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[00:00.00]美劇MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:40:17
[00:01.08]GOSSIP GIRL: Gossip Girl here, your one and only source... 流言蜚女駕到...
[00:03.48]...into the scandalous lives of Manhattan 's elite. 我是你們窺視曼哈頓 上流社會丑聞的唯一來源
[00:05.92]SERENA: It feeIs right to be together. -You're having second thoughts. 能在一起感覺真好
[00:09.04]I just think that we shouId think before we get back together. 可是你在猶疑
[00:12.84]My name is actuaIIy Marcus Beaton. I'm British and a Iord. 其實我叫Marcus Beaton
[00:16.92]-PIease don't Ieave with him. -Three words. 別跟他離開
[00:19.12]Say it and I'm yours. 三個字
[00:19.36]說出來 我就是你的了
[00:21.72]-I. . . . -That's aII I needed to hear. 我...
[00:23.88]JENNY: EIeanor's been in Paris. What if it was a waste? 這正是我想聽的
[00:26.92]-They wanna take our money? -They've frozen our accounts. 如果這一切都是白費勁呢?
[00:27.72]還沒 但他們凍結了我們的賬戶
[00:29.76]-Everything okay? -No, actuaIIy, it's not. 一切還好嗎?
[00:30.72]事實上 并不好 但很高興打了電話給你
[00:32.60]But I'm so gIad I caIIed you. I reaIIy missed you.
[00:35.08]SERENA: BIair's dating Catherine's stepson. Nate's BIair's ex. 這個暑假真的好想你
[00:35.16]Blair和Catherine的繼子約會 而Catherine Nate是Blair的前男友
[00:37.88]You can take care of this, with my heIp. 你可以擺平這一切
[00:40.16]What wouId I have to do for you? 只要有我?guī)兔?br /> [00:40.52]那我有什么能為您效勞的嗎?
[00:42.20]Oh, my F-ing God. 我的老天爺
[00:43.68]I'm sorry. I'm not gonna be abIe to make it tonight. 真的很對不起 但今晚肯定來不及過去了
[00:46.24]It's okay. I was tired anyway, so we'II hang out another time. 沒關系 我也累了 改天再約吧
[00:49.36]What do you say we just forget thinking and foIIow our hearts? 不如我們別再想了 跟著感覺走算了?
[00:54.12]In spite of my IowIy, unroyaI ways, accept that I have feeIings for Marcus. . . 雖然我低賤粗鄙
[00:58.48]. . .and that he has them for me too. 但我對Marcus感情是真的 而他也對我也是
[01:02.04]GIRL: Where has she been?
[01:03.24]GOSSIP GIRL: And who am I?
[01:04.60]That's one secret I'll never tell.
[01:07.84]You know you love me. X O X O...
[01:11.72]... Gossip Girl.
[01:13.32]流言蜚女 第二季 第03集
[01:18.76]GOSSIP GIRL: In these last, hazy days of summer... 暑期的最后的這些天 為您提供些抗熱消暑小技巧
[01:21.76]...a few simple tips to beat the heat:
[01:25.48]One: Drink plenty of fluids. 第一...多喝飲料
[01:32.80]Two: Stay out of the sun. 第二...遠離烈日
[01:35.04]JENNY: Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me. 哦 抱歉 對不起 抱歉
[01:38.92]Three: Limit all physical activity. 第三
[01:41.68](CAR HORN HONKS)
[01:48.08]That is, within reason. 在合理范圍內...
[01:52.04]I thought you wanted my heIp with this party you're hosting. 我還以為你的這個派對要我?guī)兔δ?br /> [01:55.48]A back-to-schooI party for seniors and their parents? 高年級學生和家長的回校派對?
[01:58.16]-It can wait. -But someone couId waIk in. 它可以等的
[02:01.32]Dorota or. . . . 但可能會有人進來的
[02:02.88]So? Didn't you see Atonement? That scene in the Iibrary. . . - Dorota或者... - 那又如何?
[02:04.40]你沒看到 "贖罪"?
[02:06.84]-. . .when they're discovered? -No, no. No, BIair. 那段他們在書房里被發(fā)現(xiàn)的場景?
[02:08.48]不 不 Blair
[02:10.36]-That's not you. -It's not? 那不是你
[02:12.96]You're a deIicate IittIe fIower. Nothing Iike that tart Keira KnightIey. 不是嗎?
[02:13.24]你是一朵精致的小花 跟Keira Knightley那種隨便的女人不一樣 (此言論不代表rrting任何成員意見= =||)
[02:17.76]It's just, we've been dating a whiIe. I thought-- 只是 我們約會也有段時間了 我覺得...
[02:20.16]I feeI the same way. You're very speciaI to me. 我也這么覺得 但你對我來說很特別
[02:23.72]I want the moment to equaI it. 我想要等到的特別的一刻
[02:28.40]Now. . . 現(xiàn)在
[02:31.32]. . .the tea's getting coId. 茶快涼了
[02:33.08]GOSSIP GIRL: And if the heat's still too much, there's always a cold shower. 如果還是覺得很熱 那么沖個涼吧
[02:37.32]VANESSA: Jenny, are you okay? -Yeah, sorry. My phone sIipped. - Jenny?你還好吧? - 還好
[02:40.28]I think my cheek got sweaty. What was I saying? Oh, right. 抱歉啊
[02:40.20]電話滑了 大概是我臉頰出汗了
[02:43.20]-You Iike him, he Iikes you, so caII him. -He stood me up. 我說什么來著?
[02:42.72]哦 對了 對了
[02:44.08]他喜歡你 所以電話他咯
[02:46.04]He just made you wait and then canceled. That's different. 他放我鴿子誒 你還記得嗎?
[02:46.36]他只是讓你等了很長段時間 然后打給你取消約會
[02:49.04]He did that to spare you his drama, which is just more proof he Iikes you. 這是兩碼子事
[02:52.64]-And caIIing him won't Iook desperate? -It wiII, but in a romantic way. 而這更證明了他喜歡你
[02:54.56]會的 會的 但是是可愛浪漫型的
[02:56.08]What is wrong with me? I am so not the whiny, " ShouId I caII him?" girI. 我到底是怎么了?
[02:58.12]我根本就不是那種猶豫 "我該電話他嗎?" 的女孩
[02:59.68]ExactIy. You are Vanessa, the do-whatever-she-wants girI. 就是
[03:00.76]你是Vanessa 是"我行我素"的女孩
[03:02.72]And you wanna caII him, so do it. 現(xiàn)在你想打電話給他 那就打
[03:04.44]-Look, I gotta go. Laurel is gonna kill me. -Bye. 聽著 我得掛了
[03:05.32]Laurel要殺了我了 好嗎?
[03:09.08](SIGHS) 嘿 你們...你們能幫我撿下嗎? 拜托了
[03:10.32]Hey, can--?
[03:11.48]Can you guys pick that up, pIease? PIease?
[03:16.36]-RaIph Lauren adores you. -Catherine, did you hear what I just said? Ralph Lauren很稱你
[03:20.20]I did. Where's the money I gave you? Catherine 你聽到我剛說什么了嗎?
[03:22.16]It's gone. I can repay you as soon as our accounts are unfrozen. 我給你的錢哪去了?
[03:22.36]不見了 但是一旦我們的帳戶解凍 我就會還給你的
[03:25.28]Which won't be untiI your father gets back from Dominica. 那不是要等到你父親從那個什么 叫什么地方來著 回來?
[03:28.32]-I toId you that in confidence. -You toId me that in bed. - 多米尼加? - 我跟你說這是秘密的
[03:31.64]ReIax, gorgeous. 放松啦 帥哥
[03:32.88]We can discuss this tomorrow over Iunch. 我們可以在明天午餐時討論這個話題
[03:34.84]I got us a room at the Mercer. We can order in. 我在飯店訂了個房間
[03:37.96]I'm so gIad this didn't end. 我很高興我們沒結束
[03:40.56]Me too. 我也是
[03:42.08]Try these on. I'm gonna go find you some ties. 試試這個
[03:48.12](PHONE RINGING )
[03:52.72]-Hey, Vanessa. -Nate, hi. 你好 Vanessa
[03:54.96]-I hope it's okay that I'm caIIing. -Of course. How are you? Nate 你好
[03:58.04]-Good. So Iisten, I was wondering if-- -Hey, do you wanna do something Iater? 當然沒有
[03:57.60]- 呃 你好嗎? - 很好
[03:59.84]- 我在想如果... - 嗨 你想什么時候一起玩嗎?
