[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:39:59
[00:01.24]BLAIR: If you wanna be part of this worId, Jenny. . . 如果你想進(jìn)入這個(gè)圈子 Jenny
[00:03.40]. . .you need to decide if aII this is worth it. 你必須想清楚所有這些是否值得
[00:09.84]GIRL 1 : Oh, my God, you'll never believe what's on Gossip Girl. 我的天哪
[00:12.52]GIRL 2: Someone saw Serena getting off the train at Grand Central. 有人看見Serena在中央車站下車了
[00:17.36]I thought everything was good between us. 我以為我們重修舊好了
[00:19.40]Before I found out you had sex with my boyfriend. 曾經(jīng)是
[00:21.96]CHUCK: The best friend and the boyfriend. 最好的朋友和男朋友 真有你的 S
[00:24.28]It's pretty cIassy, S.
[00:28.16]You'd go out with some guy you don't know? 你難道真的更愿意和陌生男人出去?
[00:30.24]-Can't be worse than the guys I know. -Our kids were bound to meet. 再差也差不過我認(rèn)識(shí)的那些男人
[00:31.84]好了 我們孩子總會(huì)相遇的 這個(gè)島小著呢
[00:33.76]Sure it's not some pIoy you're using to get me? 你確定這不是你接近我的計(jì)策?
[00:43.24]Did you sIeep with her? 你和她睡了沒?
[00:44.48]-You and I have been best friends, okay? -No, it's not okay. Stay away from me. 我知道我們當(dāng)了多久最好的朋友 好嗎?
[00:46.12]不 不好 Chuck
[00:47.24]從現(xiàn)在開始 你給我滾遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)
[00:49.24]-Did something happen Iast night? -Yes. 昨晚有發(fā)生了什么嗎?
[00:51.64]-I'm done. JENNY: I Iied and I stoIe. . . - 有 - 我受夠了
[00:52.64]我撒了謊 還偷了東西 還失去了家人對(duì)我的尊重
[00:54.16]. . .and I Iost the respect of my famiIy, for what?
[00:56.68]I tried to warn you. There's a price to pay. 為了什么?
[00:59.40]LiIy, wouId you do me the honor of being my wife? 你要付出代價(jià)的
[00:59.56]Lily 我有幸娶你為妻子嗎?
[01:02.32]He proposed before we Ieft, and I'm going to say yes. 他在我們離開前向我求婚了 我打算接受
[01:06.60]One thing I Iearned is that in the face of true Iove, you don't give up. 我所學(xué)到的經(jīng)驗(yàn)之一 就是面對(duì)真愛時(shí)
[01:10.08]Even if the object of your affection is begging you to. 你不能就此放棄
[01:12.96]I'm not who you thought I was. You can't forgive that. 我不是你心目中想的那種人 而你接受不了這點(diǎn)
[01:15.68]I don't know how to make things what they were. 我不知道如何讓事情回復(fù)到從前的樣子
[01:18.16]I'm Iocking myseIf away in the Hamptons. 我把自己鎖在了漢普頓
[01:20.44]-You know how I get in the summer. -I do. - 你知道我這暑假會(huì)怎樣 - 沒錯(cuò) 我知道
[01:22.64]If you wanna refIect together, I'II be around. 要是你也想反省 隨時(shí)找我
[01:27.52]GIRL: Where has she been?
[01:28.72]GOSSIP GIRL: And who am I?
[01:30.12]That's one secret I'll never tell.
[01:33.36]You know you love me. X O X O...
[01:35.24]<font color="#ffff00">流言蜚女 第二季 第01集
[01:37.40]... Gossip Girl.
[01:43.60]GOSSIP GIRL: Unlike the rest of us, sex, lies and scandal never take a vacation. 和我們不一樣
[01:45.24]性 謊言 還有丑聞全年不斷
[01:48.20]Instead, they take the Long Island Expressway... 相反 它們沿著長(zhǎng)島高速路 一路向東直達(dá)漢普頓
[01:50.68]...and head east to the Hamptons.
[01:53.24]Some would say summer is their busiest season. 有人說夏天是他們最忙碌的季節(jié)
[02:02.60]Think Park Avenue, but with tennis whites and Bain de Soleil. 想象林蔭大道的場(chǎng)景 但加上白色網(wǎng)球服和日光浴
[02:07.04]The players change, but the game remains the same. 選手不同 但比賽本身從未改變
[02:15.44]I've been waiting for this aII day. 我一整天都在等這一刻
[02:18.88]You sure Serena's okay with covering for you? She was a IittIe coId. 你確定Serena還會(huì)幫你掩飾嗎?
[02:22.20]Oh, she's totaIIy fine. 她有點(diǎn)兒冷淡
[02:25.20]But you haven't toId her anything? 但你沒向她透露什么吧?
[02:26.96]AII she knows is that I'm seeing someone. . . 她只知道我在和某人約會(huì) 還沒準(zhǔn)備好介紹給任何人認(rèn)識(shí)
[02:29.08]. . .I'm not ready to introduce to anyone yet.
[02:32.48]Or ever. 或者永不介紹
[02:34.40]Look, she needed time to decompress from her breakup anyway. 你瞧 她總需要時(shí)間從分手中恢復(fù)
[02:38.84]Covering for me works for her too. 幫我掩飾對(duì)她也有幫助
[02:49.12]Let's go to my pIace before somebody spots us. 趁沒被人看見前 去我那兒吧
[02:51.36]Your house? 你家?
[02:53.04]I thought we couIdn't. 我以為不行呢
[02:55.16]There's aIways the guesthouse. 有客房嘛
[02:57.12](NATE CHUCKLES)
[03:06.92]GirIs, you don't know how thankfuI I am. . . 你們不知道我有多感激
[03:09.00]. . .to have finaIIy found a use for geometry in my daiIy Iife. 終于能從我的生活中 找到幾何學(xué)的用處了
[03:15.76]Yes. 對(duì)了
[03:20.80]GOSSIP GIRL: Spotted: Blair Waldorf at Charles de Gaulle, homeward bound. 現(xiàn)場(chǎng)報(bào)道 Blair Waldorf 在戴高樂機(jī)場(chǎng)登機(jī)返國(guó)了
[03:25.32]What could possibly make Queen B abandon her two dads before Labor Day? 是什么讓B女王
[03:30.24]We bet Chuck Bass wants to know. 我們想Chuck Bass會(huì)想知道的
[03:33.00]Mr. Chuck, is there something you need care taking of? Chuck先生?
[03:36.68]The onIy thing I need to take care of is you. 我唯一需要關(guān)心的是你
[03:42.00]And you. 和你
[03:44.56]And you. 還有你
[03:46.92]GOSSIP GIRL: Also spotted: Serena van der Woodsen... 又目擊到 Serena在庫(kù)柏海灘
[03:50.04]...on Coopers Beach, alone again. 重歸單身
[03:57.36]We've heard talk that things are heating up with Nate Archibald... 我們聽說她跟Nate Archibald 往來日漸親密
[04:01.32]...and where there's smoke, there's usually fire. 空穴來風(fēng) 必有其因
[04:04.56]But if that's the case... 但若真是如此 Nate又是怎么躲過 我們的雷達(dá)
[04:06.12]... why has Nate fallen right off our radar and Serena is always sighted solo?
[04:12.44]Wonder what she'd do if she knew Lonely Boy wasn 't so lonely anymore. 真想知道得知寂寞男孩已經(jīng) 不再寂寞了她會(huì)怎樣
[04:17.68]HARRIS: "Things happen, peopIe change. "
[04:20.32]I've been Harris' assistant aII summer. How come I don't know you? - "世事難料 人總會(huì)變" - "我整個(gè)夏天都在當(dāng)Harris的助手
[04:23.96]I was at his symposium at the 92nd Street Y in June. 我6月參加過他在92大街的討論會(huì)
[04:26.64]No way. If you were there, we wouId've met. 不可能 要是你在 我們肯定見過
[04:28.76]"--and dish up justice. You considered vioIence. . . 伸張正義
[04:30.96]你考慮過使用暴力 也想過與之和解
[04:32.56]. . .and you considered reconciIiation.
[04:34.92]How about now we can meet whenever you want? 現(xiàn)在給你號(hào)碼
[04:49.76]-I had my eye on her. -I don't think she noticed, sir. 我留意到她了
[04:52.60]I read from your favorite chapter. Or did you not notice? 我想她沒注意到 先生
[04:55.76]I've heard that chapter so many times, sometimes I think I wrote it myseIf. 或者你壓根沒注意?
[04:56.00]你知道 那一章我讀太多遍了 有時(shí)我甚至認(rèn)為那是我寫的了
[05:02.08]Speaking of, where is that story of yours? 說到這 你寫的東西呢?
