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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ) 在云端 02 中英雙語(yǔ)

所屬教程:聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ) 在云端



[00:02.34]Fair enough. Any other messages? - Er...your sister Kara called. - 那就好 還有別的消息嗎? - 你姐姐Kara來(lái)電
[00:06.90]Needs to speak urgently about your sister's wedding. 說(shuō)你妹妹的婚禮 有急事找你
[00:08.02]I told her you were mid-air, and not even I knew your destination. 我說(shuō)你在飛機(jī)上 都不知道要飛哪
[00:11.54]Well done. - You got an invitation to speak at GoalQuest in Vegas. - 干得好 - 維加斯的GoalQuest邀請(qǐng)您講座
[00:17.06]GoalQuest 20? GoalQuest 20?
[00:18.74]Every once in a while, I do speaking engagements, motivational stuff. But GoalQuest? 我偶爾也會(huì)做點(diǎn)勵(lì)志講座 但GoalQuest啊
[00:23.30]We're talking major Tony Robbins shit. 那可是潛能開(kāi)發(fā)的高級(jí)玩意
[00:27.30]It's got a hologram on it. They're calling it Dos Equis. 上面還有全息防偽呢 兩個(gè)X
[00:31.02]All right, I'll check in. - I've got Craig Gregory for you. - 好的 我去 - Craig Gregory找你
[00:31.86]Wait...ah. Fuck. 等下啊...靠
[00:37.26]How is my little road warrior? 你好啊 出差狂人
[00:39.46]Hey, 20 minutes from boarding into a world of bliss. 還有20分鐘上天
[00:41.98]Real good numbers out of Phoenix, Ry guy. 最近鳳凰城的業(yè)績(jī)不錯(cuò) Ryan
[00:42.54]You know that Big Auto is about to cut another 10K by the end of the month? 聽(tīng)說(shuō)Big Auto月底還要裁員1萬(wàn)人?
[00:48.42]No kidding. - Christmas came early. - 不是吧 - 是啊 節(jié)日要到了
[00:51.10]I wish you could be in five places, but I need you here in Omaha this week. Alright? 多希望你能分身 不過(guò)本周回奧馬哈一趟 好吧?
[00:53.34]I thought you needed me everywhere. - We got something real big, a real game changer. - 我分身乏術(shù)啊 - 這邊有大動(dòng)作 要改頭換面了
[00:56.54]What are we talking about here? 你在說(shuō)什么?
[00:59.54]You'll see. Today I took my first crap in two weeks - hallelujah. 回頭你就知道了 今天我終于 排出兩周來(lái)的毒素了 哈里路亞
[01:05.54]That's me hanging up on you. - Great, love that sound. - 我掛了啊 - 沒(méi)問(wèn)題
[01:26.78]Are you satisfied with Maestro? 你對(duì)Maestro還滿意嗎?
[01:33.66]Yeah, I am. 還行吧
[01:36.78]No, Hertz keeps its vehicles too long. If a car has over 20,000 miles, I won't drive it. Hertz的車(chē)都太老了 里程過(guò)2萬(wàn)的車(chē) 我不想開(kāi)
[01:37.30]A little stingy with their miles. I like Hertz. 他們太小氣 我喜歡Hertz租車(chē)
[01:43.66]Maestro doesn't instant checkout. I like the park-and-go. Maestro不支持直接結(jié)帳 我喜歡即停即走
[01:46.62]Hertz doesn't guarantee navigation. - You don't seem like a girl who needs directions. - Hertz的車(chē)不一定有導(dǎo)航 - 你不像會(huì)迷路的女生呀
[01:53.22]I hate asking for directions. - That's why I get a nav. 我討厭問(wèn)路 所以一定要有導(dǎo)航
[01:57.26]That new outfit, Colonial, isn't bad. 那個(gè)新的Colonial 還不錯(cuò)
[02:03.62]Is that a joke? - Yes. - 開(kāi)玩笑嗎? - 是啊
[02:06.02]Their kiosk placement blows. - They never have available upgrades. - 他們布局亂死了 - 還從不更新?lián)Q代
[02:07.94]Basically, it's a fleet of shit boxes. I don't know how they're still in business. 基本全是廢銅爛鐵 怎么還沒(méi)倒閉呢
[02:12.06]I'm Ryan. - I'm Alex. - 我叫Ryan - 我叫Alex
[02:19.58]Aww...Maplewood card. How dare you bring that into this palace? 楓林酒店的卡 你怎么敢?guī)У竭@里來(lái)?