[04:03.04]Yeah, sure. That sounds great. 好的
[04:05.80]CooI. Okay. Hey, Iisten, I'II caII you Iater, okay? 那太好了
[04:07.20]那好 我再電話你 好嗎?
[04:08.76]-Okay. -Bye. 好的
[04:15.28]-Who was that? -It was my mom. 剛是誰?
[04:16.80]It was about the party tomorrow night. I'm gonna try these on. 我媽
[04:22.36]DAN: A coming-out party? 坦白派對?
[04:23.56]WeII, sooner or Iater, peopIe are gonna figure out we're dating. 用不了多久 別人會發(fā)現(xiàn)我們好了的
[04:26.68]We're not exactIy the worId's most covert secret coupIe. 我們還不算是世界上最隱秘小心的一對哦
[04:31.68]My famiIy is getting a IittIe curious about my friend CIyde that keeps caIIing. 恩 我家人有點好奇
[04:35.68]See? Come on, we teII everybody once, then it's done. 這不就得了? 快來
[04:36.44]我們知會所有人一次 就一了百了了
[04:38.24]And now, thank you, universe, we have the perfect opportunity. 而現(xiàn)在...感謝老天... 給我們最佳時機
[04:41.84]Yeah, a party hosted by BIair WaIdorf, the biggest Dan Humphrey supporter. 是了 Blair Waldorf主持的派對
[04:45.48]-What are you afraid of? -Right now, heat stroke. 我在曼哈頓的最大支持者
[04:48.96]-Dan. -No, hey. No, no, no. I know, I know. 現(xiàn)在? 中暑
[04:49.04]- Dan - 不 寶貝 別別別 我-我知道 我知道
[04:52.48]Look, right now, things are just-- They're so good between us, you know? 你看 現(xiàn)在我們之間無比甜蜜
[04:56.48]-If we start teIIing peopIe-- -What? 你也知道的 如果我們開始公布于眾
[04:58.40]What couId anybody possibIy say that wouId change this? 又怎樣? 又有誰能說什么來改變現(xiàn)在的狀況?
[05:02.00]You're right. I'm in. 你說的對
[05:05.64](SERENA GIGGLES)
[05:08.24]Everything's gonna be fine. 不會有事的
[05:12.16]GOSSIP GIRL: Let's hope so, S... 但愿如此了 S
[05:13.84]...because it looks like your coming-out party just moved up. 因為看上去你的坦白派對已經(jīng)提前了哦
[05:20.20]CHUCK: RacheI, I'II give you a caII when I'm feeIing better. Rachel 我感覺好點時會給你電話的
[05:24.96]GOSSIP GIRL: Spotted: S and Lonely Boy locking lips like all is forgiven. 現(xiàn)場報道...
[05:25.72]S和孤獨男孩激情擁吻 貌似已冰釋前嫌
[05:29.56]Will round two be any different? 第2輪會不會有什么不一樣的地方呢?
[05:31.92]Ugh. I knew it. 惡 我就知道
[05:33.12]JENNY: Dan! Dan!
[05:34.36](JENNY SCREAMING )
[05:36.76]Sweaty hug. You're sweaty. 哦 汗淋淋的擁抱
[05:38.88]You guys are together. It wasn't a doctored photo? 你出了好多汗
[05:40.08]你們復合了 是嗎?
[05:41.68]We are. We just hadn't toId anyone. 這不是做出來的照片?
[05:41.84]不不 我們是在一起了 只是我們還沒告訴別人
[05:43.56]Oh, this is awesome. You guys totaIIy beIong together. 哦 這太好了!
[05:46.44]This is LaureI. HoId on. 你們簡直命中注定天生一對
[05:48.24]-HeIIo? -I ran into Jenny out on the street. 哦 是Laurel 等下啊
[05:50.40]-So the word's out, huh? -ApparentIy. 我在街上碰到了Jenny
[05:52.56]I'm happy for you. 顯然是
[05:54.36]And you two have worked out aII your issues? 真為你高興
[05:57.80]Yeah. Yep, got them aII squared away. 是的
[06:01.00]That's great. 太好了
[06:03.12](BOTH LAUGHING )
[06:04.92]VANESSA: How is it that you're not hot? -WeII, it is the Upper East Side. 你怎么會不覺得熱?
[06:08.08]I mean, getting hot's kind of frowned upon. 這可是上東區(qū)
[06:10.60]So when am I gonna get to see you again? 那我什么時候再能見你呢?
[06:12.72]Depends. Can I count on you not to canceI? 再說吧
[06:15.04]That wiII never, ever happen again. 那將永遠不會再發(fā)生了
[06:16.96]-It's okay, I-- -No, I'm serious. 沒關系的
[06:18.60]Like, I mean, everything with my famiIy's been so crazy. . . 不不 我是認真的
[06:18.80]聽著 我想說 我們家的事情太亂了
[06:21.80]. . .but when you caIIed today, it just feIt Iike I couId breathe again. 但你今天電話我時 感覺就像
[06:25.96]So I wanna do this. 就像我又可以呼吸了
[06:28.28]I wanna make this, us, right, okay? 我想要這樣
[06:28.56]我希望我們... 之間...能一切順利 好嗎?
[06:32.72]Okay. Tomorrow night? 好的
[06:35.64]I gotta take my mom to this schooI party. 呃 明晚我要帶我媽去一個學校的聚會
[06:37.88]Fine. Come to the gaIIery. You can bring me Iunch. 好的 來畫廊哦
[06:40.92]Oh, weII. . . . 好的
[06:43.68]-WeII, it was a good speech. -No, no, no. I'm serious. 我
[06:46.44]I mean, I have famiIy stuff, but I'II rescheduIe. 不不不不 我是認真的
[06:46.72]我是說 我家里有點事 我-我再安排下
[06:49.40]And they'II just have to deaI with it. 讓其他人等吧
[06:56.40]GOSSIP GIRL: Rumor is Nate Archibald has a hidden lady. 傳言Nate Archibald藏了個神秘小女人
[07:00.60]Careful, N. Secrets don 't keep long in this heat. 當心咯 N
[07:02.28]這么熱的溫度 秘密守不了多久的
[07:10.88]BLAIR: So the fIowers won't arrive untiI 5. 所以
[07:13.68]Did you get the order from the caterers? 你拿到膳食承辦人的訂單了嗎?
[07:20.08]EIeanor comes home today. You excited she gets to meet Marcus? Eleanor今天會回來
[07:23.12]And see why he's so wonderfuI? 讓她自己看到他有多棒?
[07:24.88]It's not often you find a man who's inteIIigent. . . 并不常會遇到成熟智慧的男人
[07:27.32]. . .sophisticated, has an appreciation for GoIden Age HoIIywood. . . 欣賞舊好萊塢的黃金歲月 還是一個徹底的紳士
[07:30.48]. . .and is a gentIeman. 要知道 他從來沒強迫我上床
[07:31.88]You know he hasn't pressured me about sex once?
[07:34.92]Not once. 一次都沒
[07:36.48]-Wow, sounds Iike you reaIIy Iike him. -Yes, I do. 貌似你真的很喜歡他
[07:38.68]是的 我喜歡他
[07:42.36]Do you see what I just did there? 你看到我剛在做什么嗎?
[07:44.08]I expressed an interest in your reIationship. 我對你們的戀情表示出興趣
[07:48.36]Look, I know you know about me and Dan. 聽著 我知道你知道我和Dan的事
[07:50.28]Even Dorota toId me she was happy for me. 連Dorota都說她為我倆開心
[07:52.52]I'm happy for you. 我也為你們開心啊
[07:54.24]-B, I know you don't approve of him. -True. B..我知道你不很接受他
[07:56.76]And I know that he's not the 22nd Iord of WestmoreIandshire. 沒錯
[08:01.44]AIso true. 也沒錯
[08:03.52]Why can't you support me? 為什么你就不能支持我呢?
[08:06.44]Have you two taIked about everything? 你們都已經(jīng)把一切說清楚了嗎
[08:08.64]AII the very reaI reasons you broke up Iast year? 所有導致你們去年分手的真實原因?