[05:04.48]You know, the one your internship requires you turn in. 你知道 實(shí)習(xí)生必須要交的
[05:07.32]-Yeah, it's imminent. -So is death. Be more specific. 是的 就快寫好了
[05:08.80]死亡也快降臨了 告訴我具體進(jìn)度
[05:10.76]I'm just doing a poIish, it's basicaIIy done. 我只是還在潤(rùn)色
[05:13.28]Noah Shapiro at the Paris Review Iooks forward to it. 差不多完成了
[05:13.36]"巴黎評(píng)論" 的Noah Shapiro 非常期待看到你的文章
[05:15.92]CaIIing him was an amazing thing to do. Thank you. 您真是太好了 告訴他這篇文章的事 真的 謝謝您
[05:18.80]I toId him it wouId be even better than your piece in The New Yorker. 我告訴他這會(huì)比你 在"紐約客"上的作品還棒
[05:22.88]Don't Iet me down. 別讓我失望
[05:24.04]On your desk in the morning, sir. 明早它會(huì)第一時(shí)間 出現(xiàn)在您的桌上 先生
[05:25.84]Why don't you go home and finish now? 你何不現(xiàn)在就回家完成呢?
[05:30.40]Hey. Where've you been hiding? You asked me to meet you here. 你躲哪兒去了? 你不是約我在這兒見的
[05:33.72]You know what? UnfortunateIy, I have to go. 很不幸 我得走了
[05:36.04]Rain check for tomorrow? 改明天行嗎?
[05:38.68]-I'II make it up, I promise. -Okay. 我會(huì)補(bǔ)償你的 我保證
[05:41.16]GOSSIP GIRL: Well, well, well, Lonely Boy. 好吧
[05:40.92]好了 好了 寂寞男孩
[05:42.80]Maybe dating and dumping Serena wasn 't such a bad idea. 也許和Serena交往再甩了她 也沒那么糟糕
[05:46.32]Looks like it's time to give you a new nickname. How about Playboy? 看上去是時(shí)候給你取個(gè)新外號(hào)了
[05:48.60]"花花公子" 咋樣?
[05:50.36]LAUREL: PeopIe. PeopIe, I'm worried. 各位 我很擔(dān)心
[05:52.16]EIeanor returns next week and we are stiII behind. Eleanor下周回來 我們進(jìn)度落后著呢
[05:55.44]I have to go to that party this weekend. I won't be around, and neither wiII you. 由于我這周末要去派對(duì)
[05:57.16]所以不在這兒 你們也會(huì)不在
[05:59.36]So you better get twice as much work done today or you wiII regret it. 所以你們今天最好趕出雙倍的活來 不然你們會(huì)后悔的
[06:03.44]GOSSIP GIRL: As for little J, looks like this summer... 對(duì)于小J來說
[06:06.20]...has been all work and no play.
[06:07.88]You can't be finished. There's no way you couId possibIy be finished. 你完不了工
[06:11.64]Don't you do anything when you Ieave here, Jenny? 你就不能在離開前弄點(diǎn)成果出來嗎 Ginny?
[06:14.36]ActuaIIy, I was hoping I couId show you something I've been working on. 事實(shí)上 我想給你看看 我最近一直在忙的東西
[06:18.08]This isn't schooI. I don't Iook at your work. 這兒不是學(xué)校
[06:23.16]I was an intern once too. It gets better. 我以前也實(shí)習(xí)過
[06:27.96]-What is that? -It's a dress I made for the White Party. 什么東西?
[06:31.08]For the VitaminWater party? Who invited you? 維他命水派對(duì)?
[06:34.80]Lace. It's not even white, it's bone. 天啊 蕾絲?
[06:38.80]It's way too big for you, don't you know how to fit? It's huge. 硬得要死
[06:42.56]WeII, it's not actuaIIy for me, it's for you. 大得要命
[06:43.16]那個(gè) 其實(shí)這不是我的 是給你的
[06:45.92]I'm not going to the party, so. . . . 我沒打算去那個(gè)派對(duì) 所以...
[06:47.68]Oh, so you thought I might wear some HoIIy Hobbie frock. . . 你以為我穿著這么件實(shí)習(xí)生做的 洋娃娃連衣裙出席派對(duì)
[06:51.20]. . .made by an intern, so that when I get photographed, your work ends up in W? 這樣我被拍時(shí) 你的作品就能登上時(shí)尚雜志?
[06:56.84]If I'm gonna wear a custom anything. . . 如果我穿定制服裝 肯定會(huì)有很大影響
[06:58.96]-. . .it's gonna matter. GIRL: Here's what you asked for, LaureI. 這是你要的 Laurel
[07:01.80]Since you did so weII with repairing the trim on the dead stock, match these up. 既然你那么擅長(zhǎng)處理壓箱貨 把這些分好
[07:07.00]Oh, and put that away. EggsheII gives me a migraine. 還有把那個(gè)扔了
[07:11.48](MOUTHING ) I'm sorry.
[07:18.16]I guess now is as good a time as any to order dinner. 好吧 該叫晚餐了
[07:20.72]-You want Indian? -Oh, it's too hot for Indian. 你想要什么? 印度菜
[07:23.08]How about PopsicIes? Hey, where's Mom? 天氣太熱不想吃印度菜
[07:23.16]冰棒怎么樣? 媽在哪呢?
[07:25.60]She and AIex had tickets to South Pacific. 她和Alex買票去看音樂劇《南太平洋》了
[07:27.84]What, more homework? 那是什么 額外的家庭作業(yè)?
[07:29.12]-Finish your story yet? -AImost. 你的稿寫完了嗎?
[07:30.72]Good. I'm hoping by reading it I can figure out. . . - 差不多了 - 很好
[07:31.36]我希望讀了之后 也許就能了解 你和Serena非得分手的原因
[07:33.16]. . .why you and Serena broke up anyway.
[07:37.56]Yeah. 我也想
[07:39.88]Yeah, me too.
[07:43.16]Hey, Jen, I'm gonna head out and get some food. I'II be back in a bit. Jen 我要出去弄點(diǎn)吃的
[07:47.20](KNOCKING ON DOOR) 這是整個(gè)夏天以來我第一次見你照鏡子
[07:48.44]This is the first I've seen you Iook in the mirror.
[07:51.00]Here I thought if you did, you'd turn to stone. 我還以為你要是照了就會(huì)變石頭呢
[07:53.28]Must be nervous about something if you're wiIIing to take that risk. 若你愿意冒這個(gè)險(xiǎn) 必然是因?yàn)槟銥槟呈潞芫o張
[07:56.60]Ha-ha, sis. I'm on my way out to LiIy Pond. With the tripIets returning to Rio. . . 你真幽默 妹妹
[08:01.08]. . .I thought I'd continue my tour of South America. 那三個(gè)妞要回里約熱內(nèi)盧了 我想我還是要繼續(xù)我的南美之旅
[08:03.72]-I'm thinking Argentina. -Then what are the fIowers for? 我在考慮去阿根廷
[08:06.72]You wouIdn't perhaps have overheard a caII with a certain best friend of mine. . . 你不是正好聽到 我某個(gè)最好朋友在電話里說
[08:11.04]. . .who mentioned she was on her way out here on the Jitney?
[08:14.36]-What's a jitney? -If you're saying no, I'm gIad to hear it. 何為小巴?
[08:15.28]若這是否認(rèn) 我聽到很高興
[08:17.28]Because BIair wiII never forgive you for what you did. 因?yàn)锽lair永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)原諒你對(duì)她做過的事
[08:20.12]-Who toId you that piece of advice, Nate? -Nate didn't say anything. 誰給這忠告的 你"男友"Nate?
[08:23.60]I don't think it's wise taking advice from somebody in a fake reIationship. Nate什么都沒說
[08:23.72]很好 他偽裝自己有戀人 我想采納他情感方面的忠告很不明智
[08:28.32]CaII me crazy. 當(dāng)我瘋子吧
[08:31.68]Enjoy another night aIone with your thoughts. 再獨(dú)自跟你的胡思亂想 好好過一夜吧
[08:36.76]Good Iuck on your suicide mission. 祝你的自殺行動(dòng)順利
[08:41.84]GOSSIP GIRL: Spotted: Chuck Bass, waiting for the Jitney. 目擊Chuck Bass在等小巴
[08:45.36]A dozen roses in one hand, his heart in the other. 一手一打玫瑰 一手一顆忐忑的心
[08:50.40]You know what they say: A man is a good thing to come home for... 你一定聽說過 回家有個(gè)男人等是好事
[08:54.48]...but an even better thing to come home with. 但有個(gè)男人一起回家卻更好
[09:06.12]Ain 't karma a bitch? 因果循環(huán)真是討厭 對(duì)吧
[09:08.76]We know Blair Waldorf is. 我們知道Blair Waldorf是的
[09:26.76]You didn't do anything aII summer? 你整個(gè)夏天什么都沒干?
