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欲望都市第六季 新男性主義 Lights, Camera, Relationship





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:51:17



[00:38.00](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:47.76]In every reIationship, there comes a time when you take that next important step. 在每段感情中,都會有步入 下一個重要階段的時候

[00:53.84]-Do l look all right? -Don't worry, they'll love you. -穿這樣可以嗎? -別擔(dān)心,他們會愛死你

[00:57.92]-l just want to make the right impression. -They'll love you because l love you. -我想給他們好印象 -我愛你,所以他們也會愛你

[01:01.36]Here we are. 對有些情侶來說 是指與對方父母見面時

[01:03.16]For some coupIes, that step is meeting the parents.

[01:05.16]For me, it's meeting the Prada. 對我而言 則是該讓他見見普拉達了

[01:08.76]Holy shit. 真不是蓋的

[01:11.84]You know, on my planet, the clothing stores have clothes. 在我的星球里 買衣服到成衣店就有了

[01:15.88]Ladies. 辣妹們

[01:19.48]So how often do you shop here? -你常來這里血拼? -凱莉

[01:20.16]-Carrie. -Hi. -你好 -我想不只一次吧

[01:23.36]l'm gonna guess more than once.

[01:24.96]lf all my customers were this beautiful, yes? 真希望我的每個客人 都是美女辣妹

[01:27.20]-This is my boyfriend, Jack Berger. -How are you? 湯尼,這是我男友杰克柏格


[01:33.28]Okay, two. Bonus round. l'm down with that.

[01:34.64]-He's funny, yes? -Yes. -他真幽默 -沒錯,他第一次來逛

[01:38.04]And this is his first time at Prada.

[01:39.16]-We have some amazing new things for men. -l'm here for my amazing new girlfriend. -正好有些很棒的男裝新品 -我陪她來的

[01:43.72]Can l get you something to drink? Cappuccino, bottled water, champagne? 想喝什么? 卡布奇諾?水?香檳?

[01:48.72]-Champagne? -Yes. -香檳? -對

[01:49.08]Some coupIes spend Saturday afternoon shopping. 周末時有些情侶會去血拼購物

[01:52.56]Look, everybody, it's Carrie. 各位,凱莉來了

[01:52.28]Other coupIes spend it sexing. 而有些則是瘋狂做愛

[01:57.24]-Aren't you gonna shower? -Nope. -你不去沖澡嗎? -不了

[02:02.80]l want to smell you on me all night. 我可以整晚回味著你的味道

[02:04.88]Dirty boy. 小色胚

[02:05.60]So how's Friday at 9:00? -星期五、九點? -星期五不行

[02:11.08]l can't do Friday. 但星期五一向是做愛日

[02:11.64]But we always do Friday, it's T.G.l. Fuckday.

[02:16.60]-My play starts previews this week. -Play? -這星期我的戲要開始彩排 -你的戲?

[02:21.68]l was thinking you could come check it out. 你可以過來看看

[02:24.88]lt's a kick-ass play. 超屌的戲

[02:25.84]''Kick-ass play.'' Three words l hope never to hear again. 超屌的戲? 以后別再用這種字眼

[02:30.84]-Come on. -lt's in Brooklyn. l don't do borough. -來嘛 -那在布魯克林區(qū),我的禁地

[02:34.80]Don't give me that look. 別裝那個表情,我才應(yīng)該難過

[02:37.88]l'm the one who should be hurt. You always spend Fridays in me. -星期五應(yīng)該是屬于我們的 -好,來談個條件

[02:40.96]Okay, here's the deal.

[02:45.28]You come see me in Brooklyn... 你來布魯克林區(qū)看我的戲 接下來我保證讓你…

[02:46.72]and afterwards, l'll make sure you come... 飄飄欲仙,樂到最高點

[02:50.32]and come and come in the bedroom.

[02:59.96]-What do you think? -Two things. 你覺得如何?

[03:03.32]One, you look damn fine. 第一,漂亮極了 第二,我有點醉了

[03:05.92]Two, l'm a little hammered.

[03:08.68]Here, for you. Try. -這里,試試看 -美呆了

[03:12.40]Now, that is fabulous.

[03:13.40]You know, l never say fabulous, but if l did, l would. 我從沒用過“美呆了”這字眼 但有機會我一定會說

[03:15.88]That's what a real shirt looks like. 這襯衫看起來很正點

[03:19.96]-我的天啊 -但你可以穿一輩子

[03:20.80]-But you will wear forever. -Yeah, l'd have to.

[03:25.72]Does it also somehow open into a small studio apartment? 非得如此 這還附送單房公寓?

[03:27.20]Carrie, tell him. 以前我女友也是一直說服我 但穿上后整個人都不一樣了

[03:29.00]My girlfriend used to talk me into things, and l'm a better man for it.

[03:33.64]This is our first shopping trip together. l want to take it slow. 這是我們第一次一起逛街 慢慢來吧

[03:34.84]So how is Claudia? -克蘿迪亞好嗎? -我們吹了

[03:37.24]We broke up. 真慘,但更慘的是 杰克居然不穿普拉達

[03:40.64]Yes, is tragic.

