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聽電影學英語 在云端 03 中英雙語

所屬教程:聽電影學英語 在云端



[00:08.38]I'm thrilled that everyone's back under one roof. Welcome home, boy's. 大家湊到一起不容易呀 歡迎回來
[00:12.26]There's been a lot of whispering about why we're here, so let me jump right in. 這次會議 坊間很多謠傳 我就直入主題了
[00:15.46]Retailers are down 20%. 零售業(yè)萎縮了20%
[00:17.86]Auto industry is in the dump. Housing market doesn't have a heartbeat. 汽車業(yè)陷入低谷 樓市也完蛋了
[00:24.50]It is one of the worst times on record for America. 這是美國一次嚴重的蕭條
[00:27.78]This is our moment. 而我們的商機來了
[00:32.46]Now, last summer, we received a dynamite young woman here from Cornell. 去年夏天 我們來了個康奈爾大學的高材生
[00:35.66]And she had some pretty big ideas that she challenged me with. 她謀劃了個大改革舉動
[00:42.34]My first reaction was, "Who does this kid think she is?" 我起初覺得 "她太狂了"
[00:42.98]But after I gave it a listen, she really knocked me out. So... 仔細聽她講解后 我被打動了
[00:45.30]With a peek into our future, Natalie Keener. 來看看我們的未來 有請Natalie Keener
[00:53.30]If there's one word I want to leave you with today, it's this. 用一個詞概括我要說的 就是這個詞
[00:59.50]Glocal? Glocal?
[01:01.98]Glocal. Glocal
[01:02.46]Our global must become local. 縮小世界 拉近距離
[01:07.74]This company keeps 23 people on the road at least 250 days a year. 公司的23名員工 每年都要在外出差250天以上
[01:12.30]It's expensive and it's inefficient 費用高 效率低
[01:15.54]When I came to Craig three months ago with this, 三個月前 我把這想法告訴Craig時
[01:19.70]he told me, and quite astutely, it's only a problem if you have a solution. 他立刻對我說 這問題顯而易見啊
[01:24.66]Well, today I stand before you with just that. 今天 我就是來講解決之道的
[01:28.18]You all know Ned in reception. Today I'm gonna fire Ned. 大家都認識接待處的Ned吧 今天我要炒了他
[01:31.62]Sorry, Ned. I'm sure HR will hire you back this afternoon. 不好意思 Ned 下午人事就會重新聘用你的
[01:36.94]We'll see about that. 來瞧瞧吧
[01:38.10]Ned could be any employee in any one of our clients' locations worldwide. 假裝Ned是全球隨便一家客戶企業(yè)的員工
[01:44.38]Strategy packets will be shipped in advance. 宣傳冊提前寄出
[01:46.70]Ned will be given a seat and find one of our transition specialists waiting. Ned坐在屏幕前 由咱們的專家們接待
[01:50.54]Mr Laskin, Laskin先生
[01:50.90]we're having this conversation as your position is no longer available. 遺憾的告知 您被解聘了
[01:57.26]Hearing the words "You've been let go" is never easy. "你被炒了" 這話不中聽
[02:00.46]Change is scary, but consider the following: 改變總是讓人驚惶 不過你想想
[02:02.38]anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are now. 那些成就事業(yè) 改變世界的人 都是坐在你那位置的
[02:08.22]And it's because they sat there that they were able to do it. 正因為坐在那 這些人才能去有所成就
[02:10.18]That's my fucking line. 這是哥的臺詞
[02:12.30]But what happens now? 現(xiàn)在怎么辦呢?
[02:14.38]This is the first step of a process that ends with you in a job that fulfils you. 這只是第一步 后面將有合適的工作給你
[02:17.38]Yeah, but how does it work? 哦 那怎么找呢?
[02:17.58]Take the packet in front of you. 看看你面前的宣傳冊
[02:19.94]Review it - all the answers you're looking for are inside. 仔細讀讀 答案都在里面
[02:24.06]Fill out the necessary information and you're on the way to new opportunities. 填好必要信息 工作機會就等著你呢
[02:29.66]Ned, go back to your desk and start putting together your things. Ned 回去收拾你桌上的東西吧
[02:34.42]As a favour to me, I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread the news just yet. 幫個忙 希望你不要把消息散布出去
[02:38.46]Panic doesn't help anyone. 不要引起眾人恐慌
[02:39.94]I understand. 我明白了
[02:41.50]Give it up for Ned. 掌聲鼓勵Ned
[02:48.70]You can start the morning in Boston, stop in Dallas over lunch, 早晨士頓 午飯時達拉斯
[02:51.86]and finish the day in San Francisco. All for the price of a T1 line. 晚上舊金山 而只需寬帶的費用
[02:56.74]Our inflated travel budget is eviscerated by 85%. 龐大的差旅費可以縮減85%
[02:58.22]And more importantly, to you guys on the road, 對你們出差狂來說 最重要的是
[03:04.38]no more Christmases in a hotel in Tulsa, no more hours lost to weather delays. 不會在外過年過節(jié) 不會因天氣延誤
[03:07.90]You get to come home. 你們能回家了
[03:13.60]That's why I brought the entire company in from the road, 我之所以把全公司人都召回來
[03:13.66]Tell me you're not taking this seriously. 別告訴我 你是玩真的
[03:17.38]because we're not taking it seriously. 就是怕大家都不當真
[03:17.86]There is a methodology to what I do, a reason it works. 我的工作方法 是有其理由的
[03:21.86]Coke and IBM have been doing this for years. Familiar with them? 可樂和IBM都一直在革新 知道吧?
