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  agree with

 ?、?同意;贊同:I quite agree with him on the sports. 我非常同意他在運動方面的觀點。

 ?、?與…相符;與…一致:His words do not agree with his actions. 他言行不一致。

 ?、?[常用于否定句] (食物等) 適合:Too much meat doesn’t agree with her. 她不宜吃太多肉。


  hold on

 ?、?抓著…不放;堅持:She held on to me tightly. 她緊緊地抓住我。

  I will hold on to my dream and never give it up.

  我要堅持自己的夢想,永不放棄。② [電話用語] 別掛斷;等一下:Can you hold on? I’ll see if the manager’s in the office. 先別掛電話行嗎?我去看看經(jīng)理在不在辦公室。


  make up

 ?、?[不用于進行時] 組成;構(gòu)成:In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words used in daily conversations. 在一些語言中,100個詞就構(gòu)成了一半的日常會話用語。

 ?、?編寫;編造:At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. 在第一次會議上,你要編寫出一個規(guī)章手冊。

 ?、?為…化妝:They made him up as an old man for the last act of the play. 在演這出戲的最后一幕時,他們把他打扮成一個老頭。


  pick up

 ?、?拿起;拾起:The phone rang and I picked it up. 電話響了,我接了起來。

  I picked up the rubbish and threw it into the trash can. 我把垃圾拾起來,扔進垃圾桶。

 ?、?車輛等) 中途搭 (人);中途帶 (貨):I’ve got to pick up my daughter from school at four o’clock. 我四點鐘得去學校接女兒。

 ?、?營救;救起:Twenty men fell into the water and were picked up by other boats. 二十人落水后,被其他船只救起。

 ?、?偶然地、無意地) 得到;學會 (語言);買到:She picked up Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.她在日本時學會了日語,現(xiàn)在她日語講得很流利。

  We managed to pick up a few bargains in the market. 我們從市場上買到了幾件便宜貨。

 ?、?接收到:We were able to pick up the BBC World Service. 我們能收聽到英國廣播公司的國際廣播節(jié)目。

 ?、拗靥?(話題);恢復(fù) (健康等):He picks up this theme again in later chapters of the book. 在該書的后幾章,他又重回到這個主題上。


  take up 開始 (從事);占用

  Rogers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest. 羅杰斯學了一段時間的繪畫,但很快便失去了興趣。

  Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day. 開會和接電話占用了一天中的大部分時間。


  turn out

 ?、?制造;生產(chǎn);培養(yǎng)出:The factory turns out 900 cars a week. 這家工廠一周生產(chǎn)九百輛汽車。

 ?、?原來 (是);證明 (是);結(jié)果 (是):Unexpectedly the weather turned out pretty nice that day. 出乎意料的是,那天天氣特別好。

  It turned out that his brother died of a heart attack. 原來他的兄弟死于心臟病。


  work out

 ?、?算出;總共達:I’m just trying to work out how much I spend each month. 我正在盡力算出我每月的開銷。

 ?、?解決;把…弄清楚:To work out the difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times. 為了解出這道數(shù)學難題,我已經(jīng)請教拉塞爾教授好幾次了。

 ?、?制定 (出):Trained exercise teachers can help you work out a training plan and keep you active. 訓練有素的體育老師能幫你制定一套訓練計劃,使你保持活力。

 ?、?產(chǎn)生結(jié)果;被證明有效:Everything worked out OK in the end. 事情的結(jié)果還不錯。

  I want to follow David’s example but it never worked out for me. 我想效仿大衛(wèi)的做法,但這對我沒有效果。

 ?、?鍛煉;訓練:I go to the sports club and work out once a week. 我一周去一次體育館鍛煉。


  get through 到達;通過;打通:

  She got through the examination. 她通過了考試。

  Focusing on that goal helps me get through tough times. 專注于那一目標幫我熬過了艱難時期。

  I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t get through. 我試過打她辦公室電話,但沒打通。


  make out

 ?、?勉強看見;聽見:I could barely make out the stage in the darkness. 黑暗中我?guī)缀蹩床灰娢枧_。

  I could hear voices but I couldn’t make out what manage they were saying.我能聽到說話的聲音,但聽不清他們在說什么。

 ?、?理解;弄清:His writing is so confusing that it’s difficult to make out what he is trying to express. 他的筆跡模糊不清,很難弄清他到底想表達什么。

 ?、?寫出;開列:She was making out a list of people to invite. 她正在寫一份邀請名單。


  put up


  · Put up your hands if you have any questions.如果有問題請舉手。

  · They have put up the rent by $200 a month. 他們把每月的租金提高了200美元。

 ?、?公布;張貼 (布告、相片等):Posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth. 校園中到處張貼著海報,號召我們加入到讓地球更環(huán)保的行動中去。

 ?、?建造 (房屋等);搭建:They’ve put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently. 最近他們蓋起了很多高樓大廈。

 ?、?留宿;住宿:I was hoping Kenny could put me up for a few days. 我希望肯尼能讓我留宿幾天。


  set down 記下;放下:

  I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do.我不愿像大多數(shù)人那樣在日記中記流水賬。


  turn over

 ?、?翻身;(使) 翻轉(zhuǎn);翻過 (書頁):He did not fall asleep, turning over in bed from time to time. 他沒睡著,在床上時不時地翻身。

  Don’t turn over the page yet. 先別把這頁翻過去。

 ?、?移交:He turned over the work to the secretary. 他把工作移交給了秘書。


  break down

 ?、?機器等) 出故障;(身體等) 垮掉;(情感等) 失控:

  · On my way to the station my car broke down. 去車站的路上,我的車壞了。

  · Her health broke down under the pressure of work.


  · He broke down as he thought of his failure to sell all his newspapers.


 ?、?談判等) 失?。篢alks between the two sides have broken down. 雙方的談判破裂了。

 ?、?把…分若干部分 (以方便做或理解):Each lesson is broken down into several units. 每一課都分成幾部分。


  look down upon 輕視;看不起:

  Never look down on people less superior than you. 不要輕視不如你的人。


  look up to 尊敬;仰視:

  I look up to him because he’s a real artist. 我尊敬他,因為他是個真正的藝術(shù)家。


  die down 逐漸變?nèi)?逐漸降低;

  When the applause had died down, she began her speech. 掌聲漸漸消失時,她開始講話。

  The wind has died down a bit. 風小了一點。


  get over 越過;克服 ;恢復(fù)過來:

  I don’t know how we are going to get over these difficulties. 我不知道我們怎樣才能克服這些困難。

  We are certain that he will get over his illness. 我們相信他一定會戰(zhàn)勝疾病。


  go by 走過;流逝;過去:

  Everything will get easier as time goes by. 隨著時間的推移,一切都會好起來的。


  go over 從一處到 (另一處);溫習:

  We went over to the flower seller and asked her if we could buy a flower. 我們到賣花的人身邊,問她我們能不能買朵花。

  Let us go over your answer again. 讓我們再檢查一下你的答案。

  I’ve got to go over my notes for tomorrow’s exam. 我必須復(fù)習筆記準備明天的考試。


  look into 調(diào)查:

  The police are looking into the disappearance of two children. 警方正在調(diào)查兩個孩子失蹤的事件。


  put down



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