[03:40.24]Only thing more tragic is Jack Berger not having Prada.

[03:42.88]What can l say, except thanks for the hooch. -我能說什么?謝謝你的酒 -別客氣

[03:47.60]Carrie, do you know any fantastic gorgeous single women like yourself... 凱莉,哪里找得到 漂亮迷人的單身女人?

[03:50.36]l could go out with?

[03:55.32]Cheer up, sweetie. 別一副苦瓜臉 也許我?guī)湍阏业搅送昝缐糁腥?/p>

[03:57.92]l may have found you the impossible dreamboat.

[03:58.92]Straight, single, and works for Prada. 他不是同性戀,單身 在普拉達上班

[04:01.16]-ls he Jewish? -What? 他是猶太人嗎?干嘛?

[04:04.16]Did you think l would throw away all my new religious beliefs... 總不能因為和哈利吹了 就把剛信奉的宗教信仰丟了?

[04:07.44]just because Harry and l are no longer together?

[04:11.96]-Yeah. -l am not a fair-weather Jew. -當(dāng)然可以 -我可是個能共患難的猶太人

[04:14.92]Besides, l can't even think about dating again. 我現(xiàn)在還不能和別人約會 和哈利分手的傷口還沒撫平

[04:17.72]l'm way too sad about losing Harry.

[04:18.80]Now, Charlotte, honey. You will start dating eventually... 夏綠蒂 反正你早晚都要開始約會

[04:23.84]and by then this Prada item may be off the rack. 一直拖,到時好貨都被挑走了

[04:26.04]lf she's not ready to move on, she's not ready to move on. 失戀的人還沒做好心理建設(shè)前 就是沒辦法談新戀情…

[04:28.12]People can't move on before they're ready.

[04:30.72]l'm just saying. -這是我的看法 -約會的事,我想都不敢想

[04:31.00]l can't even imagine dating again. l mean, what would l say about myself?

[04:35.32]到時我要怎么自我介紹? 我結(jié)了婚、又離婚

[04:36.68]''l was married and then l got divorced...

[04:38.68]''then l fell in love with my divorce lawyer and we were gonna get married... 后來愛上我的離婚律師

[04:41.52]''but then l blew it and we split up, too.'' 結(jié)果卻被我搞砸了 我們就吹了

[04:46.92]lt's depressing. 真悲哀

[04:49.80]Now you went and told the truth. 這倒是實話

[04:51.76]What are we gonna do about it? 好,該怎么辦? 星期五晚上出去瘋一下

[04:53.100]l say we get all dressed up and go out for drinks Friday night.

[04:57.56]l'll wear my new Prada. -我會穿新買的普拉達 -算我一份

[04:58.12]-l'm in. -Excellent. 全員到齊

[05:02.80]Shit, motherfucker fuck shit. 媽媽咪啊媽媽咪

[05:03.40]There's a ''Shit, motherfucker fuck shit'' situation? 撞期了?

[05:06.88]-l have to go to the theatre. -They finally made that mandatory? -我得去劇場 -不去不行?

[05:10.28]A new play in Brooklyn. Jerry's in it. 杰瑞的新戲在布魯克林區(qū)上演

[05:13.36]-So it's children's theatre? -l think that's sweet. -那是兒童劇場 -真體貼

[05:15.84]lt's not sweet, it's pathetic how far a gal will go for a good fuck. 什么體貼,是可悲 為了上床,不得不去看戲

[05:22.24]要讓木板煥然一新 得用不少涂料

[05:24.88]And speaking of the theatre, that night... 說到戲劇

[05:27.24]Miranda continued performing her one-woman show... 那天晚上米蘭達繼續(xù)上演 她的怨女單人秀…

[05:30.24]I'm Not In Love With Steve. “我并不愛史蒂夫”

[05:33.16]-回來了 -史蒂夫

[05:35.12]How was life on the playground? 在運動場玩得如何?

[05:38.08]The little bratty girl had a birthday. -調(diào)皮的小布萊迪過生日 -布萊迪過生日?

[05:42.60]Bratty had a birthday?

[05:44.48]Yep, here. 給你,幫你搶到一個杯形蛋糕 我可是拼了老命

[05:45.16]l scammed you a cupcake. lt's chocolate. l had to fight for it.

[05:48.12]For me? Thanks. 給我的?謝謝

[05:53.00]l'm getting a gut from all the cupcake action on that playground. 在球場為了搶那個杯形蛋糕 搶到都快有腹肌了

[05:58.12]You don't have a gut. 你哪有腹肌


[06:01.36]Okay, so l gotta run. l wanna get home to see the Knicks game. 好,我要回家 看尼克隊的比賽了

[06:06.04]Why don't you watch it here? 在這里看吧?

[06:08.92]l pay for ESPN and all, and l've got all this extra food and all. 既然繳了錢看ESPN頻道 還有點心…

[06:15.48]Unless you have plans with someone, in which case-- 除非你和別人有約

[06:17.68]Debbie's got shit to do. 沒有,黛比有事

[06:20.16]l wouldn't be crowding you? 你不會覺得太擠嗎?