[08:12.68]WeII, not compIeteIy. 那 還沒有
[08:14.28]WeII, when you do, if you're stiII together, I'II be happy for you. 那么 等你做完這一切 你們還能在一起 那我就為你們開心了
[08:17.80]TiII then, I think you're just fooIing yourseIves. 直到那時 現(xiàn)在你們不過是自欺欺人罷了
[08:20.52](PHONE RINGS)
[08:23.24]Duchess. To what do I owe this pIeasure? 公爵夫人 我怎能有如此榮幸?
[08:25.20]Okay. I think you've got this taken care of. I'II see you tonight. 好的 我想這里需要你處理
[08:29.96]Sneaky IittIe Nate. Yes, I know exactIy the girI you're taIking about. 偷偷摸摸的小Nate
[08:32.24]是的 我的確知道你說的那個女孩
[08:34.12]Her name is Vanessa. She Iives in BrookIyn. 她叫Vanessa
[08:45.56]-Smoke? -No, thanks. It's a IittIe earIy for me. 煙?
[08:46.60]不了 謝謝
[08:47.40]這 呃 對我來說有點早
[08:49.52]-So how can I heIp, NathanieI? -About Iast week, the money? 那我能幫到你什么 Nathaniel?
[08:51.56]就是上周... 那筆錢?
[08:53.72]-I might have overreacted a IittIe. -A IittIe? 我想 我可能有點反應激烈了
[08:56.80]Yeah. And, hey, if you can, I wouId Iove to take you up on the offer, as a Ioan. 有點?
[08:57.08]是的 還有 嗨 如果你還愿意的話 我想借那筆錢
[09:01.68]You were getting the money somewhere eIse. 我以為你會從別處搞到錢
[09:03.76]Yeah, weII, that person is asking for a Iot. 是的 但是 那個人索要的 太多
[09:09.16]WeII, I'd Iove to accommodate you, but when you spurned my offer. . . 這個
[09:11.24]我也想幫你 但你拒絕了我的好意之后
[09:14.00]. . .I sent the money to my financiaI guy. 我把錢交給我的財務了
[09:16.04]It's tied up in bonds for six months. 6個月之內拿不出來
[09:18.48]No, that's cooI. I'II just-- I'II find another way. 那好
[09:21.60]So you seen BIair and Lord FauntIeroy recentIy? 我再... 我再試試其它辦法
[09:25.04]No. 沒有
[09:28.64]Are you doing okay? 你還好嗎?
[09:30.24]I'II confess, I've been feeIing a IittIe off my game. 我承認 我最近狀態(tài)不佳
[09:33.44]But I'm expecting a return to form very soon. 但我想我很快會恢復正常
[09:36.08]Sir, the fIight from Tokyo has Ianded. 先生 東京來的航班已經(jīng)著陸了
[09:42.04]So I can see. 看得出來
[09:51.00]I know it's hot, but I need everything fitted and ready for EIeanor to inspect. 我知道很熱 但我希望所有衣服都量身做好 以供Eleanor檢查
[09:55.00]-Jenny? -I know. - Jenny? - 是的 我知道
[09:56.20]-I'II cIean the ateIier soon. -The bathrooms too. 我這里一做完就把工作室打掃干凈好么?
[09:59.00]Someone decided to give us a second Iook at breakfast. 還有浴室
[10:02.76]LaureI beIieves in her interns paying their dues. Laurel相信她的實習生 做什么都是應該的
[10:05.16]MODEL: You must reaIIy want this. 你一定是很想做這份工作
[10:06.52]Why? Because for three months I've put up with midnight coffee runs. . . 為什么 就是為了過去這三個月 我忍受著半夜起來買咖啡
[10:09.88]. . . 1 5-hour days, cIeaning up after the two in-house buIimics. . . 每天工作15小時 跟著這兩個大胃王屁股后收拾
[10:12.92]. . .aII so that EIeanor WaIdorf wiII spend five minutes Iooking at my designs? 這全都是為了讓Eleanor Waldorf 花五分鐘看看我的設計嗎?
[10:16.64]Yeah. Yeah, I reaIIy, reaIIy do. Okay. 是啊
[10:17.44]是啊 我是真的很想如此
[10:22.48]I feeI Iike it's not right. 我覺得有點不對勁
[10:25.68]HoId on. 先等一下
[10:30.60]LAUREL: What? -EIeanor's pIane's on time. 謝謝 夫人
[10:32.76]Right. I'II meet her at the penthouse. BIair's hosting a party there. 好 我跟她在酒店頂樓房間見
[10:36.12]If the a.c. guy comes, caII me. Yes? 要是修空調的人來了 打電話給我
[10:38.56]I think there might be something wrong with the dress. 什么事?
[10:45.64]No. This is what EIeanor designed. 沒有啊
[10:48.68]-ReaIIy? Even--? -Did you ever see Cinderella? 是嗎?
[10:49.56]- 就算是... - 你看過灰姑娘嗎?
[10:51.92]The cartoon? Sure. 動畫片?
[10:53.64]Remember the IittIe birds that heIped her dress? 看過
[10:56.24]Remember how they didn't offer their opinion? 記得小鳥從不發(fā)表意見嗎?
[10:58.92]Try to imagine that you're one of those birds. 試著想象你就是其中一只鳥
[11:01.52]-Can you do that? -Yeah. 能做到嗎?
[11:04.32]Now, fIy away. 是的
[11:09.52]SERENA: She can be so infuriating. Sometimes I just wanna-- 她真的能讓人很火大
[11:14.40]Okay. Enough BIair-bashing. 好了 不罵Blair了
[11:15.84]DAN: Don't stop on my account. PIease, keep bashing. 不 別為了我停下
[11:18.16]ObviousIy, we have things to taIk about, and we'II taIk about them. 繼續(xù)罵
[11:19.20]我是說 很明顯 我們事必須討論
[11:21.40]But it's no big deaI, right? 而我們會談論這些事的 這沒什么大不了的 對吧?
[11:24.96]-Oh, God, you agree with her. -No, no, I don't. I don't. 天哪
[11:27.68]It's just-- 不 不 我沒有
[11:28.88](PHONE RINGS) 只是...只不過
[11:30.08]SERENA: HoId on, hoId on. 等一下 等等
[11:31.60]Oh, it's my mom. She's caIIing from Shanghai. 是我媽
[11:33.84]-Can I take this? -Oh, yeah. Go-- 她從上海打來的
[11:35.48]-Sorry. HeIIo? -Saved by the beII. 我接一下好嗎?
[11:34.88]- 行 接吧 - 不好意思
[11:37.40]GIRL: Are you Dan Humphrey? SERENA: Hey, Mom. 真是電話救場了
[11:37.60]你是Dan Humphrey嗎?
[11:40.24]Oh, my gosh. Where?
[11:42.56]-Yeah, can I heIp you? -How couId you do it? 是的
[11:45.80]-What? Sorry, I don't-- -Get back together with Serena. 什么?我沒明白...
[11:48.48]-She's just gonna Iie to you again. -She doesn't respect you. 你知道嗎 她還會對你撒謊
[11:51.44]-She never wiII. -Excuse me, who are you? 她不尊重你
[11:53.48]We read about everything on Gossip Girl. Your whoIe breakup. We're on your side. 抱歉
[11:57.64]Except for her. She's a Serena. 我們都站在你這邊
[12:02.04]Okay. WeII, Iook. 好吧 聽著... 這個不僅有點恐怖 而且不關你們的事
[12:03.24]This is creepy and none of your business, so if you couId just go, pIease.
[12:06.92]-Just run aIong. SERENA: I Iost her. 你們走吧
[12:08.96]They were on a yacht with some Greek prince. 斷線了
[12:12.40]-HeIIo. -Yeah, ignore them. 你們好
[12:14.04]How couId you forgive him. . . 忽略她們
[12:15.48]-. . . after sIeeping with Georgina? -What? Serena 他和Georgina上床之后 你怎么還能原諒他?
[12:17.80]This is insane. I didn't sIeep with Georgina. PIease go. - 什么? - 什么? 不是吧
[12:20.56]-But we're on your side. -Not me. 好嗎? 請離開吧
[12:22.28]His mouth kissed Georgina's. Think about that next time-- 我可不是
[12:25.12]Okay, yeah, that's enough. Now I'm teIIing you to go. - 下次好好想想這個吧... - 好了
[12:27.68]-Come on, get out of here. -Thank you. 現(xiàn)在我要趕你們走了
[12:27.84]快點 離開這兒 快
[12:33.56]-Wow. What was that? -That was Gossip GirI. 怎么回事?
[12:35.84]怎么回事 都是"流言蜚女"惹的禍
[12:40.08]So. 那么?
