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欲望都市第六季 禍從口出 Pick-a-Little, Talk-a-Little





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:51:25



[00:35.92](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:60.96]In New York City, it is a statisticaI fact... 在紐約,有個統(tǒng)計數(shù)字

[01:05.04]that once every seven minutes, an unsuspecting woman... 每七分鐘 就會有一名女性無意間…

[01:10.20]Shut the fuck up! -閉嘴 -與演員約會

[01:11.24]...dates an actor. 放開我,我老公馬上回來了

[01:13.48]Let me go. My husband will be home any minute!

[01:14.76]For Samantha, one of the perks of dating Jerry the actor... 對莎曼珊來說 和演員杰瑞約會

[01:18.16]was getting to stage fuII-scaIe fantasy productions. 讓她能把自己的各種性愛幻想 發(fā)揮到極致

[01:21.96]Please don't hurt me. l'll do anything. 拜托,別傷害我 我都聽你的

[01:25.36]Just shut the fuck up! 閉嘴,給我閉嘴

[01:29.32]You are really good. -好酷 -閉嘴,聽到?jīng)]?

[01:29.100]l said, shut the fuck up.

[01:34.76]No, you shut the fuck up, and fuck me before my husband gets home. 閉嘴,趁我老公還沒回來前 快來炒個飯,快點


[01:38.92]And then he pretended to tie my hands behind my back... 然后他就假裝 把我的雙手捆綁起來

[01:41.80]and the whole time he kept screaming, ''Shut the fuck up.'' 炒飯時 他一直大叫“閉嘴…”

[01:45.68]l tell you, it is so refreshing... 和一個喜歡變換新花招的人 在一起,真是棒呆了

[01:49.68]to be with someone who likes to fuck outside the box.

[01:53.16]-And this is my friend, Samantha. -The wallflower. Right. -她就是莎曼珊 -是啊, “壁花”

[01:58.16]That is incredibly offensive. 太可怕了 對女人施暴可不是開玩笑的

[01:59.80]Violence against women is a very serious issue.

[02:03.68]Please, it was a fantasy. Fantasies can't be censored. 拜托,那只是性幻想 不用接受審查吧

[02:05.40]Actually, l think the Supreme Court is working on that right now. 事實上最高法院 目前正針對這方面在努力

[02:08.68]All fantasies are healthy and harmless. Don't you agree? 任何幻想都是健康無害的 你們同意吧?

[02:13.24]You know, as a guy, l've always been under the impression... 我以男人的立場來說

[02:15.60]that rape, or anything in the rape family... 只要是任何涉及強暴 或性暴力的事都是不好的

[02:19.40]is just not a good idea.

[02:21.36]Can l go home now? 我可以回家了嗎?

[02:23.40]There is no greater sound than your friends Iaughing at your new boyfriend's jokes. 看到姐妹淘對新男友的笑話 哈哈大笑,心里真是得意

[02:27.56]That's not the only scenario we play. 我們的戲碼可不止一出

[02:28.56]Sometimes he's Senator Smith, or Principal Smith. 有時他會扮成史密斯參議員 史密斯校長或史密斯獄友…

[02:34.00]-Cellmate Smith-- -Okay, moving on. 換個話題吧,米蘭達 和房地產(chǎn)商進行得如何?

[02:36.12]Miranda, how was your date with the real estate guy?

[02:37.48]Actually, it wasn't horrible. He was kind of cute, and funny, and.... 還不算太糟 他很風(fēng)趣、迷人…

[02:43.64]Hello? 你好

[02:44.24]Dr. Smith, thank you for returning my call. 史密斯醫(yī)生,謝謝你回我電話

[02:49.24]Excuse me, he thinks l may have the mumps. 失陪一下 他說我得了腮腺炎

[02:53.72]Yes, l'm swollen. -對,很腫… -打得火熱

[02:54.00]Now, that's hot.

[02:58.24]So how did the date end? -你的約會怎樣了? -他陪我走回家…

[02:60.76]He walked me home.... -抱歉,女人間的八卦… -不…沒關(guān)系,受不了再說

[03:02.96]-l'm sorry, are you maxed-out on girl talk? -No, l'm good.

[03:07.64]l'll let you know. 好,后來他在門前向我吻別 我邀請他上來

[03:09.92]So he kissed me goodnight at the door, l invited him up.

[03:13.16]He couldn't because he had an early meeting. 他說隔天早上要開會 吻別后,他說會打給我

[03:15.68]We kissed again. Then he said he'd call.

[03:16.04]Two kisses. Very promising. -兩個吻,很有希望 -但他沒上來?

[03:18.76]You think, even though he didn't come up?

[03:20.52]Definitely. lt means he likes you, but he wants to take it slow. That's nice. 對,那表示他喜歡你 但他想慢慢來

[03:24.92]Berger, what do you think? 柏格,你覺得呢?

[03:28.56]You really want to know? -想聽實話? -對,我需要男人的意見

[03:31.00]Please, l would love to have a man's opinion for a change.

[03:33.08]All right. l'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you. 好吧,我不想騙你 他并沒那么哈你

[03:37.64]He's just not that into you.

[03:39.04]-That's not true! -Don't listen to him. -才不是 -別聽他胡扯

[03:44.08]No, l'm intrigued. Elaborate. 不…我倒想聽聽看

[03:46.48]Look, l'm sorry, but when a guy's really into you... 如果這家伙很哈你,他會上樓 才不管什么會議

[03:51.84]he's coming upstairs, meeting or no meeting.