[09:29.04]Don't teII me you sat around watching The Closer... 你不會(huì)就只坐著看看"罪案終結(jié)者" 然后叫尼東餐廳的外賣
[09:31.56]-. . .and eating Nick & Toni's takeout. -No. DeIIa Femina.
[09:33.20]不 點(diǎn)的是達(dá)法餐廳的
[09:35.36]What about aII those rumors I heard about you and Nate? 那些關(guān)于你和Nate的謠言是怎么回事?
[09:38.32]CompIeteIy untrue. They got peopIe off my back about being sad. . . 完全假的
[09:41.52]. . .and Nate couId do what he wanted. It worked. 然后Nate又能做他想做的 所以是雙贏
[09:43.84]You're teIIing me you didn't have any fun with anyone aII summer? 你是說你整個(gè)夏天沒和任何人廝混?
[09:47.60]WeII, there was this hot Iifeguard that asked me out, but I turned him down. 有個(gè)帥哥救生員約我出去
[09:52.20]Wha--? Are you crazy? 什么? 你瘋啦?
[09:53.56]A hot Iifeguard is Iike KIeenex. Use once and throw away. 帥哥救生員就像面巾紙 一次性的 用完就丟
[09:56.32]You couIdn't ask for better. 療情傷圣品
[09:57.76]I don't think I'm ready. I stiII miss Dan sometimes. 我覺得我還沒準(zhǔn)備好 有時(shí)候還是會(huì)想念Dan
[10:00.40]More than sometimes. AII the time. 比有時(shí)候還多些 是一直
[10:02.56]OnIy thing Iamer than dating Dan Humphrey. . . 唯一比約會(huì)Dan Humphrey更糟的 就是懷念Dan Humphrey
[10:04.76]. . .is mourning Dan Humphrey.
[10:06.92]OnIy reason you're stiII sitting shiva. . . 而你還處在緬懷期的唯一原因就是
[10:09.00]. . .is you haven't had your summer fIing. 你沒出去享受你的夏日狂歡
[10:11.08]Yeah, the tripIets esquerda 'd. But not before teaching me. . . 對(duì) 那三個(gè)妞走了 但那之前教了我些葡萄牙舌功
[10:14.00]. . .some Portuguese tongue twisters. I'II see you.
[10:17.44]James is the cIassiest guy I've ever met, you know? 回見
[10:17.64]James是我遇過最傳統(tǒng)的男人 知道嗎?
[10:21.20]He drinks gin martinis and he speaks six Ianguages. . . 他喝琴酒混馬爹利 會(huì)說六種語言
[10:23.96]. . .and he gave me this amazing BuIgari pearI choker with a goId B cIasp on it. 他還給了我一根超美的寶格利珍珠項(xiàng)鏈 上面帶著個(gè)金色"B"字搭扣
[10:29.28]I thought your dad gave you that. Who's James? 等等 我以為那是你爸給你的 誰是James?
[10:33.40]Oh, my God, B. He sounds amazing. 上帝 B
[10:36.88]The Iast time we taIked, you hadn't even met him. 聽起來他好棒
[10:40.76]Oh, I know. He swept me off my feet. . . 我知道
[10:43.48]. . .he's so charming. PIus, he teIIs the best stories. 他讓我為他傾倒
[10:46.04]-You're Iying. -I am not. 而且他超會(huì)講故事
[10:48.32]-Your eyes don't match your mouth. -I wasn't aware that robots got jeaIous. 我沒有
[10:52.72]Did they update your software? 難道說我不在的時(shí)候 你身上軟件更新了?
[10:54.52]Come on. You and I both know this guy's just a prop. . . 得了吧
[10:57.32]. . .you bought to try to hurt me Iike I hurt you. 你我都知道那男人只是你用來傷害 我的工具 就像我傷害你的那樣
[10:59.84]You didn't hurt me. 你才沒傷到我
[11:03.92]WeII, I wiII admit, waiting for you in Tuscany the first few days. . . 好吧 我承認(rèn)在托斯卡納區(qū) 等你的前幾天我是略感丟臉
[11:08.64]. . .were miIdIy humiIiating. When I reaIized you weren't gonna show, I raIIied.
[11:10.56]但當(dāng)我意識(shí)到你不會(huì)出現(xiàn)時(shí) 我又重新振作了
[11:13.00]LuckiIy, I made a friend on the trip over. 幸運(yùn)地是 我在旅途中交了個(gè)朋友
[11:15.68]Boring Ben, my dad's ex-empIoyee? By the way, I had him fired just for you. 乏味Ben 我爸的前任員工嗎?
[11:17.80]順便說一句 為了你我已經(jīng)把他開除了
[11:19.44]WeII, I owe him everything. He introduced me to James. 好了 看來我欠他很多
[11:23.24]-He might be the one. -Prove it. - 我想他也許就是我的真命天子 - 證明一下
[11:25.00]I don't have to prove anything. 我不必證明任何事
[11:27.36]If you wanna get to know James, I'II bring him to dinner. 但要是你想進(jìn)一步了解James 我今晚會(huì)帶他來吃晚餐
[11:30.56]I'II bet you'II Iike him as much as I do. 我打賭你會(huì)像我一樣喜歡他的
[11:32.60]Oh, and if by that you mean I won't Iike him at aII, then you're right. 你說的對(duì) 要是你是指 咱倆一樣對(duì)他沒好感的話
[11:36.24]I'II see you at 7. 七點(diǎn)見
[11:42.04]BLAIR: Now, how about we go find that Iifeguard? 現(xiàn)在咱們?nèi)フ艺夷莻€(gè)救生員怎么樣?
[11:44.08]But we have to stop at Nate's first. 但我們得先去Nate那一下
[11:46.44]He has something of mine that I need. 他那有我可能需要的東西
[11:52.16]JENNY (ON PHONE) : Hey, how's Vermont? 佛蒙特好玩嗎?
[11:53.36]Great. Vanessa and her parents were at Iast night's gig. 好極了
[11:56.24]Didn't know she was here. When I asked how Dan was doing, she didn't answer. 我都不知道她在那邊
[11:57.44]我問她Dan怎么樣了的時(shí)候 她沒有回答
[12:00.40]I'd hoped maybe she couId heIp him get over Serena this summer. 我本來想說今年夏天 她也許能幫他度過Serena這關(guān)
[12:03.44]I don't think Dan needs any heIp, and I think Vanessa noticed. 我認(rèn)為Dan在那方面不需要任何幫助 而且我覺得Vanessa也注意到了
[12:07.04]He still dating up a storm? 他還是夜夜瘋狂地約會(huì)?
[12:08.88]WeII, if you caII a different girI every night dating. 如果每晚都換個(gè)女孩也叫約會(huì)的話
[12:11.96]I'm a IittIe worried about him, Dad. 我有點(diǎn)擔(dān)心他,爸爸
[12:13.80]-Is he there? -He's sleeping. - 他在嗎? - 他還在睡覺
[12:15.32]-He was out Iate. -Call me when he wakes up. 他昨天在外面待到很晚
[12:17.56]You haven't toId me how the dress went. 他醒來讓他打電話給我
[12:19.48]Yeah, it's over. LaureI doesn't wanna wear it to the party. 沒戲了
[12:23.08]-WeII, why don't you wear it? -As nice as it is. . . 那為什么你不穿呢?
[12:24.00]爸爸 你鼓勵(lì)我把設(shè)計(jì)展示出去 是出于好意沒錯(cuò)
[12:25.60]. . .you encouraging me to get my designs out. . .
[12:28.00]. . .the White Party is super-excIusive. Summer interns do not get to go. 但白衣派對(duì)的門檻可是極高的
[12:29.68]我是說 暑期實(shí)習(xí)生沒可能參加
[12:31.44]Last year, they turned away Jack Johnson. 去年他們把Jack Johnson都踢出去了
[12:33.48]-Sounds Iike a party with taste. -Dad. 聽起來是個(gè)有品位的派對(duì)
[12:35.76]And the kind the van der Woodsens wouId go to. 爸
[12:35.96]聽起來還像是Van Der Woodsen家 會(huì)去的派對(duì) 你有問問Eric嗎?
[12:38.04]-Have you asked Eric about it? -That might be a IittIe awkward. . . 那可能有點(diǎn)尷尬 我們上次說話的時(shí)候
[12:41.28]. . .considering the Iast conversation we had.
[12:43.44]I sort of said some things I shouIdn't have. 我說了些不該說的話
[12:45.68]Maybe I should've come with you. 知道嗎 我該和你一起過暑假就對(duì)了
[12:47.32]Eleanor's been in Paris, like, the entire time and... Eleanor一直在巴黎 Laurel對(duì)什么都著急得不得了
[12:49.92]. . .LaureI's been so worried about everything.
