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高級(jí)英語 Advanced English(張漢熙) 第一冊(cè) 7.The Age of Miracle Chips

所屬教程:高級(jí)英語 Advanced English(張漢熙) 第一冊(cè)



The Age of Miracle Chips

New microtechnology will transform society

It is tiny, only about a quarter of an inch square, and quite flat. Under a microscope, it resembles a stylized Navaho rug or the aerial view of a railroad switching yard. Like the grains of sand on a beach, it is made mostly of silicon , next to oxygen the most abundant element on the surface of the earth.

Yet this inert fleck – still unfamiliar to the vast majority of Americans – has astonishing powers that are already transforming society. For the so-called miracle chip has a calculating capability equal to that of a room-size computer of only 25 year s ago. Unlike the hulking Calibans of vacuum tubes and tangled wires from which it evolved , it is cheap, easy to mass produce, fast, infinitely versatile and convenient.

The miracle chip represents a development in the technology of mankind that over the past few years has acquired the force and significance associated with the development of hand tools or the discovery of the steam engine. Just as the Industrial Revolution took over an immense range of tasks from men's muscles and enormously expanded productivity, so the microcomputer is rapidly assuming huge burdens of drudgery from the human brain and thereby expanding the mind’ s capacities in ways that man has only begun to grasp. With the chip, amazing feats of memory and execution become possible in everything from automobile engines to universities and hospitals, from farms to banks and corporate offices, from outer space to a baby's nursery.

Living: Pushbutton Power

It is 7: 30 a. m. As the alarm clock burrs , the bedroom curtains swing silently apart, the Venetian blinds snap up and the thermostat boosts the heat to a cozy 70°. The percolator in the kitchen starts burbling; the back door opens to let out the dog. The TV set blinks on with the day's first newscast: a selective rundown (ordered up the night before) of all the latest worldwide events affecting the economy – legislative, political, monetary. After the news on TV comes the morning mail, from correspondents who have dictated their messages into the computer network. The latter-day Aladdin, still snugly abed, then presses a button on a bedside box and issues a string of business and personal memos, which appear instantly on the genie screen. After his shower, which has turned itself on at exactly the right temperature at the right minute, Mr. A. is alerted by a buzzer and a blue light on the screen. His boss, the company president, is on his way to the office. A. dresses and saunters out to the car. The engine, of course, is running...

After her husband has kissed her goodbye, Alice A. concentrates on the screen for a read-out of comparative prices at the local merchants' and markets. Following eyeball-to-eyeball consultations with the butcher and the baker and the grocer on the tube, she hits a button to commandeer supplies for tonight's dinner party. Pressing a couple of keys on the kitchen terminal, she order s from the memory bank her favorite recipes , tells the machine to compute the ingredients for six servings, and directs the ovens to reach the correct temperature for each dish according to the recipe, starting at 7: 15 p. m. Alice then joins a televised discussion of Byzantine art (which she has studied by computer). Later she wanders into the computer room where Al ("Laddy") Jr. has just learned from his headset that his drill in Latin verb conjugation was " groovy ".

Wellsian fantasy? Maybe. But while this matutinal  scenario may still be years away, the basic technology is in xistence. Such painless, productive awakenings will in time be a familiar thing. And, barring headaches, tummy aches and heartaches, the American day should proceed as smoothly as it begins. All thanks to the miracle of the microcomputer, the super cheap chip that can electronically shoulder a vast array of boring, time-consuming tasks.

The microelectronic revolution promises to ease, enhance and simplify life in ways undreamed of even by the utopians. At home or office, routine chores will be performed with astonishing efficiency and speed. Leisure time, greatly increased, will be greatly enriched. Public education, so often a dreary and capricious process in the U. S., may be invested with the inspiriting quality of an Oxford tutorial – from preschool on. Medical care will be delivered with greater precision.

Letters will not so easily go astray . It will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial transactions will be conducted by computer. In the microelectronic village, the home will again be the center of society, as it was before the Industrial Revolution.

Mass production of the miracle chip has already made possible home computer systems that sell for less than $800 – and prices will continue to fall. Many domestic de-vices that use electric power will be computerized. Eventually, the household computer will be as much a part of the home as the kitchen sink; it will program washing machines, burglar and fire alarms, sewing machines, a robot vacuum cleaner and a machine that will rinse and stack dirty dishes. When something goes wrong with an appliance a question to the computer will elicit repair instructions – in future generations, repairs will be made automatically. Energy costs will be cut by a computerized device that will direct heat to living areas where it is needed, and turn it down where it is not; the device's ubiquitous eye, sensing where people are at all times, will similarly turn the lights on and off as need-ed.

Paper clutter will disappear as home information management systems take over from memo pads, notebooks, files, bills and the kitchen bulletin board.

While it may be a number of year s before the average housewife can do her shopping by computer TV, the basic instrumentation is already in place in an ever-growing number of supermarkets.