[03:53.56]That is ludicrous! What about extenuating circumstances? 太可笑了 那些情有可原的狀況呢?

[03:58.20]What about you're stressed out, you're on deadline, you have a migraine? 你不是常說壓力大 或是偏頭痛?

[03:60.48]Or a lot of guys are afraid of getting their feelings hurt... 很多男人也害怕感情受傷

[04:05.76]and they don't want to ruin a friendship. -還有,他們不想毀了友誼 -或是害怕自己的感覺

[04:05.04]Or they're freaked out by their own feelings.

[04:10.12]There's a lot of push-pull out there. A lot of mixed messages. 錯綜復(fù)雜,各種因素都有

[04:11.32]Yeah, l have to say that's all coat for, ''He's just not that into you.'' 對,但這些藉口可以解讀成 他沒那么哈你

[04:15.60]l'm sorry, but with guys it's very simple. 對不起,但男人是很簡單的

[04:17.76]lf we're into you, we're coming upstairs. We're booking the next date. 如果他喜歡你,就會上樓 再約下一次

[04:22.48]There are no mixed messages. -沒那么錯綜復(fù)雜 -沒有?但…

[04:25.16]No mixed messages? But--

[04:27.16]l've spent my whole life deciphering mixed messages. 但我花了一輩子時間 在解讀男人說的話

[04:28.12]l've made a whole career of it. -我還把它當(dāng)成職業(yè) -天啊,他不哈我

[04:30.64]Wow. He's just not that into me.

[04:37.80]-沒那么哈我 -別理他

[04:39.44]Honey, ignore this person. He doesn't know what he's talking about.


[04:44.24]You're fired.

[04:46.64]Look, if he's not into you, the guy's obviously a weenie, so-- 就算他沒眼光吧…

[04:49.80]No, l love it. 不,謝謝你 這是我聽過最棒的解放言論

[04:49.20]lt is the most liberating thing l have ever heard.

[04:53.76]Think how much time and therapy l could have saved over the last 20 years... 如果我20年前早點知道 就不用白浪費時間,接受治療

[04:57.48]if l had known this. 我還是覺得他會打電話給你

[04:59.56]l still think the real estate guy is gonna call.

[05:01.92]l think you've got an uncomfortable e-mail coming your way, you know? 我覺得你可能會接到 討厭的電子郵件寫說…

[05:03.24]Something like, ''Sorry l haven't called. 我沒辦法打電話 因為我沒有電話

[05:06.20]''l'm in a place in the world where they don't have phones.''

[05:10.48]l love him. 和知心好友共度夜晚 最棒的就是能整夜盡情聊她們

[05:12.56]The best part of a night out with your friends...

[05:15.76]is taIking about them aII the way home.

[05:15.56]Charlotte is a trip, Samantha's hilarious. They all are. 夏綠蒂很有趣 莎曼珊超好笑的,你們都一樣

[05:21.24]-They thought you were hilarious. -How do you not love Miranda? -她們覺得你才好笑 -你怎么不愛米蘭達?

[05:22.32]l know. l love her. And l love that you loved her. 我當(dāng)然愛她,我喜歡你也愛她

[05:27.28]God, she loved you. They all did. 她愛你,她們都愛你

[05:30.44]And they're a tough crowd. -我的姐妹淘可不好應(yīng)付 -我也是

[05:33.72]-l'm a tough crowd. -Okay, your choice: 選一個 乳脂軟糖?還是堅果口味?

[05:36.80]Fudgesicle or Nutty Buddy?

[05:38.72]Oh, my God! l wanted this one. We're perfect! 不會吧,我選這個 我們真速配

[05:44.48]When you went to the men's room, they were-- 如果你要去上洗手間… 我話太多了?

[05:46.36]-Stop. -What, am l talking too much?

[05:48.76]No, l wanna say something and l don't want you to say anything back, okay? 不是,我有話要說 但你不用回答,好嗎?

[05:51.44]You promise?

[05:53.84]l love you. 我愛你

[05:55.72]l love you, too. And l'm not saying it because you said it to me. l promise. 我也愛你 我沒說,是因為你叫我別說

[06:01.56]l was gonna say it before. l've been thinking it the whole night. 我早就想說了 一整晚都想著這句話

[06:05.76]l love you. l just wanted to say it again on my own. 我愛你,我想自己再說一次

[06:11.60]In my euphoric state... 在這種極度亢奮的狀況下

[06:13.20]I knew there was onIy one kind of person who couId toIerate me. 只有一個人能容忍我

[06:14.40]l'm in love, too! l'm so happy for you. 我也談戀愛了 真替你感到高興

[06:19.48]lt's the fastest l've ever said, ''l love you,'' but l could not hold it in my mouth. 我從沒這么快說出這句話 但我就是憋不住

[06:23.76]And why should you? There's no reason. You're in love. -干嘛不說?你戀愛了 -我戀愛了

[06:26.52]-l'm in love. -l love Harry so much, it hurts. 我好愛哈利…愛到心痛

[06:30.52]Sometimes l look at Berger, and he's so cute... 有時我看著柏格 帥到我真想捏他的臉

[06:31.08]l just wanna squeeze his face off!

