41.71]Hi, Matthew. [23:45.71] [23:47.80]Well, it was nice chatting with you, Susan. [23:51.80] [23:56.31]This is my 3rd phone call, Mr Flannery, and if someone doesn't call me back soon, [24:00.23] [24:00.23]I'm going to be irritated. [24:04.02] [24:04.02]Is everything all right? [24:05.73] [24:05.73]That darned insurance company is dragging its heels on paying Rex's policy, and I don't understand why. [24:09.74] [24:10.40]Well, he died unexpectedly. [24:12.91] [24:12.91]And that brings up a lot of questions. [24:16.91] [24:17.04]It's probably easier when people are just diseased. [24:21.00] [24:24.21]Probably. [24:26.13] [24:26.13]Hi. Hi. - Hi, Lynette. [24:28.92] [24:28.92]I'm sorry. Am I interrupting? [24:30.01] [24:30.01]No, not at all. [24:31.30] [24:31.30]I saw you walk in, and I've been meaning to call since the service, but work's been so crazy, so - [24:35.30] [24:37.43]How are you doing? [24:39.02] [24:39.02]Uhm, I'm all right. [24:43.02] [24:45.61]Well, you look amazing. - Do I? [24:49.61] [24:49.61]Absolutely. [24:53.61] [24:54.91]Well, I can't imagine what you're going through. [24:58.91] [25:02.41]Phyllis? [25:05.13] [25:05.13]You're going to have to stop that. [25:07.00] [25:07.00]I can't help it. [25:09.30] [25:09.30]When people talk about Rex, I-I just get emotional. [25:13.30] [25:15.64]Well, I'm very sorry for your loss too, Phyllis. [25:18.30] [25:18.30]He was my firstborn. [25:21.02] [25:21.02]I don't know what I will do without him. [25:25.02] [25:25.02]Oh, I'm so sorry. - Oh! Oh! [25:29.02] [25:31.61]Is she gonna be OK? [25:34.11] [25:34.11]Um - yeah! Sure! [25:36.70] [25:36.70]Hold on a second. [25:40.70] [25:48.21]Here we go. Feel better? [25:52.21] [25:52.51]Lynette, you were saying? [25:54.92] [25:54.92]I forgot. [25:55.93] [25:55.93]That's all right. It was really sweet of you to stop by. [25:59.93] [26:00.31]OK. [26:04.31] [26:06.60]So, are we ready to order or do you need a little more time? [26:10.61] [26:14.03]I've been in the insurance industry for 15 years. I've never recieved a phone call like this. [26:18.03] [26:19.12]I'm having second thoughts about Rex's death. [26:22.70] [26:22.70]I've known Rex and Bree for nearly 20 years, [26:26.71] [26:27.00]and I've never had any reason to suspect they were anything but a happy, loving couple. [26:31.00] [26:33.00]But just why this seems so strange? [26:37.01] [26:39.14]I found it in Rex's room after he called in. [26:42.72] [26:42.72]"I forgive you". [26:46.73] [27:14.13]George! What are you doing here? [27:16.63] [27:16.63]I'm here to kidnap you. [27:19.43] [27:19.43]What? [27:20.30] [27:20.30]Get your purse. [27:22.22] [27:22.22]I'm gonna take you balling. [27:25.02] [27:25.02]I-I don't know how to ball. [27:28.02] [27:28.02]Or to the movies, or for a frozen yoghurt. Whatever you want. [27:32.02] [27:33.40]Thank you, but I just couldn't. [27:35.82] [27:35.82]Bree. I'm sure you haven't gone anywhere in weeks. [27:37.90] [27:37.90]You gotta get out, do things. It'll help, trust me. [27:40.61] [27:40.61]I do. I'm just not ready yet. [27:44.62] [27:45.20]But it was very sweet of you to think of me. [27:47.70] [27:47.70]Uh, you know. I tried. [27:50.83] [27:50.83]And I appreciate that. [27:54.84] [27:57.30]It's all right. Let it out. [28:01.30] [28:16.73]You want me to die in here, don't you? [28:18.82] [28:18.82]Carlos, what happened? [28:20.53] [28:20.53]What do you mean, what happened? [28:21.61] [28:21.61]You talked Rita out of taking the money. [28:24.03] [28:24.03]Is that what Ritchie said? [28:25.62] [28:25.62]Yeah, the subject came up in between kidney punches. [28:28.50] [28:28.50]Well, it's not my fault. She didn't want the money. [28:30.50] [28:30.50]Why wouldn't she want $7,000? [28:32.42] [28:32.42]Because it's for a boob job. [28:34.83] [28:34.83]So? - So, her boobs are fine. [28:38.00] [28:38.00]And honestly, what he's doing to her self-esteem is just cruel. [28:41.01] [28:41.01]I feel sorry for her. [28:42.30] [28:42.30]Please. You don't care about her self-esteem