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欲望都市12 Oh Come All Ye Faithful





[00:00.00] 12.07.25 08:20:00



[00:50.64]My friend Miranda was dating Thomas Anderson, 米蘭達(dá)現(xiàn)正和湯馬斯安德森 打得火熱

[00:52.84]an up-and-coming New York playwright. 他是位前途看好的劇作家

[00:53.04]Oh, God! 天啊

[01:00.88]That was wonderful. 太棒了

[01:04.24]Things were great, except for one thing. 她們進(jìn)展得很順利 只有一個(gè)問(wèn)題…

[01:05.92]l'll be right back. 我很快回來(lái)

[01:11.60]lmmediately after sex, 湯馬斯只要一做愛(ài)完 就馬上跳下床沖澡

[01:11.00]he'd hop out of bed and shower.

[01:28.80]Be right back. 馬上回來(lái)

[01:28.40]Night after night, it was the same. 每天晚上情況都一樣

[01:39.96]- l'll be right... - Yeah. -我馬上… -好

[01:40.24]She decided to confront him as soon as he dried off. 米蘭達(dá)決定等他擦干后 和他攤牌

[01:49.88]So what's with the showers? 沖澡是怎么回事?

[01:51.08]What do you mean? 什么意思?

[01:52.16]You always shower after we're done. l'm starting to feel like it's me. 每次完事后你就去沖澡 我開(kāi)始覺(jué)得好像是我的問(wèn)題

[01:57.72]Oh, no, it's not you. lt's just... 不是你,只是…

[02:01.100]- What? - Just a habit l have. -說(shuō)啊 -是一種習(xí)慣

[02:06.68]Growing up, the nuns said sex was a sin, 發(fā)育期時(shí) 修女說(shuō)做愛(ài)是項(xiàng)罪惡

[02:08.84]so l got into the habit of taking a shower after it. 所以我就養(yǎng)成沖澡的習(xí)慣

[02:13.36]Oh, the nuns. 修女

[02:16.40]Miranda suddenly realized she was dating ''Catholic guy''. 米蘭達(dá)突然恍然大悟 原來(lái)她的約會(huì)對(duì)象是天主教徒

[02:21.60]So you think the water serves as a retro baptism kind of thing? -你覺(jué)得是某種洗禮儀式? -誰(shuí)知道

[02:23.80]lf l'd known he was Catholic, l wouldn't have gone out with him. 如果早知道他是天主教徒 就不會(huì)和他出去

[02:28.84]They should wear a sign. 他們應(yīng)該掛個(gè)牌子

[02:30.56]Single people in New York rarely ask about their dates' religious background. 紐約的單身男女 很少會(huì)問(wèn)及對(duì)方的宗教信仰

[02:34.20]For the same reason, they don't ask the number of former partners 就像他們不會(huì)問(wèn)對(duì)方性伴侶數(shù)量 怕受到驚嚇

[02:38.68]- too scary.

[02:37.76]He's a rational, logical guy, in every respect but this. 他是個(gè)理性,條理分明的男人 除了這個(gè)缺點(diǎn)

[02:43.64]Clean, you forgot clean. He's a clean guy. 你忘了潔癖,他有潔癖

[02:44.24]Leave it to me to find the only religious guy still left in Manhattan. 我居然找到全曼哈頓 唯一有宗教信仰的男人

[02:48.00]New York is filled with places to worship, but it recently dawned on me 紐約是個(gè)充滿(mǎn)信仰崇拜的城市 但這點(diǎn)我最近才注意到

[02:54.92]the only time l ever heard of anyone going into one was for a singles mixer. 而我唯一知道的教徒 居然是個(gè)單身調(diào)酒師?

[02:58.16]Are relationships the religion of the '90s? 難道男女關(guān)系 已成了九十年代的宗教信仰?

[03:02.32]Raised in the church of ''be nice and don't talk with your mouth full'', 教會(huì)總是勸人內(nèi)心和善 別道人是非

[03:07.24]l decided to check out more traditional religious types in their natural habitat. 于是我決定到各教區(qū) 去深入研究宗教信仰

[03:11.68]As l watched people leaving church, l was amazed at how they looked. 當(dāng)我看他們走出教堂時(shí) 時(shí)髦入時(shí)的穿著真令人訝異

[03:16.64]Valentino, Escada, Oscar de la Renta. 范倫鐵諾,艾斯卡達(dá),奧斯卡

[03:18.64]What is it about God and fashion that go so well together? 上帝信仰與時(shí)尚流行 居然能相互應(yīng)合?

