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欲望都市11 The Drought





[00:00.00] 12.07.25 08:19:53



[00:47.24]New York City is all about sex. 紐約人滿腦子想的都和性有關(guān)

[00:50.24]People getting it, people trying to get it, and people who can't get it. 有人正在享受性愛 有人想得到,有些人卻得不到

[00:56.48]No wonder the city never sleeps. lt's too busy trying to get laid, 難怪紐約是個(gè)不夜城 人們根本忙得沒時(shí)間睡

[00:59.96]but if you ever actually do manage 但如果你想和某人上床

[01:01.24]to get someone in bed,

[01:05.56]the real fun begins. 有趣的事就來了

[01:07.04]That's the kind with nuts in it. 里面好像有堅(jiān)果

[01:09.52]We love our nuts. 我們愛堅(jiān)果

[01:18.44]After sleeping together for many weeks, 我和大人物同床共枕幾星期后

[01:21.24]Mr Big and l had gotten comfortable enough to really sleep together. 我們好像越來越習(xí)慣睡在一起

[01:31.60]lt was nice. lt was the way l'd always dreamed it could be. 這種感覺很棒 這是我夢寐以求的相處方式

[01:35.44]- Good morning. - Morning. -早 -早

[01:48.28]- Was that you? - Oh, my God. -是你? -天啊

[01:54.84]- l think it might be worse under there. - Shut up! -有可能更糟 -閉嘴…

[02:01.32]l hadn't dressed so quickly 我飛快穿好衣服

[02:05.40]since getting caught in the boy's dorm sophomore year. 好像是在男生宿舍被抓到一樣

[02:05.76]- Wait, don't you want some coffee? - Gosh. l'm late for a thing. -等一下,你要喝杯咖啡? -不,我遲到了

[02:11.44]Oh, my God. l was mortified. 天啊,真是糗死了

[02:15.32]l didn't call him the rest of the day. 接著一整天我都沒打給他

[02:16.80]l tried to lose myself in work, but every time l stopped to think, 想讓自己忙于工作 但每次一停下來

[02:22.28]l'd relive my hell all over again. 那聲音就是揮之不去

[02:26.56]The next day l realized how childish l was behaving. 隔天我發(fā)覺到 自己的行為實(shí)在太幼稚了

[02:31.32]l decided to stop avoiding the situation and take the grown-up approach, 所以決定化解僵局 用成熟的方式來解決

[02:33.84]complete and utter denial. 全盤否認(rèn)

[02:37.28]So l saw the Met is opening a new Goya exhibit. 我看到麥特畫廊 要舉行哥雅的畫作展

[02:39.60]- Do you want to go this Saturday? - Sure. -這星期六你要去嗎? -好

[02:42.76]Could you get me more sauce, please? 麻煩幫我再拿點(diǎn)醬?

[02:47.44]l most certainly can. 沒問題

[02:49.20]We have to stop and see the Renoirs. l love the Renoirs. 我們可順便去看雷諾瓦的畫 我好喜歡雷諾瓦

[02:53.88]OK. 好

[03:01.56]There's a moment in every relationship where romance gives way to reality. 這就是每段戀情 從浪漫轉(zhuǎn)為現(xiàn)實(shí)的時(shí)刻

[03:21.24]You know what? l'm exhausted. 你知道嗎?我累慘了

[03:26.40]- Be all right if we just call it a night? - Sure. -我們今晚休息,好嗎? -好

[03:32.76]- Sorry. Good night. - Night. -對不起,晚安 -晚安

[03:39.24]That was the first night we slept together and didn't make love. 這是我們第一次睡在一起 卻沒做愛

[03:43.80]By the next week it was three times in a row, l was beginning to worry. 到下星期,已經(jīng)連續(xù)發(fā)生三次 我開始擔(dān)心起來

[03:47.88]Three times? Try three months. 三次?試試三個(gè)月吧

[03:50.84]- No. - Yes! -不會(huì)吧? -沒錯(cuò)

[03:54.44]Now would be a good time to wipe that horrified look off your face. 到了三個(gè)月時(shí) 你臉上就不會(huì)有這種恐懼表情

[03:56.20]Sorry, sweetie. l just... l didn't know. Where have l been? 抱歉,我只是… 不知道,到底怎么回事?

