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BBC news:美航天局公布神奇號拍下的首批彩色圖片




BBC News with Jerry Smit

The US National Guard has been deployed in New Orleans as the city, which has a population of 360,000, waits for the arrival of Hurricane Isaac. The massive new flood gates designed to protect the city from a storm surge have been closed. Isaac is expected to make landfall exactly seven years after another hurricane Katrina killed more than 1,800 people in New Orleans. From there, Alastair Leithead reports.

Hurricane Katrina was huge – it broke the levees and flooded the city. Isaac is not as big, but it's strengthening, and it's heading directly for New Orleans. I'm standing on Canal Street in the French Quarter at the moment, and the first scores of the storm are starting to strike; and the tidal swell thrown up by Isaac is starting to be felt along the gulf coast. Many people have decided to sit out the storm in their homes, confident in the work done and the billions spent on the levees and new flood barriers to prevent the city from being flooded this time around.

The Republican Party convention has opened in Florida a day later than planned because of the threat posed by Hurricane Isaac. At the convention, Mitt Romney will be formally nominated as the party's candidate for the presidential election in November. The BBC's Jonny Dymond is there.

Delegates are all ready in full flow here in Tampa, warming up for three days of speeches designed to both rally the party faithful and critically, show the rest of the country what Mitt Romney is made of. Opinion polls show him neck and neck with President Obama nationally, but voters don't particularly warm to the former Massachusetts' governor. So, later on Tuesday, his wife Ann will speak up for her husband; on Wednesday, his running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan will address the crowd, and Mitt Romney will close the convention on Thursday.

French prosecutors have opened a murder investigation into the death of the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Mr Arafat's widow filed a legal complaint in France last month after a television documentary alleged that traces of poison were found on his personal belongings. Hugh Schofield reports from Paris.

The Swiss laboratory that found the traces has said it's now ready to carry out tests on Mr Arafat's actual remains, and the Palestinian authorities are also apparently willing now to cooperate in authorizing the body to be briefly disinterred from its mausoleum in Ramallah. No autopsy was ever carried out following Mr Arafat's death in 2004, and oversight will just certainly help sustain the conspiracy theories ever since.Hugh Schofield.

The United Nations has warned that as many as 200,000 refugees could flee to Turkey to escape fighting in Syria – almost double the number Turkey says it can take. The UN refugee agency says 5,000 Syrians are now arriving at the border every day, compared with 500 earlier this month.

World News from the BBC

One of Spain's largest regions, Catalonia, has asked for a bailout of more than $6bn from the central government in Madrid. The move heightens speculation that Spain as a whole will need additional financial help from the rest of the eurozone.

Belgium's highest court has granted a conditional early release to the former wife and accomplice of the convicted pedophile and child killer Marc Dutroux. The court released Michelle Martin into a convent after she served half of the 30-year sentence for her part in the kidnappings, rapes and murders. From Brussels, here's Matthew Price.

It was a case that appalled the world and shamed Belgium. Marc Dutroux abducted and raped six young and teenage girls in the Mid 1990s. Four of them died. Dutroux was jailed for life in 2004. His former wife Michelle Martin was given a 30-year sentence for helping Dutroux keep his victims imprisoned. Relatives of some of the victims campaigned fiercely against her release, to no avail. Michelle Martin has decided to live now in a convent to the south of Brussels.

The torch for the Paralympic Games has been lit at a ceremony at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in southern England. Flames from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were united at the hospital, which was the first in the world to stage recognized sports events for people with disabilities. The flame will be carried through the night to London where the games begin on Wednesday.

Nasa has released the first color images taken by the Mars rover Curiosity. The spectacular pictures show amount of layered rock on the lower slope of Mount Sharp – the area where scientists plan to focus their search for conditions to support life on Mars. Curiosity has also broadcast a recorded message of congratulations from the Nasa chief Charles Bolden – the first human voice on the red planet.

BBC News with Jerry Smit

Jerry Smit為你播報BBC新聞。

The US National Guard has been deployed in New Orleans as the city, which has a population of 360,000, waits for the arrival of Hurricane Isaac. The massive new flood gates designed to protect the city from a storm surge have been closed. Isaac is expected to make landfall exactly seven years after another hurricane Katrina killed more than 1,800 people in New Orleans. From there, Alastair Leithead reports.

美國國民警衛(wèi)隊已經部署到新奧爾良,這座有著36萬人的城市正在等待以撒颶風的到來。本來用作保護該市免 受暴雨襲擊的新的大型防洪閘已關閉,以撒颶風即將來臨,剛好就在7年前,另一場颶風卡特里娜奪去了新奧爾良1800多人的生命。Alastair Leithead報道。

Hurricane Katrina was huge – it broke the levees and flooded the city. Isaac is not as big, but it's strengthening, and it's heading directly for New Orleans. I'm standing on Canal Street in the French Quarter at the moment, and the first scores of the storm are starting to strike; and the tidal swell thrown up by Isaac is starting to be felt along the gulf coast. Many people have decided to sit out the storm in their homes, confident in the work done and the billions spent on the levees and new flood barriers to prevent the city from being flooded this time around.