[06:23.76]For the guy who scammed me the chocolate cupcake. 有人可是拼了老命 幫我搶杯形蛋糕

[06:28.84]Cool. 酷

[06:38.72]The Knicks overtime turned into Steve's overnighter. 尼克隊進入延長賽 而讓史蒂夫在米蘭達家過夜



[07:07.36]All right, now l have to call somebody. You have a Prada abuse problem. 看來我要打電話報警 你太沉迷普拉達了

[07:13.44]l do, do l? Here. 是嗎?

[07:15.60]For you. 這個,送你的

[07:17.24]lt's the ''l never say fabulous'' fabulous shirt. 就是那件我從沒說過美呆了 卻美呆了的襯衫

[07:21.68]Carrie, thanks, but you can't afford this. 謝了,但你哪有錢去買

[07:25.64]You can't afford that stuff you bought yourself. -你連自己的都沒買了 -上周我是買不起,但你看…

[07:28.96]Last week l couldn't, but voiIà.

[07:32.04]lt's a check from our publishers. They sold my book in Paris. 出版社剛賣出書籍的法國版權(quán) 這是法國寄來的預(yù)付款

[07:35.44]lt's an advance from France.

[07:38.80]That's quite an advance. -金額還真不少 -難以置信吧,待遇差這么多

[07:38.68]l know, l can't believe it. Half off at home, big deal in France.

[07:40.16]到了法國卻身價倍漲 我可是出版界的杰瑞路易斯

[07:42.84]l'm the literary Jerry Lewis.

[07:43.64]So, you see, you have to have the ''l never say fabulous'' fabulous shirt... 所以我決定一定要送你 這件美呆了的襯衫

[07:47.80]because you are the most fabulous... 因為你是優(yōu)質(zhì)男人中的極品

[07:52.60]of all the fabulous men who never say ''fabulous.''


[07:58.20]Okay, thank you. 好吧,謝了

[07:59.44]l'm starving. What looks good? 我餓扁了,有什么好吃的?

[08:05.84]The next day I met Miranda and IittIe Iord Brady... 隔天下午我和米蘭達母子 相約來個傍晚漫步

[08:09.00]for an earIy evening waIk. -我累了,可以和布萊迪擠嗎 -沒問題

[08:09.12]lf l get tired in about a block, can you push me around in that?


[08:14.36]Steve slept over the other night. -前幾天史蒂夫在我家過夜 -你說什么?

[08:18.72]On the couch. 他睡在沙發(fā)上 看尼克隊比賽,看到太晚了

[08:20.76]We were watching the Knicks game and it got late.

[08:21.92]Someone's gonna get hurt. 有人會受傷

[08:25.52]Carrie, l can't help it. lt was the most fun l've had in a long time. 凱莉,我沒辦法 我好久沒這么快樂了

[08:29.36]-l like being around him. -Then tell him that, l beg of you. -我喜歡有他在身邊 -那就告訴他,求求你

[08:33.48]-He has a girlfriend, did you forget? -No, did you? -他有女朋友,記得吧? -記得,你呢?

[08:36.52]-No. -He probably already knows how you feel. 那還用說

[08:39.12]-他可能早就知道你的感覺 -不可能,我演技一流

[08:41.80]No way, l'm acting my ass off.

[08:42.40]There is no Academy Award for that, just so you know. 這種事裝不出來的

[08:45.40]My God, Courtney. Hi. 真意外,柯特妮

[08:48.76]-Carrie Bradshaw, the toast of Europe. -Hardly. -你好 -布雷蕭,歐洲出版界新寵兒

[08:54.44]Miranda, this is Courtney, my publisher. 還早呢 這是柯特妮,我的出版商

[08:55.20]Ex-publisher. l just got the boot. Hence the gin. 前出版商,我剛被炒魷魚了

[08:60.72]l'm gonna go home and make myself a welfare martini. 現(xiàn)在我要回家喝自己 痛快暢飲一番

[09:02.80]Wait. Why? -怎么會? -引述一下“銷售成績不佳”

[09:03.76]''Disappointing sales in my sector.''

[09:07.36]-l'm sorry. -''Fuck them.'' -真遺憾 -去他們的

[09:10.56]lf it weren't for the European interest in your book... 如果不是歐洲市場對你有興趣 上星期我就打包回家了

[09:11.72]l'd have gotten the boot a week ago when they started dropping all my authors.

[09:17.92]How's Berger handling it? He's so frigging talented. l can't stand it. 柏格還好吧? 他真的是很有才華的作家

[09:19.28]They should've never dropped his second book option. 他們不該放棄他第二本書的 購買權(quán),一群短視的人

[09:22.76]Shortsighted A-holes. You tell him to get the phone book out...

[09:23.04]轉(zhuǎn)告他如果他要找酒伴 我隨時奉陪

[09:25.04]and give me a call if he needs a drinking buddy.