[04:01.80]You've been having sex. l've been renting videos. lt's tragic. 你只是沒有做愛 而我卻可憐到只能去租錄影帶

[04:08.64]l'm two rentals away from some free Gummy Bears. 累積的金額已可以得到 很多免費(fèi)的QQ糖

[04:10.56]- Relax. You're just in a dry spell. - l can't believe you said that. -放輕松,這只是一陣子 -真不敢相信你會(huì)這么講

[04:13.12]You're all freaked out about three times. l'm talking three months. 三次你就大驚小怪 而我說的是三個(gè)月

[04:17.48]lt's different. Not doing it when you're with someone 那不一樣

[04:20.96]means more than not doing it when you're not with someone. 有男朋友卻沒做愛 比沒有男朋友做愛還更嚴(yán)重

[04:22.48]What are you worried about? 你到底擔(dān)心什么?

[04:22.88]l thought you said everything felt comfortable and great. 你不是說一切都很順利 感覺很棒?

[04:27.96]- Yeah, well, maybe too comfortable. - What do you mean? -對,可能是太順利了 -什么意思?

[04:30.64]l farted. 我放屁了

[04:32.00]- l farted in front of my boyfriend. - And? -在我男朋友面前放屁 -然后呢?

[04:36.68]And we're no longer having sex. And he thinks of me as one of the boys. 接著我們就不做愛了 他可能把我當(dāng)成哥兒們

[04:41.16]l'm gonna have to move to another city 接著我要搬到另一個(gè)城市去 確定這個(gè)恥辱不會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)跟著我

[04:43.16]where the shame of this won't follow me.

[04:47.52]- You farted. You're human. - l don't want him to know that. -你是人,當(dāng)然會(huì)放屁 -但不想被他知道

[04:50.60]l mean, he's this perfect guy. He walks around his perfect apartment, 我是說,他是個(gè)完美的人 有間完美的房子

[04:56.36]with his perfect suit. He's just perfect, perfect, perfect! 穿著完美入時(shí)的服裝 一切就是太完美…

[04:59.12]And l'm the girl who farts. No wonder we're not having sex. 而我卻是個(gè)會(huì)放屁的女人 難怪我們不能做愛

[05:03.20]You're insane! lt's been three times. lt's perfectly normal. 你哪根筋不對了?三次而已 這相當(dāng)正常

[05:06.00]Says who? 誰說的?

[05:09.80]Say it's not the... then what else is going on? 誰說不做愛… 那么以后怎么辦?

[05:12.36]ls it normal to share a bed and not do it? 睡在一起卻不做愛 這很正常嗎?

[05:15.12]- lt depends what's normal for you. - God, l hate that. -那得看你對正常的定義 -天啊,真是討厭

[05:20.24]Who am l to know what's normal? 我又不是情場老手 我怎會(huì)知道什么才算正常?

[05:23.20]l haven't dated in a hundred years. l don't have a clue. 我又沒有身經(jīng)百戰(zhàn)的戀愛史 根本無從得知

[05:26.00]Well, three months is not normal for me. 對我來說,三個(gè)月算不正常

[05:29.36]One month was interesting. Two was numbing. 一個(gè)月時(shí)還蠻有趣的 兩個(gè)月就開始麻木

[05:32.24]Three months, l'm going out of my mind. 三個(gè)月,我可能快瘋了

[05:34.64]There are 1 .3 million single men in New York 紐約有130萬單身男性 180萬單身女性

[05:37.12]and 1 .8 million single women.

[05:42.60]Of these more than 3 million people, 總共超過300萬的單身人口

[05:42.00]about 1 2 think they're having enough sex. 卻有12%的人 覺得沒得到足夠的性愛

[05:45.56]How often is normal? 究竟多久做一次才算是正常?

[05:49.72]l have to masturbate three times a day just to make it through. 我一天得手淫三次 才能解決需求

[05:51.32]Some people take coffee breaks, l take jerk off breaks. 有些人是咖啡休息時(shí)間 我則是手淫休息時(shí)間

[05:55.40]They say the average 33-year-old woman has sex 3.5 times a week. 有人說33歲的女性 平均一星期要做3.5次

[05:60.68]l'd like to know who that woman is. 我很想知道她是誰

[06:01.88]My wife and l haven't had sex since the baby was born. 從孩子出生后 我和老婆就沒再做過愛

[06:05.56]The baby's applying to Yale next fall. 明年秋天時(shí) 小孩就要申請進(jìn)入耶魯大學(xué)

[06:07.84]Once, one time a day, but two time on special day. 平均一天一次 但特殊的日子,則一天兩次

[06:14.08]Normal is the halfway point between what you want and what you get. 所謂“正常”就是 理想與現(xiàn)實(shí)的中間點(diǎn)

[06:20.76]Even in the plough position, l could count on Samantha for sexual clarity. 就算在這混沌狀況下 莎曼珊的性愛解析仍值得信賴

[06:24.96]- Good. Move to downward facing dog. - Woof. -好,換成狗吠式 -嗚

[06:29.52]With him, l could do it every hour on the hour. 如果是他 我可以不眠不休大戰(zhàn)一場

[06:33.88]Do you think it means something if Big and l sleep together 如果大人物和我一起睡 卻不做愛

[06:37.04]but don't sleep together? 你覺得這代表什么?