[02:23.66]Hilton offers equal value and better food but the Maplewood gives out warm cookies at check-in. 希爾頓酒店一樣貴 東西好吃 但楓林酒店登記入住時(shí) 有熱餅干吃
[02:27.66]I'm a sucker for simulated hospitality. - 餅干就把你俘虜了啊 - 我最粉故獻(xiàn)殷勤了
[02:29.86]There's an industry term for that. It's a mixture of faux and homey - faumey. 這行有個(gè)名詞:如家 如同在家
[02:37.30]Oh, my God. I wasn't sure this actually existed. 老天爺 還真有這張卡啊
[02:41.18]This is the American Airlines... - It's a Concierge Key, yeah. - 這是美國(guó)航空公司的... - 金鑰匙卡 沒(méi)錯(cuò)
[02:50.18]What is that, carbon fibre? - Graphite. - 啥做的 碳纖維? - 石墨
[02:52.78]Oh, I love the weight. - I was pretty excited the day that bad boy came in. - 難怪這么有份量 - 拿到這卡時(shí) 我激動(dòng)壞了
[02:57.62]I'll say. I put up pretty pedestrian numbers. 60 thou a year, domestic. 可不嘛 我飛行里程也不少 國(guó)內(nèi)航線每年6萬(wàn)英里
[03:03.30]That's not bad. - Don't patronise me. - 不賴(lài)呀 - 別奉承我
[03:06.78]What's your total? - It's a personal question. - 你有多少? - 個(gè)人隱私
[03:07.42]Pleace. - And we hardly know each other. - 拜托 - 我跟你不熟
[03:10.82]Show some hubris. Come on, impress me. 得瑟一下嘛 別怕我受驚
[03:14.14]I bet it's huge. - You have no idea. - 看來(lái)少不了 - 超出你想象范圍的
[03:15.66]How big? 多少嘛?
[03:20.26]What is it, this big? This big? - I don't want to brag. - 多少呢 這么大 還是這么大? - 我可不想吹噓
[03:24.74]Oh, come on! Come on. 說(shuō)嘛 快說(shuō)!
[03:26.94]Let's just say I have a number in mind. I haven't hit it yet. 我腦子里有個(gè)數(shù)字 還沒(méi)達(dá)到呢
[03:34.02]This is pretty fucking sexy. - Hope it doesn't cheapen our relationship. - 這卡太性感了 - 希望這不會(huì)讓我們的感情打折
[03:39.02]We're two people who get turned on by Elite Status. I think cheap is our starting point. 我們這么愛(ài)慕浮華虛榮的 都是從打折貨起家的
[03:40.82]There's nothing cheap about loyalty. 忠誠(chéng)不分貴賤
[03:46.98]We came up with this master plan, which was for me... 我們想了個(gè)絕妙的主意...
[03:52.06]...to put gauze, to put bandages on both my hands. 雙手纏滿紗布和繃帶
[03:58.30]Then we got on the plane, transatlantic, flying to erm...Zurich. 然后上飛機(jī) 跨大西洋去蘇黎世
[04:03.30]I waited till it was dark, and I walked up to the bathroom with her. 等到天黑了 才跟她一起去洗手間
[04:07.22]Everybody was watching the movie and I was like... 大家都在看電影 我假裝無(wú)奈...
[04:09.78]Opened up, went inside. She opened the door for me, and came in like she was gonna help me. 沒(méi)法開(kāi)門(mén)進(jìn)去 她就幫我開(kāi)門(mén) 進(jìn)來(lái)裝作要幫我
[04:16.58]We gave it our best shot. It wasn't great. But it was fun. It was tricky. 我們盡力了 雖然不怎么樣 但很好玩 高難度啊
[04:21.02]Give me some details. - It's not so easy. Have you tried it? - 詳細(xì)講講 - 其實(shí)挺難的 你試過(guò)嗎?
[04:24.50]It's not so easy. - Yes, I have. - 可不容易哦 - 我試過(guò)
[04:27.14]Really? - Really. - 真的? - 真的
[04:33.62]You've done that? - I have done that. - 你還這么干過(guò)? - 當(dāng)然了
[04:37.78]On a transatlantic flight? - On a domestic flight - regional, actually. - 越洋航班? - 國(guó)內(nèi)航班 跨區(qū)而已
[04:41.58]At night-time? - Daytime. - 晚上嗎? - 白天
[04:45.18]What? - How do you do that? - 咋了? - 你咋做到的?
[04:47.78]Oh, I'm really flexible. 我柔韌性很強(qiáng)的
[04:55.42]Look. Ohh. 瞧著
[05:02.02]Ah, I should throw these out. 啊 早該扔掉了
[05:07.54]We can always use that room with the ice machine. 我們可以去制冰機(jī)那屋
[05:10.66]Look. 看吧
[05:27.54]Good call on that towel rack. 毛巾架上那招絕了
[05:30.90]I like how you burritoed me in the sofa cushions. 我喜歡你在沙發(fā)墊上將我包圍
[05:31.62]I was improvising. 時(shí)刻準(zhǔn)備著
[05:32.94]Shame we didn't make it to the closet. 可惜沒(méi)去衣柜里試
[05:37.06]We got to do this again. - Oh, yeah. - 改日再戰(zhàn)? - 沒(méi)問(wèn)題
[05:45.78]I'm in Newark on the 12th, Modesto on the 13th... 12號(hào)在紐約 13號(hào)在莫德斯托
[05:49.42]Oklahoma City on the 15th... 15號(hào)在俄克拉荷馬市
[05:52.42]Any Southwest? I'll be swinging by Albuquerque week of the 16th. 不去更西南了? 16號(hào)那周我飛阿爾伯克基
[05:54.78]No, I'm in Florida on the 20th. - Fort Lauderdale? - 沒(méi)了 20號(hào)我在佛羅里達(dá) - 勞德代爾堡?