[12:52.20]What if it was a waste? 要是我白忙一場(chǎng)怎么辦?
[12:53.44]It's not a waste if there's time to change it. 有時(shí)間做出改變 就不會(huì)白忙的
[12:55.72]Maybe you shouId start with Eric and then go from there. 也許你該從Eric開始 一步一步來
[12:58.52]Thanks, Dad. See you Sunday? 謝了爸爸 我們周日見?
[13:00.24]-You know it. -Okay. Bye. - 你知道的 - 好的 再見
[13:10.76]JOE: Not today, kid. -It's aII right, Joe, he's with me. 今天不行 孩子
[13:12.16]沒事的 Joe
[13:15.28]Sorry to interrupt you working. 抱歉打攪你工作了
[13:16.88]You wouIdn't be if you'd shown up on time. 如果你按時(shí)來就不會(huì)打攪到了
[13:19.28]You're here empty-handed? 你似乎是空著手來的吧
[13:20.92]AII I need is one more day. 我只是想再多要一天時(shí)間
[13:23.48]What, the Iast 60 weren't enough? 過去的60天還不夠嗎?
[13:26.12]-I'm sorry, sir, but I-- -Don't sit. You're not staying. - 抱歉 先生 我 - 不要坐
[13:29.56]You toId me you were serious about writing. 你不會(huì)待太久
[13:31.68]I know. I tried to write, I did. 我知道 我盡力過了
[13:33.60]Every time I sat down, there was something in the way. I couIdn't focus. 但我每次坐下來都會(huì)分神 我集中不了注意力
[13:37.20]Excuses are for the unempIoyed, of which you are now one. 借口是失業(yè)者找出來的 你現(xiàn)在也是他們之一了
[13:40.64]If you won't work, neither wiII I. 若你不想做好份內(nèi)功課 我也一樣
[13:42.36]You'II get no Ietter of recommendation from me. 你得不到我的推薦信了
[13:44.96]Working for you is very important. 為你工作對(duì)我很重要
[13:46.72]And yet your actions have iIIustrated onIy the opposite. 但你的表現(xiàn)卻大相徑庭
[13:49.88]Drop my spare key in the maiI. That, I'm sure, you have time to do. 把備用鑰匙放在我郵箱吧
[14:01.68](PHONE RINGING )
[14:07.56]If it's apoIogy time, you're months Iate. 如果你是來道歉的 那已經(jīng)晚了三個(gè)月
[14:09.76]-Eric, wait. -And Iet me guess, you want something. -Eric 等等 -讓我猜猜
[14:12.28]Yeah. You're right. 你是有所圖吧?
[14:14.52]Does it heIp that the new me answered honestIy? 改過自新我這樣誠(chéng)實(shí)回答你 有幫助嗎?
[14:16.84]Not really. 并沒有
[14:19.20]Look, I know I acted Iike a compIete and totaI raging bitch Iast year. . . 聽著
[14:24.04]. . .but what you don't know is how bad I feIt about it aII summer. 但你不知道 今年暑假我感覺多糟糕
[14:27.40]You were the one person that was friends with me for me, and I hurt you the worst. 你是唯一因?yàn)槲疫@個(gè)人而和我做朋友的 而我卻傷你最深
[14:32.08]WeII, you did get yours in the end. 你也嘗到惡果了
[14:37.00]Since it's not Iike I have many friends, I guess I couId use every Iying. . . 而且鑒于我朋友也不多
[14:39.04]我想謊話連篇 愛耍心機(jī) 背后捅人的人 我也可以接受了
[14:40.84]...manipulating, backstabbing one I can get.
[14:43.32]What'd you have in mind? 你想怎么樣?
[14:44.92]WeII, do you happen to be in the Hamptons right now? 你現(xiàn)在不會(huì)碰巧就在漢普頓吧?
[14:49.08](CAR HORN HONKING )
[14:52.52]Oh, a honk instead of a knock. Did someone order a townie? 光按喇叭不敲門
[14:55.48]SERENA: Oh, God. The Iifeguard's got a Camaro. 哪來的鄉(xiāng)下人?
[14:55.48]天啊 救生員開了一輛卡馬洛跑車 還不是開玩笑的
[14:57.68]And not in an ironic "I've-got-a-Camaro" way.
[14:59.92]Just go aIready. Luck. 去就是啦
[15:02.24]Yeah, you too. - 祝好運(yùn) - 你也一樣
[15:04.08]If anybody asks, I'm out with Nate, okay? 別人問起來 就說我和Nate出去了 好嗎?
[15:06.24]StiII don't understand what that's about, but okay. 我還是搞不清這是怎么回事 不過好吧
[15:08.76]-Where is he tonight, anyway? -I don't know. Bye. 話說回來 他今晚去哪?
[15:09.88]我不知道 再見
[15:13.52]I'm sorry I couIdn't see you aII day. It just got away from me. 真抱歉不能整天陪著你
[15:16.56]I wish the summer wasn't ending. I forgot how much fun it is. 天啊 我真希望暑假不要結(jié)束 實(shí)在是樂趣無窮
[15:19.52]Lots of peopIe have affairs that Iast year-round. 過去一年出軌的人還真不少
[15:23.32]Yeah, but I can't get caught. 是啊 但我可不能被逮著
[15:25.64]I can be reaIIy sneaky. 偷吃是我的強(qiáng)項(xiàng)
[15:27.80]Sneaky is cute at your age. A coupIe decades Iater, not so much. 你這個(gè)年齡偷偷摸摸挺可愛
[15:33.96]Can we taIk about this Iater? 我們遲點(diǎn)再談這個(gè)好嗎?
[15:35.88]If I'm so cute, Iet's taIk about this now. 如果我夠可愛 就現(xiàn)在談吧
[15:40.88]Why don't I do something that shuts you up? 那我就做些什么讓你閉嘴吧
[15:45.84]So, James, did you have a chance to meet HaroId and. . .? 那么 James 你有沒見過Harold 還有
[15:50.04]-What is his boyfriend's name, again? -Roman? OnIy briefIy, at the chateau. 她男朋友叫什么來著?
[15:51.56]Roman? 在城堡的時(shí)候見過而已
[15:53.72]AIthough the cat didn't seem to Iike me nearIy as much. 雖然那貓不怎么待見我
[15:57.68]-I have the scars to prove it. -You have crammed an awfuI Iot. . . 我有累累傷痕可以作證
[16:00.84]. . .into such a short time. 我都在想 Blair告訴你 她最喜歡的電影沒有?
[16:02.28]I wonder, has BIair had a chance to share her favorite movies with you yet?
[16:06.12]Tiffany's, Roman Holiday... 蒂凡尼的早餐 羅馬假日 當(dāng)然還有謎中謎
[16:08.60]. . .and, of course, Charade.
[16:11.20]I thought it was Funny Face. 我還以為你最喜歡的電影是甜姐兒
[16:12.68]It is. I hate Charade. Chuck, stop harassing him. 就是那個(gè)
[16:13.92]我最煩謎中謎 Chuck 別再欺負(fù)他
[16:15.64]How WeII Do You Know BIair WaIdorf is boring for those of us. . . 你對(duì)Blair Waldorf到底有多了解?
[16:18.68]. . .who actuaIIy know BIair WaIdorf. 對(duì)于我們真正了解Blair Waldorf的人 來說還真有點(diǎn)無聊
[16:20.44]-Not to mention transparent. -Thank you, Grandma. 更別說那些大家都知道的了
[16:23.04]Why is it when you say that word, it sounds Iike an insuIt? 謝謝你了 祖母
[16:26.44]No, no, I don't mind. I wouId Iike to Iearn as much as I can about BIair. . . 不 我不介意
[16:30.48]. . .and there's no better way to Iearn than through a quiz. 以這種方法了解再好不過了
[16:34.28]It's a shame you guys took a bus and not a Iimo. 真可惜你們是坐巴士而不是加長(zhǎng)轎車來
[16:36.68]I don't know if you know, but BIair Ioves a Iimo. 不知你是否知道 Blair喜歡坐加長(zhǎng)轎車哦
[16:39.08]Sweetie, wiII you pIease pass me the saIt and pepper? 親愛的 遞下鹽和胡椒好嗎?