[06:39.44]- The truth? - When have l ever wanted that? -說實(shí)話? -我不是一向都聽實(shí)話?

[06:42.72]- Yeah, OK, tell me. - l think there's trouble. -好,說吧 -我覺得麻煩大了

[06:45.72]Sex is a barometer for what's going on in the relationship. 做愛是檢驗(yàn)彼此關(guān)系的氣壓計(jì)

[06:47.28]l wasn't going to tell you this but... 我本來不打算說,但…

[06:54.76]- l farted. - Then move your mat away. -我放屁 -把那墊子拿走

[06:57.36]Not now. l did it in front of Big. 我不是說現(xiàn)在 我在大人物面前放屁

[06:59.52]- Huge mistake. - You think? -天大的錯(cuò)誤 -真的?

[07:03.72]- lt wasn't a choice, l'm human. - No honey, you're a woman. -又不是我能控制,我是個(gè)人 -不,你是個(gè)女人

[07:06.80]Men don't like women to be human. We aren't supposed to fart, douche, 男人不喜歡女人像個(gè)人類

[07:11.76]use tampons, or have hair in places we shouldn't. 不能放屁,灌洗,或用棉條 甚至不能有毛的地方就不該有

[07:14.52]A guy once broke up with me because l missed a bikini wax. 有個(gè)家伙因?yàn)槲覜]抹防曬蠟 和我分手

[07:16.24]l knew it. This is a watershed relationship moment. 我知道 這是我們兩人關(guān)系的轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn)

[07:21.12]- l'm never gonna be able to erase it. - Sure you will. -我一定挽救不了了 -可以

[07:24.88]Go and fuck his brains out, he'll forget all about it. 只要和他大戰(zhàn)個(gè)幾回合后 他就什么都忘了

[07:26.76]Men aren't that complicated, they're like plants. 男人沒那么復(fù)雜 他們就像機(jī)器一樣

[07:28.56]Concentrate. Quiet your insides. 集中注意力,內(nèi)心平靜

[07:31.52]- Now he tells me! - Roll over on your backs. -他在說我 -背部卷縮

[07:35.00]Take goddess pose. Let your breathing work with you. 朝天姿勢 讓呼吸在身體內(nèi)流竄

[07:39.40]ln and out. 吸氣與吐氣



[07:52.20]Would you like to go for a coffee some time? 你想去喝杯咖啡?

[07:52.40]45 minutes and three animal positions later, 45分鐘做了三種動(dòng)物姿勢后

[07:57.60]Samantha and Siddhartha were sipping green tea 莎曼珊和西達(dá)沙 坐在健康食物餐廳內(nèi)

[07:59.84]at a health food restaurant -Tofu Or Not Tofu. 一起啜飲綠茶,吃著豆制品

[08:01.96]l always feel so amazing after yoga. 我每次做完瑜珈后 就覺得精神奕奕

[08:05.04]My body feels so open, alive. Ready for anything. 通體舒暢,充滿活力 準(zhǔn)備蓄勢待發(fā)

[08:10.20]- Samantha. - Yes. -莎曼珊 -什么?

[08:15.68]l'm celibate. l practice tantric celibacy. 我是獨(dú)身主義者 必須遵守宗教禁欲

[08:21.16]- l gave up sex three years ago. - My God, why? -我三年前就放棄性愛 -天啊,為什么?

[08:24.92]Or more importantly, why? Didn't you like it? 再說一次,為什么? 你不喜歡?

[08:27.12]l loved it. l'd have sex morning, noon, and night, 我愛死了 以前無時(shí)無刻都可以做愛

[08:31.76]sometimes three women a day and l was always ready for more. 有時(shí)一天和三個(gè)女人做 但仍是欲求不滿

[08:35.08]- Well, now you're just being cruel. - No. lt was all ego. -那么你現(xiàn)在對自己太殘忍了 -這才是純粹的自我

[08:40.40]And where l am now is so much better than sex. 我現(xiàn)在的感覺比做愛還棒

[08:43.12]Come on honey, nothing's better than sex. 拜托,任何事都比不上做愛

[08:44.36]Think about really good foreplay. 想想看,很棒的前戲

[08:46.20]Your sexual energy is just starting to awaken. 開始激發(fā)體內(nèi)的性能量…

[08:52.56]Now imagine a three-year foreplay 現(xiàn)在想像 儲(chǔ)存了三年的前戲能量

[08:54.84]where all that sexual energy is coursing through your body, 充沛的性能量在體內(nèi)運(yùn)行