[03:24.98]Like anything else, it'll take a few months of transition and everybody will settle in. 跟其他一樣 有幾個月 大家就習慣了
[03:29.50]Who are you taking off the road? - How are you not getting this? - 你要取消誰出差呢? - 你怎么還么明白?
[03:33.26]You are grouned. Everybody's grounded. It's done. 所有人都網(wǎng)絡辦公 我意已決
[03:37.78]What we do here is brutal and it does leave people devastated. 咱的工作很殘酷 很打擊人
[03:40.26]But there is a dignity to the way I do it. 但我的方法是有尊嚴的
[03:44.46]By stabbing them in the chest instead of the back, right? 胸前捅一刀 好過背后算計?
[03:45.34]You wanted to see me? - Well, uhm... 你要見我?
[03:49.02]You know what? Yeah, come on in. - Great job out there. - 正好 快進來 - 講的不錯
[03:50.70]Thank you. How's everyone taking it? - Great. - 謝謝 大家怎么看 - 真贊呢
[03:55.34]Listen, I admire your...zeal. And I think you have some very good ideas. 聽著 謝謝你的好意 你的主意確實不錯
[04:00.54]But you know nothing about the realities of my industry. 但你對這行業(yè) 完全不了解
[04:05.10]You can set up an iChat, but you don't know how people think. 你能玩網(wǎng)絡化 但你不知道人們的感受
[04:08.26]I minored in psychology. - Nice. - 其實 我是學心理學的 - 不錯
[04:13.54]OK, kiddo, fire me. - Ryan... - 好吧 孩子 來炒我 - Ryan...
[04:15.22]If she's gonna do this regularly, don't you wanna know if she can fire people? 如果她想做這行 先看看她能不能炒人吧
[04:18.58]She's fired Ned. - My dog can fire Ned. Fire me. - 她炒了Ned啊 - 我的狗都做得到 來炒我
[04:23.10]You don't need to do this. - No, it's OK. I got this. - 沒必要當真 - 沒事 我要接受挑戰(zhàn)
[04:25.86]Mr Bingham, Bingham先生
[04:27.74]I regret to inform you that your position at this company is no longer available. 很遺憾告知 您的工作職位被取消了
[04:32.98]Hm. Who the hell are you? 嗯 你丫是誰?
[04:34.42]My name is Miss Keener. I'm here today to discuss your future. 我叫Keener 我想跟你談談未來
[04:36.06]My future? The only one who can fire me is Craig Gregory. 我的未來? 只有Craig Gregory配炒我
[04:40.38]He hired me to handle this for him. - Handle what? Handle Me? - 他委托我來解決 - 解決 解決我啊?
[04:43.14]Mr. Gregory hired me, he's the only one who can fire me. Gregory雇的我 只有他能炒我
[04:45.58]Know what? I'm gonna go talk to him. - Mr Bingham... - 算了 我去找他 - Bingham先生...
[04:47.58]No, no. You can't follow me. You're on a computer screen, remember? 停停 你不能跟著我 你在電腦那端呢
[04:49.70]Ryan.. - Let's try this again. Fire me again. - Ryan... - 再來 再炒我啊
[04:53.18]I just did. - Actually, you didn't. Fire me. - 我剛做到了 - 才沒呢 來炒我
[04:56.22]That's enough. We get it. 夠了 我明白了
[04:56.94]Mr Bingham, I'm here to inform you your position is no longer available. Bingham先生 很遺憾告知 您的工作職位被取消了
[05:01.22]I'm fired? - Yes, you're fired. - 我被炒了? - 是的 沒錯
[05:02.78]Never say fired. - You've been let go. - 別說炒字 - 您被辭退了
[05:05.18]Why? 為啥?
[05:08.18]This is a mythical situation. How could I possibly know why? 這是模擬演練 我哪知道為啥?
[05:09.02]Why doesn't matter, you never know why. 原因不重要 通常咱是不知道原因的
[05:12.30]Don't focus on the why. Rather, spend your energy thinking about your future. 別總想原因了 應該多想想未來
[05:15.70]Well, I'm gonna spend my energy on suing you 我寧可想想怎么告你
[05:17.54]unless you give me a good reason why you're firing me. 除非你給出個好理由
[05:21.58]Mr. Bingham, the reason's not important. Bingham先生 理由并不重要
[05:22.46]You're firing me without grounds? I have a lawsuit. 無故解職啊 這下有的告了
[05:24.78]I get what you're trying to say, Ryan. - Don't take this personally, Mr. Bingham. - 我知道你的意思了 Ryan - 不是針對你 Bingham先生
[05:28.74]Personally? 針對我?
