[21:00.79]The whole thing was an excuse for a photo op. 我們需要做決定
[21:02.99]Are we gonna do this? l'm gonna have to rent a soldering gun. 我們真的要這么做嗎? 還是不要?
[21:06.19]Daniel? - Daniel - Betty 別這樣
[21:07.29]You're always saying you want more responsibility. You can do this. 你總是說想要多負些責任
[21:11.16]By the time l got in from Queens, it'd be all over. 你可以的
[21:11.13]等我從Queens回來 一切都應該搞定了
[21:13.67]Betty, you're the man. 你能行的
[21:15.60]Shoot. 該死的
[21:16.74]ls it three cranberries and a popcorn or three popcorns and a cranberry? 你說是三顆蔓越莓加一顆爆米花 還是三顆爆米花加一顆蔓越莓?
[21:20.77]l'm not sure. Better ask Justin 'cause he's very particular. 我不知道 你最好去問Justin 他是專家
[21:23.91]- What did he say? - He likes what l do with glitter. 他說什么?
[21:25.22]他喜歡討人喜歡的時候 而且很顯然 我能搞定
[21:26.98]And, apparently, l'm the man.
[21:32.45](up-tempo folk music)
[21:35.12]l need to get to JFK, fast. 我要去肯尼迪機場 快
[21:37.49]No highway, just side streets. 不要走高速 走小街
[21:40.86]Now go! 走吧
[21:42.90]OK, the only reason l was there 好吧 我在那里的唯一理由 是我不想回家過感恩節(jié)
[21:44.53]is 'cause l didn't want to go home for Thanksgiving.
[21:47.23]My mom keeps trying to set me up with this girl 我媽媽總是想撮合我和 那個在教堂演奏管風琴的女孩
[21:49.57]who plays the organ at their church, 而且我只想看游行…
[21:52.27]and l just wanted to watch the parade from... a safe place.
[22:00.15]Please say something. 說點什么吧
[22:01.85]You know the name of the hospital. 你知道醫(yī)院的名字
[22:05.42]You know the frequency of my calls. 你知道我接到電話的規(guī)律
[22:09.72]You stepped way over the line this time, Marc. 你這次做得過分了 Marc
[22:14.53]l don't know whether l can protect you anymore. 我不知道我還能不能保護你
[22:17.06]Protect me from what? 保護我什么?
[22:19.27]The person you were trying to call is not amused. 你試著要打電話的那個人 不是好惹的
[22:24.71]- (Bruno) We have a big problem. - We do? 我們有大麻煩了
[22:27.54]The publicist just sent me a sneak peek of the kid. 真的?
[22:27.81]廣告部剛剛發(fā)了張 小孩的偷拍照片過來
[22:30.78]l'm gonna need five hours, minimum of four. 我需要5個小時… 至少4個小時
[22:33.18]- That's not possible. - Then it can't happen. 不可能
[22:33.92]哦 那就沒法做了
[22:35.58]- Why? - Because baby Chutney is butt-ugly. 為什么?
[22:38.39]We're talking scary. 確切的說是難看得嚇人
[22:39.59]Well, maybe they just sent you a bad picture. Maybe it was fuzzy. 也許他們發(fā)的照片拍得不好
[22:43.29]No, the baby is fuzzy. 也許太模糊了
[22:43.22]不 寶寶本身很“模糊”
[22:45.53]This child fell out of the ugly tree and hit every single branch on the way down. 這小孩從一棵難看的樹上跌下來 一路撞在每一根樹枝上
[22:50.66]We're talking about a baby girl... 哦 我們可是在討論一個小女嬰
[22:52.53]Who's going to require extra lighting and yards of tape for those ears. 我們需要額外的燈光和 幾百米的錄像帶來遮蓋她的耳朵
[22:56.80]- They need to catch a plane. - What don't you understand? 他們要趕飛機
[22:59.61]This kid is hideous! 這小孩長得很惡心
[23:01.07]Maybe your concept of what's beautiful is a little narrow! 也許你對于美的觀念有些狹隘
[23:05.41]Excuse me? 什么?
[23:06.48]lf you can't find the wonder and pure joy of a baby 你無法看見孩子身上的純潔快樂和神奇 卻認為給他們穿上鎖子甲是時尚前衛(wèi)
[23:10.45]and think that it's edgy to drown them in chain mail...
[23:13.39]l have been styling for this magazine, missy, 我在這份雜志做時尚設計 小姐 早在你買第一雙高跟鞋之前
[23:16.52]since before you bought your first pair of orthopedic pumps.
[23:20.56]Well, maybe that's true. 好 也許這沒錯 但根據以前的記錄
[23:22.06]For the record, your ''brilliant'' cover of Courtney Love leaving rehab 你替Courtney Love做的“一輛手推車 藥丸的復興”的“漂亮”的封面
[23:25.63]in a wheelbarrow of pills was our lowest-selling issue in 1 7 years. 可是我們的刊物 17年以來銷量最低的!
[23:28.97]So maybe you're not the right person for the job. 所以也許你不是 這份工作的最佳人選
[23:32.81]Are you firing me? 你要炒我?
[23:35.78]l didn't say that. 我沒這么說 但是如果你認為你不能勝任--
[23:37.81]lf you don't think you can do it...
[23:39.65]l don't. And clearly you don't. 我不行 但很明顯你也不行 所以 我建議你去找Bronx動物園的格局設計師
[23:42.18]So l suggest that you find someone who designs installations for the Bronx Zoo.
[23:47.72]Oh, tell him to bring treats. 哦 記得告訴他們帶上吃的
[23:55.53]- Who the hell is this woman? - For today, she's the boss. 這個女人到底是誰?
[23:57.71]今天 她是老板
[24:09.51](Wilhelmina) Do you know where you're going? 你知道這是去哪里嗎?
[24:13.15]Do you know what ''JFK'' stands for... 你知道肯尼迪機場是什么意思吧…
[24:16.18]...Pradip? Pradip?
[24:17.75]You say take side street. This a side street. 你說走小街的
[24:20.35]No, this is slow street. 這就是小街啊
[24:20.49]不 這是慢街