[03:24.84]And suddenly, there he was wearing Armani on Sunday... 突然間我看到穿著亞曼尼的…

[03:28.52]Mr Big. 大人物

[03:31.36]lt was a shock. 著實(shí)嚇了我一跳

[03:33.88]Until that moment l thought he only believed in the Yankees. 我居然以為他唯一的信仰 就是崇拜洋基隊(duì)

[03:42.12]- Hello there churchgoer. - Hey... -你好,上教堂的男士 -凱莉

[03:47.60]- What are you doing here? - Research. -你怎么在這里? -做研究

[03:50.36]l'm doing a column on closet Presbyterians. You know any? 有關(guān)深居簡(jiǎn)出的長(zhǎng)老會(huì)教徒 你有認(rèn)識(shí)的人?

[03:52.12]Actually l'm an atheist, but don't tell the minister. 事實(shí)上我是個(gè)無(wú)神論者 但千萬(wàn)別告訴牧師

[03:56.24]- Who's the mystery woman? - My mother. -那位神秘的女士是誰(shuí)? -我母親

[04:03.68]- l take her to church every Sunday. - Really? -我每星期天和她一起上教堂 -真的?

[04:06.28]l'm so loving that. How come you never told me? 我真高興,你怎么沒(méi)告訴我?

[04:12.12]Well, you write every Sunday, so... 你星期天要寫(xiě)作,所以…

[04:12.44]So every Sunday... Church. 所以星期天就…上教堂

[04:16.100]Right. 對(duì)

[04:23.76]l've got 20 minutes before my game. Why don't we have a coffee? 離球賽開(kāi)場(chǎng)還有20分鐘 我們?nèi)ズ缺Х劝?

[04:27.96]l can't. l'm on deadline and this cappuccino just kicked in, so... 不行,今天是截稿日 何況我剛買(mǎi)了卡布奇諾

[04:30.64]- So? - Bye. -所以… -再見(jiàn)了

[04:37.20]God bless. 老天保佑你

[04:39.68]lt was one of those awkward relationship moments 這真是兩人關(guān)系中 最尷尬的時(shí)刻

[04:42.88]where you feel like you know nothing about the person 當(dāng)你對(duì)一個(gè)人了若指掌時(shí)

[04:42.96]you thought you knew everything about. 卻在某個(gè)時(shí)刻 讓你覺(jué)得其實(shí)你不了解他

[04:47.64]He goes to church with his mother? That can't be good. 他和老媽一起上教堂? 這不是好現(xiàn)象

[04:48.60]Don't listen. A man who cares for his mother makes a wonderful husband. 別聽(tīng)她胡扯 會(huì)關(guān)心母親的人一定是好丈夫

[04:54.16]- l think it's sweet. - All religions are sweet -我覺(jué)得很窩心 -所有宗教都有這種特質(zhì)

[04:56.08]until you get to that shower after sex phase. 直到你發(fā)現(xiàn)完事后居然要沖澡

[04:58.48]- Oh, my God, is he still doing that? - lt's amazing he has any skin left. -天啊,他還這樣? -對(duì),奇怪的是他居然沒(méi)脫皮

[05:01.04]Have you tried showering with him? 你試過(guò)和他一起沖澡?

[05:04.92]No. He might pull out garlic and a cross. 沒(méi)有 我怕他拿出蒜頭和十字架

[05:06.20]Which church does his mother go to? 他母親上哪個(gè)教堂?

[05:10.60]- Park Avenue Presbyterian. - The best church on the East Side. -公園大道長(zhǎng)老教會(huì)堂 -那是東區(qū)最棒的教堂

[05:12.56]Are you rating churches? ls there a guide for that? 你在為教堂評(píng)分嗎? 有教堂指南?

[05:16.72]Four stars, great bread, disappointing wine selection. 四顆星,圣餐不錯(cuò) 酒則令人失望

[05:18.20]l'm dying to meet his mother. Can you imagine? 我很想見(jiàn)見(jiàn)他母親 你們能想像嗎?

[05:23.12]Getting on with his mother is like closing the deal. 多與男友母親建立關(guān)系 那么離結(jié)婚之路就不遠(yuǎn)了

[05:28.16]- l'm sorry l'm late. - Well, it's about time. -抱歉,我遲到了 -你也該出現(xiàn)了

[05:30.88]l just had a five-hour lunch with James. 我剛和詹姆斯 吃了五小時(shí)的午餐

[05:33.84]Five hour lunches, l remember those. 五小時(shí)的午餐?不用想也知道

[05:35.44]Ladies, l have an announcement. Please don't laugh. 姐妹們,我有事宣布 但不能笑

[05:38.48]What? 什么?

[05:39.40]- l'm in love. - What? -我戀愛(ài)了 -什么?