[09:27.36]Cute kid. See you. 好可愛,拜

[09:32.08]Berger never said anything to me. 柏格一個字都沒說,真是的

[09:36.00]My God.

[09:38.16]And l'm running around buying him shirts and shoving my big check in his face. 我還花大錢送他襯衫 在他面前大肆炫耀那張支票

[09:43.04]-You didn't know. -God, l feel awful. -你并不知情 -天啊,真糟糕

[09:47.00]Why did l have to parade in and brag about that check? 我干嘛把支票拿出來炫耀?

[09:49.08]Because you're proud of it. And you earned it. 因為你很自豪,那是你賺來的 為自己感到驕傲沒什么不對

[09:53.00]-lt's okay to be proud of it. -This is not good.


[09:57.16]So what now? Should l tell him l know? 現(xiàn)在怎么辦? 要告訴他我知道了?

[09:58.92]Maybe you should wait till he brings it up. 等他提起再說吧

[10:02.80]Move over, Brady, l'm getting tired. 布萊迪,過去點,我好累

[10:08.72]And in CentraI Park.... 而在中央公園里

[10:08.60]Not him. Gay. 不行,玻璃

[10:10.40]Gay and doesn't know it. 有同性戀傾向

[10:14.76]Here. Pale with no arms, straight, and Jewish. 看,蒼白的弱雞 非同性戀、猶太人

[10:18.24]Please, Harry and l just broke up. 拜托,哈利和我才剛分手

[10:20.64]Char, you loved Harry, l loved Harry. 你愛他、我也愛他 我們都愛哈利

[10:20.100]We all loved Harry. But it's been two weeks. Next. -但已經(jīng)兩星期了,往前看 -這樣行不通的

[10:26.12]No next. lt doesn't work like that.

[10:27.48]lt do, and it better, because you are knock, knock, knocking on sad-gal door. 當(dāng)然可以 除非你想變成失魂落魄的怨女

[10:32.44]And nobody loves a sad gal. 沒人喜歡可憐的怨女

[10:33.16]You don't understand what this feels like. 你不會了解我的心情 你從沒…算了

[10:37.32]You've never....

[10:38.40]-Never mind. -What? l've never what? 說啊,我從沒什么? 失去生命中的最愛?

[10:40.88]Lost the love of my life? Wrong.


[10:45.40]Paolo. Brazilian. Broke my heart. 保羅,巴西人,他讓我心碎 我對他一直念念不忘

[10:49.64]-l've never gotten over him. -Anthony. 安東尼

[10:51.72]Had an ass like two scoops of butter pecan ice cream. 一對俏臀就像奶油胡桃冰淇淋

[10:55.20]Him. l could see you with him. -他不錯 -我沒興趣

[10:56.80]-l'm not interested. -You better get interested... 你最好提起興趣 還是你想當(dāng)獨守空閨的老處女

[10:59.28]or you're gonna end up all alone and with no mans.

[11:03.16]Maybe l am. 有可能,最壞也不過這樣

[11:03.68]Would that be the worst thing that could happen?


[11:09.32]Nice day to get laid. 嘿咻的好日子

[11:17.80]The corn. -谷類? -已采割


[11:21.32]The hay. -飼草? -已采割


[11:27.40]My youth? 我的青春?


[11:55.24]Samantha wondered if perhaps she'd judged the arts too quickIy. 莎曼珊不禁在想 她可能對藝術(shù)太早下斷論了

[12:02.80]So was it worth the trip? 不虛此行吧?

[12:03.48]l'm not usually a fan of the theater, but get your cock out. 通常我不是舞臺劇迷… 該升旗了

[12:11.88]-Did you like the play? -l felt like l was hit with a tranquilizer dart. -你喜歡這出戲嗎? -就像被鎮(zhèn)靜劑鏢射中一樣

[12:16.16]-Did you at least like my monologue? -What monologue? -至少你會喜歡我的獨白吧? -什么獨白?

[12:17.00]After you dropped trou, all l could think was... 你的工作褲掉下來時 我心里只想著嘿咻這檔事

[12:20.20]l got to get me some of that.

[12:24.56]This. 上床了

[12:26.36]l hope the critics like it more than you. 希望影評的反應(yīng)比你好 今天我辭掉了餐廳工作

[12:29.96]l quit my restaurant job today.

[12:31.84]They wouldn't let me off to do the play. 他們不讓我請假去演戲 去他們的

[12:34.64]-So fuck them. Maybe it'll be a big hit. -How? -也許這出戲會一炮而紅 -一炮而紅?宣傳爛透了

[12:39.80]The promotion of this thing is all out of whack.

[12:39.100]You have this pathetic, sad little flyer... 傳單更不用說了 這出戲的大賣點一個字也沒提

[12:43.64]and nowhere on it does it say the most important thing about the play.

[12:46.04]-What's that? -Full frontal, you, naked. -什么大賣點? -你,正面全裸

[12:51.32]Now, that's a reason to go to the theater. 這才是觀眾會走進劇場的誘因

[12:53.92]-Who's doing the P.R.? -No one. -宣傳公關(guān)是誰? -沒有宣傳,沒經(jīng)費

[12:54.28]They don't have money for that kind of thing.