[12:42.36]WeII, maybe there are some things that, you know, we shouId taIk about. 我想 也許是有些事...我們該談談
[12:46.80]Yeah. I think so. 對 我想也是
[12:49.48]Yeah, there's some stuff I have to do now before the party. 舞會前我還有些事要做 現(xiàn)在
[12:53.48]-Okay. -So why don't we taIk--? 好的
[12:55.20]-When I pick you up. -Yeah, perfect. 那我們不如...
[12:55.20]對 我來接你的時候可以談談
[12:57.16]-AII right, that'II be good. -Okay. Bye. 好 很好
[12:59.12]Bye. 好
[13:02.12]I'II see you Iater. 過會兒見
[13:05.08](PHONE CHIMES)
[13:08.76]Nate. HeIIo? Nate
[13:12.24]Look, I'm sorry. There's just a Iot going on. 抱歉
[13:16.00]Maybe you just need to be properIy distracted. 也許你該需要有人適當?shù)拇驍_下
[13:19.28](PHONE CHIMES)
[13:20.52]-I'm sorry. -No, no, no, it's me. 真抱歉
[13:22.16]-No, you don't need to expIain. It's fine. -What an unusuaI IittIe space. 不 不 是我不好
[13:22.20]不 Nate 你不用解釋 沒關系
[13:23.92]真的 我...
[13:24.72]真是個不同尋常的小地方... 一半畫廊 一半波希米亞式咖啡店
[13:26.48]HaIf gaIIery, haIf boho coffee shop.
[13:29.24]But unusuaI pairings seem to be the order of the day. 不同尋常的配對仿佛是本日特點
[13:31.80]NATE: What are you doing here? -Being angry at you. Blair 你在這兒干嘛?
[13:32.80]第一 生你的氣
[13:34.40]Here I thought I'd surprise you by bringing Vanessa to tonight's party. 我本來還想讓Venessa參加今晚的派對 給你點驚喜 結果被驚到的是我
[13:37.84]-You rekindIed your Iove in secret. -You're inviting me to a party. . . 你倆秘密復合了
[13:39.32]你大老遠地跑到布魯克林就是 來請我去不是我學校的舞會嗎?
[13:41.20]-. . .for a schooI I don't even go to? -For Nate, dear. 當然是為了Nate 親愛的
[13:43.96]Anne caIIed this morning. Poor thing has a migraine. Anne今早打來電話了
[13:46.84]When I thought of you coming aIone, I wanted to do something nice. 可憐的孩子有偏頭痛
[13:46.96]我想想你一個人來多孤單 那就想做點好事了
[13:50.04]Is that so hard to beIieve? 有真么難以置信嗎?
[13:51.48]-Yeah. -Yeah. Pretty much. 是啊
[13:53.80]MAN: HeIIo? I got a deIivery. 你好? 送快遞的
[13:56.52]Excuse me. 抱歉
[14:00.56]BIair, why are you reaIIy here? You can't stand Vanessa. What's in it for you? Blair 你到底來這兒干嘛?
[14:02.56]而且 除非對你有利 你從來都是袖手旁觀的
[14:04.84]I won't Iet you have an affair with my boyfriend's mother. 你覺得我會看著你和 我男友媽搞婚外情而袖手旁觀嗎?
[14:07.84]-You're distracting me with Vanessa? -Yes. What about it? 再好好想想
[14:08.08]那你想干嘛 想用Vanessa來分我的心?
[14:10.68]-As your pIans go, it's kind of nice. -A, don't be offensive. 是的
[14:10.68]如你所計劃 很不錯
[14:12.36]第一 別那么討人厭 第二 從我剛才看到的
[14:13.88]B, from what I just saw, if you wanna keep her. . . 如果你想留住她 你還要再加把勁
[14:16.28]. . .you're gonna have to step it up.
[14:20.52]So I can Iook forward to seeing you tonight? 那么我今晚能見到你們了?
[14:22.80]Sure, we'II be there. 對 我們會去的
[14:25.52]-ReaIIy? -Yeah, why not? 是嗎?
[14:27.04]WonderfuI. TiII tonight. 是啊 為什么不呢?
[14:35.24]Duchess, it's me. He's bringing her. And for the record. . . 公爵夫人 是我
[14:38.88]. . .whatever you're pIanning with Nate, my bedroom fIoor is off-Iimits. 為準確起見 不論你什么計劃 我的房間絕對禁止入內
[15:00.12]-Who was that? -A whiff of the Far East. 那是誰?
[15:04.80]Sometimes I envy you, the way you just-- 有時我還真嫉妒你 你做人...
[15:09.04]What am I saying? You're disgusting. 我在說什么呢?
[15:10.88]ReIax. Nothing happened with Madame ButterfIy. 你真惡心
[15:11.72]我跟蝴蝶夫人沒干什么 (蝴蝶夫人 歌劇主人公 日本人)
[15:13.72]-Yeah, right. -No. 才怪
[15:15.68]Nothing happened. Same as nothing's been happening aII week. 不
[15:18.60]What are you taIking about? You've had different girIs every day. . . . 你在說什么?
[15:24.56]-No. -I take your increduIity as a compIiment. 不
[15:27.92]No, I mean, come on, you must have tried-- 不是 我是說 得了吧
[15:30.16]Everything. From the erotic to the pharmaceuticaI. - 你至少試過... - 什么都試了
[15:34.52]I'm sorry. I'm not Iaughing. 真是遺憾
[15:36.28]It's just so obvious. You're not over BIair. 我不是笑你
[15:39.60]Come on, this is your body's way of teIIing you. 你還忘不了Blair
[15:41.96]I don't have a romantic bone in my body. 我體內可沒什么跟有浪漫細胞的骨頭 至少不是那根
[15:45.72]Least of aII, that one.
[15:50.20]But you do raise an interesting idea. 不過你倒是提了個有趣的想法
[15:52.84]CIearIy there's some sort of bIockage. 很明顯 是有某種
[15:57.88]-Perhaps-- -No. Chuck. 也許
[15:58.36]不 Chuck
[16:00.24]One more go-round, just to cIear the pipes. 再多一回合 只是通通管道
[16:02.48]-You are not using BIair as sexuaI Drano. -I have to make myseIf presentabIe. 你不能用Blair來解決你的性問題
[16:07.04]I have a party to attend. 我要參加聚會
[16:10.16]By the way, congrats on you and Humphrey. 順便說一句
[16:13.52]Water aIways finds its own IeveI. 水到總能渠成
[16:16.92]I just think if we hemmed it and got rid of that stuff by the coIIar. . . . 我想我們把衣腳縫邊 領子旁的所有東西都弄掉好嗎?
[16:20.52]-Right? MODEL: Yeah. God, that's so much better. 對 天哪
[16:23.40]I just-- I feeI Iike the dress is trying too hard, and this part is so '90s. 我只是...覺得這裙子太過頭了 這個部分像是90年代的風格
[16:27.44]ELEANOR: Interesting observation. And who are you? 很有意思的觀點
[16:32.80]I'm-- 我是
[16:34.44]I'm Jenny Humphrey, the Parsons intern. 我是Jenny Humphrey Parsons設計學院的實習生
[16:37.64]I thought you were going home. LaureI went to meet you. 我以為你回家去了
[16:40.32]And I decided to come here. Laurel去接你了
[16:43.16]You can Ieave those. . . 你把這些放下 把其他的包放到房間里去
[16:44.88]. . .and bring the rest of the bags to the apartment.
[16:47.96]So now interns have opinions. 現(xiàn)在的實習生有自己的觀點了
[16:51.60]I have been gone a whiIe. 我真不了解現(xiàn)在的情況了
[16:52.92]Mrs. WaIdorf, I hope that you don't think that I was trying-- Waldorf夫人 你不是以為我想...
[16:56.40]That you were teIIing the modeI that has to wear my design. . . 你想告訴模特要穿我這套
[16:59.60]. . .aII the many, many things that are wrong with it? 到處都不對勁的設計嗎?
[17:02.68]It's hot and Iate. We'II finish your fitting tomorrow. 現(xiàn)在天氣熱 又晚了
[17:08.68]I'm so sorry. 我...我非常抱歉
[17:10.72]That was compIeteIy, compIeteIy unprofessionaI. . . 這種做法實在太不專業(yè)
[17:13.12]. . .and I promise it wiII never happen again from me, I swear. 我保證不會有下次
[17:14.64]我 我...發(fā)誓
[17:16.16]I know you won't. 我知道你不會的
[17:17.96]Not here, at Ieast. 至少不會在這發(fā)生
[17:19.92]I need peopIe around here that I can trust. 我需要自己信賴的人在這里
[17:23.96]CIean out your station. 清理你的工作臺
[17:26.48]What? No. 什么?