[05:42.08]Samantha uttering those words to us was an event as unfathomable 這句話(huà)從莎曼珊口中說(shuō)出來(lái)

[05:46.96]as Moses parting the Red Sea. 就像摩西過(guò)紅海一樣 不可思議

[05:52.92]lt all started a couple of weeks ago on a Wednesday night. 事情發(fā)生于 幾周前的星期三夜晚

[05:54.100]Samantha decided to treat herself to a night of great music. 莎曼珊決定一個(gè)人 好好享受音樂(lè)

[06:04.28]l couldn't help but notice how you move to the music. lt's beautiful. 我被你隨音樂(lè)搖動(dòng)的迷人模樣 所吸引住

[06:07.12]- Well, l love jazz. - That's pretty clear. -我喜歡爵士樂(lè) -看得出來(lái)

[06:13.00]- Are you a musician? - Yeah. -你是音樂(lè)家? -對(duì)

[06:16.00]- Trapped in the body of a lawyer. - Well, we won't tell anyone. -但被困在律師的身分下 -我不會(huì)向別人說(shuō)

[06:22.44]- May l join you? - Sure. -可以一起坐嗎? -歡迎

[06:32.40]After they closed the jazz joint, they walked and talked for blocks. 爵士酒吧關(guān)門(mén)后 他們沿街散步聊天

[06:36.36]You have to at least try one of the glazed. 你至少吃一口澆糖的 吃了后像身處天堂

[06:37.64]lt's a little bit of heaven.

[06:42.72]Heaven. And l never thought l'd get there. 天堂?我從沒(méi)想過(guò)會(huì)到天堂

[06:47.60]Why not? 為什么?

[06:49.72]An angel like you? 像你這樣美麗的天使

[06:52.08]And then Samantha did something rather shocking for a first date. 接著莎曼珊做了件 她第一次約會(huì)時(shí)不會(huì)做的事

[06:55.04]She didn't ask him home. 她沒(méi)邀請(qǐng)他回家

[06:59.12]Thanks, James. l had a wonderful time. 謝謝,詹姆斯,我玩得很愉快

[07:04.80]- Can l see you again? - l'd love that. -我能再見(jiàn)到你嗎? -當(dāng)然

[07:09.64]With that one touch, Samantha, who was never a believer in relationships, 在輕柔的觸摸后

[07:16.44]suddenly became a convert. 從不相信愛(ài)情的莎曼珊 突然變成虔誠(chéng)的信眾

[07:18.00]l'd totally given up on the idea that you could actually talk to men. 我根本不覺(jué)得 女人可以和男人聊天

[07:20.80]- Don't spread that around. - Before James, -別影響我們 -在詹姆斯面前

[07:24.16]all my conversations consisted of two sentences. 我想說(shuō)的話(huà)只有兩句

[07:27.28]''Give it to me.'' And, ''Go home''. 快上床,回家

[07:31.12]- And l owe it all to Charlotte. - Me? -我欠你,夏綠蒂 -欠我?

[07:33.92]- What did l do? - That bullshit you spout about -我做了什么? -就是你那些荒謬?yán)碚?/p>

[07:37.08]not sleeping with men right away actually paid off. 一切長(zhǎng)久的等待都會(huì)有所回報(bào)

[07:39.80]lf l'd fucked James already, who knows where we'd be. 如果我已經(jīng)和詹姆斯上床 誰(shuí)知道我們現(xiàn)在會(huì)怎樣

[07:42.36]- Wait. You haven't had sex yet? - Soon. -慢著,你們還沒(méi)上床? -快了

[07:48.52]You know, l think he's someone l could actually marry. 我覺(jué)得他應(yīng)該是我 可以托付終身的人

[07:52.92]Samantha, that's great. 莎曼珊,太好了

[07:57.08]The idea of Samantha getting married before she did 莎曼珊有可能比她 更早踏入禮堂的念頭

[07:59.48]shook Charlotte's beliefs to the core. 徹底震驚了夏綠蒂

[08:03.12]She took drastic action. 她采取了激烈動(dòng)作

[08:05.12]She went to see Noanie Stine, psychic to the stars, 她去找專(zhuān)為巨星們服務(wù)的 靈媒諾妮史坦

[08:08.04]who lived in a brownstone between Central Park West and Columbus. 她住在中央公園西區(qū) 和哥倫布大道之間的高級(jí)住宅

[08:11.60]- ls this you and Madonna? - We go to the same cabala class. -這是你和瑪?shù)つ鹊暮险? -對(duì),我們一起上秘教課程

[08:19.52]Now... 現(xiàn)在

[08:21.64]Pick three cards, face down, with your left hand. 用左手選三張牌,牌朝下

[08:25.88]Charlotte had heard about Noanie through a sorority sister 夏綠蒂?gòu)膵D女會(huì)的姐妹口中 知道靈媒諾妮

[08:27.96]whose marriage she had very accurately predicted. 她正確預(yù)言了她們的婚姻狀況

[08:31.68]OK, is there one question in particular? 好,有什么特別想問(wèn)的?