[08:58.88]but it never gets released. lt just recycles. 但沒有加以釋放

[09:03.20]lt builds, rises. 只是循環(huán),累積,提升…

[09:06.04]Until your entire being is humming with that electric sexual energy. 直到體內(nèi)的性能量充滿全身…

[09:14.00]My apartment's just around the corner. 我家就在街角

[09:15.52]The only thing hotter than sex... 但比做愛更棒的就是… 不做愛

[09:18.16]is not having sex. 真不可思議

[09:20.60]Amazingly, talking dirty about not having sex

[09:23.04]was the most sexually deviant act 西達(dá)沙滿口性事卻不行動(dòng)

[09:25.72]Samantha had participated in for months. 這是幾個(gè)月來最讓莎曼珊 感到興奮的性變態(tài)行為

[09:29.56]The next night when l met Charlotte for dinner, 隔天我和夏綠蒂晚餐時(shí)

[09:31.72]l'd reached my own transcendental state. Pure Mr Big obsession. 我已經(jīng)瀕臨瘋狂邊緣 滿腦子想的都是大人物

[09:36.48]第一次,他太累 接著兩次則是…

[09:37.80]The first time he was tired and the next two times...

[09:43.16]l don't know. l don't know. lt's bad, isn't it? 我不知道…很慘吧?

[09:46.60]Relax. Nothing's wrong with your relationship. 別緊張,你們兩人的關(guān)系很好

[09:50.48]- That's not all Charlotte, l... - What? -但事情并非這樣 -怎么了?

[09:54.56]l couldn't bring myself to tell her. l was afraid she'd go spontaneously deaf. 我根本沒辦法告訴她真相 我怕她聽了后,會(huì)突然變聾

[09:57.88]l'm sorry. What were you saying? 抱歉,你說什么?

[10:02.32]People put too much emphasis on the importance of sex. 人們老是把性愛看得太重了

[10:04.44]lt's not the most important thing in a relationship. 這并不是感情中最重要的事

[10:08.32]- Right. - Take Kevin and l for example. -對 -就拿我和凱文來說

[10:10.56]We've been going out for weeks and we still haven't done it. 我們已經(jīng)交往一個(gè)月了 卻還沒發(fā)生關(guān)系

[10:13.48]We touch and cuddle, but he's sweet. 但我們會(huì)撫摸擁抱 他真是太棒了

[10:17.72]He respects my boundaries and l like it. lt makes it special. There he is! 他喜歡他充分尊重我 這段關(guān)系與眾不同,他來了

[10:24.92]Meeting a friend's boyfriend for the first time is always a little tense. 和好友的男朋友第一次見面 總會(huì)有點(diǎn)不自在

[10:28.16]What if you don't like him? Or he doesn't like you? 如果你不喜歡他? 或者他不喜歡你呢?

[10:30.96]Kevin, this is my good friend, Carrie. 凱文,這是好友,凱莉

[10:32.52]- Hey, Carrie. - Hi. -你好,凱莉 -你好

[10:33.44]What if you've already slept with him? 如果你已經(jīng)和他上過床了?

[10:37.20]- You two know each other. - Kind of. -你們認(rèn)識(shí)? -算是吧

[10:39.88]- We used to go out. - Well, kind of used to go out. -我們約過會(huì) -對,算是約會(huì)

[10:44.04]You two used to go out. That's so funny. lsn't that funny? 你們兩個(gè)約會(huì)過?真是巧

[10:49.76]That's my office. l gotta take this. l'll be right back. 是辦公室打來的,我得接電話 我馬上回來

[10:56.52]- OK, when? - Three years ago. -說吧,什么時(shí)候? -三年前

[11:01.28]Three years, l can live with that. 三年前,這我能接受

[11:03.76]- Serious? - No. -是認(rèn)真的? -不是

[11:04.44]Good. Why'd you break up? 很好,為何分手?

[11:05.36]We were in different places and l just... 我們分隔兩地,但我…

[11:10.84]Carrie, we don't have time for diplomacy, just tell me. 凱莉,沒時(shí)間客套了 直接說吧

[11:12.48]He's a sex maniac. 他“做愛成性”

[11:21.16]When Charlotte discovered 而當(dāng)夏綠蒂發(fā)現(xiàn)到

[11:22.12]that Kevin had tucked his libido away for her comfort level, 凱文為了她 而強(qiáng)壓住自己的性欲時(shí)

[11:24.04]she was even more moved by his restraint. 她決定采取主動(dòng)攻勢

[11:29.20]l want you to know how much l appreciate your patience. 我希望你知道 我對你的耐心很感動(dòng)

[11:32.80]You've been so patient with me. lt shows how much you really care. 你對我這么有耐心 足以證明你很在乎我

[11:37.56]And all that waiting 長期的耐心等待 使得我們的關(guān)系更具意義

[11:39.16]is gonna make it all the more special for us now.

