[28:18.69]WeII, congratuIations. 哦, 恭喜你了
[28:47.42]- ChamomiIe? - Thank you, Justin. 春黃菊茶?
[28:49.99]- I'm sorry it didn't work out. - It happens. 謝謝你, JUSTIN
[28:50.50]我很抱歉, 這次沒成功
[28:53.39]- Mom said she wasn't surprised. - HiIda said that? 有時(shí)會(huì)這樣的
[28:57.03]She said aII the stuff you wanna do, owning a magazine, HILDA這么說了?
[29:01.07]doesn't happen for peopIe Iike us unIess you're J. Lo or something. 擁有一家雜志社
[29:01.00]不會(huì)發(fā)生在我們這種人身上 除非你是洛佩茲或者其他人
[29:05.14]She said she wishes you'd be more reaIistic, 她說她希望你能更現(xiàn)實(shí)一點(diǎn)
[29:08.31]but I think she's fuII of crap. 但是…
[29:19.92]- HoId this. - What... What are you doing? 拿著
[29:33.83]I just wanna say that this is reaIIy unfair! 我只想說, 這一點(diǎn)也不公平
[29:37.17]I Iive two doors down! I can see you! 我就住在兩家之隔!
[29:40.54]- What the heII you doing? - Um... Where's WaIter? 我能看見你!
[29:46.11]It's over. 結(jié)束了
[29:48.21]Look. WaIter, he's sweet and everything, 聽著, WALTER--
[29:51.22]but I toId him from the start I wasn't Iooking for anything serious. 他很體貼什么都好--
[29:54.89]He said he couId stiII get me 30 percent off a fIat screen. 他說沒關(guān)系
[29:59.09]- You used him for his discount? - He offered. 你利用他就是為了折扣?
[30:04.40](door sIams)
[30:06.07]Bitch! You broke my pIasma! 婊子!
[30:12.24]Who's Mommy's best boy? 媽媽喜歡你…
[30:15.31]We are so thriIIed to have you here, Fabia. 你的到來真讓我們受寵若驚, FABIA
[30:20.88]You know, why don't we Iet the pictures speak for themseIves. 好了, AHEM
[30:49.54]This is freaking joke, right? 這只是無聊的玩笑, 是吧?
[30:52.11]Uh... No. 不是
[30:54.51]It's stupido! AII of you, stupido! 你這個(gè)蠢蛋
[30:56.00]你們所有人, 都是蠢蛋!
[31:00.69]Idiot! Idiot! 笨蛋, 笨蛋!
[31:12.60]What... What just happened? 怎--怎么了?!
[31:15.27]WeII, Fabia's probabIy stiII a IittIe sensitive about the accident. FABIA可能對(duì)于那場(chǎng)事故 有點(diǎn)過度敏感了
[31:21.88]- Accident? - Oh, you didn't know. 事故?
[31:25.45]About a month ago she backed her SUV into 1 2 peopIe outside Marquee. 哦, 你不知道啊
[31:31.62]I was in St. Tropez, I had no idea. 我當(dāng)時(shí)在圣特魯佩斯
[31:34.82]Why didn't anyone say anything? 我不知道
[31:35.20]為什么--為什么 沒有人說過一句?
[31:37.62]DanieI, if I may. You didn't incIude me in the concept. DANIEL, 如果我說了
[31:41.46]We aII thought you knew what you were doing. 我們都以為你很清楚 自己在做什么
[31:46.67]Fabia's not just taIking about canceIing the Mode suppIement, FABIA, 并不僅僅要取消
[31:51.14]she's considering puIIing advertising from every singIe one of my magazines. <時(shí)尚>的增刊
[31:51.00]她還在考慮… 把所有我的雜志上的
[31:57.94]Is it true you worked on this on your own? 這真的都是你一個(gè)人干的嗎?
[32:00.08]Didn't consuIt WiIheImina or anyone eIse? 沒有和ELMINA或者其他人商議?
[32:02.42]Look, I can expIain. 我可以解釋
[32:04.22]I had a very strong feeIing she was trying to sabotage me. 我有強(qiáng)烈的預(yù)感
[32:08.69]The onIy person who sabotaged you was yourseIf. 能破壞你的工作的只有你自己
[32:11.69]I'm sorry I Iet you down. 不好意思讓您失望了
[32:13.83]I'm sorry I hope you'II be something you're not. 我還一直期望你能做好的 但顯然你沒有
[32:16.46]- My Ieg is cramping. - Look, I can fix this. 我腿酸死了
[32:18.00]瞧, 我可以補(bǔ)救
[32:19.70]- I'II present her with a new idea. - We just cIosed book. It's too Iate. 我會(huì)給她另外出一個(gè)主意
[32:21.50]到此為止吧, 太晚了
[32:23.27]Tomorrow morning. PIease. 明天一早
[32:27.04]Give me another chance. 再給我次機(jī)會(huì)
[32:28.74](Marc) Daniel called again for you. Daniel又打過來找你了
[32:31.95]What part of ''unavaiIabIe'' does he not understand? 難道他不理解什么叫“沒空”嗎?
[32:35.52]I"ll let him know. 我會(huì)讓他知道的
[32:40.25]He reaIIy shouId've come to me earIier. 他真的應(yīng)當(dāng)早點(diǎn)來找我的
[32:42.42]It wouIdn't have made any difference, now, wouId it? 這個(gè)現(xiàn)在也沒什么關(guān)系了
[32:46.09]Not reaIIy. 是不是
[32:49.63]- To teamwork. - To revenge. 為了合作
[33:46.09]He has a heart condition. Yes, he needs his medication. 他心臟有問題
[33:48.00]是的, 需要藥物治療
[33:50.16]Wait, you can't just cover the piIIs and then randomIy decide to stop. 但你不能隨便就停藥的
[33:55.06]But it... This... 這可關(guān)系到一個(gè)活人的健康 不僅僅只是案例編號(hào)而已
[33:56.76]It's a reaI person's heaIth, it's not a case number.
[33:59.87]Give me the phone, I'II Iet them have it. 電話給我
[34:02.44]No! No, I don't wanna hoId again. 我來跟他們講
[34:03.20]不, 不, 我不能再等了
[34:05.54]Not again. No! Just wait! 不行
[34:06.90]不, 等等…
[34:13.98]It's fine. We'II just... We'II get them tomorrow. It's fine. 好吧
[34:17.48]Thank you, mi amor. 沒事了
[34:17.30]謝謝你, 寶貝
[34:18.92]You're much better at deaIing with this bureaucratic stuff. 你對(duì)付那種官僚比我在行多了
[34:22.22]- WeII, you know I don't mind. So... - I know. You're aIways so good to me. 哦, 你知道我不介意這些
[34:26.66]So strong. Determined. Optimistic. 堅(jiān)強(qiáng), 有決斷力, 樂觀…
[34:32.73]Just Iike your mother was. 就和你媽媽一樣