[08:38.36]Well, no, just... 沒(méi)有,只是…

[08:40.84]There is. When will l get married? 好吧,我什么時(shí)候會(huì)結(jié)婚?

[08:49.68]Ace of wands, prosperity. A點(diǎn)魔杖代表成功

[08:53.24]Nine of cups, strength and independence. 九點(diǎn)圣杯代表權(quán)力和獨(dú)立

[08:58.80]The hanged man, a new awakening. 上吊者代表自我的覺(jué)醒

[09:01.60]You're a strong, independent woman with great success in your future, 你是個(gè)堅(jiān)強(qiáng)獨(dú)立 事業(yè)成功的女性

[09:06.96]but l don't see marriage. 但我看不到婚姻

[09:09.52]- Excuse me? - l don't see it. -對(duì)不起? -我沒(méi)看到婚姻

[09:12.84]- What? - l don't see marriage. -什么? -我沒(méi)看到婚姻

[09:18.40]How can you just say that like that? 你怎么可以說(shuō)這種話(huà)?

[09:20.08]l mean, what about my feelings? 你這么說(shuō),不怕傷害到我?

[09:24.96]Honey, l'm a psychic, l'm not a shrink. 我是靈媒,不是心理醫(yī)生

[09:27.52]So, who is this fabulous mother, 你迷人的母親是怎樣的人?

[09:31.24]and when do l get to go to church with you two? 我何時(shí)可和你們一起上教堂?

[09:33.40]- You want to go to church? - You say it like l'm the antichrist. -你想上教堂? -你好像覺(jué)得我是反基督教者

[09:39.36]No, it's just l never thought of you as the church type. 不是 只覺(jué)得你不是那種上教堂的人

[09:44.32]Really? What type am l? 是嗎?那我是哪種人?

[09:47.84]The beautiful and intelligent type. 漂亮又聰明的女人

[09:52.16]- What religion are you? - No particular religion. l'm open to all. -你信仰什么宗教? -我是什么都信,自由開(kāi)放

[09:59.96]- Kind of like a Seven Eleven? - Come on! -聽(tīng)來(lái)像便利商店 -拜托

[10:01.12]l want to go to church with you and your mommy. 我想和你們一起上教堂

[10:03.32]- How about this Sunday? - Well... -這星期天可以嗎? -這個(gè)…

[10:07.08]it's just a private little thing my mother and l do, just the two of us. 這是我和我媽之間的私人聚會(huì)

[10:18.72]Wanna go to the Caribbean next week? 下星期想去加勒比海?

[10:20.32]Sure, l'll go pack my jet ski. 好,我會(huì)準(zhǔn)備滑雪板

[10:24.08]No, l'm serious. We could use a vacation. Come on. 我說(shuō)真的 我們可以好好利用假期,好吧

[10:28.28]The sun, the sand, and you waiting on me. 陽(yáng)光,海灘,只有我們兩個(gè)

[10:32.28]- Can you get away? - Yeah, but l can't afford it. -你可以去嗎? -可以,但我付不起

[10:34.36]l'll tell you what. l'll buy the tickets. 這樣吧,機(jī)票我出

[10:35.00]When we arrive you can buy me one big 我們到圣巴托羅時(shí) 你再請(qǐng)我喝一杯瑪格利塔


[10:56.00]- Wait. l want to hold you. - l'll be right back. -等一下,我想抱你 -我馬上回來(lái)

[10:60.80]Stay here a second. 一會(huì)兒就好

[11:04.96]- lsn't this nice? Us, together? - Yeah. -很棒吧,抱在一起 -對(duì)

[11:10.20]l'm just gonna go shower and then l'm all yours. 我去沖個(gè)澡 然后就任由你處置

[11:13.20]There's nothing sinful about sex. 做愛(ài)根本不是罪惡

[11:20.48]Really? Well, thanks for clearing that up. 是嗎,謝謝你幫我贖罪

[11:22.72]What is that, The Gospel According To Miranda? 出自米蘭達(dá)福音書(shū)?

[11:25.84]You're gonna say that God made the body 接下來(lái)你要說(shuō)什么? 上帝創(chuàng)造人體

[11:30.80]and sex is an expression of that body, 性只是人體的自然呈現(xiàn)

[11:33.40]So how can anything made by that God-made body be considered sin? 人體是上帝創(chuàng)造的 怎么會(huì)是罪惡?