any more than I do! [28:46.10] [28:46.10]You just didn't want to give up all that money! [28:48.01] [28:48.01]Well, I do think it's silly to give someone $7,000 if they don't want it. [28:51.73] [28:51.73]Listen to me. [28:53.52] [28:53.52]You're gonna go back there. [28:55.52] [28:55.52]You're gonna put that money in Rita's hands, and you're gonna convince her [28:59.11] [28:59.11]that life is not worth living unless she has jugs the size of Texas, [29:02.90] [29:02.90]do I make myself clear? [29:06.91] [29:07.03]I just realized Rita and I have a lot in common. [29:11.00] [29:11.33]Please don't tell me you have low self-esteem. [29:13.92] [29:13.92]Cause if I laugh now, I'm gonna crack the one good rib that I have left. [29:17.92] [29:18.34]We're both controlled by our husbands, [29:19.71] [29:19.71]which is idiotic because they're both behind bars. [29:22.22] [29:22.22]We should have all he power. [29:23.43] [29:23.43]I'm not trying to control you! I just don't want to end up in the morgue. [29:26.72] [29:26.72]This isn't about that. [29:28.01] [29:28.01]Gabrielle, the morphine's wearing off. I really don't have time for this. [29:32.02] [29:32.52]Me either, Carlos. [29:33.60] [29:33.60]And if you expect me to go back and sweet-talk her into getting the operation - [29:37.61] [29:37.61]I can't show up empty-handed. [29:39.73] [29:39.73]Fine. Bring me the checkbook, I'll make out a check for some cash. [29:43.70] [29:44.90]See, I was thinking I'd be writing the checks. [29:48.91] [29:52.50]Gabrielle - [29:52.83] [29:52.83]Careful, Carlos. You're not in a position to argue. [29:56.83] [30:03.42]Yoohoo! Susan! [30:06.01] [30:06.01]Hey, Edie. [30:08.22] [30:08.22]So, whee! How much do you hate me? [30:12.02] [30:12.02]What? [30:12.81] [30:12.81]Oh, Karl said that you know all about our dirty little secret. [30:15.94] [30:15.94]Yess. Yes I do. [30:17.40] [30:17.40]Well, I feel awful. [30:18.81] [30:18.81]I should've told you that I was doing your ex. [30:22.23] [30:22.23]It would've been the classy thing to do. [30:24.32] [30:24.32]Well, etiquette is a lost art for a lot of people. [30:26.82] [30:26.82]You've got to believe me, I never ever thought anything would happen with us. [30:30.83] [30:31.53]But on our first date, Karl took me to a Mexican restaurant. [30:35.50] [30:35.50]You know what I get like when I drink tequila. [30:37.50] [30:37.50]Couple of shooters, and my bra unhooks itself. [30:40.34] [30:40.34]Circumstances beyond your control, I get it. [30:42.63] [30:42.63]So, if you'll excuse me. [30:45.22] [30:45.22]Hey! [30:47.93] [30:47.93]I am offering you an opportunity here! [30:50.30] [30:50.30]Go ahead. Vent. Let me have it. [30:53.72] [30:53.72]Come on, tell me what a bitch I am. [30:55.23] [30:55.23]Yeah, for snacking on your leftovers, I deserve a... Come on, bring it on! [30:58.52] [30:58.52]Honestly, Edie, I don't mind. [31:01.11] [31:01.11]You can skate off into the sunset with Karl. Be my guest. [31:05.11] [31:06.11]That's good to know. [31:08.32] [31:08.32]I probably shouldn't tell you this, but - [31:12.12] [31:12.12]we were in my jacuzzi last night - [31:15.33] [31:15.33]uhhhh! Karl said it was the best sex he's ever had. [31:19.33] [31:20.00]Bar none. [31:24.00] [31:24.50]Actually, I'm glad that you shared that, because [31:27.22] [31:27.22]here's a tidbit for you: [31:28.93] [31:28.93]Karl said he's still in love with me. [31:32.93] [32:04.50]Edie, what are you doing? [32:05.80] [32:05.80]You are a lying liar. [32:07.51] [32:07.51]We're in the middle of the street. Would you get out of here? [32:09.51] [32:09.51]Karl never said that! [32:11.01] [32:11.01]Karl asked me to get back together the day after Julie's birthday. [32:14.51] [32:14.51]I said no, which I'm guessing is the reason for [32:16.93] [32:16.93]the now legendary tequila bra-popping incident. [32:19.73] [32:19.73]Please let go. - Oh no. [32:21.23] [32:21.23]We're not finished here. [32:22.52] [32:22.52]Yes we are. I'm gonna go. [32:24.31] [32:24.31]You don't