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[08:14.82]Could we please just have one minute? 能讓我們單獨待一小會兒嗎? 謝謝
[08:17.26]- Uh-huh. - Thank you.
[08:19.59]l did a lot of thinking... 我想了很多…
[08:26.50]l did a lot of thinking while l was in Mexico, 我在墨西哥的時候 想了很多
[08:29.07]and l realized you rarely get everything you want in life, 我意識到 人這一輩子 不可能 要什么就能有什么 但要是你不去爭取…
[08:32.24]but if you don't fight for it then...
[08:34.28]...you have even less of a chance. 就連機會都不會有 所以… 我站在了這里
[08:35.94]So, here l am... fighting...
[08:37.81]努力… 想得到你
[08:40.05]...for you.
[08:41.25]- Wow. - You're still with Charlie, but... 我知道你還和Charlie在一起 但是…
[08:44.19]OK, seriously, just 30 more seconds, please? 好吧 這次真的… 再多30秒就好 謝謝了
[08:48.76]l think you and l would be amazing. 我想 你我在一起一定會很棒 Henry
[08:50.99]We know what the other one's thinking, 我們- 我們知道對方的心思 我們總是會覺得同一個東西好笑
[08:53.53]and we always laugh at the same things. 只要你走進房間 我就會覺得心跳加速 (原文為You make my mouth go dry)
[08:56.20]You make my mouth go dry every time you walk into a room.
[09:00.27]- Betty... - The only thing l ask, Betty…
[09:02.07]when you reject me, do it quick. 我只求你一件事 那就是 如果你想拒絕 那就快點!
[09:04.41]Like ripping a Band-Aid off. 要知道 就象快速撕掉創(chuàng)可貼… 從我心底撕去…
[09:07.04]Off of my heart.
[09:09.11]l broke up with Charlie. 我跟Charlie分手了
[09:12.25]What? 什么?
[09:13.81]Will you forget the stupid copies? There are lives going on in here! 你就不能別管那些該死的復印件了嗎?! 我們這里正到緊要關頭呢!
[09:19.32]- You were saying? - She's not the one for me, Betty. 你說什么?
[09:20.52]她不適合我 Betty
[09:23.16]There's someone else... 讓我心跳加速的另有其人
[09:25.49]...that makes my mouth go dry.
[09:28.00]Who is hogging the... (gasps) 是誰霸占著… 呃 真不是時候啊
[09:29.83]- Eww! Dorkus interruptus. - Get out!
[09:32.68]- 出去! - 出去!
[09:35.34]Hey everyone! Betty's in heat. 嘿 各位! Betty發(fā)春了
[09:42.14]This isn't exactly how l pictured this.
[09:45.01]You're right. 沒錯 我們需要一次真正的約會
[09:46.45]- We need to have a real date. - Our first date?
[09:50.12]The first date. 第一次約會
[09:55.56](man) ls that the guy who looks like C-3PO? 就是那個長得象C-3PO的家伙嗎? (C-3PO為電影星球大戰(zhàn)里的角色)
[09:57.79]- ls tomorrow night at 8:00 OK? - That's great. 明晚8點行嗎?
[10:01.03]OK. 好吧
[10:35.33]Don't put that in your mouth, l just cleaned my nails with it... kidding. 別把那個放進嘴巴里 我剛剛拿它剔過指甲
[10:39.97]They're totally sterile. 那些都消過毒了
[10:42.14]So, Betty Suarez. You're Dr. Farkas' patient? 那么… Betty Suarez 你是Farkas醫(yī)生的病人 哈?
[10:45.24]Yeah, but l'm just here today for a cleaning. 是啊 但我今天只是來做清洗的
[10:48.08]l have my first date tonight with a guy l'm crazy about 我今晚要跟我非常喜歡的男人第一次約會 我希望我的牙齒能閃閃發(fā)光
[10:51.08]and l want my teeth to sparkle.
[10:52.81]Oh, my God. That is so romantic. 哦 天哪 那真是太浪漫了!
[10:56.15]lt's like when Julia Roberts flossed before whoring herself in Pretty Woman. 就象Julia Roberts在出演“風月俏佳人” 之前 先用牙線清理牙齒一樣
[11:00.39]Such a great movie. And an important message. 啊 多棒的電影! 也給了大家一個重要的提示
[11:03.72]OK, l just checked her file. She had a cleaning two months ago. 好了 我剛剛查了她的資料 她2個月前剛剛做過清洗
[11:08.03]Her insurance will only cover this every six months. 她的醫(yī)療保險只夠她6個月洗1次
[11:11.10]Oh, rinse and spit, Angelica. Just put it through.
[11:14.00]Where's your sense of romance? She's doing this for the man she loves. 哦 不過是洗洗漱漱 Angelica 就別管那么多了!

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