[11:35.24]Well, yeah. 沒(méi)錯(cuò)

[11:38.56]lt's a miracle, l'm healed! You're free to go work with the lepers now. 是奇跡,我痊愈了 你治愈了麻瘋病患者

[11:44.20]l guess this means l'm not going to hell. Great news! 我想這代表我不用下地獄了 真是天大的好消息

[11:47.28]Thank you, Miranda, for saving my immortal soul. 謝謝你拯救了我不朽的靈魂

[11:51.08]ln her effort to help, 米蘭達(dá)想幫忙的舉動(dòng)

[11:53.68]Miranda had accidentally detonated some kind of Catholic guilt bomb. 卻突然讓她陷入 天主教的罪惡感中

[11:58.12]l'm gonna go take a shower. 我要去沖個(gè)澡

[11:60.52]When l come out, l'd like it if you weren't here. 我出來(lái)時(shí),希望你已不在了

[12:05.80]You got it. 沒(méi)問(wèn)題

[12:05.40]Six months later, that same speech 六個(gè)月后,相同的對(duì)話(huà)出現(xiàn)在

[12:09.16]would find its way into Thomas Anderson's hit off-Broadway play,

[12:09.16]湯馬斯安德森大為轟動(dòng)的 百老匯劇“羞恥之浴”之中

[12:11.12]Shower Of Shame.

[12:16.04]Meanwhile downtown, Samantha was preparing to see God. 同時(shí)在市中心 莎曼珊則準(zhǔn)備去會(huì)見(jiàn)上帝了

[12:23.60]l know it's only been a couple of weeks, 雖然我們只交往幾星期 但我愛(ài)你,莎曼珊

[12:27.04]- but l love you, Samantha. - l love you, too.


[12:40.28]l can't wait any longer. Just unzip and get over here. 親愛(ài)的,我不能再等了 解開(kāi)拉練,上床吧

[12:56.80]- OK, l'm ready. Put it in. - lt is in. -我準(zhǔn)備好了,進(jìn)來(lái)吧 -已經(jīng)進(jìn)去了

[13:04.52]Samantha said a little prayer that he was kidding. 莎曼珊祈禱他不是在開(kāi)玩笑

[13:06.92]He wasn't. 但他真的不是開(kāi)玩笑

[13:09.08]Sunday morning. A time for rest, for relaxation... a time for spying. 星期天早晨 是休息,放松…盯梢的日子

[13:17.68]The plan was simple. Just get a look at the mother, 計(jì)劃很簡(jiǎn)單,只要看到他母親

[13:21.56]then we'd go for eggs. 我們就走人

[13:23.20]Look how crowded it is. What a sham. 人居然會(huì)這么多,一群偽君子

[13:25.92]Will you lighten up? lt's Presbyterian, not Catholic. 看清楚,這是長(zhǎng)老會(huì)教堂 不是天主教堂

[13:29.48]Whatever. Catholics, Episcopalians, Buddhists, Shakers, Quakers. 都一樣,天主教,圣公會(huì) 佛教,震顫教,貴格教

[13:31.04]All the same, all designed to fuck up our sex lives. 這些宗教都一樣 目的就是要破壞性生活

[13:35.68]Here, pray. 祈禱

[13:38.44]- There they are. - Where? 他們?cè)谀沁?/p>

[13:41.12]Right there. -哪里? -就在那邊

[13:40.04]As l watched Mr Big standing quietly next to his mother, 當(dāng)我看著大人物 站在他母親身旁時(shí)

[13:46.28]tall, proud, respectful, 高大,自豪,彬彬有禮

[13:49.40]l think l fell a little bit more in love with him. 覺(jué)得自己更愛(ài)他了

[13:51.88]Let us pray. 大家祈禱

[13:52.52]- We come together... - We're out of here. -今天我們齊聚一堂… -走了

[14:10.52]Here they come. Let's make a break for it. 他們來(lái)了,我們走吧

[14:13.52]They saw me, l have to say hello. l can't just pray and run. 他們看到我了,我得打聲招呼 我不能這樣就溜了

[14:16.28]There they are. OK go, l'm fine. 他們來(lái)了,走吧,我可以

[14:25.68]Aren't you the young lady who made all that noise? 這不是那位引起騷動(dòng)的女士?

[14:28.32]- Slippery gloves. Morning. - Good morning. -手套太滑了,早 -早

[14:31.80]- lt's a lovely church. - Yes, isn't it? -這教堂真漂亮 -對(duì)

[14:34.40]- Don't you think it's lovely? - Mother, this is my friend, Carrie. -你不覺(jué)得很漂亮? -媽?zhuān)@是我朋友,凱莉

[14:39.76]l searched her face for the light of recognition. 我想從她臉上找尋 對(duì)我似曾相似的印象

[14:42.44]But there was nothing. Carrie Carrie. 但什么表情都沒(méi)有 凱莉…

[14:46.40]l'll just say good-bye to the pastor. lt was lovely meeting you. 我去和牧師說(shuō)聲再見(jiàn) 很高興見(jiàn)到你

[14:54.40]- ''My friend, Carrie''? - You show up after l asked you not to. -我朋友?凱莉 -我說(shuō)過(guò)叫你別來(lái)

[14:57.76]Are you trying to test me? 你是想考驗(yàn)我?