[06:34.76]This Friday night is my first official Shabbos. 這星期五是我第一次 過猶太教的安息日

[06:37.36]So l am cooking a big, traditional dinner for Harry. 我要幫哈利 準(zhǔn)備一桌傳統(tǒng)的大餐

[06:43.44]-l'm so excited to finally be a real Jew. -Here's your brisket, lady. -真興奮,我要成為猶太人了 -小姐,你的牛胸肉

[06:46.80]Listen, l said lean. 我要的是瘦肉

[06:56.64]Just when I thought my week couIdn't get any better... 這一周的心情真是好到不行

[06:57.92]I came home to find a IittIe surprise from Berger. 當(dāng)我回到家 又收到柏格寄來的小驚喜

[07:01.72](潘朵拉颶風(fēng) 杰克柏格著)

[07:05.76](我知道你愛我 但也愛我的書嗎?)

[07:15.72]From Berger's book to Samantha's books. 從柏格的新書 到莎曼珊的戲碼…

[07:22.20]l'm sorry, Ms. Jones... 對不起,瓊斯小姐 你欠美國政府30萬元稅金

[07:22.60]but you owe the U.S. Government $300,000 in back taxes.

[07:27.84]But, Auditor Smith, l don't have that kind of money. 史密斯稽查員,我沒那么多錢

[07:29.72]What are you going to do, take the shirt off my back? 你打算怎么辦?沒收襯衫?

[07:35.52]Take the shirt off my back. 把襯衫脫掉

[07:42.76]Now this is what l call internal revenue. 這才是我要繳的“國內(nèi)稅收”

[07:50.72]In my fantasy, Hurricane Pandora wouId be briIIiant. 而在我的幻想中 “潘朵拉颶風(fēng)”將是本杰作

[07:53.48]In reaIity... 事實上…

[07:56.88]it was. 也是如此

[08:04.52]lf you're still not finished, it's all over between us. -如果你還沒看完,就太遜了 -我剛看完,真的

[08:08.64]l just finished it, just this minute. l swear.

[08:10.88]Did you stop for meals? -連飯都不吃了? -我看了兩天,有四百頁

[08:12.88]lt's been two days. lt's 400 pages.

[08:16.84]-Well, l can't date a slow reader. -Are you done? -看書這么慢怎么當(dāng)我馬子? -說完了沒?

[08:17.24]The question is, are you done? -說完了,你呢? -看完了

[08:19.56]Yes, l'm done, and if you would shut your trap... 如果你不再碎碎念 我就告訴你我的想法…

[08:24.32]l could tell you...

[08:26.68]that l love, love, loved it. 我愛死了…

[08:29.40]l loved it! 愛死了

[08:31.04]Except for one huge problem. 只有一個大問題

[08:35.28]You have your leading lady running all over town wearing a scrunchy. 你居然讓女主角戴著發(fā)圈 在城里趴趴走

[08:41.12]-發(fā)圈 -綁頭發(fā)的,哪里不對?

[08:42.88]The hair thing? What's wrong with that?

[08:45.40]Nothing, unless you're writing about women in Manhattan. 沒什么不對 除非她住在曼哈頓

[08:47.88]ln which case, where do l begin?

[08:50.48]What are you talking about? Many New York women wear scrunchies. 你在說什么? 一大堆紐約女人會戴發(fā)圈

[08:55.36]ln the bathroom maybe, when they're washing their faces. 也許在浴室里吧 當(dāng)她們洗臉時

[08:58.64]You're full of shit. 胡扯,我每天都在紐約 看到女人戴發(fā)圈

[08:58.12]l've seen women every single day all over New York City wearing scrunchies.

[09:02.40]But here's the thing. Here's my crucial point. 好吧,但我的重點是…

[09:07.08]No woman who works at W magazine and lives on Perry Street... 在雜志社工作 住在佩里街的女人

[09:08.04]would be caught dead at a hip, downtown restaurant... 絕不會戴著發(fā)圈 出現(xiàn)在市中心的時尚餐廳里

[09:13.32]wearing a scrunchy.

[09:17.32]Man, it's a good thing l came along... 這可是寶貴的意見

[09:20.00]because you may know the fellows, but l know the ladies. 你也許很了解男人 但我可是女性專家

[09:22.36]Great. 好吧

[09:24.56]Okay, can l read you my favorite part? -我來念我最愛的章節(jié) -算了,別再談書的事了

[09:28.72]No, l'm done talking about the book.

[09:30.60]Are we ordering in? 叫外賣?

[09:35.08]He completely shut down. Why? 然后他就閉口不談

[09:37.56]Why did l have to get up on my sassy horse and ruin everything? 我干嘛口無遮攔胡言亂語 壞破了一切?

[09:43.52]Yeah, sass will bite you on the ass. -對,愛亂講話可有苦頭吃 -最難過的是,我好愛他的書

[09:45.12]And the thing that kills me is l love the book.

[09:45.32]l could have gushed about it all night. 我有一整夜可以大放厥詞 干嘛劈頭就讓他面子掛不住?

[09:49.40]Why did l have to go straight to the negative and just pick at it?

[09:52.92]Because you're in a relationship. 男女朋友常會這樣 史蒂夫常被我批評得體無完膚

[09:53.08]l used to pick at Steve about everything: the way he held his fork, his grammar...

[09:56.68]他吃飯的樣子、文法 還有惡心的指甲

[09:56.64]-his dirty fingernails. -Used to? -過去式了? -看來他新女友有得受了

[10:01.04]He has a new girlfriend for that now. Debbie.