[05:31.26]This is the most personal situation you are ever gonna enter, 這事足夠針對我了
[05:34.06]so before you try to revolutionise my business, 你想在我的行業(yè)玩改革
[05:36.06]I'd like to know that you actually know my business. 最好先補習一下基礎知識
[05:48.02]That's a hell of a way to welcome her to the team. 這種歡迎新同事的方式 真恐怖啊
[05:53.86]Am I the only one that sees that by doing this we're making ourselves irrelevant? 那么改革會使我們邊緣化的 是不是只有我發(fā)現(xiàn)了?
[05:56.58]No, frankly, we're making you irrelevant. 沒 實話說 是你被邊緣化了
[05:57.86]Nice. - Don't blame me. - 你行啊 - 別怪我
[06:02.38]Blame high fuel costs, blame insurance premiums, blame technology. 應該怪燃油費 怪保險費 怪新技術(shù)
[06:04.02]Watch it. You're a little too young to become a dinosaur. 小心點 別發(fā)展成老古董
[06:09.10]I'm not a dinosaur. - I want you to show her the ropes. - 我才不是老古董 - 教她點竅門
[06:10.90]What do I know what goes on here? Get Ferguson to do it. 這里的事我懂啥啊 讓Ferguson去教
[06:16.10]I'm not talking about here. 我不是說這里
[06:19.62]You're very confident this girl doesn't know what she's doing. So... 既然你確信 這姑娘不知道自己在做什么...
[06:20.14]No. - Yeah. - 不是吧 - 是的
[06:25.30]I'm sorry. I don't think a MySpace page qualifies you to rewire a company. 不好意思哈 我只是覺得 靠開心網(wǎng)是玩不轉(zhuǎn)公司的
[06:28.62]Here's your chance. Go out, show her the magic, take her through the paces. 給你機會嘛 帶她去轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn) 走走各流程
[06:32.18]I'm not a fucking tour guide. 我才不當導游呢
[06:35.86]Now here we go. - Bingham, here's the boat. - 又來了 - Bingham 假設這是船
[06:41.58]And here's you., Do you want to be in the boat? 這是你 你想上船來嘛?
[06:45.10]Yeah, alone. 想 自己上
[06:48.54]We're ringing the bell, we're rounding everybody up. 我要號召上所有人了
[06:49.66]You want to stay out a bit longer, you're welcome, but you will not be alone. Ok? 你還想自己在外跑 沒關(guān)系 但別自己去 好吧?
[06:52.94]You let me know. 有事找我
[07:11.86]Oh, Christ. 老天爺
[08:04.30]What? - Follow me. - 咋了? - 跟我來
[08:09.54]I really like my luggage. That's exactly what it is - luggage. - 我喜歡我的行李箱 - 這才是行李箱
[08:13.30]Know how much time you lose checking in? 知道你登記浪費了多少時間嗎?
[08:15.18]I don't know. Five...10 minutes? - 35 minutes a flight. - 不知道 5分鐘 還是10分鐘? - 一次浪費35分鐘
[08:20.38]I travel 270 days a year. That's 157 hours. 我一年270天在飛 也就是157小時
[08:24.86]That makes seven days. Willing to throw away an entire week on that? 也就是七天 你愿意浪費一周去提行李嗎
[08:37.74]You don't need this. Sorry, you don't need that. 這個沒用 不好意思 你用不到的
[08:41.46]You don't need that. They have neck pillows on the plane. 沒用 飛機上有靠枕
[08:43.02]This - they have better ones there. I'll get rid of this. 還有這個 旅店的更好 我扔掉啦
[08:51.02]I can just meet you at security. 去安檢那等我吧
[08:53.10]Thank you. 謝謝
[08:57.22]Bingo - Asians. 就他們了 跟著亞洲人
[09:00.98]You can't be serious. - Never get behind people with infants. - 你開玩笑吧 - 不要排在拖家?guī)Э诘娜撕竺?br /> [09:04.26]I've never seen a stroller collapse in less than 20 minutes. 一個嬰兒車 就夠他們折騰20分鐘的
[09:06.26]Old people are worse. They're littered with hidden metal 老人更糟 動作僵硬
[09:09.90]and they never appreciate how little time they have left on earth. 不懂得珍惜人生最后的時光
[09:13.02]Five words: randomly selected for additional screening. 這些人呢 隨時可能會挑出來復查
[09:17.98]Asians, they pack light, travel efficiently, 亞洲人 輕裝上陣 過安檢最高效
[09:20.82]and they've got a thing for slip-on shoes. 他們的皮鞋都易穿易脫
[09:24.06]That's racist. - I'm like my mother, I stereotype. It's faster. - 這是種族主義 - 我跟我媽一樣 按人下菜碟 這樣更快
[09:44.66]What in your backpack? Ryan Bigham.
[09:56.54]Are you mad at your computer? 你跟電腦有仇嗎?
[10:00.86]I type with purpose. 打字力度代表決心

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