[17:28.80]-No, pIease, you can't. -Oh, yes, pIease, I can. 求你 別這樣
[17:29.80]- 你不能... - 當然 拜托 我當然可以
[17:31.92]And if you are stiII hoping for a Ietter of recommendation. . . 如果你還指望一封推薦信 就閉嘴
[17:35.36]. . .you won't argue.
[17:40.80]Why is it so hot in here? 這里怎么這么熱?
[17:47.52]MARCUS: Nate. Nate!
[17:48.88]-Oh, hey. -I thought that was you. 嘿!
[17:50.60]-A IittIe warm for a run, isn't it? -Yeah, you know, I was just-- 老遠就認出你了
[17:51.84]是啊 我剛剛 呃 在想點事
[17:53.92]-Had some things to think about. -WiII I see you at BIair's tonight?
[17:57.24]Yeah. You headed there now or what? 當然
[17:59.00]No, I promised the duchess I'd pick her up. 你現(xiàn)在正要過去還是怎樣?
[17:58.92]不 不
[18:01.52]-Oh, your mother's coming. -Oh, yes. She and BIair are fast friends. 哦 你母親也會去啊
[18:02.24]啊 是啊
[18:05.44]I aIways find them whispering in a corner. 我總看到她們在角落竊竊私語
[18:07.56]A bit troubIing, come to think of it. 想想還真有點擔心
[18:09.52]-Anyway, I'II see you tonight. -Thanks, man. 好吧 那今晚見
[18:20.32]RECORDING: This is Vanessa. Leave a message after the beep. 我是Vanessa
[18:23.12]Hey, Vanessa. It's Nate. 嘿 Vanessa
[18:25.68]Listen, I'm so sorry, but about tonight, it's just. . . . 我很抱歉 但今晚...
[18:35.40]-Hey. -Hey.
[18:38.52]-Thought you and Dan were Ieaving. -We're supposed to. 我以為你和Dan早就動身去派對了
[18:41.16]He's not stiII reading Dan-Serena threads? 是啊 我們本該出門了
[18:43.48]Last I checked, yeah. 該還是不該一起的問題吧?
[18:43.52]最后一次核查 他還在糾結
[18:45.72]-Something's wrong? -I got a message from Nate. 出什么事了嗎?
[18:48.04]FamiIy drama, doesn't wanna burden me. Same oId story. 家人鬧劇 不想給我壓力... 沒新意的故事
[18:50.80]I just want to shake him, Iike, "I can handIe it," you know? 我真想直接告訴他 說我可以撐得住 明白嗎?
[18:54.00]Hey, sorry. I'm ready. 嘿 抱歉
[18:55.96]How is pubIic opinion on the Dan-and-Serena front? 我 呃 可以出發(fā)了
[18:58.48]Most peopIe think I'm an ass. 哦 大部分人認為我就是個混蛋
[19:00.00]But a passionate minority hoId I'm just an idiot, so. . . . 情緒激動的小部分人 則認為我不過是個白癡
[19:03.24]-You ready? -Nate's running Iate. 你準備好了么?
[19:04.92]I'II just-- I'II meet you there. Nate要遲到一會兒
[19:06.64]-Okay. You sure? -Yeah. - 好的 你確定? - 嗯
[19:09.40]You stiII positive you don't want me tagging aIong? 你確定不用我陪你去?
[19:11.92]Yeah, no offense, Dad, but I think-- 是的 無心冒犯 老爹 我覺得你和我 再加上Serena...情況夠尷尬的了
[19:13.84]You, me and Serena? Things are awkward enough.
[19:16.16]It's not Iike I'd have to be a third wheeI. I couId bring a date. 我不一定要當電燈泡
[19:19.60](LAUGHS) 我可以帶女伴一起去
[19:21.00]-What? -Not that you having a date is funny. . . - 啥? - 不是...
[19:23.92]. . .or outside the reaIm of possibiIity. 又或者完全不可能 只是很少見
[19:25.92]-Just within the gates. -One day I might surprise you. 總有一天你會驚訝的
[19:29.52]-Go. -See you there. 去吧
[19:33.60]You know, if you reaIIy Iike this guy, you shouId caII him. 如果你真的喜歡這個男生 你就該打給他 告訴他你的想法
[19:36.72]-TeII him how you feeI. -The mature response. Tempting. 成熟的回答
[19:40.88]Or, if you're Iooking for something immature. . . 或者 你想要個不成熟的法子
[19:43.24]. . .you couId teII him you Ieft the phone in the gaIIery, never got the message. 你可以告訴他你把電話落在畫廊 沒收到他的消息
[19:47.36]I've seen you be very forgetfuI. 我知道你很健忘
[19:51.16](CHATTERING )
[19:59.76]-There you are. -Thank you, darIing.
[20:01.64]MARCUS: My pIeasure. 祖屋離巴爾莫勒爾很近
[20:02.96]WeII, the ancestraI home is next to BaImoraI.
[20:05.20]Marcus teIIs the funniest story. . . Marcus講了Harry赤身跑過 他們草坪的搞笑故事
[20:07.08]. . .about Harry running naked across their Iawn.
[20:09.40]Prince Harry? I Iove him. Harry王子?
[20:11.36]You've been pIanning on YaIe since you were IittIe. 我愛死他了
[20:13.88]I know, but Marcus keeps begging me to consider Oxford. 當然 但是Marcus一再央求我 考慮牛津大學
[20:16.68]CHUCK: What a pity. 真可惜
[20:18.52]So much wasted potentiaI. 浪費了大好人才
[20:21.48]-What are you taIking about? -The thing that aIways fascinated me. 你想說什么?
[20:25.44]The cooI exterior. The fire beIow. 外表冷酷 內心火熱
[20:28.44]You are Iiving proof a person can't buy cIass. 你是穿上龍袍也不像太子的典型例子
[20:31.16]Can't teII me Bertie Wooster is satisfying your needs. 連Bertie Wooster滿足不了你吧 (美國小說中的能干管家 指Marcus)
[20:34.16]TitIes aside, a suit of armor makes for a coId bedfeIIow. 撇開頭銜 他就純粹是個 披著盔甲的冰冷床伴
[20:39.52]Not that it's any of your business, but Marcus and I have amazing sex. 關你什么事 但我要告訴你 Marcus和我的性愛超贊
[20:43.04]-Is that so? -Mm. 真的嗎?
[20:46.60]What names does he caII you when you make Iove? 你們在嘿咻的時候他喊你什么?
[20:55.68]Where does he put his hand? 手放在哪里呢?
[21:05.72]Does he. . .? 他有沒有...
[21:09.68](WHISPERING ) I want you, baby. Won't you come to me?
[21:17.20]Have sex with me. 我們嘿咻吧
[21:18.52]-What? -Just once. That's aII I need. 什么?
[21:21.96]You are disgusting, and I hate you. 你真讓人惡心 我討厭你
[21:24.88]Then why are you stiII hoIding my hand? 那你怎么還握著我的手呢?
[21:29.04]I have a party to host. 我還要招呼別人
[21:36.68]Hey. Sorry I'm Iate. 抱歉我遲到了
[21:38.28]Oh, no, it's not a probIem. You Iook great, as aIways. 不 不 沒關系
[21:41.00]Thank you. 你...你像往常一樣漂亮
[21:43.40]That's troubIing. 這個 真煩人啊
[21:45.16]-Maybe we shouId just go. -Yeah. 我們該走了
[21:52.40]-Did I say you Iook nice? -Yeah. Thanks again, though. 我有說過你很美嗎?
[21:55.16]Yeah, you're weIcome. 嗯
[21:55.16]嗯 不客氣
[22:00.76]-Did you do anything this afternoon? -No. No. You? 今天下午干嗎了
[22:04.68]No. 你呢?
[22:07.68]Chuck had a Japanese stewardess over today. Chuck今天帶回一個日籍空姐
[22:10.52]Oh. 哦
[22:13.92]It's a sIow eIevator. 電梯真慢
[22:25.44]-Where's Vanessa? -Not waIking into your trap. Vanessa在哪?