[11:47.28]There's only gonna be one stop, thanks. 停一個(gè)地方就好,謝謝

[12:05.88]- l don't think this is gonna work. - Why, is it me? -這樣不行 -是我的原因?

[12:09.08]No, you're great. l'm just not that sexual a guy. 不,你很棒 只是我沒那么有性趣

[12:15.20]lt's me. l know it's me. 是我的原因,我知道

[12:18.04]凱莉說你性欲很強(qiáng) 她甚至說你“做愛成性”

[12:19.12]Carrie told me you were quite sexual, in fact she used the word maniac.

[12:26.56]That was before. 那是以前

[12:29.72]- Before what? - Prozac. -什么以前? -服藥以前

[12:31.20]Yeah, l used to be such a mess. Mr Mood swing. 我以前的生活一團(tuán)糟 情緒不穩(wěn),藥物是我的救星

[12:37.80]lt's a total lifesaver.

[12:39.00]The only down side is it takes the air out of my tires. 但唯一的副作用 是讓我變成泄氣的輪胎

[12:42.40]After a while, it's kind of like a taffy pull. 經(jīng)過一陣子后 就成了變形的太妃糖

[12:44.76]- That's OK. Don't worry about it. - l don't. -沒關(guān)系,別擔(dān)心 -我不會(huì)

[12:49.84]l wish l could say l felt worse. But to tell you the truth, these days, 我或許該說這種感覺很糟 但老實(shí)說…

[12:55.08]nothing gets me down. 我不會(huì)覺得沮喪

[12:57.08]You want to watch a movie? 你想看影片嗎?

[13:03.64]Terrified of going to Mr Big's 不敢打電話給大人物的情況

[13:03.16]for what could become another platonic sleepover, 已轉(zhuǎn)變成精神性失眠癥

[13:07.44]l paced my apartment and tried not to think about our lack of sex when... 我在房里來回踱步 試著不去想我們不做愛…

[13:12.28]There they were my new neighbors, Mr and Mrs Get-it-on. 但當(dāng)我看到新搬來的芳鄰 卻肆無忌憚地瘋狂做愛時(shí)…

[13:18.56]A couple so obviously into each other there was only one thing to do... 這對情侶顯然已到忘我的境界 而我唯一能做的就是…

[13:21.44]watch. 欣賞

[13:28.08]Then something wonderful happened. My desire overcame my fear. 突然間美好的事發(fā)生了 欲望克服了恐懼

[13:31.20]Hi, it's me. ls it OK if l come over? 是我,我現(xiàn)在可以過去嗎?

[13:36.56]OK. 好

[13:39.92]Across town at the corner of Nirvana and West Third, 同時(shí)在西三街的極樂世界里

[13:39.100]Siddhartha was helping Samantha along her newfound path. 西達(dá)沙正在幫助莎曼珊 發(fā)現(xiàn)體內(nèi)的新大陸

[13:45.12]Blocks are connection to our inner life and true identities. 把所有的氣集中在體內(nèi) 與身體合而為一

[13:50.44]- You're hard. - l know. -你有反應(yīng) -我知道

[13:53.72]Our addictions and attachments are a way to block our spiritual hunger 世人對事物的執(zhí)著與迷戀 是依賴且不健康的

[13:57.72]through unhealthy and dependent ways. 將會(huì)阻礙內(nèi)在心靈的追求

[13:60.32]You're still hard. 還是有反應(yīng)

[13:60.72]- lt will go down. - So can l. -會(huì)消退的 -我也可以

[14:11.60]l showed up at his apartment feeling sexy and confident. 我以性感迷人的姿態(tài)出現(xiàn)

[14:17.00]Wearing my secret weapon skirt that really hugged my hips. 穿著我的秘密武器 那件緊貼著臀部的裙子

[14:20.16]l was ready to go. He didn't have a prayer. 我已蓄勢待發(fā),準(zhǔn)備上陣

[14:26.36]Very nice. Come on in. l'm watching the fight. 很漂亮,進(jìn)來吧 我正在看拳擊

[14:36.88]Baby. 親愛的

[14:47.60]Carrie. Come on, come on. Let me watch this. 凱莉,拜托,我想看電視


[14:60.24]Jesus! Would you knock it off? l'm trying to watch this fight. 拜托,停下來,我想看拳擊

[15:04.32]Fine, l'll leave. 好,我走

[15:05.92]What's up? Why are you acting so nuts? 怎么了?你為何這么奇怪?