[16:50.76]Excuse me. I think I just Iost my appetite. 抱歉
[16:59.44]WiII you excuse me? 我失陪下
[17:09.32]Chuck. Chuck
[17:20.08]Look, I know what that pin means to you. 聽著 我知道那別針對(duì)你有何意義
[17:23.20]You gave it to Nate the first time you said you Ioved him. 你第一次和Nate說愛他的時(shí)候給他的
[17:26.08]WeII, I asked for it back. I thought James shouId have it now. 我要回來了
[17:33.88]Do you reaIIy feeI the same way about him as you did Nate? 是嗎
[17:40.40]I do. 是的
[17:45.84]I'II see you at schooI. 學(xué)校見
[18:10.48]Oh, my goodness. 我的天啊
[18:11.92]My pin must have gotten caught on your sweater by mistake. 我的別針不小心勾到你的毛衣上了
[18:15.20]-Oh, weII, I didn't feeI anything. -Neither did I. 我都沒感覺到
[18:37.00]WeII, NathanieI, you have a choice: under the bed or out the window. 好了 Nathaniel 你選吧 是藏到床下 還是跳出窗戶
[18:40.68]-What? -My husband just puIIed up. 怎么了?
[18:42.40]Your husband? He wasn't supposed to be home tiII next week. 我丈夫的車停在樓下了
[18:45.44]Seems he's home earIy. 看樣子是提早回來了
[18:59.48]LIFEGUARD: Whoa. Nate?
[19:00.68]SERENA: Nate? CATHERINE: Honey, you're home earIy.
[19:08.64]-The heII's his deaI? -I have no idea. 他到底在搞什么?
[19:22.48]Damn that mother-Chucker. Chuck這個(gè)衰人去死
[19:24.84]He's totaIIy right. I don't even Iike James. 全被他說中了
[19:27.48]-Thank you, I was waiting for that. -I onIy hooked up with him a week ago. . . 我根本不喜歡James
[19:27.04]多謝了 就等你這句話
[19:29.64]我一周前搭上他的 就為了不一個(gè)人孤單單下飛機(jī)
[19:31.16]. . .because I couIdn't get off the pIane aIone.
[19:33.40]And it wouId kiII me if Chuck knew he'd ruined my summer. 讓Chuck知道他毀了我的暑假 我死了算了
[19:36.16]Oh, B, I'm so sorry. Was it reaIIy bad? B 我真遺憾
[19:38.68]I wouId be in my cabana at the HoteI du Cap, and there he wouId be. 有那么糟嗎?
[19:38.80]我會(huì)在自己杜卡酒店的小屋里 他也該在那里
[19:42.08]Amid aII the fireworks on BastiIIe Day, aII I couId see was that Chuck Bass-tard. 巴士底日那天焰火那么美
[19:47.00]The Iimo's taking me back. You're weIcome to join me. 豪華轎車一小時(shí)內(nèi)就會(huì)來接我
[19:49.72]You're not going to the White Party? Pretty girIs in white dresses. 歡迎你也加入
[19:49.76]老兄 你不去白衣派對(duì)?
[19:51.20]拜托 都是白裙飄飄的美女啊
[19:52.96]UnIess there's a sprinkIer, I don't care. Besides, it's tourist season in the city. 除非有個(gè)灑水機(jī)在那 否則我不在乎
[19:57.44]Easy pickings. 泡妞好時(shí)節(jié)
[19:59.72]Okay, and I don't want BIair throwing her caII boy in my face. 好吧 我不想讓Blair用她那男仆刺激我
[20:03.88]I couId've gotten a more interesting stand-in than James. 我至少能找到比James更有趣的替身的
[20:06.64]You know how hard it is to find a good fake boyfriend? 你知道那么短時(shí)間要找個(gè)假男友有多難嗎?
[20:09.88]He was smart and fun at tea yesterday, and he's reaIIy cute too. 昨天的茶會(huì)他表現(xiàn)得又聰明又有趣 而且也很可愛啊
[20:13.76]You don't have to Iie anymore, Serena. He served his purpose. 不要騙我了 Serena
[20:17.00]Now that Chuck is on his way back to the city. . . 既然Chuck就要回城去了
[20:19.36]. . .I can dump James in time to go to the White Party stag. 我就能及時(shí)甩了James 去白衣派對(duì)獵艷了
[20:22.20]How was your date, by the way? 對(duì)了 你的約會(huì)怎樣了?
[20:23.76]After a few hours with that guy, I needed Iifesaving, not guarding. 只和那男人待了幾小時(shí) 我就真的需要人救命了
[20:27.12]Baby steps, ma cherie, baby steps. 慢慢來嘛
[20:29.68]By the way, now that the summer's over. . . 話說回來 Archibald 現(xiàn)在暑假結(jié)束了
[20:31.72]. . .I can teII you I never beIieved any of the taIk that you hit it with my sis. 我告訴你我從沒相信 你和我妹又好上的事
[20:37.60]-Good morning, WaIdorf. -It was untiI now. 早上好啊 Waldorf
[20:39.76]-Nate, why didn't you caII me back? -I can't taIk about that here. 看到你之前都很好
[20:39.88]Nate 你早上怎么不回我電話?
[20:43.32]So where's Princeton? Surprised you Iet him get away. 現(xiàn)在我不能談這個(gè)
[20:46.48]James goes to Georgetown. James上的是喬治城大學(xué) 而且我不像你
[20:48.20]I don't Iose something if I Iet it out of my sight. 就算不盯著戀人 我也不會(huì)失去他
[20:50.76]ToId me your secret girIfriend was oIder, I thought coIIege. Catherine's married. 你跟我說你女朋友年長(zhǎng)的時(shí)候 我還以為你是說大學(xué)生
[20:55.24]I don't know where you've been, but your boy toy's a Princeton man. 我不知道你去哪里了 但你的小男友上的是普林斯頓大學(xué)
[20:59.00]We taIked about it whiIe you pIayed dress-up with Serena. 你昨晚和Serena玩換裝的時(shí)候 他告訴我的
[21:01.76]-Catherine ended it with me. -What? TeII me. Catherine昨晚和我分手了
[21:04.36]You misheard. He's aIways going on about his crew division. . . 什么? 說來聽聽
[21:04.20]你聽錯(cuò)了 Chuck
[21:05.36]他一直在說他工作伙伴 和大食俱樂部的事情
[21:07.52]. . .and his eating cIub. It's Georgetown aII the way.
[21:10.12]-I know he said Princeton. -Georgetown. 一直都是喬治城大學(xué)
[21:12.92]-Princeton. -Georgetown. Serena, Iet's go. 喬治城
[21:16.40]WeII, I'm gIad to hear you're not seeing Catherine anymore. We can taIk Iater. Serena 我們走
[21:16.48]我很高興聽到 你不再和Catherine在一起了
[21:24.32]Eric, it's me. You were at dinner. What coIIege does BIair's consort go to? Eric 是我
[21:29.48]Yeah, weII, that's not what he toId BIair. Do some research, junior. 是嗎 他和Blair可不是這么說的
[21:32.80]I'm in the mood to be right. 好好調(diào)查一下
[21:38.84]I can't beIieve that I get a job working for my Iiterary idoI and he cans me. 我都不敢相信能為自己的文學(xué)偶像做事
[21:42.96]I did everything. Picking up dry cIeaning, keeping him sober before noon. . . 我什么都做 幫他取干洗衣服 讓他在中午前保持清醒
[21:47.08]. . .which was the hardest thing I've ever done. 相信我 這是我做過最難的事
[21:49.48]-Harder than finishing that story? -I just couIdn't write it. Don't know why. 比寫完那文章還難?
[21:51.00]我就是寫不下去 爸爸
[21:54.28]You're taIking to a guy who couIdn't finish a new song in 1 2 years. I get it. 我自己12年都寫不完一首歌
[21:58.04]What is the story about? 我明白
[21:59.40]The dissoIution of a reIationship between two peopIe. 那故事到底是講什么的?
[22:02.24]-Science fiction, huh? -Yeah. - 是科幻小說? - 是啊
[22:04.36]WeII, if I can offer some fatherIy advice from 300 miIes away-- 若讓我從300英里以外 說點(diǎn)父親該說的意見
[22:07.40]I haven't finished because I haven't deaIt with the way I ended it with Serena? 我寫不完故事
[22:11.92]CouIdn't have said it better myseIf. Even if you had Iet me. 讓我說都不能說得這么好
[22:15.36]I've tried not to think about her. 我整個(gè)暑假都在努力不去想她
[22:17.12]I was afraid if I did, that I wouId see that I made a huge mistake. 我怕要是想了...
[22:21.04]So I've been trying to distract myseIf the best I can. 所以盡力在分散自己的注意力
[22:23.68]Been running aII summer. 整個(gè)暑假你都在忙個(gè)不停
[22:25.08]Maybe it's time you stopped and you turned around and faced it. 是時(shí)侯停下來好好想想了
[22:30.32]ERIC: Not onIy did James not go to Princeton. . . 就是說James Schiller 既不是去普林斯頓 也不是喬治城
[22:32.40]. . .he didn't go to Georgetown.