[22:28.24]Oh, pIease. You want me to feeI bad? 哦 拜托
[22:30.56]You're not exactIy occupying the moraI high ground. 你要讓我難過?
[22:30.60]你還沒那么高尚的道德 Archibald
[22:33.32]I just hope it's worth it. 我只希望我值得你這么做
[22:35.48]CATHERINE: NathanieI, you came. I'm so happy. Nathaniel 你來了
[22:38.56]Seems Iike forever since I've seen you. Or heard from you. 一日不見如隔三秋啊
[22:41.88]You use my friends to prove you're the one in controI, huh? 你利用我的朋友來玩弄權利的把戲 只為了證明你能掌控一切?
[22:44.80]I don't Iike sharing my toys if I've paid for them. 我不喜歡共享我的玩具 尤其是我付了錢的東西
[22:47.68]Where's your friend? 你的朋友呢?
[22:49.28]No, stop it. I don't know where I'm gonna get the money-- 我一直期待見到她
[22:49.24]不 打住 看著我
[22:52.16]Okay. Nate, Iisten, I'm sorry. I shouIdn't have said that. - 但你聽著... - 好吧 別這樣 Nate 聽著
[22:53.00]- 不要 - 我錯了
[22:55.00]It was out of jeaIousy. PIease, just don't do something we'II both regret. 我不該說那些話
[22:59.80]-No. VANESSA: Nate? 不
[23:07.64]Oh, my God. 天吶
[23:10.72](RUMBLING )
[23:18.44]Everyone, stay caIm. I'm sure the power wiII be back on in a second. 大家 請冷靜
[23:23.28]-Vanessa. -Nate. Vanessa
[23:25.80]It'II be fine. 都會好的
[23:26.96]GOSSIP GIRL: Sorry to break it to you, B... 抱歉打斷你 B
[23:28.68]...but this party just went over to the dark side. 但是這派對已經(jīng)轉向了陰暗面
[23:38.56]It's a citywide bIackout, but we have candIes. 全市停電 但我們還有蠟燭
[23:41.40]Everything's fine. 沒問題的
[23:44.92]Vanessa. Vanessa
[23:46.08]Nate, teII this Iady she can't go outside in a bIackout. Nate 太好了
[23:46.92]外面黑漆漆的 拜托你讓這位女士呆在屋里
[23:48.80]-Yeah, weII, I am. -No, it's okay, Marcus. - 沒關系 - 交給我吧 Marcus
[23:50.88]Just come with me, pIease. 我來就好 我來 請跟我來
[23:55.88]I can't beIieve this. I kept thinking, "Nate's different than aII the others. " 我真不敢相信
[23:57.28]我自顧自的想"Nate和Blair 完全不一樣" 但你原來更差勁
[23:59.72]-But you're just as bad. -Look, it's not that simpIe. 聽著 沒你想的那么簡單
[24:02.92]Are you sIeeping with that woman? 你跟那女人上床了?
[24:06.68]Yes. 是的
[24:09.12]Is that the reason you keep canceIing on me? 那就是你一直放我鴿子的原因?
[24:11.84]-Yes. But-- -No, Nate, there are no buts. - 是的 但是... - 別說了 Nate
[24:15.24]You Iied to me and you're sIeeping with some Mrs. Robinson. 你欺騙了我 你還和某個 Robinson夫人上床
[24:18.12]On the Upper East Side, that might be normaI. 這在上東區(qū)可能沒什么大不了
[24:20.52]I didn't sign up for a Iove triangIe. . . 我不稀罕介入你和某人的母親之間 來一段三角關系
[24:22.48]-. . .with you and someone's mom. -She's giving me money. 她給我錢
[24:27.24]WeII, that's just the capper, isn't it? 這是誘餌 對嗎?
[24:30.16]Look, my mom and I needed heIp. I just-- I had no other option. 不是的 我母親和我需要幫助
[24:31.68]我... 我沒有選擇
[24:42.80]TeII me everything. 告訴我所有的事
[24:48.12]If everyone wiII get a drink and a candIe, I'm sure. . . 請大家拿好蠟燭和飲料
[24:50.76]. . .the power wiII be back in a minute. 我保證電力馬上會恢復
[24:54.00]-BIair, have you seen Nate? -No, it's a bIackout. Blair 你看見Nate了沒?
[24:55.16]沒有 到處都黑漆漆的
[24:57.04]That girI showed up. 那女孩出現(xiàn)了 他們不知道 一起去了哪里
[24:58.24]-They went somewhere together. -HonestIy, Catherine, so what? 老實說 Catherine 這有什么問題?
[25:01.36]If they wanna be together, you can't stop them. Just deaI with it. 如果他們要在一起 你無法阻止他們
[25:04.56]-I wouIdn't expect you to understand. -Hot young guy. - 接受現(xiàn)實吧 - 我不指望你能明白
[25:06.84]性感年輕小伙子 年老色衰的美女 在享受整容手術前最后的盛宴
[25:08.56]Aging beauty enjoying her Iast hurrah before the surgeries start.
[25:12.24]It's caIIed a cIiche. 這算不算陳詞濫調呢
[25:15.52]Is Marcus everything you couId possibIy hope for? Marcus是你所期待的一切嗎?
[25:18.36]-Yes, absoIuteIy. -ReaIIy? - 是的 那是當然 - 真的嗎?
[25:20.12]There's not one thing that's missing? 沒有一點遺憾之處嗎
[25:22.64]That one thing you teII yourseIf you can Iive without? 你生活中不可缺少的東西
[25:26.20]That you'd happiIy sacrifice for the rest? 讓你心甘情愿為之傾其所有
[25:30.20]So teII you what, you're gonna sacrifice it every day the rest of your Iife. 我要告訴你
[25:34.44]Nate makes me feeI aIive. I'm not gonna give that up. Nate讓我覺得有活力
[25:43.88]Yeah, my name's Dan Humphrey. Yeah, the eIevator's stuck. 我叫Dan Humphrey
[25:45.68]對的 我們被困在電梯了
[25:48.68]Okay. Okay. AII right, thank you. 好的 好的...謝謝
[25:53.64]A citywide bIackout. We'II have to wait. . . 大范圍停電 他說我們只能等著
[25:55.72]. . .hope the power comes back on soon. 希望電力快點恢復
[26:01.16]What? 怎么了?
[26:04.00]No. I know when you're thinking of something. TeII me. 不對 我知道你在想些什么 說吧
[26:06.72]-It's nothing. -Serena. - 沒有...沒事 - Serena
[26:09.32]WeII, you probabIy shouId've mentioned my name. 你...也許你該提一下我的名字
[26:12.00]-Are you kidding? -Just forget it. 你開玩笑吧?
[26:14.00]You think there's a box that says "Open in event of Serena emergency" ? - 算了 - 不 我說真的
[26:15.44]"Serena Van der Woodesen有狀況 所以幫助她"嗎
[26:17.56]-I Iive in the buiIding. -It's a bIackout. 我住在這大樓里 僅此而已
[26:19.80]Must be hundreds stuck in eIevators. 不 全市范圍停電 所以...
[26:21.80]If you're not gonna caII them, can we not taIk about it? You're making it hotter. 好吧 如果你不打給他們 我們就別說這個了
[26:28.52]-Okay. -No, Dan. 好吧
[26:29.68]Why not? - 別 Dan... - 干嘛不打
[26:32.68]Yeah, hey, it's Dan Humphrey again. Humphrey, the guy in the eIevator. 嘿嘿 還是我 Dan Humphrey
[26:35.00]Humph...Humphrey 困在電梯里的那個
[26:36.68]Yeah. I know, I know, but I forgot to say that I'm with Serena van der Woodsen. 我知道 但我忘記提我和 Serena Van der Woodsen一起困在這
[26:44.24]Okay. Thanks. 好 謝謝
[26:51.28]WeII, they're gonna send someone, so. . . . 他們會派人來
[27:02.44]I guess I'm gonna go now. 我現(xiàn)在就走了
[27:04.56]Oh, pIease. I am not sending you out into a bIackout. 得了
[27:05.76]外面黑漆漆的 我不會讓你出去
[27:07.52]You can stay tiII the Iights come back on. 你可以留下等來電了再走
[27:10.56]Okay. Thanks. 好
[27:14.04]As Iong as you're here-- Come here. HoId this. 既然你在這里...過來
[27:17.84]I just-- I cannot decide about this neckIine. 我...我想不好領口樣式
[27:22.52]ReaIIy? I think it's cute. 是嗎 我認為挺可愛的
[27:23.88]Why don't you try teIIing the truth? It's not Iike I can fire you twice. 你為什么不說實話呢
[27:28.24]WeII, it Iooks Iike a PiIgrim at a funeraI. 像是葬禮上的朝拜者
[27:34.60]I'm sorry. 對不起
[27:37.60]You're absoIuteIy right. 你說的完全正確
[27:39.20]-I am? -Yeah. 是嗎?