[10:04.24]-Do you think Debbie picks at Steve? -Of course. -你覺得黛比也會百般挑剔? -那還用說,女人天生如此

[10:05.00]All women pick. lt's in our DNA. lt's our little way of showing that we care.


[10:09.00]l think l made it abundantly clear just how much l care. 現(xiàn)在我終于搞懂了 原來我這么在乎他

[10:15.08]You have to work it out with him. Berger has single-handedly changed my life. 你得好好和他溝通 柏格可是大大改變了我的一生

[10:19.24]l still haven't heard from the real estate guy, but it's fine. He's just not that into me. 那家伙還是沒和我連絡(luò) 算了,他沒那么哈我

[10:23.60]l think, right now, Berger's just not that into me. -柏格也沒那么哈我吧 -好好和他溝通

[10:24.100]So talk to him about it.

[10:28.80]You two seem like you could laugh your way through anything. 你們很速配 在一起笑聲不斷

[10:31.16]Yeah, it's that kind of thinking that got me into this in the first place. 這也是一開始 我會喜歡上他的原因

[10:35.24]One of the signs that a femaIe goriIIa is in Iove... 當(dāng)母猩猩對公猩猩心生愛意時

[10:39.32]is that she can be seen picking nits off her maIe companion. 母猩猩會幫它 “挑”身上的虱子

[10:52.12]And yet, in humans, nit-picking can ruin a perfectIy good evening... 但對人類來說 愛挑剔卻會毀了美好夜晚

[10:56.40]not to mention a reIationship. 甚至毀了男女關(guān)系

[10:58.88]Women are known to be more verbaI than men. 有個不爭的事實 女人比男人善于溝通

[10:59.08]But when does criticism that's constructive become destructive? 但建設(shè)性的批評在什么時候 會變成破壞性的言論?

[11:06.36]Are there times when the Iadies shouId just shut the fuck up? 女人該適時閉緊嘴巴嗎?

[11:16.60]The next morning, another woman was making too much noise. 隔天一大早 有位熟女則制造太多噪音了

[11:22.08]What on earth is all that banging? 到底在敲什么?

[11:24.04]Good morning, Mrs. Collier. l'm a Jew now. How are you? 柯利爾太太,早 我現(xiàn)在是猶太人了,你好

[11:37.68]l know he'll call eventually. 他一定會打來的

[11:38.64]He's just going through a really hard time right now. 他一定很難熬 不景氣,上司被解雇

[11:39.76]His boss got laid off. 米蘭達趁午餐時間 查了她的無線掌上電腦

[11:43.44]Later, on her Iunch hour, Miranda checked her BIackberry.

[11:44.68]There it was. 沒錯,柏格預(yù)言的那封 討厭電子郵件來了

[11:47.12]The uncomfortabIe e-maiI Berger had predicted.

[11:50.36]Then, when they get busy, it's like, ''l can't call. l'm so stressed.'' 男人每次一忙就會說 “我沒辦法打電話,忙死了”

[11:54.96]But he's gonna call. -他一定會打,剛好廚房翻修 -事情太多了

[11:58.12]-And his kitchen's being rewired. -lt's all so complicated.

[11:60.60]-That's a two-day process. -At least. 得花兩天的工程,要全部拆掉

[12:03.68]Excuse me, l couldn't help but overhear your conversation... 對不起 我無意中聽到你們的談話

[12:08.40]and l hope what l'm gonna say will save you a lot of time and energy. 希望我說的話 能讓你們不用浪費時間和精神

[12:13.44]He's just not that into you. 他沒那么哈你,忘了他吧 祝你們愉快

[12:15.24]So move on.

[12:17.24]Have a great day.

[12:19.80]Having passed on the gospeI to these New York women... 米蘭達把“福音” 傳播給這兩位癡情女后

[12:22.68]Miranda couId onIy hope they wouId spread the word far and wide. 她希望這個真理 能散播到全世界

[12:27.36]-Bitch. -Who the hell asked her? -賤人 -誰問她了?

[12:29.52]Not me. 可不是我,紐約到處是瘋子

[12:31.44]-l know you didn't. -Crazy people in New York.

[12:34.00]-He is so gonna call you. -l know. -他一定會打給你的 -那還用說

[12:36.40]And as two women's fantasies were being shattered... 當(dāng)這兩名女子的幻想破滅時

[12:38.48]another's were being brought to Iife. 另一位熟女的幻想 正春花朵朵開


[12:46.76]Detective Smith, Department of Homicide. 刑事組的史密斯警探

[12:50.44]l'm afraid l'm gonna have to ask you some questions, ma'am. 要向你請教些問題

[12:53.88]Why, certainly, Detective. Am l in some kind of trouble? 怎么了?我有了麻煩嗎?

[12:56.28]-Two martinis, please, straight up. -Yes, ma'am. -兩杯純馬丁尼 -給我塞爾茲礦泉水

[12:60.16]-Actually, make mine a seltzer. -Of course, you're working.


[13:04.60]But, you know, Detective... 大偵探,小酌一下不打緊

[13:06.60]one little drink won't kill you.

[13:11.68]-He'll have a martini. -No, it's a seltzer. -給他馬丁尼 -還是礦泉水

[13:13.76]Seriously, Samantha, l'm in AA. -我正在參加嗜酒者互誡協(xié)會 -那句話倒讓莎曼珊清醒了

[13:17.04]That sobered Samantha right up.