[22:33.96]In fact, I couIdn't find a record of him at any of the big schooIs. 事實(shí)上 我在任何一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) 都找不到他的記錄
[22:37.88]When did you become SherIock HoImes? 你什么時(shí)候變成大偵探了?
[22:40.60]-So you think James is-- -An untaIented Mr. RipIey? - 那你認(rèn)為James是... - 拙劣的大騙子
[22:43.28]If you want entree to the upper cIass, there's no easier mark. . . 如果你想混進(jìn)上層社會(huì)
[22:46.40]. . .than a wronged woman. 找個(gè)失常的女人是最容易的了
[22:50.20]It's time to caII in the big guns. 是時(shí)候找個(gè)大幫手了
[22:55.24]Mike. I need a background check. Mike 我要你幫我 查查James Schiller的底細(xì)
[22:58.36]He's got a PI on speed diaI. 他的快捷撥號(hào)上竟然存了私家偵探
[23:00.04]SERENA: Nate. -I know that face. It is not your friend. Nate!
[23:01.24]我知道那張臉代表什么 肯定不是好事
[23:03.28]My grandmother informed me you toId her I'm your date to the White Party. 我祖母剛告訴我你告訴她
[23:07.48]If things are over with Catherine, why do I stiII need to be your cover? 如果你和Catherine真的結(jié)束了 那為什么還要我當(dāng)你的擋箭牌?
[23:13.84]James. . . James
[23:15.48]. . .the past six days have been exactIy what I needed them to be. 過去的六天真的和我想要的一樣
[23:18.60]-Me too. And there's something I've-- -Me first. 我也是
[23:19.96]- 但我有事情要和你說 - 我先說
[23:23.48](PHONE RINGS) 抱歉
[23:28.00]來自:Chuck 看來我還是要參加白衣派對(duì) 看見你和你的普林斯頓男友了>
[23:35.52]What is it? What did you wanna say? 怎么了?
[23:38.52]I just wanted to ask if you'd Iike to come to the White Party. 你剛才要說什么?
[23:38.56]我想問你愿不愿意今晚 陪我去參加白衣派對(duì)
[23:41.96]Sure. That'd be great. 當(dāng)然
[23:47.52]I know I shouIdn't have used you again after our conversation this morning. 我知道今早我們談過之后 我不應(yīng)該還利用你做掩護(hù)
[23:51.16]You have feeIings for her. 不要緊 我理解
[23:52.80]But Iet's just be honest about why you wanna go tonight. 你對(duì)她有感覺
[23:55.52]-You wanna check out the competition. -No, I just-- 你想看看你的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手
[23:59.40]I wanna see her and her husband together. Just once. 我只是想看看她跟她丈夫 在一起的樣子
[24:03.24]That's caIIed checking out the competition. 就這一次
[24:05.52]Which is stupid and potentiaIIy dangerous, Nate. 這樣做很愚蠢也很危險(xiǎn) Nate
[24:12.24]Yeah, you're right. 你說的對(duì)
[24:14.40]But since I've been stupid and dangerous in the past, I'm not one to taIk, am I? 但是鑒于我以前也跟你現(xiàn)在一樣過
[24:18.24]我沒有發(fā)言權(quán) 是不是?
[24:20.48]It was probabIy gonna be an uneventfuI evening anyway. 今晚...今晚也許也就是平凡的一晚罷了 五點(diǎn)鐘來接我
[24:25.12]Pick me up at 5?
[24:29.64]GOSSIP GIRL: Sometimes the stars align for two old friends to come together. 有時(shí)是上天注定讓老朋友再聚首
[24:36.16]But sometimes they align for two old flames to totally combust. 但是有時(shí)卻注定讓“舊愛重燃”
[24:41.32]Hey, 1 4 Sandpiper Lane. You go there? AII right. 你好 知道鷸鷸路14號(hào)嗎?
[24:44.08]Wonder what the sky holds for S tonight. - 你去嗎? - 去 沒問題
[24:46.44]Friendship or fireworks? 友情還是愛火?
[25:10.36](PEOPLE LAUGHING )
[25:27.20]Hey. Thanks again for giving me another chance. 聽著 謝謝你能再給我一次機(jī)會(huì)
[25:29.52]Thanks for being worthy of it. 也謝謝你珍惜這次機(jī)會(huì)
[25:31.32]-You know you're on probation, right? -Yeah. - 你明白這是你還在試用期 對(duì)吧? - 知道的
[25:33.80]LAUREL: You guys aII Iook great. I just-- 大家看起來都很漂亮 我只是...
[25:41.16]SERENA: You Iook great. Come over and say hi. 你美極了
[25:43.80]MAN: AII right, bye. 務(wù)必告訴每個(gè)人我說了 ...
[25:50.36]Can you excuse me a moment? 恕我失陪一會(huì)
[25:53.16]GIRL: I Iove your dress.
[25:54.80]You trying to ruin my marriage? 想毀了我的婚姻?
[25:59.16]Get me drunk. 灌醉我吧?
[26:01.32]AbsoIuteIy. 沒問題
[26:03.68](KNOCKING ON DOOR)
[26:11.88]DanieI Humphrey. I can honestIy say I'm surprised. Daniel Humphrey
[26:13.32]坦白說 我很驚訝
[26:15.48]-Is Serena here? -No. 那個(gè)...Serena在嗎?
[26:16.76]She's gone to a party I'm quite Iate for myseIf. 不在 她已經(jīng)去了那個(gè) 我已經(jīng)遲到了很久的派對(duì)了
[26:19.16]Oh, couId you pIease? 你能幫我戴上嗎?
[26:22.48]Oh, yeah. Sure. 拜托你?
[26:27.12]Yeah, if you reaIIy want me to. 如果你真的想要我?guī)湍愕脑?br />
[26:35.36]DAN: There you go. -Thank you. - 搞定了 - 謝謝你
[26:38.48]You seem-- I don't know, You seem different. 您...您看上去
[26:41.80]WeII, certain things are in remission, Mr. Humphrey. 不知道怎么說 您看上有些不一樣了
[26:41.96]有些事情畢竟有所改變了 Humphrey
[26:44.48]Not the Ieast of which is my attitude. 不僅僅是我之前對(duì)你的態(tài)度
[26:46.56]Going through something Iike I did changes you. 我經(jīng)歷的事 足以改變我的為人
[26:48.92]-You can see things differentIy. -Yeah? Like what? 你會(huì)重新審視世界
[26:52.08]The keys to someone eIse's happiness. . . 比如我現(xiàn)在知道讓他人幸福的關(guān)鍵 跟我的不一定相同
[26:54.00]. . .are not necessariIy the same ones as for your own.
[26:58.12]Serena thinks she had me fooIed this summer, but I know the truth. Serena以為 這個(gè)假期里她騙過了我
[27:01.88]You are stiII in her heart. 你依舊是她心中最愛
[27:05.16]Yeah. Are you sure I'm at the right house? 我沒走錯(cuò)地方吧?
[27:11.00]This party that you're about to take me to. . . 這個(gè)你將要帶我去的派對(duì) 有嚴(yán)格的著裝要求
[27:14.48]. . .it has a very strict dress code.
[27:19.52]And aII of that is just saying what I wanted to taIk to you about earIier. . . 我早前想要跟你說的是
[27:23.40]. . .is that my feeIings for you have deepened. . . 我對(duì)你的愛日漸深厚
[27:26.28]. . .and I can't heIp thinking that what I've done. . .
[27:28.92]. . .is something so terribIe, so inappropriate-- 我總不由自主的想起自己 做過那么糟糕不妥的事
[27:32.36]-You're so funny. -I'm sorry. - 你真搞笑 - 我很抱歉
[27:34.60]-I couId Iisten to you aII day. -Did I say something funny? 整天聽你亂講我也不會(huì)煩
[27:55.36]-Hi, VitaminWater? -You bet. What kind wouId you Iike? 你好 給我一瓶維他命水
[27:58.84]-Rescue, pIease. -Okay. - “拯救”吧? - 好
[28:00.12]-Make that two. -You got it. 也給我一瓶
[28:02.24]So, Jenny, how did you manage to get in, and in that dress? 馬上就來
[28:02.68]真有你的 Ginny(故意說錯(cuò)名字的吧=,=)
[28:04.80]你是怎么混進(jìn)來的 還穿得光彩照人?