have the guts! [32:25.73] [32:25.73]In 5 seconds, I'm gonna punch it! - Yeah? I'll kill your car! [32:29.74] [32:29.90]Not if you're sucking my exhaust, you won't! [32:32.11] [32:32.11]Take back what you said! - No I won't! [32:33.82] [32:33.82]Admit it you'd do anything to destroy my happiness! [32:36.20] [32:36.20]Edie, for God's sake. [32:37.70] [32:37.70]Why would I care if you went out with a man I despise? [32:40.62] [32:40.62]Cause you and Mike are finished. [32:42.42] [32:42.42]Yup. Word's out. [32:44.63] [32:44.63]And now that you can't be happy, you don't want anyone else to be. Period. [32:48.63] [32:53.22]Edie, come back here! We're not finished yet! [32:57.22] [33:06.40]It was an accident, Karl. Edie knows it was an accident, right? [33:09.90] [33:09.90]She knows you could have killed her. [33:11.90] [33:11.90]As it is, she's got a shattered tibia. [33:14.20] [33:14.20]Oh my God. I'm so sorry. [33:17.53] [33:17.53]I sent roses. Did she get the roses? [33:19.41] [33:19.41]Yep. She cut herself on the thorns. [33:22.21] [33:22.21]Oh my God. [33:26.13] [33:26.13]Why did you tell Edie about our little conversation? [33:29.30] [33:29.30]She was gloating about sleeping with you, and I just wanted to shut her up. [33:33.30] [33:34.43]Oh. So you were jealous? [33:38.10] [33:38.10]No! No. [33:41.73] [33:41.73]We were married. [33:43.10] [33:43.10]And she's trying to make that tawdry little affair you guys have going on par with that. [33:47.11] [33:47.31]I got mad. [33:51.23] [33:51.23]Susan, you remember the morning you saw me with Edie's paper? [33:55.20] [33:57.12]Well, the night before I had asked her if she'd like to live together. [34:01.12] [34:01.41]And she said yes. [34:05.42] [34:07.63]Susan? [34:09.92] [34:09.92]Just give me a moment. I'm asking God to kill me. [34:13.92] [34:16.43]Look. She's fun, she goes with the flow. [34:20.43] [34:20.81]At this time in my life, I need that. [34:24.81] [34:25.23]Are you in love with her? [34:29.02] [34:29.02]Would you care if I were? [34:33.03] [34:34.74]I want you to be happy. I even sort of want Edie to be happy, but - [34:38.70] [34:40.03]But what? [34:40.83] [34:40.83]I want to be happy first. [34:44.00] [34:44.00]Mike and I were supposed to move in together. [34:47.42] [34:47.42]This was supposed to be my time. [34:51.42] [34:51.42]I heard you and the plumber were having problems. [34:54.71] [34:54.71]Is it over? [34:58.30] [34:58.30]I don't know. [35:02.31] [35:04.31]It's really complicated. [35:08.02] [35:08.02]You never answered my question: Are you in love with her? [35:12.02] [35:14.23]I don't know. [35:18.20] [35:18.41]But I can promise you this much: [35:20.82] [35:20.82]I've never loved another woman the way I loved you. [35:24.83] [35:24.83]You walked out on me. [35:27.00] [35:27.00]Yeah. But look how far I got. [35:30.21] [35:30.21]I'm just up the street. [35:34.21] [35:49.23]Mommy, Mommy, thank God you're home! [35:51.31] [35:51.31]Hey sweetie! [35:53.02] [35:53.02]Why? What's wrong? [35:55.40] [35:55.40]Daddy caught a rat. [35:57.90] [35:57.90]Wow. Did he, now? [36:01.91] [36:03.12]Honey? [36:07.12] [36:10.21]I'm home! [36:12.50] [36:12.50]Hey, babe. - Hey! [36:14.21] [36:14.21]Hi. How was your day? [36:15.92] [36:15.92]It was good. [36:17.30] [36:17.30]But more importantly, how was yours? [36:21.30] [36:21.63]Parker told you about the rat, huh? [36:23.43] [36:23.43]Yyyup. [36:24.51] [36:24.51]My God, it was so disgusting. [36:27.81] [36:27.81]I can't understand. [36:29.10] [36:29.10]There it was sitting on the counter, eating a leftover grilled cheese sandwich. [36:33.10] [36:34.73]The sandwiches from yesterday? [36:36.90] [36:36.90]OK, yes, the house has been too messy. [36:38.53] [36:38.53]Obviously, my system has some kinks in it. [36:41.11] [36:41.11]But check it out, I got my act together. - Wow! [36:44.53] [36:44.53]So I take it you took the rat outside? [36:47.54] [36:47.54]Oh no. [36:48.20] [36:48.20]I smashed it with the shovel. [36:51.33] [36:51.33]You killed