[13:18.48]Totally fucked up for eight years in Seattle.... 過去八年來 我常醉得不省人事…

[13:20.12]You know, l just realized. l have a presentation first thing in the morning. 我剛想到明天一早有個會議…

[13:28.48]So, sorry. 抱歉了

[13:33.08]Jerry had taken the fantasy into dangerous territory. 杰瑞剛將幻想帶入 危險的境地…

[13:35.04]ReaIity. 真實生活

[13:39.76]-Two martinis. -No, dude, l said a seltzer. -兩杯馬丁尼 -不對,我要的是礦泉水

[13:41.08]MeanwhiIe, CharIotte was hard at work on her fantasy roIe.: 同時,夏綠蒂正努力扮演 幻想中的角色瑪莎史都華

[13:44.88]Martha Jewart. 猶太布丁放進烤箱了 而薄餅湯圓正在煮

[13:48.56]The kugel's in the oven, the matzo balls are boiling.

[13:49.56]lt's three hours till Shabbos. We should start braiding the challah. 再三個鐘頭就是安息日了 來弄白面包卷吧

[13:53.64]Doesn't Shabbos mean ''day of rest,'' i.e. ordering in? “安息日”不是休息日嗎? 可以叫外賣

[13:56.44]We're wearing aprons. Do you own aprons? 我們穿了圍裙 你家有圍裙嗎?

[13:60.28]-The challah! -Okay, you don't have to holler. -白面包卷來了 -不用大呼小叫的

[14:03.16]Miranda, like this. 米蘭達,像這樣…

[14:09.76]l don't know what l'm doing. Why did you call me over here? 我根本不知道怎么弄 你干嘛打電話叫我來?

[14:13.12]Because l didn't want to spend the entire week saying, ''Guess you had to be there.'' 我想找個伴 所以就把你找來了

[14:16.68]Did Harry's friend ever call you? 哈利的朋友打電話給你沒?

[14:17.100]Yes. As a matter of fact, l'm seeing him tonight. 有,晚上我會和他見面 就穿這樣去約會吧?

[14:20.36]You think l can get away with this outfit?

[14:22.76]Definitely, the apron softens you. 可以啊 你穿上圍裙比較有女人味

[14:25.96]Can you read me what's next, after it's braided? 幫我看一下 卷完面團后要做什么?

[14:31.92]With her high schooI boyfriend, CharIotte doodIed. 夏綠蒂為了高中男友 還寫了心情日記

[14:34.12]With Harry, she Jew-dIed. 而為了哈利 她努力成為猶太人

[14:37.96]l think it calls for... 接下來應(yīng)該是加兩杯 哈利約克葛登布拉特

[14:40.48]two cups of Mrs. Harry York-Goldenblatt.

[14:43.44]Did l miss something? Did you get married while l was at work? 你該不會趁我上班時 跑去結(jié)婚了?

[14:46.04]No, but that's where we're headed. -沒有,但我們有這打算 -你忘了加夏綠蒂約克布拉特

[14:49.48]You forgot Charlotte Yorkenblatt.

[14:52.40]Actually, l've been making some calls... 事實上 你們覺得十一月如何?

[14:54.20]and l was wondering how you both felt about November.

[14:59.56]November? For what? -十一月?做什么? -舉行婚禮

[14:59.32]For our wedding.

[15:03.32]Most of the synagogues are booked through the fall. -在那之前排滿了猶太教聚會 -我沒問題

[15:05.24]-November works for me. -Has Harry even proposed yet?

[15:05.40]-哈利向你求婚沒? -米蘭達

[15:08.56]No, but he will. 還沒,但他會提的

[15:11.76]Aren't you counting your matzo balls before they rise? 那不是八字都還沒一撇?

[15:15.56]Miranda, zip the lip. 別說了

[15:18.92]We have an understanding about our future. 我們彼此有共識 這種事不用拿出來討論

[15:18.20]We don't have to talk about it all the time. lt's b'shert.

[15:20.72]-一切順理成章 -什么意思?

[15:22.20]-l don't know what that means. -lt's meant to be.


[15:28.40]l would never have gone through all this trouble... 如果沒把握,我不會自找麻煩

[15:32.44]if l didn't know for sure that we were getting married.

[15:33.56]l'm sorry, l just don't want to see you get hurt again. 對不起 我只是不希望你再受到傷害

[15:43.20]And ever since her reaIity check with Jerry... 自從莎曼珊看清 現(xiàn)實中的杰瑞后

[15:46.76]Samantha had no interest in seeing him again. 她就對他興趣缺缺

[15:50.92]However, when a certain government officiaI caIIed... 但當(dāng)她接到政府人員的電話時

[15:52.40]she was more than happy to take a meeting. 她倒是很樂意見一見

[15:60.80]Secret Service Agent Smith, if you're here... 史密斯特務(wù)

[16:00.48]你跑來這里 現(xiàn)在誰來保護總統(tǒng)?

[16:04.48]who's protecting the President?

[16:05.64]You know, l changed my mind. 我改變心意了 我們來玩點更火辣的

[16:07.52]l thought of something even hotter for us to play.

[16:11.04]Hotter than Secret Service sluts? -比扮演風(fēng)騷女特務(wù)更火辣? -對

[16:15.60]l'm me, you're you. 我演自己,你也演自己 開始吧


[16:21.04]You know, when l told you the other night l was in AA, you bolted. 你一聽到我在戒酒,拔腿就跑 怎么回事?