[14:60.04]Why the interest in meeting my mother? 你為何這么有興趣見(jiàn)我媽?

[15:02.44]Has she ever even heard of me? 難道她沒(méi)聽(tīng)過(guò)我?

[15:03.80]My mother doesn't need to meet another girlfriend. 我母親不需見(jiàn)過(guò)我所有女朋友

[15:07.92]l didn't mean... 我不是…

[15:12.80]l mean, l'll introduce you as my girlfriend when l'm sure. 我是說(shuō)等我真正確定后 我會(huì)向她介紹你

[15:19.12]- l have to do things on my time frame. - Time frame? 我必須照著自己的步驟來(lái)


[15:24.88]We've been going out for months.

[15:28.48]l really don't know what else to say to you. 我不知道我還能說(shuō)什么

[15:33.84]We'll get there. You just need a little faith. 我們會(huì)到那個(gè)階段的 只需要有點(diǎn)信心

[15:36.00]- Faith? - Yeah. -信心? -對(duì)

[15:40.32]ln a couple of days we're going away. We'll have time to talk. 我們?cè)僬視r(shí)間好好談

[15:40.92]Now l've got to get my mother home, OK? 現(xiàn)在我要送我母親回家 好嗎?

[15:43.36]Well, go. 走吧

[15:46.04]Just go. 走

[16:06.56]Move over. 坐過(guò)去點(diǎn)

[16:13.88]l didn't leave. You didn't seem fine. 我沒(méi)走,你看來(lái)很不好

[16:17.00]He introduced me to his mother as a friend. 他向他媽介紹我是他朋友

[16:20.04]She'd never heard of me. That isn't a good sign. 她根本沒(méi)聽(tīng)過(guò)我的名字 這不是好現(xiàn)象

[16:29.64]- Maybe they're not that close. - Don't lie. You're in a church. -或許他們沒(méi)那么親近 -別說(shuō)謊,你是在教堂內(nèi)

[16:37.76]l can't get inside. 我打不進(jìn)他的生活圈

[16:42.32]l don't know what else l can do. 我不知道還能做什么

[16:45.88]Later that night in the church of disco, 那晚在迪斯可酒吧中

[16:49.20]Stanford invited everyone he knew to a party to introduce a new fragrance - 史丹佛邀請(qǐng)大家出席 介紹最新的香水

[16:53.44]Fallen Angel. 墜落天使

[16:57.76]Hi, Carrie. 凱莉

[16:59.52]Also, he wanted to show off his new boyfriend, Allanne. 也順便展示一下 他的新男友亞倫

[17:04.08]lsn't this fun? lt's like hell with a cover charge. 好玩吧? 像不像要收服務(wù)費(fèi)的地獄

[17:10.96]Carrie, this is Allanne. 凱莉,這是亞倫

[17:11.24]- Hi, nice to meet you finally. - You, too. -你好,終于見(jiàn)到你了 -也終于看到你了

[17:14.84]Did l tell you that Allanne designed the Fallen Angel bottle? 我有說(shuō)過(guò)墜落天使的香水瓶 就是由亞倫負(fù)責(zé)設(shè)計(jì)?

[17:18.40]- Yes, congratulations! - Thank you. -恭喜 -謝謝

[17:23.68]Excuse me for a second. l just saw someone l want to say hello to. 對(duì)不起,失陪一下 我要過(guò)去打聲招呼

[17:32.04]You know what we did today? 你知道我們今天做了什么?

[17:34.32]We shopped for deco cabinet handles for his armoire. 我們?nèi)ス涞耧椧鹿竦陌咽?/p>

[17:39.08]l've turned into one of those couples we hate, and l love it! 變成一副老夫老妻的模樣 但我很喜歡這種感覺(jué)

[17:41.64]Stanford and Allanne worshiped the same god... 史丹佛和亞倫崇拜相同的東西 時(shí)尚流行


[17:47.24]So you all excited for the big vacation? 到加勒比海度假很興奮吧?

[17:50.92]l don't know. 不知道

[17:51.60]l can't help feeling like it's some sort of consolation prize 我覺(jué)得這次度假 好像有點(diǎn)安慰性質(zhì)

[17:53.52]- for not letting me in his life. - What is going on with you two? -是希望我別介入他的生活 -你們倆到底怎么了?

[17:59.28]- We're not in the greatest place. - What happened? -我們步調(diào)不一樣 -怎么了?

