[03:03.10]This is what I get in return for 30 years of service for my company? 我為公司效力30年 就得到這回報?
[03:08.18]And they send some yo-yo like you in here, 他們派個你這樣的無恥小人
[03:11.26]to try to tell me that I'm out of a job? 就要把我炒了?
[03:15.26]They should be telling you you're out of a job. 他們應該炒的是你
[03:15.62]You have a lot of gall, coming in here and firing your No.1 producer. 你真夠厚顏無恥 竟來炒金牌員工
[03:19.66]You're going to go home and make more money than you've ever made in your life 你明天可以回家數(shù)鈔票了
[03:24.18]and I'm going to go home without a pay cheque. Fuck you. 我卻要兩手空空回家 去死吧
[03:24.58]I guess you leave me dumbfounded. I don't know where this is coming from. 你讓我受驚了 我都不知道因為啥
[03:28.94]How am I meant to go back as a man and explain to my wife I lost my job? 哥是爺們 怎么跟老婆解釋我失業(yè)了?
[03:34.50]On a stress level, I've heard that losing your job is like a death in the family. 聽說失業(yè)給人的壓力 與家人過世是一樣的
[03:40.14]But personally, I feel more like 但對我來說 我感覺...
[03:45.14]the people I worked with were my family and I died. 同事是家人 死的人是我
[03:50.82]I can't afford to be unemployed. 我可不能失業(yè)啊
[03:52.06]I have a house payment, I have children. 我還有房貸 還有孩子
[03:54.54]I don't know how you can live with yourself, 不知道你懂不懂害臊
[03:58.10]but I'm sure that you'll find a way while the rest of us are suffering. 但我肯定 無論我們?nèi)绾渭灏?你都能安心度日的
[04:00.26]Who the fuck are you, man? 該死你 你丫是誰?
[04:04.26]Excellent question. Who the fuck am I? 問得好 我丫是誰
[04:07.90]Poor Steve has worked here for seven years. 可憐的Steve 已經(jīng)在這工作七年了
[04:11.26]He's never had a meeting with me before or passed me in the hall, 他沒跟我開過會 也沒在走廊偶遇過
[04:13.42]or told me a story in the break room. 更沒在休息室給我講過笑話
[04:16.30]That's because I don't work here. 因為我根本不在這工作
[04:16.66]I work for another company that lends me out to pussies like Steve's boss 我們公司專門幫助Steve的老板
[04:21.22]who don't have the balls to sack their own employees, ...這種沒種炒員工的人
[04:25.42]in some cases for good reason. People do crazy shit when they get fired. 也不怪他們沒種 被炒的人通常很沖動的
[04:33.54]Did I do something wrong? 我做錯什么了嗎?
[04:35.66]I mean, is there something I could do differently here? 我有啥需要改進的?
[04:39.34]This is not an assessment of your productivity. Don't take this personally. 這不是否認你的績效 別往心里去
[04:43.86]Don't take it personally. 別往心里去
[04:44.98]Steven, I want you to review this packet. Steven 你看看這份宣傳冊
[04:47.46]Take it seriously. I think you're gonna find a lot of good answers in here. 認真看 肯定能學到不少的
[04:51.06]I'm sure this is gonna be very helpful - a packet. 估計這份宣傳冊肯定會有用
[04:54.74]Thank you... A packet. 謝謝...宣傳冊
[05:00.82]Well, anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are right now. 那些成就事業(yè) 改變世界的人 都是坐在你那位置的
[05:05.62]And it's because they sat there they were able to do it. 正因為坐在那 這些人才能去有所成就
[05:10.06]That's the truth. 都是實話哦
[05:17.50]I'm gonna need your keycard. 把你門卡給我吧
[05:22.98]Great. OK. 好了 搞定
[05:23.06]Now, I want you to take the day, go get together your personal things, then tomorrow 今天你就去收拾東西吧 明天呢...