[16:27.12]What's up with that? 杰瑞,對吧?

[16:30.52]lt is Jerry, isn't it?

[16:30.100]l'm afraid we want different things. 我想我們要的東西不一樣

[16:35.16]You want to tell me all about you... 你希望我認(rèn)識真正的你 但我不想

[16:37.44]and l don't want you to tell me all about you.

[16:38.64]lt spoils the fantasy. 這樣會讓幻想破滅

[16:42.84]-That's harsh. -Yeah, l am harsh. -真無情 -對,我很無情

[16:47.20]l'm also demanding, stubborn, self-sufficient, and always right. 也要求很高、固執(zhí) 自給自足,眼光一向正確

[16:50.56]ln bed, at the office, and everywhere else. 在床上、辦公室 生活上都是如此

[16:52.84]-l already knew that. -And that's just a little bit about me. -這我知道 -你只知道一點點

[16:58.96]All right, cool. 好吧,酷

[16:59.84]Let me tell you one little thing about me. -我要告訴你我的事 -這有點…

[17:02.40]-See, this is exactly-- -At least let me tell you my last name.

[17:03.60]我想讓你知道我姓什么 杰洛德

[17:07.08]lt's Jerrod.

[17:11.44]Your parents named you Jerry Jerrod? 你父母幫你取名 叫做杰瑞杰洛德?

[17:14.84]-No wonder you drank. -Right. -難怪你常喝醉 -是嗎?

[17:18.52]There wouId stiII be accountants and undercover agents in their future. 莎曼珊和杰瑞往后還是會 上演特務(wù)的戲碼

[17:20.52]But that night, Samantha and Jerry got off on pIaying themseIves. 但那一晚他們卸下面具 扮演自己

[17:27.68]MeanwhiIe, I was Iooking forward to putting the scrunchy moment behind us. 同時我也在努力化解 我們之間的發(fā)圈心結(jié)

[17:36.00]UnfortunateIy, it was staring us in the face. 說時遲那時快 它就剛好出現(xiàn)在眼前

[17:44.96]Okay, l'm sorry to have to do this... 對不起,我不得不提

[17:47.04]but l do believe we are in the presence of a scrunchy. 但前面剛好有個 戴發(fā)圈的女士…

[17:49.40]l also do believe, and correct me if l'm wrong... 如果我錯了,歡迎指教

[17:52.68]that we are in New York City proper. 因為這里正好是紐約

[17:56.96]This woman does not appear to be washing her face. 而這位女士也沒在浴室里洗臉

[17:58.28]She appears to be standing in line at a hip, downtown restaurant. 又剛好出現(xiàn)在 市中心的時尚餐廳里

[18:04.24]So it kind of kills your New York woman theory. 這可推翻了 你對紐約女人的理論

[18:10.92]Tough break, Bradshaw. 踢到鐵板了,女性專家

[18:12.68]-She's not from New York. -What? -她不是紐約客 -什么?

[18:16.16]Doesn't matter. Did they say how long the wait was gonna be? 算了,還要等多久?

[18:19.72]Excuse me. Hi, l'm sorry to bother you. 對不起,打擾一下

[18:21.40]We're just wondering what part of New York you live in. 不知道你住在紐約哪一區(qū)?

[18:27.88]Me? 我?天啊

[18:31.60]l am from Macon, Georgia. 我從喬治亞州梅肯來的

[18:34.28]But thanks, you made my whole day. 謝謝你,我快樂翻天了

[18:35.04]Honey, did you hear that? These people think l live in New York. 親愛的,聽到?jīng)]? 他們以為我是紐約客

[18:42.12]l'm so hungry. When are they gonna let us sit down? 我餓扁了 什么時候可以入坐?

[18:46.80]Downtown, over curried Iamb and chutney... 米蘭達在市中心大啖 咖哩羊肉加酸辣醬的美食后

[18:47.16]Miranda found herseIf pIeasantIy surprised by CharIotte's matchmaking skiIIs. 對夏綠蒂的媒人眼光贊賞有加

[18:53.04]That was one spicy biryani! -印度比爾亞尼菜真辣 -沒錯,辣到嘴都麻了

[18:56.16]l know, l've lost all feeling in my tongue.

[18:59.92]Listen, l know a great place around the corner if you wanna get coffee. 你想喝咖啡嗎? 我知道附近有間很棒的店


[19:05.76]l wish l could, but l really should call it a night.

[19:11.12]lt's fine, l understand. 沒關(guān)系,我了解

[19:14.20]You're just not that into me, and it's okay. l get it. 你只是沒那么哈我 沒關(guān)系,我懂

[19:16.72]No, l like you. 不是,我喜歡你 但我真的得走了

[19:19.56]l just really have to go.

[19:22.68]-Paul, come on, you can stop lying. -l am not lying. -保羅,別騙人了 -我沒騙你

[19:26.32]Come on, be a man. Tell the truth. 像個男子漢,說實話

[19:30.24]l have diarrhea. 我想拉肚子

[19:34.40]ApparentIy there is one rare exception to Berger's ruIe... 看來保羅是柏格理論的 特殊案例

[19:38.40]and it often invoIves curry. 因為咖哩的關(guān)系

[19:40.36]After dinner, Berger ate banana cream pie and I ate my words. 用餐后,柏格點了香蕉派吃 我則因說錯話而努力彌補

[19:43.16]Another thing l loved... 我也好喜歡你將 修女會的電話比喻成街燈柱

[19:45.36]was the way you used the sister's phone calls as little landposts.