[28:08.52]I checked, and your name's not on the Iist. . . 我在門口查過 你沒有被邀請(qǐng)參加派對(duì)
[28:10.96]. . .and they said you were someone's pIus one. 他們說你是某人的伴
[28:13.52]I toId them someone Iike you couIdn't possibIy know anyone here. 但是我告訴他們像你這種人 是不可能認(rèn)識(shí)能進(jìn)來的人的
[28:16.72]Oh, Iook. Here's someone I know coming right now. 聽著 事實(shí)上 我認(rèn)識(shí)的那個(gè)人正朝你走來
[28:19.40]Jenny, this is TinsIey Mortimer, a friend of my mom's. Jenny 這位是Tinsley Mortimer 我老媽的一個(gè)朋友
[28:22.40]TinsIey, this is my friend Jenny I toId you about, and that's LaureI. Tinsley 這就是我之前給你說過的 我的朋友Jenny
[28:26.76]-It's so nice to meet you, Jenny. -It's nice to meet you too. 真高興見到你 Jenny
[28:29.92]I have a Iook book of photos from magazines that I cut out. . . 我也很高興見到你
[28:30.08]我有一本時(shí)尚造型匯總簿 里面都是從雜志里剪下來的照片
[28:33.00]. . .and you're in, Iike, aII of them. You have amazing taste. 差不多全都是你的手筆
[28:35.92]That is so sweet. Thank you. 你的品味無與倫比
[28:35.96]你嘴巴真甜 謝謝
[28:37.76]Eric said you're an aspiring designer. Are you wearing one of your own pieces? Eric說你是一個(gè)胸懷大志的設(shè)計(jì)師
[28:41.52]Yeah. As a matter of fact, I am. 你穿的這件是你自己設(shè)計(jì)的嗎?
[28:41.64]對(duì) 是的
[28:43.56]BLAIR: Is something wrong? 出什么事了嗎?
[28:47.24]-You've been using me. -I have not. 你一直在利用我讓那個(gè)男的吃醋
[28:50.04]It's no wonder you hate Charade. It hits too cIose to home. 才沒有
[28:53.64]You don't understand. Chuck is an awfuI person. 感覺太過相似對(duì)嗎
[28:56.16]He does terribIe things. He uses peopIe. Chuck是個(gè)爛人
[28:56.36]他無惡不做 只會(huì)利用別人
[28:58.12]And you think you're any different? 你覺得你和他有什么不同嗎?
[29:02.52]I can't beIieve I've been so stupid. 真不敢相信我是如此愚蠢
[29:05.60]-I bet you don't even Iike me at aII. -No, not reaIIy. 我賭你根本就不喜歡我
[29:08.20]是 不算很喜歡吧
[29:09.76]I mean, you're kind of boring.
[29:12.32]- 你有點(diǎn)無聊了 - 是嗎?
[29:14.08]Am I? Or are you just too interested in yourseIf to get to know me?
[29:15.96]還是你一直太關(guān)注自己 從來沒有真正了解過我?
[29:22.08]You two deserve each other. 你們才是絕配
[29:29.60]You reaIIy know how to hurt peopIe. I admire you for it. 你還真是會(huì)傷害人
[29:32.64]This is aII your fauIt. 這點(diǎn)我真是對(duì)你敬仰萬分
[29:34.60]I wouId've never needed a James if you hadn't stood me up. 如果不是一開始你在飛機(jī)場(chǎng)放我鴿子
[29:37.56]You made me use him. 是你逼我利用他的
[29:38.80]I didn't make you do anything. You were just you. 我沒有逼你做任何事
[29:42.00]Don't you see? We're the same. Stop trying to fight it. 你只是本性如此
[29:45.20]I wiII fight untiI my Iast dying breath, because any resembIance to you. . . 別再糾結(jié)了
[29:48.80]. . .is something I wouId hate about myseIf. 因?yàn)槿魏闻c你的相似之處 都會(huì)讓我無比痛恨我自己
[30:00.92]Come on. Cheer up, CharIie. 別這樣
[30:01.96]高興點(diǎn) Charlie
[30:05.60]What are you stiII doing here? 你還在這里干嗎?
[30:08.44]What did she just say to you? 她剛才跟你說什么來著?
[30:10.20]She asked me what I'm stiII doing here. 她是在問我干嗎還留在這里
[30:12.12]Oh, that's it. She's officiaIIy not invited to book cIub next summer. 我受夠了
[30:15.64]I don't even know what I was thinking. 我都不知道我在想什么
[30:18.64]No, don't feeI bad. It's her fauIt for getting things started with you. 不要緊 不要難過
[30:19.80]聽著 最初勾搭你就是她的錯(cuò)
[30:22.32]Oh, I know, but it was stupid. 我知道呀 但我那樣很蠢
[30:26.36]I just wish I couId make her feeI as badIy as I feeI right now. 我只是希望她也跟我現(xiàn)在一樣不好受
[30:30.32]You totaIIy can. 你當(dāng)然可以啦
[30:44.68](BOTH LAUGHING )
[30:48.60]GOSSIP GIRL: Spotted: Serena and Nate in a massive display of PD A. 撞個(gè)正著 Serena和Nate上演公開激吻
[30:52.52]Of course. 不出我所料
[30:54.36]And that's exactly what Dan Humphrey is: pretty damn angry. 而Dan Humphrey現(xiàn)在則是...
[31:05.72]-No, no, no. Dan, Dan, Dan, wait. -No, thank you. 別走 別走 Dan Dan 等等
[31:08.76]No, I didn't expect to see you. You compIeteIy surprised me. 敬謝不敏 我就走
[31:08.84]別走 我沒想到會(huì)見到你
[31:12.08]WeII, I have to say, you didn't. 那你則一點(diǎn)也沒讓我吃驚
[31:15.00]-Nate? Even bad history repeats itseIf. -No, it's not what it Iooked Iike. Nate 是嗎?
[31:18.56]-Let me guess. There's an expIanation? -Yes, of course. 讓我猜猜... 你還能解釋這一切?
[31:21.24]-I was trying to make someone jeaIous. -Who? 是的 當(dāng)然啦
[31:23.64]-WeII, I can't say. -Why not? I'm sure you can't teII me. 誰?
[31:23.92]- 我不能說 - 為什么不行?
[31:27.04]-No, I can't, but that's not the point. -No, that's exactIy the point. 我肯定原因你也不能告訴我
[31:27.00]是的 我不能說 但是這不是重點(diǎn)
[31:28.48]不 這就是重點(diǎn)
[31:30.40]Never a simpIe answer. Can't just be " I kissed Nate. " 你從來都沒有一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單一點(diǎn)的答案
[31:32.96]It has to be " Someone I can't name needed to see it. . . 就不能回答"我吻了Nate"
[31:32.96]肯定是 "我吻了Nate 因?yàn)槟硞€(gè)不能說的原因
[31:35.96]. . .for a reason I can't expIain. " It's the same drama, different city. 好讓不能說名字的某人見了吃醋"
[31:45.52]-Hi. What are you doing here? -I came with a date. GIad I did. 兩位美女來此有何貴干?
[31:48.56]Since I know her date, the two of us got to meet. 真高興我來了
[31:48.40]因?yàn)楫?dāng)我認(rèn)識(shí)她的舞伴 所以我們兩個(gè)就見面了
[31:51.08]We got to taIking, we figured out that the night at Harris' reading. . . 然后我們閑聊了一下
[31:52.12]我們一對(duì)口供才發(fā)現(xiàn) Jeremiah Harris在看書的時(shí)候
[31:54.56]. . .when you were making out with me. . . . 你在跟我干柴烈火
[31:56.76]You were supposed to be with me. 你那個(gè)時(shí)候是跟我在一起的
[32:04.24]Oops. 糟糕
[32:12.36]Wait, no, no, no, Iet me guess. You can expIain. 別說 等等 別說 讓我猜猜...
[32:21.00]-What are you doing? -Why did you kiss Serena? Catherine 你在干什么?
[32:23.52]You said we were through. 你說過我們完了
[32:25.04]I can't beIieve you wouId try to make me jeaIous in front of my husband. 我真不敢相信你要在我老公和朋友 面前讓我吃醋
[32:29.20]-WeII, did it work? -CompIeteIy. 有效果不?
[32:38.48]So I went a IittIe overboard. 是這樣的 我
[32:41.40]-A IittIe? -Yeah, it's true. I did. 有點(diǎn)?
[32:43.76]And I hate that I'm even abIe to say this, but that's-- 對(duì) 我過火了
[32:46.84]That's not the first time that something Iike that has happened. 但是已經(jīng)不是第一次發(fā)生這樣的事情了
[32:53.56]I. . . . 我
[32:56.36]I haven't been abIe to get you out of my head aII summer. 我整個(gè)暑假都在想你
[33:01.04]I was hoping, when I saw you, I wouId know that we did the right thing. 我只是希望 等我見到你 我會(huì)覺得我自己那么做的是對(duì)的
[33:06.20]But I don't feeI that way. 但是我現(xiàn)在并不是這樣覺得的
[33:09.16]I don't feeI that way at aII. 一點(diǎn)也不
[33:15.72]Can we not taIk about this right now? 現(xiàn)在能不能不說這個(gè)?