it? [36:53.12] [36:53.12]Not at the first blow. [36:57.13] [36:57.71]Disgusting. [37:01.72] [37:18.90]Hey, little guy. [37:22.90] [37:23.32]I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about what happened. [37:27.33] [37:28.62]With the shovel. [37:30.70] [37:30.70]Neither one of us saw that coming. [37:33.83] [37:33.83]I know it's not much consolation, but you really helped my marriage. [37:37.84] [37:39.42]That's a lot for a little rat to accomplish in one lifetime. [37:43.43] [37:43.72]Well, it's getting late, so - [37:47.72] [37:48.01]Hats off to you. [37:52.02] [37:52.81]So you'd say the abuse started a few years into your marriage? [37:56.81] [37:58.02]It started so slowly I didn't realize what was happening. [38:02.03] [38:03.61]When he slapped me, that was a little problem. [38:06.91] [38:06.91]But he'd always apologize. [38:09.20] [38:09.20]Then it got worse, and one day, 8 years ago, [38:13.20] [38:13.71]my son spilt soda on our new carpet. [38:17.71] [38:18.13]Before I could move to protect him, [38:20.30] [38:20.30]Virgil had knocked him on the ground [38:22.80] [38:22.80]and began kicking him. [38:25.63] [38:25.63]I went to protect my baby, but I didn't get there in time. [38:29.60] [38:30.22]What happened to your son? [38:34.02] [38:34.02]He died. [38:36.52] [38:36.52]I came across Monty's baby pictures last weekend, [38:39.52] [38:39.52]and that's when the nightmare started again. [38:42.82] [38:42.82]The last doctor I saw said that I needed to let go of my guilt and start living again. [38:46.82] [38:49.12]Of course, that's easier said than done. [38:51.91] [38:51.91]And I am getting so tired. [38:55.91] [38:58.42]I want you to start on Nitrozepam. [39:02.13] [39:02.13]That should do the trick. - Thank you. [39:06.13] [39:06.93]I certainly hope your husband was punished for what he did. [39:09.80] [39:09.80]Yeah. He got his retribution. I made sure of that. [39:13.81] [39:31.03]Where are you off to? [39:32.33] [39:32.33]I'm - I'm going to see Rex's lawyer. [39:34.20] [39:34.20]We're going to go over some details involving Rex's will. [39:38.21] [39:41.21]Phyllis - [39:42.92] [39:42.92]Obviously, I'm just mortified over slapping you. [39:46.92] [39:47.22]I've just been in a weird place since Rex's death, but that's no excuse. [39:51.22] [39:56.43]I'm very, very sorry. [39:59.52] [39:59.52]No need to apologize. [40:01.40] [40:01.40]Your family - all's forgiven. [40:05.40] [40:06.32]Really? [40:07.82] [40:07.82]It's been a difficult time for all of us. [40:11.53] [40:11.53]I totally understand. [40:13.83] [40:13.83]Now go. Don't want to be late for your meeting about Rex's will. [40:17.83] [40:42.60]Claims, this is Joe Flannery. [40:44.31] [40:44.31]Hello. Could I speak to someone about the death benefits for Rex van de Kamp, please? [40:48.32] [40:52.11]This is his mother. [40:54.12] [40:54.12]Yes. We'd already spoken to his wife several times. We are moving as quickly as we can. [40:58.12] [41:01.00]Are you aware that my daughter-in-law has a boyfriend? [41:05.00] [41:08.00]I'm listening. [41:11.42] [41:11.42]Control. [41:13.43] [41:13.43]It's extraordinary the tactics people employ to obtain it. [41:17.43] [41:20.31]Some rely on deception, [41:24.31] [41:25.23]while others engage in outright trickery. [41:29.23] [41:30.74]Then there are those who resort to extorsion. [41:34.70] [41:35.70]Why do we fight so hard for control? [41:39.70] [41:40.12]Because we know: To lose it [41:43.33] [41:43.33]is to put our fate in the hands of others. [41:47.34] [41:50.01]And what could be more dangerous? [41:54.01] [41:59.51]Oh my God! [42:00.60] [42:00.60]Someone dug Rex up! [42:02.73] [42:02.73]I got this - thing... [42:03.73] [42:03.73]This is not about your kids again, is it? [42:06.73] [42:06.73]But we broke up! [42:07.52] [42:07.52]Yeah, like 5 minutes ago! [42:08.90] [42:08.90]Edie is not family. [42:10.23] [42:10.23]One day she could be. [42:11.23] [42:11.23]Don't even joke like that. [42:15.20]
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