[15:10.76]Maybe l'm not perfect. Maybe l don't fit into your perfect life, 我可能不夠完美 可能配不上你完美無缺的生活

[15:12.56]with your perfect apartment, and your pay-per-view fight. 完美的房子 和事先預(yù)錄的拳擊賽

[15:15.56]Maybe l should leave. 我還是走好了

[15:19.72]l stood there and waited for the obligatory, 我站在門外,給他個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)

[15:22.92]he's-coming-to-stop-me ten seconds. 希望他十秒內(nèi)會(huì)出來拉住我

[15:24.32]He didn't. 但他沒有

[15:27.40]By the time l got home l was sure he'd left an apology on my voice mail. 回到家時(shí) 覺得他應(yīng)該會(huì)打電話來道歉

[15:32.96]You have no new messages in your mailbox. 你的語音信箱沒有新留言

[15:35.44]l didn't sleep very well that night. But l wasn't the only one. 那晚我沒睡好 但我不是唯一失眠的人

[15:40.60]After a night of spiritual reading with her hunky guru, 莎曼珊徹夜閱讀 精神導(dǎo)師建議的書籍后

[15:41.56]Samantha began to feel things she hadn't felt in a very long time, 她開始重獲 長久以來失去的感覺

[15:46.08]frustrated and horny. 情欲難耐

[15:47.56]She decided it was time to put an end to her suffering. 于是她決定要終止這種折磨

[15:51.72]But just as she reached the place Krishna once called the gateway to life, 但當(dāng)她快到達(dá) 西達(dá)沙所稱的生命之門時(shí)

[15:55.04]she turned back and decided not to enter. 她突然決定收手

[15:57.80]After all, she'd come this far, she could continue not to come at all. 畢竟她已忍了這么久 她可決定要不要繼續(xù)?

[16:02.08]ln an effort to get her mind off sex, 為了消除腦中做愛的念頭

[16:05.84]Miranda had rented a five-hour Danish documentary on the Nuremberg trial. 米蘭達(dá)租了五小時(shí)的影片 在紐倫堡審訊的丹麥記錄片

[16:11.72]- lt actually worked until... - Hey, gorgeous. -效果還不錯(cuò),直到… -美女

[16:12.52]Why don't you quick drop this? She's thinking about it! 一起玩玩吧,她在考慮了

[16:17.96]Where you going so fast? l got what you want. l got what you need. 這么急要去哪? 我有你想要的,有你需要的

[16:23.24]Like every woman consumed with a relationship problem, 就像每個(gè)女人 遇到棘手的感情問題時(shí)一樣

[16:27.20]l needed a project to stop my mind obsessing 我需要找點(diǎn)事 讓自己別再胡思亂想

[16:29.68]and my hands dialing his number. 控制雙手別去撥電話號(hào)碼

[16:37.04]Three months and one week. 三個(gè)月又一星期了

[16:38.04]Miranda needed to keep her hands busy as well. 米蘭達(dá)也需要讓自己的手忙著

[16:41.56]- Did he call? - Nope. -他打來沒? -沒有

[16:43.40]- And it's been two days. - Nice color. -已經(jīng)兩天了 -顏色很不錯(cuò)

[16:49.96]- Ecru? - Egg shell. -米色? -淡黃褐色

[16:54.24]Well, l think it's over. l should never have farted. 我想我們完了 我不應(yīng)該放屁的

[16:59.84]Jesus! That's it. l've heard enough about the fart. lt's not the fart. 天啊,夠了 別再怪到放屁這件事上了

[17:04.52]l know it's not the fart. 我知道不是放屁的原因

[17:06.76]l think l'm in love with him 我覺得自己深愛著他

[17:09.16]and l'm terrified he's gonna leave me 'cause l'm not perfect. 卻又害怕 他會(huì)因我不夠完美而離開我

[17:12.76]All right. Let's put the roller down and go in the other room and talk. 好吧,把滾筒放下 到其他房間好好談

[17:18.52]The sex has stopped. He hasn't called. 沒有做愛,他也沒打來

[17:21.00]What if he never calls and three weeks from now l pick up the New York Times 如果他一直不打來 而幾星期后我在紐約時(shí)報(bào)上

[17:25.20]and read that he's married some perfect woman who never passes gas? 卻看到他娶個(gè) 從來不會(huì)放屁的完美女人呢?