The computer might appear to be a dehumanizing factor, but the opposite is in fact true. It is already leading the consumer society away from the mass-produced homogeneity of the assembly line. The chip will make it possible some day to have shoes and clothes made to order – the production commanded and directed by computer – within minutes. The custom-made object, now restricted to the rich, will be within everyone's reach. In no area of American life is personal service so precious as in medical care. Here, too, the computer has be-come a humanizing factor; the patient tends to give a more candid account of his symptoms, and medical history to a machine programmed to ask the proper preliminary questions than to a harassed(v. 使筋疲力盡) regimen and possibly intimidating doctor.

At a few hospitals, computers are programmed not only to remind the pharmacy department to prepare prescriptions but also to alert nurses to give the proper dosage at the right time.

Next to health, heart and home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile. Computer technology may make the car, as we know it, a Smithsonian antique. In addition to the microprocessors under the hood that will help the auto operate more efficiently, tiny computers will ease tensions and make life simpler for the drive and passengers too. Ford Motor Co. now offers buyers of its Continental Mark Vs an option called "miles to empty". At the push of a button, the driver can get a read-out on the amount of fuel in the tank, and the number of miles he can expect to go (at current speed) before a refill is necessary. Driver s of General Motors 1978 Cadillac Seville will also be able to punch a button and find out the miles yet to go to a preset destination and the estimated arrival time. The ultimate auto will accommodate a pencil-sized portable phone capable of reaching any number in the world in seconds, automatic braking that will take over from a panicked driver, and a miniradar to avert collisions.

The widest benefits of the electronic revolution (unlike those of most revolutions) will accrue to the young. Seymour Papert, professor of mathematics and education at M. I. T., estimates that there will be 5 million private computers in people's homes and available to students within two years; by 1982, he predicts, 80% upper middle class families will have computers "capable of playing important roles in the intellectual development of their children.” Says California Author Robert Albrecht, a pioneer of electronic education: "In schools, computers will be more common than slide projectors, movie film projectors and tape recorders. They'll be used from the moment school opens, through recess, through lunch period, and on as far into the day as the principal will keep the school open." Across the country, "these magical beasts", as they have been called, are assisting hassled, often incompetent teachers. They are revivifying  soporific students, dangling and delivering intellectual challenges beyond the ken of most educators.

For the mighty army of consumers, the ultimate applications of the computer revolution are still around the bend of a silicon circuit. It is estimated that there are at least 25, 000 applications of the computer awaiting discovery. Notes The Economist: "To ask what the applications are is like asking what are the applications of electricity." Certainly the miracle chip will affect American life in ways both benign and productive. The computer revolution is stimulating intellects, liberating limbs and propelling vmankind to a higher order of existence.

(from time, February 20,1978)


























miracle ( n.) :an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes,esp. to an act of God奇跡


chip ( n.) :a semiconductor body in which an integrated circuit is formed or is to be formed集成電路片


silicon ( n.) :a nonmetallic chemical element occurring in several forms.found always in combination,and more abundant in nature than any other element except oxygen,with which it combines to form silica(used in the manufacture of transistors。solar cells,rectifiers,silicones,ceramics,etc.)硅(符號(hào)Si)


inert ( adj.) : having few or no active properties;inactive惰性的


fleck ( n.) :a small piece;flake;particle小片,薄片;粒子,微粒


hulking ( adj.) :1arge,heavy,and often unwieldy or clumsy巨大的,龐大的;笨重的


tangle ( v.) :make a knot or snarl of;intertwist使糾結(jié);使糾纏


evolve ( v.) :develop gradually by a process of growth and change演變;進(jìn)化;發(fā)展


versatile ( adj.) :competent in many things;able to turn easily from one subject or occupation to another;many-sided;adaptable to many uses or functions多才多藝的;多方面的;多用途的;萬能的;多功能的


drudgery ( n.) :work that is hard,menial。or tiresome單調(diào)乏味的工作


burr ( v.) :.make a whirring sound發(fā)嘎嘎聲;發(fā)颼颼聲


Venetian blind ( n.) :a window blind made of a number of thin,horizontal wooden,metal,or plastic slats that can be set together at any angle to regulate the light and air pressing through or drawn up together to the top of the window by means of cords軟百葉簾;活動(dòng)百葉窗


thermostat ( n.) :an apparatus for regulating temperature, esp. one that automatically controls a heating unit恒溫器


boost ( v.) :make higher or greater;increase in amount.power。etc.提高;(在數(shù)量、力量等方面)增加


cozy ( adj.) :warm and comfortable;snug溫暖舒適的;安逸的


percolator ( n.) :a kind of coffeepot in which the boiling water repeatedly bubbles up through a tube and filters back to the bottom through the coffee grounds,which are held in a perforated container咖啡滲濾壺


burble ( v.) :make a gurgling or bubbling sound(流水)做汩汩聲,潺潺做聲


rundown ( n.) :a concise summary or outline綱要;總結(jié)


snug ( adj.) :warm and cozy;comfortable溫暖的;舒適的/snugly adv.