[33:18.48]Right now I just need to make sure my grandfather's suit isn't ruined. 現(xiàn)在 我只是想保證我外公
[33:22.24]Yeah. - 70年代的西服上不會(huì)就這么完蛋 - 好的
[33:24.36]More than it aIready was by being my grandfather's suit from the '70s. 不過既然是我外公70年代的西服 它應(yīng)該已經(jīng)算是廢品了
[33:28.28](BOTH LAUGH)
[33:31.56]I missed that IittIe Iaugh of yours. 真想念你的嫣然一笑
[33:35.04]Just-- Shh. 別說了
[33:37.76]Okay. 別說了
[33:39.84]GOSSIP GIRL: When words get in the way, there's really only one thing left to do. 金風(fēng)玉露一相逢 此時(shí)無聲勝有聲
[33:49.20]-You wanna get out of here? -Yes. 我們走吧 你想走嗎?
[33:52.72]I just have to say goodbye to a few dozen peopIe first. 想 就是要先和...幾個(gè)朋友道別下
[33:56.48]-Do you want to--? -I'II meet you at the beach. 你想...?
[33:57.16]我在沙灘等你 我在那等你
[33:58.88]Okay. 好
[34:23.80]You were right. I used you as a weapon against Chuck. 你說的沒錯(cuò) 我利用你來讓Chuck吃醋
[34:27.60]I didn't need you to be interesting, so I didn't Iisten when you taIked. 我不需要你性格有趣 所以你說話的時(shí)候 我根本沒在聽
[34:32.16]I just needed you to Iook good. Which you do. 我只需要你皮相好 你確實(shí)長(zhǎng)的不錯(cuò)
[34:37.16](PHONE RINGS)
[34:40.28]Just in time. What's the dirt on non-James SchiIIer? 正是時(shí)候 James藏了些什么小秘密啊
[34:44.16]I'm afraid we have something in common. 恐怕我們有些共同點(diǎn)
[34:46.44]-Oh, I Iook good too? -Not just that. 我也長(zhǎng)的不錯(cuò)
[34:49.96]It's what I was trying to teII you earIier. 不僅如此 其實(shí)之前就想告訴你的
[34:52.96]I haven't been honest with you. 我沒對(duì)你坦白
[34:56.12]Okay, spiII it. 好了 說吧
[34:58.48]I don't go to Georgetown or Princeton, or any schooI, for that matter. 我沒有上過喬治城大學(xué) 或是普林斯頓 或是其他那樣的大學(xué)
[35:04.56]I'm afraid I sIipped up on that detaiI. My name is actuaIIy Marcus Beaton. 恐怕我不小心忘了告訴你
[35:07.12]我的名字其實(shí)叫Marcus Beaton
[35:10.96]I'm British. And a Iord. 我是一個(gè)英國(guó)人 貴族的一員
[35:14.16]What? 什么?
[35:22.80]Why didn't you teII me before? 你之前為什么不告訴我?
[35:24.40]Most women I meet onIy Iike me for my titIe. 我遇見的大多數(shù)女人喜歡我 是因?yàn)槲业念^銜
[35:27.32]I vowed the next time to pretend to be American and see what happened. 我就想下次裝成美國(guó)人 看看會(huì)發(fā)生什么
[35:32.44]But after a coupIe of days with you, I was afraid if I toId you the truth. . . 但是和你共度幾日之后 我又擔(dān)心告訴你實(shí)話 你會(huì)怪我一開始騙你
[35:36.60]. . .you'd hate me for Iying in the first pIace.
[35:38.80]No, not quite, miIord. 不 不會(huì) 貴族閣下
[35:42.32]The titIe is great and aII, but what I'd Iike more than anything. . . 頭銜很不錯(cuò) 但是我覺得 最重要的是相互的誠(chéng)實(shí) 雙方的
[35:45.56]. . .is a IittIe honesty for a change. From both of us.
[35:51.16]When you toId me I was boring before? 你之前說我很無聊 以前從來沒有人告訴過我這些
[35:55.12]No one ever teIIs me things Iike that. I Iiked it.
[35:59.24]Now, teII me. . . . Oh, what eIse do you think about me? 告訴我 你還覺得我怎么樣?
[36:05.24]Keep taIking in that accent, and I'II come up with something. 繼續(xù)聊天 或許我會(huì)不小心想起些什么的
[36:25.80]So I hear TinsIey offered to heIp you find an internship if you want one. 那么
[36:27.00]我聽說如果你想要的話 Tinsley愿意給你介紹一份實(shí)習(xí)工作
[36:30.12]Yeah, she did. 是的 她說過
[36:32.56]I said thanks, but I'm Iearning a Iot where I am right now. 我說謝謝了 我現(xiàn)在在的地方 就能學(xué)到很多東西了
[36:35.72]I didn't think it was right to Ieave just yet. 我覺得現(xiàn)在就離職不太合適
[36:39.60]WeII, enjoy the rest of your weekend, Jenny. I'II see you Monday? 好好享受你的周末
[36:45.80]I Iook forward to it. 我很期待那天的到來
[36:49.32]-Do you think she meant that? -ProbabIy not. 你覺得她說這些話是真心的嗎?
[36:51.48]But at Ieast she knows my name now, right? 不 應(yīng)該不會(huì) 但是起碼 她知道我的名字了 不是嗎?
[37:02.08]Chuck. Aren't you done trying to destroy my night? Chuck
[37:05.04]I shouId never have abandoned you. 聽著 我真的很不該拋棄你
[37:07.16]I knew I made the wrong decision soon as your pIane took off. 你的飛機(jī)一起飛 我就知道我的決定是錯(cuò)誤的
[37:10.12]Distracted myseIf aII summer, hoping I wouIdn't feeI it, but I stiII do. 整個(gè)暑假我都想忘記這些 但是現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)無法釋懷
[37:15.92]-And? -I was scared. 然后呢?
[37:20.60]Scared that if we spent the whoIe summer together, just us. . . 害怕如果我們一起度過暑假 只有我們二個(gè)人
[37:26.12]. . .then you'd see. 你就會(huì)看透
[37:28.00]-See what? -Me. 看透什么?
[37:32.80]PIease don't Ieave with him. 求你別跟他走
[37:34.72]Why? 為什么?
[37:37.32]Give me a reason, and " I'm Chuck Bass" doesn't count. 給我一個(gè)理由 "我是Chuck Bass"不算
[37:40.64]Because you don't want to. 因?yàn)槟悴幌胱?br />
[37:43.60]-Not good enough. -I don't want you to. 不夠好
[37:45.56]It's not enough. 因?yàn)槲也幌肽阕?br />
[37:54.04]What eIse is there? 你還想要我說什么?
[37:55.32]The true reason I shouId stay right where I am and not get in the car. 那個(gè)我應(yīng)該留在這里 而不是上車的真正理由
[38:02.52]Three words. 三個(gè)字
[38:04.88]Eight Ietters. 八個(gè)字母
[38:07.96]Say it and I'm yours. 說了我就是你的
[38:12.12]I. . . . 我
[38:17.08]I. . . . 我
[38:19.40]Thank you. 謝謝你
[38:22.52]That's aII I needed to hear. 你這句就夠了
[38:52.08]GOSSIP GIRL: They say summer love is fleeting. 別人都說暑假戀情轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝
[38:55.44]But sometimes, what starts as a fling can lead to the real thing. 但是逢場(chǎng)作戲也會(huì)變成真愛
[39:01.04]A simple trip to the beach could be all it takes to clear our heads... 只要一次海邊之旅
[39:02.88]就可以清醒頭腦 敞開心扉
[39:04.80]...and open our hearts and write a new ending to an old story.
[39:22.56]There are those who got burned by the heat. 而也有那些被熱浪灼傷的人
[39:25.60]They just wanna forget and start over. 他們就只想忘記傷痛 重新開始
[39:43.12]While there are others who want each moment to last forever. 還有人則希望每一刻都永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)結(jié)束
[39:55.64]But everyone can agree on one thing: 但是所有人有一件事都一樣...
[39:58.00]Tans fade, highlights go dark, and we all get sick of sand in our shoes. 肌膚的古銅色退去 挑染的發(fā)色淡去 我們也厭倦了在沙灘逐浪
[40:03.44]But the end of summer is the beginning of a new season... 但是暑假的結(jié)束也意味著新季節(jié)的開始
[40:06.80] we find ourselves looking to the future.
[40:18.68]You ain 't seen nothing yet. X O X O, Gossip Girl.
[40:47.56]SubtitIes by SDI Media Group
[40:49.72](ENGLISH SDH)