卡特里娜颶風勢力很強,摧毀了筑堤,淹沒了新奧爾良。以撒颶風沒有卡特里娜那么強大,但卻在積蓄力量,目 前正向新奧爾良襲來。我現在就站在法國區(qū)的運河街,第一陣大雨已經開始下了,海灣附近可以感到以撒颶風使潮水漲起來。許多人決定呆在家里等暴風雨結束,他 們對實現做的工作和花在提防和新防洪壩上的數百萬資金很信賴,相信這次該市可以免受洪水肆虐。

The Republican Party convention has opened in Florida a day later than planned because of the threat posed by Hurricane Isaac. At the convention, Mitt Romney will be formally nominated as the party's candidate for the presidential election in November. The BBC's Jonny Dymond is there.

由于擔心以撒颶風的威脅,共和黨大會比原計劃推遲了一天,已于今天開始。在這次大會上,米特·羅姆尼將被提名為該黨總統(tǒng)候選人參加11月的競選。BBC記者Jonny Dymond報道。

Delegates are all ready in full flow here in Tampa, warming up for three days of speeches designed to both rally the party faithful and critically, show the rest of the country what Mitt Romney is made of. Opinion polls show him neck and neck with President Obama nationally, but voters don't particularly warm to the former Massachusetts' governor. So, later on Tuesday, his wife Ann will speak up for her husband; on Wednesday, his running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan will address the crowd, and Mitt Romney will close the convention on Thursday.

代表們已經在坦帕滔滔不絕了,為三天的演講進行熱身練習,準備鼓舞該黨的信心,同時更重要的,向全國人展 示米特·羅姆尼是怎樣的人。民調顯示,羅姆尼和總統(tǒng)奧巴馬在全國的支持率不相上下,但選民們對這位馬薩諸塞州前州長不是很感冒。然后,周二晚些時候,他的 妻子安將為丈夫作講話,周三,他的競選伙伴國會議員保羅·瑞安將向大家作講話,米特·羅姆尼將于周四結束這次大會。

French prosecutors have opened a murder investigation into the death of the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Mr Arafat's widow filed a legal complaint in France last month after a television documentary alleged that traces of poison were found on his personal belongings. Hugh Schofield reports from Paris.

法國檢察官將對巴勒斯坦領導人亞瑟爾·阿拉法特死因進行公開的謀殺調查。由于一部電視紀錄片稱在阿爾法特個人物品中發(fā)現毒藥痕跡,阿爾法特的遺孀便于上月向法國提交訴訟。Hugh Schofield在巴黎報道。

The Swiss laboratory that found the traces has said it's now ready to carry out tests on Mr Arafat's actual remains, and the Palestinian authorities are also apparently willing now to cooperate in authorizing the body to be briefly disinterred from its mausoleum in Ramallah. No autopsy was ever carried out following Mr Arafat's death in 2004, and oversight will just certainly help sustain the conspiracy theories ever since.Hugh Schofield.


The United Nations has warned that as many as 200,000 refugees could flee to Turkey to escape fighting in Syria – almost double the number Turkey says it can take. The UN refugee agency says 5,000 Syrians are now arriving at the border every day, compared with 500 earlier this month.


World News from the BBC

One of Spain's largest regions, Catalonia, has asked for a bailout of more than $6bn from the central government in Madrid. The move heightens speculation that Spain as a whole will need additional financial help from the rest of the eurozone.


Belgium's highest court has granted a conditional early release to the former wife and accomplice of the convicted pedophile and child killer Marc Dutroux. The court released Michelle Martin into a convent after she served half of the 30-year sentence for her part in the kidnappings, rapes and murders. From Brussels, here's Matthew Price.

比利時最高法院批準有條件地提前釋放獲罪的戀童癖和殺兒童兇手馬克·杜特斯的前妻,他前妻同時也是其幫兇。蜜雪兒·馬汀因參與綁架、強奸和謀殺而獲罪30年有期徒刑,法院在蜜雪兒·馬汀服刑15年后將她釋放,送到一所女修道院。Matthew Price在布魯塞爾報道。

It was a case that appalled the world and shamed Belgium. Marc Dutroux abducted and raped six young and teenage girls in the Mid 1990s. Four of them died. Dutroux was jailed for life in 2004. His former wife Michelle Martin was given a 30-year sentence for helping Dutroux keep his victims imprisoned. Relatives of some of the victims campaigned fiercely against her release, to no avail. Michelle Martin has decided to live now in a convent to the south of Brussels.

這起案件震驚了全世界,令比利時蒙羞。20世紀90年代,馬克·杜特斯綁架并強奸了6名青少年女孩。其中 四人死亡。杜特斯2004年被判終身監(jiān)禁,他的前妻蜜雪兒·馬汀因幫助他囚禁受害者而獲罪30年徒刑。一些受害者的家屬強烈反對釋放蜜雪兒·馬汀,但毫無 效果。蜜雪兒·馬汀決定住在布魯塞爾南部一所女修道院。

The torch for the Paralympic Games has been lit at a ceremony at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in southern England. Flames from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were united at the hospital, which was the first in the world to stage recognized sports events for people with disabilities. The flame will be carried through the night to London where the games begin on Wednesday.


Nasa has released the first color images taken by the Mars rover Curiosity. The spectacular pictures show amount of layered rock on the lower slope of Mount Sharp – the area where scientists plan to focus their search for conditions to support life on Mars. Curiosity has also broadcast a recorded message of congratulations from the Nasa chief Charles Bolden – the first human voice on the red planet.


BBC News


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