[12:56.96]We're getting paid, like, $30. 已經(jīng)付給演員薪水了…30元

[13:02.88]ls this really what you want to do with your life? 你真想把這當(dāng)成你的職業(yè)?

[13:04.04]Stand in an empty theater talking some harvest-to-harvest bullshit? 站在空蕩蕩的舞臺前 講些收割的爛臺詞?

[13:08.52]Yeah. l love it. l'm an actor. 對,我樂在其中,我是個演員

[13:12.68]Then l'm gonna help you. 那么我就來幫你

[13:17.36]You're gonna help me be an actor? -幫我成為演員? -不是,幫你塑造成巨星

[13:19.24]No, l'm gonna help you be a star.

[13:22.12]Look, if l have to go see you act, there better be a red carpet involved. 如果我非得去看你演戲 起碼得有紅地毯走

[13:26.28]l don't need help. All l gotta do is work on my craft. 我不需要你幫忙 我只需要好好磨練演技

[13:30.36]All you have to do is work on your abs. 你要做的就是 好好磨練床上功夫

[13:34.24]But we have to do something about your name. 但我們得幫你取個藝名

[13:37.12]Jerry Jerrod. Awful. 杰瑞杰洛德,遜斃了

[13:38.72]-Stop talking. -Whatever you say. -別說了 -隨便一個…麥特

[13:42.00]Matt? Toby?



[13:55.52]ls something wrong? 怎么了?

[13:56.80]No, l'm just preoccupied. 沒有,我只是…心不在焉

[14:05.36]Berger, it's okay. l know. 沒關(guān)系,我知道了

[14:09.32]About the book option. 關(guān)于出書購買權(quán)的事

[14:14.80]l bumped into Courtney a few days ago. -前幾天我碰到柯特妮 -你怎么沒早點說?

[14:16.88]-Why didn't you say anything sooner? -Because l didn't know if-- -因為我不知道… -其他人知道嗎?

[14:19.100]-Does anyone else know? -Like who? -比如說? -你朋友?

[14:22.08]Any of your friends? -米蘭達剛好也在… -我不想讓她知道

[14:24.04]Miranda was with me, but she--

[14:25.12]-l don't want her to know. -She's fine, it's no big deal. -她還好,沒什么大不了的 -對我來說,可不一樣

[14:30.72]lt is to me. 不是…我是說她覺得沒什么

[14:30.84]No, l meant to her.


[14:40.04]l'm sorry. -抱歉 -有什么好抱歉的?

[14:43.72]What do you have to be sorry about? 襯衫、還有支票 我覺得糟透了…

[14:44.52]The shirt and the check. l feel awful. l would never--

[14:47.12]This has nothing to do with that. 這是兩碼子事,好嗎?

[14:52.40]l think that check is great. 你拿到那張支票很了不起

[14:52.48]Don't feel bad about that. You earned that. 別為此感到不安 那是你賺來的,你很棒

[14:57.84]Good for you.

[14:60.84]l'm proud of you. 我為你感到驕傲

[15:04.64]Berger, do you want me to talk to my new editor? -你想和我新編輯談一下嗎? -行行好,不要,謝了

[15:08.52]Jesus Christ. No, thank you.

[15:11.60]lt's just a dropped option. 那只是購買權(quán)沒談成而已

[15:13.16]l'll be fine. 我會沒事的

[15:19.64]Yes, you will be. 當(dāng)然

[15:19.60]Because you're great. 因為你是最棒的

[15:24.48]He grunted. End of discussion. 他哼了一聲…談話結(jié)束 好像叫我該閉嘴了

[15:28.56]-l shouldn't have said anything. -Look, when men are failing-- -當(dāng)男人受挫失敗時… -他不是失敗

[15:31.56]-Berger is not failing. -Fine, when men are flailing... -好吧,當(dāng)男人亂了方寸時… -好吧,可以這么說

[15:35.12]Okay, yes, there's a bit of a flail.

[15:36.52]...they need strong women to charge in there and help. 他們需要女強人的肩膀依靠 助他一臂之力

[15:41.88]Like l did with Smith Jerrod. -就像我?guī)褪访芩菇苈宓乱粯?-誰?

[15:43.48]-Who? -Jerry. l changed his name. 就是杰瑞,我?guī)退牧嗣?我正在幫他打造事業(yè)

[15:45.80]l'm helping him with his career...

[15:48.48]and Smith is the perfect name for the next big thing. 史密斯這個名字 肯定會大紅大紫


[15:53.20]''Smith Jerrod, the next it boy, is so it... 史密斯杰洛德 新人氣偶像接班人

[15:57.52]''that the glitterati are migrating to Brooklyn to see him act.'' 知名人士紛紛涌到布魯克林區(qū) 觀賞他的表演

[16:02.76]Are the glitterati migrating to Brooklyn? -名人紛紛涌到布魯克林區(qū)? -沒錯

[16:05.68]Yes, you are. l got tickets for us all opening night. 我這里有他首演夜的入場券 還邀請了所有時尚名人

[16:08.24]lnvite everyone fabulous you know, and dress up.