[17:29.36]- When did you get obsessed? - l don't know. lt's something about him. -你何時(shí)起這么在意完美? -不知道,是他的原因

[17:34.80]You should see me around him. l'm not like me. l'm like ''together Carrie''. 你該看看我在他面前的樣子 根本不像我,只像他的附屬品

[17:38.88]l wear little outfits. You know, ''sexy Carrie'' and ''casual Carrie''. 穿著輕薄緊身的服裝 性感的凱莉,隨性的凱莉

[17:41.24]Sometimes l catch myself actually posing. lt's exhausting. 我常得偽裝自己 搞得自己很累

[17:47.56]Then stop. Why don't you show him more of this Carrie? She's pretty great. 那就別再裝了 讓他看看真實(shí)凱莉,很迷人的

[17:49.24]What if he doesn't like her. Miranda? 如果他不喜歡呢?米蘭達(dá)

[17:56.88]Oh, my God! 天啊

[17:59.08]Look at them. 看

[17:59.68]l had no idea they did an afternoon show. 天啊 我不知道他們也有下午場

[18:03.56]When a show is good, word gets around. 如果有精彩好戲 就得通告親朋好友

[18:07.40]There we were, the '90s version of matinee ladies. 大家全員到齊 九十年代的劇院仕女

[18:10.32]Who said the theatre was dead? 誰說劇場已死?

[18:12.52]Samantha, l can't believe you'd give this up on purpose. 莎曼珊 真不敢相信你會(huì)放棄這種事

[18:15.56]- Actually, l hardly miss it. - How long has it been? -我根本不會(huì)懷念 -多久了?

[18:17.88]- A hundred years. - lt never goes down, does it? -不記得了 -一直堅(jiān)挺?

[18:20.16]- Look, it's still... - Hard. -看,還是… -堅(jiān)挺

[18:24.12]Gummy Bear, please. 麻煩給我QQ糖

[18:29.60]Give me the candy! 快給我

[18:31.08]Snapping over gummy bears might be a sign that celibacy's not for you. 看你大吃QQ糖的樣子 禁欲應(yīng)該不適合你

[18:33.24]- My big pay off better be worth it. - Samantha, l don't understand you. -一切等待會(huì)有所回報(bào)的 -莎曼珊,真搞不懂你

[18:38.44]There are people starving out there and you're fasting. 對面的人好像永遠(yuǎn)欲求不滿時(shí) 而你卻在禁欲

[18:40.12]Stop complaining. At least you can take care of yourself. 別抱怨了 至少你可以自己解決

[18:42.92]l'm way beyond that point. l've given myself carpal tunnel. 我那地方已使用過度了

[18:47.20]Sure. lt's all fun until you get to know each other. 當(dāng)然,得須相互配合才有樂趣

[18:52.48]Yeah, that move's what they're famous for. 那姿勢是他們的招牌動(dòng)作

[18:55.36]lt's been an hour. How can that guy still be... 已經(jīng)一小時(shí)了 他怎么還能保持…

[18:59.04]Hard. 堅(jiān)挺

[18:60.68]l have got to try this again with Kevin. 我一定要和凱文試試

[19:01.56]We really like each other. That's got to be stronger than a drug, right? 我們都喜歡對方 愛的力量應(yīng)該比藥物強(qiáng)吧?

[19:06.64]l'm warning you ladies, if l make it to four months, l'm humping one of you. 我可警告你們 若我四個(gè)月沒做愛,得小心了

[19:14.80]- Oh, my God. - l hate them. -天啊 -我討厭他們

[19:19.28]After the second show, each of us went on with our Saturdays. 欣賞過性愛秀之后 我們決定好好利用周末假期

[19:22.60]Miranda went to get a movie and another pound of Gummy Bears. 米蘭達(dá)又去租片子 還拿到免費(fèi)的QQ糖

[19:26.96]lt's my sweetheart! You look good, baby. Good enough to eat. 寶貝,你看來秀色可餐

[19:30.64]Where you going, doll? l got what you want. l got what you need. 你要去哪兒?美女 我有你想要的,有你需要的

[19:34.08]- You talking to me? - We got a live one boys. -你和我說話? -我們對上話了,各位

[19:38.68]You got what l want? You got what l need? 你有我想要的? 你有我需要的?

[19:40.88]What l want is to get laid. What l need is to get laid. l need to get laid. 我想做愛,我需要做愛…

[19:46.84]- Take it easy, lady. l'm married. - All talk and no action. What a cafone! -別激動(dòng),我結(jié)婚了 -只說不做,沒用的家伙

[19:52.56]Yeah, she's something else. 對,她有種

[19:54.60]Samantha decided to channel her frustration at yoga. 莎曼珊決定練瑜珈來解決問題

[20:01.04]Now release and breathe. 放松,呼吸

[20:02.12]Unless you're planning to move those hands down, get them off me. 除非你的手要向下移 否則現(xiàn)在就拿開

[20:06.80]Exhale and turn around. 吐氣…

[20:09.80]She had reached the end of her path and her patience. 當(dāng)她到達(dá)生命之門時(shí) 耐心也用盡了

[20:16.72]Want a fuck? 想做嗎?