[18:02.52]He wouldn't introduce me to his mother. 他沒(méi)把我介紹給他母親認(rèn)識(shí)

[18:06.24]Ouch. 天啊

[18:08.20]Thanks. 謝謝

[18:12.32]Skipper, hi. 史奇普

[18:14.88]lt seems Stanford had invited everyone in his Rolodex. 看來(lái)史丹佛 好像把認(rèn)識(shí)的人全請(qǐng)來(lái)了

[18:16.08]l was hoping l'd see you here. 我希望在這里能見(jiàn)到你

[18:20.36]l've been thinking about you since we broke up. 我們分手后,我就一直想著你

[18:22.72]- You have? - Totally. -是嗎? -真的

[18:25.80]- You look great. - Thanks. -你看來(lái)很漂亮 -謝謝

[18:29.00]So do you. 你也很帥

[18:31.60]Miranda looked at Skipper. 米蘭達(dá)看著史奇普 分隔后讓他們重新擦出火花

[18:35.76]The months apart had shed new light on him.

[18:36.76]Actually they'd shed new light on his shower-free feelings about sex. 事實(shí)上也重燃米蘭達(dá)的希望 性愛(ài)后不用再忍受沖澡的行徑

[18:42.64]Later we tracked Samantha to the ladies' room 稍后我們?cè)谂瘖y室 找到莎曼珊

[18:43.100]to get the low-down on her love life with James. 逼她供出和詹姆斯的性愛(ài)生活

[18:47.20]We've been looking for you everywhere. 我們到處找你

[18:50.68]So, how is everything? 情況如何?

[18:51.08]She means have you and James done it yet? 你和詹姆斯做了沒(méi)?

[18:55.12]And? 結(jié)果呢?

[18:59.92]- lt's nice. - l'm so happy for you. -很好 -我真為你高興

[19:06.16]- Sweetie, what is it? - Nothing. -怎么了? -沒(méi)什么

[19:16.32]What's going on? Why are you crying? 怎么了?你為何哭?

[19:19.08]James has a small dick. 詹姆斯有個(gè)小弟弟

[19:23.40]- lt's not the end of the world. - lt's really small. -這又不是世界末日 -是非常小

[19:26.28]- How small? - Too small. -多小? -很小

[19:27.36]- Size isn't everything. - Three inches? -尺寸不能代表一切 -三英寸?

[19:30.60]- Well... - Hard. 還沒(méi)到

[19:32.88]ls he a good kisser? -他的吻功不錯(cuò)吧? -誰(shuí)在乎?

[19:33.00]Who cares? His dick is like a gherkin!

[19:36.16]他的弟弟像個(gè)小黃瓜 我很難過(guò),真的

[19:37.68]l feel so terrible. Listen to me. l'm a bad person.

[19:40.68]Don't beat yourself up. You had expectations, you're disappointed. 別對(duì)自己失去信心 期望過(guò)高,失望越大

[19:46.64]Why? 為什么?

[19:48.52]Why does he have to have a small dick? l really like him. 為什么他的弟弟這么小? 我是真的喜歡他

[19:52.32]- l thought you loved him. - Well... -我還以為你愛(ài)他? -這…

[19:54.08]- We've all been there. - That's for sure. -這種事我們都經(jīng)歷過(guò) -沒(méi)錯(cuò)

[19:57.56]l was once with a guy the size of one of those little miniature golf pencils. 我曾和個(gè)家伙交往 他的弟弟像只高爾夫鉛筆一樣

[20:02.84]l couldn't tell if he was trying to fuck me or erase me. 我根本分不清他是想和我上床 還是想把我擦掉?

[20:07.12]l'm sorry, it's just... it's funny. 對(duì)不起,只是蠻好笑的

[20:09.88]Let's not lose perspective. There are ways to work around it. 別失去信心 他總有其他優(yōu)點(diǎn)來(lái)彌補(bǔ)不足

[20:12.56]l don't want to work around it. l love a big dick. 我不要其他優(yōu)點(diǎn) 我就是愛(ài)大熱狗

[20:16.04]l love it inside of me. l love looking at it, l love everything about it. 我喜歡它在里面的感覺(jué) 喜歡看著它,怎樣都好

[20:23.60]When l blow him, it's like... 當(dāng)我?guī)退诮粫r(shí)… 什么反應(yīng)都沒(méi)有


[20:27.28]Nothing. -和他談?wù)? -不

[20:29.08]- Can you talk to him about it? - No.

[20:31.76]lt's the only thing we can't talk about. 那是我們唯一不能談的話(huà)題

[20:37.60]What am l gonna do? 我該怎么辦?

[20:39.52]How is he with his tongue? 他的舌功如何?

[20:45.60]Charlotte left us all behind telling us she had another party to go to. 夏綠蒂丟下我們 前往參加另一個(gè)聚會(huì)

[20:52.92]She took a cab to a part of town never mentioned in the New Yorker. (神靈夫人 薩泰里阿教秘密儀式)

[20:50.32]她搭計(jì)程車(chē)前往一個(gè) 紐約客雜志上從未提過(guò)的區(qū)域

[20:57.12]Will l ever get married? 我會(huì)結(jié)婚嗎?