[19:49.68]l mean, landmarks... 當(dāng)做地標(biāo)、路標(biāo)…總而言之…

[19:51.88]or mileposts.

[19:54.76]Anyway l just loved how those sort of punctuated the story. 讓整個劇情生色不少 很棒的點子

[19:57.56]lt was just a really nice touch.

[20:02.36]Oh, my God, the introduction.... Brilliant! 對了,還有序文,太優(yōu)了

[20:05.84]You're instantly on this guy's side, even though he's a complete mess. 你宛如男主角的化身 雖然他是個大呆瓜

[20:12.20]You know, you really just nailed him. 真是一針見血

[20:21.20]WhiIe I was working overtime.... 當(dāng)我正在加班,努力彌補時

[20:24.48]CharIotte's work was finaIIy coming to an end. 夏綠蒂的工作終于接近尾聲了

[20:26.80]Harry, you can come on in now. Sorry it's so late. -哈利,快來 -這是什么?

[20:30.64]What's all this? 為了慶祝我們第一次過安息日 我費了一點心思

[20:32.28]Since it's our first Shabbos together, l wanted to make it a little special.

[20:34.96]A little? This is phenomenal. 一點心思?這可是豐盛大餐

[20:36.84]l just need to get the candles and then we can say the bracha. 現(xiàn)在只要點上蠟燭 就可以唱圣歌了

[20:51.24]Come on. 加油

[20:55.32]Honey, please turn that off. We're about to eat. 親愛的,電視關(guān)掉,要用餐了

[21:06.28]lt smells incredible. 香味四溢 你居然還做了牛胸肉,棒呆了

[21:06.12]And you made brisket. l cannot believe you made brisket.

[21:46.28]-Good Shabbos. -Good Shabbos, sweetie. -安息日愉快 -安息日愉快

[21:53.48]l cannot believe you made all this. 真不敢相信 你居然做了一整桌菜

[21:55.44]-What did l do to deserve you? -l feel the same way. -我到底積了什么好陰德? -我也有同感

[22:01.44]l've been thinking about blessings... 我常想到“恩賜”這個字 你就像是神賜的恩典

[22:04.68]and you are such a blessing to me.

[22:05.80]What are you.... 你在…

[22:10.68]-Why is the TV on? -lt's on mute. -電視怎么還開著? -我切到靜音

[22:13.16]Mute? We're having Shabbos dinner. -靜音?我們在吃安息日晚餐 -這場比賽很重要

[22:15.92]lt's a big game, honey. 現(xiàn)在馬上關(guān)掉…

[22:15.64]Turn it off. l want you to turn it off right this minute.

[22:19.20]-But it's-- -Off now. -但是… -快關(guān)

[22:21.20]Let me just watch this one pitch. 只差一球…

[22:22.00]l gave up Christ for you and you can't give up the Mets? 我為你放棄了耶穌基督 你卻不愿意放棄紐約大都會隊

[22:25.96]lt's gonna be a long life if you keep that up. 別老是用這個藉口,沒完沒了

[22:28.04]''l gave up Christ for you, take out the trash. 我為你放棄了耶穌基督 把垃圾拿出去倒,襪子撿起來

[22:31.64]''l gave up Christ for you, pick up your socks.''

[22:34.100]Do you have any idea how hard l worked to prepare this meal for you? 你知道我為了準(zhǔn)備這頓晚餐 多么煞費苦心嗎?

[22:38.36]l went to Zabar's every day this week... 這禮拜每天都到扎巴超市報到

[22:42.08]l had to make 30 matzo balls... 我做了30個薄餅湯圓 只有4個成功

[22:44.48]just to get four that were the right size and shape.

[22:48.24]Not to mention the months of studying and cramming like a maniac... 更別提幾個月來像個瘋子 努力成為猶太人

[22:52.68]to convert to Judaism. And what have you done for me?

[22:56.20]而你為我做了什么? 說個日子,快點

[22:57.28]Set the date.

[22:60.68]What are you talking about? 你在說什么?

[23:00.84]You said you couldn't marry me unless l was Jewish... 你說我要是個猶太人才能娶我 現(xiàn)在我是猶太人了,選個日子

[23:05.76]and now l'm Jewish. Set the date!

[23:07.60]You're acting crazy! Do you hear yourself? 你現(xiàn)在的樣子像個瘋子

[23:08.88]Do you know how lucky you are to have me? 你知道你有多幸運嗎? 你知道我們看起來像什么?

[23:13.20]Do you know how we look?

[23:15.08]Do you know what people out there think when they see us together? Do you? 我們出雙入對時 你知道人們怎么評斷我們?

[23:20.28]Yeah, l know what people are thinking. 我知道人們怎么想 但我不知道你也是其中之一

[23:22.16]l just didn't think you were one of them.

[23:24.52]FinaIIy it was CharIotte who was on mute. 夏綠蒂終于閉嘴了

[23:29.72]l don't need this. 我不用受這種罪

[23:31.80]l'm leaving. 我走了

[23:35.16]To think l bought a ring. 我居然還買了戒指

[23:42.72]The Mets won that night, 5 to 4. 那晚大都會隊以五比四獲勝 但夏綠蒂卻一敗涂地

[23:45.92]But CharIotte Iost everything that mattered to her.