[16:09.80]l've got a whole red-carpet thing happening. 記得盛裝出席 我還安排了紅地毯

[16:12.88]Why are you doing all this? -你干嘛這么大費周章? -他28歲,一周賺30元

[16:14.00]He's 28 and making $30 a week.

[16:17.20]The poor guy was dying. l could help, so l did. 這可憐的家伙快活不下去了 既然幫得上忙,就拉他一把

[16:20.28]And he isn't threatened by you offering to help? 女人幫他 他不會覺得感到威脅?

[16:23.76]No, he's a whole different generation. 不會,他是新世代人類

[16:25.72]Younger guys aren't threatened by strong women having power. 新世代的男生可不會 被握有權(quán)力的女強人嚇跑

[16:30.48]ls it a whole generation or just him? 新世代人類都這樣? 還是只有他?

[16:34.08]As women's roIes evoIve and change, we assume that men's do as weII. 當(dāng)女性角色正逐漸蛻變之際 想必男性也是如此

[16:40.84]There are hundreds upon hundreds of articIes... 有太多報章雜志常討論到 “新男性”這個話題

[16:41.16]written about the new man.

[16:42.80]But does this new man reaIIy exist? 但現(xiàn)實生活中 真有所謂的新男性嗎?

[16:45.60]Perhaps he's just the oId man... 也許他們只是經(jīng)過女公關(guān) 重新包裝的傳統(tǒng)男人?

[16:46.28]renamed and repackaged by some cIever P.R. woman.

[16:51.00]Are the men of today Iess threatened by a woman's power... 現(xiàn)今的男性已對女性權(quán)力 不再感到威脅?

[16:54.04]or are they just acting? 還是他們只是在演戲?

[17:11.28]Hang on. 等一下,你早到了

[17:12.48]You're early. -是嗎? -對,你好美

[17:12.92]-Am l? -Yeah.

[17:16.16]-You look nice. -Do l? 真的?布萊迪

[17:22.80]Looks like it's someone else's turn to make cupcakes. 看來有人正在做杯形蛋糕 了不起

[17:26.88]That is so cute. 我從沒做過,但應(yīng)該不難吧

[17:25.56]l never did it before, but it can't be that hard, right?

[17:30.92]-Do l look like the baking type? -Right. -我像烘焙專家嗎? -說得也是

[17:33.100]''Mix batter in a large bowl.'' 把面糊放進大碗里

[17:37.08]Okay, here's a bowl. 好,這里有個碗

[17:42.88]Look at me, l'm baking. -看,我在做蛋糕了 -你不用動手

[17:44.64]Miranda, you don't have to do that.

[17:46.92]Someone needs to help you, and Brady really has no motor skills. 得有人幫你 而且布萊迪也幫不上忙

[17:51.84]One condition: l get to lick the bowl. 有個條件

[17:51.44]-得讓我舔一下碗 -成交

[17:54.12]Deal. l have the milk and eggs right here. -這里還有牛奶和雞蛋 -這周你在球場上會所向無敵

[17:57.28]You really are gonna score points on the playground this week.

[18:01.64]lt's not for the playground. They're birthday cupcakes for Debbie. 這不是給場上的球友 而是黛比的生日蛋糕

[18:04.84]Fun. -很好 -有個派對,但她說不要蛋糕

[18:06.52]We're having a party, and she said she didn't want a cake...

[18:09.92]but she didn't say anything about cupcakes. 可是她沒說不要杯形蛋糕

[18:12.88]So how many cupcakes are we making? 那么要做幾個?

[18:16.76]H-A-P-P-Y-B-l-R-T-H-D-A-Y-D-E-B-B-l-E. 黛比生日快樂…

[18:24.24]-20. -20. Great. -共20個字母 -做20個,很好

[18:31.48]20 IittIe Debbie cakes Iater.... 要做20個黛比生日的小蛋糕

[18:34.16]-That's bad, right? -Here, let me do it. 很丑,對吧?


[18:38.84]Shit. lt's 6:30. 該死,六點半了,可惡

[18:41.24]l gotta go to work. 我得去上班了,這樣… 我回來再做

[18:44.28]Okay, let's just.... l'll finish those later.

[18:47.68]Just go. l'll do it. You can't do letters anyway. 快去,我來就好 反正你手沒那么巧

[18:50.76]-Really, you sure? -Go. -真的? -快去

[18:55.92]Thanks. Miranda, you're the best. 謝謝,你是最棒的

[19:16.80]-Jello. -l'm not going, l'm not up for it. -你好 -我不去了,不想去了

[19:21.08]lf l'm going to the theater, you're going to the theater. -我去,你就得去 -我不行

[19:23.04]-l can't. -Are you all right? What's wrong? 你沒事吧?怎么了?


[19:27.04]l'm at Steve's, and he had to go to work...