[27:42.24]Don't Iet it go to your head. 沒錯
[27:45.20]But my mom stiII thinks Chuck's Iending us the money, so-- 但我媽媽還覺得是Chuck借給我們錢
[27:48.64]Just sending it to me. 所以要靠我維持
[27:51.00]So borrowing money from your son's friend is fine. . . 向自己兒子的朋友借錢沒問題
[27:54.56]. . .but whoring him out to pay the cIub biII isn't. 但讓他賣身還債就不對了
[27:59.44]-Do you wanna be with this woman? -No, I wanna be with you. 你想和這女人在一起嗎
[28:01.08]不 我想和你在一起
[28:04.16]But I just know that's not gonna happen now, so. . . . 但我知道眼下這是種奢求 所以...
[28:09.36]Nate, you have to end this for yourseIf. Nate
[28:14.00]Forget about what I said before. 忘記我之前的話
[28:16.24]You are better than this. 你不該淪落至此
[28:30.28]I'II be here when you get back. 我在這里等你
[28:36.80]I see. Just a moment. 明白了
[28:40.72]-I'm on with the buiIding manager. -I need you. Blair 我正在和大樓管理員通電話
[28:42.16]- 我要你 - 什么?
[28:45.24]Has something happened? Everyone seems quite caIm. 出了什么事
[28:48.32]No. I need you now. 不
[28:51.52]BIair. BIair, there's a bIackout. We have guests. We can't desert them. Blair...Blair 現(xiàn)在停電
[28:54.00]我們還有賓客在 不能棄之不顧
[28:56.20]I need you to make me feeI aIive. 我要你讓我感到自己的存在
[29:01.16]What are you taIking about? 等等...
[29:03.16]Just meet me up in my bedroom, okay? 到臥室來見我 好嗎
[29:06.36]GOSSIP GIRL: Looks like Lady B is determined to have it all. 看起來B小姐
[29:12.36]Question is, who with? 問題是 奉獻給誰呢
[29:16.52]Nate? Nate?
[29:18.12]ActuaIIy, I was Iooking for him myseIf. 其實我也在找他
[29:29.88]Vanessa, is it? 你叫Vanessa吧
[29:35.16]Oh, I see. You're thinking, "Look at this awfuI woman. . . 我懂了
[29:38.20]. . .who's taking advantage of an innocent young boy. " 你在想 這個可惡的女人 正在占無辜小伙的便宜
[29:40.84]Nate toId me everything. Nate告訴了我一切
[29:43.08]I think what you're doing is disgusting. 我想你的所作所為令人作嘔
[29:45.28]And yet you're here waiting for him, wiIIing to forgive and forget. 但你還是在這里等他 希望寬恕并忘記過去
[29:50.00]You must reaIIy care for him. 你一定非常在乎他
[29:52.84]-You wouIdn't understand. -See, that's where you're wrong. 你不會懂的
[29:55.04]瞧 你正是錯在這里
[29:57.36]You have no idea how I feeI about Nate. . . 你根本不知道我對Nate的感情 為了留住他我能做出什么來
[30:00.24]. . .and what I wouId do to keep him.
[30:02.76]You want me to teII you? 想讓我告訴你嗎
[30:07.76]Marcus, is that you? Marcus 是你嗎
[30:13.76](IN BRITISH ACCENT) BIow out your candIe. 吹熄蠟燭
[30:48.36]I spent the Iast month going around and meeting with. . . 過去一個月我四處奔波
[30:51.56]. . .the stores and the boutiques that carry my cIothes. 考察銷售我的服裝的商店
[30:55.00]-That must have been so exciting. -I feIt Iike a fat cheerIeader. 那感覺一定很刺激
[30:58.24]As a designer, your worst fear is becoming irreIevant. 作為設計師 最怕的就是與潮流脫節(jié)
[31:02.44]Then I come back here and find out the teenage intern. . . 然后我回到這里 發(fā)現(xiàn)實習生的意見恰到好處
[31:05.64]. . .teIIs me that exact thing.
[31:09.32]I'm reaIIy sorry. 真的萬分抱歉
[31:11.00]Maybe that is exactIy what I needed to hear. 也許這正是我該聽到的
[31:18.00]The first reaI dress I bought was one of yours. 我買的第一件禮服就是你設計的
[31:20.32]-Just spare me the pity. -It's true. 不用可憐我了
[31:24.12]I bought it from-- 我說真的
[31:26.00]From a consignment store. That was the onIy way I couId afford it. 我從舊貨商店買來的
[31:29.20]I was 1 2, and I just wore it around the apartment for months. 因為我只能買得起那里的
[31:29.76]我當時大概12歲 穿著它在家里晃了幾個月
[31:36.04]It was one of the first things that made me wanna become a designer. 這第一次讓我想成為一名設計師
[31:40.88]-Jenny. -Yeah? - Jenny - 怎么?
[31:42.84]-The Iight. -Oh, sorry. - 手電 - 對不起
[31:44.96]What do you want? Me not to say my name? 你想怎樣 Dan 你根本 不想提我名字是吧
[31:46.92]-I'm not getting into this. -We thought we couId avoid Iast year. 我現(xiàn)在不想和你吵
[31:50.08]This is fate teIIing us we can't.
[31:53.32]-What are you doing? -Getting out. - 你要干嘛 - 離開這里
[31:55.28]Someone's coming. The man said so. 不 會有人來的 那人說了
[31:57.20]-Someone aIways comes to save Serena. -That's not fair. 對 因為Serena Van der Woodsen在這里
[32:00.48]-I know. That's the point. -Fine. You know what? 這么說不公平
[32:00.64]我知道不公平 但這正是重點啊
[32:02.92]Life's not fair, because it doesn't fit with the way you, Dan Humphrey. . . 沒錯 但知道嗎? 生活就是不公平的
[32:04.08]因為生活不會如你Dan Humphrey的意
[32:06.44]. . .think things shouId be. Why are you right? 但憑什么每次都是你對
[32:08.80]No, I never said-- 沒有 我從來...我從來沒那么說
[32:12.04]-That hurt. -You okay? - 疼死了 - 沒事嗎
[32:14.96]-Yeah, I'm fine. -Are you sure? 嗯 我沒事
[32:18.40]I think so, yeah. 對不起
[32:24.20]I forgive you for Georgina. Georgina的事我原諒你
[32:28.76]And I forgive you. 我也原諒你 但是
[32:31.28]But. . . .
[32:33.04]I don't know. 我不明白
[32:35.76]We keep having the same fight. 我們一直為同一件事爭吵
[32:37.92]At Bart's brunch a year ago. At the wedding. 從一年前Bart的早午餐會 到婚禮
[32:42.00]Where we taIked about the fight at Bart's brunch. 在那里我們談論過Bart早午餐會的爭吵
[32:44.48]And now here. 現(xiàn)在又是如此
[32:48.24]I can't change who I am, Dan. 我沒法改變自己 Dan
[32:52.84]Me neither. 我也是
[32:58.64]So, what happens now? 那我們現(xiàn)在要怎么辦?
[33:09.72]I don't reaIIy feeI Iike taIking. 我現(xiàn)在不想講話
[33:13.44]Yeah, me neither. 沒錯 我也是
[33:25.64]Vanessa? I couIdn't find her. Vanessa 我到處找不到她
[33:29.28]Vanessa. Vanessa?
[33:32.76]Your friend had to Ieave. 你的朋友先離開了
[33:34.36]Was there something that you wanted to teII me? 你有事要跟我說嗎?
[33:55.48]BIair. Blair
[33:58.68]GOSSIP GIRL: Spotted: Lady B acting not so ladylike. 爆料...B小姐
[34:02.24]Hope you kept the receipt for that tiara, B. 希望你還留著皇冠頭飾的收據(jù) B
[34:08.20]-Oh, my God. -BIair, what is this? - 哦 我的天 我的天哪 - Blair 怎么了?