[05:29.06]you get yourself some exercise. You go out for a jog, 好好鍛煉一下 出去跑跑步
[05:32.98]you give yourself some routines and pretty soon you find your legs. 給自己找點事做 不久你就能恢復了
[05:37.18]How do I get in touch with you? - Don't worry, we'll be in touch soon. - 我怎么聯(lián)系你? - 放心 我們會聯(lián)系你的
[05:39.78]This is just the beginning. 這只是開始而已
[05:43.42]I'll never see Steve again. 后來我就再也沒見過Steve
[06:04.58]To know me is to fly with me. This is where I live. 想了解我 就來跟我坐飛機 我就住在這里
[06:11.42]When I run my card, 作為老主顧
[06:13.22]the system automatically prompts the desk clerk to greet me with this exact statement: 我刷卡時 接待小姐都會深情地對我說
[06:18.30]Pleasure to see you again, Mr Bingham. 很高興又見到您 Bingham先生
[06:19.42]It's these kinds of systemised friendly touches that keep my world in orbit. 這些機械的微笑 構成了我生活的軌跡
[07:00.66]All the things you probably hate about travelling - 旅行中的惱人事
[07:01.42]the recycled air, the artificial lighting, the digital juice dispensers, 二手空氣 人造光源 自動果汁機 劣質壽司
[07:05.74]the cheap sushi - are warm reminders that I'm home. 都代表著 我到家了
[07:23.46]Do you want the cancer? 您要癌癥嗎?
[07:28.94]The what? - Do you want the cancer? - 要什么? - 您要癌癥嗎?
[07:30.66]The cancer? 癌癥?
[07:32.90]The can...sir? - Oh, no. I'm fine, thank you. - 罐裝飲料...先生? (連讀與癌癥音同) - 不用 謝謝啦
[08:00.82]How much does your life weigh? 你的生活有多重?
[08:04.54]Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. 想象一下 你背著背包
[08:07.06]I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders. Feel 'em? 背包帶勒著肩膀 感覺到了嗎?
[08:12.06]Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. 跟著我 把你生活的全部都裝進去
[08:17.18]Start with the little things, 先從小東西開始
[08:18.58]the things on shelves and in drawers the knick-knacks, the collectibles. 抽屜柜子里的物件 小擺設 小收藏
[08:21.30]Feel the weight as that adds up. 感覺一下增加的重量
[08:24.98]Then you start adding larger stuff - clothes, table-top appliances, lamps, linens... 再放大一點的東西 衣服 擺設 臺燈 織品
[08:29.54]your TV... 電視機
[08:32.34]The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And you go bigger. 背包更沉了吧 再裝更大的
[08:36.62]Your couch, bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. 沙發(fā) 床鋪 餐桌 都裝進去
[08:40.26]Your car, get it in there. 再裝上你的車
[08:42.78]Your home, whether it's a studio apartment or a two-bedroomed house. 還有房子 無論是公寓還是別墅
[08:48.78]I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. 全都裝進這個背包
[08:52.10]Now try to walk. 走一下試試
[08:58.18]It's kind of hard, isn't it? 走不動吧?
[08:59.62]This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis 整天 我們就這么對自己
[09:01.78]We weigh ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake... 壓得自己走不動 但別忘了...
[09:06.38]moving is living. 走動才是生活
[09:08.26]Now, I'm gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? 我想放火燒掉這背包 你想拿出啥呢?
[09:13.78]Photos? 照片?
[09:14.86]Photos are for people who can't remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. 照片是給健忘的人準備的 喝杯銀杏酒 燒掉它們吧
[09:19.78]In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing. 其實 燒掉一切 一無所有的醒來
[09:25.94]It's kind of exhilarating, isn't it? 一身輕松吧?
[09:37.78]Welcome back, Mr Bingham. 歡迎回來 Bingham先生
[09:47.62]Ryan Bingham's office. - You have me in a Dodge Stratus in Kansas City. - Ryan Bingham辦公室 - 在堪薩斯城讓我開道奇卷云
[09:50.94]They were out of all full-size sedans. - Did you try... - 整車都訂滿了 - 你有沒有...
[09:55.54]Yes, I reminded them of your remarkable No.1 Gold Club status in years in the program. 有 告訴他們你是近年的金牌會員
[09:58.70]They are literally moving mountains to see you in a Sebring. 下次就有鉑銳等著您了