[19:29.12]and l got stuck helping him make 20 cupcakes... 而我得幫他做20個杯形蛋糕 因為他女朋友生日

[19:32.40]for his girlfriend's birthday. -他干嘛叫你幫他做? -不是他說的

[19:35.08]-Why would he ask you do that? -He didn't.

[19:39.40]l thought they were for the playground, and then it was too late to back out. 我以為這是給球場上的球友 但是話都說出口了

[19:45.36]lt's my own fault. What did l think would happen? 是我自己不對 我到底在想什么?

[19:48.60]He would see how great l make cupcakes and be back in love with me? 他看到我這么會做杯形蛋糕 就會重新愛上我?

[19:51.28]Damn it! l fucked up Debbie's ''B.'' -可惡,黛比的B寫壞了 -把糖霜放下

[19:53.76]-Put down the icing. -l have to finish. -我得做完 -黛比不值得你掉淚

[19:56.84]Debbie cannot have your tears. No way.

[20:01.96]lf l don't finish, Steve will know something's up. 如果我沒做完 史蒂夫會知道事情不對勁

[20:04.64]Miranda, you can't make those cupcakes and live with yourself. 你不想做就別做,別勉強自己

[20:07.92]Move away from the icing. 把糖霜放下

[20:08.56]-What'll l tell Steve? -Blame the baby. -我要怎么對史蒂夫說? -拿寶寶當(dāng)擋箭牌

[20:11.40]That's what they're there for. 寶寶就是有這個好處

[20:16.44]-l put it down. -Good girl. -我放下了 -乖女孩

[20:21.52]God, that's Berger in a cab. l'm not dressed yet. Listen to me. 慘了,柏格在計程車上等 我還沒準備好

[20:23.52]You get out of there, you go home, and I'II caII you Iater, okay? 馬上離開,回家去 待會我再打給你

[20:28.76]-Okay. l love you. Bye-bye. -Me too. Bye. -好,我愛你,拜拜 -我也愛你,拜

[20:38.80]Surprise. 驚喜

[20:44.16]That's not a cab. -那不是計程車 -對,但這好玩多了

[20:46.44]No, this'll be much more fun. 我好久沒騎它去兜兜風(fēng)了

[20:47.76]l haven't had her out on the open road for a long time.

[20:52.52]l'm not really dressed very biker chick. 我穿得不像飛車辣妹吧 這可是一身普拉達

[20:54.20]-Prada and all. -lt'll be fine, come on. 行的,上來吧

[20:59.80]Not to be a total girl about it... 我不是故意找碴

[21:00.08]but l really can't have the helmet hair... 但是走紅地毯,不能戴頭盔 發(fā)型會弄亂

[21:05.44]when there's a red carpet situation.

[21:05.76]We haven't been out on this thing the whole time we've been dating. 從開始約會后 我們就沒騎過這輛車出門

[21:10.24]l really want to take the bike tonight. 我真的想騎 經(jīng)過布魯克林大橋時一定很棒

[21:11.60]Think about how much fun it's gonna be going over the Brooklyn Bridge.

[21:14.52]Come on, Carrie. For me? 好啦,凱莉,為了我?

[21:21.68]All right, just don't go fast. -好,但別騎太快 -要戴吧?

[21:26.64]Good hat, huh?

[21:29.68]There is a IittIe-known reIationship Iaw. 男女之間 有個鮮為人知的小法則

[21:31.88]When your man is down and out, you have to get up and on. 當(dāng)你的男人失意落魄時 你更得好好打起精神

[22:04.52]l told you not to go fast. 我叫你別騎太快

[22:07.08]lt wasn't that fast. 沒有很快,只是你坐在上面 感覺很快而已

[22:08.96]lt just feels fast because you're on the bike.

[22:11.56]Bullshit. 胡扯 你沒感覺到我雙手緊抓住你?

[22:12.52]Couldn't you feel my hands digging into you?

[22:15.00]-Yeah, l thought you were excited. -l was terrified. 有,我以為你很興奮


[22:20.28]All right, calm down, you're safe.

[22:24.76]l am not gonna die on a bridge... 我才不要死在橋上 就為了讓你飆車,有成就感

[22:26.08]so that you can feel like some big man on a bike.

[22:29.36]-What the fuck does that mean? -You know exactly what it means. -你這話什么意思? -你心知肚明

[22:33.24]And l am sorry, but l'm not sorry l made that money. 抱歉,但我不會為那筆錢抱歉 那是我辛苦賺來的

[22:35.84]l worked really hard for it, and l never thought you would be...

[22:39.00]the type of guy that would have a problem with that. 我從沒想到你是那類型的男人 無法接受女人比你強

[22:40.80]Neither did l. But l guess l do, don't l? 我也沒想到 但我就是,對吧?

[22:57.80]l'm sorry about the bike. 車子的事,很抱歉

[22:59.96]Are you gonna look at me? 你不看著我嗎?