[21:02.16]l call the power of all the saints. Saint Lazarus, Saint Rosa. 召喚眾圣者們的神靈 圣者拉撒路,圣者羅莎

[21:07.16]Send me your guidance. Send me the truth. 引領(lǐng)我,賜予真相

[21:14.88]Send me an answer. 給予解答

[21:27.40]No yolk. 沒(méi)有蛋黃

[21:29.12]What does that mean? 這代表什么意思?

[21:32.68]You'll never be married. 你這一輩子都不會(huì)結(jié)婚

[21:37.56]You are cursed. 你受到詛咒

[21:39.76]But do not worry. For $100, we can remove it. 別擔(dān)心 只要100美元就能化解厄運(yùn)

[21:49.68]The entire way home Charlotte berated herself for being foolish. 回家路上夏綠蒂痛罵自己是 天下第一號(hào)大笨蛋

[21:52.96]She simply refused to give into the idea that she would never get married. 她決定把不會(huì)結(jié)婚的詛咒 拋諸腦后

[21:57.84]All she had to do was keep believing and it would happen. 她只要心存信心就會(huì)美夢(mèng)成真

[22:04.20]At 3:00am in the church of disco, 凌晨三點(diǎn)的狄斯可酒吧里

[22:07.56]Miranda couldn't believe what she was about to say. 米蘭達(dá)對(duì)她即將要說(shuō)出的話(huà) 感到不可置信

[22:12.28]- You want to spend the night? - The night? The whole night? -你想一起過(guò)夜? -過(guò)夜?一整晚?

[22:15.56]Yeah, the whole night. 對(duì),一整晚

[22:20.92]- l knew we'd get back together. - You did? -我就知道我們會(huì)復(fù)合 -是嗎?

[22:28.08]Every night l'd light a candle and say a little prayer. 每天晚上我都點(diǎn)上蠟蠋禱告

[22:32.36]You're a freak. 你是個(gè)怪胎

[22:33.04]Samantha tried desperately to believe that love was stronger than sex. 莎曼珊則極力說(shuō)服自己 相信“愛(ài)勝于性”

[22:41.40]Why are you crying? 你怎么哭了?

[22:44.96]l'm just so happy. 我喜極而泣

[22:50.32]l stayed up all night questioning my faith in faith. 我整晚睡不著,質(zhì)疑自己 對(duì)“信心”的相信程度

[22:55.72]l mean, hadn't l had faith in us all along? 難道我對(duì)這段這感情 一直沒(méi)有信心?

[23:02.36]Faith that all the withholding would stop... 相信所有困難會(huì)迎刃而解

[23:08.80]- Faith that he'd say, ''l love you.'' - Let's go! -相信他會(huì)說(shuō)“我愛(ài)你” -走吧

[23:11.20]Hurry. We're gonna miss the plane. 快,不然趕不上飛機(jī)

[23:15.36]Wait. Put them down a second. Just put them down. 等等,先放一下,放下來(lái)

[23:21.72]OK. What? 好,怎么了?

[23:26.00]l need a sign. 我需要一個(gè)征兆

[23:29.76]l mean, you told me to have faith, but see, 你告訴我要有信心,但…

[23:33.88]l'm kind of losing mine, so... l need a sign. 我卻失去信心 所以我需要一個(gè)征兆

[23:40.20]Like in those old religious movies? You want a voice from above? 就像傳統(tǒng)的宗教電影一樣 需要來(lái)自天上的聲音?

[23:45.92]Just tell me l'm the one. 告訴我,我是你的唯一

[23:49.96]You don't have to tell your mother or the whole world, just... 你不必告訴你母親或任何人 但只要…

[23:53.64]Just tell me. 只要告訴我

[24:12.96]l can't do this. 我做不到

[24:16.00]Carrie... 凱莉

[24:18.12]Carrie, just get in the car, please. 凱莉,上車(chē),拜托

[24:24.36]l can't. 我不行

[24:28.96]l love you, but l can't. 我愛(ài)你,但我做不到

[24:34.08]So that's it? 結(jié)束了?

[25:06.92]After he left l cried for a week. 大人物離開(kāi)后 我整整哭了一個(gè)禮拜

[25:10.48]And then l realized l do have faith... 后來(lái)我才了解 自己并沒(méi)有喪失信心

[25:13.24]Faith in myself. 我相信自己

[25:15.96]Faith that l would one day meet someone 相信有一天會(huì)遇到白馬王子

[25:20.76]who would be sure that l was the one. 他會(huì)相信我是他的唯一


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