[23:48.36]l just remembered another hilarious part. 對了,其中有個橋段很棒

[23:51.28]And Iater, on the corner of 73rd and mea cuIpa.... 稍后就在73街轉(zhuǎn)角上 我也得到報應(yīng)了…

[23:55.32]You know the scene where the dishwasher guy... 就是洗碗工用湯匙 把麥片裝回盒子那一幕

[23:58.72]is spooning up the Rice Chex and he's putting them back in the box?

[24:02.80]lt's perfection. How did you come up with that? 棒呆了,你怎么想到的?

[24:05.80]-lt's so lame. -No, it was not. lt was hysterical. -真遜 -哪會?超爆笑的

[24:08.36]l'm not talking about the book. l'm talking about what you're doing right now. 我指的不是書 而是你現(xiàn)在的舉動

[24:13.20]l just wanted you to know how much l loved your book... 我只是想讓你知道 我好喜歡你的書,真的

[24:18.40]because l did. 對不起,我不該批評發(fā)圈的事 弄得一團亂

[24:19.32]And l'm sorry l muddied it up with the whole scrunchy thing.

[24:23.96]lt's not that big a deal. -沒那么嚴(yán)重 -好吧

[24:27.72]l think l'm gonna call it a night. 我得走了,明天要早起

[24:30.20]l gotta get an early start tomorrow.

[24:32.44]-Are you kidding? -No. Thanks for dinner. -你在說笑嗎? -不是,晚餐很愉快

[24:37.88]l'll call you tomorrow. 明天再打給你

[24:37.76]And then there are times... 此時可不是 紐約女人選擇沉默的時候

[24:40.48]when a New York woman shouId not shut the fuck up.

[24:51.88]You can't just pull that line on me and walk away. 你不能這樣就一走了之

[24:55.96]This time it's true. 這次真的有事

[24:55.16]You're obviously still pissed, and l'm sorry... 顯然你還是很火大,對不起 但你不能閉口不談

[24:57.48]but you can't just shut down like this.

[24:59.92]We have to be able to say what's on our minds. 大家應(yīng)該開誠布公 心里有什么話就說

[25:03.24]lf you thought that l had made some kind of mistake... 如果我哪里錯了 我希望你能告訴我

[25:05.28]l would want you to tell me.

[25:10.56]Nice hat. 很美的帽子

[25:15.48]lt's fabulous, and you said that to hurt my feelings. -真有你的,你故意的 -那只是我的真心話

[25:17.04]-That's how you made me feel that night. -Fabulous. 帽子太美了

[25:21.24]-So, you could just walk away now? -Yes, l can. -現(xiàn)在換你一走了之 -我當(dāng)然可以

[25:25.28]l'm sorry, all right? 對不起

[25:24.72]What was l supposed to do with that scrunchy comment? 不然發(fā)圈的事我該怎么辦? 整本書重寫?

[25:28.76]Was l supposed to hop in my time machine and fix my entire book?

[25:32.68]l don't know what your problem is, but it has nothing to do with a scrunchy. 我不知道你到底哪根筋不對 但重點不是發(fā)圈

[25:36.44]Yeah, it's about the fact that my book is a big, fat, fucking failure. 重點是 那是個非常失敗的作品

[25:38.32]-Wait. What? -lt's just, l already feel like shit. -什么? -那只是…

[25:43.88]You trying to pump me up all night, not helping. 我已經(jīng)夠難過了 你卻一直幫我打氣,還是沒用

[25:49.28]l'm sure this is all very sexy. You probably never really-- 我覺得很窩心,也許…

[25:54.32]Stop. 別說了

[25:55.72]l want to say something and l want you to listen. 我想說些話,希望你注意聽

[25:60.56]You're a beautiful writer... 你是個很棒的作家 我很喜歡你的書

[26:03.44]and l loved your book.

[26:08.44]And l love you. 我愛你

[26:09.04]And l still think... 而且你很性感

[26:12.52]you're very sexy.

[26:14.48]And l'm not gonna let you make a joke right now. 現(xiàn)在我不準(zhǔn)你亂開玩笑

[26:21.28]Then l got nothing. 那我什么都不說

[26:28.52]Come on. 進來吧

[26:33.08]Saying ''I Iove you'' is easy. 說“我愛你”這句話不難

[26:34.20]What comes next is a IittIe scrunchier. 但接下來的事 就得考驗智慧了

[26:42.40]Harry hadn't caIIed in two days... 哈利已經(jīng)兩天 沒打電話給夏綠蒂

[26:44.92]except to say he was sending someone over to pick up his TV. 只除了說要派人過去 拿回他的電視機

[26:54.08]Just what New York needs.: another singIe Jewish girI. 看來紐約正需要 多一位單身猶太女孩

[27:00.72]Good morning. -早 -早

[27:06.80]-Mind if l get in there and wash my face? -Not at all. -可以進去洗把臉嗎? -請進

[27:11.84]Oh, my God, where did you get that? 天啊,你哪來的?

[27:13.92]Macon, Georgia. Why, you wanna try it on? -喬治亞州梅肯,要戴嗎? -不要

[27:17.20]You're gonna look so pretty with this scrunchy on. 你戴起來一定美呆了

[27:22.08]No, l hate you!


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