[23:07.44]l didn't think l was going that fast. l'm sorry, l'll never do it again. 我沒想到自己會騎這么快 對不起,以后不會了

[23:11.48]Well, l'll never get on that bike again. 以后我再也不會坐那輛車了

[23:17.44]Look, l don't want to be this guy. 我不想當(dāng)那種男人 因你的成功卓越而感到威脅

[23:19.48]l don't want to be the guy threatened by your success.

[23:20.92]l swear to God, l will do anything, l'll do whatever it takes. 我會努力讓自己別變成那種人 我不想當(dāng)那類型的男人

[23:24.60]l don't want to be this guy.

[23:31.20]l think you are magnificent. 我覺得你真的很棒

[23:35.96]l do. 真的

[24:03.32]That was for the helmet. 這一拳是為了頭盔

[24:04.40]Come on, let's get this over with. 走吧,忘了這些事

[24:29.84]Carrie, over here. Right here, Carrie. -凱莉,看這里 -看這里,凱莉


[24:32.60]They know you? -記者都認識你? -以前我是派對女王

[24:34.00]l used to be a party girl.

[24:38.60]Can we get one alone? 單獨拍張照?

[24:40.36]-單獨拍張照?凱莉 -獨照

[24:44.44]-Yeah, sure. -No, we're together. -好,沒問題 -別走…

[24:46.40]-不…我們一起的 -他的大名?

[24:48.24]-What's his name? -Jack Berger. He's a writer, too. -杰克柏格,他也是作家 -太好了,很棒

[24:51.20]Lovely, thanks a lot. Cheers. -謝謝,笑一個 -單獨拍一張


[25:02.52]They just do that so that they can get it right for the papers. -因為上報要用的 -沒關(guān)系

[25:05.80]This just isn't my night. 反正今晚什么事都不順

[25:08.12]Look, l'm really not up to going in. 我不進去了 免得壞了大家的興致

[25:10.16]l'll just wreck it for everybody. Would it be okay if l took off? 我落跑,沒關(guān)系吧?

[25:15.32]You can get home with the girls, right? 你可以和姐妹淘一起回家 對吧?

[25:19.84]You okay? 你可以嗎?

[25:35.64]''Hello, gorgeous.'' 你好,大美女

[25:40.40]That is the worst Barbra Streisand l have ever heard. 芭芭拉史翠珊不至于這么糟吧

[25:42.60]When in Brooklyn, do as the Brooklyns do. 既然來到布魯克林區(qū) 就得入境隨俗一下

[25:46.08]Speaking of the worst, l have, like, the worst seat l've ever had. -說到這個,我的座位超爛的 -別擔(dān)心,你和我一起坐

[25:49.28]Not anymore you don't. You're sitting with me.

[25:52.64]And speaking of ''one aIone''... 說到一個人,夏綠蒂正坐在 盡是成雙入對的劇場里

[25:55.60]CharIotte sat in the theater surrounded by coupIes...

[25:59.68]and in one, cIear, crystaIIized moment... 頓時在那一刻

[25:60.16]she feIt what her Iife wouId be Iike with no mans. 她覺得自己下半輩子可能得 過著獨守空閨的日子了


[26:07.04]Miranda's not coming. 米蘭達不來了 在普拉達工作的湯尼坐你旁邊

[26:09.76]So my friend Tony from Prada is sitting next to you.

[26:14.32]Hello. -你好 -你好

[26:18.16]After aII, what singIe girI in New York wouId turn down a gift from Prada? 畢竟哪個紐約單身女性 會拒絕來自普拉達的禮物?

[26:25.52]All of Manhattan is here. -曼哈頓的人全來了 -那么島上誰看家?

[26:28.92]Who's watching the lsland?

[26:35.80]My youth? 我的青春


[26:59.32]The rain came down. 雨水直直落…堅硬又柔軟

[27:01.20]Hard, then soft.

[27:03.72]lt hit the grass. 落在草地上…青蔥又濕潤

[27:06.28]Green, then wet.

[27:10.68]Wet, so wet. 濕潤,如此濕潤

[27:14.36]lt reminded me of you. 讓我憶起你

[27:17.40]You always smelled like the rain. 你的味道就像雨水

[27:22.32]A stud is born. 猛男誕生了


[27:36.68]That night Smith Jerrod's Full Moon became a sensation. 那一晚史密斯杰洛德 主演的“滿月”造成大轟動

[27:47.16]-Full frontal, and he can act. -Who knew? -正面全裸,又能演戲 -誰會料得到?

[27:51.32]-Where's Berger? -He left. -柏格呢? -他走了

[27:55.20]He's coming down with a cold. 他感冒了

[27:55.96]-l'll see you later. -Okay. Good night. -回頭見 -好,晚安


[28:03.92]-You want to come out with me? -Sure.

[28:07.76]Maybe we were aII acting, aII the time. 也許每個人無時無刻都在演戲

[28:09.44]And tonight I was pIaying the part of the woman in the great reIationship... 而今晚我的角色就是扮演…

[28:12.08]whose boyfriend was coming down with a coId. 在這段人人稱羨的戀情中 謊稱男友感冒的女人


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