[05:58.26]Miami. - That's nothing. - 40 minutes. - 邁阿密 - 那有啥用
[06:12.10]I should probably go back to my room so I can wake up in my bed. 我要回去 睡在我床上了
[06:17.06]I think that would be the ladylike thing to do. 我也覺(jué)得 這樣夠淑女
[06:26.22]Nice meeting you. - A pleasure. - 很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你 - 我也是
[07:04.10]Hello? 喂?
[07:06.42]Hey, Ryan, how you holding up? Ryan 最近怎么樣?
[07:07.06]Every family has one person who keeps the genealogy in check. 每家都有個(gè)一家之主
[07:09.66]That's my sister Kara - the glue. 我家的強(qiáng)力膠就是我姐Kara
[07:14.78]Fine. You and the kids? 挺好的 你跟孩子們呢?
[07:16.50]Missy's outstanding, Matthew made varsity. How's the road? Missy成績(jī)不錯(cuò) Matthew進(jìn)了校隊(duì) 你出差怎么樣?
[07:19.70]Couldn't be better. 好得不能再好了
[07:21.06]Good. So, Ryan? 那就好 Ryan?
[07:23.38]Yeah? 怎么了?
[07:26.06]I didn't even want to ask you this, because I know how you are about doing things for others. 我本不想問(wèn) 我知道你對(duì)幫忙的態(tài)度
[07:28.50]But we're coming up on three weeks to go to Julie's wedding and we could really use your help. 還有三周就是Julie的婚禮了 需要你幫忙
[07:34.06]Yeah? 怎么?
[07:35.90]We've been sending people these kits, 我們給大家寄了工具
[07:37.14]so they can print out photos of Julie and Jim on cardbord, 他們就能把Julie和Jim的照片 打印到紙板上
[07:39.14]and then take photos of them in interesting places, like that gnome in the French movie. 然后放在景點(diǎn)前面拍照 就像法國(guó)電影里面的侏儒
[07:44.42]Why? 有啥用?
[07:45.58]Because it's Julie's wedding and she thinks it would be fun. Does it matter why? 因?yàn)镴ulie的婚禮 她覺(jué)得很有趣 夠嗎?
[07:50.26]Would you call her. She thinks you've turned to butter. 自己打電話吧 她覺(jué)得你整天團(tuán)團(tuán)轉(zhuǎn)
[07:51.46]How is Julie? Julie咋樣了?
[07:52.62]You're awfully isolated how you live. - Isolated? I'm surrounded. - 你這樣生活 都把自己孤立了 - 孤立? 完全沒(méi)感覺(jué)
[07:56.78]So your assistant said you were gonna be in Vegas. 你助理說(shuō) 你要去維加斯
[08:00.50]Did he? 他這么說(shuō)的?
[08:02.06]Can you get a photo of the cut-out in front of the Luxor pyramid? 你在盧克索酒店金字塔前幫忙拍一張吧?
[08:05.78]The place is a shithole. Nobody stays there. 那爛死了 誰(shuí)要住那
[08:07.82]Jesus, Ryan, I'm not asking you to check in. Can you just take a stupid photo? 天啊 又沒(méi)讓你入住 照張相片都不行嗎?
[08:14.22]I'll try my best. 我試試看咯
[08:14.70]Thank you for trying your best. 謝謝你愿意試試看哦
[08:37.30]Last year, I spent 322 days on the road, 去年 我有322天都在出差
[08:39.50]which means I had to spend 43 miserable days at home. 也就是說(shuō) 我只在家宅了43天
[09:07.34]Hey, neighbour. 你好啊 鄰居
[09:13.82]I signed for this while you were gone. - Oh, thanks. - 你出門(mén)了 我?guī)湍愫炇盏?- 哦 謝謝啊
[09:18.10]I hope it wasn't too much of a bother. - Nah. - 麻煩你了 - 沒(méi)啥
[09:26.02]It's my sister. I haven't met the guy yet. They're getting married. 我妹妹 要結(jié)婚了 我還沒(méi)見(jiàn)過(guò)準(zhǔn)妹夫
[09:30.02]Lots of luck. - I know, right? - 祝好哦 - 是啊
[09:32.82]What are you doing tonight? You wanna come over later? 你今晚有事嗎? 過(guò)會(huì)還來(lái)嗎?
[09:37.98]Um...I've started seeing somebody. 呃...我已經(jīng)在約會(huì)了
[09:41.54]Oh. OK. Great. 哦 好吧 挺好的
[09:44.22]Hey, it's good to see you. 嘿 很高興見(jiàn)到你
[09:45.70]You too. - It seems like it's been a while this time. - 我也是 - 這次走的時(shí)間不短呢

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