memo ( n.) :(clipped form of memorandum)a short note written to help one remember something or remind one to do something(memorandum的縮略形式)備忘錄;筆記


genie/jinni ( n.) :[Moslem legend]a supernatural being that can take human or animal form and influence human affairs(穆斯林傳說中的)神靈;神怪(能化為人形或獸形,影響人的事務(wù))


saunter ( v.) :walk about idly;stroll閑逛;漫步


commandeer ( n.) :穢.seize(property)for military or governmental use征用(人力或物力)


recipe ( n.) :a list of materials and directions for preparing a dish or drink烹飪法;食譜


Byzantine ( adj.) :designating or of the decorative style of the mosaics,frescoes,etc.,of the Byzantine Empirs. characterized by lack of perspective,use of rich colors,esp. gold, and emphasis on religious symbolism(指鑲嵌畫、壁畫等工藝美術(shù))拜占廷式的


conjugation ( n.) :a methodical presentation or arrangement of the inflectional forms of a verb(動(dòng)詞的)詞形變化


groovy ( adj.) :[Am.slang]very pleasing or attractive(a generalized term of approval)[美俚]絕妙的;極好的(一般贊許詞)


matutinal ( adj.) :of or in the morning;early早晨的;早的


scenario ( n.) :a description of a possible course of action or events(進(jìn)行活動(dòng)或?qū)嵤╉?xiàng)目的)計(jì)劃書;方案


barring ( prep.) :unless there should be;excepting除…外;不包括


tummy ( n.) :stomach(a child's word)(兒語)肚子


array ( n.) :an impressive display or assembled persons or things(排列整齊的)一批;大量


utopian ( n.) :a person who believes in a utopia,esp. of a social or political nature;visionary空想家


chore ( n.) :(often used in p1.)a small routine task,as of a housekeeper or farmer;odd job(常用于復(fù)數(shù))日常零星工作,零星活兒(如家庭雜務(wù),農(nóng)場(chǎng)雜活等)


capricious ( adj.) :subject to caprices;tending to change abruptly and without apparent reason;inconstant多變的,變幻莫測(cè)的


tutorial ( n.) :a class in a tutorial system(導(dǎo)師制中)由導(dǎo)師個(gè)別指導(dǎo)


rinse ( v.) :wash lightly,esp. by dipping into water or by letting water run over,into,or through沖洗;漂洗


elicit ( v.) :draw forth;evoke得出;引出;導(dǎo)出


ubiquitous ( adj.) :present,or seeming to be present,everywhere at the same time;omnipresent(似乎)同時(shí)普遍存在的;似乎無處不在的


dehumanize ( v.) :deprive of human qualities,as pity,kindness,individuality,creativity,etc.;make inhuman or machinelike使失人性,使無人性;使成獸性;使像機(jī)器


homogeneity ( n.) :the same in structure,quality,etc.同類;同族


candid (adj.) :very honest or frank in what one says or writes誠(chéng)實(shí)的,坦率的;直言相告的


symptom ( n.) :any condition accompanying or resulting from a disease or a physical disorder and serving as an aid in diagnosis癥狀.


regimen ( n.) :a regulated system of diet,exercise,etc.for therapy or the maintenance or improvement of health生活規(guī)則;攝生法


harass ( v.) :trouble,worry,or torment,as with cares,debts,repeated questions,etc.使煩惱;使困惱;折磨


intimidate ( v.) :make timid;make afraid;overawe使膽怯,使害怕;威懾;嚇住


pharmacy ( n.) :a place where pharmacy is practiced;drugstore藥房;藥店


panic ( v.) :affect with panic;fear使恐慌;使驚慌


avert ( v.) :keep from happening;ward off;prevent避免;防止(災(zāi)禍等)發(fā)生;擋住


accrue ( v.) :come as a natural growth,advantage,or right(to)(常與to連用)(利益等)及到(某人);(權(quán)利等)歸于(某人)


recess ( n.) :a temporary withdrawal from or halting of work,business,study,etc.休息;休會(huì);休假


hassle ( v.) :[Am.slang]subject to persistent or acute annoyance[美俚]使煩惱;擾亂,騷擾,不斷地打擾


revivify ( v. ) :put new life or vigor into;cause to revive使復(fù)活,使蘇醒;使恢復(fù)活力


soporific ( adj.) :causing or tending to cause sleep;of or characterized by sleep or sleepiness催眠的,致睡的;困倦的;酣睡的


dangle ( v. ) :be a hanger-on;follow追求,追逐,追隨


ken ( n.) :mental perception or recognition;range of knowledge;understanding認(rèn)識(shí);知識(shí)范圍;理解


benign ( adj.) :favorable;beneficial有利的;有益的


propel ( v.) :push,drive,or impel onward,forward,or ahead推動(dòng);推進(jìn);鼓勵(lì)



accrue to(sb.)(from sth.): increase,come as a natural increase or advantage增加,權(quán)力或利益歸于某人及到某人

例:Knowledge will accrue to you from reading.讀書能增加知識(shí)。


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