[34:10.12]You don't understand. I thought it was you. 你不明白 我還以為是你呢
[34:12.24]-He had an accent. -PIease, you knew exactIy who it was. 我...他有口音的
[34:13.32]拜托 你心里清楚究竟是誰
[34:17.72]BLAIR: Marcus! Marcus!
[34:24.96]-Marcus, wait. -Did you reaIIy not know it was him? Marcus 等等
[34:32.68]Can you honestIy teII me that? 你能跟我說實話嗎?
[34:39.92]No, I knew it was him. 沒錯 我知道是他
[34:43.60]-Thank you. -But I want you. 謝謝
[34:46.36]No, BIair. You want my titIe, the idea of who I am. . . 但是我想要的是你
[34:46.40]不是的 Blair
[34:47.64]你想要的是我的貴族頭銜 和你所幻想的理想的我
[34:50.68]. . .but you cIearIy want him, which makes me a fooI. . . 但你明明想要的是他 這...這讓我感覺像個傻瓜一樣
[34:55.72]. . .because I actuaIIy did want you. 因為我真的很喜歡你
[34:57.80]-I do want you. -Then show me. 我真的想要你
[35:00.32]I'm not some deIicate IittIe fIower. Show me you want me. 我不是什么脆弱的花朵
[35:02.12]證明給我看 你想要的是我
[35:13.88]Vanessa. Where are you going? Vanessa
[35:16.48]I Iooked for you, but I just-- I had to get out. 你...你要... 你要去哪兒?
[35:16.76]我找過你 但是...我要走了
[35:20.20]-Did you end it? -No, not yet, but I was-- 你都處理好了嗎?
[35:22.28]Okay, good. Don't. - 沒 還沒有 但是我正準備... - 哦 沒關系
[35:24.48]-Did Catherine say something to you? -She reaIIy Ioves you. 不用了
[35:24.76]怎么了 Catherine跟你說什么了嗎?
[35:25.68]她真的很愛你 Nate 所有那些錢還有..
[35:27.52]And aII the money and aII that, that's your business.
[35:30.20]But she Ioves you. You shouId be with her. 那是你的事... 但是她愛你 你應該跟她在一起
[35:32.36]-You want me to stay with her? -I'm teIIing you that I am out for good. 你真的想讓我跟她在一起?
[35:33.80]我想告訴你 我要放棄了 永遠放棄
[35:36.36]No, stop. Vanessa. 別這樣 Vanessa
[35:45.00]Tomorrow? You owe me Iunch. 明天
[35:56.48]-Jenny, what are you doing? -WeII, the Iights are back on. Jenny 你在干什么?
[36:00.76]-I didn't even notice. RUFUS: Jenny? 我-我-我都沒注意到
[36:03.40]-Dad? What are you doing here? -Making sure you're okay. Jenny?
[36:03.56]爸爸? 你在這兒干嘛?
[36:06.12]-I tried caIIing, but-- -Oh, yeah, my phone died. Sorry. 看看你是不是安全
[36:06.16]- 我試過打電話 但是... - 哦 是啊 我手機出毛病了
[36:08.84]Why are you wearing a jacket? It's Iike 1 00 degrees. 你干嘛穿著夾克?
[36:11.40]WeII, I was on a. . . . 外面差不多有華氏100度
[36:11.56]好吧 我正在...
[36:14.40]-On a date? -Yeah, I was gonna teII you guys. 約...約會?
[36:16.68]I've been dating. CIare, Jenny. Jenny, CIare. 是啊 我本來要告訴大家我在約會的
[36:17.80]Clare這是Jenny Jenny這是Clare
[36:19.32]I've been Iooking forward to meeting you. 我一直很想見你
[36:21.36]Just not when I was aII gross and sweaty. 在我不是一身臭汗這么狼狽的時候
[36:23.96]-I made her waIk here from the ViIIage. -It's nice to meet you, and I'm sorry. 我讓她從鎮(zhèn)上走過來的
[36:25.68]哦 很高興見到你 我也很抱歉
[36:27.92]ELEANOR: Jenny, what's going on? -Oh, it's my dad and his date. Jenny 什么事?
[36:30.92]-They wanted to see if I was okay. -Yes. 他們想知道我是不是安全
[36:33.64]I probabIy shouId give BIair a caII. 這樣
[36:36.08]So are you finished? You can come back with us. 你好了嗎? 你可以跟我們一起回去
[36:38.68]-Yeah, I guess I'm done. -No, you aren't. 哦 好了 我想已經(jīng)完工了
[36:40.84]You can't Ieave. We haven't finished the dress yet. 沒有 還沒完工呢
[36:43.52]WeII, the Iights are back on. I mean, aren't I fired? 但是都來電了
[36:46.24]-You got fired? -Now, don't be so dramatic. 我的意思是 我不是被炒了嗎
[36:46.36]- 你被炒? - 哦 別這么戲劇化
[36:49.00]Maybe your father and his date. . . 也許你爸爸和他的女伴
[36:51.76]. . .couId get us some sandwiches and some coffee? 會給我們帶些三明治和咖啡
[36:54.12]We'II be working pretty Iate. 我們可能要工作到很晚
[36:56.96]Do you guys mind? PIease. 你們介意嗎? 拜托了
[36:59.44]No, sure. So why'd you get fired? 不介意 沒問題 但你為什么會被炒?
[37:01.72]-Jenny, come. Look. -I'II teII you Iater. Thank you. Jenny 過來看下
[37:03.12]我一會兒再跟你說 謝謝你
[37:18.24]I'm scared. 我很害怕
[37:22.56]I know, me too. 我也是
[37:26.36]When I step out of here, it's over. 當我從這兒走出去 一切就都結束了
[37:31.16]I think it was aIready. 我-我想.. 已經(jīng)結束了
[37:35.28]It just took us this Iong to reaIize and get used to the idea. 只是我們花了這么久才意識到 并接受這個事實
[37:48.92]Serena? Serena
[37:53.28]-I stiII-- -I know. - 我還是... - 我明白
[37:59.20]Me too. 我也是
[38:11.16]I Iove you. 我愛你
[38:22.24]This isn't going to work. 這沒用的
[38:24.68]-I thought you said you were better. -I am. 我以為你已經(jīng)好多了
[38:29.28]Just not for you. 但不是對你而已
[38:43.88]WeII, am I crazy, or is it actuaIIy getting cooIer? 我是瘋了還是真的涼快了?
[38:46.72]About time. 也該涼快了
[38:50.12]You sure you're okay? 你確定自己沒事嗎?
[38:52.72]Yeah. 是啊
[38:54.36]Yeah. It was the right thing, you know? 是啊 這樣才是明智的
[38:57.44]I. . . . 知道嗎 我
[39:01.60]I'm sorry, I cannot beIieve that Nate ArchibaId is a gigoIo. 我-我..對不起
[39:02.24]我簡直不能相信Nate Archibald 做了小白臉
[39:05.40]-You cannot teII anyone, remember? -Who wouId I teII? 你不能告訴任何人 知道嗎?
[39:08.48]Who wouId I teII, except everyone I've ever met? I won't. 嘿 我能告訴誰? 除了我認識的人我還能告訴誰?
[39:11.56]Why'd you teII him to stay with that woman? I thought. . . 我不告訴 不告訴
[39:11.68]但你為什么讓他跟那個女人在一起? 我以為你...
[39:14.28]. . .you know, that you Iiked him. 你知道的 我以為你喜歡他
[39:16.48]I do. 我是喜歡他
[39:19.60]That's why I did it. 那就是... 我這么做的原因
[39:24.04]I don't understand. 我不明白
[39:29.40]She toId me that if Nate Ieft her, she wouId. . . 她跟我說如果Nate離開她的話
[39:35.20]. . .go to the FBI and teII them where Nate's dad is hiding out. 她會去聯(lián)邦調查局 告發(fā)他爸爸的藏身之處
[39:42.56]So I reaIIy didn't have a choice. 所以
[40:07.44]GOSSIP GIRL: Love may fade with the season... 愛也許會隨季節(jié)流逝
[40:09.64]...but some friendships are year-round. Like you and me. 但是有些友誼則會常青 如同你跟我
[40:14.36]You know you love me. X O X O... 你知道你愛我
[40:16.60]親親抱抱 流言蜚女
[40:18.64]... Gossip Girl.
[40:42.76]SubtitIes by SDI Media Group
[40:44.92](ENGLISH SDH)

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