[20:28.88]Want a fuck? 想做愛嗎?


[20:36.12]Samantha spent the rest of the afternoon having multiple yogasms. 接下來的幾個(gè)下午 莎曼珊都在修練性愛術(shù)

[20:42.76]Later that night Charlotte was determined to prove she was stronger 那一晚夏綠蒂下定決心

[20:45.84]than selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. 要證明自己 比血清促進(jìn)素抑制劑更有效

[20:50.16]- lsn't your arm getting tired? - No, l think it's starting to work. -你的手不酸嗎? -不會(huì),應(yīng)該快有反應(yīng)了

[20:55.52]Charlotte, it's not, and l'm beginning to chafe. 夏綠蒂,我開始覺得有點(diǎn)痛

[21:09.16]- You OK? - Yeah. -你還好吧? -還好

[21:10.72]l've just never been in this situation before. 我只是以前沒遇過這種情況

[21:15.12]Do you think you'll ever... 你覺得你會(huì)…

[21:17.40]- Never mind. - What, think l'll ever go off it? -算了 -什么?會(huì)不會(huì)重振雄風(fēng)?

[21:20.28]- Yeah. - Nope. -對 -不會(huì)

[21:23.76]- Not even for me? - Nope. -也不會(huì)為我而興奮? -不會(huì)

[21:28.12]Wouldn't you rather be with a guy who's kind and giving 一個(gè)親切體貼

[21:31.52]and not interested in sex, 但對性不感興趣的男人

[21:34.60]than an unstable, oversexed prick, who only wants to get laid? 應(yīng)該比滿腦子只想做愛 而欲求不滿的男人好吧?

[21:42.52]Nope. 不對

[21:42.00]Once Charlotte realized she couldn't get what she thought she didn't want, 當(dāng)夏綠蒂知道 她無法獲得滿足時(shí)

[21:46.32]she couldn't imagine going on without it. 她覺得這段關(guān)系 已無繼續(xù)下去的理由

[21:50.60]Saturday night's dinner came and went with no call from Big. 整個(gè)周末夜 大人物都沒打電話來

[21:55.48]My life was suddenly shit, but my cabinets were looking fabulous. 我生活陷入灰暗期 但我的柜子卻是亮麗無比

[21:60.92]- Who is it? - Me. -誰? -是我

[22:10.00]- Surprise. - Yeah. -給你個(gè)驚喜 -是啊

[22:22.68]- What's all this? - l'm painting. -這是做什么? -在粉刷

[22:25.40]- l can see that. - Why didn't you call? -我看得出來 -你怎么不打電話?

[22:29.96]Why didn't you call? 你怎么不打?

[22:37.80]So this is where you live. 所以這就是你住的地方

[22:42.56]- About time you invited me up. - l didn't invite you. -也該是請我來的時(shí)候了 -我沒請你來

[22:45.84]l know. 我知道

[22:55.80]lt's nice. Very nice. 不錯(cuò),很漂亮

[22:59.88]No, it's not. lt's a mess. 不,一團(tuán)糟

[23:02.64]The floors need to be stripped and the curtains are... 地板要重?fù)Q,窗簾…

[23:04.84]l want to change a lot of it. 可能要來個(gè)大整修

[23:09.44]l don't know. 不知道

[23:13.00]l like it. 我喜歡

[23:19.96]l like it the way it is. 我喜歡房子的裝潢陳設(shè) 那一晚是怎么了?

[23:24.60]What was that all about the other night?

[23:26.44]That was me. Having a meltdown. 是我的原因,心情不好

[23:29.20]OK. 好吧

[23:39.56]- Nice paint. Egg shell? - Yes. -粉刷得不錯(cuò),淡黃褐色? -對

[23:52.04]Did you know that there's a couple humping outside of your window? 你知道窗戶外 有對情侶瘋狂做愛?

[23:56.84]Really? l never noticed. 是嗎?我沒注意到

[23:59.64]All l could think was, why aren't we having sex? 現(xiàn)在我腦海中想的全是 為何我們不做愛?

[24:02.88]ls this normal? What's wrong? Where are we going? 這樣正常嗎?出了什么問題? 我們怎么了?

[24:07.36]Hell, we can do better than that. 我們可以贏過他們

[24:17.92]And then he kissed me. 接下來,他吻了我

[24:19.60]Odd how normal can sometimes feel so uncomfortable. 真是奇怪 正常有時(shí)候反而令人不自在


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